#clean Room Panel
greenexcel · 1 year
Elevating Clean Room Panel Solutions For Optimal Performance
When it comes to clean room panel, Green Excel is your depended-on associate for today's solutions. Our smooth room panels are meticulously designed to meet the absolute best enterprise standards, making sure the integrity of your managed environments. Green Excel's smooth room panels are now not simply durable; they're engineered to optimize strength utilization and hold the stringent cleanliness degrees your operations demand. Elevate your smooth room facility's overall performance with Green Excel's latest smooth room panels, the place precision meets innovation.
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fahbev · 6 months
hey @sillysealll!! Im the anon who sent you this ask. I did in fact end up doing it.
So here’s my… I don’t even know what to call it? It’s not a redraw because I definitely traced it, but it’s also more than just a coloring job. I guess I can call it an edit?
Here’s my edit of the first page of sillysealll’s amazing kid gang au!
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and down here is the original ⬇️
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soooo… you may have noticed that I changed Jason’s outfit. That was by accident 😔. I misunderstood his clothes and by the time I realized, I was already committed. So then I thought… what if he’s just borrowing Dick’s hoodie? So I colored it red and here he is. Wearing Dicks hoodie.
also, I tried to keep with the original style, but by the time I got to inking that was kind of out the window bc I got super pen-happy.
Oh, also also! Nobody asked but this was my Batmobile ref (I flipped it)
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I gotta find a faster way of coloring— I literally traced your art and it still took me 11 hours
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lesbiangiratina · 2 months
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If testament was real they wouldnt let shit like this happen to me
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lemongogo · 2 years
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vash w this hairstyle is literally so cute.. .. wolfwood matchies or smt T__T
#litearlly dont talk 2 me i saw the knives panel again and smashed everuthing inmy room and set myself on fire#am i wrong 4 thinking that he shouldve had a little more time.am i wrong for thinking this guy.having lived in terrible fear#his whole life 4 what he thought could happen 2 him. to his brother. DID happen 2 his sister#should be able 2 experience some happiness and comfort for once#like yeah the guy killed hundreds of thousands SUREE ok.AND??? let the guy breathe a little#BAHAHA no i think i do still agree w the ultimate ending of him using the last of his energy 2 generate that apple tree#its sweet and i do like the sentiment it was just. Too.soon after it was literally right after#and im like coughing and hacking and wishing.that he and vash couldve spent those few months living (somewhat) peacefully#and secluded.before everything that happened#i guess there is a bittersweet tinge to knives dying before vash woke up / could say gbye but idk.i just grieve 4 this guy#even if a clean redemption isnt like#feasible in a sense U KNOW!!!!!!! but then again i dont think. satisfying endings have to be clean cut and perfect#like he doesnt have to be redeemed i think. not everyone needs Redemption as it exists in its current form#&& i do think that even after all he did.comma.he wasnt entirely wrong?like you cant rly blame him 4 rejecting coexistence#based on the way plants have historically been treated (assuming he also telepathized with exploited plants after the great fall)#though not to say that his decisions/methodology is right ykwim#and i know yeaa yeaa there was a lot of hypocrisy in how he used the other plants 2 amass power#ok this is literally getting too convoluted there r so many conditional aspects to this but long story short i do thnk he deserved.#a little something at the end;______; even if just 4 me to see art of them together post-final arc .#< me dragging my knuckles in the sand w open wounds or smth#sry vash post turned into knives sadblogging EHAHEHA but its like the nature of this^ guys life anyways LMAO#trigun spoilers#trigun maximum#trigun#vash
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nitrozem · 14 days
I gotta clean the dust off my PC fan mesh....AGAIN
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parkeryangs · 1 month
the problem with bed alarms is that they're easy as fuck to set off. and deactivating them is apparently like defusing a bomb idk
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starry-toya · 1 month
moms r lowkey funny as fuck sometimes
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ruporas · 1 year
wait. wait. wait. ive been staring at ur latest comic for awhile now and i think i've noticed something about the colors? which are amazing, first of all- just gotta get that out there cuz i adore that soft pink and deep green combo
but i just realized that throughout most of the comic u use both in equal parts it seems. to separate bg + fg and such, to highlight characters/objects, etc.
but then when vash gets back to their room, all the walls are that dark green. and, bit by bit, the pink totally falls off. by the end, it's nothing but constant dark green as vash starts to cry
but then wolfwood slams in and he's backed by that soft pink. and suddenly the comic is nothing BUT pink. soft lines and whites and gentle pink tones EVERYWHERE to just. SO tastefully highlight the little details.
LIKE. WAS THIS INTENTIONAL?! i almost wanna guess that it wasn't since all those green panels w vash crying are all closeups focused on his expression so it makes sense to just put the simple green behind it and all attention on him so the pink just isn't Needed
HEHE..... first of all, thank you for looking at my comic so closely, THAT'S LIKE... REALLY SWEET and a huge compliment to hear, thank u thank u
and yes, it was intentional, especially more towards the end!!! in general, the colors are meant to serve as a mood indicator, so a balance of them in a scene would just mean a neutral "okay-ness" and have a functional serve to separate background / foreground / subject matter... deep green signifies introspection or incoming sadness (especially on pg5 when vash cries), and pink signifies wolfwood, which, not an emotion but he is happiness, someone that helps vash lose his doubts in a matter of seconds -- which is why those last few pages are just pink white and lines, and the panels are gone for the majority of it. i wanted to show their unity and togetherness!
while vash still has his issues of just Not saying anything about his loneliness, his feelings are alleviated temporarily with wolfwood's presence and he's just grateful that his paranoia didn't become true, and that wolfwood is genuine, true to his word, when he means he'll be following vash/staying with him. even though it's mission-bound, vash would probably still feel guiltily comforted by that fact.
I'M GLAD IT WAS PARTICULARLY EFFECTIVE IN THIS COMIC because i definitely could've pushed it more... i figured it was a minor thing that not a lot of ppl would care for, but more ppl enjoyed it and noticed the colors than i thought, so i'm glad it worked out!!!
#asks#thank you for sending this!!!#and for being so observant and putting it into words -- its really sweet!!!! hehe#ok this bit here is a bit off topic but. i forgot to mention in my original tags. very minor hc but on#p4 when i drew their beds -- ww bed is the left one vash is the right one and his blankets are all folded#bc i feel like vash would develop habits of being able to leave somewhere quickly + abruptly. so he cleans up after himself#everytime he wakes up and has to leave for the day. i feel like he's ran into enough trouble that he's grown accustom to making#sure he's ready to dip whenever necessary. and id imagine he'd leave payment if he books a room for more than a night so when he has#to leave suddenly - the room owners get their pay still. just preparing stuff in advance to not make trouble for the kind ppl#that houses him. idk its a small thing! i just recall those times in the manga where after accidentally destroying a part of the town#vash makes sure to join the clean up crew and help build things up lmfao he takes responsibility. its cute#ww sees him do this for the first time once and goes “that's stupid. we're not going anywhere and we're staying for the 2 nights”#and then he'd realize soon enough that they do have to prepare to book it at any random point of the day if vash gets caught up in trouble#regardless he doesn't fold it all up like vash does since its not habitual to him and in a way hes testing vash to NOT run off and do smth#thatll get him in trouble during the day. rare hopefulness. when they start sharing beds wolfwood doesn't let him fold up the sheets#very minor thing hc sorry for rambling in This space hub all of a sudden.#in the comic also vash gets pink bg panels every time he calls out to wolfwood. happy happy#it's really not a long enough comic to push those aspects... but im glad it was noticed at all -- but ok ok im done done
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you were at dashcon????
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be-good-to-bugs · 1 year
guess whos bathtub is currently flooding their apartment 👍
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mister-mizu · 2 years
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llycaons · 2 years
I like tserriednich’s design a lot. when he’s not cleaned up for a banquet, he’s this incredibly skeezy-looking dirtbag with that shitty little moustache. oh wait I just saw something in his trivia section
Tserriednich's Nen beast has the number 666 (arranged in a circular fashion) on its abdomen; a number called the "Number of the Beast" in the Book of Revelation and also in popular culture.[15]
togashi doing his damnedest here to make us understand how strongly associated this guy is with evil and death and murder
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alexanderkylesworld · 20 days
The Importance of Clean Room Panels in Electronics Manufacturing
Clean room wall panels play a crucial role in electronics manufacturing by providing a controlled environment for the production of sensitive electronic components. These panels are designed to maintain strict cleanliness standards to ensure the quality and reliability of the products being manufactured.
Preventing Contamination One of the main reasons why clean room panels are so important in electronics manufacturing is to prevent contamination. Even the smallest particles of dust or debris can wreak havoc on delicate electronic components, compromising their performance and longevity. By using clean room panels, manufacturers can minimize the risk of contamination and ensure that their products meet the necessary quality standards.
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Controlling Environmental Factors In addition to preventing contamination, clean room panels also help to control other environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air circulation. These factors can have a significant impact on the performance of electronic components, so it is important to maintain a stable and controlled environment throughout the manufacturing process. Clean room panels are designed to regulate these factors and create an optimal working environment for the production of electronic devices.
Meeting Regulatory Requirements Another key benefit of using clean room panels in electronics manufacturing is the ability to meet regulatory requirements. Many industries have specific guidelines and standards that must be adhered to in order to ensure the safety and quality of products. Clean room panels help manufacturers to comply with these regulations by providing a sanitary and controlled environment that meets industry standards.
Reducing Waste and Improving Efficiency Clean room panels also play a critical role in reducing waste and improving efficiency in electronics manufacturing. By minimizing the risk of contamination and maintaining a clean working environment, manufacturers can reduce the likelihood of product defects and errors. This ultimately leads to higher production yields and lower costs, as defective products can be costly to rectify and can result in delays in production.
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Ensuring Worker Safety Additionally, clean room panels contribute to the overall safety of workers in electronics manufacturing facilities. By creating a controlled environment that is free from harmful particles and contaminants, clean room panels help to protect employees from exposure to potentially hazardous materials. This not only ensures the well-being of workers, but also promotes a positive and healthy work environment.
Conclusion Overall, the importance of clean room panels in electronics manufacturing cannot be overstated. These panels play a crucial role in preventing contamination, controlling environmental factors, meeting regulatory requirements, reducing waste, and improving efficiency. By investing in clean room panels, manufacturers can ensure the quality and reliability of their products while also promoting the safety and well-being of their employees.
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elastofoam-blog · 24 days
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low pressure PU foaming machine india
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isoflexsystem · 2 months
What are the advancements in cold room panel technology?
When building efficient and effective cold storage solutions, the technology behind cold room panels plays a crucial role. As the cold storage industry evolves, so do the technologies supporting it. For businesses and professionals, staying informed about the latest advancements can make a significant difference in choosing the best solutions for their needs. This blog post will explore some of the most exciting advancements in cold room panel technology, highlighting how these innovations can benefit your cold storage operations. If you're looking for cutting-edge solutions, you'll also want to know what the leading Cold Room Panels Manufacturers offer. Let's dive into the latest developments! 
Enhanced Insulation Materials 
One of the most significant advancements in cold room panel technology is the improvement of insulation materials. Traditional panels used materials like polystyrene (PS) or polyurethane (PU), but innovations are pushing the boundaries. 
Polyisocyanurate (PIR) Panels: PIR is becoming increasingly popular due to its superior thermal insulation properties compared to conventional polyurethane panels. With a higher R-value per inch of thickness, PIR panels offer better energy efficiency and reduced operational costs. They also have improved fire resistance, which is crucial for safety and compliance with modern regulations. 
Vacuum Insulated Panels (VIPs): VIPs represent the pinnacle of insulation technology. These panels contain a vacuum between two layers of material, which significantly minimizes heat transfer. While more expensive, VIPs offer superior thermal performance and are perfect for environments requiring extreme temperature control. 
Aerogel Panels: Aerogel technology is another emerging option. Aerogels are among the lightest materials available and have exceptional thermal insulating properties. Though currently more niche due to cost, aerogel panels are a cutting-edge solution for high-end cold storage applications. 
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Materials 
As the world increasingly focuses on sustainability, cold room panel manufacturers respond with eco-friendly options. 
Recycled Content Panels: Many manufacturers are now offering panels made from recycled materials. For example, some cold room panels use recycled paper or plastics in their core materials. This not only reduces waste but also lowers the environmental impact of production. 
Green Certifications: Look for cold room panels with certifications like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or similar eco-labels. These certifications indicate that the products meet rigorous standards for energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and overall sustainability. 
Low-GWP Refrigerants: In addition to sustainable panel materials, there's a shift towards using low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants in cold storage systems. Cold room panels designed to work efficiently with these refrigerants help reduce the overall environmental impact of the cold storage process. 
Improved Panel Construction Techniques 
Advancements in construction techniques are enhancing the durability and performance of cold room panels. 
Advanced Bonding Technologies: The bonding process between the insulation core and outer skins has evolved. New adhesive technologies ensure stronger, longer-lasting bonds that resist delamination and maintain thermal performance over time. 
Modular Design: Modular panel systems are becoming more prevalent. These systems allow quicker assembly and disassembly, particularly useful for temporary or reconfigurable cold storage spaces. Modular panels also offer flexibility in design, allowing for custom solutions that fit specific operational needs. 
Seamless Connections: Innovations in joint design have led to the development of seamless connections that improve insulation performance. New interlocking mechanisms and gaskets prevent thermal bridging and ensure a more efficient cold storage environment. 
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Smart Cold Room Panels 
Technology integration makes cold room panels smarter and more responsive to environmental changes. 
Embedded Sensors: Modern cold room panels can be equipped with embedded sensors that monitor temperature, humidity, and other conditions in real-time. This data can be used to optimize storage conditions, predict maintenance needs, and ensure compliance with regulations. 
IoT Integration: The Internet of Things (IoT) is also extending to cold room panels. IoT-enabled panels can be connected to central management systems, allowing for remote monitoring and control of cold storage environments. This technology enhances operational efficiency and helps identify issues before they become major problems. 
Innovative Aesthetic and Functional Designs\ 
Cold room panels are not just about performance anymore—they're also about aesthetics and functionality. 
Custom Finishes: Advances in manufacturing processes allow for various finishes and colours tailored to specific needs. Whether it's a clean, white surface for a pharmaceutical storage room or a rugged, industrial look for a warehouse, there are more options than ever. 
Enhanced Hygienic Properties: New panel designs include features that make them easier to clean and maintain. Smooth surfaces and antimicrobial coatings help ensure that cold rooms remain hygienic, which is essential for industries dealing with food and pharmaceuticals. 
Choosing the Right Cold Room Panels Manufacturers 
As you explore these advancements, selecting the right Cold Room Panels Manufacturers is crucial. Leading manufacturers are adopting these new technologies and offering state-of-the-art solutions. When choosing a manufacturer, consider factors like: 
Product Quality: Look for manufacturers who use high-quality materials and adhere to industry standards. 
Innovation: Choose manufacturers who invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of technology. 
Customer Support: Good manufacturers offer comprehensive support, including installation guidance, maintenance services, and technical assistance. 
Sustainability: Opt for manufacturers committed to environmentally friendly practices and products. 
The cold room panel technology field is advancing rapidly, driven by the need for better insulation, sustainability, and innovative features. There's a lot to be excited about, from enhanced insulation materials like PIR and VIPs to eco-friendly options and smart technologies. Understanding these advancements and partnering with top Cold Room Panels Manufacturers can lead to more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable cold storage environments for businesses looking to invest in cold storage solutions. 
As you evaluate your cold storage needs, monitor trends and seek out manufacturers who offer the latest technologies. By staying informed and choosing the right partners, you can ensure that your cold room panels meet today's demands and are prepared for the future. 
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meishajieju · 2 months
Bathing Shower Room with glorious clean white back panel
Leak-Free guarantee and no silicone on show design
Easy-glide quick-release door runners for ease of cleaning
Chrome finished hand shower and riser rail
Aesthetically beautiful, with glorious clean white back panel, this shower cabin features no electrical components whatsoever, making it very popular among the range.
Storage shelf with retainer and towel rail
Adjustable levelling feet under the tray
Full 5mm safety Glass
Dedicated technical support
Full installation guides
5 Year warranty upon registration
Company Name:Kaipunuo Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. Web:https://www.showercabinfactory.com/product/shower-room/hot-selling-cheap-bathroom-aluminum-profile-sliding-bathing-shower-room-for-hotel.html ADD:Pinghu xindai sanitary ware city Phone:86-13515739471 Fax:86-057385219605 Email:[email protected] Tip:314200 Profile:We are the first manufactory use no-screw set up technology in sanitary ware industry and awarded dozens of international patents and certifications in the past years. We advocate the concept of environment protection and resources-saving to create more perfect and comfortable fascinating life for modern people.
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