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thirstnotes · 5 months ago
| Rivals To Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Twelve - Clark Kent, Superman|
Pairings: Clark Kent x AFABBlackCurvyReader
Warnings: abduction, Red Hood, mild confusion, language, minors DNI, violence, Dark Clark, Murderous Clark, manipulation, Jason being angsty
I'm so sorry this took so long, ya'll. Life is happening and I was at a loss for what to write at the same time. I'm very sorry to ya'll that are in love with this. I haven't forgot about you, I promise! Thanks for all the likes and love and reposts!
If you don't like it, don't read it.
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No one could've predicted that Clark would actually have gone through with it. Not even he himself. But there he was, standing in a room full of men he never even bothered to even speak to, blood splattered across his chest from their attempt to destroy him.
The Gatling gun was a solid touch too.
Arguably this could've been spun as a case of self defense by any of Bruce's army of lawyers. They'd defended way worse. But really, there was real no reason to involve them, seeing how no one was left alive and no one was going to report lack of harassment from the local assholes. So it was win/win.
Bruce's dirty work was done. By someone willing to kill.
More specifically willing to kill for you, but semantics.
He picked up what Bruce asked for, looked at his phone and started typing.
It wasn't long before he got a response.
That was quick.
They weren't too bright.
They never are. Anyway, assuming you're headed to her apartment, I think it's wise to let you know that Y/N isn't there at the moment.
Clark stopped mid-flight.
Bruce's phone began ringing. Bruce exhaled.
"Where is she, Bruce?"
"She's at a high-rise on my side of town. A colleague of mine is entertaining her."
He neglected to tell him that Jason had her with him. Given Jason's record, Clark was likely to panic even more. Granted, telling him it was a colleague of his probably didn't ease his thoughts. It was quiet for a moment on his end before the phone hung up.
He was angry. Angry and homicidal. He had to get to Jason first.
Which was going to be a challenge since Clark was now heading in that direction.
Broken shards of his phone rained into the river he flew over as he sped towards Gotham. He had no idea what Bruce had planned, but he was furious. Why did he feel the need to have you taken from your apartment when he'd already decided to do what Bruce had asked? He was doing far too much.
Had he not have crushed his phone he could've asked about why you were taken
Maybe Bruce didn't know about it
Then again, Bruce usually knew about everything.
So he didn't want to hear it.
He'd had enough of Bruce's bullshit.
As had you.
You eyed the masked man sitting across from you. He seemed very amused by your anger towards him. At that point, you hadn't said anything more to each other after his talk with Bruce, but he seemed pretty content about it. He was pretty well armored, so hitting him with anything in the room was probably useless. That and his reflexes were probably on point if he worked with Batman, so you knew it was useless to try.
In the first place, if he worked with Batman, he must have been a "good guy", so it was strange that he had decided to kidnap you. But you didn't know the motivations or morals of superheroes. In the back of your mind, you reminded yourself about Clark and his intent to "steal" Lois from what'shisface.
Y'all know his name
Anyway, it reminded you that Clark was just as human-like as the rest of you, despite his alien origins. He often hinted that Bruce was dangerous, but maybe your bae was dangerous too.
No, he was definitely dangerous
The thought of it excited you more than you wanted to admit. A powerful, deity-like being choosing you to be his everything didn't sound like a bad deal, but you had never really considered the baggage that came with it. It was also terrifying.
"Penny for your thoughts?" he interrupted in a tone that suggested he was definitely smirking. Your eyes rolled to him, but rolled back to the window that you half expected Clark to crash through any moment.
"Just thinking. What are you getting out of all this? Why abduct me for Bruce when you know 'Golden Boy' is probably gonna kill you for it?"
"So you acknowledge you're important to him. Interesting," he said in the same tone which made you want to smack him.
"You wouldn't have taken me if you knew I wasn't, so cut the shit. What's this whole thing about?" you demanded in a less edgy tone, as you did when you conducted your interviews.
"If I haven't made it abundantly clear, it's about you and Bruce. Like I said, you've been driving him to distraction. So much that his focus has been on Metropolis lately. Which isn't a problem, unless you're Gotham's protector. Whether you know it or not, you're a liability for us unless..."
"I'm here," you said, completing his thought. You couldn't believe this stupid ass plan. Was he seriously planning to make you choose between Clark and Bruce? The whole thing felt incredibly pre-school and immature, but this dude seemed as impulsive as they came. Especially since he was risking life and limb to convince you to choose his favorite.
He seemed content to your understanding of his goal in this, but you were still unsettled as to why he was so calm about a potentially murderous Superman heading there to destroy him and probably everything he loved. Something didn't sit right.
You continued to mull over the thought until your eyes caught a familiar form in the distant sky. Clark. He hadn't seen you yet, but you guessed that all you had to do was say anything aloud and he'd hear you.
"You have something up your sleeve."
It was mostly to catch Clark's attention but it was a genuine theory that you were curious about. He didn't respond, instead looking at his phone. Clark hadn't budged either, but from the looks of things, he hadn't heard you.
"So now you don't have a smartass retort?" you provoked a bit louder, trying to catch his attention. You had no idea the range Clark could hear at, but apparently it wasn't as far as you thought.
"I mean, I could mention how your ploy to catch his attention isn't working, but I think you might be figuring that part out already," he said, still looking at his phone.
You're eyes flickered between him and the window. True enough, Clark hadn't budged, but you were realizing it wasn't because you were out of range.
"I'm broadcasting a high pitched frequency from several places that only he can hear. It doesn't do much, but it makes it a bitch to try and find you by listening for your voice. But seeing how he does that whole x-ray bullshit, I'd say we have a few minutes longer to hang out."
Your eyes floated to the phone in his hand, which was in a heavy, most likely shatterproof, case. He put it back into his arm plate, which closed it off from your access, so there was no point in trying for that either. Your blood boiled.
No. There was no use in losing your temper.
That'd only give him more of the upper hand. He expected that of you
You damn sure weren't in the habit of giving assholes what they wanted
You took a deep breath, straightening the skirt of your dress as you sat back in your seat. "Say I do choose Bruce. What's to say I don't change my mind?"
He was hesitant at your sudden cooperative shift. "Not my business. I'm only here to set the stage for you to choose. Bruce is a big boy. If you say enough, he'll back off."
You raised a brow. "If he's such a 'big boy', why'd you do all this instead of letting him approach me instead?"
Sensing you were levelling with him, he plopped down across from you again. "Bruce drags his ass. Especially when it comes to women. Sometimes drastic measures have to be taken to force his hand. To be honest, Bruce is the only choice here. Either you choose him, or I put an end to all this right now."
You didn't like the sound of "put an end to all this"
Not because of the grammatical phrasing either
His tone implied he had plans to keep you from "distracting" Bruce ever again
Was it really that deep???
Your eyes rolled to the side. "With friends like you-"
"Shit gets done," he finished, subtle laugh slipping from behind his mask.
As if on cue, the wall behind him violently seemed to be blown to pieces. The pictures and lamps fell with a helpless crash while you ducked as best you could on the sofa, covering your head for added protection. You were vaguely aware of your captor hovering a bit closer, shielding your unarmored body from any debris--not something a person bent on unaliving you might be concerned with--but your eyes were mostly focused on the figure walking through the hole in the penthouse.
"Clark," you breathed, a relieved feeling rushing over you. However, the Clark you knew wasn't there. This was Superman. A very pissed off Superman. His cold gaze swept over the armored man in front of you.
"Get away from her," he demanded, his tone sharper and colder than you'd ever heard from him. You've heard him be sarcastic, even a little cold and vindictive. But this. This was deadly.
"Easy, Flyboy. I haven't laid a single finger on her," Jason smirked.
He didn't respond. Instead, using his lightning speed, his powerful grip was around the man's throat, lifting him from the floor. You watched, polarized by the sight, unsure if he was bluffing or really about to snap his neck.
Sure, he'd abducted you and put you there and part of you was thinking he got what he deserved
But you didn't really want to see him die for it
Though, something wasn't right. Clark stumbled and his grip weakened around his throat until he'd dropped him altogether.
"Clark?!" you gasped, rushing to his side as the Red Hood corrected himself and caught his breath.
"See now that....That's why I prepared this little contingency," he said, one of the compartments in his wrist gauntlet overturned and revealing a glowing green stone in it. Kryptonite.
You'd heard and written about it's effects before, but it was the first time you'd seen it first hand. It looked radioactive almost. It was a sickening green, but you weren't the one feeling its effects. It was Clark.
His breathing was steady, but he looked drained, his forearms shaking from exposure to even that small bit. The chamber rotated shut again and Clark looked to breathe normally.
"You okay?"
He flashed you a soft, but brief smirk. "Are you okay?"
"A little rattled, but nothing I can't handle," you joked smoothly, not wanting the masked asshole to think he'd gotten the best of you.
Jason straightened himself and plopped on the sofa across from the both of you again.
"Now. Since I have your attention-"
"Jason," Bruce's voice called from across the room with every authority of a father. Jason didn't seem deterred a bit. In fact, he relaxed further into his chair.
"Bout time you got here."
"What you're doing isn't necessary," Bruce said evenly. Not unlike someone talking someone from a ledge.
You got the sense that you were a subject that was talked about before, though you didn't really know the context.
This time, he took his mask off, his eyes fiercely aimed at Bruce. He tossed a bitter chuckle at him.
"It's not necessary? Funny, for a while there, I thought this little tryst was all you seemed to fuckin' care about. You couldn't even come to see her when she called you."
You looked between them. Was he referring to Selena Kyle? Whoever that was.
Bruce exhaled. "I was busy-"
"Right. We're all supposed to understand how you piss off to play playboy while she's fighting for her life right now-"
You jumped when he screeched suddenly, his body stiffening as a jolt of electricity hit him. As he collapsed, a smaller, curvier form stood just behind him, taser in hand. Catwoman.
"Tantrum's over, Junior," she said, stepping over his body and meeting Bruce across the room.
"I might've known you'd keep your eye on him," Bruce said, eyeing her with an eerily similar look he was giving you in the park.
Your reporter senses were tingling, sensing the obvious history the two of them had.
The soap opera had taken a sudden left turn
At this point you didn't care anymore
You had a headache
(was Jason okay, or...?)
(he's breathing. it's fine.)
"So I take it the dress-" Bruce said, his eyes flickering over to you. You suddenly felt self conscious and exposed being brought back into the conversation.
"His idea, my execution. I mean. I couldn't very well let him undress an unconscious woman like a creep," she said.
You found yourself liking Catwoman quite a bit
Of course, you wondered why she'd help him if she knew what he was doing was wrong in the first place
But, truly like a cat, she had her own logic and reasons
Still, you were relieved that Jason hadn't seen all your business while you were out cold
"After I heard he was speeding off towards Metropolis, I couldn't bring myself to let him make a dumbass of himself. Call it a favor for my favorite Bat," she winked, though he looked less than amused to be owing her anything. She tapped the tip of his nose before exiting through the generous hole in the room made by Clark.
Then it was quiet. You helped Clark to his feet, though he seemed to be regaining his strength fairly quickly after the stone was securely back inside Jason's armor.
"You must think the worst of me," Bruce said, running a hand through his hair.
"I never really though much of you to begin with, but I'm sure you have an explanation," Clark said, still sounding thoroughly pissed.
Though not homicidal, so that was something
Bruce seemed to be wrestling with idea of telling you everything, but given the situation, it couldn't be helped. Jason had forced his hand.
"Strange's goons poisoned Barbara with a synthetic drug."
"I'm guessing that's why you needed this," Clark said, handing Bruce a vial.
Bruce took it, immediately scanning it with his watch. "The compounds in the poison is the only way to create an antidote. She left a tracker with one of them as they fled the scene and it pinpointed them being in the outskirts of Metropolis. Going in alone might've meant suicide, or worse, them smashing the vial. I needed to send someone they weren't expecting."
Your eyes drifted to Clark, who looked to have simmered down considerably. He was definitely not someone you'd expect. Your eyes swept down his solid form in his blood-stained spandex- Wait...
Did he kill for that vial?
When you'd imagined Superman, you always pictured a dude that always knocked out bad guys and sent them to jail, not to the cemetery
"What did you do?" you asked quietly, turning towards him. He didn't look at you immediately, instead taking a deep breath.
“When I saw you two on the street, I knew it was the perfect way to get him to do what I needed,” Bruce spoke up, sounding oddly like he was trying to defend him.
Clark’s eyes narrowed dangerously and Bruce didn’t say anything more, surrendering the situation to him.
Clark turned to you, his eyes softening considerably.
You knew what he wanted to say. What he was ashamed to admit. But you were done.
“Take me home," you said before he could even find the words to offer.
He quietly lifted you in his arms and effortlessly sailed from the window, leaving Bruce and Jason behind.
(Part 11)
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
Thank you for the tag @imyourbratzdoll.
So the rules are: I post my WIPs and you all can ask questions. Some of these are old asks. Here we go.
The Representative (bb)
Kiss Me At Midnight (jj)
Greater (sr)
Teaching and Learning (bb)
Hen and Doc II (hc)
Fit and Feel More (hc ce)
Decorated (ce)
Be My Thrill (f)
Dry to wet (sr)
I’m tryna (open)
Tagging: Everyone. Seriously! ❤️
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verycontrolledchaos · 6 years ago
Music Playlist Challenge
Rules: We're snooping your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose ten victims.
Tagged by: @herestherealproblem
1. Everywhere I Go by Sleeping At Last
2. The Great River by Howard Shore
3. Wolves by Selena Gomez, Marshmello
4. This Heart I Know by Westward the Tide
5. American Girl by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
6. The Long Road by Passenger
7. Sense of Home by Harrison Storm
8. Waves by Dean Lewis
9. Circles by EDEN
10. Home by Hollow Coves
All good songs. ❤️ Anyone is invited to take part in this!
Tagging: @kaszthespazz @clawnotes @partialnerd @omgitsthatgingergirl @msmoderndaymuse
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ideasmithy · 4 years ago
Meeting Desire
You wouldn’t recognise desirein the emptiness in your mouthmaking way for wordsthat your stomach is already breaking downYou wouldn’t know desire if it licked youYou think it’s meant to kick & clawNot snuggle between your cellsBreathing the quiet places between peopleYou wouldn’t trust desireEven if you laid bare your tender innardsTo jobs as sharp as knivesChasing labels that leave paper cutsYou…
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thirstnotes · 2 years ago
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me tryna understand how people actually like my writing lol
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
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Story List
Deck the Hallways
Teacher!Bucky x Teacher!Reader  (Anon ask)
It’s Christmas time at Shield HS. Can you and Bucky keep your secret under wraps?
Santa, Daddy Chris Evans x Reader (Anon ask)
Thanks to a bet with Scott, you are Santa’s helper for the night.
Christmastime to Me Duke! Henry Cavill x Reader (req x @ysmmsy)
Henry is your best friend’s baby daddy. And a Duke!
Try a Little Tenderness Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader (req x @clawnotes​)
Steve can’t buy you with gifts. He needs to try a little tenderness.
Can You Stand the Rain Winston Duke x Reader (Anon Ask)
Winston wants a do over of that infamous IG post.
What’s This?  Henry Cavill x Reader x Sebastian Stan (req x @adoreyouusugar)
Halloween or Christmas? Why not both? 😉
I Still Have You Chris Evans x Reader
(How I Met Your Father AU) req x @maroonsunrise83​
It’s a very pregnant Christmas for the Evanses.
All I Want Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
(req x @clawnotes​) Pt. 2
Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
My Favorite Things Ari Levinson x Plus Size!Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ari is your best friend in town. Could he be a little more?
Mistletoe by @elocinnicole
Daveed Diggs x Reader
Daveed offers his girlfriend some relief as she prepares for finals.
If The Fates Allow Andy Barber (Drew) x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Andy did you dirty and you are done. Can he convince you to give him your heart again?
All These Things And More Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ransom is a dad now, but you’re neglecting Daddy.
I’ve made the executive decision to be done with Christmas. Yay!
There will be time for Jake and for Chris, and probably for next Christmas. I want to THANK YOU for this gift of your response to this challenge.
I’ve pushed myself and grown so much, written 11 new fics, and have been in awe at the response. You’ve given me a new kink that I’m obsessed with, 👀 and I’ve earned new friends.
I’m going to chill for a bit, and revisit those WIPs that need attention. Requests are closed for a while, at least until Valentines Day 🥰
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Love you all!
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
I kinda loveeee this and want more.
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(She should have actually throat chopped him.)
| Rivals to Lovers with Clark Kent |
Summary: Just mindless jabbering about mild “Enemies to Lovers” with Clark Kent for @ramp-it-up . It’s not a story, per se, but this one’s for you, homie. Merry New Year lol
Warnings: Ramblings, opinions, jokes, attempts at humor, morally gray Clark, smut, NSFW eventually (not this part tho) so per usual, minors DNI, typos probably, poor writing (but if you don’t like it, don’t read it)
Pairings: Clark Kent x BlackAFABReader
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You’ve been at the Daily Planet a little bit longer than Clark, so you knew the ropes before Golden Boy graced you all with his presence
You were a bad bitch, able to cover some of the toughest exclusives. From Bruce Wayne to Static Shock himself
But he started scooping you left and right and it was tap-dancing on your last nerve. But you respected how he was able to somehow get the story
You secretly thought he had to be Superman
Bc frfr the man was swole
“Scooped again,” you huffed quietly, packing your bag for the day, eyes flickering to the team congratulating Clark Probably-Superman-Because-What-Reporter-Has-A-Body-Like-That-Kent. You spotted him approaching from the corner of your eye and looked up with an enthusiastic smile.
“Well well. Congrats again, Clark.”
His dashing smirk grew a bit and he dipped his head with a laugh. “Thanks. You almost sounded like you meant it this time. The smile? Nice touch.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you sassily agreed, a little proud of your own performance and he laughed. You looked out at the office. “Well anyway. Your adoring public awaits.”
“C’mon, YN, we’re going out to celebrate. Have a drink on me.”
He was always really sweet. That was one of the things that kinda bothered you. He was perfect. Funny, gorgeous, smart and a hell of a journalist. You couldn’t even have a serious rivalry with him because he was just genuinely a nice dude.
It was a rivalry you both enjoyed, because you could sass each other on a professional level and still have lunch and debate topics civilly (most of the time) with a mutual respect
Loathe as you were to admit it, you had a lot in common
“Can’t. I have things to do.”
“I promise not to brag much,” he joked, his arms folding expectantly. You rolled your eyes and mimicked his pose, shifting the weight in your hips.
“Clark, as much as I’d love to pour-have a drink on you, I actually have a life outside of The Daily Planet Crew-Heeeey, Luke!”
Clark’s eyes followed yours to the man perched in the doorway. You lit up so much at seeing him, Clark looked back at you with a judgy smirk but you ignored him.
“Hey, you need a ride to class?” Luke asked, looking between you and Clark, who perked up.
“Yeah, no, we do a cooking class together. International Cuisines over on West and Central. You should check it out,” Luke explained and Clark looked moderately impressed.
“Oh! I didn’t know you two were. Are you datin-“
“Oh, um,” you started.
“No, no, no,” he gargled out at the same time and Clark looked between you slowly.
“I mean, it is a couple’s only class, but, like, between us, we kinda fudged the details a little bit when we signed up,” you admitted, your embarrassment growing. It was enough that your secret alone time with the hot photographer was being revealed to Mr. Perfect, but to hear Luke so vehemently refute the implication that you were his girlfriend. In front of him. Of all people. It was too much. You swallowed your feelings and kept it together. “Anyway, yeah, I’ll ride over with you.”
With that Luke continued down the hall to the darkroom. You exhaled and and pulled your bag onto your shoulder.
“Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Clark smirked, rolling his lips, to keep from laughing at the juicy interaction he just witnessed. He watched you lock up an leave, that annoying shit-eating smirk on his ridiculously handsome face ever present. You knew he was judging you. Like Damn woman, I knew you were thirsty, but this is next level.
Not like he had room to judge. Lois Lane could wear his balls as a necklace and he’d thank her for her time and energy. You had to respect the hustle, however, because he was just as shameless as you were to get next to his boo. You weren’t mad at that. The struggle was real. Today, however, was a major blow to your pride and progress and honestly you didn’t even know why you even bothered getting into the car, let alone slog through another class next to a man who clearly didn’t see you as anything but a fwb. The benefit being that you were a woman he could finesse a cooking class with.
You were way too fine to be used like that
You knew that
But in a way you were using him to be in the class too. It had limited seats and if word got out that you two weren’t a couple, you’d be put out for sure, so, annoyed and lukewarm (I said what I said) as you were on him now, you were trapped in this one-sided arrangement for now
But damn. Pretending was hard. When that man smiled at you over a perfectly cooked plate of crullers that you both worked hard to make…Hoooo. You were goo. It was pitiful. You hated it, but there you were. Laughing at his corny ass jokes. Joking back. Completely ignoring how he threw your potential relationship under the bus earlier that day. The laughter died down and eventually it was just you two in the car. Him driving you home.
“Hey, you remember when Clark thought we were dating?” you asked, hoping to work around to a genuine conversation about the two of you.
“Woah right? That was close. I mean, not that you aren’t attractive. You’re gorgeous, of course.”
“Of course,” you smirked saucily, chest fluttering at the blatant compliment he was giving. But the other half of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There it was.
He hesitated, as if trying to find the words. He hazarded a glance your way. “Between us, Lois and I have been dating for a little bit.”
You then throat chopped him, causing him to swerve sharply, sending the car into a spin-out off the nearest bridge, thus killing you both and sparing you the humiliating dread of realizing you wasted your time simping over some dude that Lois Fuckin Lane had already secured between her legs ages ago
Just kidding. That didn’t happen, but you were damn sure thinking about it right then
You were truly at a loss. You were a top flight journalist, you should’ve picked up on it. Something. Anything. Sure, they hung out a bit between meetings, but you all did. Then again, they did spend more than a little time at each other’s desks, smiling and talking. Grabbing lunch or coffee for each other. But you thought it was business. You and Clark did that for each other all the time. Maybe you just ignored the signs.
“Oh. Shit. That’s-That’s great! Is it getting serious?” you asked, kicking yourself for the filler question. He took a deep breath.
“I think so. I mean, it’s going pretty well. I wish I knew what was going on in her mind.”
“Well I’m not gonna spy for you, if that’s what you’re working around to,” you joked hollowly, the sinking pain in your chest making you feel sick and stupid. He laughed and you forced yourself to as well.
“Man, that’s cold,” he chortled and it gave you a petty bit of satisfaction.
“That’s life.*”
“That’s what people say,” he joked back, quoting the song. Though while he was riding high in April, it was you that was shot down in May. You were relieved when you saw home, nearly opening the door while the car was still in motion. You couldn’t wait to get inside and have a nice hot bath and a stiff drink.
Usually that was you time to unwind and read in the warm candlelight, or even touch yourself, if you felt so inclined to do so, but tonight, you weren’t feeling anything. Much less yourself.
You couldn’t help but think about how Clark was coping with all this. Provided he even knew. You could see him, the absolute Labrador of a man, reduced to nothing me than a kicked puppy at the news of his beloved Lois dating anybody that wasn’t him
Part of you was hoping he was Superman, so he could freak out and smack the shit out of Luke for doing this to you. Well. The petty part of you was kinda hoping
It wasn’t anybody’s fault, you knew that, but you just wanted to feel less like a fool and more like the confident woman you woke up as that morning
The next time you saw Clark, you debated not telling him anything, but you weren’t willing to let anybody go out the way you did. So eventually, over coffee, you broke it to him casually
“I know.”
“S’cuse me?”
“That they’re dating? I already know that,” he said, adding more coffee to his mug to make it less sweet. He was either taking this remarkably well, or he was playing it off like he was. Which would add amazing acting to his already impressive list of things he could do well.
“Then why are you still fawning all over Lois like it’s Single’s Weekend?”
He laughed with a shrug. “They’re dating, not married. She could change her mind.”
Part of you felt a small spark jolt through you. You always imagined Clark the traditional type. But there he was literally—openly—declaring war on your crush. Threatening to steal his bae.
“Oh. Okay. My bad.”
Part of you was cheering for him to.
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h-bea92 · 6 years ago
What are some of your favourite blogs do reblog stuff from?
Some of them are @ionlyloveuinthemiddleofthenight, @bighoe, @genderlesscryptid, @childhoodnostalgias, @impoverished-youth, @hufflepuff-andstuff, @itstheholls, @juneninetynine, @annatriffkoo, @christiiineexx, @yatusabess, @theweirdsideofstuff, @this-moose-sass, @clawnotes, @somehow-lovable-trash, @myclimbsandfalls, @redpillsfortheblues, @filmtv, @meetmeinmonroeville, @fresh-as-lettuce and @lowkeyflop. Sorry if I forgot someone. There are so many other blogs on here that I love. 💖
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
I love This. This is my jam.
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This is exquisite!
| Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Four - Jealous Clark |
pairings: Clark Kent x AFABCurvyBlackReader x a little bit of some Bruce Wayne
warnings: more rambling, more thirst, a little bit of awkward, sass, attempts at humor, typos, language, morally gray Clark, jealous Clark
If you don't like it, don't read it. But a quick second for those of you that have hung in there with me this far: I appreciate the love and comments. Seriously, I thought this was gonna be a simple and silly thank you fic for @ramp-it-up--dope writer btw, go check her out when you get the time--who answered my asks in perhaps the best way possible, but it's turned into a chaos series of rambling thoughts and awkward thirst and ngl it's really fun writing a problematic Clark with an equally problematic reader.
In short: I don't think I'm much of a writer, and I promise ya'll that's okay, but thank ya'll for reading and liking and reblogging my raggedy nonsense anyway
(Also I don't write nearly enough to tag people or to do a tag list, but I'll do it just this once bc I never got that kinda request before. Here you go, @glitterandgoldfinds 💖)
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“I heard you and Y/N are dating?”
Clark smirked, dusting bagel crumbs off his shirt as he finished his breakfast. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I won’t even entertain the question.”
“Right. The award winning Lois Lane always has the story.”
There was a quiet pause on her end. It was a bit hard to discern as he tried to tune out the bustling sounds of the coffeehouse around him. From the sound of it, she was making coffee. He finally picked up on her laughter approaching the phone. “You should do my PR.”
“Busy, unfortunately. Gunning for your job, in fact.”
She laughed again. “I can tell. Anyway, Luke tells me you’re gonna try the cooking class too?”
“Yeah we are,” he said, now picking out an assorted mix of your favorite donuts. He heard a lower tone in the background and a light smack that had her giggling. He rolled his eyes.
“Oooh we? Sounds kinda serious,” she hummed, giving him an invitation to volunteer more information.
“No comment.”
He heard a male’s voice in the background again. Obviously Luke. It was too distorted to understand, but he was certain it was annoying.
“Hmm,” she purred, sounding like she was following up with a small sip, “Maybe I should pump Y/N for the details.”
She wasn’t joking. She was almost as relentless and nosy as you were to get the facts.
You could definitely hold your own, but he just didn’t need the headache.
He paid for the donuts with a light laugh. “We just got started, I wouldn’t call the reverend.”
“No, but it’s kinda a huge scoop. Maybe I should make this the next cover story,” she taunted saucily, making him laugh a little louder.
“Hilarious. You know, jealousy’s not a good look on you, Lo’,” he sassed back, checking the time. She snickered on the other end.
“Not jealous, just surprised. Y/N’s a pretty hard sell. How’d you land her?”
He left and casually held the door for an elderly couple, eyes on your building two stoplights down. “Just. Lucky, I guess.”
Lois hummed in agreement. “You do have a flair for luck that I’ll never understand.”
He laughed, dipping his head modestly and picking out a table to sit at in the outdoor dining area. You probably weren’t awake just yet, as evident by your phone going straight to voicemail, so he decided to give it 30 minutes or so. “I guess it’s a matter of perception.”
He paused. It was a whisper. Your fevered gasps that pierced his ears through all the clamoring of the waking city. It was a cry for him. Falling from your lips. It switched something on in him.
“Mmh…yes. Please…I deserve it,” you groaned through needy gasps. What the fuck were you doing to yourself that had you sounding like that?
A soft vibration accompanied you and his mind nearly shut off. You were thinking about him...while you were...Fuck.
“So anyway, see you in class?”
He blinked, his thoughts interrupted. Lois continued on the other end, completely oblivious to any of it. Something about Luke’s pictures or some shit. He didn’t really care. Which was truly a first. He took a small breath.
“Yeah. Sorry. Signal broke up,” he lied, trying to gather his thoughts, “Call you back.”
"Everything okay?" she asked, a little concerned at his detached tone.
He snapped out of it, eyes falling to the stoplight that changed to red.
He licked his dry lips. He did need to stop.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just almost to her place."
"Ooooh, I see. Well don't let me hold you up."
He could've told her "It's not like that, I'm just bringing breakfast"
He could've worked it around to say "Nah, I like the company."
Anything that came out of his lips next would've been another step closer to stealing her away from her mediocre boyfriend
But instead
He exhaled a low, breathy laugh. "Thanks. Later."
He barely registered hanging up. You'd finished quickly, the soft puffs of your breath fading from his senses just as quickly as they came. That was a sucker punch to his health. He wondered if he could wager just a peek. Just one. Through a few thin walls.
He could just imagine you there, muscles still tense, gradually relaxing, honey-soaked thighs sliding down your sheets, your panties ruined--provided you were wearing any. He took a deep breath. Granted you were his girlfriend--fake or no--you were his friend first.
No peeking. Not yet anyway.
Your shower kicked on and he nearly audibly groaned. You were making it really hard to be a gentleman.
He let his morals slip a little as his view of your apartment faded to the interior, eyes curiously peering into your world. He'd never been up there before. Your decorations revealed a bit more to him than he knew. Your awards and achievements were framed above your work area. He’d recognized a good portion of them. From Fresh New Journalist, to Journalist of the year—two years in a row, around which were framed pictures of you with all the members of your team at some point or another.
It made him smile a bit when he saw that you actually saved the picture of the you and him after losing the office paintball game, both of you splattered with yellow. Something you sarcastically quipped complimented his eyes. His chest pounded when he thought about how cute you were, dusting paint out of his hair, standing on your tiptoes. Jokingly reminding him that it was his fault your position was given away because he was so damn tall. It made him laugh. You always made him laugh.
Had it always been you?
No, he’d known Lois far longer, and was in love all the way. But somewhere along the line, you’d sneaked in and hit him with your jokes, your wit, your smile… Dammit Y/N.
Almost as if summoned, you emerged from your bathroom, wrapped in a towel and his eyes darkened a bit, sliding along your curves in the terrycloth.
He could feel his face heating up a bit; this was wrong. He knew that. But he was too curious to stop now. A bead of water caught his attention--a stray drop from your soaked curls that framed your pretty face as you rifled through your drawer. it ran down your chest in a jagged pattern before disappearing into the darkness of your cleavage.
This was so wrong.
You looked so content. So...satisfied. He felt his body tense when you loosened your towel, ready to drop it for the cute floral lingerie you'd pulled out. He swallowed heavily, his eyes dropping just as the towel fell from your chest.
He couldn't. You weren't his. Not yet anyway
Call him a bit of a sentimental sap, but he didn't wanna spoil the surprise.
He ran a hand over his face, glancing at his phone, trying to figure out how to proceed.
So eventually
There he was
Like a soothsaying sex goblin, he was standing in front of your building with donuts
You suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over you
Like if "I LOOK A MESS" was a feeling
Which. As far as you knew, it was, but you'd never say something so cliche aloud.
Besides, as far as effortlessly sexy went that morning, you were ahead of the game
Also you were too lazy to change. Clark was unexpectedly intruding into your space. He was just gonna have to deal
If you were petty, you'd admit that it was a great excuse to show him the ass he was missing out on bc the lounge shorts clinging to you right then were practically screaming "Lemme sit on that face for an hour or two"
But you weren't petty
"Oh wow, is this what they call a full service boyfriend?" you joked with a grateful hum, your interest fully directed at the donuts he'd brought.
Unfortunately, you missed the absolute shameless way homeboy took in your scent
Like he was smelling his favorite pastry
He couldn't understand it
He didn't wanna try
All he knew was that a new fixation was forming and unlike Lois, you were already half his
The sweet smell of something cinnamon-y wafted from you. Body wash or lotion or something. His eyes followed you as you strolled into your kitchen, and set the box down. Your hair was still a little damp, pulled back into a curly bun. Cute.
“Something like that. I thought I’d drive you to class to make up for last night."
“Oh yeah,” you remembered with a laugh, “Drunk texts? What were you up to last night?”
“It was a hell of a night, believe me,” he said, making his way to your sofa, seeming to want to leave it at that. As badly as you wanted to pry, you let it go.
“Well anyway, we don’t have class today.”
“Oh. Well what do you wanna do today?”
You gave him a strange look. “What? Offering to hang out with your fake girlfriend for the day? What happened to Take No Prisoners I’ll Take Your Girl Clark Kent?”
“He’s off for the day,” he said, rolling his eyes. He did that a lot with you. You laughed, successfully working his nerves.
“Damn. I was hoping to ask him for some pointers,” you said, sarcastically snapping your fingers. He eyed you as you moved past to clean your mess.
Damn you hit different in pajama shorts.
Focus, Clark. His eyes flickered to the television. Rather to the assorted bouquet on your television stand. It was rather extravagant, the stems and petals covering the edge of the screen obnoxiously. A gold card was in a black holder sticking out from it and he was curious about the sender.
“Pointers about?”
“I have an interview/dinner date with with Bruce Tall-Dark-and-Broody Wayne tonight and truth be known, my man’s kinda hot.”
If you only knew how broody he was, he thought to himself, feeling a familiar bit of nagging jealousy tugging at him. “He send the bouquet?”
“Yeah. Aren’t they gorgeous? Somehow he found out my favorite flowers. The man’s mafia, I’m certain of it,” you joked, completely missing the pointed stare he was giving your flowers.
What do you know? Suddenly got an opening in my schedule
How about dinner, 8:00 at La Mercerie?
It paid to have X-ray vision.
In this case, though, it left a bad taste in his mouth. You were going out on a date with Bruce Wayne. What the shit?
“What's the story?” he asked patiently, his eyes plastered on the tv now, not registering a single bit of what was showing onscreen.
“The 30th annual Wayne Concert Commemoration? It’s one of the other stories that I got bumped to cover since you scooped me on the whole Nightwing thing, remember?” you said, feigning a bitter tone that made him smile again.
“All that salt’s gonna raise your blood pressure.”
You looked pleasantly surprised at the clap back, whirling to face him with your hand—and a soapy spatula—on your hips. So fuckin cute. “Okay. Farmboy’s got jokes. I gotchu next time, though. This story’s gonna be great.”
“I dunno. A concert story doesn’t sound too exciting,” he continued, a small smirk twitching at his lips. In truth, his emotions were swirling. If he didn’t joke, he might’ve actually have tried to convince you not to go.
“I’ll think of something. So watch your ass Kent.”
"I will," he resigned with a small smirk.
He’d much rather watch yours, to be honest, admiring the light way it jiggled when you shifted your weight to your other leg, your focus back on the dishes.
Fuckin focus, Clark.
Bruce Wayne was dangerous. In more ways than one. The Dark Knight persona was, of course, but somehow Bruce himself was even more dangerous. Bruce Wayne was a handsome billionaire. A playboy. Plus, for all the good he’d done, he was still a marked man with a hell of a lot of enemies. Enemies that would hurt you to get to him. Even if you were just a fling.
Which you weren’t gonna be. Were you? One of his knuckles popped. How long had his fists been clenched? His mouth went a bit dry again.
“Do you have something to drink?” he asked suddenly and you looked at him blankly. What were you thinking about? He’d obviously snapped you out of some deep thought. You always had that look when someone interrupted your train of thought at work. You were also usually kind of grouchy when that happened, but you just gave him a lopsided smile. Which somehow made it worse. Your good mood was beginning to bug him.
“Oh! Yeah! Sorry. Help yourself,” you said, nodding to the fridge. He tentatively did as he was told, spotting some sodas in the door and deciding to grab one. He needed a drink. Ideally one with a sting stronger than a Dr. pepper, but he’d just have to take the L. It wasn’t like he could get drunk anyway.
“I was just thinking,” you said, drying your hands on your towel.
Oh fuckin finally
He needed wanted to know what was swimming through that devious mind of yours
“We can go wander around the park a bit if you want. It’s right next to the shopping center, so I can pick up a cute outfit while I’m there. You know, multitask.”
“Works for me,” he said, pretending the soda is what gave him such a stale tone.
“Sweet, lemme go get dressed,” you said with a pleasant smile. He couldn’t lie, the sudden image of you slipping out of those clothes did flash across his mind multiple times that morning, and he wanted nothing more than to tell you to forget Wayne and stay in all night with your boyfriend.
Which he wasn’t
Not for real
But he was most certainly on your mind
He knew that much
It wasn't Bruce's name coming from your mouth
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
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Is the SHIT!
Batman Vs Superman
Pairings: Bruce x Reader, one sided Clark x Reader
Warnings: Thirsty Clark, smut (Minors DNI), implied unprotected sex (wrap it before you cap it, peeps), vouyerism
If you don’t like it, don’t read it, I guess. Consume at your own risks.
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“You want me to stay,” he said almost instantly. Like he was hoping she would ask him to. He closed the door and immediately began removing his tie. Clark could see her heartbeat increase, her body temperature steadily rising as he got closer to her. He knew it was wrong to watch, but he couldn’t help it.
When they’d all parted ways, Bruce had offered her a place to stay at Wayne Tower and a ride as well. It was obvious she would jump on the offer no matter how much he himself was against it. Y/N was his only in theory. Her feelings for Bruce were the source of his frustration and anguish, his Achilles heel that made him feel as helpless as only a human could.
He hated how envious he was of Bruce, how much he hated that despite all the things he had that Bruce didn’t, the Dark Knight had her. His sensitive ears picked up on the subtle breaths she took when he gripped her thighs and lifted her with surprising ease to carry her to her bedroom. He watched from the darkness of the rooftop as Wayne laced her down and attached his lips to her neck. She laughed a bit and it made him crack a bit of a smile. Clark smiled himself. She was ticklish. Something he’d always known about her since the day he accidentally brushed her sides when carrying her from danger.
Her laugh swapped with a mixed purr when his hand slipped past her waistband and into her underwear. He saw the heat between her legs increase as his fingers worked her into a gentle, tense sweat. He swallowed her pleading hums with a hot kiss. Clark felt himself steadily heating up, the constricting tent in his jeans becoming too much to handle.
“These have to go,” Bruce lightly joked, tugging them off completely and she instinctively clenched her thighs under his observant eyes. Bruce gently coaxed them apart and awarded her with his mouth against her clit. She gasped and the needy sound that danced from her throat made Clark’s dick twitch painfully. His palm found his bulge and brushed it. He groaned softly.
“Beg me,” Bruce taunted, placing tantalizing strokes on her needy heat, getting the tastiest response from her wanton lips. Clark was about to burst. He wanted her so badly. It should’ve been him. His entitled thoughts reared their ugly head as he slipped his hand past the thick flannel of his shirt and through the undone zipper of his pants. His hand roughly stroked his rigid dick, imagining is pressed past the warm, slick folds of her pussy.
Bruce’s own patience had run out and he shifted to do just that. Soon after, the soft squeak of her bed dominated the sound of the room. Clark watched him pound into her, his arm hooking her leg and driving deeply into her, mercilessly and greedily. Clarks mind drifted to him being in the driver’s seat. Making her gasp and groan, whisper expletives that would make a sailor blush as her nails scraped his back.
Bruce’s guttural groans would be replaced by his own, his own mixed with words of affirmation. What a good girl she was being, taking every inch of him without complaint. Squeezing him like she had always dreamed of doing. He would whisper how much he loved her, kiss her sensitive, perky nipples. Cover her in possessive bites and hickies, so there would be no debate as to who she belonged to.
Her body tensed the same time his did, a cry trapped in her throat and escaping as a soft breath as she came onto Bruce. Clark spilled into his hand, the warm wet silky liquid of his jealousy dripping onto the fabric of his now ruined boxers. Clark caught his own breath and recovered fairly easily from his own rough treatment. It wasn’t enough. He needed her. Beneath him, gasping in ecstasy as she recovered. Bruce didn’t deserve her.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 2 years ago
Always reblog masterlists.
Disclaimer: I’m sort of a writer, mostly just a browser of dope works on tumbles. My work ain’t guaranteed, nor am I posting regularly or taking requests. Sorry, my peaches💖. Also. My blog is nsfw. As such, 18+ only allowed in this space. If you’re a minor, go away please. For adults only. Please do not interact with my blog or its posts. You will be blocked.
Okay? Okay.
Also: Do not steal or repost these works please and thanks. I might think that some of them are kinda shitty but it’s still my shit, okay y'all?
You can hardly call this a masterlist, but here’s a link to a few of the measly fan things I posted here lolol Okay so it’s turned into a pretty damn decent list lol
🌶️ = Smut/Spicy ☁️ = Fluff
Marvel Universe
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Imagine Namor Wanting You
Sean Cassidy/Banshee
21 Questions 🌶️
Steve Rogers
Baby It’s Cold Outside
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Can We Talk?☁️
DC Universe
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Clark Kent
Batman vs Superman🌶
Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3🌶) (Part 4🌶️) (Part 5 🌶)
Bruce Wayne
Batman vs Superman🌶
Top Gun/Top Gun Maverick
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Beau “Cyclone” Simpson
Stranger Thangs
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Steve Harrington
Come Go With Me☁️
Eddie Munson
Criminal Minds
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Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Matt Simmons
Luke Alvez
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
See…. I’m thinking that he is trying to set reader up. He doesn’t care about Lois at all.
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| Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Two |
Pairings: Clark Kent x AFABBlackCurvyReader
Warnings: language, shameless shenanigans, typos, morally gray Clark, thirst, attempts at humor, angst, smut later, minors DNI, you use me I use you dynamic, she fell hard he fell harder tropey goodness
Ya’ll know the drill: If you don’t like it, don’t read it
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“So let me get this straight. You want me to help you nab Lois from Luke?” you asked, enjoying the coffeehouse ambiance. It was one of your favorite spots. Kissing up Clark was one of your favorite Clarks. Second only to Hot, Steal Your Girl Clark.
“Pretty much,” he said, watching you quietly enjoy your favorite coffee and baked treat. He opted for a simple black coffee. All business.
“What did you have in mind? Make Lois jealous by making her think you’re dating me?” you laughed, pinching off another piece of your pastry, “I might not be an expert, but if she started dating another dude while you were both single, chances are she’s not gonna care if you’re dating somebody.”
His expression never faltered, smirk still in place on his stupidly handsome face. “Believe me, I know she will. People tend to want things they can’t have.”
For once he took a sip and it was your turn to try and figure him out. Since when was Mr. Do Everything Right into passive aggressive manipulation and scheming?
“That include you?”
His eyes pierced yours much like they did when he announced his intent in the first place. “Especially me.”
You shook off the shiver it gave you.
“Yeah but me though? Shouldn’t you be asking Wonder Woman or somebody? I heard y’all are tight,” you sassed, unknowingly making his body tense a bit at the phrasing. You were, of course, talking about his recent story with the Princess that he had managed to scoop from under you yet again. Perry said it was written like they were old friends, to which Clark had responded that it was like talking to an old friend. Still, you didn’t realize how closely that hit home for him. How dangerously close you were to putting two and two together.
You were very clever. He’d always liked that about you.
Unbeknownst to you, while you slurped down your snack:
Clark thought you were a snack
He thinks this is a ploy to get Lois, but tbh he sealed his fuckin fate asking you to be his fake girlfriend. We all know this. Don’t act surprised. Or do. I’m not the boss of you
“She was busy,” he sassed back and you rolled your eyes with a sarcastic laugh.
“Besides. I’m sure seeing you in another man’s arms might wake something up in Ol’ Luke.” Ol’Luke. The way he said it, you’d thought it left a bad taste in his mouth. Understandable. You weren’t feeling Lois too deep either. Still, you had to laugh again. Luke did not want you. He’d had plenty of chances, but he dove under Lois Lane first chance he got.
“Mmhm,” you hummed again, swallowing another bite.
He watched you suck some fritter icing from the heel of your hand casually as you read a message that had popped up on your phone, eyes fixed on the warm muscle running across your bottom in satisfaction. You were absolutely adorable. Messy and comfortable with him. Eating like he wasn’t even there asking you a question that would throw most women. But you just laughed at the idea.
Now, however, you were frowning at your phone. His eyes curiously flickered from it to you.
“This bitch just—“ you said, taking a deep breath and regaining your composure.
“What happened?” Clark asked with a frown of his own now. You paused, trying to keep from flipping the table in front of you. You were raised better than that. After a couple of taps of reply, you dropped your phone to the table.
“Luke just messaged me. He’s gonna take Lois to the cooking class from now on.”
You chewed on your lip and picked apart the paper wrapper that held the devoured fritter that was now turning sour in your stomach. You hated everything. Life. This town. That job. The class. Luke. Lois. Clark looking at you like he felt sorry for you. You hated it all. Especially the fact that Clark was there for what was one of the lowest lows you’d ever experienced.
“It’s stupid,” not really giving much of a shit anymore, since it was all being blown open anyway, “I know we weren’t even dating, but it feels like a breakup, you know?”
He quietly listened to your rant, taking the opportunity to drink his coffee. Truthfully, the hurt in your voice destroyed him; it took everything in him not to crush the cup in his hand. Sure you were abrasive, but amidst all the back and forth, a friendship blossomed between you. One close enough that made him want to crush Luke’s windpipe for doing you dirty like that. It was abhorrent. He liked to think the man was more decent than that, but clearly not. He swallowed, ready to leave you beans call the whole thing off, but your eyes met his again.
“Fuck it. Let’s do this.”
“What? You sure?” he asked, obviously thrown. You wiped a stray tear threatening to fall, righteous petty anger bubbling beautifully to the surface.
“Yeah. There’s no way I’m losing my slot in class because he decided to downgrade. No offense.”
You went back to his place to discuss the rules
He shrugged awkwardly, an amused smirk returning to his face.
Insert montage featuring “Bad Guy” by Billie Eilish
Because every good scheme deserves a great soundtrack
Rule 1: Feed off of each other’s energy
“Like a dance. I lead a little, you lead a little,” he elaborated, rounding you closely, erasing your personal space completely. He slipped his hand in yours and turned to gaze down at you. You stood your ground, eyes flickering from his to his soft, warm lips. You just knew they were. Absolute traps. You pressed two fingers against them when he came closer.
“Which brings me to rule two.”
Rule 2: No kissing unless the situation calls for it
“What qualifies as the situation calling for it?” he asked with an amused smirk. You pulled back and sat on the arm of his couch while he went to grab. Couple of drinks from the fridge.
“I dunno. Like if people are watching us be all lovey dovey and expect a kiss? Kiss. Mistletoe is a traditional obligation. Also New Years.”
“Exactly how long do you see us carrying on this charade?” he laughed, handing you a Coke.
“I like to plan ahead. Point is, you’ll know it when you see it,” you said snapping it open with a bottle opener. He simply twisted his off.
“Okay, damn, Superman, careful with that brute strength.”
He laughed at the irony of the comparison, dipping his head modestly. “Anyway.”
Rule 3: Chemistry
“We have pretty good chemistry as it is,” you pointed out, taking a swig of your drink, practically straddling the arm of his couch now. His eyes quietly acknowledged your point—and your position.
“True enough. We’ve got arguing down. But, to tell you the truth, I don’t tend to argue with my lovers at every turn.”
“Really? You mean you don’t bring that out in every woman you meet?”
He rolled his eyes at you. “Shocking, I know. C’mere.”
You heaved a puff of air and set your drink down, lazily climbing off your comfortable post and approaching him. His broad hands captured your hips and pulled you the remaining distance to him, his eyes still in yours. You fell against him with a soft “oof”. A sound you weren’t familiar with. At least not tumbling from your lips.
“You okay?”
“After being manhandled? Yeah I think I can deal,” you joked, hands on his broad, hard, chest.
Seriously, what did this man do? Eat boulders every morning?
He was Superman
He had to be
You never saw them in the same room together. I mean.
It was possible
“Sorry, you’re just so easy,” you laughed, mostly at the irony at using the word “easy”. Since you were the one melting in his arms. But if he was gonna use you, you were gonna use him too.
“Y/N,” he softly reprimanded, his grip around your hips firming a bit. It was kinda sexy. You liked chemistry training.
“You’re not gonna quietly let me seduce you, are you?”
“Wow. Okay. Are you seducing me now?” you asked with a surprised hum. He rolled his eyes again.
“To prove a point.”
“You sure you don’t just like feeling me up?”
“You’re gonna give me hell the entire time, aren’t you?”
“You always did know me.”
Shit, Clark had game. Lois was a lucky bitch
It was his turn to huff and puff, only he did so with a laugh. He slid his hands a bit lower, nesting in the small of your back. Such a small action shouldn’t have affected you like it did, but you both knew it did.
Fuck. You were seriously getting a little jealous
You knew this was a bad idea, but it felt so good
Were you that touch starved? You liked to think you weren’t
But right now, you were such a slut for the delicious weight of his hands at the top of your ass
“Chemistry,” he purred—the man purred at you, for Hera’s sake—“isn’t always arguing, L/N.”
“I know that,” you joked, smoothing your hands up his chest and looping them over his shoulders, “It’s just kinda my love language. Well. With you anyway.”
“We have a love language now?” he volleyed back, breath tickling your lips. You opened your mouth, but your back pocket vibrated and interrupted your thought. You paused, common sense smacking you in the back of the head and bringing you back to reality.
“Well, I mean. You know what I mean,” you laughed, turning your head and letting him go to answer it. He let you slip from his grip with a small frown. “Hello?…Yeah, Luke. Whats’ up?”
Your eyes flickered toward Clark, but he wasn’t standing in the same place. You listened to him try to explain his text and how he didn’t have time to call you instead. Or whatever. You couldn’t really register anything when Clark appeared behind you, snaking his hands around your waist, pulling a small purring laugh from you. You were ticklish. He had to make a mental note of that for later.
“Y/N, what are you doing? I was waiting,” he hummed needily in a low tone, mouth beside the receiver. You gaped at him, a bit embarrassed at your shameless interactions assaulting Luke’s ear.
There was a pause on his end. “Oh I’m. Are you busy?”
Before you could answer, Clark scooped the phone from your grasp. “Very.” You audibly gasped as he hung up. You thought you were gonna combust as he set the phone back into your open palm, dumb grin on your face.
“Really? I can’t believe you did that.”
“Take no prisoners,” he smirked, looking very satisfied with himself.
Maybe it wasn’t his place to roast Luke for being an insensitive asshole
But damn it felt good to listen to him choke on his own tongue at the sound of you having more than a little fun on your end.
You were trippin’
You both ended the day on that note, things having gotten a bit too high energy for you both. Though Clark seemed even more rejuvenated than normal; he’d even asked if you wanted to order a little dinner in. But in truth, you didn’t trust yourself. Steal Your Girl Clark—rather just Clark Kent himself—was proving to be very problematic indeed. He was charming, funny, awkward yet smooth as Egyptian silk when he wanted to be.
By trippin, I mean trippin and fallin deep into this farm boy’s arms
He had you
You hated it
It was sick
But he had you and you loved it
Who cared if he was using you to get to Lois?
Right now, you had him and it felt so damn good
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
Thank you for the thank you fic.
Pairings: Steve x Black Reader, One-Sided Bucky x Black Reader
Warnings: Smut (minors, DNI), vouyerism, jealousy, masturbation, fantasizing, Bucky Thirst, possibly darkish Bucky? I dunno, you decide
If you don’t like it, don’t read it.
I don’t write very much on here, mostly read, but since this talented ass writer (don’t wanna name any names but @ramp-it-up knows who she is) decided to hook me up and answer my ask in quite possibly one of the best ways possible, I felt the need to return the favor as best I could. Hope y’all enjoy it💖
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"Mmm,” Y/N gasped, her head tossed back as her body tensed for an amazing climax, “I’m gonna….fuuuck!”
“Good girl,” Steve coaxed, his guttural groans vibrating through his tone. She certainly was a good girl. A good girl that absolutely took every inch of his cum. Bucky refused to believe anything otherwise. The heavy squeak of them going at it held his full attention, the soft groans of his Y/N as she pressed her face against the pillows in an effort to hush the pleased sounds from what she was getting from behind. It was cute that she thought it would. Positively sinful, the effect it had on him.
The raunchy slosh of his lubed hand roughly jerking his dick caught his attention again and he positively loved the mess he was making of lube and precum against strange sheets. He imagined her lapping at his dick as Steve rode her, her moist mouth needily desperately for something to suck. His dick pushing slowly into the warmth of her soft lips. The scrape of her teeth as he glided a generous length of his dick against the friction of her tongue…yummy..
His vibranium hand played with his balls, firmly stroking them and squeezing them to the point of making himself groan a bit. He wanted her to squeeze them. Let Steve watch as she sucked on them. Make him cum on her face from her rough treatment of them. Make Steve cum on her back from the sheer erotic sight of it all. Cover her in their cum.
Steve groaned softly as he usually did when she rode him, helpless and soft. Submissive and chill. It made him desperately want to be the dominant one in the room, commanding Y/N to get on her knees and take her boyfriend into her mouth while he fucked her pussy until it was aching from being slammed with orgasms.
His hand sloshed sloppily as a long string of swears slipped out in hungry hisses. “Mmhhhhyes babygirl. Take every inch of that cock. Fuck me good……you’re so fuckin good....Mmmm…” He was practically sobbing, it felt so good. They were filthy, that pair. They always did this to him. Every hotel room. Every fuckin stop. Pretending they didn’t want him to hear their raunchy groans. But they did. They knew he was stroking his dick. He liked to think they did anyway.
He liked to imagine Steve’s curious, jealous leering as Y/N wrapped her hands around his dick. To see him watch his girlfriend lick the tip of another man’s dick and pump his shaft to the very sight of it. Let him play with and taste her wet pussy while she writhed beneath his fingers-to dip his fingers into her. Make her taste herself while his best friend watched him dominate his girlfriend. Have her groaning in exhausted ecstasy, covered in fingerprints and his cum-
“Sssshit.....” he shuddered in a satisfied hiss, cum jerking from his dick and hitting his chest, face and pillow. His ragged breaths caught up with him as he stared at the ceiling, listening to them both come in the room next to him. Then it was mostly quiet. Save for the ringing in his ears from a positively powerful orgasm. He groaned a little and swallowed, shifting himself into a better position to slip into a good sleep for the night, listening to the low sound of their incoherent voices. He was a beautiful mess, covered in his own sick needy desperation for a woman he didn’t have. Would probably never have.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
So damn good.
| Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Four - Jealous Clark |
pairings: Clark Kent x AFABCurvyBlackReader x a little bit of some Bruce Wayne
warnings: more rambling, more thirst, a little bit of awkward, sass, attempts at humor, typos, language, morally gray Clark, jealous Clark
If you don't like it, don't read it. But a quick second for those of you that have hung in there with me this far: I appreciate the love and comments. Seriously, I thought this was gonna be a simple and silly thank you fic for @ramp-it-up--dope writer btw, go check her out when you get the time--who answered my asks in perhaps the best way possible, but it's turned into a chaos series of rambling thoughts and awkward thirst and ngl it's really fun writing a problematic Clark with an equally problematic reader.
In short: I don't think I'm much of a writer, and I promise ya'll that's okay, but thank ya'll for reading and liking and reblogging my raggedy nonsense anyway
(Also I don't write nearly enough to tag people or to do a tag list, but I'll do it just this once bc I never got that kinda request before. Here you go, @glitterandgoldfinds 💖)
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“I heard you and Y/N are dating?”
Clark smirked, dusting bagel crumbs off his shirt as he finished his breakfast. “Where’d you hear that?”
“I won’t even entertain the question.”
“Right. The award winning Lois Lane always has the story.”
There was a quiet pause on her end. It was a bit hard to discern as he tried to tune out the bustling sounds of the coffeehouse around him. From the sound of it, she was making coffee. He finally picked up on her laughter approaching the phone. “You should do my PR.”
“Busy, unfortunately. Gunning for your job, in fact.”
She laughed again. “I can tell. Anyway, Luke tells me you’re gonna try the cooking class too?”
“Yeah we are,” he said, now picking out an assorted mix of your favorite donuts. He heard a lower tone in the background and a light smack that had her giggling. He rolled his eyes.
“Oooh we? Sounds kinda serious,” she hummed, giving him an invitation to volunteer more information.
“No comment.”
He heard a male’s voice in the background again. Obviously Luke. It was too distorted to understand, but he was certain it was annoying.
“Hmm,” she purred, sounding like she was following up with a small sip, “Maybe I should pump Y/N for the details.”
She wasn’t joking. She was almost as relentless and nosy as you were to get the facts.
You could definitely hold your own, but he just didn’t need the headache.
He paid for the donuts with a light laugh. “We just got started, I wouldn’t call the reverend.”
“No, but it’s kinda a huge scoop. Maybe I should make this the next cover story,” she taunted saucily, making him laugh a little louder.
“Hilarious. You know, jealousy’s not a good look on you, Lo’,” he sassed back, checking the time. She snickered on the other end.
“Not jealous, just surprised. Y/N’s a pretty hard sell. How’d you land her?”
He left and casually held the door for an elderly couple, eyes on your building two stoplights down. “Just. Lucky, I guess.”
Lois hummed in agreement. “You do have a flair for luck that I’ll never understand.”
He laughed, dipping his head modestly and picking out a table to sit at in the outdoor dining area. You probably weren’t awake just yet, as evident by your phone going straight to voicemail, so he decided to give it 30 minutes or so. “I guess it’s a matter of perception.”
He paused. It was a whisper. Your fevered gasps that pierced his ears through all the clamoring of the waking city. It was a cry for him. Falling from your lips. It switched something on in him.
“Mmh…yes. Please…I deserve it,” you groaned through needy gasps. What the fuck were you doing to yourself that had you sounding like that?
A soft vibration accompanied you and his mind nearly shut off. You were thinking about him...while you were...Fuck.
“So anyway, see you in class?”
He blinked, his thoughts interrupted. Lois continued on the other end, completely oblivious to any of it. Something about Luke’s pictures or some shit. He didn’t really care. Which was truly a first. He took a small breath.
“Yeah. Sorry. Signal broke up,” he lied, trying to gather his thoughts, “Call you back.”
"Everything okay?" she asked, a little concerned at his detached tone.
He snapped out of it, eyes falling to the stoplight that changed to red.
He licked his dry lips. He did need to stop.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm just almost to her place."
"Ooooh, I see. Well don't let me hold you up."
He could've told her "It's not like that, I'm just bringing breakfast"
He could've worked it around to say "Nah, I like the company."
Anything that came out of his lips next would've been another step closer to stealing her away from her mediocre boyfriend
But instead
He exhaled a low, breathy laugh. "Thanks. Later."
He barely registered hanging up. You'd finished quickly, the soft puffs of your breath fading from his senses just as quickly as they came. That was a sucker punch to his health. He wondered if he could wager just a peek. Just one. Through a few thin walls.
He could just imagine you there, muscles still tense, gradually relaxing, honey-soaked thighs sliding down your sheets, your panties ruined--provided you were wearing any. He took a deep breath. Granted you were his girlfriend--fake or no--you were his friend first.
No peeking. Not yet anyway.
Your shower kicked on and he nearly audibly groaned. You were making it really hard to be a gentleman.
He let his morals slip a little as his view of your apartment faded to the interior, eyes curiously peering into your world. He'd never been up there before. Your decorations revealed a bit more to him than he knew. Your awards and achievements were framed above your work area. He’d recognized a good portion of them. From Fresh New Journalist, to Journalist of the year—two years in a row, around which were framed pictures of you with all the members of your team at some point or another.
It made him smile a bit when he saw that you actually saved the picture of the you and him after losing the office paintball game, both of you splattered with yellow. Something you sarcastically quipped complimented his eyes. His chest pounded when he thought about how cute you were, dusting paint out of his hair, standing on your tiptoes. Jokingly reminding him that it was his fault your position was given away because he was so damn tall. It made him laugh. You always made him laugh.
Had it always been you?
No, he’d known Lois far longer, and was in love all the way. But somewhere along the line, you’d sneaked in and hit him with your jokes, your wit, your smile… Dammit Y/N.
Almost as if summoned, you emerged from your bathroom, wrapped in a towel and his eyes darkened a bit, sliding along your curves in the terrycloth.
He could feel his face heating up a bit; this was wrong. He knew that. But he was too curious to stop now. A bead of water caught his attention--a stray drop from your soaked curls that framed your pretty face as you rifled through your drawer. it ran down your chest in a jagged pattern before disappearing into the darkness of your cleavage.
This was so wrong.
You looked so content. So...satisfied. He felt his body tense when you loosened your towel, ready to drop it for the cute floral lingerie you'd pulled out. He swallowed heavily, his eyes dropping just as the towel fell from your chest.
He couldn't. You weren't his. Not yet anyway
Call him a bit of a sentimental sap, but he didn't wanna spoil the surprise.
He ran a hand over his face, glancing at his phone, trying to figure out how to proceed.
So eventually
There he was
Like a soothsaying sex goblin, he was standing in front of your building with donuts
You suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over you
Like if "I LOOK A MESS" was a feeling
Which. As far as you knew, it was, but you'd never say something so cliche aloud.
Besides, as far as effortlessly sexy went that morning, you were ahead of the game
Also you were too lazy to change. Clark was unexpectedly intruding into your space. He was just gonna have to deal
If you were petty, you'd admit that it was a great excuse to show him the ass he was missing out on bc the lounge shorts clinging to you right then were practically screaming "Lemme sit on that face for an hour or two"
But you weren't petty
"Oh wow, is this what they call a full service boyfriend?" you joked with a grateful hum, your interest fully directed at the donuts he'd brought.
Unfortunately, you missed the absolute shameless way homeboy took in your scent
Like he was smelling his favorite pastry
He couldn't understand it
He didn't wanna try
All he knew was that a new fixation was forming and unlike Lois, you were already half his
The sweet smell of something cinnamon-y wafted from you. Body wash or lotion or something. His eyes followed you as you strolled into your kitchen, and set the box down. Your hair was still a little damp, pulled back into a curly bun. Cute.
“Something like that. I thought I’d drive you to class to make up for last night."
“Oh yeah,” you remembered with a laugh, “Drunk texts? What were you up to last night?”
“It was a hell of a night, believe me,” he said, making his way to your sofa, seeming to want to leave it at that. As badly as you wanted to pry, you let it go.
“Well anyway, we don’t have class today.”
“Oh. Well what do you wanna do today?”
You gave him a strange look. “What? Offering to hang out with your fake girlfriend for the day? What happened to Take No Prisoners I’ll Take Your Girl Clark Kent?”
“He’s off for the day,” he said, rolling his eyes. He did that a lot with you. You laughed, successfully working his nerves.
“Damn. I was hoping to ask him for some pointers,” you said, sarcastically snapping your fingers. He eyed you as you moved past to clean your mess.
Damn you hit different in pajama shorts.
Focus, Clark. His eyes flickered to the television. Rather to the assorted bouquet on your television stand. It was rather extravagant, the stems and petals covering the edge of the screen obnoxiously. A gold card was in a black holder sticking out from it and he was curious about the sender.
“Pointers about?”
“I have an interview/dinner date with with Bruce Tall-Dark-and-Broody Wayne tonight and truth be known, my man’s kinda hot.”
If you only knew how broody he was, he thought to himself, feeling a familiar bit of nagging jealousy tugging at him. “He send the bouquet?”
“Yeah. Aren’t they gorgeous? Somehow he found out my favorite flowers. The man’s mafia, I’m certain of it,” you joked, completely missing the pointed stare he was giving your flowers.
What do you know? Suddenly got an opening in my schedule
How about dinner, 8:00 at La Mercerie?
It paid to have X-ray vision.
In this case, though, it left a bad taste in his mouth. You were going out on a date with Bruce Wayne. What the shit?
“What's the story?” he asked patiently, his eyes plastered on the tv now, not registering a single bit of what was showing onscreen.
“The 30th annual Wayne Concert Commemoration? It’s one of the other stories that I got bumped to cover since you scooped me on the whole Nightwing thing, remember?” you said, feigning a bitter tone that made him smile again.
“All that salt’s gonna raise your blood pressure.”
You looked pleasantly surprised at the clap back, whirling to face him with your hand—and a soapy spatula—on your hips. So fuckin cute. “Okay. Farmboy’s got jokes. I gotchu next time, though. This story’s gonna be great.”
“I dunno. A concert story doesn’t sound too exciting,” he continued, a small smirk twitching at his lips. In truth, his emotions were swirling. If he didn’t joke, he might’ve actually have tried to convince you not to go.
“I’ll think of something. So watch your ass Kent.”
"I will," he resigned with a small smirk.
He’d much rather watch yours, to be honest, admiring the light way it jiggled when you shifted your weight to your other leg, your focus back on the dishes.
Fuckin focus, Clark.
Bruce Wayne was dangerous. In more ways than one. The Dark Knight persona was, of course, but somehow Bruce himself was even more dangerous. Bruce Wayne was a handsome billionaire. A playboy. Plus, for all the good he’d done, he was still a marked man with a hell of a lot of enemies. Enemies that would hurt you to get to him. Even if you were just a fling.
Which you weren’t gonna be. Were you? One of his knuckles popped. How long had his fists been clenched? His mouth went a bit dry again.
“Do you have something to drink?” he asked suddenly and you looked at him blankly. What were you thinking about? He’d obviously snapped you out of some deep thought. You always had that look when someone interrupted your train of thought at work. You were also usually kind of grouchy when that happened, but you just gave him a lopsided smile. Which somehow made it worse. Your good mood was beginning to bug him.
“Oh! Yeah! Sorry. Help yourself,” you said, nodding to the fridge. He tentatively did as he was told, spotting some sodas in the door and deciding to grab one. He needed a drink. Ideally one with a sting stronger than a Dr. pepper, but he’d just have to take the L. It wasn’t like he could get drunk anyway.
“I was just thinking,” you said, drying your hands on your towel.
Oh fuckin finally
He needed wanted to know what was swimming through that devious mind of yours
“We can go wander around the park a bit if you want. It’s right next to the shopping center, so I can pick up a cute outfit while I’m there. You know, multitask.”
“Works for me,” he said, pretending the soda is what gave him such a stale tone.
“Sweet, lemme go get dressed,” you said with a pleasant smile. He couldn’t lie, the sudden image of you slipping out of those clothes did flash across his mind multiple times that morning, and he wanted nothing more than to tell you to forget Wayne and stay in all night with your boyfriend.
Which he wasn’t
Not for real
But he was most certainly on your mind
He knew that much
It wasn't Bruce's name coming from your mouth
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ramp-it-up · 2 years ago
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Do it!
| Rivals to Lovers with Clark Kent |
Summary: Just mindless jabbering about mild “Enemies to Lovers” with Clark Kent for @ramp-it-up . It’s not a story, per se, but this one’s for you, homie. Merry New Year lol
Warnings: Ramblings, opinions, jokes, attempts at humor, morally gray Clark, smut, NSFW eventually (not this part tho) so per usual, minors DNI, typos probably, poor writing (but if you don’t like it, don’t read it)
Pairings: Clark Kent x BlackAFABReader
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You’ve been at the Daily Planet a little bit longer than Clark, so you knew the ropes before Golden Boy graced you all with his presence
You were a bad bitch, able to cover some of the toughest exclusives. From Bruce Wayne to Static Shock himself
But he started scooping you left and right and it was tap-dancing on your last nerve. But you respected how he was able to somehow get the story
You secretly thought he had to be Superman
Bc frfr the man was swole
“Scooped again,” you huffed quietly, packing your bag for the day, eyes flickering to the team congratulating Clark Probably-Superman-Because-What-Reporter-Has-A-Body-Like-That-Kent. You spotted him approaching from the corner of your eye and looked up with an enthusiastic smile.
“Well well. Congrats again, Clark.”
His dashing smirk grew a bit and he dipped his head with a laugh. “Thanks. You almost sounded like you meant it this time. The smile? Nice touch.”
“It was, wasn’t it?” you sassily agreed, a little proud of your own performance and he laughed. You looked out at the office. “Well anyway. Your adoring public awaits.”
“C’mon, YN, we’re going out to celebrate. Have a drink on me.”
He was always really sweet. That was one of the things that kinda bothered you. He was perfect. Funny, gorgeous, smart and a hell of a journalist. You couldn’t even have a serious rivalry with him because he was just genuinely a nice dude.
It was a rivalry you both enjoyed, because you could sass each other on a professional level and still have lunch and debate topics civilly (most of the time) with a mutual respect
Loathe as you were to admit it, you had a lot in common
“Can’t. I have things to do.”
“I promise not to brag much,” he joked, his arms folding expectantly. You rolled your eyes and mimicked his pose, shifting the weight in your hips.
“Clark, as much as I’d love to pour-have a drink on you, I actually have a life outside of The Daily Planet Crew-Heeeey, Luke!”
Clark’s eyes followed yours to the man perched in the doorway. You lit up so much at seeing him, Clark looked back at you with a judgy smirk but you ignored him.
“Hey, you need a ride to class?” Luke asked, looking between you and Clark, who perked up.
“Yeah, no, we do a cooking class together. International Cuisines over on West and Central. You should check it out,” Luke explained and Clark looked moderately impressed.
“Oh! I didn’t know you two were. Are you datin-“
“Oh, um,” you started.
“No, no, no,” he gargled out at the same time and Clark looked between you slowly.
“I mean, it is a couple’s only class, but, like, between us, we kinda fudged the details a little bit when we signed up,” you admitted, your embarrassment growing. It was enough that your secret alone time with the hot photographer was being revealed to Mr. Perfect, but to hear Luke so vehemently refute the implication that you were his girlfriend. In front of him. Of all people. It was too much. You swallowed your feelings and kept it together. “Anyway, yeah, I’ll ride over with you.”
With that Luke continued down the hall to the darkroom. You exhaled and and pulled your bag onto your shoulder.
“Not a word.”
“I didn’t say anything,” Clark smirked, rolling his lips, to keep from laughing at the juicy interaction he just witnessed. He watched you lock up an leave, that annoying shit-eating smirk on his ridiculously handsome face ever present. You knew he was judging you. Like Damn woman, I knew you were thirsty, but this is next level.
Not like he had room to judge. Lois Lane could wear his balls as a necklace and he’d thank her for her time and energy. You had to respect the hustle, however, because he was just as shameless as you were to get next to his boo. You weren’t mad at that. The struggle was real. Today, however, was a major blow to your pride and progress and honestly you didn’t even know why you even bothered getting into the car, let alone slog through another class next to a man who clearly didn’t see you as anything but a fwb. The benefit being that you were a woman he could finesse a cooking class with.
You were way too fine to be used like that
You knew that
But in a way you were using him to be in the class too. It had limited seats and if word got out that you two weren’t a couple, you’d be put out for sure, so, annoyed and lukewarm (I said what I said) as you were on him now, you were trapped in this one-sided arrangement for now
But damn. Pretending was hard. When that man smiled at you over a perfectly cooked plate of crullers that you both worked hard to make…Hoooo. You were goo. It was pitiful. You hated it, but there you were. Laughing at his corny ass jokes. Joking back. Completely ignoring how he threw your potential relationship under the bus earlier that day. The laughter died down and eventually it was just you two in the car. Him driving you home.
“Hey, you remember when Clark thought we were dating?” you asked, hoping to work around to a genuine conversation about the two of you.
“Woah right? That was close. I mean, not that you aren’t attractive. You’re gorgeous, of course.”
“Of course,” you smirked saucily, chest fluttering at the blatant compliment he was giving. But the other half of you was waiting for the other shoe to drop.
There it was.
He hesitated, as if trying to find the words. He hazarded a glance your way. “Between us, Lois and I have been dating for a little bit.”
You then throat chopped him, causing him to swerve sharply, sending the car into a spin-out off the nearest bridge, thus killing you both and sparing you the humiliating dread of realizing you wasted your time simping over some dude that Lois Fuckin Lane had already secured between her legs ages ago
Just kidding. That didn’t happen, but you were damn sure thinking about it right then
You were truly at a loss. You were a top flight journalist, you should’ve picked up on it. Something. Anything. Sure, they hung out a bit between meetings, but you all did. Then again, they did spend more than a little time at each other’s desks, smiling and talking. Grabbing lunch or coffee for each other. But you thought it was business. You and Clark did that for each other all the time. Maybe you just ignored the signs.
“Oh. Shit. That’s-That’s great! Is it getting serious?” you asked, kicking yourself for the filler question. He took a deep breath.
“I think so. I mean, it’s going pretty well. I wish I knew what was going on in her mind.”
“Well I’m not gonna spy for you, if that’s what you’re working around to,” you joked hollowly, the sinking pain in your chest making you feel sick and stupid. He laughed and you forced yourself to as well.
“Man, that’s cold,” he chortled and it gave you a petty bit of satisfaction.
“That’s life.*”
“That’s what people say,” he joked back, quoting the song. Though while he was riding high in April, it was you that was shot down in May. You were relieved when you saw home, nearly opening the door while the car was still in motion. You couldn’t wait to get inside and have a nice hot bath and a stiff drink.
Usually that was you time to unwind and read in the warm candlelight, or even touch yourself, if you felt so inclined to do so, but tonight, you weren’t feeling anything. Much less yourself.
You couldn’t help but think about how Clark was coping with all this. Provided he even knew. You could see him, the absolute Labrador of a man, reduced to nothing me than a kicked puppy at the news of his beloved Lois dating anybody that wasn’t him
Part of you was hoping he was Superman, so he could freak out and smack the shit out of Luke for doing this to you. Well. The petty part of you was kinda hoping
It wasn’t anybody’s fault, you knew that, but you just wanted to feel less like a fool and more like the confident woman you woke up as that morning
The next time you saw Clark, you debated not telling him anything, but you weren’t willing to let anybody go out the way you did. So eventually, over coffee, you broke it to him casually
“I know.”
“S’cuse me?”
“That they’re dating? I already know that,” he said, adding more coffee to his mug to make it less sweet. He was either taking this remarkably well, or he was playing it off like he was. Which would add amazing acting to his already impressive list of things he could do well.
“Then why are you still fawning all over Lois like it’s Single’s Weekend?”
He laughed with a shrug. “They’re dating, not married. She could change her mind.”
Part of you felt a small spark jolt through you. You always imagined Clark the traditional type. But there he was literally—openly—declaring war on your crush. Threatening to steal his bae.
“Oh. Okay. My bad.”
Part of you was cheering for him to.
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