#classics heritage posts
classicsheritageposts · 4 months
⚔️ centurion-tertia Follow
Feminas incutiens pro fornicatione non decorus est
Incutiens Alexandrum Magnum pro fornicatione absolute decorus est
ratio Tumblris
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🌬️ ineptus Follow
infidelis erat. ad suum uxorem.
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🏺 vis-sensus Follow
iste homo quoque mortuus per multos centum annos fuerat hic est ridiculissimus nuntius qui unquam in vitam meam videbatur me
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🌌 divinadorothea Follow
rei carissimae de isto nuntio:
sententia milia hominum alexandrum magnum scortum appellant
scortum quem antiquorum regum appellans
sententia homines Alexandrum Magnum INCUTIUNT quod Pessimi Scorti est ille INCUTITUR quod salsissimum scortillum est, APERTANS CRURA EA AD OMNES IN AULA
hoc fortasse incepit propterea quod homines improbationem pro infidelitate Alexandri Magni ad suum uxorem expresserunt - quod OP "incutiens pro fornicatione" et "Est-ne foedus ille infidelus erat" res idem cogitat
Alexander Magnus mortuus fuerat per CCX
CCX salsi, salsi annos
modus hoc ostenditur in tali CONVINCO SJW modi quando loquuntur de rege quo moechato est et MORTUUS FUERAT PER CCX ANNOS
verum quod locutiones "Incutiens pro fornicatione" que "Alexander Magnus" in idem sententia usi sunt
id est iam appellite id quod plerusque "incutiens pro fornicatione" cogitant ad Alexandrum Magnum.
Tunica eius nimis constricta, toga eius brevissimus, tu-ne VIDISTI quam saepe os pingit??? audivi iste Hephaestionem apud stabula fellavit ET in culo paedicabatur a Ptolemaei
vix cogito qui Alexander Magnus est
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dies originis: prid. non. feb CXIII (BCE)
Felicem diem mortis Alexandri, Tumblri! MMCCCXLVII salti, salti anni.
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scalepsychosis · 2 years
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Now that the hunger games movies are on Netflix can we bring this back
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tf2heritageposts · 2 months
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linguistwho · 1 month
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Phonetic Gallifreyan Weekend - Sentence 85:
"You cannot kill me in a way that matters" - personsonable
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edennill · 5 months
If Silm characters had Tumblr blogs (Years of the Trees):
url: flowers-glade
pfp: probably a cat picture
blog title: have a voice and won't hesitate to use it
bio: 240s * mixed heritage (all three<3) * disrespect any and I am not liable for the consequences * anti-fëanorian * involved in politics to a reasonable extent
blog is a mix of aesthetic/poetry/literary analysis, strongly-voiced political views (no, she's not 'reasonably' involved), and personal posts that sound a lot like bragging tbh
url: 12russandol
pfp: a picrew
blog title: Even scholars have their doubts, even painters have their missteps
bio: eldest brother of seven • yes, my father's Fëanor • probably won't reply to any asks about family matters • busy existing
posts like once a month on a very varied array of subjects. always polite
url: you-are-the-blood-in-my-veins
pfp: something with a dark background
blog title: I just f**ing hate this world
bio: You're not going to like me, but maybe you'll stay to watch the trainwreck
very emo about it, song lyrics and edits, cultivates a deliberately edgy persona (is not really like this irl). steers clear of politics
url: manifestations-sevenfold-daffodil (bastardisation of some hyper-complex philosophical term + something random added on for good measure; if you ask him about the meaning he won't shut up)
pfp: cartoonish snake on a green background with yellow flowers (suspicious similarity to the arafinwean badge)
blog title: Edginess kills
bio: We could also just get on well with eachother :)
posts once a few days, reblogs anything that catches his eye. has contributed to various heritage posts though he isn't tumblr famous, has the epitome of a tumblr sense of humour. rarely makes original posts that aren't about complex philosophical questions.
Bonus - Fëanor:
has no consistent url because he gets banned every two months and has to make a new blog. is a troll. gets into a vicious fight with galadriel every week, neither knowing it's the other. very occasionally posts something more wholesome about his family or craft, but it's rare in comparison.
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3liza · 8 months
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batri-jopa · 2 months
Tumblr is different
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What's the opposite of walking on the stable ground?
"Hey, babe / Take a walk on the wild side"
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ddddspup · 5 months
princessmeg999 has been terminated off youtube which means the full video that this clip is from is now lost to time. i must preserve this flynn rider x hans x jack frost crack shipping clip to preserve their legacy. please if anyone is out there that has the whole video i beg you we need to preserve this history
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kiragecko · 2 years
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Stop says the red light, go says the green
Wait says the yellow light, twinkling in between. 
I had so much fun translating the Tiger Poem that I’m back for more!
This time, I’ve coloured the glyphs to make them easier to separate into words. Teal is for verbs, as well as green if there are 2 verbs in a row. Red is for nouns, with red/brown specifically for names. Yellow is for adjectives, pale blue for prepositions. The center diagrams show the order to read the characters.
Here’s the Demon Light Poem in Classical Maya:
(First line: Glyphs (ALL CAPS are word signs, lowercase is syllabic signs)
Second line: Transliteration (how it’s pronounced)
Third line: Exact Meaning
4th line: Translation)
13-HIX 17-SUTZ’
uxlajuun hix huklajuun suutz’
13-ocelot (14th day sign) 17-bat (4th month)
[On] 13 Hix, 17 Sutz’ (Oct. 18, 2012)
 ‘u-tz’i-ba AJ-ba-la²-ka-bo-si
‘u-tz’ihb-a-Ø Aj-Balalakaboos
they-write-transitivizer-this honorific-Balalaikaboss
They wrote this, Sir Balalaikaboss:
k’u-xa-jo-me-ta che-he CHAK-K’IN-ni
k’ux-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø chak-k’in
stop-intransitivizer-must-you say-they red-sun
“You shall stop,” says [the] red light
[bi]BIX-xo-me-ta che-‘e ya-YAX-K’IN-ni
bix-oom-eet che’-Ø yax-k’in
leave-must-you say-they green-sun
“You shall go,” says [the] green light
hi-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e K’AN-na-K’IN-ni
hil-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø k’an-k’in
“Rest-intransitivizer-must-you” say-they yellow-sun
“You shall rest,” says [the] yellow light
‘U-‘EK’-k’e-le ‘U-TAN-na
‘u-‘ek’-al ‘u-tahn
they-star-like they-between
star-like, between
ya-la-jo-me-ta che-‘e WAY-ya-si-K’IN-ni
ya[h]l-aj-oom-eet che’-Ø way-is-k’in
throw.down-passive-you say-they familiar/spirit-unpossessed-light/sun
“You shall be thrown down,” says [the] spirit light
tu-ta-TAJ-ja-la ‘u-‘UT
with.his-torch-like face/eye
with it’s torch-like eye
‘U-TZ’AK-ka-we-ta ‘a-xo-ko-la-ka K’UH-so-lo-no-‘AJAW-wa
‘u-tz’ak-aw-eet ‘a-xok-lak K’uh-Solon-Ajaw
he-count/add.up-s-you your-accounting-plate Holy-Sauron-Lord
Holy Lord Sauron determines your accounting plate
yi-‘IL-we-ta ‘a-ma-la-‘OL-la
y-il-iw-eet ‘a-mal-ohl
he-see-s-you  your-within-heart
[and] he sees within your heart
‘u-wo-jo-le IX ki-la-ke-ko
‘U-wojol Ix Kilakeko
they-glyph/character Lady-Kiragecko
The glyphs [of] Lady Kiragecko
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Hello! I wanted to share an old video I found that I think is kinda interesting cuz it shows EW self inserts, self ships, some old fanart and possibly tordmatt? from the classic era when the fandom was a lot smaller. I do have another video i wanted to share but its gotta come with its own set of videos cuz i love em. https://youtu.be/fCanZF6OMTk?si=hbv4_1e-hSd9Be47
Congrats to this being the first MP4 in the archive! If you have more I would love to include it.
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classicsheritageposts · 4 months
🐴 quercus-blogus
studere ad universitatem Graecam volo
non ruber sed οἶνοψ scribam et utar pedes graecos. videam Achilleis in theatro Dionysi dum potans poculum kykeonis cum me ἑταίροι. ego piscem cum caseos quotidie habebo quod quinque drachmae aequabit. symposiis conviviis omnis noctes adsim. ego sum quoque verisimilior plebebus, philosophis, Plutarchoque Imperatori convenire.
esse graecus cupio :(
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dies originis: V Id. Ap. CXIII (CE)
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atlaheritageposts · 6 months
I don't know your stance on new posts (vs classics) but check this out https://www.tumblr.com/kyoshi-lesbians/743355353184550912/the-blind-bandit-the-bullpen
The post that inspired this blog and started it all was a 'new' one, so I'd say the odds are in your favor :)
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tf2heritageposts · 8 days
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here's my old girl sally :D take care of yourself! i hope you feel better soon
what a cute doggy! and we’ll be okay, don’t worry
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All the Reddit refuges on this website will never understand the war of the sex doll Vine. There were posts after posts explaining each side and then posts debunking those posts. Tumblr’s division discussing whether the “Is this allowed?? Wtf.” vine was a woman and her sex doll or not. The divide we experienced on this platform puts American politics to shame. There were huge reblog threads discussing this alleged sex doll where people tried analyzing the video frame by frame. People were trying to find other posts with the girl and doll from her irl socials. There were people digging through the girl’s old yearbook to try and find a potential ex-boyfriend. There were alleged “ex-friends” coming forward with “evidence” that it claimed it was a human. There were people doing deep dives of sex doll websites trying to find the exact model. All this, and we never even got a definitive answer. It was a lawless time. There will truly never be anything like it.
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jojo-heritage-posts · 2 years
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Vento Aureo Episode 21: The Mystery of King Crimson
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tattoed-and-toothless · 11 months
Happy 28th Birthday Leon!
aka Grumpy German Appreciation Post™️
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