#class certification
serialgirlposter · 1 year
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Some of the testament outfit suggestions! (Some higher quality then others)
(You can still suggest stuff by putting it in the tags or messaging me!)
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Online traffic school courses California traffic ticket dismissal DMV approved traffic school Traffic violation points removal Speeding ticket resolution course Defensive driving education Court accepted certificates Lower insurance rates Convenient online classes Traffic ticket school FAQs California drivers
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trafficticket247 · 3 months
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autumnmobile12 · 6 months
My Hero Academia: CPR + BLS
You know, Pro-Hero is probably one of those professions where it's mandatory to know CPR and Basic Life Support. Because after the villain's been taken out or all the people have been evacuated from a disaster zone, the Pros and their sidekicks are definitely the first responders until the paramedics arrive on scene.
And the idea that Aizawa, Endeavor, Mirko, Best Jeanist, Hawks, Ryukyu, everyone has to re-certify every two years is really, really hilarious to me. It's just so absurdly mundane.
If your job doesn't require CPR certification, let me break this down for you: You sit for two hours give or take, watch a video that's you've probably seen before, maybe take a brief test, and demonstrate that you can in fact perform CPR on a mannequin as well show you can use an AED kit and maybe demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver, and then you wait for an email that has your certification cards. It's tedious and the information doesn't change very much, but it is essential to review, so you suck it up and you be as diligent as you can because there could absolutely come a day where you will be in an emergency situation and need to use these skills. Nonetheless, you really just want to get on with the written and practical tests and get out of there.
That said...Hawks is definitely an annoying prick who keeps asking questions just to purposefully draw out the session.
Kaminari would probably bring snacks, suddenly start choking, and become the unwitting live demonstration.
Iida studied beforehand, took notes throughout, and then got way too into the practical exam. (Because you are often acting out a simulation to prove you are adhering to proper safety measures.)
Mineta...can he even...?
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quaranmine · 22 days
I did a CPR certification class yesterday at work (my first ever) and my conclusion is that if someone drops dead in front of me, they're probably gonna stay dead because I am so. bad. at it. I'm just not strong enough lol. I have real trouble delivering the compressions at a consistent high quality and going deep enough. Good news is that if this ever does happen to me, they're already dead, so there's not much WORSE I could do for the situation.
Anyway the more insulting part of this is that I literally bruised my hand doing it, so I was going at it hard enough to hurt myself but not hard enough to actually save a person LMAO
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seasonallydefective · 10 months
Something I cannot recommend enough: picking up a random skill/knowledge just because
Learn to use chopsticks.
Get your weird retro friend to teach you to drive stick.
Take a class in crystallography.
Download Duolingo just to learn Klingon.
Figure out how to contact juggle with fruit.
Maybe it comes in useful. Maybe it’s a fun party trick. Maybe it keeps the depression at bay just a little longer because it’s something to do.
Get out there and go learn something!
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strawberrykaon · 3 months
Mortarion as a Moth
What types of moths I think Mortarion would be. Mostly vibes. Mostly an excuse for me to talk about moths. Not in any particular order. Plenty of cute looking moths.
Some of these moths weren't 100% my idea so I linked back to the person I got the idea from. I tried to keep to credible sources, but some of these I struggled to find info on, so I linked what I could find.
Spanish Moon Moth
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Suggestive by @wolf-tail
Scientific Name is Graëllsia isabellae. This one was difficult to find any information about that didn't come from wiki or a blog post. But this species of moth is nocturnal and is considered a protected species. (Mort would look really good in green and the wings are really pretty!) (Image) (source) (info) (video)
(note: the blog I got the photo down is currently down. I kept it on just in case it went back up.)
Death Head Hawk Moth
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One of the first moths I thought of and @wolf-tail
One of my favorite and people often raise them as pets as well. Capable of creating a squeaking noise and some of it's favorite food include potatoes as caterpillars. (I will die by Mortarion loves root veg.) Adults will often invade beehives for honey. (Also the skull on the thorax is just the death guard legion symbol.) (photo) (source) (video)
Rosy Maple Moth
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Suggested by @madmwyrd
While as caterpillars they mostly live and feed on maple trees. Adults don't feed. ( I don't think Mortarion has eaten really in the past 10,000 years so it fits.) Also one of those moths that looks like its ramming its head down when at rest. (100% Morty mood.) (source) (video)
Iotaphora admirabilis
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(I was looking for moths with a subtle blue cause of his model.) This moth is located Eurasia, mostly in China. You can mostly find this moth in mountain ranges in the mid altitude. (Where our pale king grew up.) The young prefer to eat the leaves of walnut trees as caterpillars. (image) (source)
Joker Moth
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Just. Look. At. Him. (The green matches our grumpy demon prince.) Found in North America, these moths prefer trees as caterpillars. They also look so tiny and cute. (source)
Southern Old Lady Moth
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This lovely moth is from Australia. A few websites mentioned it got its name from its wings reminding people of a shawl. (Mortarion would 100% wear an old lady shawl, fight me on this.) (Photo) (blog) (info)
Black Witch Moth
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Here's another personal favorite of mine for our reaper. This moth pictured is the female variety. Males lack the iridescent markings, looking mostly brown. (I personally believe he should have the purple markings.) Folklore in Mexico states that if this moth enters the home of someone who is sick; they won't live much longer. (Thematic for the primarch.) Though in other parts in the world, getting a visit from this moth can mean money. Plus these suckers get to be quite large, often confused for bats on first look. (Morty was always one of the taller primarchs. Plus having witch in it's name would be a constant reminder that he's a psyker.) (image) (source) (video)
Ghostly Silk Moth
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Despite being a semi-popular silk moth, it was so difficult to find any credible sources for. But I love the transparent wings with the more white under wings. (I've seen fanart of Mort with transparent wings and loved the idea since.) This moth is only found in Madagascar. Being a silk moth, its fibers are used for textiles; no harm is brought to the moths. It's common name is pretty recent, named by a breeder. Though most likely locals have a name for it their language. Most likely see it under its scientific name, Ceranchia apollina. (image) (source1) (source2) (breeder's youtube)
Southern Flannel Moth
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One of the fluffiest moths out there. Even their eggs and caterpillar are fluffy. But don't let looks deceive you, as a caterpillar, they contain poisonous spines. (For our toxic primarch.) They are mostly found in the eastern half of the United States. Particularity in the southeast in places in Texas and Florida. (image) (source)
Dot-Lined Moth
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I love how this moth in some pictures when putting its head down looks like its wearing a hood. (This moth is mostly just a vibe one for Mort.) This moth is fairly common in North America, reaching far up as New York, and far south as Mexico (This as far as I can find, I'm not seeing a definite range.) Caterpillars have a ranged diet, including roses and oaks. (source1) (source2) (image) (video)
Puss Moth
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This moth is another moth that looks like its wearing a hood. (This may be a torpor behavior in moths, I think), found in the English Isles. (I think the colors would match well to Mortarion.) As a caterpillar, these moths are capable of squirting acid. (Astartes thing in general, but more toxins for the pale king.) (source) (video)
Hulodes caranea
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I found this moth through a video and actually submitted a request to Cambridge University to identify this moth. (I liked how the wings on the moth can look worn cloth for Mortarion.) According to Cambridge, this moth is an owlet and belongs to the super family Erebidae. Looking at photos for this moth, wing patterns can range from really simple to really complex. The moth can have a wide range throughout Asia. (image) (source) (video)
Showy Emerald Moth
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This moth comes from North America and even its caterpillar looks almost like a plant. Apparently two of the three of the plants the caterpillar feeds on can be toxic to humans. Poison ivy and staghorn sumac trees (the sap can be toxic to humans). (Listen Mortarion would be making a poison ivy salad and making a syrup out of that sap.) The other plant is winged sumac shrubs. (photo) (source) (tree source)
Pale Beauty Moth
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This moth is found through out North America. They have a wide range of host plants as a caterpillar. From pine trees and blueberries and more. Colorization can vary from a more white to a green color. (I mostly picked this moth for the name. Pale beauty pale king.) This moth as an adult also doesn't feed. (Image) (source) (video)
Luna Moth
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This moth is a type of silk moth. Its silk production isn't really being made into cloth like some wild silk production. (As far as I can tell.) Caterpillars are not poisonous but will instead spit up bad tasting fluid after clicking as a warning. In the pupa, when disturbed these moths will move creating a noise. They also wrap themselves in a cocoon of silk and a leaf. In fall these moths will fall with their leaf. Their coloring can actually change which time of the year they are caterpillars. If they have more than one brood per year. Deeper greens with red purple margins in the spring while the other brood is more yellow. Unfortunately, these guys can't eat as adults and die within a week after emerging. (I think of this moth as more if Mortarion ever joined Isha. Idk I always associated these guys with elves/aeldari in general.) (image) (source1) (source2) (source3) (silksource) (video)
Pale Tussock
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This moth is quite common throughout Europe and even into central Asia. The caterpillars eat a variety of plants. Including Hop leaves! (Mortarion loves his alcohol.) This isn't as common as it used to be due the use of pesticides. (Pretty Nurgle like to be a pest insect.) As adults they don't eat as well. The scientific name is Calliteara pudibunda, though it can also be found under other scientific names like Dasychira pudibunda. (I don't know why this is but wikipedia (which is questionable) lists the pale tussock under both names.) (image) (source1) (source2) (source3) (video)
I wanted to add more but this is already taking long time. I defiantly want to do this again but I might do the other other primarchs. (I already have ideas for pert, magnus, and the phoenix.)
Also can be talk about Mortarion only having one set of wings. Moths have two sets. Did they get torn off? Under his armor/cloak? Are underdeveloped due to poor nutrition? Is he a bathroom moth fly??? 😂 Maybe that's his true insect type. He's just a fly mimicking a moth. Games Workshop please give me answers.
Also video if you want to learn more about moths in general: (link)
(Also feel free to send me moth suggestions)
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fictionadventurer · 1 month
August: Day 19
Tried a mochi donut for the first time. It was okay.
Completed a CPR/first aid refresher course
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likethelastwoman · 7 months
see, the problem of being a non-native speaker is that, even if i know the language, i can't tell if something is wrong unless i really focus on catching my mistakes
for example, i had "writes IN ao3", instead of "writes ON ao3" on my blog for almost a YEAR, and i KNOW what the correct preposition is, it's just that it doesnt sound wrong to me unless i think about it
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sofiaruelle · 5 months
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Missed out on doing art studies last Sunday. So making up for it by making measurement diagrams for the class module. 😂
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ask-seb · 5 months
How would I go about learning about computer programming? Any advice for absolute beginners?
hm… well, i guess there's two primary ways you can start.
firstly, you could take a course. there are some online that are free to start with, like harvard's cs50, but i personally think the second option is a bit more fun and hands on.
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the second option is to take some time to look up coding basics and experiment a bit through a small personal project. you can learn about the basic structure of computer programs and how programming languages work by watching youtube videos, or browsing stack overflow... and from there you can start small by making little programs that can do simple things. after that, it'll be a good foundation into coding more complex things.
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good luck.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 4 months
Need to rant...
One of my profs had a freakout, and she took some things wrong (miscommunication). Now she's being such a pain... I might need to go to school early on a day when we're supposed to be online... 😫
I wanna die, because commuting isn't easy or simple or whatever. But I'm walking on eggshells when it comes to that prof, so I'm shutting up, while my anxiety spikes everytime she sends something.
Also, she expects us to bring stuff like RIGHT AWAY. She couldn't just inform ahead? 😫
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witt-witt-witt-witt · 2 months
Yknow Ik this may not be an original thought but I think Johnny has that butterfly tramp stamp
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