#clark kent loves cheese curds
emerdoodls · 11 months
If clark kent doesn't look and sound like he goes to culvers for fun i don't want it
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maebird-melody · 2 months
F and S for the fanfic writer ask game
The ask game! I love to share about my writing~
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Oh, this was a tough one. I had a few scenes that came to mind, most of them from Danny Phantom fics that I've written for events recently. This sort of made me realize that I tend to write more of the characters' internal thoughts than characters interacting, haha. I had a dialogue scene I really loved from my Sympathy for the Dwarf Planet fic, but it was entirely between OCs, which feels like it defeats the purpose of a fanfic ask game. A lot of other dialogue scenes required too much surrounding context. So, I pulled the following snippet from Star vs. The Forces of Evil Ghosthunters, where Star Thunder breaks into the GIW facility.
“What are you doing here?!” Star exclaimed. She pulled out the standard-issue ghost weapon she’d kept hidden in her backpack, charging a small pellet of energy at the end of the Fenton slingshot. It buzzed in her hand. “If you must know, I am here to rescue Danny Phantom.” Star lowered the electrified slingshot, letting the ball of ectoplasm dissipate. She stared, nonplussed, at her fellow intruder. “You. A ghost. Are here to rescue Danny Phantom? Don’t you guys, like, fight all the time?” “Our relationship is much more complicated than you could possibly imagine,” Plasmius pontificated. “Now, if you will excuse me, girl, I have a rescue operation to resume.” Plasmius vanished. A moment later, there was a shout of pain and he reappeared. “Oh, cheese curds! The floor is shielded!” Star placed a hand on one hip and smirked. “How’s that rescue operation going?” “Oh don’t start with me,” Plasmius grumbled.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
I must admit, I am not super familiar with fandom trope names, even after all these years of reading fanfic. But! I am a sucker for identity reveals -- the sweet angst of holding a secret so close for so long that you don't know if those closest to you will ever accept the part that you've kept hidden, the choking fear that if they find out their lives will be in danger, the anxiety that that kind of vulnerability entails. Lots of possibilities. Though, ironically, I'm actually not a big fan of characters reacting in anger when the reveal happens. Maybe it's the queer allegory that gets me on that front.
Sort of related, not sure if it's really a trope, but I love masked characters. The kinds of masks that actually cover the full face and leave you to interpret emotion from body language alone. Robots are also great for this (see: recent obsession with murderbot diaries).
Also the crouching moron, hidden badass trope and similar (your Luffy, your Clark Kent/Superman, your Sun Wu Kong)--when the seemingly simple-minded, bumbling, happy-go-lucky, quiet, bookish, or shy character turns out to have a very serious and capable side. Bonus points if the character doesn't realize their own strength, or else deliberately obfuscates it to fly under the radar. There is a reason that the superhero genre is like catnip to me.
Fics that let overburdened characters get a much-needed rest ("please just let X rest!" tag), either because the universe has decided to let them breathe or their companions force them into it, are also some of my faves. On the flip side, love a fic that abjectly refuses to give a character much-needed rest until the absolute end.
I tend to avoid heavily romance-focused tropes (just not my bag), I'm a gen fic kinda girlie.
I probably over-answered that question, haha, and more around what I like to read than what I like to write (there is some overlap, but there are definitely some things I read that I don't really write and vice versa).
Thanks for the ask! This was fun.
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