#clara holgan
frednikitareunion · 13 years
To Clara.
Fred: Clara, you need to owl me back. People are saying shit and no, I don't believe them. I can't believe them. You're there, right? I'm sending this with one of the schools barn owls instead of Buttface; he came back empty clawed and I'm pretty sure his old face got lost. So please owl me back, Clara. I'm going to stay awake until you owl me back.
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advice for Clara?
Already given?
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
( ☎ ) Clara Holgan
Hey girl, I can see your body moving And it's driving me crazy And I didn't have the slightest idea Until I saw you dancing
Hips Don't Lie by Shakira
They’ve been at this for hours and he’s covered in a layer of sweat, but she’s so hot; the way she moves against him makes him slightly dazed and the pills that they’ve taken have definitely intensified this effect.
The club is deafening and all he can hear is her breathing and the bass throbbing at his chest; all he sees is the lights, shining off her exposed skin and making her glisten; even more an object of his lust.
He runs his lips up her neck. He can’t keep his eyes or hands off her. It’s driving him crazy.
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another-redhead-blog · 13 years
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Molly was listening to the rain pouring and sitting on the Astronomy tower. It was a quiet night, after all everyone was possibly sleeping and she was holding an unopened bottle of firewhiskey. On the count, Molly was thinking, and staring at the bottle, one, two, she was smiling now, and when the clock settled on 00:00, Molly opened the bottle and a loud pop! disappeared in the night.
Molly wasn’t the drinking type, not at all but she was just sick and tired. Sick and tired of people seeing her as just another Weasley girl, not funny enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough – she was sick and tired of feeling not enough all the time. “Fuck it.” She said, deciding to turn a new page and bit her lip, taking the bottle to her lips and taking a huge swig from it.
Her first thought was – holy fucking shit, this BURNS like fucking fire, she mentally screamed and looked at the bottle, checking if the date expired or something, but there was nothing wrong with the firewhiskey. She shrugged, and leaned in for another sip, then she heard steps – who the…
Clara Holgan. Fred’s on and off girlfriend, infamous Slytherin, people said “bitch, cocky, dark” but Molly learned not to judge people before meeting them so… “What are you doing here?” she asked, tightening the grip around the bottle and shooting her a curious glance. Not very welcoming hello but… who cares. It was maybe the new Molly speaking.
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Advice for Clara.
This time, I really hope you can get monogamy right.
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Fred scratched the back of his head, staring down at the contents his lap. It wasn't much, just a single rose and a necklace, a delicate gold necklace with a charm of a snitch he had asked Rox to help him choose/get for him, while he lay in his hospital wing bed. It had dawned on him that he really hadn't been much of a boyfriend in the past few weeks, even though 'technically' it wasn't really his fault he had gotten attacked by the hippogriff (he shook his head and grumbled under his breath). But still, Clara deserved more than he had given her. 
So that's what he wanted to hopefully make up for tonight, not that he really thought what he was going to do would do much. He looked at his wristwatch. 10 minutes. He turned and smiled weakly at James, who laughed. After getting some reassurance that his hair looked okay and his state of dress (a nice pair of slacks and a button down) was an acceptable attire for wishing his girlfriend happy birthday and make amends at the same time, he took a deep breath and headed out of the Gryffindor common room.
A few minutes later he was at the Charms corridor, where he knew she would be in one of the empty classrooms. With a final bite of his lip and fingers through his hair, he knocked on the door and opened it, a nervous smile apparent on his face. "Hey..."
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Nice orgasm face you got there.
Food can be pretty orgasmic. No?
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Heya Girlfriend! 'Sup girlie. Yo... adlkfaejognad.
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13: are we ready for commitment?
Haven't updated in a while, have I? Not to worry, sweetlings, I have returned to save you from misery, with the first post of September!
Starting off the so-called happiest event of this year - the marriage of Scorpius and Albus Malfoy-Potter! Honestly, who wasn't shocked at this? I mean really. And in all honesty, I disapprove of this marriage - my little Scorpeo heart! But still wishing you the best of luck - you'll need it if you want to last, because I doubt you will, really...
Then there's the newest It couple - finally, I'm-So-Prankster and Little Miss Screwup have gotten together, but to my discontent, they've made it official, so Little Miss Screwup can't go and fuck it all up again without a liar's pathetic excuse. Sadness!
In other news, the tree hugger seems to have found herself in a little love triangle between Lee Chilcott and Manslut Of The Year. This is what happens when you're patient - God praises you! But seriously know. I'm wondering who she'll pick... keep in mind that if you go with Mr. Manslut, your heart will get broken.
Then there's Longbottom Jr... he seems to have a knack at shaking things up. We hope to see more of him - loving his attitude! A change from all the cowards around here, don't you think? All of the girls do...
And last, but certainly not least, the sexy divinations professor who seems to be a secret gay is pining over his best friend, Arthur! Unf. Just don't keep this locked up for long, okay? I want some more hot gay sex!
Ta-ta for now! Send me stuff, won't you, dear?
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Dear Clara Holgan.
I really like you. You're like, beautiful.
And your eyes are like, fucking amazing.
Will you be my girlfriend?
[ ] yes
[ ] no
Check one and return.
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Then ask me.
Alright. Hold on a sec.
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
This is really going to crush my ego, cos I wouldn't like to propose to someone or ask someone to date me or anything, I'd feel really bloody stupid, I don't know why I'm actually telling you this, POINT IS, will you... be my boyfriend? Or... something.
It's going to crush your ego? I'm fucking being asked out by a girl!
Uh, but the point is, erm... yeah. I'd love to be your boyfriend.
...So, like, you're my girlfriend, yeah?
Fuck could we not tell James or Ted or anyone in my family this is how it happened... Cause I'll never get to live it down. I'm... really glad you asked me though. Honest.
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frednikitareunion · 13 years
Can I ask you a question?
Sure, and depending on what the question is, I'll decide whether I'll answer it or not.
Anyway, what's the question?
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Theo, Brooke, Clara, and Tabby - who's who in Mean Girls?
Don't get why they're remaking that muggle movie, but it seems good enough for new petnames.
Theo: "He may seem like your typical selfish, back-stabbing slut faced ho-bag, but in reality, he's so much more than that."
Brooke: "She is one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet."
Clara: "That's why her hair is so big, it's full of secrets."
Tabby: "Do we have a Tabitha Bletcher here?" "It's Tabby."
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Then a group of people you like.
I like the whole Scorpius/Theodore/Clara/Noelee group. It's quite sweet to see Slytherins bond like them.
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11: drink responsibly! ...not.
Teachers at parties? Especially this one, as wild as last night's! Honestly, if you weren't there... even the innocent slut dropped in for a hello! But that's not the point. Point is, last night's party was wild, with Britain's Next Top Voldy kissing Little Miss Screwup and I'm-So-Prankster at the same time - threesome anyone? And Scorpy was pissed as to Britain's Next Top Voldy snogging Flamboyant Mr. Gay and a bunch of other people! Little Miss Screwup, however, was so pissed she punched him!
Then there's the love bug biting people on their arses - care for a drink with the Veela wallflower, Evie? And maybe a shag later on, after he's done being stabbed by The Next Voldy? And then there's Raquel, the one who doesn't seem to believe in love... tsc, tsc, baby. I could change those ways. Or maybe that's Ms. Advice's job, eh?
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