#cladem nechre
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kittehburger · 2 months ago
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realllyy like her
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feengoid · 5 months ago
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artblohggg · 2 months ago
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sorry this isnt like technically homestuck- but i did make a jude harley post not even that long ago- SO UH. CROSSMOUND TIME!
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ruggishthug · 2 months ago
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take these lil crossmound arts i did, w8rmark is my twt acc
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gsfinenight · 1 month ago
artbloxk hit but i need to draw them
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dailycladem · 5 months ago
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chinchulinpirulin · 1 year ago
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saltysquiffer · 1 year ago
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panel redraws disguised as a meme
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joyousfart · 2 years ago
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xpiredcarapace · 1 year ago
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ro--lal · 9 months ago
can you do genderweird (simplified flag)/aromantic icons of cladem nechre from crossmound? :3 ty!!
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i didnt know that the genderweird flag looked like that irs so cutie ??
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dulcans-actual-wife · 1 year ago
(HUGE SPOILER WARNING as I reference practically everything in the comic at some point in the analyses. I check for updates every 2-3 days so you can assume an update here on the same day as the latest update. And that's on hyperfixations babeeyyyyy 🫠🩷
Please PLease PLEASE contribute your thoughts!! i'd love to hear what you think ^w^)
I will update it as I work on classpecting them and finding speculative crumbs of information and then sorting them into the objective vs. subjective boxes.
EGOIZE KARIAS - PRINCE OF MIND (possible PRINCE OF HOPE) (EGO-IZE. Ego as in he's got a big one. He acts like he's the shit but he's really just a formerly rich manchild that acts on impulse. He retains some traits of the Mind aspect but for the most part destroys it (He left Tahoma with no choice but to lure him in because he refused to listen to her, for example. Same with Meeraz, he said she was talking bullshit). He is a very emotional man, (reminiscent of today's "sassy man apocalypse", but that's just my opinion as a reader) and lashes out like a kid would. Tahoma probably has to have served as his handler at one point.) (fun fact i ship my trollsona w/ him in <3<)
DULCAN THANAS - PAGE OF BLOOD (He is Responsible for Providing MEAT (flesh could be seen as a symbol of Blood). He is also responsible for Cladem's welfare and is very, very poor at it, having dismissed her at multiple points (up until the Cow Massacre, he wasn't receptive to her visions.) But once it happens, he becomes remorseful and apologizes, showing maturity and progress to his character. He DOES have a sense of Responsibility. Unfortunately, he believed her all too late and Cladem has to pay the price, not just his whole herd of cattle and a bunch of chickens minus one. He was mentioned as being "abysmal at talking to people let alone convincing them" (Recruiting people for a Team and Unity are part of the Blood aspect. Dulcan is shit at it but likes to see himself as being a Responsible adult that Knows his shit when he Actually Doesn't.).)
MAYDES "SKERRT" AURATU - HEIR OF BREATH/RAGE (Breath - He shoves off his Responsibility for taking care of his lusus because he is exempt from the Vast Glub's effects. That, and he's Lost in his Own Little World. He insists on being called by a few different aliases to the point that his fake name, Skerrt, is better known than his actual name, Maydes. Again, a sign of detachment from who he is at the Heart of the Matter AKA Maydes Aurata, Heir to Primarian ||'s throne. (A/N: IMHO, he's a little irresponsible shit and overall awful like every other man in the group but that doesn't mean I hate the story or characters, I'm quite passionate about both. I'm just saying he's just poorly behaved and is a bad person which is more of my arbitrary moralizing.) Another thing of note is that he's very rage-inducing for those who don't care for his carelessness and his ancestor wrote shit the wrong way and it led to things having to be written backwards, then flipped.)
KIMAIZ YELDAN - MAID OF TIME (He was treated like a workhorse, Overloaded with DEADLINES until his Internal Clock runs rut. He requires others, namely Amenia and Tahbbi, to buy him some TIME by way of blood transfusions or begging a certain blue cowfucker to back the hoof off for five seconds. He has a cantankerous mood due to being in a constant state of pain and misery due to his AVOIDABLE SITUATION.)
AMENIA LYPTRA - WITCH OF LIFE (She has a very Cheerful Personality in the face of adversity. She keeps Live eels in tanks, presumably to power her technology.)
CLADEM NECHRE - MAGE OF DOOM (Suffers from visions of doom that nobody believes.)
ELGIZA ?????? - BARD OF RAGE (Her creation, the Purple Doll Girl, causes everyone else misery. Perhaps, she wanted to give the purple girl Hope by making her a body (or a bunch of them...). She was stated as a good doll-maker by Kimaiz and was used as a dubious source of Hope for his regrettable situation.)
DEJINN SILUDE - THIEF OF HEART (He's seductive, PASSIONATE and is canonically a trendsetter on Primaris ||. The way I interpreted it was he talks in a way that gives some people (Tahbbi again) the impression he's talking in double entendres like he wants something of a dirty nature. (A/N: I initially was made very uncomfortable by him and was a little scared of him. Like, I wanted to breeze through the fucking pages that had Dejinn, he was that upsetting to me. He reminds me too much of sleazy men that manipulate and lie to get what they want. Now I like him but don't like admitting it.) Thieves, like Princes, have inflated egos. He has Devoted Fans that would LITERALLY KILL for him. Also, the way it's phrased (he doesn't have interests but rather PASSIONS, if you incorrectly label them as something else Your Days Are Numbered, his PASSIONS include but are not limited to playing the acoustic guitar, filming and video editing, Network engineering, Jewel collecting and last but not least important SLAM POETRY (Something of note is that one recurring theme in Slam Poetry is IDENTITY-based politics). Dejinn is also stated to be the proud never before seen in trolls: Charisma. He *makes* you like him and if you don't, you're dead meat. From what I could gleam, He has a huge chunk of the Primarian population wrapped around his little finger, including critics and even a few of his teammates (This is a bit of a stretch, but Dulcan starts out seemingly annoyed by Dejinn then switched scripts mid-conversation, being Positive and saying they had a deal.)
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dual-fantasy · 1 year ago
every time i visit your blog people have mentioned stuff im insane about hell yeah. i fw crossmound so much. cladem(girl who had the 3 panic attacks) is a brilliant character anon you are so right. nobody takes her seriously and its so upsetting. AE intentionally triggers her paranoia(for funsies or to make her blow up her computers to save her from the horrors of the internet who knows) and dulcan(cowboy) doesn't listen to her about her mind power fueled prophetic visions(up until one of them actually comes true and it effects him) and she hasn't had an interaction with skerrt(clout fish) during canon yet but given how sheltered and emotionally immature he is(through no fault of his own, he's scared of and can't understand his eldritch horror mom. who is the same as feferis eldritch horror mom that eridan hunts for, by the by) it's probably safe to assume he can't help at all in that regard, if they're close enough to even get to that point. she could genuinely be super powerful and helpful(with her awesome limeblood powers) if people actually Listened to what she had to say and helped her. cladem nechre i am actually so sorry i think youd enjoy crossmound a lot actually, homestuck lore that you need to know is explained pretty well in it and its easier to follow since its still ongoing(its like, 600 something pages right now)
great to hear that it's not as long as Homestuck because I think I would. lose my mind. how far into Homestuck would I have to read to understand the lore at a very basic level? BC like. this shit sounds awesome. cladem is going through it. prophetic visions are one of the most under explored aspects of fantasy powers imo. idk what limeblood powers are but I'll take you word for it and assume they're awesome. skrrt got stuck with a shitty eldritch horror mum's tbh. literally hiring children as bounty hunters and emotionally stunting everyone. poor dude. Ive really got to start reading Homestuck so I can get to this stuff too
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holisticblight · 9 months ago
voidbound and crossmound are both very good mspfas but i fear that if i try to get into them further they Will consume my life entirely like ve did. Sad!
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ur-fave-drinks-a-monster · 1 year ago
Cladem Nechre from Crossmound
Cladem Nechre (Crossmound) looks like they're already 3 monsters in and the fourth one you've given them is going to kill them
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gsfinenight · 1 month ago
crossmound dump
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also YES I KNOW I USED THAT CLADEM SIDE VIEW LAST POST i js wanyed to have her next to dulcan...it was also mybfiest time drawing him BE NICE
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