#ck bautista
fiddles-ifs · 2 years
So i know this was answered long ago(i think so at least), but i can't seem to find it(cause Tumblrs search function freakin s*cks hard), with that said i wanted to ask about the physical Ds of the greenwarden cast, we know the heights cause of the FAQ but anything else is just like, not findable(or i am just stupid/blind).
Hope that doesn't bother you or anything.
Some javascript function in my brain short-circuited because I really did think you were asking for descriptions of the characters' genitals and I would. Not answer that! LOL
Anyways! I know I've put out descriptions somewhere online, but I'll just jot down a refresher real quick since the search function is chronically shot.
Bautista: 6'4" Filipino person in their mid-30s. Jacked to shit, with a layer of soft flab. Coal black hair in a high and tight cut. Marine Corps anchor tattoo on their upper left bicep. Medium brown skin with a warm undertone, black eyes. A few battle scars. Marianna and Marc look functionally the same.
Nazeri: 5'11" Persian person in their mid-30s. Also jacked, but in a wiry, gymnast way. Dark olive skin with a beige undertone. Asad has warm black, curly hair he slicks back and stubble. Amir and Asiyeh are both hijabi -- Amir prefers bright, funky patterns. Asiyeh and Asad both prefer pastels and neutrals. All Nazeris have thick eyelashes and yellow eyes, with cat-like pupils that dilate and contract depending on light or excitement.
Devin: 5'4" Afro-Cuban person in their late-20s. Soft and rounded, with layers of fat mostly around their tummy and hips. Pear shaped. Long, curly, warm black hair they usually keep pulled back into a low ponytail. Medium red-brown skin with a golden undertone. Covered in freckles. Bright, leaf green eyes. Usually has their nails painted.
Trace: 5'8" White person of indeterminate age. Bony as hell. Mostly sharp angles. They turn sideways and disappear. Porcelain white skin with a cool undertone. Very long, platinum blonde, fine hair. Piercing blue-gray eyes. Needle marks between their fingers. They can technically look like anything they've, uhm. Sampled. But this is their preferred form. F! and M! Trace look functionally the same.
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evansbby · 8 months
off topic but not really since you mentioned him
when i saw dave bautista in gotg for the first time i got whiplash lmao because i grew up watching wrestling i was like what the f*ck is he doing here😂 same with when i realised the rock was a famous actor i was like HUH?!?!!!
I remember being like super young when the news came out that he was gonna be in a marvel movie and fr I was happy for him! I was like 12 but I was happy for him! I used to be scared of him when I was younger 😭😭😂😂
And lmfao I don’t like the rock 😭😭 and I knew him as an actor before I knew he was a wrestler, like he was a wrestler wayyyy before I was ever watching wrestling, even since before I was born! I knew him from childhood movies like the game plan and the tooth fairy 😏😏
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mitzucki · 4 months
A cup of warmth
capture every moment! blog no. #1
ıllı. philippines – shanley bautista
❪past and memories❫ ⫘
❪ 📷 ❫ —
hello everyone! this is just a casual post regarding what i missed about when i was in my senior high school and wkth my significant other . it's my first time again posting about my personal thoughts and ideas about life. as I am writing this blog, realizations came to me. these simple moments in our life we ​​can't immediately realize that they are important until we reach the point where we can't go back. we just gonna feel of yearning over the something we can't have anymore.
ıllıllı. these kinds of memories are always been a worth to be cherished. having a simple moments with your treasured indviduals could help you to hold on tight in life knowing life is always been wonderful being around them. we might not realize it often, life is beautiful; one day, one minute, one second has passes and it will never come again.
ıllıllı. the life might not be measured by time but measure by moments because life is short cherish everybody and everything. take pictures so you can remember it. document everything because life cannot be rewind. we will never realize the value of the moment until that moment becomes a memory.
Stay tuned for more updates!
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being-worthy · 3 years
Sunday Home Cinema: Army of the Dead!!
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I haven't done one of these reviews in a long time (thanks to Covid-19 ¬¬) but I'm glad this film was the one to get me back in doing these reviews.
Honestly, I found out about the film about two weeks ago when I clicked on it on YouTube out of curiosity. It looked good and I'm an all big fan of zombie films and series and every zombie-themed film/series, even if it's extremely bad made (e.g. Z Nation but it's so funny to watch).
Sorry for any mistakes or things that make not much sense but I'm writing this at 2.30am and I just wanted to write this down while it's still fresh (I might review it later on if I feel like it).
Apparently, Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead (here's the trailer), which can be watched on Netflix, is the prequel of Dawn of the Dead from 2004 also directed by him, which was a remake of the George A. Romero classic. I've got a hard time seeing this due to the zombies being so different but well, let's just roll with it.
Scott Ward (played by Dave Bautista) is offered/hired for $50 million by Bly Tanaka (villain/businessman played by Hiroyuki Sanada) to break into a walled Las Vegas after it was overrun by a zombie outbreak starting at the outskirts of the city with patient zero aka alpha zombie Zeus (more to the different zombie types later on) to "apparently" retrieve $200 million that is stashed in a safe at the casino's basement. Basically, it's like Ocean's Eleven but with zombies giving the film a nice touch.
I knew from the moment Tanaka offered Scott this job that there was going to be more to it. Why else would a stinking rich guy like Tanaka need to have a group to retrieve some money when: a. the insurance paid him some of that money back. I know he mentions he can't use it but come on, people like him know how to find either a way around whatever rule there might be or even wash it. And b. he looks like a guy who understands how business works and is well off, so you're telling me he wants to send a group there just for $200 million? B*tch please, I'm sure that's just petty cash to him, and there's surely more to it, especially after one of his goons (Martin) "invites" himself to tag along with the group to "make sure" they get the job done.
If I was offered that kind of money to go to a completely sealed city ruled by zombies, I wouldn't accept it no matter how bad my situation might be. The probability that something might go sideways is too high not to mention the risk that the virus spreads out to the rest of the world, I wouldn’t be able to live with that on my conscience.
In order to pull off this heist Scott assembles a team for the mission:
Vanderohe, the tank and chainsaw man. There'll be a little paragraph for him since his fate doesn't make entirely sense to me.
Marianne Peters, the pilot.
Maria Cruz, the mechanic.
Kate Ward, a volunteer in the quarantine zone. She's Scott's daughter and the only (human) survivor in the film.
Geeta, the mother. She ventures into the zombie-infested Vegas to find money in order to pay for safe passage out of the quarantine zone for herself and her children. I believe she dies in the helicopter crash but we don't see her body, so she might be alive somewhat?
Ludwig Dieter, the thief/safe expert, and I love how he questions everything lol!
Lilly "The Coyote", "the one who knows her stuff" aka zombie expert. Somehow interesting that she's got a conscience/good heart.
Martin, the inside man, and Bly Tanaka's right hand and got the death he deserved by kitten Valentine.
Mikey Guzman, the Sharpshooter and a YouTuber.
Chambers, the muscles and Guzman's sidekick (sort of). Her death was very predictable and her own fault! Girl, why the hell would you tell Martin that you don't trust him directly to his face?! That's such a rookie mistake!!
Burt Cummings, also the muscle for like 5 minutes before turning into the bait/bargain chip for a "deal" with the zombies in order to pass their territory. Overall, he's just a big jerk.
We see the first five people are survivors of the outbreak when Vegas was "freshly" being overrun by zombies and barely made it out of the city before it was completely sealed off. The rest of them are new characters. Almost none of them have any deep character story/feeling/development, most of them are quite plain and you don't care whether they survive or not. I've got also a hard time seeing any father-daughter relationship between Scott and Kate. I get that they haven't talked to each other since Scott had to put down Kate's mother after she got turned into a zombie but if I hadn’t seen the beginning I'd say they're just two strangers who met during the outbreak and he saved her at some point.
I very much like the fact that they introduce different types of zombies! On one hand, we've got the standard zombies aka shamblers who move slowly and are dead if you blow their brains out and if they bite you you become a shambler too. Then, there are the alphas who are fast (so fast that they can dodge bullets), they can also think, take orders, and are very organised. If you're bitten by one you become an alpha too but they also die if they're shot in the head which is easier said than done! We've also got a zombie horse, that's more bone than anything else, and a big tiger kitten called Valentine who used to be part of Siegfried & Roy's show (which also throws in the question, during which year is this movie set? They've both already passed away and they haven’t been retired from the entertainment world for a while before they passed away, and we see Tanaka carrying a modern mobile, so it must be during the past 2-3 our years.)
Their leader is patient zero aka Zeus who we see at the beginning being transported by a convoy of soldiers from Area 51 to somewhere else but never makes it there because he breaks free due to part of the convoy crashing into a car of a recent married (while the guy gets a blowjob and doesn’t watch the road!). He also takes the Bride as his queen (later on she's beheaded and her head still alive), who we see to be pregnant!! HOLY COW!! This throws in sooo many questions! For instance, how do zombies reproduce? The same way as we humans? What will the baby look like? Full zombie? A hybrid, half-human half-zombie? What power would they have? Do I even want to know or see this? Probably. Probably not. How many times did I wish they'd have introduced something like this in TWD (before I stopped watching it). At some point the virus that makes people zombies is supposed to mutate, every virus mutates at some point. We did already see a zombie baby in Dawn of the Dead but that was different since the woman was already in the late stages of pregnancy when she got bit. This one was one that was produced from zombie sex. I’ve got a feeling that their sex must be quite violent to say the least. Also, they way how the care for each other, especially Zeus for his Bride and child and seeks vengeance for both their deaths showing they’re capable of feeling and caring for their people. Maybe, just maybe want to find a way to survive without having to turn people but I think they’ll still need humans as a source of food. I don’t think they’re capable to live from eating normal food.
I've to make a special mention about Vanderohe. Besides, the fact that he's very attractive, there are a few things that don't make entirely sense to me.
He survives the nuclear blast of Las Vegas since he was looked inside the safe, which I can see being possible but (a little more possible than Indiana Jones seeking shelter in an old-fashioned fridge from a nuclear blast in Indiana Jones and Kingdom of Crystal Skull)... the whole city was nuked! And I mean big smoke of mushroom nuke! So, shouldn't the place, I don't know, be radioactive or something like that? And shouldn’t he find the nearest decontamination shower? Furthermore, it doesn't make sense that he gets infected, i.e. bitten. He gets into a fight with Zeus while they're in front of the safe and I watched that part several times and in slow motion too and we don't see Zeus bit him. There's one time where Zeus almost bites him but his teeth don't end up sinking into the flesh. He has Van in his hold, dislocates his right shoulder, and almost bites him there but only almost! In that same moment, Dieter hits Zeus in the head and pulls Van into the safe closing the door behind him (and most likely gets killed/turned by Zeus). I repeat there's no "visible" scene of Van being bitten by Zeus or any other zombie in another scene. So, where the f*ck did he get the bite and from who? I've also read that there's a theory of Van being immune because he's not turning as quick as the soldiers at the beginning of the movie when Zeus escapes the convoy (he still might be able to infect others though). He starts to feel lightheaded/dizzy and his body feels cold to the touch on the plane, and around the bite we see the veins turning black but that's it.
As much as I love the concept of the movie, it's very predictable as well as easy to figure out who makes it out alive and who makes it out the other kind of "alive" and it also reminded me a bit of Resident Evil (the first film was good and the rest just a waste). Tanaka wanting a fresh sample of an Alpha to make a virus that enables him to create an army of zombies he can control and take over the world. He could be Wesker's twin and his company the equivalent of the Umbrella Corporation. It's worth to watch but it doesn't compare to other zombie films such as 28 Days Later or even Dawn of the Dead (the classic and newer version), and many others.
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La predicación de #SanJuanBautista Por aquel tiempo, Juan Bautista se presentó en el desierto de Judea predicando: «Convertíos, porque está cerca el reino de los cielos». Éste es el que anunció el profeta Isaías, diciendo: «Una voz grita en el desierto: "Preparad el camino del Señor, allanad sus senderos"» (Mt 3,1-3). #Allori #franciscanos #familiaFranciscana #OrdenFranciscanaSecular #ordenTercerafranciscana #ordentercera #ordenTercerafranciscana https://www.instagram.com/p/B6GGlTqC-cK/?igshid=1dxnwufys2kdi
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The Movie in My Mind: Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812
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I’ve talked about a Great Comet movie before and have done a dream cast, but I wanted to go more in depth and give it another shot. As I’ve said before in another post I can fully get behind Baz Luhrmann directing this musical. I think he is the only person that would be able to bring this crazy musical to life on the big screen and have it translate well. If they had Luhrmann and the design team behind Moulin Rouge! (The movie not the awful stage adaption) work on this movie, it would be stunning! The marketing alone would be beautiful. Imagine something similar to the Into the Woods movie where they had the character portraits featuring quotes from said character, but instead, they use the lines from a prologue. You are walking along the street in NYC you just stopped at your favorite restaurant before you catch the evening performance of a show. As you walk down the street you see it. (This gets a bit vulgar, I apologize, but I’m creating a picture based off this one) A giant poster plastered onto the side of a building that says “Hélène” at the top in big, bold French Script. Below is Rihanna leaning against the wall of an old warehouse starring seductively, but directly into the camera with her mouth slightly ajar. She is in a gorgeous costume that shows every single one of her curves (and several of her tattoos) with just the right amount of cleavage that leaves you mesmerized, but doesn’t show everything. She is wearing sexy, black, lace gloves that go up to her elbows and has a rather tacky, but still gorgeous headpiece in her hair and she has diamond earrings, rings of different gemstones and around her neck several strands of pearls of different sizes, shapes, and colors. At Rihanna’s feet in a slightly smaller font than before it reads “is a slut.” (Okay that one might cause controversy, because of the word “slut”, but you get the idea)
Emily Bautista as Natasha Rostova
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Now, I may be a bit biased about this, because of my knowing her, but I really think Emily Bautista would make a wonderful Natasha. Her lighter tone would bring an added layer of ingénuety to the role.
Honorable Mentions- Ali Ewoldt, Amara Okereke
Hugh Jackman as Pierre Bezukhov
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Hugh Jackman may not be my favorite person in the world, but I think he’d make a great Pierre and he is a huge box office draw. 
Honorable Mentions- Brian d’Arcy James, Mandy Patinkin
Melissa Benoist as Sonya Rostova
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Melissa is just an adorable human being and has a gorgeous voice. She recently made her Broadway debut as Carole King in Beautiful: The Carole King Musical and received wonderful reviews, but she is best known for her starring roles on Glee and as the titular role on Supergirl. Benoist has a great voice and her acting is just top notch.
Honorable Mention- Zendaya
Christine Baranski as Marya Dmitriyevna
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If Christine applied the same demanding and sassy voice she used in Scooby-Doo! in Where’s My Mummy? (Rent it from your local library or message me for a link to watch it online) she’d be an absolutely thrilling Marya D. She also has previous movie musical experience with Into the Woods and both Mamma Mia films.
Honorable Mentions- Meryl Streep, Patti LuPone, Sara Ramirez, Taraji P. Henson
Brendon Urie as Anatole Kuragin
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I originally had Grant Gustin as Anatole and then I had this aha moment and realized “Wait... Why the f*ck did I not think of Brendon first?” Brendon is best known as the lead singer of Panic at the Disco! and made his Broadway debut last year in Kinky Boots starring in the role of Charlie Price. He has a massive fan base which would be a great box office draw. In addition not only is he easy on the eyes he has vocal chords of steel and I’ve heard he is a phenomenal actor.
Honorable Mentions- Eddie Redmayne, Grant Gustin, Kyle Dean Massey
Rihanna as Hélène Bezukhova
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We all know that if this ever gets made into a movie the role of Hélène will be cast with a pop star. Frankly, who better than Rihanna? Rihanna has a very sexy voice which would be perfect for Hélène. Her lower tone would make her all the sexier. With Rihanna as Hélène, they can release “Charming” as a single, and h*ll, even make a few dance remix to hype up the movie.
Honorable Mentions- Lady Gaga, Naya Rivera, Vanessa Hudgens
Corbin Bleu as Fedya Dolokhov
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I don’t really have any explanation as to why I cast Corbin, but when I was casting this my second thought (After Rihanna being Hélène) was Corbin for Dolokhov.
Honorable Mention- Michael C. Hall
Zac Efron as Andrey Bolkonsky
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I think you just need one more big-time celeb for this role and Zac being the hunk that he is would bring in many different people and is another good box-office draw. Also he is just so pretty to look at.
Tim Curry as Old Prince Bolkonsky
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Tim Curry would make a fantastic Old Prince Bolkonsky!!!! He may be in a wheelchair, but I think that’s why he’d be even greater.
Ali Ewoldt as Mary Bolkonskaya
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You need someone with a classical voice and that’s that. Ali has a gorgeous voice and if she isn’t going to be Natasha she needs to be Mary.
James Corden as Balaga
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I’m not a James Corden fan, but I think he’d make a good Balaga. Plus he with his late-night show would mean lots of free publicity. That’s pretty much all I have to say.
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a2dradio · 6 years
On this date in 2016: Jose Bautista nearly got knocked the f*ck by Rougned Odor. #HappyAnniversary . . #BlueJays #MLB #JoseBautista #RougnedOdor #TexasRangers #Rangers #Baseball #dontmesswithtexas #TorontoBlueJays #NeverForget
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agentnico · 6 years
Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Review
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So, I find myself in a conundrum. I have seen the big flick of the year, Avengers: Infinity War, however I have no idea how to go about reviewing it. “How so?” you ask. “Just give it a score and be done with it, you silly tot!” you exclaim again. “Well,” I reply. “Firstly don’t call me a tot, who uses ‘tot’ these days anyway? Secondly, let me explain.” Then I take a deep breath, look around wearily at the eager swarm of Marvel fans, and begin my tale of woe...
I hated Avengers: Infinity War... Wow, that was not that difficult to explain actually! Alright, alright! Hang on, hold your “f*ck” screaming crusade back, I haven’t finished yet. Basically, I simply am not the right target audience for this film it seems. And I say ‘it seems’ because in all fairness I used to really enjoy Marvel films. But in the past year I began developing this illness called superhero fatigue! Yes, yes, I hear your shocking screams, it’s a terrible terrible illness, worse than what the Black Death did back in the day. The truth needs to be faced though, I have been infected, like in The Walking Dead, only better, cause that show sucks now! I mean really, what happened to that show??...............*sob* anyway, that’s a rant for another day. Having become more and more bored with superhero flicks, with certain exceptions like the first Deadpool, Thor: Ragnarok and Black Panther actually surprising me, and especially following those last two I was hopeful that this new Marvel entry was not going to be affected by my disease filled mind......okay, that’s a lie, I wasn’t optimistic about this film whatsoever from the start, my friends Paul and Josh would confirm how not-excited I was for this film (hey, I guess this is what a shout out is, cool, hello you guys!!!). But I went into this film with an open-ish mind......and yeah, bloody hated, didn’t I. So here I am wondering how to go about reviewing this film (if I can call it that), because as I said, I hated it, but that doesn’t mean its a bad film. For a casual movie goer and most definitely for Marvel fans I’m sure it a great time, I’m sure people will love it..........holy mother of crabs, this movie has a 9/10 on IMDb? What in the actual a**?? Sorry, sorry, I promised to be calm. Who am I kidding, I didn’t promise jack sh**! But where was I? Ah, yes, the Avengers: Infinity War. So yes, this is 100% Marvel fan service and I understand why people like this film, it has everything a popcorn movie needs going for it, so it’s not my place to give this film a proper review or score as I am not the right demographic and it’s not my place to stray away casual movie-goers from enjoying this film. However who cares what I say, we all know this movie is going to make over a billion regardless what I say. *looks at phone* Oh bloody hell, it already made a billion! Well. Well then. I guess I’m just going to leave some of my personal thoughts on the film down below, I know that I usually don’t do spoilers but, you know, f*** it, SPOILER WARNING!!
Plot: The big purple dude finally gets of his chair after taking the big giant 10 year dump and goes to collect a bunch of stones to shove up his anus. Okay, not his anus, but who cares about this plot description, if you’re reading this you should have already saw the film or, like me, don’t care about it. Once again, SPOILER WARNING. Don’t read anymore, as I’m going to spoil everything in 3, 2, 1...
Thanos dies!! Alright, I’m kidding, Thanos is fine, but seriously, spoilers ahead.
MAGNOLIA YOU ARE NOT - There are too many characters in this film which the story does not manage to balance well, so many of them are under-used. And yes, I did a Magnolia reference, even though this is not the kind of film to compare to Magnolia, but I don’t care, I’m being biased, deal with it!!
THE PLOT - What plot?? I’m kidding, but seriously, what plot?? The film is made up of an escalating series of fight vignettes all under the motto of “We have to stop Thanos!” Especially to the end of the film, we keep cutting to these various locations with different characters that it is hardly possible to engage with any of the stories.
AGE OF THANOS - Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone loves Josh Brolin as Thanos. Well sorry to disappoint, folks, I didn’t like him. C’mon now, get on the trend with this ‘review’, it’s obviously a negative one, stop getting surprised at everything I didn’t like! Obviously if you liked his character, good on you, but I didn’t. In my eyes it was yet again another big CGI villain like the one-note Ultron from the last Avengers flick, only bigger and, in all fairness, had a better motivation, but I found that Brolin played him quite monotone. Yes, you see his tears when he has to kill Gamora to receive the Soul Stone, but I didn’t find that emotional whatsoever. But that’s just me. Or is it?......no, no, it’s definitely just me. I feel your hatred towards me soothing through your body as you are reading this.
THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES - Oh look, it’s another massive battle with CGI monsters! Wooo!!
DEADPOOL...ONLY IT’S PG! *GASP!* - MCU films are known to incorporate humour into all their films, but in this one it felt too forced. With the amount of jokes they had it really took away from the gravitas of the darker more emotional moments. As an example, Gamora’s death is straight away followed by a joke about Starbucks. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll happily laugh about Starbucks any day, but still.
“AMERICA, F*** YEAH!!” - Of course the first time aliens arrive on Earth it’s obviously in America! How else are we gonna feel patriotic, eh?
SILLY-LORD - Star-Lord messing up the whole plan at the end with taking the gauntlet of Thanos’ hand could have been done much smoother. Like I get why he was annoyed and angry, but Tony was literally shouting in his ear saying for him to just wait one more minute so that they could take off the glove and then he would have had full right to Fight Club him to his full heart’s desire. But nooooooo, let’s have our characters make dumb decisions. And I’m not just talking about Star-Lord! P.S. Yes, I understand that the whole Star-Lord shtick is a set-up towards Doctor Strange’s ultimate plan of what he saw in the future, but it still feels like a deus ex machina cop out nonetheless.
THE TRUE HEROES - Okay, so I’m sure out of all the complaints on this list I think with this one you might actually agree. Where in the world were Valkyrie, Korg and Miek at the beginning with the Asgardian ship? It’s not like the credits rolled after Thor: Ragnarok and Korg and Valkyrie decided to jump out of the ship into the cosmos in search of coffee? Right? Right??
#TEAMDRAX - Oh, Drax, if only you were.........actually, I don’t have a problem with Drax. No, I’m serious, this one actually is not a complaint. I know, I surprised myself! I do have to give props to both the writing for and performance of Drax. He was actually hilarious in this film and his jokes were actually well timed. From the awkward spying on Gamora’s and Star-Lord’s intimate moment and him being convinced that he’s invisible saying “I have mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still that I have become invisible to the eye....my movement, is so slow that its imperceptible....I’m sure I’m invisible.” to his description of Thor “It’s like a pirate had a baby with an angel.” to the misunderstanding argument where Quill is asking where Gamora is, Iron Man then questions who Gamora even is and then Drax’s logistical, but at the same time misinterpreted response “I’ll do you one better - WHY is Gamora??” In my eyes, Dave Bautista (with his dead-pan delivery of the lines) stole the show as Drax, though Chris Hemsworth as Thor and his buddy-ing up with Rocket was a nice dynamic.
“FREEDOM! I SAID FREEDOM!” - Not going to lie, when Heimdall was killed I actually felt happy for him. You could see in Idris Elba’s eyes how happy he was that he finally full-filled his contract and was freed from his Marvel obligations. We all knew Idris didn’t want to be a part of this franchise, blame his agent.
HAHA, MIDGET! - No, I’m serious, that’s an actual joke in the film.
“WAS THE MUSIC TOO LOUD?” - And we’re back with Marvel films having generic unmemorable scores/soundtracks. Just a bunch of dramatic noises to keep the crowd pumping. Unlike Thor: Ragnarok or Black Panther (and in all fairness the Guardians of the Galaxy films, though I do have a personal vendetta against Vol.2), which actually had good music accompaniment, but now we’re back where we started. Dang it.
“REST IN PEACE, WHY WON’T YOU LET ME REST IN PEACE??” - Those of you who get what I’m referencing with that sub-title, full respect to you. Any-hoot, half of the Avengers die at the end of this film. And it’s the lack of consequence that annoys me, especially with the knowledge of future films on Marvel’s slate. We know some of them will be back. In all fairness, we do seem to have a few proper permanent deaths (then again, this IS Marvel...) in this film with the likes of Loki, Heimdall (good on you, Idris!), Gamora and Vision, but Marvel does have a problem with killing off characters, which is evident at the end of this film. And yes, you can say that its based off the comics and its supposed to be like that, but it does take away any kind of stakes.
GAME OF STONES - The MCU would work so much better as a high budget TV series, since Infinity War seems both rushed and at the same time drags on so much at 2 hours 40 minutes. It’s overstuffed like Thanos’ gigantic purple jawline!
In all seriousness, if you enjoyed Avengers: Infinity War, I’m glad. Truly, I am, and I totally understand why so many people do indeed like it. For me it has definitely proved that I am more of an indie film fan, as to me this endless array of ACTION, ACTION, ACTION with, in my opinion, no deeper meaning or message, is just not my kind of thing. I have lost any kind of excitement for any upcoming superhero films, minus Deadpool 2, I actually think that one will be a good laugh, but otherwise I should stick with independent cinema. I’m not going to give this film a score, as if I would have, it would have been quite low and would have not been fair on the film since I’m not the right person to rate it.
Overall score: N/A
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tara-steve12 · 3 years
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“Yo me alegré con los que me decían: A la casa de Jehová iremos.” Salmos 122:1 (at Iglesia Bautista Luz Del Evangelio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK-95vfpgRT/?igshid=hxxfpm2gg565
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Canelo Kot
por Sherif Awad
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Nombre artístico: Canelo Kot;  Nombre real: José Alvaro Hernández González; 
Ocupación: Cantante, compositor, actor y productor
Canelo Kot es el 3er hijo de una una familia mexicana cuya organización cumplía en gran parte con el esquema general del hogar de los años 70´s en México. 7 personas formaban la familia Papá, Mamá y 5 hermanos en total: 4 varones y 1 hembra.
CK: Mi Papá (José María Hernández), originario de Huitzuco, Guerrero jefe de familia, trabajador, buen proveedor y muy responsable. Ex militar que destacó en deportes como el fútbol, boxeo y marcha olímpica siendo campeón estatal y nacional juvenil de las fuerzas armadas, entrenando con el padre de la marcha en México: Jerry Hausleber y compitiendo con deportistas importantes como: José Pedraza (Plata (20 km) Olimpiada México 1968), Raúl González (Plata (20 km), Oro(50 km), olimpiada Los Angeles 1984), Domingo Colín (Plata (20km) Km, en Ciudad de Milton Keynes), Pablo Colín (25º (50 km) Olimpiada México 68), Daniel Bautista (Oro (20 km) Olimpiada Montreal 1976)
Mi Mamá (Rebeca del Carmen González), originaria de la Ciudad de México, mujer trabajadora que a pesar de sus carencias y ruda enseñanza de la época y quedar huérfana de padre muy joven.  Exenfermera, ama de casa fiel, no exactamente recatada, mujer que rompió varias normas machistas de la época porque siempre se preocupó por enseñar a todos sus hijos un aprendizaje integral de vida que incluyó disciplina escolar, orden, responsabilidad y cumplimiento con labores domésticas.
Una familia sin lujos, pero con padres preocupados por dar a sus hijos, amor, techo, sustento y educación para la vida según sus posibilidades. Entre las alternativas de educación no estuvo contemplada la música o el arte en general, no por negación, sino simplemente pienso que por las circunstancias del lugar donde vivíamos en aquel entonces, donde fuimos prácticamente pobladores de un lugar al norte del Estado de México.
-Desde los 3 años, se manifestó en mi, no solo el talento sino el gusto por el canto,y  aunque para mi memoria es difícil recordarlo a detalle, mi Mamá conservó un cassette donde logró grabarnos mientras, junto con mis hermanos, peleaba mi turno para cantar y ser grabado, por supuesto interpretando canciones infantiles aprendidas en el seno familiar. 
Al llegar a la edad de 8 años aproximadamente ingresé a mis primeras actividades artístico-culturales en un coro eclesiástico que cantaba cada domingo en la capilla cercana al hogar donde pasé buena parte de mi vida.  Posteriormente al aprender a tocar un poco la guitarra gracias a un vecino, formé junto con mis hermanos y vecinos una Rondalla con la que fuimos cantando por diversos lugares del municipio al entrar en contacto con la Casa de Cultura que ya había sido establecida por aquellos entonces.  Durante mi educación básica (primaria y secundaria) siempre estuve desarrollando actividades musicales tanto con la Rondalla familiar, un cuarteto escolar, el coro de la escuela secundaria y destacando con los profesores de música. Pero cuando considero que comienzo a despegar con las actividades musicales y teatrales fue cuando ingresé en el Instituto Politécnico Nacional en Ciudad de México, pues la cercanía con las alternativas de la ciudad, me abren la puertas para aprovechar aún más mis tiempos y experimentar otros géneros musicales como: El bolero, la balada, bolero ranchero, ranchero, música versátil y posteriormente el Rock, ya estando en la escuela superior.  Justo durante mi estancia en la escuela vocacional (cecyt 12) inicié escribiendo mis primeras canciones, dándolas a conocer solo a los amigos de la escuela por supuesto.
-No puedo definirme fan absoluto de estas personalidades, pero puedo mencionar a: Cine: Pedro Infante, Enrique Guzmán, Héctor Suárez, Ignacio López Tarso, Julio Aleman, Charlton Heston, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Robin Willims, Eddie Murphy, Kevin Costner, John Travolta, Jean Claude Van Damme, Jean Reno, Richard Gere, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Liam Neeson, Denzel Washington, Nicolas Cage. Teatro: Joel Rangel Silva, Ignacio López Tarso, Noe Nolazco. Televisión: Enrique Guzmán, Cesar Costa, Héctor Suárez, Fernando Vesga, Humberto Zurita
Música:  Pedro Infante, Frank Sinatra, Enrique Guzmán, Alberto Vázquez, Cesar Costa, Camilo Sesto, Los Ángeles Negros, Nelson Ned, Juan Gabriel, José José, Luis Miguel, Mijares, Ricardo Montaner, Miguel Bosé, Caifanes, Café Tacuba, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Metallica, Soda Stereo entre otros.
-En el mundo existen muchas personas que nacen con talento para desarrollar alguna disciplina artística, sin embargo potencializarse dicho talento a través del estudio siempre permitirá tener armas para el perfeccionamiento en la ejecución.  Aprender de nuestros artistas favoritos nutre de su estilo y forma de expresarse en el escenario, pero estudiar con maestros que además de enseñar técnica, ayuden a encontrar nuestro propio estilo, es fundamental para ganarse un lugar con el público y mucho más considerando que no todos los artistas cuentan con los recursos y contactos certeros para lograr una rápida y exitosa carrera.  Además, ser artista también implica aprender a conectarse con el público, el mundo y el corazón para poder expresar de manera honesta nuestra idea artística.
-Como artista cada momento que paso cantando, componiendo, dirigiendo, actuando o produciendo es una experiencia sumamente satisfactoria, casi mágica, así que llegar a millones de personas en todo el mundo conquistando una parte de su corazón y que consideren que mi actividad artística es digna de formar parte de su vida, de sus gustos y emociones, es algo fantástico, por tanto, el estrellato es un momento que por supuesto me interesa mucho y más si llega consiguiendo una conexión con los sentimientos de la gente para así, trascender en sus vidas y en el tiempo.
-México fue durante muchos años, un semillero de artistas para el mundo, gracias a que los medios de comunicación, managers, representantes, disqueras y organizadores de eventos guardaban una relación muy estrecha, casi podría decirse que era una especie de monopolio. Hoy día, para varios artistas México sigue representando una excelente plataforma para mostrarse al mundo y conseguir seguidores, lo anterior porque me parece que el mexicano en general, se muestra mucho más solidario con extranjeros que con los suyos y estas son conductas que siguen pesando en la consciencia colectiva, desde la Conquista.
La creciente apertura de medios de comunicación (Radio, TV, redes sociales, etc) permite contar con plataformas donde los artistas podemos mostrar nuestro trabajo, sin embargo, destacar de manera orgánica no es una tarea sencilla pues la diversidad de gustos es muy amplia y muchos medios finalmente son un negocio y por supuesto buscan aprovechar el ímpetu que el artista tiene por darse a conocer y consagrarse entre el público.
Además de que cada día la oferta de nuevos artistas, música nueva, compositores y gente deseosa de mostrar sus talentos y sus encantos es mayor, por lo tanto dejar huella profunda en el corazón de las personas, aún cuando se ejecute de manera honesta un trabajo artístico, es cada vez más complicado, pareciera que justo esa cultura del “no respeto” y “misoginia” son la llave para entrar con éxito en el mundo de los más populares.  No obstante todo ello, debo reconocer que también representan un mundo de posibilidades mayor que hace muchos años, para conectar directamente con el público y tratar de manera orgánica o mediante publicidad pagada, impulsar nuestro trabajo.
Por supuesto la industria del entretenimiento en este mismo contexto ha encontrado una oportunidad de crecer y la competencia entre ellos es mucho mayor, el mercado se divide y la necesidad de ofrecer al público contenidos de interés, hace necesario abrir la puerta a más talento y generadores de contenido que permitan dotar de un sello característico, rating y la entrada de capital para seguir produciendo y que los ingresos lleguen. Aquí es dónde las opciones para los artistas se han ampliado, aunque sin duda siguen insuficientes y los inversores siempre querrán minimizar los riesgos de cualquier inversión, por ello muchas oportunidades de estelarizar montajes, no son para cualquiera, antes se recurre a los considerados consagrados o luminarias. Aunque claro hay excepciones.
Al final, mientras haya demanda de entretenimiento, seguirá habiendo medios que sujan y deseen controlarlos y acaparar a los clientes como cautivos para incrementar las ganancias. Y eso sin mencionar las complicaciones por la pandemia que atravesamos, que ha limitado la ejecución pública de las disciplinas artísticas.
-En cuestión actoral siempre me es importante conocer previamente la obra, la perspectiva y propósitos de quien la crea/dirige para entender y crear contexto y estructura en mi mente, así puedo ofrecer alternativas y resultados mejor orientados.
-Existen algunos trabajos artísticos a los que les tengo mucho cariño:
1. Hasta ahora y musicalmente hablando mi album: “No lo puedo aceptar”, considerando que es un trabajo que tuvo una considerable inyección de energía por mi parte y muy a pesar de las diversas situaciones y tal vez energías que se oponían a que viera la luz pública, logré sacarlo adelante y  que hoy ya en plataformas digitale la gente tenga la oportunidad de escucharlo y hacer suyos estos temas.  Hay mucho camino por delante, pero hay mucho esfuerzo detrás de este álbum.
2. La obra Calaveritas de Azúcar en el papel de Ruperto (con 9 años de presentación en Ciudad de México en diversos foros). Obra que aporta a la cultura mexicana rescatando elementos que se han utilizado en nuestra cultura desde años muy antiguos y que pretendemos se recuerden y rescaten para la posteridad.
3. Gira teatral “Demos Libertad al Preso” casi 1 año recorriendo y presentando esta obra por todo el Estado de Guerrero en México. Contribuyendo a crear conciencia en las personas sobre su libre derecho a votar por sus dirigentes.
4. Los sencillos para teatro infantil “Anda que Andarás” y “Los Hoyitos”, porque además de conquistar el corazón de los peques que los escuchan, les dejan una enseñanza linda en todo el contexto de la obra.
- Lamentablemente han venido surgiendo muchos intermediarios entre el artista y la producción lo que repercute en la oferta económica que se hace por cada trabajo ya sea teatral o musical.  Además muchas personas deseando su oportunidad están dispuestos a aceptar un trabajo incluso sin paga, bajo la promesa de contribuir a su carrera artística. Yo en particular no he asistido a un castings desde hace varios meses, debido a que me he centrado en la generación musical y los trabajos actorales han llegado por recomendación o invitación.
-Hasta ahora, que mi música sea escuchada en mayor o menor medida en varios países del mundo, considerando que mis temas están grabados en mi lengua materna: Español (México).
-Normalmente prefiero crear mis propias canciones, lo cual implica seleccionar vivencias personales o de personas cercanas a mí, que también pueden ser desconocidas, así como situaciones en el mundo. Debo aclarar que no es mi intención por lo general, interpretar música de protesta o, con mensajes misóginos o explícitos donde se denigre de palabra o condición a algunos grupos sociales. Aunque supongo que algunas de mis letras o fragmentos de ellas, en algún momento podrían protestar contra situaciones de vida o sentimientos contra los que diariamente lidiamos como seres humanos.
En cuanto a covers, normalmente íntegro aquellos que marcaron mucho mi desarrollo como cantante y a los que les guardo mucho cariño.  Además de que ya no dedico mucho tiempo a hacer crecer el repertorio de nueva música de otros colegas.
Mis consejos para belleza:
1.     Escuchar por supuesto música (Obvio de Canelo Kot de preferencia)… jejeje.  Música que ayude a soltar la tensión con pasión, o algo con mensaje profundo, o bien música muy relajante: música de jazz, instrumental, música clásica, cantarla, bailarla. 
2.     No se tomen cada cosa que pasa como personal, a veces las cosas tienen que pasar para dejarnos enseñanza, eso no implica que debas quedarte pasiva siempre, si se requiere actúa, pero busca fluir cristalina como un río.
3.     No al tinte en el cabello y después del baño déjalo respirar y secar naturalmente tu cabello, lo va a agradecer.
4.     Una actitud amorosa y de disfrute hacia la vida, se notará en tu rostro, en tu mirada y sonrisa sin duda.
5.     No al sabotaje emocional, la perfección que nos venden es efímera como la vida, no crees ilusiones de lo que no eres. Mírate al espejo, obsérvate en detalle al menos 3 veces y acepta lo que ves… “ésta mujer soy yo y soy única”. 
6.     Olvida la palabra “defecto”, tenemos justo las circunstancias que necesitamos para crecer en espíritu y claro para hacer productivo nuestro cascarón, muchas cosas las generamos nosotros mismos, las que llegan por naturaleza tienen su propia finalidad.
7.     Recorre e internaliza tu propia belleza que va más allá de lo físico, si te es posible claro trabaja tu físico por salud… y la salud te ayudará a incrementar tu belleza, pero no dejes que la vista te engañe. Renueva tu energía para eliminar responsable y disciplinadamente lo que no te agrada, si esto te es posible y si no es posible para qué angustiarse por ello, déjalo fluir, acepta aquello que no puedes cambiar pues también forma parte del gran ser que eres hoy y que no siempre vemos por compararnos con los modelos
-Como profesional experimentado, mi consejo para los recién llegados?
1. Si ya estás desarrollando lo que amas, ya eres exitoso… disfrútalo con intensidad,pues nadie lo vivirá igual que tu.
2. Si lo que amas es la fama, cuidado.. es efímera y no tiene palabra de honor.   
3. “Los sueños son posibles cuando tu amor por lo que haces, tu disciplina, perseverancia y fe coinciden en dirección, energía y tiempo”   a veces recibirás ayuda pero siempre te toca a ti trabajar por el sueño.
4. Disfruta al máximo el camino hacia el sueño, porque si llegas a lograrlo seguro querrás recordar y contar los pasos que te llevaron ahí… que sea lindo, disfrutable y no te avergüence jamás.
A corto plazo quiero concluir mi pequeño home studio, para seguir preparando material nuevo y concluir producciones pendientes.
A mediano plazo quiero terminar y lanzar mi siguiente albúm pues este ya me debo yomismo, por supuesto poder hacer una gira para compartir lo mejor de mi música con mis fans y en general con los amantes de la buena música, en este caso mi género “Rockmantico”cargado con todo el poder del pop rock latino.  Adicionalmente quiero concretar unos proyectos en la actuación que dadas las circunstancias que estamos viviendo han quedado detenidas, ya les contaré si se pudieron concretar.
Por ahora invito a todos sus lectores a que me sigan en mis redes sociales y en plataformas digitales… escuchen mi música, compartan, denle like y siganme, será un placer estar en contacto.
  source https://www.sherifawad-filmcritic.com/2020/10/canelo-kot.html
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therealremyblue · 4 years
Is The Rock a Good Actor? Dave Bautista Says &#39;F*ck No&#39;
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socialattractionuk · 6 years
I went on Channel 4’s Naked Attraction – getting your junk out on TV is not as scary as you would think
Luke appeared on season two of Naked Attraction (Photo: Luke Smethurst)
The day I decided to apply for Channel 4’s Naked Attraction, I was a little hungover.
I’d been out for drinks with friends the night before, and in the morning I noticed an advert on Facebook looking for contestants specifically from Leeds.
So, not thinking much about it, I applied. Within 30 minutes, I’d received a phone call asking if I’d like to go in for an audition.
I identify as a nudist, so being naked on TV isn’t something I was worried about in the slightest. I believe that the human body is something to be appreciated, though nudity is not the same as sex.
On the day of my audition, I felt slightly apprehensive and nervous; even though I’m comfortable being naked, it’s not every day you get your c*ck out on TV.
But once in the studio, I felt at ease. The other contestants in my group were all fairly nice and easy to get on with.
Stripping out of my clothes in front of people I don’t know is pretty familiar – given I meet naked strangers at beaches, in bars and at other social gatherings – but being filmed while doing so was less natural than the settings I’m used to.
We stayed relatively modest until the naked part and were given robes to wear behind the scenes and during breaks in filming.
But everyone was so comfortable, they decided to stay naked throughout.
It was cool seeing people who might not usually be so free and open with their bodies just enjoy themselves.
My first thought as I stood in the Naked Attraction pod was ‘what the f*ck am I doing here’, as if it has suddenly dawned on me that I was going to flash my junk on TV and that I might not get picked for a date.
Luckily, I did. As you probably know, I was chosen by Jimmy.
Luke is a nudist (Photo: Luke Smethurst)
But it wasn’t a quick yes and then we were off on our date. Filming took around 11 hours, because once you’d picked your person, you had to wait until all the others were eliminated.
I had to stand up so long my legs felt like jelly.
Despite not finding true love on the show – I’m currently single – the overall experience was a very positive one, and there was no backlash or disgruntlement from my social circle.
When I told my friends and family that I was going to be on the show, they were hardly surprised. Around 10 of us watched the first episode together at a friend’s house; we decided to make a night of it and generally had a laugh.
Life after the show was a bit hectic.
It aired on the Friday of Manchester Pride weekend, so come Saturday, when I went along to the festivities, there was a constant flow of people who stopped me to say they recognised me.
Nowadays the majority of people just say hello, snap a picture and ask me questions about what it’s like to take your clothes off on TV.
And quite frankly, it’s pretty liberating, because a lot of men wouldn’t do it over fear they don’t look big enough.
But the beauty of Naked Attraction is that you realise everyone is different but we all have the same parts. There could be a gorgeous 6ft model up there with a tiny c*ck, but who cares?
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I’ve never been self-conscious about my body; I have a slim build and a pretty nice penis (if I do say so myself) and it’s about owning it.
Nudity doesn’t have to be about sex, you can enjoy it socially too and hopefully body confidence can grow with that.
And yes, I often get questions about the outcome between me and Jimmy, my date on the show, but alas our relationship came to an end (at a beard convention in Amsterdam of all places) and we haven’t spoken a word since returning back home.
There’s no resentment and I have no hard feelings towards him.
I walked away from the show happy and I really urge anyone who is thinking about applying, to just do it.
Whether good or bad, it’s an experience you’ll remember forever.
You can find Luke on Twitter and Instagram.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
Dave Bautista Threatens To Quit ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Over James Gunn Firing
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/dave-bautista-threatens-to-quit-guardians-of-the-galaxy-over-james-gunn-firing/
Dave Bautista Threatens To Quit ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Over James Gunn Firing
Actor Dave Bautista doesn’t sound excited to continue playing Drax the Destroyer in “Guardians of the Galaxy” after Disney fired director James Gunn for offensive tweets from his past.
The cast of the franchise publicly opposed Disney’s decision in an open letter of support for Gunn, which asked the company to reinstate the director.
On Sunday, a fan asked Bautista on Twitter if he had any plans if Gunn wasn’t reinstated for the upcoming third installment of the film series.
“I will do what Im legally obligated to do but @Guardians without @JamesGunn is not what I signed up for,” he responded. “GOTG w/o @JamesGunn just isn’t GOTG. Its also pretty nauseating to work for someone who’d empower a smear campaign by fascists #cybernazis . That’s just how I feel”
I will do what Im legally obligated to do but @Guardians without @JamesGunn is not what I signed up for. GOTG w/o @JamesGunn just isn’t GOTG. Its also pretty nauseating to work for someone who’d empower a smear campaign by fascists #cybernazis . That’s just how I feel https://t.co/Ym4FwruVDu
— Dave Bautista (@DaveBautista) August 5, 2018
Last month, Disney fired Gunn after far-right media figures who had pushed the Pizzagate conspiracy theory unearthed offensive tweets involving pedophilia and rape that Gunn posted between 2008 and 2011. Gunn apologized for the tweets, which he described as “offensive jokes.”
Bautista in particular has emerged as an outspoken advocate of Gunn.
Although Bautista is legally contracted to be in the movie, the former wrestler reportedly told the entertainment site ShortList on Monday that he’ll work to get out of his contract if production company Marvel doesn’t use the script that Gunn apparently already turned in.
Greg Doherty via Getty Images
Dave Bautista has emerged as an outspoken advocate for James Gunn, who was fired from the next “Guardians of the Galaxy” movie after offensive tweets from his past resurfaced.
“Where I’m at right now is that if [Marvel] don’t use that script, then I’m going to ask them to release me from my contract, cut me out or recast me,” Bautista reportedly told ShortList. (His publicist did not respond to numerous calls from HuffPost to verify his comments.) “I’d be doing James a disservice if I didn’t.”
“Nobody’s defending his tweets, but this was a smear campaign on a good man,” he added. “I spoke to Chris Pratt the day after it happened and he’s a bit religious so he wanted time to pray and figure it out, but I was more like: f*ck this. This is bullshit. James is one of the kindest, most decent people I’ve met.”
Bautista told ShortList that he doesn’t think his push will lead Disney to rehire Gunn, but he hopes “it opens people’s eyes to James’ character.”
Neither Disney nor Marvel responded to HuffPost’s requests for comment.
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thepoolscene · 7 years
The Pool Scene - Clint Freeman, Jacob Watson - Lone Star Tour
New Post on http://thepoolscene.com/?p=21366
Watson and Freeman Win Poison Lone Star Season Opener
Former Junior World Championship contender, Jacob Watson, came from behind to claim the 64-player amateur 9-ball division, and his first-ever, Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour event. After losing the hot seat match to Sonny Bosshamer, 5-4, Watson came back with a vengeance, reaching another milestone in his short, but successful playing career. Hailing from Hughes Springs, Texas, tour newcomer Clint Freeman lost the open 9-ball division hot seat to Peruvian Champion, Manny Chau, 7-4, but found redemption in the final, besting Chau 7-5, 7-6, to secure his first, Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour open 9-ball division title.
On January 7th-8th, 2017, Bogies Billiards and Sports Bar (Houston, Texas), along with tour title sponsor Poison by Predator Cues PoisonBilliards.com, and sponsors Cyclop Pool Balls facebook@CyclopPoolBalls,  Ozone Billiards OzoneBilliards.com, and the APA of North Harris County facebook@APANorthHarrisCounty, facilitated another successful  Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour event, procuring a generous $1,000 in added money, with eighty players in attendance, and a near $7,000 prize fund. Due to the overwhelming number of players, races were reduced in each division, on the second day.
In the amateur 9-ball division, Watson took no prisoners on his way to the final four winners’ side, defeating Cecil Rhea, Leon Contreras, Jason Galetka, 5-2, and Angel Cerrillo, 5-4, while tour newcomer Elias Garza bested Josh Gavin, Jay Russell, Jantzen Miller, 5-0, and David Leal, 5-3. Also on a role, Sonny Bosshamer defeated Michael Alvarez, Matt McCurdy, Clint Freeman, 5-4, and J.C. Torres, 5-3, while Bobby Roland ousted Ben Johnson, Ben Hebert, Robley Fontenot, 5-3, and Robbie Salinas, 5-2. On the one loss side, Freeman was on fire, eliminating Bobby Garcia, 5-2, Leon Contreras, 5-4, and Angel Cerrillo, 5-0. Steve Lenz overcame Alan Myers, 5-3, Ben Johnson, 5-2, and David Leal, 5-1, while Jantzen Miller defeated Ben Hebert, Ricky Hughes, 5-4, and Robbie Salinas, 5-3. After losing his first match to Garcia, Steve Williams won four consecutive matches, ousting Thomas Madison, Matt McCurdy, Matt Cash, 5-4, Steve Espinosa, and Mark Callahan, 5-4. Williams fell shy of the final eight, losing to J.C. Torres, 5-3. Back on the east side, Watson reigned over Garza, 5-4, and Bosshamer took down B. Roland, 5-1. Bosshamer slid by Watson, 5-4, securing a well-deserved hot seat win. On the west side, Garza sent Torres packing, 5-1, as Freeman took out B. Roland, his fifth straight victim, 5-3. Garza ended Freeman’s run, 5-3, but fell to Watson by the same score. The young gun wasted little time on Bosshamer, winning both sets, and clenching his first amateur 9-ball division title.
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In the open 9-ball division, Clint Freeman made his way into the final four on the winners’ side, taking down Bob DeTuncq, Jay Russell, 9-2, Michael Pickering, 7-6, and Justin Whitehead, 7-6, while Eduardo Hernandez bested Karol Hughes, Paul Bojan, Ruben Bautista, 7-4, and Scott Proud, 7-5. Manny Chau came on strong with wins over Elias Garza, 9-3, Thomas Madison, 9-6, Sonny Bosshamer, 7-5, and Steve Lenz, 7-3, while Ernesto Bayaua ran through Alan Myers, 9-2, Adam Cooper, 9-4, Steve Espinosa, and Leon Contreras, 7-4. As the final four on the winners’ side took shape, the one loss side witnessed a comeback by Bautista, who won five consecutive matches including wins over Jacob Watson, 7-1, Steve Williams, 7-1, and Steve Lenz, 7-3. Also on the one loss side, Michael Pickering ended Yoko Joe, 7-5, Cesar Arechiga, 7-4, and Leon Contreras, 7-3, to meet Bautista. Louisiana’s own Robley Fontenot made an impressive run on the loser’s side with wins over Chad Hart, Angel Cerrillo, 7-4, Steve Espinosa, and Danny Roland, 7-6, until Whitehead ended his run, 7-1. After losing his first match to Grady Cooper, David Leal won five straight matches, with wins over Myers, 7-6, Dale Lairamore, Russell, 7-3, Ricky Hughes, 7-6, and Doug Gray, 7-3. Leal was halted by Proud, just shy of the final eight. On the east side, Freeman ousted Hernandez, 7-2, and Chau sent Bayaua west, 7-1. Freeman went on to defeat Chau for the hot seat, 7-4. Back on the east side, Bautista forged ahead, eliminating Pickering, 7-1, and Hernandez, 7-0. Whitehead made quick work of Proud, 7-3, but fell to Bayaua, 7-2. Bayaua ended Bautista’s run, 7-6, but lost to a determined Chau, 7-1. It was evident that Chau was on a mission, and Freeman had his work cut out for him. Following an unforced error by Freeman, Chau closed out the first set, 7-5. In overtime, it was a fight to the finish, as both players traded game for game, each waiting on the slightest mistake in order to pull ahead and win the set. After a near flawless second set, when the dust cleared, it was Freeman who inched ahead to win the race, 7-6, and secure his first open 9-ball division title.
There were a number of players who traveled from out of state to participate in this event, and players competing on tour for the first time.  The tour would like to thank all those players for making the trip, and those who competed in their first Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour event. We hope to see you back at every opportunity.
The tour would like to recognize its 2017 sponsors and venues: Poison by Predator Cues, Cyclop Pool Balls, Ozone Billiards, and the APA of North Harris County. This year, the tour welcomes back Texas venues Bogies Billiards and Sports Bar (Houston), Bogies West (Houston), Skinny Bob’s Billiards (Round Rock), and our brand new venues, Fat Racks Sports Bar and Billiards (San Antonio), and CK Billiards (Dallas). This year the tour welcomes its new, resident vendor, Bryant Billiards, and will offer cue repair at each of its 11 stops. Without the nearly 300 players who attend Poison Lone Star Tour events, annually, production of this tour would not be possible. The tour would like to thank each and every player for their participation, whether it’s one event, or every event year round. It is because of your patronage, that the Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour celebrates its 9th birthday this year, serving players across Texas and in surrounding states.  The tour welcomes everyone back for the next event, to be held on February 11th-12th, 2017, at Bogies West, located at 9638 Jones Road, in Houston, Texas. The full 2017 schedule is published at www.LoneStarBilliardsTour.com. The Poison Lone Star Billiards Tour encourages everyone who loves to play pool and compete in a friendly atmosphere, to attend an event. “Like” us on Facebook @LoneStarTour and “Follow” us on Twitter @LoneStarTour09. 
1st Jacob Watson $530/630
2nd Sonny Bosshamer $330/$460
3rd Elias Garza $220/$300
4th Clint Freeman $140/$110
5th-6th Bobby Roland, J.C. Torres $100 ea.
7th-8th Steve Lenz, Jantzen Miller $80 ea.
9th-12th Angel Cerrillo, David Leal, Steve Williams, Robbie Salinas $50 ea.
13th-16th Ricky Hughes, Mark Callahan, Leon Contreras, Ben Johnson $25 ea.
17th-24th Ben Hebert, Daniel Forster, Jason Galetka, Steve Espinosa, Bobby Garcia, Michael Pickering, Alan Myers, Robley Fontenot
25th-32nd Jay Russell, Gerardo Alvarez, Yoko Joe, Trey Dyess, Matt Cash, Daniel Wise, Charlie Jenkins, Josh Gavin
33rd-48th Scott McKenzie, Jose Gonzalez, Richard Hernandez, Roy Payton, Chris Gutierrez, Danny Roland, Matt McCurdy, Grady Cooper, David Bahan, Kerry Burkett, Tom Rehm, Pete Charles, Adam Cooper, Shane Pickering, Chad Hart, Bob DeTuncq
49th-64th Dale Lairamore, Cesar Arechiga, Shelby Green, Doug Gray, Cecil Rhea, JaRon Davis, Thomas Madison, Jay Mestas, Eduardo Hernandez, Michael Alvarez, Karol Hughes, Oswaldo Saldana, Jesus Perez, Scott Proud, Fernando Lopez, Brian Middleton
1st Clint Freeman $550/$600
2nd Manny Chau $350/$420
3rd Ernesto Bayaua $230/$185
4th Ruben Bautista $150
5th-6th Eduardo Hernandez, Justin Whitehead $120 ea.
7th-8th Michael Pickering, Scott Proud $100 ea.
9th-12th Steve Lenz, Leon Contreras, Robley Fontenot, David Leal $60 ea.
13th-16th Danny Roland, Steve Williams, Doug Gray, Cesar Arechiga $35 ea.
17th-24th Daniel Forster, Jacob Watson, Yoko Joe, Tony Benestante, Elias Garza, Steve Espinosa, Ricky Hughes, Sonny Bosshamer
25th-32nd Philip Tieu, Charlie Jenkins, Will Felder, Thomas Madison, Hiro Nakahara, Angel Cerrillo, Jay Russell, Gerardo Alvarez
33rd-48th Michael Alvarez, John Geiger, Grady Cooper, Chris Gutierrez, Bobby  Garcia, Karol Hughes, Roy Payton, Robbie Salinas, Shane Pickering, Ben Johnson, Paul Bojan, Chad Hart, Jeff Harris, Dale Lairamore, Pete Charles, Ben Hebert
49th-64th Jesus Perez, Shelby Green, Scott McKenzie, Bob DeTuncq, Oswaldo Saldana, Adam Cooper, Fernando Lopez, Jason Galetka, Kerry Burkett, Matt Cash, Tom Rehm, Chuck Adams, Jay Mestas, Alan Myers, Richard Hernandez, Jantzen Miller
0 notes