johnnyraven-26 · 6 years
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Repost from @colionnoir 100% Agree, because that’s called being an adult…unless you’re a dick about it and start calling me racist, homophobe, xenophobe, sexist, (the endless character attacks when I don’t parrot or agree with your inner monolog or politics) Then I’ll respond in kind. I’m not really known for my empathy. But data seems to be important. Also there are facts and there are lies. There is no such thing as your truth or my truth. There is your opinion and my opinion, but only one set of facts. #Vote #Discuss #Debate #NoAdHominemAttacks (spl?) #NoCharacterAttacks #ShareAndDiscuss #LivelyDebate #TownSquare #American #Patriot #3Percent #3% #Vote #IVoted #PaperBallotOnly #NoElectronicVotingMachines #BanThem #VoterID #CitizensOnly #Visiting #Dallas #TX #Texas #TheColony #Colony from #SanDiego #CA #California #Inland https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp1PBlSA45O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l8x6oputeefy
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nakedpastor · 6 years
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My CARTOON today "Citizens Only!" www.nakedpastor.com/2018/06/citizens-only-cartoon/
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