#citizens of old corona
moondwellerthatdwells · 6 months
Found more stuff about the freak, translation I stayed up too late and came up with more
His name is Kain, Night, Kain Night(its not a serious name its a pun I wanted it to sound like Canine is it funny am I funny yet)
He's 17 in season 3, which makes him 15 in season 1, does not matter because he only appears in season 3
He lives in the forest close to old Corona, so he's not a Corona citizen. Yayy!!!
Apparently Varian and his family knows Kain, even before season 1. So you can say the mf dipped when his homie went mad and rage quit on the whole kingdom like 2 times, only came back with the milk 2 years later
I have an idea of what his red thingies on his skin are but I'm not telling you because im the coolest (I am not)
His personality? Haven't decide, but the outline is that he's one stupid, a bit aggressive and feral forest boy. Definitely more forest than boy
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Here is me explaining about him to all of you but make it into Kain and Varian
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tangledbea · 4 months
I find it interesting how a lot of people act as if Rapunzel and Cassandra's friendship dynamic is inherently unhealthy because of their class difference, but if that was the case, wouldn't her relationships with Lance or Varian* or I don't know, Eugene also be considered unhealthy? Is it just that Cass is technically Rapunzels servant, or is it due to Cassandra's insecurities.
*I know theres the whole amber incident involving Varian, and that some people think there were class differences involved in that situation, but I think it was more just that there was an emergency, and they ended up both forgiving each other in the end so they are still friends
It's because Cassandra is her direct subordinate. It's not necessarily class difference, but power dynamic. Yes, technically speaking all Corona citizens are her subjects, including Eugene, Lance and Varian, but Cassandra's job is to serve Rapunzel, and no matter how much Rapunzel acts like they're on the same level, it's simply not the case, and it never can be.
Varian knows they're not on the same level (look at how he acts towards her in their earlier interactions), and the fact that Lance treats royalty like they're any old person is also made a point of. Even Eugene walks on eggshells around Frederic and (to a lesser extent) Arianna in season one. But Eugene also knew and fell in love with her before the princess reveal. The fact that he treats her as just Rapunzel and not Princess Rapunzel is probably a relief to her.
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almostangrything · 4 months
Is nobody gonna say anything about TTS S3 E9, Be Very Afraid?
Okay, so what I'm really getting at is Varian. Like, are we gonna talk about how this 15 (I think that's how old he was at the time) year old kid's worst fear? When he was examining the red rocks for the first time after finding Ruddiger (his beloved chonky raccoon whom he wasn't sure would be okay again) and all of a sudden he sees his father encased in the amber rocks again, pleading for help? And he still managed to get to Rapunzel. It probably felt like he was leaving his father to die before he saw other people (who all pretty much hated him, so he couldn't ask for help) running from nothing, and only then did he realize that what he was seeing wasn't real.
But it was real for Varian. His worst fear had already happened, and he didn't want to go down that route again, because he knew what laid at the end of that path; he had seen it. Yet he still accompanies Rapunzel to stop the rocks. It's his idea to use the solution that encased his father. He carries it around in his backpack. He climbs up, seeing amber rock below, ready to encase him (it's not real and is just his fear, but it's visible in a few shots). He is willing to use that solution to stop the rocks, despite knowing full well what could happen. He climbs the red rocks, just barely saving Corona in the nick of time. And during the process, he almost fell to his death. Many times. One time he actually did fall, but Rapunzel caught him. He saved Corona despite the citizens openly disliking and ridiculing him (for instance, Feldspar the cobbler saying something along the lines of "Don't you have a kingdom to overthrow?", and presumably his wife and even her infant, turning up her nose and crying at the sight of Varian respectively).
I think Varian deserves an award of some sort. Like, you can see how genuinely happy he is when Rapunzel hugs him after he stop the rocks. He needed more appreciation from other characters in the show.
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k3llyb3an · 2 months
citizens of corona today we face a danger like none before
a like justifiably mad 14 year old with an over bite
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basicallyranpoedogawa · 5 months
SO I FINISHED TANGLED THE SERIES and I feel like saying some stuff!!! TW// Dark subject matters
I understand Varian's villain arc on as close to a personal level as it gets. I think I'm qualified to talk on this subject because, see, when I was 14 myself- my dad collapsed with what I thought was a stroke at the time.
We were arguing over how he sounded drunk and I just wanted to spend some time together on his weekend with me. I panicked so bad, I thought it was my fault for having made him go to theme parks with me frequently, knowing of his high blood pressure. I thought it was my fault for not achieving enough? I panicked, I called an ambulance, I was in absolute hysterics. They wouldn't come fast enough, so I was sobbing on the edge of my driveway HOPING a car would stop and take him hospital right away. I got comforted by some girl from school who I was pretty sure actually hated me up until that point, but no adults came to save the day.
I was on the phone to 999 on and off on my own phone, with the landline being used for the main call. I thought about what would happen if my dad didn't make it. I was pissed that the state of the NHS allowed for this to happen. I was 14, terrified, and angry. I thought if my dad died, I would do something drastic. I'd unalive myself, or I'd fight the government head on. Bonfire night core! It was a badly thought up plan, but what else could I do? The person on the other end of the line to me was horrible I think; she sounded so apathetic- like a kid just wanted their father to be okay, why be so harsh in your tone? But it's a job, a career- how many other crying children call every day? A lot I imagine! Well anyway, my dad came to, and he later got diagnosed with having a different condition after a mini stroke- but if he was having a full, normal sized blood clot in brain stroke- he would've died because the ambulance took too long.
For a while, I was bitter at the NHS- at the ambulance staff. My dad was clearly more important, why couldn't they help him FIRST? But as I grew up, I realised that's what everyone thinks. Why would my family be more important to a grandma with a failing heart? To victims of a car accident? It's the system's fault, not the helpless medical workers.
The same thing can be applied to tangled the series. Varian's villain arc stems from what he thought to be his father dying due to his own reckless actions and Rapunzel not helping. In the eyes of a kid, this is the ultimate betrayal- not realising that his situation was clearly more important. His situation was a priority. Couldn't she see that? Well, that's because she physically couldn't spend her time going to help Varian when the entire kingdom was on the line. Just like how a 999 operator has to work in a 'who called first' and 'how severe' order, Rapunzel had to work with what could prevent the most amount of deaths. It physically wasn't her fault, she couldn't let everyone else die for one person. If she didn't make that choice, everyone would've died. She didn't WANT this to happen to Quirin, but she couldn't stop it or else EVERYONE would've died. Varian wouldn't have understood that though; he was like 14-16, his whole world got shaken up negatively and now one of his only friends is actively refusing to help. Did she not care about him? Did she not care about his dad? Were they lesser citizens as they were from old corona? That was obviously not the case, but that's certainly what Varian was thinking as he got dragged out of the castle. Rapunzel wasn't in the wrong for not being able to help Varian- but Varian wasn't in the wrong for freaking out and going slightly insane after his entire life went to shit as a child.
I pride myself on always being intellectually above my age group, but it took time and actual, intentional reflection for my thought processes to change on the 999 operator who kept speaking to me on the phone when my dad was unconscious- unresponsive. I assume it took Varian even longer as his dad never semi recovered after a few hours. Varian went to jail, where he probably realised he lashed out at the wrong people. Whole heartedly though, just like how I still dislike the Gov't now- Varian had every reason to be mad at the King and the adviser who let the rocks in Corona get as bad as they got. He just took his frustration out on the wrong member of that Royal family. Remember, Rapunzel was 18- she was still a teenager too. Not as young as Varian, but she certainly wasn't a mature adult- ready to handle such a situation.
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goofy-episode · 9 months
y'all ever think about the other citizens of Old Corona post-Queen-for-a-Day? I mean, I know they moved somewhere else to escape the black rocks, but don't you think they'd have wondered why Quirin and his son didn't come too? Quirin was the leader of their community, after all.
What I'm saying is, I know we always picture Varian as completely alone for the weeks between QFAD and The Alchemist Returns, but I can't help but think that his fellow villagers would've asked what happened to his father, and I can only imagine how much of the truth he would've hid from them.
(also if anyone's read any fics or anything that explore this, feel free to share!)
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
Atrocities US committed against LATINO PEOPLE
On June 14th, 2019, an off-duty cop, Salvador Sanchez, in Corona, CA, shot and killed a mentally ill man, Kenneth French,, as well as shooting his family 8 times, while his family was with shopping for fathers day at a Costco. “I begged and told him not to shoot,” his father Russell French said. “I said we have no guns and my son is sick. He still shot.” Sanchez then fired at least eight rounds, striking all three family members. A man inside Costco stood and prayed over Russell French as he lied on the ground bleeding, he said. Kenneth French was shot twice in his back, Galipo said. There were also two gunshot wounds in his armpit and shoulder area. After the shooting, Corona Police said Sanchez was assaulted “without provocation” before Sanchez opened fire. He was placed on administrative leave days after the shooting, into which the LAPD is conducting an internal investigation.
On Feb 7th, 2019, a US border patrol officer shot and killed 21 for old Mendivil Perez, an American citizen, in Nogales, AZ. More than six months later, CBP won’t name the officer who fired his gun, or explain why he fired, or acknowledge the killing.
In early June, 2019, several reports of abuse surfaced about the US’s migrant prison camps, run by US customs and Border Patrol. One such facility, named “The Dog Pound”, by border patrol agents, had no running water, no tarp or safety from the elements. A group of prisoners were held in a single cell for 30 days without shower or clothes changes, in 100 degree temperatures. There is severe overcrowding in the El Paso camp, with as many as 76 migrants packed into a tiny cell designed for a maximum of 12 people. A number of children have died while being held, including one baby born in an overcrowded cell. The mother was never taken to a hospital. 4 toddlers in a Texas facility were so ill and neglected, that a lawyer intervened to force the government to hospitalize them. Children are often taken from mothers, due to the horrible conditions in the camps. In several Rio Grande Valley facilities, migrants were not provided soap, toothbrushes, and were sleep-deprived. Health and Human Service says it is past capacity with over 13,000 kids in its care at the moment. A mole exposed a Facebook group containing 9500 border patrol agents, with incredibly racist and sexist rhetoric, including threats against US rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who was planning a visit to the camps.
On January 29th, 2019, Tempe Arizona police shot and killed a 14 year old, Antonio Arce. He was shot in the back between his shoulder blades while running away. Police at first delayed, then released a small section of the bodycam footage, intentionally cut right before seeing the body, 3 days after the shooting. After backlash over the shortened video, they held a private showing to select reporters, barring any cameras or recording devices, seemingly showing Arce with the orange-tipped airsoft gun found near his body. They’ve refused to release that video to the public, leading many to believe it to be doctored, with police planting an airsoft gun on him after the killing as a justification. The original video has no such airsoft gun. The officer who murdered him is currently on administrative leave.
On Nov 25, 2018, US customs and border agents fired tear gas at hundreds of Central American migrants on the US border. “We ran, but when you run, the gas asphyxiates you more,” Honduran migrant Ana Zuniga, 23, told the Associated Press while cradling daughter Valery, 3, in her arms. The use of tear gas is banned in warfare, while its use for riot control is internationally accepted. Protesters and amnesty seekers would have more rights and protections if they simply declared war on the US government.
In May 2018, at a California press conference regarding Sanctuary cities, Trump, referring to Mexican immigrants stated: “These aren’t people. These are animals”.
Starting in April 2018, the Trump administration began a policy of separating families who attempt to cross the border. Separated children have been housed in a number of newly constructed tent facilities, such as one in Tornillo, TX. Another facility in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, the same military prison that held Japanese and Apache civilians, will hold south american migrants. Andrea Pitzer, the author of “One Long Night: A Global History of Concentration Camps” writes, “While writing a book on camp history, I defined concentration camps as the mass detention of civilians without trial, usually on the basis of race, religion, national origin, citizenship, or political party, rather than anything a given individual has done. By this definition, the new child camp established in Tornillo, Texas, is a concentration camp.” Recently it has been found that the Trump administration has been drugging children without consent. Children as young as 14 were abused at a Stanton VA ICE facility. “Whenever they used to restrain me and put me in the chair, they would handcuff me,” said a Honduran immigrant who was sent to the facility when he was 15 years old. “Strapped me down all the way, from your feet all the way to your chest, you couldn’t really move. … They have total control over you. They also put a bag over your head. It has little holes; you can see through it. But you feel suffocated with the bag on.”
Throughout 2018, I.C.E. started another wave of deportations, breaking up hundreds of families, and mandated the legal separation incoming parents from their children (presumably to deter future asylum-seekers). ICE arrested 114 people in Sandusky OH. Trump and Jeff Sessions have ramped up a trend of forcible deportations started by Clinton and Obama. Between 2016 and 2017, apprehensions of undocumented immigrants jumped by a third. In 2017, President Trump deported more than double the number of noncriminals than Obama had the previous year. Those deported include a 10-year-old girl with cerebral palsy in San Antonio; a grandmother described as the “backbone” of a Navy veteran’s family; a father of two in Detroit who had lived in the U.S. since he was 10 years old. A major consequence of this new policy has been an explosion of fear among immigrant communities “When everyone’s a target, no one is safe,” says Luis Zayas, dean of the Steve Hicks School of Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin. He cites instances of ICE agents arresting people who had just filed paperwork for a green card, left church or dropped off their kids at school. “The arrests feel arbitrary, and that’s different,” he says. “The fear is worse now than I’ve ever seen it.”
In July 2017, police shot Ismael Lopez, a Mississippi car mechanic, in the back of the head at his own home, killing him. While the police say that he was holding a weapon, his guns were nowhere near his dead body, and police also killed his dog, and bullet holes were found from police shooting through the front door. No officer has been charged.
The United States Department of Homeland Security rescinded DACA, or Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals, a program which protects ~ 800,000 minors from being deported, on June 16, 2017, while continuing to review the existence of the DACA program as a whole. The DACA policy was rescinded by the Trump administration on September 5, 2017, but full implementation of the rescission was delayed six months to give Congress time to decide how to deal with the population that was previously eligible under the policy.
Beginning in May 2017, ICE began another wave of deportation targeting Mexicans. Hugo Mejia and a coworker, Rodrigo Nuñez, were imprisoned by ICE officials, despite living in the US for 17 years, and having clean records.
Beginning in 1994, sheriff Joe Arpaio opened up a “tent city”, outside of phoenix, a facility which he called, his own “personal concentration camp”, used to house prisoners, in terrible conditions. In 2011, inmates complained that fans near their beds were not working, and that their shoes were melting from the heat. During the summer of 2003, when outside temperatures exceeded 110 °F (43 °C), Arpaio said to complaining inmates, “It’s 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents and they didn’t commit any crimes, so shut your mouths!”. Arpaio reinstuted chain gangs (for female prisoners as well), forcing people to work 7 hours a day, 7 days a week. Arpaio also entrapped 18-year-old James Saville into an assassination attempt against himself. Saville’s attorneys eventually discovered that MCSO detectives had bought the bomb parts themselves, then convinced Saville to build it even though he was not predisposed to commit such a crime. On July 9, 2003, a Maricopa County Superior Court jury acquitted Saville, finding that the bomb plot was an elaborate publicity stunt to boost Arpaio’s reelection bid. On April 4th, 2017, newly elected Phoenix sheriff Paul Penzone finally closed it down due to public pressure, after 23 years of operation. Trump pardoned sherriff Arpaio in August 2017, after holding a rally in Phoenix AZ in which police tear-gassed protesters.
On March 25th-27th, 2017, ICE agents arrested 84 immigrants in Oregon and Washington. Many arrested had no criminal background. Oregon Governor Katie Brown complied with ICE, but received vitriolic responses when she tweeted in support of immigrant families.
On March 27th, 2017, ICE agents in Chicago broke into the home of Felix Torres, and shot him while he and his family slept in their home. After speaking with Torres’ daughter, the People’s Response Team added that “no members of the family are undocumented, and the family has lived in the home for at least 30 years.”Carmen Torres said, “They didn’t say anything. They just came in and pointed pistols in our faces and dragged us out,” DNA Info reported. “It’s a lie when they say he was holding a gun. He doesn’t even own a gun,” she said. “They shot my dad. They shot him, and I don’t know why.” He is in critical condition.
In early 2017, ICE began a campaign of arrests and deportation of undocumented immigrants. 700 People have been arrested so far.
In the present day, ICE (U.S._Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement), the police tasked with immigration enforcement, operates over 500 prison camps, holding over 34,000 undocumented people deemed “aliens”, 20,000 of which have no criminal convictions, in the US system of immigration detention. The camps include forced labor (often with contracts from private companies), poor conditions, lack of rights (since the undocumented aren’t considered citizens), and forced deportations, often splitting up families. Detainees are often held for a year without trial, with antiquated court procedures pushing back court dates for months, encouraging many to accept immediate deportation in the hopes of being able to return faster than the court can reach a decision, but forfeiting legal status, in a cruel system of coercion. After the creation of DHS and ICE, the budget for immigration enforcement doubled from $6.2 billion in 2002 to $12.5 billion in 2006 under Obama.
In 1996, in response to increased immigration from countries such as El Salvador and Guatemala ravaged by US imperialism and authoritarian dictatorships, the US passed the Anti-Terrorism and effective Death Penalty Act, allowing deportation of any immigrant ever convicted of a crime, no matter how long ago or how serious. Lawful permanent residents who had married Americans and now had children were not exempt. The New York Times reported in July that “hundreds of long-term legal residents have been arrested since the law passed.” 
By 1984, during the Reagan-era of social services and welfare cutbacks, 42% of all Latino children and one-fourth of the families lived below the poverty line.
In 1983, a mostly latino workforce lead the 3-year long Arizona Copper Mine Strike of 1983, in which the police, national guard, and Arizona governor assisted in one of the largest strikebreaking incidents of the 1980s, ending with the Phelps Dodge Corporation replacing most of the workers and decertifying the unions. Miners were subject to undercover surveillance by the Arizona Criminal Intelligence Systems Agency, to identify strikers engaged in violence, with the governor sending 325 National Guard soldiers to Morenci, and increasing the number of state policemen there to 425. Meanwhile, the local government passed injunctions limiting both picketing and demonstrations at the mine. The Arizona copper mine strike would later become a symbol of defeat for American unions.
From 1929 - 1954, the US implemented Mexican Repatriation, and Operation Wetback, a US law enforcement initiative under Eisenhower to curb Mexican immigration, in which over 1 Million Mexicans were arrested. After implementation, Operation Wetback gave rise to arrests and deportations by the U.S. Border Patrol that were civil rights violations, which resulted in several hundred United States citizens being illegally deported without being given a chance to prove their citizenship. From 1929 - 1939, ~400k-2 Million people were deported, 40-60% of them lawful citizens, and many of them children. About 1.1 Million people were deported in 1954 alone. A total of 750 immigration and border patrol officers and investigators; 300 jeeps, cars, and buses; and seven airplanes were allocated for the operation. Teams were focused on quick processing, as planes were able to coordinate with ground efforts and quickly deport people into Mexico. While the operation included the cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Chicago, its main targets were border areas in Texas and California. Overall, there were 1,078,168 apprehensions made in the first year of Operation Wetback, with 170,000 being rounded up from May to July 1954. In addition, many illegal immigrants fled to Mexico fearing arrest; over half a million from Texas alone. 
In 1951, the Los Angeles Police Department severely beat up 5 Latino and 2 white men, in an event called Bloody Christmas, leaving them with broken bones and ruptured organs, and covered it up. After pressure from the Mexican-American community, the LAPD opened up an internal inquiry, resulting in eight police officers being indicted for the assaults, 54 being transferred, and 39 being suspended.
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pattheanimator · 2 years
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As I’ve been reposting a bunch of my art to Tumblr, I was going to post these for Tangled’s anniversary, but missed it by a day! Oh, well. A couple of years ago, some members of the fandom decided to do a Tangled challenge for Art April, and I thought I’d give it a shot! These are my entries, batch 2 of 3: 11. Favourite duet song - Buddy 12. Favourite Corona citizen - Xavier 13. Favourite character from outside Corona - King Trevor 14. Guard from any Tangled Kingdom - Maximus 15. Design new Tangled character - Bastion (kinda cheated on that one) 16. Favourite solo song - Waiting in the Wings 17. Sign of a new Original Tangled pub - The Pickled Chameleon 18. You as a Tangled the Series character 19. Character with Sun powers not Rapunzel - Old Lady Crowley 20. Character with Moon powers not Cass - Hector
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rhmis-user-2020 · 10 months
My changes for Vat7k
I got a new idea for the fanfiction which develops Hugo to be imperfect but at the same time grew to have a complex and developed relationship with Varian, as well as giving Nuru and Yong more time to develop and show up in more chapters and such. I do stand by and accept your points and they can be valid and it makes me wanna change up the concept of Vat7k as a whole. Maybe include Varian's attributes of season 3's character and make him the former criminal of the town before he was a citizen of Corona and the rest of the seven kingdoms as well as me giving Nuru, Yong and Hugo to have different types of scientists to not copy Varian's:
Hugo: He would be an engineer, physistic and mineralogist but bear in mind that he can't be perfect so I put more emphasis on his criminal background.
And be like the engineer version of Eugene Fitzherbert. He would be a contrast to him because of their career differences and how they’d affect personality. Eugene is a lone thief in the past and therefore Hugo would be like the 2.0 of him, he steals for himself and for profit. He’s basically self-employed!
Yong: He’s mainly got experience with pyrotechnics, he’d be good for defence.
Yong's got a unique background in that he’s very into a specific type of chemistry which is probably different from Varian's. And Yong does have a background in mechanics and is useful in equations and he's a firecracker. He probably knows a bit about temperature science, which might be helpful for a specific task.
Nuru: Nuru's science is astrology, an old kind of astronomy and meteorology, that also includes airflow on the planet. She could probably fill in the team's role as navigator of the group.
Nuru has been studying princess things a lot of her life a lot of that stemming from the fact that she does know other kingdoms and placements, so I can add in geography as a form of her interests and if I create her some kind of background and story a little less sheltered she’d be a good cultural consultant which in turn she’d need to know about neighbouring kingdoms to do politics well and she’d also probably be a good communicator, she’d be good at convincing people to do things for the group.
And we just leave Quirin behind like that in most fanworks.
Donella is totally down for overthrowing the rich and if she was a mob boss alongside being the royal engineer then she could make a lot of connections and identify different targets, just sayin’… I have this idea of her being raised by a librarian/scholar/academic type person so she’s raised with a strong appreciation for knowledge. Ulla’s main goal in getting to the Eternal Library was to find out more about magic so Donella’s goal could have something to do with the economic divide in Iingvar, trying to decrease the poverty rates or Maybe that’s why she takes in Hugo, perhaps there are other kids who work for her in exchange for a safe shelter.
Cus of this, Hugo is a double agent.
Everyone just forgets Cyrus once in a while, I personally think that he and Donella met when she did the iron trial and did something that he feels indebted to her, not sure exactly what but you don’t gain loyal followers for doing nothing. He was definitely a young Hugo’s training dummy/babysitter/jungle gym and as Hugo got older it was more trying to get a reaction out of him.
I mean, Cyrus is stoic and doesn’t talk much and stays completely silent.
As he’ll often lend an ear but whether he’s actually paying attention is up for debate. When he does talk! I reckon he gives great advice and he is probably a good and supportive person to vent to.
And why do Varian's relatives have to have the same features as him?
Buck teeth
Big eyes
Literally, these are meant to make Varian unique.
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twotangledsisters · 4 months
Do you have any political headcanons about corona and the rest of the Seven Kingdoms?
Oh, quite a few!
1.- I think Corona is a mostly wealthy kingdom which leads it to not knowing how to accommodate working/lower class citizens. Strict criminal laws, clear biases when it comes to accusations, plus the willingness to ignore the black rock problema in Old Corona... they're just farmers I guess?
2.- For some reason Koto has always been the magic kingdom in my mind and they're the ones funding places like the Spire so the art of magic doesn't fully die.
3.- Neserdnia's place in the ammendment is it exports animal goods. Including very exotic animal stuff, reminder Pascal's dragon egg came from there! Or at least came in a shipment from there.
4.- Bayangor is the kingdom with most traditions, culture, manners and such.
5.- Pittsford is the closest to a democracy having elections even if they always come out the same. Instead of a palace they just have a town hall. Not political but they're actually really chill when they're not talking to other bigger kingdoms.
6.- Ingvarr doesn't have a propper royal family, anybody can go challenge the current leader to a duel and if they win they get the throne!
7.- Meetings are never held in Galcrest cause it's just too cold for the other kingdoms. (wait... that's not political?)
8.- At some point in time animals were added into Corona law as citizens and thereby are held to the same legal standards. The event that warranted such changes? I'm unsure but I'd bet Demanitus had something to do with it.
9.- There's an ongoing feud between Corona and Ingvarr over who gets credit for Demanitus as he was born in Ingvarr and died in Corona. Why such a specific headcanon? Well, first of all Demanitus loves Corona..... too much. Usually people are more in love with places they moved to later in life than where they were born. Second of all, Ingvarr has that absolutely amazing invention in the Princess of the Crowns for battle and that seems like the sorta technology Demanitus would have a hand in.
Not saying he made that specific one! But rather he's part of the reason Ingvarr is so advanced.
10.- One of the seven kingdoms suggested Equis should be offered a chance to join but the vote needed to be unanimous and Frederic voted against purely out of spite for Trevor.
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lefemmerougewriter · 7 months
The Corona Blues: Cass the Space Pirate, Her Blue-Eyed Pirate Girlfriend, and Raps' Momentous Choice
Summary: After a mask mandate and lockdown are imposed in the Kingdom of Corona, in response to a contagious "invisible" virus spreading, citizens are restless and hostile toward Raps, as their sovereign. Varian vows to stay behind and help the citizenry, while Raps leaves. She wants to clear her head. Later, while her sketchbook dries, she wades into a stream and falls in thanks to tremors from a nearby spaceship landing. A decorated lieutenant, and accomplished space pirate, comes to save her. The woman has a familiar face, with her mahogany pigment shining in the sun. Its none other than Cass. After meeting Cass's new pirate girlfriend, the captain of a massive spacefaring vessel, Raps makes a far-reaching decision which will impact not only Cass and her girlfriend, but herself and the people of Corona thereafter.
Characters: Marika Kato, Rapunzel, Cassandra, Varian, Eugene Fitzherbert, Misa Greenwood, Kane McDougal, Coorie, Hyakume, Schnitzer, San-Daime, Luca
Friendships: Rapunzel & Pascal (former?)
Romantic pairings: Rapunzel / Cassandra (former?), Cassandra / Marika Kato
Words: 4000+
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36110716/chapters/136737880
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1425409282-the-corona-chronicles-cass-the-space-pirate-her
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/14508344/The-Corona-Chronicles/2
A/N: Sorry that it's been over two years since my last update! I really wanted to publish this a while ago, but a lot was happening in my life. There were preparations for a trip to Italy throughout 2022, even as I still wrote eight fics (like those in the High Guardian Space series) primarily at the beginning and end of the year. And then I moved into a new place in March 2023. With that on top of job stresses, it took until the end of last year for things to settle down. When I wrote the first chapter in December 2021, I had no idea about what was going to happen in the years ahead. I may end up writing a third part. This chapter sets the stage for a possible third part. As a reminder, in this story, Cass is a Black woman.
Work Text:
Back in the castle, Raps was pacing once again. She had locked the castle building and prohibited anyone from entering. She made a snap decision she'd go out into the city, among the people. She couldn't be cooped up forever. Varian wanted to know if she really wanted to pursue this course of action or not. "Are you sure about this?" She nodded. She needed to hear what the people had to say. She was their sovereign... after all. This made Varian very afraid. He had heard people's anger toward her. He realized she had to experience it first-hand. Both put their handmade masks. Varian wore a black cloth mask, with black straps. Raps wore a purple and yellow mask, with intricate designs, that she had colored herself. She would not be content with a single color, as she liked vibrancy.
As she walked out of the castle, and locked the door behind her, she got a taste of this anger first-hand. One onlooker heckled her. "Boo!" he shouted. He then pointed. "YOU got be the virus!" Unfazed by this clear lie, she continued moving forward. Varian used his alchemist staff to trap the person in amber. No dissent to the royalty would be allowed. Most in the town followed the posted ordinances, but some did not.
Those who refused to abide by the regulations had started to come together, loosely, into a grouping they called the Anti-Rapunzel Alliance, or ARA for short. Those who led the organization did not believe in any governmental system, state, or anything like that. They didn't even think of themselves as leaders, claiming the group was "leaderless," another lie that anyone could see through very easily. They called themselves anarkhists. They would always be a thorn in the side of Raps, especially after the passing of her parents a year prior from old age. The ARA had been annoying Raps for years. She was aware of their violent activities. She did not worry about them. She did not see them as representative of the people. That sentiment was accurate, even though their support was growing every day.
She was jeered and booed as she walked through the city. People did not feel she had done enough to protect them from what was being dubbed the "Corona-Ailment," or ca for short. She shared their sentiments since she did not know if she had done enough or if more could be done. She wracked her brain with these questions every day. The ca crisis was always at the top of her agenda. She was exhausted, tired of running the city, and the kingdom, almost entirely by herself. She wished that Eugene had been there, as he had gone on a voyage to one of their allies across the sea, specifically to Avalor. Instead, she had to do this without him. She sighed.
The viciousness and nastiness toward her by those in Corona had deeply affected her. Varian expected this would happen. This is why he hoped she'd decide to stay inside the castle. This belief was misplaced. If he had known Raps as well as he thought he did, then he'd be aware that she liked to take risks, no matter the costs. Some people in her position would cry. Her emotional strength allowed her to weather heavy criticism, at least in this case. Sometimes Pascal would help her through this. She couldn't even rely on him this time. She had left him in her room, letting him sleep away without bringing him with her.
She turned to her trusty confidante, her royal science advisor, and royal scientist. "You can go back to the castle, Varian. I want to be alone." He didn't want to leave. He felt obligated to help her, especially since he had caused so much trouble for her in the past. Back then, he almost overthrew the government. Even still, she justified her response, at the time, noting that she only pushed away his pleas for help because of pressing demands on her as the royal queen of Corona. She couldn't spare anyone back then. "I…want to stay," he remarked. She shook her head. She wouldn't let him do that. "LEAVE!" she shouted and pointed back at the castle. She glared into his eyes. He cowered and turned around. He did not want to cross her. He realized that giving her some space was the right thing to do.
As he crossed the bridge and walked toward Corona, and the royal castle, Raps went the opposite way. She had to clear her head for a bit. She wanted to sit by the stream and watch the water cascading across the rocks. That always calmed her down, even when times were tough. It made her feel better about herself. She found a nice spot: a rock which overlooked a bubbling stream. She then pulled out her watercolor paints and sketchbook. Every day, week, and month, she believed that her art had improved.
In the past, she had disguised herself as "Robin Rap," putting on a mask, fake wig and beard, and a robe with a hood. She secretly set out art displays in the street during the night. This led to curiosity and excitement from those across Corona and the nearby lands. However, since ca had begun spreading, she hadn't taken on the persona, perhaps contributing to lower spirits among the populace. It made them more prone to feelings of utter despair, hopelessness, and anger toward her. Not everyone in Corona liked her as the monarch, in part due to her gender. Others saw it as a step forward to have a break from a line of male rulers which went back eons.
She yawned and stretched, leaving the sketchbook out to dry. If she put it away now, it would ruin not only the page she had sketched but also others inside the book as well. She walked into the stream bed and sensed the cold-water coursing through her toes. She wished she could stay here all day. This place of bliss would not last forever. Out of nowhere, tremors from something far away, shook the ground. It caused her to shake. The reverberations came ever closer, becoming so strong that she lost her balance and fell into the streambed.
She complained. "Fuck! My dress is all wet now…UGH!" she yelled. Trying to regain her balance, she slipped on a rock, and hit the stream with a thud. She began to cry. Even a queen could be taken down by something as small as a rock with moss on it. "Help! Won't someone please help me!" she shouted into the distance. She half-believed that no one would lift a finger for her. She resolved to give it five minutes, then she'd crawl out of the stream on her own. It was a time like this that she wished Eugene had been there, or anyone else who could be just as loving. The latter seemed very unlikely.
She sat as the water passed around her, through her soaked clothes. She grumbled and had given up. Suddenly, a woman dressed, in a what looked to be a fancy lieutenant's uniform, with epaulets on the shoulders, and a sword on the belt, approached her. She outstretched her hand, its mahogany pigment shining in the light. "Let me help you, Ma'am," the voice bellowed. Raps looked up. It was none other than Cass, whose mahogany skin almost sparkled. She blushed. She was surprised that Cass was there and even more embarrassed that she had to be helped out of this... unfortunate situation. Perhaps they could start again, with a healthier relationship. After all, Cass was an independent woman now. Raps had no power over her, unlike in the past, when she has been employed as a lady-in-waiting, a servant, and handmaiden all-in-one. It was a master-servant relationship. Cass had obliterated that when she subsumed the Moonstone's power into her own body, wanting to determine her own destiny. Although her motives were justified, her actions could be extreme and destructive, thanks to Zhan Tiri's mental manipulation.
"Cass…is that you?," Raps asked inquisitively. She nodded. "Yes, and I'm here to save you…princess, I mean...queen." She pulled her out of the riverbed and onto the dry land. Cass chuckled. "I didn't know you’d get so wet before you saw me…that must have been quite an experience." Shamefaced, Raps pounded against Cass, clearly annoyed. Her face was the color of a ripe tomato. "Come on, that’s not fair…," she said. They had a good laugh together and Cass helped Raps get up. Looking at her clothes, she remarked, "That's quite a look for a member of the royalty…what would the people of Corona think if they saw their queen drenched to the bone?" This comment got to Raps too, who pouted in response.
She quickly regained her composure. She grabbed her now-dried sketchbook and smiled. Before she could say anything, Cass interjected. "I'll bring you to my ship…there's some dry clothes there." She nodded curiously. Her...friend now had…a vessel…under her command? She thought that Cass would be some lone wanderer, or something. At least that's what she expected. Even so, she did not know what was in store for her. Originally the plan had been to bring a fleet of medical ships to the surface. Marika had called them back to the starship, saying that she and Cass would survey the situation first, then report back.
They reached the dinghy, sitting in a nearby field, with the cockpit closed, so no miscreants got inside. She saw a pinkish orange-haired woman dressed in space pirate regalia leaning against the ship. "Hey, Cassie," she began. Pointing at Raps, she asked, "who's that you have there?" Raps started to say something. Cass spoke first. "This is my friend…Rapunzel Fitzherbert, you know, from Corona, whose distress call we got on the Bentenmaru." Marika understood but was confused. Was this woman really a queen? She didn’t get the vibe from her at all. Perhaps it was the wet clothes. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Fitzherbert. I'm Marika Kato, the captain of the Bentenmaru…and I’m Cass’s friend." Cass rolled her eyes. "Girlfriend. She's MY girlfriend." Raps was surprised. In a year's time she had gotten a girlfriend and...her own ship to command! Cass had been busy... in her estimation.
"Nice to meet you, Ms. Kato. You can call me…Rapunzel or Raps. I'm not really about all these formal titles." Marika chuckled. She shook Raps' hand. "Nice to make your acquaintance too. Cassie told me about you…in fact, she's the one who pushed us to come here." That was only half-true. Cass and Marika had jointly agreed to come there, not one of them deciding it on their own. Knowing that Raps probably had feelings for Cass, she thought it would be better this way, since it could allow them to reconnect better. Although Cass knew that Marika wasn't being entirely truthful, she let it slide, this time. "Yeah, that’s what happened," she said sheepishly. After that, Cass opened up the cockpit of the dinghy, and showed her where the spare (and clean) clothes were. She even got her a bag for her wet clothes, which she'd dry later. Since Cass had left, Raps had started doing more tasks by herself, without servants.
It's awkward to be with a girl you once loved and... their new girlfriend. So, she tread very carefully. She didn't want to cause any problems for Cass or for herself, for that matter. Even so, she couldn’t stop herself from blushing. And Marika noticed. She watched Raps like a hawk. Although she had only been with Cass for about a year, she could be somewhat jealous, especially since Cass was her first girlfriend. Surely, at the academy, girls had fawned over her, like no one's business. Once she helped her friend get together with her lover, also a girl, on a mission that involved the entire Bentenmaru crew. It was a huge endeavor, to say the least. All of this colored what was happening at the present.
Raps eased the tension pretty quickly. She decided to confide in them about what was going on. "I'd like to get away from here, away from it all...things are not going well in Corona." Cass was surprised. What could have gone wrong? She was unsure. "There's this contagious virus that’s spreading...and people are getting restless. No one is helping me combat it...at all." Her latter statement was somewhat untrue, as Varian had done his part to help her. This made Cass and Marika even more curious. Rather than Cass getting in a word, Marika asked a question. "So…can we catch this virus?...I don't wanna make my crew sick." Raps moved her head from side-to-side. She had to tell the truth. "I guess so. The number of cases have been rising...it's not that many yet. I mandated a lockdown and that everyone wear cloth masks to protect themselves. It has made people very angry at me. Even Varian refused to leave."
She stamped her foot on the ground and gritted her teeth. This situation had brought back her fears about being a ruler. She didn't think there was anything else she could do. Perhaps it would be better if she wasn't there at all. She grabbed Marika's hand. "Can you please take me with you into space?" she pleaded. "I really don't want to be on this planet anymore. I have to get away." Marika wasn't sure this was a good idea. She looked toward Cass. She needed her approval before agreeing to Raps' request. Cass asked Raps directly, "Are you sure you want to do this? If we take you with us, we might not be back for a while." She nodded.
They all packed themselves into the dinghy's cockpit. Although most dinghies were single-person, this one had seats for up to three people. Marika closed the visor and told everyone to strap themselves in. Raps and Cass easily followed her instructions. Pressing some buttons, the engine began to roar, and the ship quickly took off. The landing wheels retracted and they went soaring through the sky. Raps was amazed. As they flew up through the air and above the trees, their ship passed by the island kingdom of Corona and over the Bay of Corona. A small schooner arrived in the island’s port. A young twenty-six year-old man, with light skin and short brown hair, was aboard.
Cass turned to Marika. She asked, "you wanna play THAT song?" She smiled. That was fine with her. Pressing a button, a tray came out of the console. She pulled out a transparent plastic case, adorned with a paper cover of a black-haired and pink-skinned woman wearing a black t-shirt, black-pants, and holding a guitar with a black strap around her body. A black heart was behind the woman and two words stood out on the cover: "Bad Reputation." This three-part case, made from a synthetic polymer, had liner-notes, and a back card. The two sides were hinged together. She carefully pulled out a reflective thick thermoplastic disk. It was adorned with images of the same woman, but in a circular fashion. The disc itself the following words: "Bad Reputation – Joan Jett – 2012 Re-Issue." Cass had picked it up when she and Marika went to a flea market, as some called it, during their travels.
Putting the disc in, she pressed another button. The tray retracted. She pressed a third button, looking like a small rightward facing arrow. It had one small word: "Play." Like magic, the music began playing out of speakers, although Raps wasn't sure from where, as any speakers seemed invisible. Cass and Marika began singing along. Raps started to get in the mood of it too.
"I don't give a damn 'bout my reputation / You're living in the past, it's a new generation / A girl can do what she wants to do / And that's what I’m gonna do!"
As the song began playing, they all sang along. Their voices were so loud that people could hear them on the island below. One of those people was the brown-haired man whose boat had arrived on the island's docks: Eugene Fitzherbert. His light brown eyes spotted the dinghy flying through the sky. He saw a woman with blonde hair inside. He was taken aback. "Blondie?" he asked confusedly. He wondered why the woman he loved was speeding away from the planet at a high rate of speed. He didn't even recognize Cass, nor he did know who the other woman inside the ship (Marika) was. People across Corona, including Varian, looked up at the sky in amazement.
In no time at all, the dinghy made its way through the atmosphere and into outer space. It came close to a massive starship, which was painted in a mix of black and magenta colors. The vessel had a cylinder-shaped main body and a coned bow, a design often used with rockets. The ship's emblem and name were on the side: Bentenmaru. There were four fins on the rear. As they came closer, Marika spoke into a receiver. "We’re coming back. Our mission has concluded. No need to bring any additional ships at this time. And we have one new passenger." A woman with little tone in her voice answered: "Affirmative."
This was Luca. She often did not interact with her fellow crewmates and only commented on her work. Her voice's tone usually remained the same unless when she was really stressed out. At times, she could irritate crewmates by saying she saw something but when she was asked about it, she wouldn't reveal it. Other times, she claimed she saw something but when asked, she said she told them nothing. Her attitude differed from the friendly and supportive medic (Misa), the laid-back and friendly helmsman (Kane), the fairly friendly and often amused radar/sensor specialist (Hyakume), and the fairly relaxed electronic warfare specialist (Coorie).
Soon after docking, Marika jumped out of the ship, followed soon by Cass and Raps. She brought them to the vessel's bridge, which had two levels. They entered through the upper level. The lower level had the steering wheel and consoles where crew members could steer the ship; examine radar, sensors, and engines, or conduct so-called "electronic warfare." During battles, the upper level lowered, and shutters blocked out the windows, with the view outside the ship shown on a visual display on the ceiling. That wouldn't be happening... this time. Marika spoke first. "I'd like to introduce our honored guest, Queen Rapunzel of Corona." Misa smiled. Kane remarked, "this might be nothing like your home, Miss...however, we'll treat you well, don't you worry." Hyakume laughed. He was just as friendly toward her as Misa and Kane. "This isn't the first time we’ve transported royalty, but hey, why not another royal?"
Coorie looked up from her screen. She turned toward Raps in a friendly manner. The other crew members were unsure about their new guest. Schnitzer remained stern and serious as always. San-Daime, often worrisome and pessimistic, was anxious. "Are you sure this is a good idea? Won't someone come to get her...and we'll be in trouble?" Cass put them at ease. They listened to her. After all, she was the lieutenant and she was close to Marika, who they deeply respected. "It's fine. Don't worry about it. This was her choice to come here and we should honor that." Everyone seemed to accept that reasoning. Raps interjected jubilantly. "Thanks everyone. I'm glad to be here." She had one more thing to say, something which would surprise them all.
"I have two more requests, if you'll indulge me." They were listening intently. This would be hard to explain. "I assume you have weapons on this vessel, right?" They nodded in agreement. "Well, I'd like you to destroy a stone bridge for me. It''s the last thing I'll do for Corona. Then, I'd like to send a message to Corona...through that radio thing." They agreed to both requests. They seemed easy enough to execute her requests. Walking down the stairs, she came close to Hyakume, skilled at radar and sensors. After guiding him to exact location of the target, he sent her over to Schnitzer, the ship's tactical officer. He was standing-in as the gunner. Usually they had other gunners, but not on this mission. He maneuvered the front-pulse weapon into position. He pressed a button and a powerful blue laser beam fired from the ship’s nose. It traveled at supersonic speed. It hit the bridge's middle with almost exact precision.
The weapon unintentionally ignited dynamite which some angry citizens had set as part of their plan to overthrow the government. The bridge exploded into a million pieces, with stone flying every which way, including into the island kingdom. Some people could barely escape the falling stone. Even the ARA, undoubtedly seen as the culprits whether they were involved or not, was worried about the results of this explosion.
A static crackle filled the air. A voice began speaking to the surprise of the citizens:
"Hello, this Queen Rapunzel. As you can see from the recent explosion, I am cutting off the kingdom of Corona from the mainland. I cannot let this virus spread any further. This is for your own good. As my last act as sovereign, I am appointing Varian as my successor. I believe in him and hope that you all put your trust in him. Thank you."
Everyone in Corona was surprised. Wasn't Eugene next in line? Has she abandoned them? Did she have any loyalty to her subjects? All these questions, and others, rattled in the minds of the citizens as a riot began to break out. People grabbed torches, pitchforks, and any weapon they could find, throwing them in royal buildings. They approached the castle in huge numbers. This unorganized demonstration was not the work of the ARA. It stemmed from the fury of the citizens. The royal guards tried to hold people back. They could barely hold the line. Varian came out of the front doors. Although he knew the citizens were angry, he remained dumbstruck in this situation. He didn't know what to do.
Suddenly, Eugene stepped forward. He believed this was the time for a strong-hand, decisive leadership. He wasn't sure Varian could do this. Coming close, he whispered into Varian's ear, "kid, let me take this." He responded in a low-pitch that only Eugene could hear. "I didn’t want this responsibility anyway, so take it." He closed the door and walked back inside. Eugene addressed the hastily assembled crowd. "I talked with Varian. I'm the one in charge now. I’m sorry that Rapunzel left us behind. I will lead us back to glory." What he said next he came up with on the spot. It was totally spontaneous, at least it appeared. "As my first act, the mask mandate and lockdown are hereby ended. Let us make Corona great again!" The crowd cheered wildly. Masks were pulled off and burned by their torches. People began chanting "Eugene! Eugene! Eugene!" He did not know what he was getting himself into.
Back on the Bentenmaru, Cass led Raps to a spare cabin. "You can sleep here, Raps. See you tomorrow morning." She smiled. Everything was going as she had hoped. While she would have liked Pascal there with her, she wanted to start fresh, at least this time. He would be better without her. In fact, he would have questioned her rash decision. Perhaps her view would change in the future. For now, she needed to get away from it all, and that included Pascal. She was ready and willing to become a space pirate, just like Cass had done years ago. However, there would be some awkwardness since it had been so long since she and Cass had been together.
It was hard to say what remained next for Corona or for Cass, Raps, Marika, and other crew members on the Bentenmaru. But it would surely be written in the stars.
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intotheunkncnws · 1 year
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𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐫   —   INTRODUCTION
inspired  by  :  elsa ( frozen  ) / added inspo ! , dani clayton (  the haunting of bly manor ) , elphaba (  wicked  )  , meg march (  little women  )  , wanda maximoff (  marvel  )
full name. elsa mathilde arnadalr. faceclaim: l.ucy b.oynton ( future : r.achel m.cadams ) dob. december 22 ( winter solstice ) zodiac. capricorn occupation. crowned queen of arendelle / unemployed in elias. birthplace. arendelle, norway. orientation. lesbian song. porcelain - marianas trench. film. the polar express  education. secondary school. temperament. melancholic ( analytical, quiet, avoiding ) mbti. infj ( sensitive, private, thoughtful,  ) alignment. neutral good abilities. ice & snow magic / fifth spirit of the enchanted forest hogwarts house. ravenclaw emoji. ( ❄️ )
elsa fled to elias after her coronation. after a heated argument with her sister her powers were revealed to the citizens of corona.
since coming to elias she made friends with hades. elsa was unaware of his alliance with malfiencet. even when the monsters attacked she still sided with him finding a kinship in both of them being misunderstood. the god helped her with her powers. hades helped elsa realize there was beautiful in her magic not shame. she grew confident enough to remove her gloves.
her friendship with jack has also made her feel less alone in the world given his own ice powers.
her powers are still hidden from those she’s not close to. while elsa is more comfortable with her ice magic she still fears how others will react to her.
there is still so much she has yet to see and do after being hidden away for years. for the first time in her life she’s happy. as much as anna wants her to return to arendelle and be queen, elsa is content with the life she’s forging in elias.
since elsa was isolated for so many years and the gates of the kingdom were closed no one would know of her royal status unless they were royal themselves or lived in norway.
as for the mickey vs maleficent debate ??? because of her connection with hades … girly might side with maleficent
tw: elsa’s past mentions parental death & trauma.
born on the winter solstice to king agnarr and queen iduna, Elsa, was gifted with magical powers—the ability to control ice and snow—as a reward for her mother’s heroism when saving agnarr when they were teenagers. these powers would not manifest until she was three. Iduna was unaware of the origins of Elsa’s powers, but believed that they were born out of love and thus a gift rather than a curse since she was born from the union of an Arendellian and a Northuldran. She accepted her daughter’s uniqueness and correctly believed that Elsa was a gift from the forest’s spirits and born with her powers for a reason.
for years elsa used her powers mostly to entertain her younger sister anna. the two were close as can be. all was well until one night when elsa was merely eight years old she accidentally struck anna while playing with her. she struck anna in the head and knocked her out cold.
her parents sought help from the trolls. paddie, the shaman was able to cleanse anna of the magic, which included memories of elsa’s magic.
elsa was traumatized by the events. she almost killed her beloved sister.  after that night elsa was locked away in her room to keep herself safe but also anna. her father gifted her gloves that helped suppressed her powers. that’s where her mantra “conceal, don’t feel, don’t let it show” came from. for years elsa was distanced from others but instead of powers getting under control suppressing them only made them more unruly.
despite wanting elsa to conceal her powers, agnarr was optimistic that his daughter’s would learn to control her powers. her isolation was only temporary, however, the king and queen would never see the day elsa left her room. on the way to the celebration of the return of the lost princess in corona, the king and queen died. their ship was sunk due to extreme weather. distraught by their death, elsa lost control of her powers. she didn’t attend their funeral and after that elsa further isolated herself from anna.
three years after their passing elsa came of age to become queen of arendelle. it was the first time the gates would open to the public. it was the first time elsa would interact with anyone outside of her parents since she was eight. it wasn’t just the kingdom of arendelle but other neighboring kingdoms.  
the night was going well. elsa even reunited with anna. all the worries she had began to melt away that is until her sister asked for her blessing to marry prince hans of the southern isles. elsa insisted that anna could not marry a man she just met. the two begin to argue until elsa says the party is over and the gates be closed immediately. of course anna only continued to push which not only made elsa anxious she grew overwhelmed with frustration to the point she accidentally unleashed her powers on anna and the guests. horrified by what she had done and fearing how people would react to her, elsa fled arendelle until she found herself in a city called elias.  
elsa hasn’t had her ‘let it go’ moment yet so i would like to see that. she’s grown more confident yes but she hasn’t let go of anything. she still harbors a lot of anxiety and has yet to let her powers be seen to the public.
in the future, i want elsa to find out about the enchanted forest and her being the fifth spirit. eventually she’d be called forth to Ahtohallan and have her show yourself moment.
she would discover the truth about her parents, her family’s past and ties to the enchanted forest and know that her parents did love her. she would want to help bridge the Northuldra and the Arendellians.
i want elsa to heal from her trauma and realize she is not the monster she believes she is. she was a mere child who should have been given guidance instead of hidden away. she didn’t know any better.
like in frozen 2, she would give arendelle over to anna and leave to protect the enchanted forest. there she would find a sense of self and freedom.
i would hope she mends her relationship with anna. her mother knew that if anyone could help elsa with her powers it was her sister. healing will allow her to create a family of her own and hopefully do better for her kids than what she was given.
she has two children in the future: tzeitel, her daughter gifted by the water spirit and lachlan, her son gifted by the fire spirit. 
taken connections
agnarr arnadalr & iduna arnadalr/ parents, deceased .
anna arnadalr / sister .
cassandra jager / girlfriend .
hades vasilikas / mentor .
jack frost / friend .
meg dimitriou / it’s complicated .
kit charmont / ex-betrothal, best friend .
victoria everglot / roommate .
nala omita / friend .
wanted connections
hans & kristoff are both open !
friends : friends are always welcomed and wanted ! [ open ]
enemies : i mean why not [ open ]
( pinterest board & playlist)
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tangledbea · 1 year
Who named Rapunzel? If it was the king or the queen, why Eugene couldn't recognize her by the name? And why Gothel kept this name?
If it was Gothel, then why the king and the queen kept the name? Doesn't it mean "lettuce" or something?
According to the series, it was canonically her parents who named her. We know this for two reasons:
In Tangled: Before Ever After, when Fredric is remembering the night she was kidnapped, he calls out her name in his memory.
In the season 3 episode "No Time Like the Past," we see missing posters of her up around Corona with her name on them.
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I have headcanons that go way back to before the series existed about her name, so strap in, because this is a kind of involved answer.
First, I'll address the meaning. Rapunzel is not lettuce. Rapunzel is another name for the rampion plant which, yes, has edible leaves and roots and can be used as a salad green, but more closely resembles a radish than lettuce. However, it is also the name of the plant's flower, and just like how Rose, Daisy, Lily, Hyacinth, etc are all names, why not Rapunzel? Furthermore, Disney's Rapunzel was not named after the rampion flower, specifically. She was named after the Sundrop flower that saved her and the queen's life.
Here is what the rapunzel flower looks like:
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And here is what the Sundrop flower looks like:
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Notice how the center of the Sundrop flower essentially contains a rapunzel flower. This was deliberate on the part of the artists who designed it. Rapunzel was named after this flower.
As for why Gothel kept the name, I have a headcanon for that.
Back in the day, in ye olden tymes, babies were often not named until they were Christened, which didn't really happen until the parents were relatively sure the kid would survive. Now, Corona doesn't appear to be a Christian nation (it appears to be a sun-worshiping one that has the trappings of Christianity, if you ask me, but that's neither here nor there), and the king and queen clearly named their baby. So my headcanon is that the night they lifted the lantern was not the day she was born. I mean, look at that baby. She has the wiggliness and personality of a three-month-old, at the youngest. I think the lantern lifting was their version of her Christening, when her name would be revealed to the people. Up until then, I headcanon she was called Baby Princess by the citizens. Now, since the people only knew her name for one night, they sort of defaulted to calling her The Lost Princess after she was kidnapped.
My headcanon goes on to say that Gothel either didn't know the baby's name and also named her Rapunzel after the flower that she now embodied, or else she did know her name and figured that the girl was never going to see this kingdom again, so was too lazy to come up with anything different when it already suited her perfectly.
Eugene is, canonically to the series, not raised in a Corona orphanage. He's raised in a Vardaros orphanage. If the citizens were by and large calling her The Lost Princess, then that's the name that would spread to other kingdoms and territories. Then, by the time Eugene was doing that job in Corona that was happening in "No Time Like the Past," he wasn't looking at "lost baby" posters around town, just keeping an eye out for the guards (and other things worth stealing). He wasn't consciously aware of the posters, he didn't hear anyone referring to the Lost Princess as Rapunzel, he didn't know that was the princess' name.
All of this is a long way to say that the series actually complicated things by having the king and queen name her Rapunzel. If it had been Gothel, I wouldn't have had to come up with a convoluted headcanon to explain it all.
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the-writer1988 · 1 year
Upcoming Tangled Fics
Trip of Disaster - Varian and Eugene are on a camping trip when disaster strikes when they are captured by Bandits. It's up to Varian and his alchemy skills to get them out of it!
The Letter In The Lantern - What if Rapunzel found a letter in the lantern during the lantern ceremony and realised that she could be the Lost Princess?
A Royal Wedding - A five-chaptered story dealing with the aftermath of Rapunzel and Eugene's engagement and the build-up to their wedding.
Uprising - What if the citizens of Old Corona rose up against the Royal Family? Dark AU of Secret of the Sundrop.
A fic co-written with @twotangledsisters It's a secret.
If anyone would like to know a bit more about any of these fics, please either comment or send me an ask!
All of these are in progress and will be posted.
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nerdasaurus1200 · 1 year
1. Who is your favorite brotherhood member and why?
2. Who do you think is the oldest?
3. Who do you think is the youngest?
5. If Adira had an animal companion, what animal should it be?
6. What are some post series headcanons you have?
7. What are some pre series headcanons you have?
8. Who do you think would be better with kids?
11. How do you think they met?
12. What have you named Hector’s animals in your mind?
13. What is an unpopular opinion you have about the brotherhood?
14. Do you think the brotherhood should continue with new members?
15. What are somethings you wished we could have learned about the brotherhood in the series?
17. When did you enter your brotherhood phase?
18. What is a cool headcanon that you liked from someone else?
19. Favorite brotherhood fanfic?
Oooh this’ll be fun!!
1. Who is your favorite brotherhood member and why?
I think my favorite is either Quirin or Edmund, cause they’re both great dads that do everything for their sons. And I love how charmingly awkward Edmund is, and how Quirin clearly has a lot of authority snd respect in Old Corona but is still a very humble man.
2. Who do you think is the oldest?
I wanna say Quirin but not by much cause he seems to be the grayest one of the bunch but I feel like they’re all within at most five years of each other.
3. Who do you think is the youngest?
Probably Hector. He strikes me as 49 at the oldest.
5. If Adira had an animal companion, what animal should it be?
Oooh…Probably something that doesn’t need to be stationary and doesn’t require a lot of outside care. Like, it can go off and be on its own and it doesn’t have to rely on her for a lot. So in that case maybe a monkey….or a bird of some kind.
6. What are some post series headcanons you have?
-Edmund always invites Cass over for holidays
-Quirin occasionally helps with the rebuilding and sometimes sends Varian on missions to escort Dark Kingdom citizens
-Hector spends his time training young soldiers
7. What are some pre series headcanons you have?
-The brotherhood all grew up together
- they were named Eugene’s godparents when he was born
8. Who do you think would be better with kids?
I wanna say Quirin, mostly cause he’s had the most experience with kids.
11. How do you think they met?
I actually like to think they grew ip together from birth and were essentially raised together by Edmund’s father, so they’ve always known each other.
12. What have you named Hector's animals in your mind?
Oooh oh god what was it….oh yeah! Once in an rp I named the Rhino Hephaestus and the Binturongs Aries and Athena and those names have just stuck in my head ever since
13. What is an unpopular opinion you have about the brotherhood?
I’m not really sure if this counts as unpopular or not but none of them are as right about anything as they think they are. They need to get over themselves and listen to each other more.
14. Do you think the brotherhood should continue with new members?
Absolutely I do. Every now and then I toy with the post series idea of Varian and Eugene joining the Brotherhood.
15. What are somethings you wished we could have learned about the brotherhood in the series?
I wanted to see what their childhood was like. I feel like they had a very interesting but tragic childhood. And I really wish we could’ve gotten to see Vedis cause I’m 80% sure he was gonna be in the show but then got scrapped.
17. When did you enter your brotherhood phase?
I’m not sure I really have, unfortunately. XD But I’ve always been fond of the brotherhood.
18. What is a cool headcanon that you liked from someone else?
I like the headcanon that some people have that Adira is autistic.
19. Favorite brotherhood fanfic?
I don’t read many brotherhood fanfics but I’d have to say Incarnate and Moonrise.
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welcome-to-goldport · 2 years
stupid question, but what are the TV stations in Goldport?
If a question has to make me think about something I hadn’t ever thought of before, it’s not a stupid question. This is a fun one! I’m definitely not gonna go over all of them because big city = multiple broadcast stations = literally hundreds of options to pick from in certain parts of the city
Arguably the most popular is GPNT, or Goldport News Today, which is regarded as one of the most accurate news stations in the continent of Corona… by upper/middle class. People in the lower ranks of society would find certain events they heard about/witnessed not even covered by the airbrushed hosts. Most “lower-class” citizens prefer to get their news from the newspaper.
Keystone Pictures has it’s own channel- KPR- it’s basically the in-universe equivalent of hallmark. Want a manufactured feel-good story as bland as white bread? You’ve also got more generic three-letter stations like CTS, CNC, GBS that play movies and shows on a schedule, and GWR, Goldport Weather Radar, for the 24-7 weather watch program.
There’s sports of course, american football, normal football, baseball, boxing and wrestling are the most popular sports in the city. Boxing and Wrestling share are the only ones that don’t share a channel- the other sports are covered either by GSB or SNCS. BRC picks up boxing and will play reruns of old matches when not broadcasting new ones, and wrestling is picked up by GBS.
I love worldbuilding I love worldbuilding
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