#circuit theory
arfan039 · 1 year
Physics 301 Circuit Theory - Virtual University
Physics 301 Circuit Theory Assignement is for the Students of Virutual University of Pakistan. This assignment is about the equivalent resistance Rab of given circuit. While calculation, we also described the calculation methods in this assignment. So that the students can get maximum marks. The circuit diagram of each step is also drawn to make it easy to understand the concept of the equivalent…
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shepscapades · 6 months
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thefinelcountdan · 21 days
My pet theory is that Trudy Trout is a robot her husband built in the room she isn’t allowed in
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thefiresofpompeii · 18 days
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what if she’s a type 103
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noknowshame · 4 months
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you've got to be fucking kidding me
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promiscuousasexual · 1 month
oh my fucking god lee are you seeing these rumors about esteban allegedly getting into physical fights and being difficult to work with? why the fuck are people just blindly believing one anon’s claims? like what fucking evidence is there for this shit? why would they renew esteban for 3 years if this shit was true? i’m genuinely getting really pissed off rn with this whole situation
and if people want to call it pulling the race card then fine but it makes me so uncomfortable that people are trying to painting someone with North African heritage as violent and aggressive…
are you fucking serious? i haven’t seen any of that and frankly i don’t believe any of it
although one things clear, the second anything negative is said about esteban whether there’s any evidence for it or not, people will absolutely jump at the chance to attack him. i saw so many people say they started hating esteban after dts and i was just ??? cause i thought we all agreed that we can’t just blindly trust dts?? and that most of it is bs?? but i guess when it’s esteban it’s a different story.
i try not reveal too much about my personal life on here, but as someone who has interned for multiple teams and circuits (and i mean A LOT), none of them have anything bad to say about esteban ever, almost every employee who has ever interacted with him has said how he’s so sweet and grateful and always makes sure to thank everyone around him, and when i interacted with him briefly, still in the context of working at a circuit, he was so welcoming and friendly. (and that’s honestly the reason he’s my fav)
people will always tell poc that we’re pulling the race card so atp speak your truth. f1 is so predominantly white and they will never listen to a single thing we say ever, i’ve seen so many people say we’re over dramatic for bringing up the racism and that there isn’t any but that’s also the same shit my white friends told me when i was the only poc in the friend group and they were excluding me so what does that say about them.
you’re so 100% right about how the portrayal of esteban as aggressive and violent is due to racism because there is quite literally no other reason for it. “oh it’s cause he’s aggressive on track” yeah, so is every other fucking driver cause it’s a fucking race, fuck right off i’ve never seen this shit with other drivers
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bobombun · 1 month
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I was never a math wiz, but this math isn't quite adding up.
Any Warframe experts willing to explain how do you get to 32k% accuracy?
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artheresy · 9 months
I seriously hope one day we get a definitive video or at least full recounting of the sin that Dan Feng and Yingxing committed, or just y’know a full voew of the situation. Because the ingame text is so confusing and I feel like it is purposefully confusing at times y’know? Like not necessarily what is written is confusing, it’s all about how it’s written primarily like the format making events seem as if they happen together or making it seem like something else is happening.
And it makes sense, I don’t think it’s a case of punishing the players trying to get invested in the lore by confusing them. Its just like a lot of the info we get from the character stories meant to be Dan Feng’s memories are still just dreams of memories from Dan Heng and that man is so fucking confused about so much fucking shit so it makes sense why its extremely confusing. And also Jingliu’s character stories still have shit in them that confuse me, but
Anyways, I do hope we get some answers. I’m not really expecting them with Jingliu’s release especially because that just feels WAY too early. I already explained in that DH DF and unreliable narrators post that its a bad idea to uncover everything with the luofu so early since the promise of our return/coming back into contact at least is confirmed and just waiting for the proper time to fulfill it plus the other ships but yeah like
I would LOVE a whole animated sequence or maybe even animated cutscene in game showing memories recounting that, but even just an outright explanation would save my brain from overthinkin and second guessing myself so much
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chilled-ice-cubes · 4 months
glasses and a resting bitch face will magically convince ppl ur like, really smart for absolutely no reason. wtf
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kkpwnall · 2 years
eddie saw steve’s bare chest and immediately started ripping off his clothes, of course he had to cover up for it by throwing his vest at steve
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m1d-45 · 1 year
I don't play with rubix cubes to solve them, I play with them to see what patterns I can make. That's why I think rubix cube thoughts are so fun! -sibling anon
this feels philosophical in a way i can’t understand
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dinitride-art · 1 year
I’ve got a required class that I don’t particularly feel happy doing, but at the end I’ll have the ability to make edits so. The promise of being able to cause myself psychic damage at the end of this will get me through the psychic damage I’ll sustain while doing it.
#I am not the best at technology because the way people have explained stuff to me in my life#usually makes me feel stupid#because it’s like why don’t you know how to click this thing! it’s literally this button right here!#and how would I know that#like yeah I know logically how this should happen but none of these symbols make any sense#and when I hover on some of them they don’t give me the helpful little description#and it’s terrible#there’s always the comments about how your generation was raised on this! why don’t you know how to make a file folder#sorry I was like 14 and had literally no need to before this ma’am#anyways this class isn’t like that but my prior experience with being taught this stuff is bad#not a great place to start learning how to use photoshop#I don’t care that it can do literally everything#that means nothing if it fails to convey how to do anything at all#if you want me to learn a language you have to give me people speaking it first#throwing grammar and verb conjugations just isn’t enough#I’m just going to cry about it for a while and then I’ll be okay again#actually what I really think could fix this is if they taught a theory of computer science course#without any math or stupid shit in it#so I personally could figure out how it goes from a circuit board to YouTube#I don’t need to know how to make a computer or a website#I just need to know how it works#like I can’t do scientific experiments but I know how the immune system operates well enough to be okay with it#better yet explain it to me using Minecraft red stone#and old pixelated video games#can’t promise that this will be the end of me comparing about this#because I’ve got stuff due tomorrow and I need to make myself do it#sorry in advance for the person I may or may not become tonight
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just-jessiejames · 2 years
man i love waking up everyday only see more increasingly cracked out conspiracy theory-esc type frantic ramblings posted all across my for you page/following page. I just love seeing shitposts and legitmate theories that are so frantic i feel like the writer was shaking typing them. I love reading about things like "what that one super obscure tiny piece of paper in mike wheelers room means" or why "will wearing these types of shoes is going to lead to a ground breaking discovery in s5" or "this cup in this scene at this time code right here was the key to revealing that mike secretly hates koolaid" or "was that tree always in that shot i stg that tree is so sus rn" You guys are crazy. I love you so much. Never stop. keep going it makes my day, every single time. Like fr this may be phrased like I hate it, but I do not. I adore it. I'm just taking the piss. I'm making fun because I love you all. PLEASE keep rambling to me.
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dykeomania · 1 year
i just need this to be on my blog for when the ellie and riley episode comes out probably like 2nd to last episode of the season: ellie probably shot riley because riley didn't want to turn / had to shoot her because she turned and we're all gonna throw the fuck up
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cerealmonster15 · 2 years
i love colors in art but coloring is my mortal enemy when I’m the one trying to make the art
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People keep saying that the TARDIS shouldn’t have malfunctioned just from a cup of coffee but I have two theories
• The TARDIS heard that her darling newly regenerated little time Lord wasn’t going to get a cool adventure with his bestie and engineered an excuse so that he could
• The TARDIS having newly refurbished herself had coffee thrown at her nice new circuits and decided to throw a bitch fit
Look the TARDIS is the longest running female character in doctor who, has proven to be sentient, and regularly takes the Doctor to places she thinks he’d like without warning. It had to be her right?
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