#circe babble
firesofdainix · 1 year
Why do people who make content about Penelope and Clytemnestra (especially when it comes to feminist revision) intentionally omit the fact that Odysseus tried so hard to prevent being away from her and Telemachus (unwilling participant of the war) and Agamemnon being sad and angry about sacrificing Iphigenia (literally TOLD by Artemis to sacrifice her)?
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sillyfairygarden · 5 months
ive been listening to epic the musical for the past two days. i need to be put through a pasta roller and pressed into sheets and sliced and boiled. og m y god
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sharkiethedork · 1 year
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Someday I'll draw them in a way that's not a meme but you'll have to wait
Based on this
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idk if this is more of a headcanon or a theory but like what if Nervous Subject grew up in a Quasimodo type situation with the Beakers where he thinks they’re just protecting because they love him. Like he’s been through so much he can’t remember Olive so the only adults in his life were the Beakers. He probably grew up hearing things like “think of all the lives you’ve saved by letting us experiment on you” or being reminded he is the son of death incarnate that is so pumped full of chemicals and anesthetics he wouldn’t be able to function without Loki and Circe. They make him feel like a monster or a danger to society. (which he’s only a danger to unattended trash cans) And then of course this is only solidified when he grows up to be this 6’10”, ghostly pale and skinny guy covered in vivisection scars and chemical burns that doesn’t look like any of the people in the movies he was allowed to watch.
I also like the idea of this whole worldview crumbling in front of him after he meets the Curious family and Ophelia and realizes that he isn’t just a semi-immortal lab rat and what he had with the Beakers was not familial love.
Also Loki and Circe would totally sing him the “you are deformed and you are ugly” song from The Hunchback of Notre Dame…
Idk if this is even coherent thoughts or just babbling but enjoy!!
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hellsite-detective · 9 months
i'm looking for a post that was describing Lovecraftian horrors by comparing it to a circuit board, thanks so much detective
a shockingly easy one here. i thought this was gonna be an ancient artifact lost among the sea of posts about Lovecraftian horrors. however, it was anything but. i went over to the Search Bar and asked my pal, Google, for "tumblr lovecraftian horror circuit board" and got the exact post instantly, allowin' me to file it away.
here you go! this post is really well done and one of my favorites. have a great day!
Post Case: Closed
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georgi-girl · 8 months
Babble: Track Nine
(author's note before we go any further; you should know I imagine Zodiac to be voiced by Hazel Duope
Name it, Rate it, Tune it, Print it,
Scan it, Send it, Fax-Rename it.
Touch it, Bring it, Pay it, Watch it,
Turn it, Leave it, Stop-Format it.
Technologic... Technologic... Technologic... Technologic.
In the morning light, the glamour making the Bergens look human faded away. They passed out in the snow, and were encased in a stone shell.
Tone stuck her arm out. Exposure to sunlight caused scabs to form all over. She retracted her hand, and the scabs evaporated.
“Fascinating.” Zodiac said.
Riley looked Species up and down.
"So, are you still Russel?"
"Oh yeah for sure for sure. I'm other people too but I'm also me. I remember Migul my boyfriend. I remember you Riley. You're emotions can talk. And you..." He looked at Tone. "I don't remember you."
Miguel introduced them. “Species meet Tone. Tone meet Species. Tone was experimented on like you and now she has trolls... possessing her, I guess. But not in a creepy way."
Species looked Tone up and down just like Riley did with him. “Uh, nice hair.”
Tone pressed a hand to her heart, deeply touched. “Thank youuuuu!”
The Species saw Zodiac, and was immediately intrigued.
“Are you that glowing person we saw outside?” he asked eagerly.
“Uh, maybe?” Zodiac answered unsurely.
“Cool.” Species smiled at them starry-eyed.
After taking some time to relax and regroup. Everyone sat in the rec room. Bridget told the story as she knew it.
Chef had been banished from the Bergen kingdom. But twenty years later, she came back. She said met someone who could help them be happy again. A spirit named Pitch Black. A great shadow filled the town like a flood, and all the Bergens sank into it, waking up in a new world with new appearances and new jobs.
"This isn't my real face." Bridjet mentioned, "This is a special kind of magic called Glamour. My real face... isn't that pretty."
They needed a vessel to channel the troll essence to them. While looking for one, they practice merging people from other worlds into willing volunteers. The most viable subjects were the dimensions native humans. Species was a prototype.
Renee had been in an accident and her family was desperate. They performed a ritual on her to summon as many trolls as possible into her body.
"So, they're actually, physically inside her?" Riley asked.
"I don't know how it works." Bridjet admitted.
Riley looked at Tone, remembering the meetings between her emotions and the different trolls. She wondered if they were aware of the world outside her mind, listening to Bridget speak. She wondered if they were angry.
Species was asked more about how the animals were merged into him. As Russel, he remembered being prepped for an operation, as for the animals...
On the way to the gala, Professor Rupert Marmaled had the limo pull over next to some ruins by the crater. He said he had something to show them.
There was a mural showing a black silhouette of a man. Marmalade lit a black candle. Mr. Wolf wondered if this was some kind of memorial.
Rupert shouted out; “Great King of Nightmares! I offer you this sacrifice!”
“What are you…hgk!” Wolf was impaled by a long black harpoon that dragged him to the wall. More spikes impaled Mr. Shark and Mr. Piraña. Mr. Snake freaked and tried to leave, but the professors’ butler grabbed him and held him up. A black tentacle grabbed him and another grabbed Miss Tarantula. They were sucked in as Diane Foxinton called out.
“Professor! Mr. Wolf! What are you doing parked over…” she froze once she came into view and saw what was happening.
“Her too!” Rupert yelled pointing at her. One more harpoon took her.
That was all the bad guys remembered. Rupert and his butler Cuddles calmly walked into the painting. 
"Next thing we know, I wake up in a sterile bedroom with six new sets of memories and a bunch of carnivore instincts."
Everyone sat in a circle on the floor, engrossed in Species' story.
"Whoa..." Miguel whispered.
"Yeah. After that, they wouldn't let me leave my room, and I had to get blood tests all the time. No thank you! Got out of there as soon as I could. He turned to Miguel; "That's when I sent that message to you. Been living on the lam ever since."
"All by yourself?"
"Not quite all by myself. I had Dante of course. And after a while, I had..."
He suddenly stood up in shock. "OMYGOSH I left Jack outside!"
He speed-walked to the nearest window. The others asked him who Jack was.
"Okay," he said, opening the window, "You've all seen proof of magic and monsters. So, you're probably up for believing in some weird stuff right?"
"Yes" said Tone. "Yeah sure" said Riley. "Of course" said Miguel.
"So if I were to tell you that Jack Frost helped me escape, you'd believe me right?"
"Jack Frost?" Tone cocked her head. "The man from the poem?"
"I'm from a lot more than just that!" came a voice from outside. Up floated a young barefoot man with white hair, a dark blue hoodie, brown trousers, and carrying a crooked Shepards' staff. He entered the room in a breeze full of glowing snowflakes. He landed gracefully on the floor as everyone gazed at him.
"So... Safe to say you can all see me?"
They spent the day exploring the archives.
According to Renee's file, she was from New Hampshire. Diagnosed with Autism at age two. Back in August, she was hit by a car while grocery shopping. It was right near her home, she went there all the time. She should have been safe... Riley became overwhelmed. Her emotions ran around headquarters, freaking out.
Renne took out the tiny lyre. As an experiment, she plucked the blue string.
Riley heard a funny electric warbling behind her and turned around. A blue-skinned fish man floated in front of her. She watched him in awe.
"How are you doing that?"
"It's hard to explain. Same way you're doing that I guess." He pointed to Riley's emotions, sitting on her shoulders.
Disgust, slid down Riley's arm and studied the new Aspect, grinning. "Awesome."
“What else you got?” Miguel asked.
“What else you need?” The Techno Aspect said smugly.
Zodiac pounded the Techno Aspect with questions.
“Are they stronger than regular hair?”
“Can you use your own hair?”
“Do they make any song magic?”
Then Species chimed in.
“What happens if you lick one?”
They all looked at him in confusion.
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wistsandmagic · 1 year
Hullo!! 🌹 and 🌻 for Soc? And 💫 for you? :D
Hiii! *waves* Thanks for the muse ask! THIS GOT LONG IT'S UNDER A READMORE!
🌹 Where in the world does your OC feel most at home? Is there any reason why? If it’s not the place they were born, where were they born? Is there a certain somebody that makes them feel at home where ever they may be? What does home mean to them? Oooh that's honestly actually very, very easy. Soc is most at home wherever his big brothers are. Usually that means in the house at Knossos with Tex, since Tex is his legal guardian, but sometimes that means in the Capital with Rel -- another of his big brothers! -- and Circe, Rel's wife! He's close to home when his kids are babysitting him for the weekend, but he's MOST at home with his big brothers, since they are the ones he was separated from for so very very long. Soc was born in University Hospital in the Capital, and then transferred to Greystone House when he was 10 years old (the equivalent of about 3 months old for him) where he stayed until he got put into the foster system. He has ZERO memory of this, and the Capital was home for a very long time because it is where he and his brothers lived. Now it's only home some of the time, whenever he's staying with Rel. No shade to Rel or Odin, buuuut if it comes down to it, wherever Tex is is where Soc is most at home. Soc bonded to Tex when he was even smaller than he is now and Tex is his. He's...ah...a little clingy. The autistic-toddler separation anxiety is REAL sometimes, but if big brother Tex is there it is eventually okay again. Which means, really, that 'home' just means his family. He's safe there, and with so much of his life spent being so very not safe that it's a Very Large miracle that he's still alive? Yeah, that's kind of a big deal.
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them? Soc. Loves. Kitties. Any cat he sees he wants to touch, any person he sees that has something cat-related on them and he gets so excited that he starts stimming -- which sometimes causes seizures, but we try to prevent that -- and squealing like any 2 year old would at seeing something they adore. It makes him very happy to see cats, in any form. He also does other babies the exact same way. He loves babies and 'anna hodda babieee' in his words. XD
He also loves purple and sparkly things and there is almost nothing more magical than seeing purple flowers or a pretty sparkly rock that he can touch.
Also. Honestly. Probably the thing that makes the world the brightest for him is being picked up by a family member and cuddled. Even when he's in immense amounts of pain or is so overstimulated that he's having a meltdown, being cuddled is a sure-fire way to make things a little more okay. Just the reassurance that he's loved and he's wanted, and they're not going to go away and leave him alone again.
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
Not gonna lie, I love the fact that Soc is an autistic toddler with the hyperintelligence of an adult astrophysicist, even if he leans more into the mechanical engineering thing than anything else. He is the equivalent of TWO and holds some 70 patents for inventions -- including a bio-computer system that the Kaberonian military uses -- and NOBODY BELIEVES HE IS A TODDLER.
At least until they hear him speak. It's kind of hard to deny he's a two year old when his speech is mostly baby babble. He's much more fluent with sign language, but he's a baby. He's still in diapers and goes to daycare, for pity's sake. XD
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firesofdainix · 1 year
Can we all agree that M*deline M*ller ruined everyone's perception of Greek mythology
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xxx-calibur · 1 year
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Pegasus has waited long enough, and now she's here to breed Karp's womb. She'll try to be gentle about it, but for someone of her size and strength, it can be hard to restrain herself enough to not break her outright.
She's said it before, and she'll say it again: theres really no cock like horse cock. Sure, regular dick was great, knots too. But there was just something so filling, so good about a thick horse dick gaping and stretching your holes and smashing into your sensitive bits over and over and over again. And now that she had a womb to actually work with, she got to experience the real deal the way most other girls did around here.
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"Y-You know, I thought you were supposed to be the Rider, not- o-oh fuck r-right there..!" She couldn't even come up with any quips or jokes like she normally would. Had it been her backdoor, sure, she might have been able to hold that clarity but to be fucked like a woman proper by a Rider class servant no less was probably a bit too much for her. "Keep pounding that spot right there, right there..! Fuuuuck, horse cock is the besssht~!!"
Time soon began to be a very hard thing to keep track of as Rider seemed to just keep on going and going and going. Leave it to the famous Flying Steed of Greek mythology to have stamina for days after lugging around the likes of its musclebound heroes. A poor human(?) like Karp didn't stand a chance in bed with a hero like her, though you had to give her props for trying to ride Pegasus cowgirl for a while.
Naturally she'd end up on her belly as that thick horse meat utterly demolished her pussy, her womb roughly kissed with the flat flared head of that gorgeous cock that had stuffed her full of so much seed that, if Karp wasn't careful, might go ahead and get her pregnant. Normally an impossible feat, to be sure, but hey, Circe had worked her magic to make it work for Cadence, why not give Karp the chance to experience motherhood to a Servant's child?
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"W-wait hold on i-i'm- ooooo~ooooh fuck cumming cumming cumming! R-ride me cowgirl, mess me up! Put a baby in me!"
Pegasus, being the kind gal she was of course, seemed more than happy to oblige the human's wish and put the full force of her powerful hips into action, forcing orgasm after orgasm at the quivering mess of a woman underneath from both her newly acquired womanhood and her useless three inch pecker that kept shooting its load uselessly every time she came from Pegasus's cock. The steady PLAP PLAP PLAP of their sex rang out again and again and again along with the squishy squelching of old cum being forced out as Karp's porn worthy dialogue devolved into hapless babblings, moans and mewls. In one final, great, belly bulging thrust Karp would feel herself being filled again as her back arched, eyes rolled back and fingers dug into the sheets of her bed as multiple orgasms washed over her at once before she straight up passed out after that OHKO punch.
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sharkiethedork · 2 years
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Maybe it's too early to be thinking about artfight (or advertising mine but its not stopping me lmao) but I had a lot of fun with it last year and I'm lookin forward to it again :D And it's been a good excuse to draw references for my favorite scrimblos, I'm very pleased with how they all turned out :]
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tewwor-aaa · 2 years
welp. shouldn’t surprise anyone but here i am, once again, opening the flood gates for interactions with all of my greek mythology muses like a clown. i will be defaulting them to a sgg’s hades verse, but i do have modern verses for them as well. please specify whomst you’d like and preferably for who!
aristaeus ( summary here ) .
hades — boon: deals with offensive attacks with wind ( bleeding from slices of air / pushback ) / able to dispel ranged attacks. keepsake: slab of honeycomb. duo: artemis, dionysus, demeter, athena, hermes. conversation: mentions of the seasons on the surface world, talk of herbology, hunting, distillery, weaving, agriculture, horticulture, etc., fun facts about those he’s related to, etc. ( he’s a chatty one ).
modern — aristaeus settles on an expanse of land to cultivate and help flourish, ever content with the doings of nature. basically, a farmer.
charon ( summary here ) .
hades — ‘charon is the boatman of the river styx, responsible for ferrying deceased souls across the river and into the underworld. in greek mythology, he required a single obol - placed into the mouth before burial - as payment for his services, or else the soul in question would be left to wander the banks of the styx for a hundred years.’
modern — in modern times, it’s rumored that he extended / changed modes of transportation. from the river of styx to the street of the surface world – charon now guides the newly deceased in a taxicab. bonus: instead of an oar, charon’ preferred weapon is the detachable steering wheel of his vehicle.
circe .
hades — boons: deals with the transmutation of enemies into swine or offers a temporary animal companion ( lion or wolf depending on stage ). keepsake: satchel of mandrake, peony, snowdrop, yarrow, poppy, and rue. duo: hermes. conversation: mentions of her distaste of athena, musings of old heros ( odysseus, daedalus, patroclus, achilles, etc. ), fleeting recognition of hermes, understanding of zagreus’ attempts to escape.
modern — tba but along the lines of the rumored ‘witch of the woods’ vibes.
daedalus ( summary here ) .
hades — ‘a master artisan who, upon his death, was hand-selected by hades to design the house of hades and the various rooms of tartarus in exchange for a place in elysium. every time one of his tasks are finished he discards his current tools, which zagreus may find to alter their infernal arms for the duration of a run.’
modern —  a niche was found within architecture, art, and invention. it sapped away just about all his time from dawn to dusk as there was always something else to create or advance. for better or for worse, where or what his creations were used for was out of his hands. aka, modern architecture man.
orpheus .
hades — ‘orpheus is a legendary musician. during his life, he lost his wife and muse eurydice and ventured to the underworld to plea for her return. although he was ultimately unable to bring her back to life, he charmed hades with his music such that after his death, hades employed orpheus as his court musician.’
modern — singer / songwriter, there’s an unmistakable sadness this talented musician carries.
patroclus ( summary here ) .
hades —  kept in elysian fields, patroclus spends his eternal days speaking to the polished pots, lush greens, and babbling river of lethe.
modern / crime —  ex-military and riddled with past trauma, patroclus falls into the line of crime ( more in summary ).
modern — still ex-military and riddled with past trauma, patroclus never fell into the line of crime. instead, he cashed in all of his efforts to adapt to society, fought tooth and nail to reap the progress he's now achieved as a well liked physical therapist for amputees.
phobetor ( summary here ) .
hades — boon: deals with paralyzing or driving away enemies as zagreus embodies their worst fear for a few seconds. keepsake: scales of a serpent. duo: none. conversation: mentions of hypnos, nyx, chaos & other primordial gods / what the speaker fears the most. 
modern — known under a different alias within the art world, phobetor oftentimes illustrates those from his visits. the shapes he had once taken, potency of how tumultuous the experience was – all shaped by masterful hands. The extent of his projects have ranged from galleries to book covers to albums and more.
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epi-and-blas · 2 months
I just started posting the first serious fanfic I've written. Its a marauders era fic with a female oc as the main character with Greek Mythology and Gods involved; Thanatos isn't too happy with Moldyshorts and resuscitates a demigoddess to get her to kill him.
Maggie also doesn't like Dumbledore, but loves Minnie and Pomona and Poppy. Maggie is very fucked up in terms of trauma; dying isn't kind to anyone.
Tbh I have been listening to EPIC: the musical on loop, and it is heavily inspired by it. Percy Jackson is also an inspiration (of course, who can write about "modern" times Greek Gods and not have Rick Riordan breathing down your neck) but this is not the PJO world at all. Riordan had to deal with making a book for kids; this fic is not for untraumatized children.
Anyhow; I love comments and people asking questions so that I can hold people hostage and rant, so come and talk to me!!
Haunting Hogwarts (2034 words) by epi_and_blas Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Ancient Greek Religion & Lore Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Original Female Character(s) & James Potter & Remus Lupin & Sirius Black & Peter Pettigrew, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Regulus Black/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter Characters: Original Female Character(s), James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black, Salazar Slytherin, Albus Dumbledore, Filius Flitwick, Minerva McGonagall, Bathsheda Babbling, Septima Vector, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Hecate (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hades (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Thanatos (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Artemis (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Circe (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), There's more Gods, But those are the main ones, Now for the dead people that show up in various ways:, Ariana Dumbledore, Helena Ravenclaw | The Grey Lady, Odysseus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Penelope (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Telemachus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Hogwarts Ghosts, Rowena Ravenclaw, Hogwarts Students, a lot of them, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Mary Macdonald (Harry Potter), Barty Crouch Jr., and more, Reasonable Adults - Character, Euphemia Potter, Fleamont Potter, Andromeda Black Tonks, Ted Tonks, also somewhat - Character, Narcissa Black Malfoy, also - Character, Death (Harry Potter), The One - Character, the only - Character, Poppy Pomfrey Additional Tags: Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Minor Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes, Marauders Friendship (Harry Potter), Marauders being idiots, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Ideation, I traumatized Maggie, my poor baby, How Do I Tag, Angst, Fluff, Does it count as major character death if she died before and just has flashbacks?, Can you tell I've listening to Epic: The Musical?, Inspired by EPIC: The Musical - Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Humor, Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Summary:
Thanatos is not happy about the so-called Lord Voldemort trying to escape death; so a Council of the Gods is called and a conclusion is reached: A Demigod Champion has to go kill him.
The only problem: There are no living demigods that satisfy the conditions to be a Champion.
Solution: Bring a demigod back from the dead; whose original body is still around.
That's how Margaritari ends up clawing out of her grave, scaring some Nymphs and meeting her many-times-great-niece who has to adopt her as a granddaughter.
Her plan is simple: Go to Hogwarts, figure out where Riddle has hidden his Horocruxes, murder him violently and go back to be dead where she can be left alone and in peace.
Vomiting blood over a Maurader puts a small obstacle in her plan. (More than a small one, Gods grant her patience; these boys are stubborn)
Also fuck you JK Rowling, you will end up in Tartarus.
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estarion · 4 months
@swordduels (cont.)
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her jest that she’d entertain the idea of men due to his conduct tickles him; more specifically, his ego. nevertheless, he shakes his head, curls bouncing swiftly above. "no, no. do not lower yourself. women are far nicer." as though to illustrate his point: behold the merry nymphs delving into one another by the fountain. "ahem." he meets his companion's dark eyes. a knowing grin passes between them. there is something so earthy about circe, a sense of calm with her near. like resting beneath the protection of a great mother willow, the giggles of her girls a sweetly babbling brook.
"i get around a lot, so i suppose i'm bound to stumble into a good time sooner or later." however much he craves action, constantly moving parts, this is quite nice, too. the leisurely pace, sumptuous air. but it's not all circe’s domain has to offer, he soon learns. "oh!" more like—oh, shit! "you allow men into those?" his gaze flicks down and up, cobbled stone then bare open sky. a hesitant line shapes his lips. "honestly, i'd probably not be of much... use." fun, he should have said. his favourite word. should he elaborate? does he want to? would she laugh at him...
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strawberrylabs · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers.
I just want you to know I actually don't have many mutuals and about 7 of them wouldn't actually do this, another few have already done this so idk how I'll go with putting this in 10 other peoples inboxes😭
1. Fictional geography. Like world building, how the structures present meaning, how symbolism is involved, how topography has affected the environment, how things neatly line up. (I actually have a list of genshin maps with the lore about them i might post teehee)
2. Genshin. Playing it, talking about it, theorizing about it. I love it<3 hyper-fixation number 1 coming in
3. Writing! I know I don't actually post much on my blog but I do soooo much writing outside of Tumblr it's not even funny. And I don't just mean fanfiction, I mean poems, short stories, reviews, even just mindless babbles.
4. Matching up with the last one is reading lol I read lots of fantasy and dance books LMAO particular favourites would be Song of Achilles (followed by Circe) and the cruel prince trilogy. I'm also one of those strange people who reads poetry and occasionally Shakespeare. (don't laugh at me I'm studying this stuff in university)
5. Omg legend of Zelda. Hyper fixation 2. Can talk or write about any of the games, have played most of the games. Omg if I had more energy I could rant for hours
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blackfae · 5 years
it warms my heart to be reminded of asra's dimples
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asexualbookbird · 6 years
But in solitary life, there are rare moments when another soul dips near yours, as stars once a year brush the earth. Such a constellation was he to me.
Circe, Madeline Miller
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