thethingything · 26 days
I think clarithromycin is going on the list of medications we tell doctors to absolutely never give us, alongside ciprofloxacin which is currently the only thing on the list, because we've had one fucling dose and immediately gone into a psychotic episode, started getting abdominal cramps so bad I almost ended up screaming and have nearly passed out from the pain, I haven't stopped shaking since I woke up about 5 hours ago, and I'm struggling to even talk properly out loud
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youabandonedthem · 1 year
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anarchoarchie · 2 years
feel like i’m going to die i’m taking so many fucking medications for this stupid cold that won’t go away and my out of nowhere bacterial pink eye 😐
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Ciprofloxacin tablets uses benefits and side effects
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Nowadays, there is one common business model of pharma that has offered ease to the Indian pharmaceutical industry to flourish and expand its reach and networks not only to national but also to international pharmaceutical markets. The business model is a third party manufacturing business of the Indian pharmaceutical industry. It offers ease to the pharmaceutical companies working in the Indian pharmaceutical market by offering pharmaceutical manufacturing services on behalf of the pharma companies that are avoiding the risks and responsibilities of manufacturing pharmaceuticals.
Ciprofloxacin tablets uses
Here we will discuss the Ciprofloxacin tablets uses CASPRO-250/ CASPRO-500 with a Composition of Ciprofloxacin 250 mg/ Ciprofloxacin 500 mg Tablets is used is an antibiotic medicine that is used to treat some bacterial infections. It can be used against a wide range of bacteria. It is used in Gram-negative bacteria including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Enterobacter cloacae, etc. It also treats Gram-positive bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus agalactiae, etc. 
The medicine ciprofloxacin is commonly used to treat Urinary tract infections. It is a first-line treatment for uncomplicated UTIs, including cystitis and pyelonephritis.
The medicine is also useful in treating Skin structure infections, it is used to treat mild to moderate skin structure infections, including, cellulitis, impetigo, and folliculitis.
The medicine is also used to treat respiratory tract infections(RTIs), and is sometimes used to treat respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, and sinusitis, caused by susceptible bacteria.
The medicine is also used to treat gastrointestinal infections and is occasionally used to treat traveler’s diarrhea and other bacterial gastrointestinal infections.
It is also useful in treating other infections such as bone and joint infections, as well as infections of the prostate gland. 
All in all, the medicine is used to treat various types of infections that occur in different parts of the body. It treats bacterial infections. However, the medicine Ciprofloxacin tablets are not effective against all types of bacterial infections and may not be the best suitable for various infections. Your doctor or physician will prescribe you the appropriate medicine for bacterial infections. It is advised to take doses of Ciprofloxacin tablets with your doctor's prescription for your issue.
Ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturers and suppliers
Casca Remedies Pvt Ltd is a third party manufacturing company, that is the most reputed and trusted third party manufacturing company in India. We are the most trusted WHO-GMP-certified and GLP-certified plant that manufactures top-quality medicines by taking care of the quality standards of pharmaceutical goods we manufacture for the pharma companies who outsource their third party manufacturing orders to us. We are experts in complying with all national and international regulatory standards laid down by the medical associations on manufacturing pharmaceuticals. The company is an expert in manufacturing pharmaceuticals by saving manufacturing costs on pharmaceutical goods, for the companies who outsource their third party pharmaceutical manufacturing orders to them. To outsource your third party manufacturing orders to a Ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturer and Ciprofloxacin tablet suppliers, give us a call at +918900000092.   
Try investing your investments in ciprofloxacin tablet manufacturers and suppliers, it will assist the companies to earn a better reputation in the Indian pharmaceutical market.
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Yuuuk kita cari tahu obat Antibiotik Siprofloksasin
Mari kita simak informasi biografis antibiotik Siprofloksasin berikut ini..
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Semoga bermanfaat... Terimaksih telah menyimak dengan baik Informasi Obat kami...
Jika berkenan mohon mengisi Survey Kepuasan Pelayanan Informasi Obat kami pada link berikut ini..
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drpedi07 · 8 months
Ciprofloxacin Drug
Medical information for Ciprofloxacin on Pediatric Oncall including Mechanism, Indication, Contraindications, Dosing, Adverse Effect, Interaction, Renal Dose, Hepatic Dose.
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phonemantra-blog · 10 months
Ciprofloxacin for UTI: Effective Treatment and Dosage Guidelines Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a common and often uncomfortable health concern, particularly among women. UTIs can cause symptoms like urinary pain and frequent urination, and if left untreated, they can lead to more severe complications. Fortunately, antibiotics like ciprofloxacin offer an effective treatment option for UTIs. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of ciprofloxacin for UTI, understanding how it works, the right dosage guidelines, and important considerations for successful treatment. Understanding UTIs ciprofloxacin for uti What Are UTIs? UTIs are infections that occur in any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. They are usually caused by bacteria, primarily Escherichia coli (E. coli), entering the urinary tract. Common Symptoms of UTIs UTIs often present with a range of symptoms that can include: Urinary pain or a burning sensation (NLP: urinary pain) Frequent and urgent urination Cloudy or bloody urine Discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen Fatigue or shakiness Types of UTIs There are different types of UTIs, including: Cystitis: Affecting the bladder, this is the most common type of UTI. Pyelonephritis: This is a more severe infection that reaches the kidneys. Importance of Early Diagnosis Early diagnosis and treatment of UTIs are essential to prevent complications. If you experience symptoms of a UTI, it's crucial to seek medical attention promptly. Your healthcare provider can confirm the diagnosis through a urine test and recommend appropriate treatment. Ciprofloxacin as a Treatment What Is Ciprofloxacin? Ciprofloxacin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that belongs to the fluoroquinolone class. It is widely used to treat various bacterial infections, including urinary tract infections (UTIs). This antibiotic is known for its effectiveness against a wide range of bacteria, making it a valuable choice for UTI treatment. How Does Ciprofloxacin Work Against UTIs? Ciprofloxacin combats UTIs by interfering with the replication and repair process of bacterial DNA. This disrupts the growth and multiplication of bacteria, ultimately leading to their demise. Specifically, ciprofloxacin targets the DNA gyrase enzyme, an essential component in bacterial DNA replication. Benefits of Using Ciprofloxacin for UTIs High Success Rate: Ciprofloxacin has demonstrated a high success rate in treating UTIs, especially when the infection is caused by susceptible bacteria. Fast Symptom Relief: Many individuals experience relief from UTI symptoms within a few days of starting ciprofloxacin treatment. Broad Antibacterial Coverage: Ciprofloxacin's broad-spectrum action ensures that it can effectively combat a wide range of bacteria commonly responsible for UTIs. Cautions for Using Ciprofloxacin While ciprofloxacin is generally safe and effective for UTI treatment, there are some essential considerations: Prescription Requirement: Ciprofloxacin is available by prescription only. It's crucial to consult a healthcare provider for a proper diagnosis and prescription. Dosage Precision: Following your healthcare provider's prescribed dosage and schedule is essential for successful treatment and to minimize the risk of antibiotic resistance. Potential Side Effects: Like all medications, ciprofloxacin can have side effects. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, and dizziness. However, serious side effects are rare. Allergic Reactions: If you experience hives, swelling of the face or throat, or difficulty breathing while taking ciprofloxacin, seek immediate medical attention, as these could indicate an allergic reaction. Dosage and Administration Recommended Ciprofloxacin Dosage for UTIs The appropriate dosage of ciprofloxacin for treating a urinary tract infection may vary depending on factors like the type of bacteria causing the infection, your age, and overall health. However, a typical dosage might be: 250 mg to 500 mg: Usually taken every 12 hours for 3 to 7 days, depending on your healthcare provider's recommendation. Extended-Release Tablets: In some cases, extended-release tablets (Cipro XR) may be prescribed. These are taken once daily and are often used for longer treatment durations. It's crucial to follow your healthcare provider's specific instructions regarding the dosage and duration of your ciprofloxacin treatment. Do not self-adjust the dosage or stop taking the medication prematurely, even if your symptoms improve, as this can lead to antibiotic resistance and potentially allow the infection to return. Duration of Treatment The duration of ciprofloxacin treatment can vary based on the severity of the UTI and the specific bacteria causing it. It's common for UTI symptoms to improve within a few days of starting the antibiotic. However, it's essential to complete the full course of treatment, as prescribed by your healthcare provider, to ensure that all bacteria are eradicated. When to Seek Medical Attention While ciprofloxacin is effective in treating many UTIs, there are situations in which you should promptly contact your healthcare provider: Worsening Symptoms: If your symptoms worsen or do not improve within a few days of treatment. Severe Side Effects: If you experience severe side effects such as tendon pain, swelling, or unusual bruising, discontinue the medication and seek medical attention. Allergic Reactions: If you develop symptoms of an allergic reaction, including hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing, seek immediate medical help. Effectiveness and Success Rates Evidence of Ciprofloxacin's Effectiveness Ciprofloxacin has a well-established track record for effectively treating urinary tract infections (UTIs). When prescribed appropriately and taken as directed, it has shown high success rates in eradicating the bacteria responsible for the infection. It's important to understand that the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin can vary depending on several factors, including: Type of Bacteria: The choice of antibiotic, including ciprofloxacin, may depend on the specific bacteria causing the UTI. Ciprofloxacin is particularly effective against E. coli, one of the most common culprits in UTIs. Antibiotic Resistance: In some cases, bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics, including ciprofloxacin. Your healthcare provider may consider the antibiotic sensitivity of the bacteria before prescribing. Patient Adherence: Successful treatment with ciprofloxacin also hinges on patient adherence. It's crucial to take the medication exactly as prescribed, complete the full course, and not skip doses. Fast Symptom Relief One of the notable advantages of ciprofloxacin is its ability to provide rapid symptom relief. Many individuals experience an improvement in UTI symptoms, such as urinary pain and frequency, within a few days of starting the medication. However, it's essential to continue taking the full prescribed course to ensure that all bacteria are eliminated. Factors Affecting Treatment Success Several factors can influence the success of ciprofloxacin treatment for UTIs: Type and Severity of UTI: The type and severity of the UTI can impact treatment success. Complicated UTIs may require a longer course of antibiotics. Health Conditions: Underlying health conditions and immune system strength can affect how well your body responds to treatment. Antibiotic Resistance: In cases of antibiotic resistance, your healthcare provider may need to explore alternative treatment options. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Can I drink alcohol while taking ciprofloxacin for a UTI? It's generally advisable to avoid alcohol while taking ciprofloxacin, as it can potentially amplify certain side effects like dizziness or drowsiness. 2. Can ciprofloxacin be taken on an empty stomach? While ciprofloxacin can be taken with or without food, it's often recommended to take it with a meal or snack to help prevent stomach upset. 3. What should I do if I miss a dose of ciprofloxacin? If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. However, if it's almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue with your regular schedule. Do not double up to make up for a missed dose. 4. Can I stop taking ciprofloxacin if my symptoms improve before finishing the prescribed course? It's crucial to complete the full course of ciprofloxacin, even if your symptoms improve. Stopping early can lead to antibiotic resistance and potentially allow the infection to return. 5. How long does it take for ciprofloxacin to start working? Many individuals experience an improvement in UTI symptoms within a few days of starting ciprofloxacin. However, it's essential to continue the full prescribed course for effective treatment. 6. Are there any specific drug interactions I should be aware of with ciprofloxacin? Ciprofloxacin can interact with certain medications, including antacids, calcium supplements, and certain antibiotics. It's important to inform your healthcare provider of all medications you're taking. 7. Can ciprofloxacin be used to prevent UTIs? While ciprofloxacin is primarily used to treat active UTIs, in some cases, it may be prescribed for preventive purposes, especially in individuals prone to recurrent UTIs. 8. What precautions should I take while on ciprofloxacin? Avoid prolonged sun exposure and wear protective clothing and sunscreen, as ciprofloxacin can increase sensitivity to sunlight. 9. Can I take ciprofloxacin if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding? It's important to consult your healthcare provider if you're pregnant or breastfeeding, as they can weigh the benefits against potential risks and recommend the safest course of action. 10. What should I do if I experience severe side effects while taking ciprofloxacin? If you experience severe side effects, especially symptoms like tendon pain, swelling, or difficulty breathing, discontinue the medication and seek immediate medical attention. conclusion The provided LSI keywords, NLP keywords, and synonyms for the keyword "ciprofloxacin for UTI" offer a comprehensive set of terms and variations related to the topic. These terms can be useful for improving the discoverability and relevance of content related to the use of ciprofloxacin as a treatment for urinary tract infections in various contexts, such as medical articles, blog posts, or online discussions. Using these keywords and synonyms can help individuals and organizations better communicate and search for information related to this specific medical treatment.
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pharmaceutical0 · 1 year
Ciprofloxacin Impurity 6 | 105392-20-9 | Simson Pharma
Ciprofloxacin Impurity 6 | 105392-20-9 | Impurity Standards | Simson Pharma
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Know more:- https://www.simsonpharma.com/product/ethyl-z-2-2-4-dichloro-5-fluorobenzoyl-3-dimethylamino-acrylate
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thethingything · 5 months
wait wait wait ciprofloxacin can cause mitochondrial damage? are you fucking kidding me? our ME/CFS symptoms first showed up shortly after taking it and then we were prescribed it again years later and it completely fucked us up
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[transcript: The drug prevented the ordinary transcription and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA, by changing mitochondrial DNA topology and causing impaired mitochondrial energy production and blocking cellular growth differentiation. The researchers mentioned that this impact on the mitochondrial DNA is likely to be the cause for many of the negative side effects experienced by patients using the drugs. end transcript]
(source: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/79715/ciprofloxacin-mt-genome/)
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Fortschritte bei der nasalen Verabreichung von Antibiotika In einer kürzlich veröffentlichten Studie in der Zeitschrift für Wissenschaft und Technologie der Arzneimittelabgabeuntersuchten Forscher die Fortschritte und Herausforderungen bei der intranasalen Verabreichung von Antibiotika. Antibiotika sind Stoffe, die gegen Bakterien wirken, um Infektionskrankheiten vorzubeugen oder zu behandeln. Insbesondere der übermäßige Einsatz von Antibiotika trägt zur wachsenden bakteriellen Resistenz bei. Daher ist die orale Verabreichung... #Allergischer_Schnupfen #Antibiotika_Resistenz #Antibiotikum #Arzneimittelabgabe #Arzneimittelstoffwechsel #Atemwege #Azithromycin #Bakterien #BLUT #Ciprofloxacin #Drogen #Gehirn #Infektionen_der_Atemwege #Infektionskrankheiten #Nerv #Nervöses_System #pH_Wert #Polymere #Rhinitis #Sinusitis #Staphylococcus_aureus #Stoffwechsel #Technologie #Zentrales_Nervensystem
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rbesjournal · 1 year
Effects of Valeriana officinalis and Ciprofloxacin on Kidney Histopathology in Rats Pyelonephritis by Pseudomonas
Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a bacterial infection that affects the urinary tract. The bacterial infection of the upper urinary tract is called nephritis. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial effect of Valeriana officinalis and Ciprofloxacin on kidney histopathology in rats with pyelonephritis by Pseudomonas.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 48 male Wistar rats were divided into six groups and each group had two replicates. The first group was considered a control and received 0.1 mg/ kg/day of saline daily for a month. The second group received a single injection of 0.5 McFarland of microbial suspension per kilogram of animal into the pelvis of the right kidney of the rats, resulting in pyelonephritis. The third group of rats received 0.9 mg/kg/day methanolic extract of Valeriana officinalis intraperitoneally for a month. The fourth group of rats received Ciprofloxacin intraperitoneally for a month at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg/day. Group five contained rats with pyelonephritis that received the antibiotic (Ciprofloxacin) at a dosage of 0.6 mg/kg/day. Group six with pyelonephritis received 0.9 mg/kg/day of Valeriana officinalis extract. The inflammation in the cortex, Pelvic, medulla, and tissue sections was studied at the end of the study.
Results: The rats that received Valeriana officinalis extract improved pelvic and medullary tissue, the site of Pseudomonas bacteria, and prevented the destruction of renal cortex tissue. The rats that received Ciprofloxacin had fewer medullary and tissue inflammations.
Conclusion: According to the results of this research, the extract not only improved the tissue of the pelvis and medulla, which is where Pseudomonas bacteria live, but it also inhibits the degradation of renal cortex tissue. It was proven to diminish medullary inflammation to some extent, but in rats, it exacerbated the loss of renal cortex tissue.
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ivermectin24-store · 1 year
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#Ciprofloxacin #Tinidazole #WithVItamins #PreventEarlyChickMortality #TrustedBrand #30Years #WeCareForYourPoultryFarming https://www.instagram.com/p/CoMkvypP9z0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pharmaffiliates225 · 1 year
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CAS No : 103222-12-4 | Product Name : Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride - Impurity C (Freebase) | Chemical Name : 7-[(2-Aminoethyl)amino]-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-4-oxo-1,4-dihydroquinoline-3-carboxylic Acid | Pharmaffiliates
Buy highly pure Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride - Impurity C (Freebase), CAS No : 103222-12-4, Mol.Formula : C15H16FN3O3, Mol.Weight : 305.3, from Pharmaffiliates. Login as registered user for prices, availability and discounts.
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chemanalysta · 2 years
Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride Price Trend and Forecast
The Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride price trend in the North American region followed an escalating curve in the third quarter of 2022 due to increased demand from the downstream sector and inadequate supply among domestic traders. However, Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride inventories were low in the local market due to reduced imports from the international market on behalf of lockdown limitations and production on stand amid maintenance work. Moreover, the purchasing activities were elevated owing to rising offtakes from end-user pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors. Therefore, the CFR New York prices for Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride in the United States exhibited a 3.0% quarterly increment, with prices surging from USD 34120/MT to USD 35400/MT.
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saphnixpharma · 2 years
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Ciprofloxacin Tablets IP 250 mg
Saphnix Lifesciences is the top pharma manufacturing brand for Ciprofloxacin Tablets IP 250 mg. We are ISO 9001:2015 certified and deliver formulations that are clinically tested and perfectly crafted. We deal in high-quality products and decent prices for Ciprofloxacin Tablets.
The leading Ciprofloxacin Tablets IP 250 mg Manufacturer and Supplier delivers medicines that are designed under the supervision of pharma experts and manufactured using quality raw materials. 
We house over 100 pharma experts and an experienced quality inspection team who make sure to never compromise product quality.
If you are planning to expand your business, want to reach new heights in the pharmaceutical industry and are willing to enjoy hassle-free manufacturing services, then associate with the Top Ciprofloxacin Tablets IP 250 mg Manufacturer and Supplier in India, Saphnix Lifesciences.
For more information: https://www.saphnixlifesciences.com/ciprofloxacin-tablets-ip-250-mg-manufacturer-and-supplier/
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