#cipher admin snattle
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Not a single soul in Orre:
Cipher Admin Snattle:
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tagfer · 2 years ago
why was gen 3 so full of fruits tbqh
i mean of COURSE there's Wallace and Tucker. they need no introduction, their fruitery is known
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but of course there's more. you got Bill's "friend" Celio who looks like a gay Griffin McElroy. ("oh it's cool Red take my rainbow pass! I'm good staying on One Island! with Bill! don't think about it too much!") And let's be honest, even though he wasn't super fruity in the original, Tabitha was fruity as hell in the remakes. And Wallace's teacher Juan also def gives off some vibes, and you know queers stick together
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and who can forget cipher admin Snattle. just look at this man he's an old fag if I've ever seen one! he's such an aged fruit you can call him wine
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and these are just the examples off the top of my head..................
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latealzalost · 11 months ago
What would you say Evice's and Nascour's roles in Cipher are when looking at the overall chain? Would they at least be above the Cipher Admins from XD with the exception of Ardos and Eldes or would they be equal to them?
They should be just below Greevil's level and possibly above or equal to (but leaning towards above) Ardos and Eldes in terms of chain of command. Evice and Nascour were Greevil's trusted consuls for ruling a region from the shadows and upholding the illusion of freedom. While Evice's family history has ties to the founding of modern Orre as is evidenced by the quote about his grandfather founding Phenac City, it's not out of the question that so does Greevil and both families of Evice and Greevil were there during the mining corporation era planning what they were to do with the fortunes they made from the tunnels. Could I imagine Ardos and Eldes being put in charge of a small country? Well, if they weren't looking very much in their roles like bodyguards to Greevil, I'd say Greevil could just give each of them Evice's job if he wanted. But that could go against a hypothetical, theoretical promise he made to the Evice family, much like he did with Snattle by promising him a place as governor of Orre.
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ignis-sama · 5 years ago
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Cipher Admins
Bonus :
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jadeazora · 5 years ago
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We also got Iwane uploading these Colosseum and XD drawings. Seeing some art for Ardos, Eldes, Ein, and Miror B always makes me so happy ��
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fiftyshadesofpikmin · 4 years ago
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Snattle, winged.
Let's do someone popular so my blog gets more likes!
...Nah, we're gonna go with this obscure-af Cipher Admin from Pokémon XD Gale of Darkness.
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ultraericthered · 6 years ago
Underrated Bad Guy Blurbs - Pokemon
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Cipher Admins, Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale Of Darkness - Cipher is particularly vile and horrifying among evil groups in Pokemon games, as they’re like a wannabe Illuminati-type society that aspires to become rich and powerful enough to overtake the government of their region, and possibly the world, and the means they turn to involve experimenting on Pokemon, mentally enslaving them, corrupting their hearts with a dark force and turning them into mindless living weapons that they can turn against not only other Pokemon, but people as well. Heck, Cipher isn’t above using their own tools or bare hands to assault trainers in order to steal their Pokemon for turning into Shadow Pokemon. Also unsettling is that, due to their aspirations, many of their members are already in high ranking official positions outside of the group - Ein is a researcher, Miror B. is a club owner, Lady Venus is a public celebrity, Nascour runs a Colosseum, Snattle is a politician, even Evice is literally the mayor of Orre’s central city. Really makes you question who you can trust.
I have Ein up there as the image ‘cause he’s the one who developed the Shadow Pokemon creation process in the first place during his research and is constantly experimenting with it in order to perfect it just to show that he can. He’s my favorite Cipher Admin. along with his little protege Lovrina from the second game. I also am particularly fond of the creepy, gorgon looking Nascour, the effete, Poke’ Ball colored afro wearing disco dancer Miror B., and the crooked politician Snattle. Also have a soft spot for Cipher Peon Naps, Lovrina’s brother.
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Gelardan, Pokemon The Movie 2000: The Power Of One - This antagonist from the second anime movie doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of depth to his character based on what you see on the surface. He’s just some obsessive, eccentric collector of rare Pokemon-related art and artifacts who’s totally misread an ancient prophecy and is objectifying four Legendary flying type Pokemon to add to his vast collection, and whose emotional range consists only of being affable, smug, and only sometimes surprised or angry. There’s actually a lot more to him than that. Supplementary material only in Japan gives his backstory of how his mother passed away when he was still young and the Ancient Mew card is his one keepsake of her, making it the one thing tying him still to her, but Gelardan also wanted to be his own person and make a life for himself. So he made the card only the start of a much larger collection that he’d surround himself with as a sort of retreat into his own little world isolated from others. Many speculate that he’s somewhere on the Autism Spectrum given his antisocial nature, general nerdishness and eccentricities, and hobby of collecting things akin to Satoshi Tajiri himself. When he obtained the tablet with the prophecy carved onto it, he misread it as meaning that there was no specific Chosen One other than the one who could make the prophecy happen (thus making HIM the Chosen One), that disturbing the three elements and making them clash, which would endanger the planet, would be okay to do so long as it’s him, the “Chosen One”, doing it, and that if he collected all three Legendary Birds (Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres), their strength combined could “tame the Beast of the Sea”, which he figured meant Lugia, who he wanted as the crown jewel of his collection (as opposed to it literally meaning the sea gets treacherous and threatens to flood the Earth).
The character’s name in the original version is Jirarudan, translated as Gelardan for English. However, all official side material name the character “Lawrence III” for some reason. I’d rather thank of that as a pseudonym for Gelardan, as it being his actual name is stupid and raises too many questions about why he’s the third Lawrence and who were the first two.
In Japan, he also has his own image song. And it is KICK ASS.
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Lance, Pokemon Adventures - Lance the Dragon Master is always an intimidating looking figure and a powerful trainer, but only the Pokemon Adventures manga has ever turned him into an outright villain. But he made for one of the coolest Pokemon villains ever. This manga’s version of Lance was written almost as a proto-N and proto-Lysandre all in one - he has a natural empathy for Pokemon, especially Dragon types, and has always hated the various ways in which humans have made Pokemon suffer from their many vices and thoughtless ways. So with some goading from Agatha (who herself is motivated by a desire to prove her “elite strength trumps knowledge and heart” mentality correct), Lance seeks to eradicate all humans on his home continent save for the chosen elites (the Elite Four and all trainers who serve under them) so that the continent can become a paradise for Pokemon to be forever guarded by the elites, the “superior” humans who “truly” care about Pokemon. 
He was as much of a badass villain as you’d expect from a guy with his look, his style, his Pokemon type and strength, and the whole set-up of his goals and motivations. He quit pursuing any active villainy after he got his very life nearly zapped out of him by big attack from Yellow’s Pikachu, giving Lance a great fear of Yellow and what she’s capable of from then on. He also mentored Silver at Dragon’s Den in his hometown of Blackthorn City, and over time he learned to let go of his hang-ups and hatred towards humankind, seeing a future where trainers and Pokemon could co-exist and help each other live their best lives. 
The one part about Lance I’m not crazy about is how his powers are explained and how he was connected to the Virdian Forest despite canonically NOT being a trainer from Viridian. Apparently his family is from Blackthorn City in the Johto, but Lance’s mother gave birth to him while on a trip in Kanto, in the Viridian Forest. It really seems a contrived way for Kusaka to cover his goof-up of having deemed Lance a Virdian Trainer just so he can realistically pose a threat to Kusaka’s OP original heroine, Yellow. It doesn’t help that the “enhanced natural empathy for Pokemon” powers for trainers from the Viridian Forest was a dumb idea to start with, as the idea had already just been brought forth for trainers from Pallet Town rather than Viridian Forest, and N has these abilities without any stated Viridian connection! 
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matchu-madori · 3 years ago
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Here we go, going into the second Cipher Admin fight. (these are like... the main bosses of the games) Snattle has a Lanturn, Quagsire, Castform, Metang, and Shadow Lunatone, and this’ll make for a tough fight, but I believe in this team! Let’s rock this!
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themattress · 7 years ago
Old vs. New: Pokemon Colosseum vs. Pokemon XD
Which is better, the original or the sequel? 
GRAPHICS: The same in both. Advantage: Both.
MUSIC: The same in both. Advantage: Both.
GAMEPLAY: The same in both. Advantage: Both.
WORLD: The Orre region is the setting of both games, a desert wasteland full of scum and villainy, and no wild Pokemon.  Between the desert there’s the beautiful Phenac City, the gritty run-down Pyrite Town, the rugged Mount Battle, the lush and peaceful Agate Village, the literal criminal underworld known as the Under, and the high-elevated Realgam Tower. It’s all very atmospheric and unique for a Pokemon game. Sadly, in XD, Orre has gotten tamer.  The greenery from Agate is spreading, there’s now a regular Pokemon lab with a professor, a seaport with communication from other regions, Pyrite Town is cleaned up and the Under has been shut down, and it all just feels safer and more conventional for the Pokemon series. The only truly foreboding place introduced in XD is the volcanic Citadark Island where the climax transpires, but that’s not enough to offset the disappointment. Advantage: Colosseum.
STORY: In Colosseum, a member of Team Snagem named Wes discovers a conspiracy to take over Orre and ultimately the world by the Cipher organization, which involves messing with Pokemons’ minds and turning them into vicious “Shadow Pokemon”.  This is too evil for even him, so he quits his life of crime, joins up with a girl named Rui with the psychic ability to identify Shadow Pokemon by their aura, and the two of them set off to stop Cipher’s plan by stealing, er, “snagging” Shadow Pokemon so that they can be purified.  In XD, a boy named Michael starts work under Professor Krane and inadvertently gets drawn into fighting against a resurrected Cipher’s new plan for world domination, five years after their defeat in the original, and the same snag and purify Shadow Pokemon antics unfold, though Michael uses a scouter-like device instead of a psychic sidekick. The sheer lack of originality in the sequel’s story really drags it down. Colosseum’s plot feels a lot fresher. Advantage: Colosseum.
GOOD GUYS: The main character of Colosseum is Wes, a former hood who cruises around in a vehicle with his trusty Espeon and Umbreon, plus his female friend Rui. Wes is badass, with a cool, almost sinister design befitting of a former villain turned roguish anti-hero, and Rui also has a cool design and a likable personality. Their allies include police chief Sherles of Pyrite Town, Rui’s wise old grandfather Eagun of Agate Village, and the Kids Grid of the Under. In XD, the main character is a simple boy named Michael, with allies including his mother Lily and annoying sister Jovi, his mentor Professor Krane, the wacky Dr. Kaminko and his wacky assistant Chobin, and surprisingly enough the boss of Team Snagem, Gonzap. Personally, I think the heroes of Colosseum have more charisma to them, and their struggle seems much more worth investing in since they are battling against the odds and lack all the resources available to the cast of XD which evens the playing field. Advantage: Colosseum.
BAD GUYS: The incarnation of Cipher in Colosseum is brilliant. There are a variety of peons and hired thugs to contend with, some of them even standing out like the male duo of Folly and Trudly, and the female duo of Reath and Ferma. The Cipher Admins include the comedic starter villain Mirror B., who is a truly bizarre and memorable presence, and the more dangerous Dakim, Lady Venus, and Dr. Ein, each carrying one of the three Legendary land Pokemon of Johto. The leader of Cipher’s activities is the terrifying Nascour, while the true boss is the equally frightening Evice, whose public front is Mayor Escade of Phenac City.  XD’s roster is less impressive - the peons are usually way more comedic than they are intimidating (there’s even a Sentai squad of them!), and while the Admins Gorigan, Lovrina and Snattle are cool characters, they don’t have the same edge as their predecessors. Worst of all is the leader Greevil, now retconned to have been the true boss all along, who lacks the convincing front Evice put on and is obviously evil from the minute you see him as “Mr. Verich”. He is so ridiculously evil up to the ending where he has a sudden, unrealistic change of heart and turns himself in, resulting in a big anticlimax. His bodyguard sons, Eldes and Ardos, had potential, but they sadly aren’t very well developed. Advantage: Colosseum.
PLAY VALUE: Colosseum, being the story mode to a bigger game, is shorter than XD, but this gives it much more replay value. XD is more one-and-done. Advantage: Colosseum.
At a score of 8 to 3, the winner is Pokemon Colosseum!
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pkmrsummersunrose · 5 years ago
Summer's/Minami's History Part 1(Orre Edition)
This Bio contains Summer’s life during Orre and around the Cipher Incident( events of Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness), before her family moved and she became a Pokemon Ranger. Her name is switched to her nickname and back, but they are the same person.
Minami is born to Carlos, a Kalosian former reporter from Lumiose City, and Mia, an Orrerian into the Sunrose Family in Orren. Carlos moved from his hometown to Agate Village, after the death of his parents, where he met Mia, who was a former admin of Team Snagem; joined them for money; supporting the Pokemon Snagging plan for the sake of her family and once the second-in-command. After 6 months of dating and bickering eachother, they developed feelings eachother. It was then 3 months after, Mia realized she was pregnant with his child and decided for it's and their sake to leave Team Snagem and start a new life with her lover. 6 months later, their daughter Minami "Summer" was born. They lived at Agate Village with her parents. Soon 3 years later, they unexpectedly sired another child, Tim; despite their flaws the siblings get along with. Minami grew into a polite and friendly girl, who started to help everyone around the village, showing signs of selflessness and responsibility in such young age. When her parents were busy, she takes care of her little brother or helping with the chores. Her parents found a job as a ONBS member near Pyrite Town (Mia) and one as a researcher in the Pokémon HQ Lab, so they hired Rui, a young woman, as their children’s babysitter, since they were busy till afternoon and soon they became bery close eachother. Rui is telling them her stories about Wes and the Shadow Pokemon incident to them and sometimes, the children would tessing her about Wes being her boyfriend; which she bashfully denied it and gets always red. 
When Minami turned 11, her parents took her to an old friend, Pr. Krane, the region’s professor, so she can began a Pokemon Journey as a Pokempn Trainer, though there was no real Pokemon League in Orre, so she became one of his assistans too. The girl recieved her mother’s Starmie and Pidgeot as her starter Pokemon and P★DA (Orrerian Pokedex) for her journey and further researchs, before working in the Pokémon HQ Lab. There she met a 10 year old boy, who lived there with his family. His name is Michael and want to become also a Trainer. The two became close friends due their familiar interests and their sibling thing (same goes for Tim and Jovi). They spend their time on Battle practices, slacking around and researching; including getting teassed by their younger siblings.
One day, when the four siblings returned from Dr. Kaminko's manor for some quests, they soon became witnesses to Pr. Krane getting kidnapped by Team Cipher, whose research on the Purify Chamber represents a threat to the organization's plans. So the pair out to save Krane, in the process encountering a street thug named Zook and Mr. Verich in Gateon Port, where Ardos one of the latter’s bodyguards, protects the four from Zook's Shadow Zangoose. After Michael’s Eevee evolved into Jolteon, Summer catches a Castform and Vulpix both recieved their Snag Machines, they headed to Cipher’s Lab, where they battled Lovrina, an executive and scientist of Cipher and rescued Pr. Krane. Later the duo headed to Pyrite Town, where they encounter the mysterious thief ‘’Jesica’’, who gave them some stolen Data from the labotory; telling them to go to ONBS for more informations. As soon they arrived, Cipher already raided the building, so they managed to defeat them, but Cipher managed to steal the Data Rom. Summer was renuited with her mother, Mia, who told her, that the Data contained an plot attack on Phenac City and her collegue, Marcia went already there. 
When they arrived, the city was left in empty streets and lots of Cipher Peons to fight. After defeating the Hexagon Brothers, find Marcia taken as hostage by another Cipher Admin, Snattle, who attemped to imidated her to hand over the records of Cipher’s attack. However, his plans were thwarded by the duo again and his actions and Cipher got exposed, thanks to Marcia. She tells them, that there is a area in the desert, where Cipher is doing suspicious activities: Turns out the place was the S.S Libra, where the thrid Admin, Gorigan and his team are stealing Pokemon for their plans. They tried to defeat them, but Summer was caught by one of them and felt down the wreck; leaving her for death and Micheal knocked uncounsious  by Team Snagem and had his Snag Machine stolen by them. Luckily Summer was injured slightly and found an Egg later. When she went to the exit, she found and brought him to a worker (who lived here) for help. Till he woke up, Minami went around and encountered Jesica again, who battled her and got defeated by the young girl, before she could ask her, the woman disappered, not before saying “Met me at the Snagem Hideout and tell your friend, to reclaim the Snag Machine”. With Micheal finnaly awake, the two stormed the Hideout, only to find Jesica confronting the gand leader, Gonzap. But things got unexpected, as the woman revealed herself to be Mia and told the kids about her past and that she blackmailed them, in order to keep her family safe and coopeared with them against Cipher. After a battle against her and Gonzap, Team Snagem returned the Snag Machine to Michael, but Summer being devasted about her mother, she ran back home.
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rhythmantics · 8 years ago
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a collection of doodles; stuff for a 3rd Orre game idea I bounce around sometimes and a couple of OCs
the dream is to one day make a fangame for the orre series
tbh with the way pokemon currently is i don’t trust them at all to handle orre
xd was already Lighter and Softer than colo, and i can only shudder to imagine how much lighter they’ll crank that dial. we might even see shit like...routes...and wild pokemon on them...like??
the orre games had this wonderful moral ambiguity and urban decay that i don’t think pokemon is capable of catering to right now, since they’re trying so hard to have this image these days of this sprawling, kid-focused series. and yeah, s/m’s story got dark and shit, but the game wasn’t marketed that way, and it’s more of a juicy tidbit than the core of the experience.
If a third orre game isn’t unnecessarily gritty and edgy then, like, what’s even the point lol
So i do have rpg maker xp and I do have pokemon essentials and i think i’ve more or less worked out the mechanics i need to have implemented, but i dont think i ahve the time to spare to actually finish it in any capacity because the amount of new assets i’d have to create - tiles, character models, etc - is so massive it would realistically take me several, several months even if i was doing it as a full-time job
so in any case here are some ideas to titillate your interest:
level scaling across the entire game, across every trainer (possible to turn off for a more traditional pokemon experience). Regular trainers would be set ~3 levels below your team, “strong” trainers (ie cail, rider willie) would be set at your team, and bosses would always be a few levels above. The only place this wouldn’t apply would be Mount Battle, which is, after all, a side challenge. This mechanic would pretty much do away with the need for level grinding except to balance out team levels. reasoning: the orre games are known for their higher difficulty curve, and this plays off it. Double battles also make for very interesting avenues of strategy exploration; with bosses always a little tougher than you are the hope is you might wipe out a couple times before figuring out a winning strategy.
Lucky egg given early but no exp. share.
higher catch rate on shadow pokemon - since the game would start you out at lvl 25 and honestly this is just an anti-frustration feature
Again, level scaling can be turned off for a more traditional experience, but the idea would be that the levels would get pretty high pretty fast, and by midgame you’d be going up against lvl 55s and stuff (just enough to start encountering some salamences and flygons), hopefully ending the game in the 80′s.
Pokedex -> strategy memo, and seen = obtained. Strategy memo actually contains opinions from the player character rather than just standard “animal facts” type stuff.
No routes! Just cities! Pokespots still in effect to limit the player’s pool of usable pokemon.
Missed pokemon integrated with pokespots or maybe made un-faintable so you have to catch them because i’m really not that good at programming guys
Orre is a cold desert. I know technically it’s based on the Arizona desert, and I’ve been there, but friggin look at the fashion, these people would all get heatstrokes in a matter of seconds.
So to that end, my orre is actually based on the Atacama Desert, whose topography not only resembles Orre’s (volcanic mountains on one side, ocean on the other), but is a cold desert (with daytime temperatures peaking around 60 degrees F) and is considered the driest desert in the world, with some places having not seen rain in centuries, having been compared to Mars in regards to how uninhabitable it is.
you know, like how apparently wild pokemon can’t survive in orre except at the pokespots.
also the orre colosseum looks just like the atacama hand and i dont think that’s a coincidence
canyons, oases, underground rivers and deep underground cave systems, forests to the northeast and a coast that’s actually somewhat habitable via fog collection
gateon renamed Io Port (the japanese name) to go with the gem/mineral naming scheme of the rest of the game. Plaque added outside lighthouse reading “Io Lighthouse” (GEDDIT)
cipher key lair being torn down by reformed eldes, working with lovrina and gorigan, in order to create an amusement park, hopefully to be an international tourist attraction of the more innocent variety than realgam
Areas given a name. Desert is orre desert, northwest forest is Tempor Forest, mountain range is Kabla Mountains, keeping in line with Eclo Canyon
A new town named Appoak, one of those aforementioned fog-collection coastal villages, which has the distinct honor of being the place you buy your wildflower seeds, which are often scattered in the desert as funerary rites because it’s kind of hard to build a grave out there and this is a tradition that natives of orre held long before the settlers/miners came in and which has overtaken the settlers/miners’ traditions, especially during and after the starvation riots that happened after the majority of the mines ran dry and the companies stopped sending their support to the workers that were now effectively stranded in one of the harshest environments on the planet.
Dead were littered on the streets, no one had the ability to bury them all, and so the tradition of scattering flower seeds instead of erecting graves that would simply be wiped out in the next sandstorm (and have you ever tried to dig a hole in dry sand) became popular since it felt like more closure
Anyways Appoak cultivates desert flowers year-round and sells the seeds and performs funerary rites, as a result it’s considered something of a sacred locale in that no one wants to mess with it because you have no idea who you might be pissing off whose loved one was buried with Appoak rites
Michael, 5 years later, now 18 (in xd he’s called an “unknown teen” by ONBS and honestly he’s so short that i’d feel bad if he was older than 13 at the time of the game) is your player character! Trainer class Lab Kid, with a cool hover-scooter, who is now officially a staff member at the Lab HQ as a result of reaching adulthood (though he’s been helping out with field research long before that.)
Your starter is a sylveon, level 25, because this Michael is not a blank-slate character, and sylveon is both in character and doesn’t conflict with any choice of eeveelution from the first game. In fact, this michael made it through the entirety of the first game without evolving his Eevee, like an absolute madman.
Lily and Jovi start the game off overseas giving lectures on shadowfication and purification, mostly so that i don’t have to create their sprites. But also because them leaving is an excuse for them to take all your pokemon from the first game with them, for “demonstration purposes,” leaving you with just your eeveelution and maybe some second pokemon-i-don’t-know-what-yet-probably-your-choice-of-any-starter so you can hurry up and get to the double battles without sacrificing an ability to make a choice on your starter.
Wes is in the game and he is an asshole and you will love him
Cail actually serves a plot purpose
Cameos from all your favorite admins and named characters from Colo/XD, most of which remain unfought until either late or post-game (because the focus is on the new story, you know?)
Miror B and flunkies at Io Port, the proud owners of a popular and, more importantly, lucrative new ludicolo dance act.
Eldes, trying to make up for his past, sponsoring an amusement park being worked on by Lovrina and her brother, with Gorigan overseeing the construction. Snattle offhandedly mentioned as having been elected governer by default (no one else was running) and helping with greenlighting these projects since he and eldes are, apparently, sand-golf buddies and eldes has been twisting his ear for the greater good
also eldes wears a dress shirt with hawaiian print on it
Dakim lives on mt battle now
not as, like, part of the mt battle challenge. he just . sorta. lives there.
Venus is now the onbs weather girl and onbs can’t decide whether they like her or hate her
the jail squad: greevil, nascour, and evice. They’re poker buddies. orre jail for the rich is basically a retirement home because orre is ridiculously corrupt.
ardos? ein? well...
So, your field assignment is to collect samples of M18 - also known in Almia by the name of “Dark Crystal” and sometimes colloquially referred to as “shadow crystal” in Orre - for research.
As you probably already assumed, this stuff works as a catalyst for shadowfication and Orre happens to be supernaturally abundant, though it having been strip-mined out by cipher during the last two cipher events has made it much rarer (and it’s theorized by NPCs that the return of wild pokemon may have something to do with the lessened M18 presence).
touching it initiates a small flashback cutscene, as it’s apparently transformed from normal quartz into M18 by the abundance of negative feelings somehow (again, you’re collecting it for study) so that’s how we get some nice backstory about michael’s dead dad (who isn’t eldes, sorry guys, he’s a guy named Prof. Taiga because - haha - Taiga Lily) and other characters
Somehow this investigation leads you to the first rumblings of a resurgence of cipher, who is also collecting M18, though for much more nefarious purposes
So, anyways, in XD, when you beat ardos in the orre colosseum, he sent you a creepy-ass email declaring that he’s basically gonna stalk you forever and kill you during cipher’s - what, third? - third coming, which he’s totally gonna do. Sequel hook! which comes true! because HELLO, your opponent is Ardos, who’s been working in secret this whole time, plotting your demise.
Also ein is there, which is important because...
In colosseum, Cipher specifically targets Celebi because they know celebi’s power is directly tied with undoing shadowfication. (Material in-game suggests that celebi has been responsible for purification for generations of rui’s family, which means cipher didn’t INVENT shadowfication, but they did create a method for doing it ARTIFICIALLY)
However, in XD, cipher doesn’t target agate at ALL. they never even step foot in it. In fact, they’re so woefully underinformed about purification that they feel the need to kidnap Prof. Krane over it.
How does that happen?
Well, we know cipher in game 2 is the main branch, and cipher in game 1 is actually just an orre side branch. Whose only real plan with shadow pokemon was just to rig up really exciting and morally inexcusable colosseum matches for rich people to bet on. No world domination in game one!
So my theory is this: Cipher orre branch created shadowfication basically on a whim and tried to make money off it, which you stopped. When you stopping it attracted attention, cipher main branch had to take notice, and realized that, hey - fucking shadow pokemon ,fuckin world domination, right??? so they promptly took over all of cipher orre branch’s operations and replaced the old personnel with new ones from main branch, while forcing them to hand over their research.
Ein did not take being fired well.
In fact, he took it so poorly that he made sure to destroy all his information on purification before handing over his research.
Cipher in game 2 has no idea the connection between Celebi and purification.
Because Ein has been re-hired by Cipher, he brought with him his knowledge of purification.
They know about celebi.
Also wes is there? He plays a major role, mostly after it’s revealed he’s actually a cipher admin.
...His eevee and espeon are missing.
time travel shenanigans idk
it rains at the climax for the first time in 10 years!
this is a wip
if this is interesting to you guys lmk! im always open to talking about it more in-depth or hearing ideas. hahah...
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Rewatching the Phenac Stadium confrontation reminded me of this scene so much idk. Imagine Michael Windu arriving to stop Chancellor Snattle - hysterical
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rebirthpyre-archive · 8 years ago
A Cipher Verse conversation at some point probably
Leo: Listen.
Leo: Gorrigon and Snattle are literally AS LOW on the chain of command as I could have put them while still keeping them as admins.
Leo: EIN is higher in the chain of command than those to are and I fucking hate Ein.
Leo: I distrust their judgment more than I hate Ein.
Leo: Let that sink in.
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latealzalost · 8 years ago
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Cipher Admins would like to battle!
(2 of 2)
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ignis-sama · 6 years ago
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I hope some of you remember “Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness”, because here are the Cipher Admins from the game.
By the way, Eldes is my favorite ^^
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Phenac City takeover.jpg
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