panwild2 · 4 months
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Pandas ❤️
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pastelfresa · 7 months
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🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙🌙A A A mí me gusta la ropa interior transparente 🩷😸
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heinous-bitch · 2 days
todos los días agradezco vivir en una provincia devota a la siesta porque puedo llegar tranquila a mi casa a esta hora y tirarme a dormir hasta las 8 y nadie me va a decir nada
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black-beauty-poetry · 10 months
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Que me salven de perderme en las curvas de la vida.
-Dark prince
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kelltchup · 5 months
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itszonez · 1 month
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MONICA VITTI | La cintura di castità (1967) dir. Pasquale Festa Campanile
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lucuslavigne · 10 days
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mujerfittotal · 3 months
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aeiouypsilon · 2 months
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Reloj ⌛️
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panwild2 · 6 months
Putting some lotion after the shower ❤️❤️ wanna help next time?
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pastelfresa · 7 months
🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷Te hubiera dado la mitad:(
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harwey89 · 9 months
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Dame un recuerdo esta noche.
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aricastmblr · 11 months
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j.m instagramstories
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insidemayhead · 1 month
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longagoitwastuesday · 11 months
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This has been me lately
#I usually don't care about the murders because it's a story and it's fun#But the waist this time...#And I've become someone who cares about ample chests now apparently. I never cared about those in any form of gender presentation#I did like small waists before. I find them very pleasant especially in male presenting people. They remind me of a poem by Lorca too#But I didn't like them exactly like I'm liking them now I think#I think I understand that Lorca poem better now#I could lick blood off his face as if icecream or a lollipop#Anyway...#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Wait I'll go look for the poem#It's one of the gacelas#'Nadie comprendía el perfume /de la oscura magnolia de tu vientre. / Nadie sabía que martirizabas / un colibrí de amor entre los dientes.//#Mil caballitos persas se dormían / en la plaza con luna de tu frente‚ / mientras que yo enlazaba cuatro noches /#tu cintura‚ enemiga de la nieve. //#Entre yeso y jazmines‚ tu mirada / era un pálido ramo de simientes. / Yo busqué‚ para darte‚ por mi pecho /#las letras de marfil que dicen siempre. //#Siempre‚ siempre: jardín de mi agonía‚ / tu cuerpo fugitivo para siempre‚ / la sangre de tus venas en mi boca‚ /#tu boca ya sin luz para mi muerte'#Sometimes I read Lorca and so many things I love and how I love them are in the imagery and symbols he uses and it's a bit... humiliating?#He's was my favourite poet when I was four#He was my favourite before but I also wonder how much he's influenced my tastes without me realising it#That verse about his lover's blood on his mouth is so ugh
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juantinarchive · 4 days
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