pkmngnosia · 9 months
#5 - Cintel
A quiet and aloof Snivy. Not someone who's that emotional. Blunt, but not sarcastic. Despite that he comes off rather warm and most conversations with him are pleasant. Strongly loyal, he refuses to leave his allies side no matter what.
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ALIAS: Cintel
AGE: 19, born July 7
GENDER: Male (He/Him)
PHYSICAL: 2'1", 23 lbs
Having a play-style more focused on staying in the background, make sure you don't forget about them in case they're an enemy. There is little variation in his game-play no matter what role he is, making it hard to get a read on him. That said, his attacks have pretty much no weight and he's awful at defending himself, meaning he can be taken down with little effort.
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carboardairplane · 9 months
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Considering Cintel has got a really bad fear of the dark, you start to wonder why he chose to be on an exploration team. Ya know, something that regularly has you go down into dark caves.
Unfortunately he's also really bad with emotions so you wouldn't be able to tell he was freaking out inside until you go up to him and realise he's suddenly a lot jumpier.
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lcurham · 7 months
ArtsACT Kambah Turns 50 - application for Arts Activities funding - Feb 2024, Louise Curham support material
Images: maximum ten images (note, several were uploaded with the application)
Video files: maximum three files, and not more than six minutes in total (none included in the application)
Here's a link to my CV.
Some projects from the past two years ...
curating the Antics Hair Microcinema in Canberra with screenings featuring interstate and international work
Canberra Art Biennial 2022 - short film performances
Kambah at Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Jan Feb 2023
Compost Film with B Turner and UK Fredericks at Belconnen Arts Centre in the University of Canberra group show
In the exhibition Kambah, I used pinhole photography and cyanotypes as a way to investigate the visual experience of Kambah. I photographed everyday scenes. The intention in using old media was to represent things we in Kambah see every day using a process that makes them look different, to encourage residents to think more about these places and what they mean to them.
The following two images were exhibited in 'Kambah' Jan/Feb 2023 at Tuggeranong Arts Centre. Both are produced using Harman direct positive paper in a homemade pinhole camera, built during the Covid pandemic lockdowns.
Pinhole #43 Woolshed
Pinhole #45 IGA Boddington Crescent
This image is one of the cyanotypes:
Kangaroo grass (themeda sp.) and cockatoo feather
The Kambah exhibition, an installation shot, left to right: Paul Collis poem (commissioned for the exhibition), pinhole camera on plinth, 7 enlargements of pinhole images of Kambah, sitting circle for conversations with visitors and community members, Bennet family 16mm home movie provided by the NFSA, pinhole originals (5x4 inch, clusters of 6-9 images), cyanotypes of plants of Kambah (5 x4 inch, cluster of 9 images).
Media related to the exhibition:
Brian Rope in the Canberra Times 10 Feb 2023
Living Arts Canberra blog, 28 Jan 2023, audio interview
ArtSound FM interview, ABC Canberra Sunday morning interview, Feb 2023.
Reflective article related to the exhibition, ABC Canberra Sunday morning 17 Dec 2023 related to this article.
Kambah exhibition 2023 hero IMG_1770
The purpose of this exhibition was to work towards the 50th anniversary of the suburb Kambah in 2024. It was also to develop entries for the Kambah Peoples Map, in development by me since 2020. The map uses a locative media tool developed by artists in Belgium and Spain. it allows a curated map primarily for use on a mobile phone while in a set location, here's a link to the work-in-progress map.
Here's a screenshot:
Kambah peoples map - screen shot of the digital map entry screen
Other key work of mine
Since the early 2000s, a strand of my practice focuses on re-enacting 1970s media art in the artist/archivist collaboration with Lucas Ihlein under our nom de plume, Teaching and Learning Cinema (T:LC). In this image Lucas is setting up for Horror Film 1, a work by British artist Malcolm Le Grice from 1971. TLC carries out this re-enactment process as a way to learn about the work which we then document in instruction manuals, or 'user's manuals' as we call them.
Horror Film 1 June 2022
Using old media to produce works on paper:
Here's a still from the project from 2008 Waiting to Turn into Puzzles. This image formed part of a musical score prepared in collaboration with composer David Young.
Here's an image from my 2015 solo exhibition at PhotoAccess in Canberra, A Film of One's Own [Archive Fever].
This is an AO sized work (larger than a metre) made from scanning an entire short 16mm handmade film:
My film work using old media, 16mm and super 8, is known and used by Australia's experimental music community. The films must be performed live, so they have some presence in the experimental film community, but that is limited due to that requirement for liveness.
Here's an example:
And one more:
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Leveraging Content Marketing in B2B Digital Marketing Strategies
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Content Marketing is a powerful tool in B2B Digital Marketing Strategies. By creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content, businesses can attract and engage their target audience. Here's how you can leverage content marketing for B2B success:
The Power of Content Marketing in B2B Digital Strategies
Content marketing allows businesses to establish thought leadership, build credibility, and nurture relationships with potential customers. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 91% of B2B organizations use content marketing to attract and retain their audience. Effective content marketing helps businesses showcase their expertise, educate their audience, and address their pain points. A study by Demand Gen Report found that 96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leaders.
By tailoring content to specific buyer personas, businesses can deliver personalized experiences that resonate with their target audience, increasing the chances of conversion and long-term customer satisfaction. Furthermore, content marketing allows businesses to adapt and optimize their strategies based on data-driven insights, ensuring that their content resonates with their audience and drives measurable results
Identifying and Understanding B2B Buyer Personas
Effective content marketing starts with understanding your target audience. Developing buyer personas helps businesses create content that resonates with the specific needs, challenges, and preferences of their ideal customers. According to a survey by Cintell, 71% of companies that exceed revenue and lead goals have documented buyer personas.
To identify buyer personas, businesses can conduct market research, analyze customer data, and engage in conversations with their target audience. This data-driven approach ensures that content is tailored to the specific characteristics and behaviors of the target audience, leading to more effective and engaging content strategies.
By understanding the demographics, pain points, motivations, and goals of their ideal customers, businesses can create content that directly addresses their needs. This personalized approach not only increases the relevance of the content but also enhances customer engagement and loyalty.
According to the same survey by Cintell, businesses with well-defined buyer personas are 2 to 5 times more likely to have a clear understanding of their customer's journey and can create content that supports each stage of the buying process.
Creating Engaging and Relevant B2B Content
Engaging and relevant content is key to capturing and maintaining the attention of the B2B audience. Businesses should focus on creating content that is informative, actionable, and valuable to their target audience.
According to a study by the Content Marketing Institute, 72% of B2B marketers say that creating engaging content is their top priority. By providing valuable insights, practical solutions, and industry trends, businesses can establish themselves as trusted resources for their audience. To create engaging content, businesses should strive for a balance between educational and entertaining elements. Incorporating storytelling techniques, visual elements, and interactive formats can help capture the audience's interest and make the content more memorable. It's important to understand that B2B buyers are often seeking practical solutions to their problems. By offering actionable tips, step-by-step guides, and case studies, businesses can demonstrate the value and effectiveness of their products or services, building trust and credibility with their audience.
Distributing Content Effectively in B2B Digital Channels
Creating great content is only part of the equation; businesses also need to ensure that their content reaches the right audience. Effective distribution strategies help maximize the visibility and reach of the content.
Businesses can leverage various B2B digital channels, such as their website, social media platforms, email newsletters, industry publications, and guest blogging opportunities, to distribute their content. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 87% of B2B marketers use social media to distribute content.
Measuring Content Marketing Performance
Measuring the performance of content marketing efforts is crucial to understanding its impact and optimizing future strategies. Businesses should establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and use analytics tools to track and measure the effectiveness of their content.
KPIs for content marketing may include Website Traffic, Engagement Metrics (such as time spent on page and social shares), Lead Generation, Conversion Rates, and Customer Retention. According to a study by Aberdeen Group, companies with strong content marketing strategies see 7.8 times higher website traffic.
In addition to these metrics, businesses can also track the number of downloads, form submissions, or inquiries generated through their content. This helps gauge the level of interest and intent among their audience, providing insights into the effectiveness of their content in driving actionable results.
It's important for businesses to analyze the data and metrics regularly to identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. By understanding which types of content perform well and resonate with their audience, businesses can optimize their content strategy and focus resources on creating high-performing content that delivers measurable results.
By consistently monitoring and evaluating the performance of content marketing efforts, businesses can make Data-Driven Decisions, refine their strategies, and achieve greater success in reaching their target audience and achieving their marketing goals
Check: Our B2B Digital Marketing Services
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CINTELLIC stellt Ergebnisse der Trendstudie „Die Zukunft der Marketing Automation“ vor
Die CINTELLIC Consulting Group hat die Ergebnisse der gemeinsam mit SAS Deutschland in Auftrag gegebenen Trendstudie „Die Zukunft der Marketing Automation“ vorgestellt. Ziel der Umfrage, an der sich mehr als einhundert Fach- und Führungskräfte für die Bereiche Marketing, Datenmanagement und IT aus DAX- und mittelständischen Unternehmen in Deutschland beteiligten, war es, den aktuellen Status Quo…
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doingfilmthings · 2 years
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Mandela ... a rapper; Canon 300V, EF 40mm 2.8, Kodak Vision3 250D, Cintel Scanner
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themovieboards · 3 years
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husyay · 3 years
w dfpes upiu ise ANMINATUON BROBTAM ktutna amner make nbusgnas aniamtisxc    noi s  nscientl cintel      busghnca spibnbg ofv mmsucial
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Andicom 2020, ¿Qué hay de nuevo?
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mauriciojaramil · 6 years
Charlas para potenciar negocios digitales y ejemplos inspiradores de transformación: lo imperdible en eShow Colombia 2018
Charlas para potenciar negocios digitales y ejemplos inspiradores de transformación: lo imperdible en eShow Colombia 2018
Dos días con más de 40 actividades, varias de ellas simultáneas, invitados nacionales e internacionales, líderes en materia de negocios digitales, transformación digital, marketing, comercio electrónico y tendencias para la economía digital. Bogotá se alista para recibir el eShow Colombia, la feria iberoamericana de negocios digitales que aterriza en la ciudad este 17 y 18 de octubre (se…
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A Soldas Brasil tem uma grande linha de acessórios para soldas visando aumentar usa produtividade com produtos de alta qualidade, temos itens para corte, solda, válvulas de segurança, cintel e carretilha, equitometro manual, bico de corte modelo Harris, White Martins, condor, famabras, SM, Record.suporte para mesa CNC, acendedor de maçarico tipo concha, adaptador corte duplo.
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pkmngnosia · 9 months
#4 - Ilya
A chill and airheaded Vaporeon who just doesn't seem to be paying attention at all, purposefully acting that way to be funny or to get something out of it. He doesn't care too much what anyone thinks of him and will play to his own positives and negatives without worry.
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AGE: 18, born December 21
SPECIES: Vaporeon
GENDER: Male (He/Him)
PHYSICAL: 6'0" (As biped), 69 lbs
The other guy who's play-style is just hiding the entire time, but while Cintel has somewhat reasonable Intuition and Logic stats, Ilya is focused more on surviving. They're just as effective at staying in the background, plus with quite a bit of Charm to keep him alive. His Performance pales in comparison, but he's more than capable of keeping the target away from him with Regret and Obfuscate.
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lametronoticias · 3 years
Mutualser EPS, finalista en Premio a la Transformación Digital Empresarial 2021
Mutualser EPS, finalista en Premio a la Transformación Digital Empresarial 2021
Los ganadores se conocerán durante la ceremonia de clausura del Congreso ANDICOM 2021, que se realizará este viernes 19 de noviembre en el Centro de Convenciones Cartagena de Indias. Mutualser eps fue seleccionada como finalista en la cuarta edición del Premio a la Transformación Digital Empresarial PwC – CINTEL, que hace un reconocimiento a las empresas colombianas que han logrado cambios…
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doingfilmthings · 2 years
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bmw weekend under the kosciuszko bridge, brooklyn; Canon 300v, 40mm 2.8, Kodak Vision3 250D (ECN2 process and cintel scan)
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craftynerdinternet · 4 years
Davinci Resolve Studio For Macos
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DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5.5
Professional non-linear editing and color correction!
DaVinci Resolve Studio 15.1 for Mac Free Download Download DaVinci Resolve Studio 15.1 for Mac free latest version offline setup. DaVinci Resolve Studio 15.1 for Mac is a professional application to deal with the color correction and enhancement features for the media files. DaVinci Resolve Studio 15.1 for Mac Review A professional application to enhance.
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DaVinci Resolve Studio is the color corrector standard in post production since 1984. There are thousands of colorists worldwide who understand the performance, quality and workflow of DaVinci and love it as their trusted partner in creativity.
DaVinci Resolve Studio 17 features over 100 GPU and CPU accelerated Resolve FX in categories such as blurs, light effects, noise, image restoration, beauty enhancement, stylize and more! Version 17 adds 11 new plugins for texture pop, detail recovery, creating video collages, 3D keyer, HSL keyer, luma keyer, smear, motion trails, noise.
DaVinci Resolve 12 combines professional editing and advanced color correction so you can edit and grade all in one application! This is the same tool used by professional Hollywood editors and colorists. If you want to work on cutting edge films, TV shows, and commercials, then DaVinci Resolve 12 is the software you need to learn! DaVinci Resolve 12 includes over 80 new features like multi-cam, advanced trimming, high performance audio and more. You get context sensitive editing and trimming tools along with titling, transitions, effects, and animation. DaVinci Resolve 12 features sample accurate audio, tape style scrubbing, fader automation, an on screen mixer and plugins. The familiar multi-track timeline, customizable interface and keyboard shortcuts make DaVinci Resolve 12 fast to learn! DaVinci is the world’s most trusted name in color and is used on virtually all Hollywood feature films, TV commercials, episodic programs and more! You get ultra wide dynamic range 32-bit float YRGB image processing and GPU acceleration for producing beautiful images that no other system can match! EDITING FEATURES
Familiar multi-track timeline
Separate bins for media & timelines
Searchable metadata & edit index
Insert, Overwrite, Fit to Fill, Superimpose, Add, Extend & Trim edits
2 & 3-point edits, split a/v edits, J- & L-cuts
Context sensitive Ripple, Roll, Slip & Slide trim tools
JKL Dynamic asymmetric & symmetric trimming
Multi Camera editing
Match frame & reverse match frame
Mouse or keyboard editing with programmable shortcuts
2-up & 4-up displays for editing & trimming
Track targeting & locking
Flags & markers
Optical flow speed changes & time remapping
Keyframe inspector & curve editor in timeline
Copy & Paste attributes
Through-edit indicators & join edit command
Editable transitions with curves
Sample accurate audio editing
Support for VST and Audio Unit plug-ins
Track and clip level audio effects
On-screen mixer and waveforms
Drag and drop support to import files from Finder
On-screen animation controls
Rich Text titling with professional typography controls
Customizable stroke, background, outlines & shadows on titles
Unlimited grades with intuitive node based workflow
Primary correction with wheels, YRGB sliders, RGB Mixer & log grading
Enhanced curve editor
Complete RAW controls including highlight & shadow recovery
Color Match auto balancing using standard color charts
Unlimited Secondary corrections to isolate specific parts of image
3D Keyer with despoil and matte finesse controls for precise qualifications
Power Windows™ with basic shapes & custom shape tools
Professional video scopes & monitors
3D multipoint tracking
3D multipoint stabilization
Internal & external key/matte support
Gallery to store frames, grades and preset “looks'
Clip, group, or entire timeline grading
Keyframes for animating changes over time
Node clean up and organization tools
Ripple grades to multiple clips
ACES 1.0 and DaVinci Color Management
1D & 3D LUT support
Split-screen for comparing shots
Copy & paste grades
Dirt & dust correction tools
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Davinci Resolve Studio For Macos Sierra
FCP 7, FCP X & Premiere Pro XML import/export
AVID AAF & ALE support
Export to ProTools
Automatic XML, AAF & EDL conforming
ASC CDLs (Color Decision List) import & export
Native RAW for ARRI, RED, Sony, Canon, CinemaDNG & Panasonic files
Uncompressed RGB & YUV
DPX, Cineon, TIFF & multi-layer OpenEXR
Avid DNxHR support as both MXF & QuickTime
Full ProRes support
Davinci 15 Download Mac
Davinci Resolve Studio For Macos High Sierra
Version 12.5.5
Added support for the DaVinci Resolve Mini Panel
Added support for the DaVinci Resolve Micro Panel
Added support for URSA Mini Pro 4.6K media
Added support for Cintel Reader
Added support for adaptive scanning speed for Cintel when disk I/O is slow
Improved playback and seek performance of MXF OP1a and OP1b files
Added support for channel level fine tuning with ARRI SDK debayer
Added support for track names in ProTools AAF export
Addressed an issue with Compound Nodes on Stereoscopic 3D projects
Addressed an issue with adding a flag to multiple clips in the Color Page
Dragging a node from a Still to the node graph now follows the gallery keyframe setting
General performance and stability improvements
Title: DaVinci Resolve Studio 12.5.5 + easyDCP CR2
Developer: Blackmagic Design Inc
Compatibility: OS X 10.9.5 or later, 64-bit processor
Language: English
Includes: Pre-K'ed
Size: 226.47 MB
View in Mac App Store
Davinci Resolve Studio For Macos Windows 10
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mauriciojaramil · 6 years
Las conferencias más esperadas en Andicom 2018
Las conferencias más esperadas en Andicom 2018
Para quienes viven inmersos en temas de Tecnología, Innovación y Ciencia (TIC), eventos como el Congreso Internacional de TIC Andicom 2018 son espacios más que esperados. No es una exageración decir que se trata de una valiosa oportunidad para aprender, conocer aliados, hacer negocios TIC, fortalecer sectores, articular gremios y apreciar el impacto real que las soluciones tecnológicas tienen en…
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