#cinqueform art
maniculum · 11 months
Bestiaryposting: Wutugald Results
All right, time to see what everyone came up with for the Wutugald! Again, if that statement confuses you, you may find an explanation at https://maniculum.tumblr.com/bestiaryposting . If you want a refresher on the description the artists were working with, here is the original post:
This was a pretty good creature to start with, I think; the random number generator did us a solid with this one. It laid to rest some concerns I had: will people be able to put aside their real-world knowledge of these animals and draw as if they had never heard of them? Yes, apparently -- a number of comments and notes indicated that several participants had guessed what the Wutugald was, refrained from sharing that information, and drew something that fit the description while being nevertheless a fully distinct animal. I was also concerned about some of the upcoming entries that specify a type of animal (bird, serpent, &c.), wondering if that constraint would be a problem -- but a number of people drew some Very Good Birds for this one, so I feel reassured that future entries that are Explicitly A Bird will still be material we can have fun with.
So, let's see what people created. I'm putting these in roughly the order in which they appeared, below the cut:
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@cosmic-flora (link to post here) produced this in Paint pretty shortly after the original post went up, and posted it with a brief explanation of their design decisions -- they were the first but not the last to interpret the rigid spine as spikes and the single tooth as a beak, and also to provide the creature with claws for digging.
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@silverhart-makes-art (link to post here) was also quick off the mark, posting this the same evening along with an explanation of their design process. I'm genuinely impressed by how quickly they were able to draw something so naturalistic -- this went up within like four hours of the original post. This was also the first (but again not the last) to include an apparent reference to the Wutugald's ability to change sex by including both male genitalia and noticeable teats. Also, I wonder if the coat pattern on the baby is a sneaky reference to the animal this is based on, as Silverhart does indicate that they figured it out.
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@elodieunderglass (link to post here) created this rendition, which I think does a good job at capturing the vibe in the bestiary entry, of a creature that the medieval author clearly sees as discomfiting and somewhat sinister. That is a grin that makes me worry about the critter's intentions.
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@geeoharee (link to post here) posted this along with a brief explanation of their design decisions. The human face and the speech bubble are great, I think -- it makes me smile. I think this is the first non-mammalian Wutugald, but several more come later.
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@sweetlyfez (link to post here) drew this with a dip pen, apparently, which is cool. Also this might be the cuddliest-looking version, but my desire to hug it probably says more about my own sense of self-preservation than anything else. That is a cute face, right? It's not just me?
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@cinqueform (link to post here) produced this wonderfully medieval-styled image. We can see here the ruler-straight spine and the depiction of the Wutugald's sexual ambiguity, as well as a human-like face for imitating speech. Also a very nice stylized letter W.
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@rautavaara (link to post here) has also done a medieval-style rendition, which is excellently sinister in presentation. That is a Worrying Creature. It's also the first (but again not the last) avian interpretation of the Wutugald, which I think really works. Also I'm not sure if this is a sneaky nod to what the animal actually is, or just a case of "great minds think alike", but Rautavaara's interpretation of the rigid spine is very similar to the one in the actual Aberdeen Bestiary illustration I will show y'all at the end of this post.
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@spontaneousmusicalnumber (link to post here) posted this along with a brief explanation of their design process. I think they're right about the side pattern being appropriate for a bestiary critter.
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@strixcattus (link to post here) did another avian rendition of the Wutugald complete with a fantastic lengthy reinterpretation of the bestiary entry through the eyes of a modern naturalist. Seriously, go check that out, it's very good.
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@fidgetyhands (link to post here) provides this image of the Wutugald along with an explanation of their design choices. They also note that limitations in terms of artistic material are probably relevant to a lot of bestiary drawings.
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@jamiethekeener (link to post here) gives us this Wutugald in the act of digging. She instructs that we should not ask why her interpretation of Wutugald ended up being so unsettling, which I cannot deny that it is. (That smile... that damn smile.) I also want to highlight the interpretation of the rigid spine as a shield-like plate along the back.
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@thewhetherman (link to post here) gives us this rather-frightening-looking creature, along with a brief commentary that definitely ups the spook factor on this whole thing.
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@bruncikara (link to post here) also went with a medieval stylization, with a very period-appropriate pose and frame. We can see again some digging claws and a nod to the animal's sexual ambiguity. Wicked-looking single tooth, also.
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@mobileleprechaun (link to post here) has given us what I think is our only invertebrate Wutugald by interpreting the rigid spine as a shell and the single tooth as a radula. Shown here with its half-lion offspring.
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@illogarithmil (link to post here) has also taken inspiration from medieval bestiary art, noting the unusual color and perspective choices typical of the genre. Note the straight tail, the skull, and the doorway in the background -- presumably into a tomb of some sort. The diamond-pupilled eye is striking.
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@qwertyprophecy (link to post here) gives us this Wutugald who manages to strike an excellent balance between "cute" and "villainous". Like, I would expect to see these hopping around to signal that the Protagonists have entered the Sinister Fantasy Kingdom, but it's also kind of adorable. I think the gemstone pupil helps with that vibe. Vulture face is for easier eating of corpses, I assume.
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@aaclysm (link to post here) provides both a final version and a "messy bus sketch". We can see the stone-like eyes, the single tooth interpreted as a beak, and the rigid spine interpreted as a carapace. Kind of griffin-like vibes, which I'm enjoying.
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@scarlettbookworm (link to post here) gives us this drawing, which has some delightful details. I like the lines on the shadow, which I assume is meant to indicate the magical effects associated with it. Also love that the Wutugald's ability to change sex is acknowledged by giving it a little trans-pride flag to wave with its tail. I believe the text in its speech bubble is intended to be word-salad, demonstrating that it imitates but does not understand human speech.
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@pachelbelsheadcanon (link to post here) gives us another very cute Wutugald. (More of these than I expected are downright cuddly.) I'm particularly delighted by the attempt to take the whole "single tooth that closes like a casket" thing at its word and make it work. They provide in their post an explanation of what's going on with that and some other interesting zoological details of their creation. I also enjoy the idea that the Wutugald talks like bot-generated spam.
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@changeinenthalpy (link to post here) has produced this fairly-intimidating-looking critter. This definitely looks like something that could dig up and eat a corpse if it wanted. Nasty claws on that beast. The shiny gemstone eyes give it an unsettling gaze also.
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@aethergeologist (link to post here) gives us this creature, which I both want to pet and also want to keep a healthy distance from because those claws look like they could mess you up. They provide an explanation for their design choices in the linked post.
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@karthara (link to post here) has added to our store of avian Wutugalds, and includes a brief explanation of their design choices in the linked post. I like how happy it seems in the side view -- all excited about its corpse-digging plans for the evening.
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@moustawott (link to post here) created this delightfully prehistoric-looking beast, and provides a detailed account of their design choices in the linked post. I think the snapping-turtle face really works here, and this is probably one of the most dangerous-looking interpretations of the Wutugald.
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@cattorneyatlaw (link to post here) has drawn an unusually porcine Wutugald. Probably one of the spookier pig drawings I've seen. They provide an explanation of their design choices -- including "why a pig" -- in the linked post.
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@curiouslyodd (link to post here) has given us a Wutugald with a very unsettling face and an interesting fur pattern. In the linked post, they not only provide an explanation of their design choices, but also a detailed and well-written reinterpretation of the bestiary entry based on the animal as they have drawn it. Go check that out.
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@treesurface (link to post here) has done an interestingly chimeric Wutugald, and includes a brief explanation of their design choices in the linked post. I like the head particularly.
And... hm. We're not going to be able to fit all of the images in one post. The limit is thirty, right? Stay tuned for a bit, I guess. The remaining Wutugalds will be in a reblog of this post, along with the reveal of the animal's identity and the Aberdeen Bestiary's interpretation of the creature.
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
I was given a present, and it’s an amazing mocked up scientific paper about sex pollen and featuring Drs Gurathin and Ratthi and also Murderbot
And I love it
It’s based on a silly short fic I wrote called “Sex Pollen” and I can’t believe just how lovely, and carefully crafted it is
And it has wonderful artwork too!
Figure 21: Visual art, “Would that I were a sample in a microscope that I might gaze better into your eyes”, Subject 18
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I am so utterly delighted
It is by @cinqueform
And it’s so CLEVER and PLAYFUL
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: nine images of different people made of black smoke standing in front of monochrome backgrounds in rainbow colors. Each has a body part whose anatomy is picked out in glowing detail.
First, a woman holding a book and flute with a bright blue brain. Second, a man with a gin and a red and silver heart. Third, a leaning woman with orange bat wings. Fourth, a man holding drumsticks with partially oxidized copper skin. Fifth, a person with a tree growing out of their upraised arms. Sixth, a man with a spiked helmet and a red and white forearm. Seventh, a woman waiting to play a violin with silver veins. Eighth, a man looking off to the side with eyes made of exploding moons. Ninth, a person playing a bass guitar with smoky lungs.]
Here's the full series! The Mechanisms with their mechanisms, if they had mostly human anatomy and glowed.
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
I wrote a fic as a gift last year for @boopbopbeepboopbeep and now the amazing @cinqueform has done this gorgeous art!
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The conceit in the fic is that the company in the Murderbot Diaries Universe turns out to be The Coca-Cola Company (hey, Tommy Arnold’s SecUnit armour is a dead ringer for a Diet Coke can):
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They both emerged from the feed a little while later. Gurathin shook his head. SecUnit was frowning.
“So...The Company started out making an anti-headache drink? That is too fucking ironic.”
“A headache drink which literally had cocaine in it? Amazing they’ve been being evil for so long really.”
SecUnit pushed a visual at Gurathin in the feed.
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rosewind2007 · 2 years
Sex Pollen fic, because the Murderbot fanfic lacked a piece with this trope
It’s Murderbot and Gurathin, and it’s fun!
Chapter one is Ratthi POV, chapters two and three Murderbot POV
Features cameo ART, and evil scientist OC
And sex pollen, and a scientific paper on sex pollen which was created for me as a gift! Which I also link to below (thank you the wonderful @cinqueform )
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a person made out of black smoke plays a bass guitar. Their lungs glow through their clothes and body.]
The fire lives inside Ashes, now
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[Image Description: a woman made of black particles waits to play a violin. Her silver veins shine through her body and clothes.]
Nastya is a ghost with quicksilver blood, now
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cinqueform · 4 years
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All the images together:
Dr Carmilla, represented by an outstretched starry hand dripping blood
Jonny D'Ville, represented by a sun for an eye surrounded by makeup
Nastya Rasputina, represented by a violin made of mercury
Ashes O'Reilly, represented by a match burning into a gasoline fire
Ivy Alexandria, represented by a paper and circuitry book
Toy Soldier, represented by it's hat and moustache
Gunpowder Tim, represented by an exploding eye and gun
DrumBot Brian, represented by a rose floating in space
Raphaella la Cognizi, represented by her wings and lightning
Marius von Raum, represented by his arm and monocle
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a woman made of a geometric smoke holds a flute and book. A blue brain glows through her body.]
Ivy Alexandria keeps the world in her head.
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a woman in a long black coat holds up two tommy guns]
Armed Nastya rights. She's on a rescue mission for her girlfriend!
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a sphynx kitten with octopus legs.]
An octokitten!
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: an octokitten - the top half of a sphynx cat with the arms of an octopus - on a deep blue field.]
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cinqueform · 4 years
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Have some eldritch Mechanisms:
The ghost with the quicksilver blood
Sun Jonny and Space Nastya
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a woman reaches out her hand down and towards the viewer. The image focuses on her face and then her hand and then blurs out again.]
POV: you're dying but Doctor Carmilla needs an organist for her latest piece
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: a wooden man wearing a black and red uniform lifts their arms]
The Toy Soldier is made of wood
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cinqueform · 4 years
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Ivy and Tim admire Ashes' handiwork
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cinqueform · 4 years
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[Image Description: three cowboys in a rusty desert beneath a cylindrical sun. A man fires a rifle to the left. A woman fires a revolver at the viewer. Behind them, a man stands with his head bowed and his arms crossed.]
I'm obsessed with how, in Gunfight at the Dolorous Guard, the only shot we know Arthur fires is at the very end. I choose to believe he didn't even touch his guns until his lovers had taken care of everything else. The truuuuuust.
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