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radiogornjigrad · 11 months ago
BORIS DEŽULOVIĆ: Kratka povijest hrvatskog Sabora
Slikovnost Stiv Cinik “Dobra će nama biti i jednopartijska diktatura, i ustavna monarhija, i međunarodni protektorat, i vojna hunta, bilo što, sve je zapravo bolje od višestranačke demokracije” Prije tridesetak godina – ne znam jesam li vam već pričao o tome, pa me slobodno prekinite ako jesam – beogradski, kako ono, „kontroverzni poduzetnik“ Radomir Živanić zvani Baja Plavi osnovao je Verano…
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brbljivica · 7 months ago
Tražiću ga dok god sam živa, zato što bih radije bila detinjasta budala nego sebični optimista ili jednako sebičan cinik.
Alasdir Grej - Jadna stvorenja
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izvandomasaja · 2 years ago
vratio se cinik,
koji s distanciranoscu
gleda ljude,
ne zato želi da bude hladan iznutra
oduvek je htio da bude topao.
život ga je načinio takvim.
na kratko,
zaličilo je
da se bog
možda predomislio
da će možda
da mu usliši
najdublju želju
da ponovo
bude topao
vratio se cinik,
a bog se nije predomislio.
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aktualitet-al · 16 days ago
Ministri i Brendshëm: Edi Hoxha apo Ervin Rama? Cinizëm therës, tallje e hapur dhe transparencë e munguar
Reagimi i fundit i Ministrit të Brendshëm Ervin Hoxha për ngjarjen e ndjeshme të vetëvrasjes së dyshuar të policit Azbi Spahiu ka nxitur debat të ashpër, jo për përmbajtjen, por për tonin cinik dhe gjuhën që duket e nxjerrë drejt e nga dora e kryeministrit Edi Rama.Kur qytetarët presin transparencë dhe ndjeshmëri, përballen me një deklaratë që më shumë tingëllon si një sulm ndaj kritikëve dhe një…
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xhemilbeharaj · 30 days ago
Dy vjet me satelitët Albania 1 dhe Albania 2
“Në 3 janar të vitit 2023 (para dy vitesh) u lëshuan në hapsirë 2 satelitët Albania 1 dhe Albania 2 Mund të më thoni përfitimet që keni pasur në këto vite nga këta dy satelitë?(Që na kanë kushtuar 6.7 mln )!Kjo ishte pyetja cinike që inxhinier Azmer Duleviç bën në rrjetin e tij social. Për të dhe për të gjithë skeptikët po rendisim informacionet që nuk kanë të paguar që satelitët na kanë…
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velja976 · 6 months ago
Istina je da se pretvaram da sam cinik, ali zapravo sam sanjar koji se užasava želeti nekog, koga možda nikada neće imati...
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hlightdroid · 1 year ago
Ah moj jete Sa cinike dhe Tinzare je E cte them une per ty.
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epcysblog · 1 year ago
A Beacon of Innovation - AI Influence on Turkey’s Hair Transplant Procedures
Steering the ever-changing tide of healthcare tourism, a new wave has piqued my interest — the fusion of AI and hair transplant procedures in the country known for its age-old medical techniques – Turkey. Having carved a successful niche in the hair transplant sector in the past, the country’s project into AI-enhanced procedures is something that one cannot turn a blind eye to.
This intriguing intersection of advanced technology, healthcare, and classic practice is an unchartered territory that demands a closer look. What’s driving Turkey’s stride towards AI-enabled hair transplants? How is this shift impacting individuals relying on healthcare tourism, notably from the UK or USA?
Put your explorer’s hat on! Together, we’re going for an insightful, profound dip into this multi-layered narrative that discloses how this marriage of AI and hair transplant procedures is reshaping Turkey’s healthcare landscape, with ripple effects felt across the globe.
Untying Turkey's Leap into AI-Driven Hair Transplants
Recently, Turkey has been dabbling in AI for beyond-the-norm Hair Transplant success, and trust me, it’s an eye-opener. The AI touch has made the whole procedure smarter and more precise, giving better results to those in need.
In simple terms, with AI in the picture, patients can feel more at ease, knowing what they’ll look like after, and doctors can work more efficiently. So, Turkey’s combination of AI and hair transplants is reshaping the game, making it a go-to healthcare destination.
“Setting the Stage” Turkey's Tryst with AI
Turkey’s decision to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into its healthcare modalities is a strategic move, showcasing its determination to lead the global arena of healthcare innovation. The fusion of AI into Turkey’s flourishing hair transplant sector epitomizes just this quest.
The adoption of AI technology in hair transplantation has brought several thriving changes:
Efficiency: AI has streamlined the hair restoration process, eliminating manual hurdles and augmenting speed.
Precision: Through AI-backed interventions, the potential risks of hair transplantation get identified in the early stages, enhancing procedure safety.
Results Prediction: AI enables doctors to give patients a virtual preview of the transplant outcome, instilling confidence and eliminating uncertainties.
Unlike replacing human expertise, AI in this context is about leveraging its power to enhance precision, optimize procedure planning, and improve outcomes—an invaluable support system amplifying the effectiveness of human skills.
This strategic alignment with AI has revamped Turkey’s image from simply a travel hotspot to a global pioneer in healthcare innovation. In essence, Turkey’s AI-integrated hair transplant procedures serve as a testament to its aspiration to lead the world in providing advanced, efficient, and reliable healthcare solutions.
Meetings with Turkey's AI-Driven Healthcare Professionals
In a recent journey through Turkey’s bustling hospitals and serene clinics, I had the euphoric opportunity to meet the nerve center of AI-driven hair transplant procedures – the specialists and medical professionals who lean on artificial intelligence to work their magic and help patients rewrite their hair stories.
A Peek into the AI Toolbox: Meeting Dr. Emrah Cinik
Dr. Emrah Cinik, a renowned expert in hair transplantation, was my first port of call. With years of experience at his fingertips and a passion for placing Turkey at the forefront of healthcare innovation, Dr. Cinik is an authority on the AI-integrated procedures used in hair transplants.
Direct quote: “We use AI-based technologies extensively in our field – from a system like AI-Graft that helps us precisely calculate the number of grafts required to drones like Hairlytics that monitor hair growth progress in our patients,” Dr. Cinik expounded.
The AI-Assistant: An Essential Team Member
The next stop was at the nursing station, where I met Nurse Aysun Turkmen, who handles post-operative care. In our chat, she highlighted how an AI-based customized app for us, like HairATM, has become indispensable in follow-up care, especially for international patients who can’t always return to Turkey for post-op consultations.
Direct quote: Nurse Turkmen elaborated, “HairATM enables us to provide personalized care advice and monitor graft survival remotely. Even if our patients are halfway across the world, they’re within our care radius, thanks to the app’s real-time tracking and communication capabilities.”
The Game Changer: Proactive Risk Identification
Our discussions wouldn’t have been complete without mentioning the transformative role of AI in risk mitigation. I sat down with Dr. Fatma Betul Unal, an anesthesiologist who stressed the importance of AI in identifying potential complications, reducing risks, and ensuring safety.
Direct quote: “Most people don’t realize how crucial AI tools can be in improving safety measures. She said, “It helps us predict individual risks, understand the patient’s physical responses better, and preemptively adjust the anesthesia dosage.”
Every interaction brought home one fact clearly: AI is more than just an impressive term in Turkey’s healthcare sector. It’s an integral part of the team, the silent ally aiding specialists in precise procedural planning, efficient execution, proactive risk identification, and enhanced patient care. As I retraced my steps through the inviting corridors of Turkey’s healthcare centers, it was evident how AI’s role underpins a new era in hair transplantation and the broader healthcare domain.
Patient's Stance on AI-Based Hair Treatment in Turkey
Let’s take a walk through a couple of scenarios to really illustrate Turkey’s powerful pivot to AI-driven healthcare. It’s one thing to talk about fusing artificial intelligence and healthcare, but let’s experience it firsthand with some real stories from the field.
Patient 1: A New Dawn in Diagnosis
We’ll start with John, a regular guy from Michigan who made the journey from the US to Turkey in hopes of a solution for his thinning hair. As he walked into the state-of-the-art hospital, he was welcomed not only by friendly healthcare staff but also by their digital assistant, an AI system.
In no time, the AI had scanned John’s scalp, assessed the balding pattern, calculated the perfect number of grafts needed, and even simulated the expected outcome – all without a single incision. The mystique of tech that John used to read about was now touchable, helping him overcome his anxieties about the hair transplant.
Direct quote: John said, “To see my potential post-transplant self in advance was unreal but reassuring.”
Patient 2: The AI Assistant in Action
Next, let’s hang out in the operation theater. Jessica, from the UK, was a bundle of nerves before her procedure. But her fears melted away as she watched the impressively precise AI assistant in action. It worked in harmony with the surgeon, providing real-time estimates of graft survival rates, mapping optimal transplantation sites, and even predicting potential complications.
Direct quote: Jessica remarked, “The AI gave me the comfort that precision and technical know-how were on my side.”
Patient 3: The Follow-Ups
Post-surgery care is one area where AI shines bright. Our friend John, back in Michigan now, could have his follow-up appointments without stepping out of his living room. The post-operative AI-based app evaluated his hair growth progress, provided personalized care advice, and updated his doctors in Turkey. His satisfaction? Off the charts!
Direct quote: “I felt taken care of every step of the way. It was as if my personal AI doc was just a message away, and it put my mind at ease,” John shared.
This narrative is just a small peek into the broad framework of AI-driven healthcare in Turkey. But it underscores how AI intervention is giving healthcare, especially hair transplantation, a facelift of sorts. With artificial intelligence, Turkey’s healthcare system is reaching for the stars, giving people like John and Jessica something they once dreamed of – a personalized, safe, and efficient healthcare experience.
How Turkey Infuses AI into Hair Transplants? Personal Journey
For firsthand experience-based research, we have Mustafa, a courageous volunteer, who allowed me to record his path to a more robust head of hair.
Step 1: Preliminary Consultation – Precision at its Peak
My journey began with Mustafa’s initial meeting with the hair transplant surgeon. Using the AI-based ‘HairPrep’ custom-made software in that clinic, the surgeon evaluated Mustafa’s hair density, balding pattern, and donor area capacity.
Direct quote: Making sense of it all, Mustafa muses, “I was amazed! The guesswork was gone, replaced by precise, cold computation.”
Step 2: The Procedural Pathway – AI-Driven Strategies
Mustafa was recommended for two leading hair transplant treatments: Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), both performed under the watchful eyes of ‘Operai,’ an AI-powered assistance tool. The FUT involved harvesting a strip of skin from the back of Mustafa’s scalp (the donor site), and then the individual hair follicles were extracted and transplanted into the thinning areas. FUE, on the other hand, involved removing individual hair follicles directly from the donor area and then transplanting them.
Direct quote: Mustafa admitted, “Knowing that an AI was at work gave me that extra ounce of confidence.”
Step 3: AI and Graft Survival – Breathing Life into Transplants
Following the extraction phase, Mustafa’s hair grafts were examined, sorted, and stored using ‘GraftLife,’ another AI-driven personalized tool in the clinic.
Direct quote: In Mustafa’s words, “It was like watching over my own children, knowing each one of them was being checked and preserved individually.”
Step 4: The Transplant: AI-Powered Precision in Action
Two different tailor-made AI tools came to the fore during the critical transplant phase: ‘ScalpMap’ and ‘TrichoPrint.’ Upon research, these systems used advanced algorithms to map the perfect transplant sites, provide density analysis, and estimate the graft survival rates, aiding the surgeon’s task of placing the grafts.
Direct quote: Taken aback by the technology, Mustafa sighed, “It was surreal, knowing that a machine was aiding in such a critical stage.”
Step 5: Post-Transplant: AI Guarding the Growths
In the post-op stage, Mustafa was introduced to ‘HairTrack,’ an AI-based app truly made for patients and that allowed his doctor to track hair growth remotely, provide advice, and schedule follow-ups, making distant healthcare a breeze!
Direct quote: Reflecting on his experience, Mustafa concluded, “The AI didn’t only make my procedure seamless but also efficiently took care of me during recovery.”
AI’s presence was around every bend of Mustafa’s journey – solidifying Turkey’s commitment to blending this world-class technology into hair restoration. From the outset to the last mile, AI steps in, stepping up the process efficacy and patient comfort in remarkable ways. And for courageous people like Mustafa, this interplay of technology equals hope, trust, and transformation.
The Final Take
It’s been a remarkable journey, a firsthand look at how artificial intelligence is fostering breakthroughs in Turkey’s hair transplant industry. Not just that, but seeing the profound impact AI is making in healthcare, I am taking away nuggets that promise to propel my career as a health journalist to greater heights.
Truly befriending artificial intelligence in this hair implantation journey has turned the typical understanding of the tech on its head. It’s not just about convenience or speed; it’s about forging a human-AI bond that fills gaps in care, nudges up precision, and chips away at geographical constraints.
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paralelni-univerzum · 11 days ago
Paradoxical Impositions.
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Loving you or hating you is my personal choice, my muse, my lifelong decision to stay in peace and tranquility, even if you don't love me back anymore. It's okay that you gave up, I haven't. I won't ever and I just can't give up on you, give up on us.
Like I'm not asking you to love me back, you don't ask me to hate you back. Ever. For a lifetime. You can't love me back, it's okay and I can't hate you back and maybe that's okay too.
And that's the last deal we'll have to go through.
-Anindya. 23rd Jan 2025, 08:04 AM.
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downbabylon · 5 years ago
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Cinik VAC, Awal, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year ago
Stiv Cinik i face iz kavanskog života
Stiv Cinik nesumnjivo je jedan od najdarovitijih umjetnika koji se bavi portretnom karikaturom i portretom uopće. Ruka i oko tu su u čudesnoj simbiozi pa radovi nastaju s lakoćom i bez predimenzionirana pojedinih dijelova glave, tijela ili organa. Jednostavnost je tu ispružena do genijalnosti, likovi su veoma prepoznatljivi iako urešeni zrnom humora, često onakvim koji ih bolje prikazuje no što u…
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med-nama · 3 years ago
cìnik m 〈N mn -ici〉
Izvedeni oblici
1.fil. sljedbenik filozofske škole koju je u 4. st. pr. Kr. osnovao Sokratov učenik Antisten; kinik2.razg. a. onaj koji otvoreno, hladno, često i podrugljivo pokazuje nevjericu u ljudsku iskrenost, poštenje, u moralne vrijednosti b. onaj koji je hladno bezobziran, koji se ponaša i djeluje bez moralnih skrupula, kojemu ništa nije sveto; bezočnik, drznik
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pour-one-on-da-bench · 5 years ago
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spraydaily · 8 years ago
Pear and Cinik
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xhemilbeharaj · 5 months ago
Pse të rinjtë nga Evropa Juglindore po ikin në Perëndim?
“Sfida më e madhe për të rinjtë në rajon është pasiguria. Ajo buron nga mungesa e besimit në institucione dhe mungesa e sundimit të ligjit,” thotë aktivistja Sofija Todoroviq nga Beogradi. Një shaka cinike qarkullon prej vitesh në disa vende të Ballkanit: Si mund ta reklamoni Gjermaninë dhe Austrinë në rajon? Në një ftesë nga ndonjë agjenci udhëtimesh ndoshta do të shkruhej: “Ejani, sepse…
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emrahcinik1-blog · 6 years ago
The History of the Hair Transplant
The issue of sparseness has influenced mankind as written history has made notes about people groups' absence of hair. Just in the previous 200 years have we had the option to take care of the loss of our hair through the hair transplant? In 1822, German medicinal school understudies and Professor Unger effectively expelled hair from one point on a scalp and transplanted it in another area. Never again did we need to go uncovered and do nothing about it.
Before the finish of the nineteenth Century different methods including unions and hair-bearing skin folds were utilized to treat horrible alopecia. Notwithstanding these medicinal methods, voyaging sales reps advanced tonics that could re-grow hair however these sold dreams more than real hair.
It wasn't until the 1930s that we start to see the establishments of present day medication's response to sparseness in Japan with crafted by Dr. Okuda. This dermatologist made a uniting system that utilized round segments of hair-bearing skin picked up from a punch strategy concentrated on helping consume unfortunate casualties re-grow hair. Another Japanese dermatologist, Dr. Tamura decreased the size of the unions to one to three hairs for better outcomes. These methods were lost during World War II, yet they were before long rediscovered and utilized in the West.
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In the United States by 1952 as Dr. Norman Orentreich demonstrated the connections of 'contributor strength' and 'beneficiary predominance' in fruitful transplant medical procedures. Effective medical procedure relied upon the giver being more prevailing than the beneficiary, yet American examinations additionally demonstrated that hair sparseness was an acquired condition that could be treated with transplants. As indicated by the examination of contributor predominance, it was a rule that communicated why transplanted hair would keep on displaying the qualities of the hair from where it was taken. Whenever taken from the side of the scalp, the hair will keep on developing as hair from the side of the scalp, yet it would keep on developing in territories of the scalp that were diminishing or totally uncovered.
The confinement on this strategy was the absence of a characteristic hope to transplanted hair.
The huge unions utilized during the 1970s ended up known as 'attachments', and hair plugs a negative term for a hair transplant. Confinements on innovation and strategy had extreme, now and then unrefined outcomes for Orentreich's patients, and this made a social shame related with hair transplants. This disgrace was fundamentally due to Orentreich utilizing Okuda's techniques instead of Tamuda's progressively current methodology.
These new perspectives on sparseness made a comprehensive treatment as the total issue was starting to be comprehended during the 1960s. Careful strategies concentrated on moving hair-bearing folds to bare territories, utilizing tissue expanders to help scalp recreation in uncovered zones lastly utilizing bare decrease scalp medical procedure to evacuate bare scalp and supplant it with hair bearing scalp tissue. These strategies still couldn't have the ideal regular look.
These systems set the establishments for present day careful practices that emphasis on wellbeing and regular looking outcomes. Moving far from effectively distinguished fitting transplants, propels in microsurgical methods, for example, smaller scale joining, follicular unit transplantation and follicular unit extraction and instruments have brought about hair transplants that can't be effectively recognized.
By 1984, miniaturized scale unions utilized littler unites as opposed to one long strip bringing about an increasingly characteristic look. Small scale unions were an improvement, yet they were not immaculate. By 1994, Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) was utilized by Drs. Bernstein and Rassman requiring follicular units from a contributor strip for a superior outcome, however requiring additional time and careful ability. By 2000, FUT was the favored strategy for hair transplants.
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In 2005, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) turned into the present technique for hair transplants that utilized an exceptionally minor punch from a contributor strip until the correct numbers of follicles were acquired. FUE turned out to be all the more generally utilized, especially as innovation improved taking into consideration Robotic FUE utilizing an ARTAS Robot for progressively exact and precise outcomes for follicle reaping. The Robot has likewise been utilized in the transplantation procedure for better arrangement of follicles during implantation and in the recuperation times of distinguishing scar regions.
Hair transplants have additionally been combined with new prescriptions like Propecia so as to moderate or even stop balding for far better outcomes. In the previous 30 years, gigantic advances have been made in ceasing male pattern baldness and re-growing hair. As the systems improve day by day, the following 30 years will be extremely fascinating to perceive how innovation and practice will advance.
By Contrast to the ancient Hair Transplanting in modern Era the technology has been replacing human even in the field of medicine but still a well qualified and experienced doctor cannot be ignored and In Turkey Dr. Emrah Cinik Is the well know personality in this Field.
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