arroganced · 1 year
anyone who's willing to sacrifice their own flesh and blood can never truly be trusted . ( but its like about something so small and dumb )
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“ it was a joooooooooke. ” it was not a joke. the car tire was flat, it looked like it was about to rain, and they were stopped in the absolute middle of nowhere. not really, but they only had one bar on their phones and it wasn't doing anything. “ i was just sayin' if you talked to that person standin' over there, we'd have a better chance of getting help. you got better eyes than i do and uh, yeah. i can't see anything, i think my contacts are dryin' out. ” a lie, he had eye drops. deft fingers run through curls, nails digging through his scalp as he purposely honks the horn. the two of them weren't alone except for someone standing in the distance doing something inconspicuous [ to chad ], but he did not want to leave the car. “ you're wearing your lucky sweater today and i look rough. what if they think i'm ugly and decide to beat me up ? then we'll both be out of luck. ”
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khronoes · 1 year
estelle antoinette charmant : daughter of cinderella oc
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oldest daughter of the charming family and next in line for the throne, has been trained to take on her duties as queen from a very young age and faces the pressures of being a perfect ruler
despite not wanting to, often had to take on a motherly role to look after her younger siblings with her parents absent so often with other responsibilities. grew up too fast and because of that, grew up hardened
unlike her mother, niceties aren't always genuine with her but estelle is a master at weaving her words to sound pretty even when there's an insult laced in between. backhanded compliments are her forte but she isn't mean per se. more so just a little snappy, a little too upfront disguised as being honest, a little bratty, a little spoiled as the first born
is very diplomatic and makes for a solid politician with her abilities to dodge questions and evade direct answers in tricky situations while still maintaining pristine image
struggles with the pressures of marrying and continuing their royal blood line due to her attraction leaning more towards women than men
because of this she's often very flirty but has not had a long lasting relationship in a very long time. her very first relationship was practically urged by her parents to a nice boy, but to estelle's relief it ended when he set his eyes elsewhere and ever since she hasn't pursued anything long term. especially not publicly
has a very busy schedule and rarely has time for social outings or seeing friends and that can get very overwhelming, but she always puts aside time for family and prioritizes them above all
adaptable to many verses but in general just vibes <;3
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celestiel · 3 years
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@cindheir​       ,       “oh, wow, you weren’t kidding.” ( to liv )  +  accepting
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if she didn’t treat everything like a joke, people might stop treating her like one. the confident demeanor she held as she walked into the room falters, arms tightening around the bundles of old fabrics in her arms. this was stupid. the silence between them lasts too long. it’s in these painful soundless moments that liv considers running away, pretending she never said anything at all. 
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instead, she clears her throat. “ uh, ” chin tilts up, “ no, yeah, i used to . . . be into the fashion stuff. kinda just making my own clothes and stuff but i . . . ” depression was a bitch and it took every ounce of motivation for anything that wasn’t immediately mood-altering out of her. “ aren’t you the fashion designing prodigy or whatever? you wanna help me or not? ‘cause if not i’m just gonna throw all this shit out. ”
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loetise · 3 years
short and sweet prompts, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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                        startled    by    giselle’s    words,    she    gasps    too,    matching    her    friend’s.        eyes    light    up    as    she    looks    up    from    her    own    phone,    and    at    the    princess    who    is    staring    horrified    at    the    screen    of    hers.        her    hand    goes    to    lay,    gently,    on    top    of    giselle’s    as    to    comfort    her.        it’s    a    ritual,    nearly,    to    check    their    phones    before    a    game.        making    sure    their    picture    perfect    image    remains    before    they    go    out,    pom    poms    ablaze.        normally,    it’s    fine,    and    their    worries    are    appeased.        but    today,    it    seems,    was    different    if    giselle’s    expression    was    anything    to    go    by.            “        what?        what    happened?        ”
@cindheir​​,    "  oh  my  god!  "
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dvarapala · 3 years
‘  you’ve got a warm heart.  ’
daughter lyric starters // @cindheir
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"thank you. that's very nice of you to say." udyati's been trying to smother her laughter behind her hand for the better part of ten minutes. "i'm really sorry for laughing at your rat's name though, giselle." she hides her face behind a small, powder blue, pillow instead, making her words come out muffled against the soft fabric. "please forgive me, it's just that---" her lithe frame shakes with silent laughter. "---tata means something else entirely where i'm from. and it's not exactly... polite."
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hadesheiir · 3 years
@cindheir​ // giselle charmant (closed starter)
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“are you really sure we should be signing chad up for isle clean up without talking to him first?”
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violatile · 3 years
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bold   what   applies   . italicize   what   somewhat   applies .   tag   some friends   to   play   along   !   repost ,   don’t   reblog.    
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𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐒   :   scornful jealousy • pink • presents a certain decorum • heavy air in a nightclub • has a tattoo they regret • sex & love therapist for their friends • juvenescent • uses enchantments • aloof • wears rose-colored glasses • velvet, latex, & lingerie  • milk baths with champagne bubbles • impetuous in love • intense eye contact is a sport • kinky • soft lips • wears stacked rings • sets fashion trends • graceful movements • marble floors • heavy perfume or cologne • deeply emotional • born glamorous
𝐇𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄   :   prefers canine companions • wears symbolic jewelry • can see spirits • melting wax • uses hexes • feels most comfortable at night • smell of cinnamon • moonlight • red wine • understands poisons & herbs • collects bones or feathers • partakes in rituals • black • fog at night • is aware of their shadow self • embraces the unknown • enjoys collecting secrets • approves of necromancy • meditates • has prophetic dreams • lace • knowing too many secrets • fishnet stockings
𝐏𝐀𝐍   :   enjoys poetry & prose • wool • smell of decaying leaves in autumn • prefers to be barefoot • tends to overindulge • easily excitable • thriving in social circles • loves being around campfire  • antlers • dirt paths • the sound of wind chimes • penchant for sticky fingers • pine trees • stamina for days • falls in lust • vagabond • physically stronger than given credit for • foxglove • welcomes luxury • non-confrontational • charming words • talking to animals • nature for jewelry
𝐍𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐒   :   angry • protective of their values • balance & harmony • looks like an angel but isn’t • more perceptive than people realize • snow capped mountains • grey • wears leather • silver jewelry • likes snakes • can’t stand ignorance • believes in retribution • analytical of own emotions • well read • marble columns • has very rigid morals • bruised knuckles • humorous under the sarcasm • clean workspace • everything in moderation • cold morning air • resting glare face • fluent in curse words 
𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒   :   serene demeanor • easily overwhelmed • relaxation is their vice • transactional friendships • has a soft voice • head in the clouds • carries drugs with them • has a sibling they’re close with • drawn to winged animals • lavender • has plush furniture/blankets • starry-eyed • horrible money management • gives amazing hugs • dreaming big as a full time job • wears comfy or loose clothes • existential questions • not good at memory-based skills • fairy lights • can’t sleep somewhere unfamiliar • crystalline chandeliers • dislikes bright sun • fluttering eyelashes
𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐒   :   life’s a technicolor spectrum • has a lot to say • beaming smiles • always has candy with them • flirting by accident • walking to the beat of their own drum • gossamer curtains • has a surprising amount of connections • blushes very easily • confident laughter • uses a staff • fresh fruit slices • decorated handwritten letters • a social chameleon • blood made of honey • treating people with kindness • sentimental heart • vases full of wildflowers • feels fulfilled when helping others • has a healing aura • always travelling • stained glass windows • just trying to be a good person  
tagged by: @killerxquccn thank u !! tagging: idk who has done this already but here  @odeitte @rietveild @loetise @cursedsvde @tempestside @appleyed @cindheir​ @namedbear​
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tiderider1 · 3 years
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―  oxblood  .
you  are  fearless,  honest,  and  you  stick  to  your  guns.  you  pride  yourself  on  your  honesty,  and  on  being  true  to  your  values  even  in  difficult  situations.  others  admire  your  grit,  and  those  who  can  handle  it  appreciate  your  bluntness.  your  friendships  are  ride-or-die,  and  your  loved  ones  would  destroy  the  goddamn  sun  for  you.  to  put  it  simply:  you’re  lowkey  punk.  just  remember  that  softness  is  not  the  same  as  weakness,  and  that  it’s  ok  to  be  a  little  more  forgiving  –  toward  others,  but  also  toward  yourself.
tagged  by :  nada tagging :  @songeurame​ ( corinne ),  @faetaels​ ( tam ),  @appleyed​,  @cindheir​,  @riddhiles​,  @lighthouseborn​,  @deifiedstars​ ( ginny ),  @heiresea​,  @paintedragcn​  
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cindheir · 3 years
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#CINDHEIR   :   this   is   a   rp   blog   dedicated   to   ORIGINAL   DESCENDANTS   CHARACTER   GISELLE   CHARMANT.   private   and   independent   ,   multifandom   friendly.   I’m   reh   ,   21   ,   gmt   -3   ,   she   /   her.   mutuals   only   &   selective.
RULES   &   BIO.         PROMO.         AESTHETIC   SB.         PINTEREST.         BLOGROLL.
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janefaery · 3 years
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OUTLOOK   :   realist
Realists   like   to   think   they   see   things   the   way   they   really   are.   But   it's   important   to   remember   that   everyone   sees   the   world   differently.   You   might   tend   to   keep   a   level   head,   and   don't   excite   easily,   but   this   can   leave   you   susceptible   to   bouts   of   gloominess.   If   you   feel   yourself   moving   towards   a   negative   emotional   extreme,   try   looking   to   other   people   for   fresh   perspectives.
CHARACTER   :   helpful
Helpful   people   naturally   want   everyone   around   them   to   be   happy   and   will   actively   work   towards   helping   them   achieve   this.   They   are   even   prepared   to   work   long   and   hard   on   difficult   and   thankless   tasks   until   they're   finished   so   others   don't   have   to.   You   have   a   good   amount   of   self   discipline   and   are   able   to   channel   this   toward   benefitting   others.
SELF   CONTROL   :   reserved
You   may   feel   a   bit   conflicted   when   you've   been   wronged.   On   the   one   hand   it   can   affect   you   deeply   to   the   point   of   feeling   victimized,   but   on   the   other   you   can   be   scared   of   saying   something   about   it   for   fear   of   upsetting   other   people.   The   result   is   that   your   anger   might   be   directed   inwards,   which   is   very   unhealthy.   You   can't   always   be   the   nice   guy.
COMPOSURE   :   perfectionist
Perfectionists   are   likely   to   exert   a   lot   of   control   over   themselves   and   the   world   around   them.   They   focus   on   even   the   smallest   details   and   want   everything   to   be   just   right.   This   is   a   great   attitude   to   have,   but   if   it's   taken   to   the   extreme   it   can   lead   to   some   distress   -   setting   yourself   unrealistic   goals   can   lead   to   feelings   of   guilt   and   self-recrimination.
TASTE   :   creator
Your   real   interests   lie   in   creative   activities.   You   can   seem   like   quite   a   private   person,   but   you're   equally   comfortable   pursuing   your   interests   with   a   group   of   like-minded   people   or   by   yourself.   People   who   share   this   characteristic   like   a   challenge   they   can   get   their   teeth   into   and   really   focus   on   without   any   distractions.
SOCIABILITY   :   humble
People   with   this   characteristic   tend   to   be   modest   and   self-effacing   -   sometimes   in   the   extreme.   They   enjoy   their   privacy   and   their   own   company,   but   are   also   sympathetic   to   the   needs   of   others.   In   fact,   sometimes   they   can   be   too   trusting   of   people,   which   can   lead   to   them   being   taken   advantage   of.   If   you   recognise   this   trait   in   yourself,   it's   important   to   have   someone   you're   sure   you   can   trust   looking   out   for   you.
ACTION   :   methodical
Methodical   people   know   how   to   concentrate   on   any   task   they're   set   and   keep   focus   on   it   to   completion   -   so   focused   in   fact   that   it's   impossible   to   distract   them.   Your   slow   and   steady   approach   may   frustrate   some   people,   but   their   concerns   will   always   be   allayed   when   you   deliver   your   work   on   time   and   on   spec.
ATTITUDE   :   progressive
People   with   progressive   attitudes   tend   to   have   a   great   deal   of   faith   in   human   nature   and   believe   in   education,   co-operation   and   free   thinking   as   ways   to   help   develop   society.   They   are   willing   to   try   new   ideas   and   solutions   and   take   a   thoughtful   approach   to   issues   like   social   problems.   It   sounds   like   you   tend   to   be   seen   as   the   voice   of   reason   in   most   situations.
PROCESS   :   achiever
Achievers   have   a   real   love   of   learning   and   very   strong   desire   to   do   well.   They   combine   impressive   drive,   high   aspirations   and   a   diligent   approach   to   help   them   achieve   their   goals.   They're   also   very   adept   at   coming   up   with   creative   solutions   to   complex   academic   problems.   If   this   sounds   like   you,   remember   to   take   some   time   to   enjoy   the   ride   -   it   can   be   as   exciting   as   reaching   the   destination.
RESILIENCE   :   sensitive
Sensitive   people   are   extremely   aware   of   potential   dangers   and   problems   around   them   -   perhaps   a   little   too   aware   sometimes.   In   fact,   they   tend   to   purposefully   imagine   worst-case   scenarios.   If   you   recognise   this   trait   in   yourself,   rather   than   let   yourself   be   overcome   by   fear   use   these   theoretical   situations   to   stimulate   yourself   to   come   up   with   imaginative   solutions.    
tagged by : @tiderider​ 💖 tagging : @faetaels​ (lily) @islebrn​ (talia) @cobrathieved​ @emperheir​ @cindheir​
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celestiel · 3 years
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@cindheir​    ,     “i’m trying really hard to keep it together.” ( to audrey )   +   accepting
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judging by the tears streaming down giselle’s face, the whole ‘ keeping it together ’ thing was turning into a flop of epic proportions. worse than the third royal family scandal of the year. worse than the new years charity gala. worse than the time she asked for honey blonde highlights and got sunflower instead. gis was not taking this well at all, and as the resident it girl, queen of putting on a facade, it was up to audrey to guide her through this meltdown.
“ oh gis, ” audrey coos, opening her clutch and pulling out a packet of tissues, “ it’s okay. historically, the ladies room is the perfect place to let it all out. you’re among friends. well, if the friends are me, the toilets and those adorable little perfume bottles. ” a shuffling from her left makes her aware of the bathroom attendant perched on her stool. audrey gives her a tight lipped smile. “ hiiii, could you be a doll and get us some more of those little peppermints? they’re her fave, thanks. ”
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while that wasn’t necessarily true, it got her to leave and gave them a bit more privacy. “ we make this life look super easy and breezy and glamorous, but no one knows just how hard it is. ” with careful fingers, audrey wipes the smudged mascara from underneath giselle’s eyes. “ but god didn’t give you anything you couldn’t handle. and even if he did, guess what? he gave you me too, queen of pr disasters, and i’m here for you, whatever you need, no matter how silly the request. ”
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loetise · 3 years
short and sweet prompts, accepting.  ˎˊ˗
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                        she    honestly    had    forgotten    giselle    was    there,    the    fairy    had    been    twirling    lazily,    arms    swinging    out    to    her    sides    letting    out    odd    little    hums    every    once    in    a    while    to    the    tune    of    the    song    playing    in    her    head.        even    though    she    was    the    only    one    who    seemed    to    be    hearing    it,    it    was    the    very    one    the    birds    had    been    singing    earlier.        fairies    sang    strange    songs    all    the    time,    their    little    tinny    voices    like    sweet    bells.        although    often    with    worse    intentions    than    allie’s,    who    is    just    distracted    and    has    her    head    in    the    clouds.        giselle’s    own    voice,    still    sweet    as    can    be,    brought    her    out    of    her    thoughts.        nothing    much    changes    except    for    allie    speaking,    her    eyes    not    moving    from    where    they’re    trailing    around    the    forest    that    surrounds    them.            “        i    think    i’d    like    to    be    a    rosefinch.        ”            only    then,    after    she    speaks,    does    she    give    the    princess    her    full    attention,    or    at    least    looks    like    she    does.            “        would    you    let    me    sing    to    you    if    i    was?        ”
@cindheir​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​,    "  penny  for  your  thoughts. "
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faetaels · 3 years
where do you go when you close your eyes (shiny)
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cold. as. ice. you never let anyone off the hook when they wrong you. careful dances in your ballet shoes have deemed them worn and useless, but a new pair awaits you from the closet. living in the lap of luxury has made you the dream friend of any given person at your school. is that really who you want to be? you're so much more than your money, your eloquence! don't let your beauty go to waste.
tagging: @cindheir @islebrn (mal) @nonbelievr (desiree) @emperheir @arthurjr @titaneia​
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celestiel · 3 years
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@cindheir​      ,      “i know it’s not perfect, but i did follow the recipe this time.” ( to maggie )
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when your mother was a professional, it was hard not to look at everything with such a critical lens. not all critiques were inherently malicious, but maggie often had a hard time convincing herself of that. head tilts to the side, studying the cake giselle had put together to the best of her abilities. the layers were a bit lopsided, the frosting a bit uneven and though those weren’t bad things, the uneasiness of guilt still swirled in her insides.
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“ no, it’s             ! ” this was the part where kind words were supposed to come out, but maggie found her brain short circuiting. “ it’s . . . it’s really lovely. the flower work you did is super detailed. your mom’s gonna love it, ” lips pull into a grin as she grabs two forks, “ i guess the only thing left to do now is taste test it, right? ”
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