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skrubu · 5 months ago
Cardboard Box in Sun
Cardboard Box in Sun by Pekka Nikrus Via Flickr: In album cinc
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universallydelegated · 1 month ago
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ur telling me the two twinks were the weakest... say it ain't so......
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e-turn · 10 months ago
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the wrong island in the sky
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jaycesirlgf · 1 year ago
url change
milosirlgf ——> guysirlgf
reblogs appreciated!
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citizenscreen · 10 months ago
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Feliz #CincoDeMayo! 🪇
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useless-catalanfacts · 2 years ago
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On this International Workers' Day we remember Isavel Vilà i Pujol, known as "Isabel Cinc Hores" ("Isabel Five Hours" in the Catalan language), fighter for children's rights.
Born in Calonge in 1843, she came from a working class family who worked in the cork stopper industry. In that time, the stopper industrial areas showed huge social inequalities. While the working class had a life expectancy of 48, the priests and other Church members lived on average to 64 years old. The workers' reduced life was a result of abusive work conditions and long hours (12 to 13 hours of work each day). They were not recognised a right to strike nor to unionize, and the owners fired anyone they wanted at any moment without giving explanations nor payments for it. Women were paid half as much as men for the same job, and children started working in the cork stopper factories at 6 years old for very little pay. The factories were humid and workers often dealt with toxic materials, which added to their insufficient diet, often caused illnesses and workplace accidents.
Isavel started working at a young age, and though she could barely read and write she was decided that she wanted to study and learn. In her free time, she studied and visited the ill. She took part in the republican uprisings against the Savoia Spanish monarchy and Spanish centralism, which were widespread protests in Catalonia, and joined the AIT (International Workers' Association) anarchist union. She decided to become a teacher, and while studying criticized the difficult spelling rules, which she considered too strict just like social rules in life (she simplified her name, from "Isabel Vila" to "Isavel Vila", since in her and most dialects of Catalan, b and v are pronounced the same).
She organized the workers of Llagostera (the town where she lived) and nearby Sant Feliu, and worked together with other women to protest for the abolition of the military draft, the separation of Church and state and freedom of religion.
She was most well-known for her fight for children's rights. The government passed a law limiting children's labour to 5 hours for boys under 13 and girls under 14 and to 8 hours for boys under 15 and girls under 17, but this law was not applied. She confronted local authorities demanding this law be respected, insisting that children need to grow healthy and that child labour perpetuates illiteracy. She was ridiculed for it both by the local bourgeoisie and by fellow trade unionists, who did not understand that children shouldn't be at work.
The coup in 1874 and the restoration of the Bourbonic monarchy illegalized the International and workers' associations. The government issued an arrest order for Isavel, who crossed the border with France and went on exile in Carcassona (Occitania). A rich Freemason family (the Muntada family) hosted her at their home, and during her exile Isavel could study to become a teacher.
She could come back to Catalonia 7 years later, when there was some political change. For the rest of her life, she worked as a teacher and created non-religious schools for working class children with new pedagogic methods. She quickly gained recognition as a great professional, but was excluded by other leftist school organizations. She spent her last years teaching in a free school for girls that she had founded in Sabadell, until she died in 1896.
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inland--empire · 2 years ago
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skrubu · 8 months ago
The Eye Door
The Eye Door by Pekka Nikrus
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negreabsolut · 6 months ago
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La Llotja de la Seda és un edifici civil d'estil gòtic català de la ciutat de València, cap i casal del País Valencià. També coneguda com a Llotja de Mercaders, i Llotja de València, en contraposició a d'altres també erigides en l'estil gòtic català, com serien la de Barcelona, la de Perpinyà i la de Palma, fou erigida a cavall dels segles XV i XVI (1482 a 1548) per a servir de borsa del mercat de la seda i altres mercaderies de luxe.
Els seus arquitectes foren Pere Comte, Joan Ivarra, Joan Corbera, i Domingo Urtiaga. Conté elements arquitectònics i decoratius tant del gòtic com del Renaixement.
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primepaginequotidiani · 6 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Liberation di Oggi venerdì, 23 agosto 2024
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sharksliveontrains · 10 months ago
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l-scherman · 1 year ago
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Cinc Centims i Ralet Ralet Ràdio <3 https://www.instagram.com/cincentims/
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error404vnotfound · 1 year ago
actually wait what's the equivalent of "Cs get degrees" in Spanish. because in Catalan we say "un cinc són sis crèdits"
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demiurgeua · 1 year ago
Стаття Головнокомандувача Збройних Сил України
“Висловив своє бачення стосовно важливих змін до підходів ведення війни. Переконаний, щоб перемогти противника, ми маємо бути більш мобільними в тактиці та засобах. Використовувати наш унікальний досвід ведення бойових дій та шукати нові спроможності і шляхи здобуття переваги. У цьому контексті технології мають безсумнівну перевагу в порівнянні із традицією. Вони дозволяють збільшити кількість…
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capsulas · 1 year ago
"Me interesaba hacer un filme sobre la represión en Chile (liderada por el dictador Augusto Pinochet), pero no hacerlo literal sino hablar de otra represión. Todos se quedan en la represión militar o política, pero también había represión sexual, familiar, intelectual, religiosa"
Alberto Fuguet apuesta al porno y el terror en dos nuevas películas - La Tercera
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cince-arts · 21 days ago
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Artwork (c) @cince-arts
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