zacll · 2 years
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      Zael knew it was difficult to learn sign, and could chuckle when his recent traveling companion would confuse one phrase or letter with another. Twice a week, he would teach Silco certain signs and letters to better communicate.  Today was yet another day of lessons.   》 》 》「 This one’s easy, it’s simply your name. 」 Zael spelled it out, first making a fist, then stuck his pinky outright, pointing up, quickly letting his thumb and pointer finger stick out for the next letter. his entire hand un-cupped, all fingers connected and curved to make a C, lastly pinched his pointer, middle, and thumb together right after making a C to make the O.   》 》 》「 Easy and you only need one hand. If you need me to show you again, I will. 」
@ciigarburns​ 💕
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erobret · 2 years
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            ❝    IF    YOU    WANT    TO    .    .    .    STEP    AWAY    .    .    .    NOW    IS    THE    BEST    TIME    .    ❞    she    was    subtle    in    speaking    to    him    under    her    breath    ,    a    smile    painted    upon    features    as    to    not    bring    suspicion    to    what    they    were    planning    .    golden    hues    slid    over    to    him    ,    taking    in    the    white    fabrics    of    the    attire    she    had    picked    out    for    him    .    the    smile    changed    ,    satisfied    in    her    work    .
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carnivorarium · 2 years
✖.   @ciigarburns​​   —— owed starter. 
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     *〔  ☠。〕———  It starts with Silco’s shadow growing a shade darker than it was the day before. A harmless detail, something nobody in their right mind would notice. Then his shadow starts twitching. It’s nothing to write home about; a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it occurrence, something so miniscule it can be passed off as a trick of the light. When it starts to ripple, though, that could be cause for concern.
    Fortunately, the rippling and twitching cease within two days of beginning. All is normal. All is fine. Until the ringing in the ears starts. It comes and goes sporadically, without a care for if he’s with company or by his lonesome. At first it’s only just that: a ringing. But then it morphs, slowly, gratingly, into voices. Nondescript voices at first, ones with no recognizable pitch or tone. They mutter and mumble nonsense. Nonsense that, with time, starts to imitate things Silco has heard before: reports from lackeys, private conversations between him and his ‘daughter’, anything that could be found sitting fresh in his memory. Then they mimic the dead. The dead who were once dear, the dead who once betrayed. And they laugh at him. The ringing little voices laugh in every cadence, every volume, he has ever heard. And they echo. How they echo, and echo, and echo.
     When the echoes finally fade to naught, the coldness seeps in. It is an unwanted companion: always there, always creeping along his skin, clawing its way down into his very bones. Eventually, it calls a friend or two: flies that buzz about, moths that crawl from the darkest parts of every room, shapes of people that aren’t really people there wait for Silco around every corner and linger just outside his peripheral. One of them takes a particular liking to smiling at him from the corner of his eye, an after-image of a gesture that should be friendly but looks far more like a threat.
    The sun rises. Night falls. Day in, day out, it’s there. It draws closer. Closer. Closer. And then it’s not there anymore--
     --because it has a hand at Silco’s throat, thumb pressing against hammering pulse, fingers that feel like spider’s legs stroking along clammy skin.
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    “I’ve heard a looooot about ya,” a voice not unlike the ringing from days before purrs into his ear.   The hand at Silco’s throat travels up to grip his jaw, forcing him to turn his head this way and that. “People love t’ talk, and I love to listen.”
     There’s the distinct sound of a lighter clicking, and suddenly the stench of cigarette smoke clogs the room. Then comes a deep inhale, the smoldering of embers, and then fumes black as night billow past his line of vision. It grows thicker, heavier, until all else is blotted out. From the inky haze, the same after-image of teeth bared in that predatory smile emerge. Pinpricks of ghostly violet form above it, glimmering like distant stars. The vapors coil and blur along curves and edges until the after-image of a man fills in behind the after-image of grinning teeth.
    “But you’re kinda-- no, like, really fuckin’ boring.” The apparition leans in close, so close their noses nearly touch. “Seriously, what’s a guy gotta do t’ get some action outta ya?”
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huntershowl · 2 years
@ciigarburns​​ | second-favorite rat bastard. 
( cont’d x )
ㅤㅤㅤ【✟】 ㅤ 𝕼uestion is met with silence , at least at first . lips purse , looking as if hes deciding if he wants to respond at all .
ㅤ    ㅤ    ㅤ❛ it was , yes ... we were ...  ❜ silco takes a pause , ❛ we were very close in our youth . ❜
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THE PANG OF FAMILIARITY IS DEEP AND ACHING, AN OLD WOUND never properly healed. ❝ yeah. ideological differences will get you. no matter how strong the bond. ❞ 
persephone shakes her own haunt from the back of her mind and busies herself by clamping a cigarette between her teeth. they’re hand-rolled and dark brown, the aroma slightly spiced. after a moment of hesitation, she slides one halfway out of its silver case and holds it toward silco.
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manxeaterx-archived · 2 years
❛ why don’t you just kill me? ❜
𝟐𝟎𝟎 𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐌 𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐔𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 -- @ciigarburns​
A gasp. Hand flying up to her bust, completely scandalized by the very idea,
"Kill you?"
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"Where is the fun in that, Silco?" She purred, her tongue coiling around the words with glee. The blonde started starting to circle his desk, long fingers walking along the polished wood of the desk. Her hand leafing through some of the papers on his desk, there was nothing of interest in there so she just shuffled them around. Antoinette settled in front of his seat, and perched herself on top of the surface and crossed her legs.
"I would not expect you to give up so easily, darling. How out of character..."
She reached over plucking the cigar out of his mouth and brought it to her own, taking a long drag from it as she let her eyes close. Allowing the aged smog to billow and fill her rib cage while keeping her cool gaze on his mismatched one. Leaning forward she pursed her lips and exhaled a steady stream of exhaust in his direction.
"No, I can't kill you. Not yet. I'm enjoying watching you struggle far too much. Even when it gets too pathetic to watch. I don’t think that you deserve such mercy.”
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kazeoto-archived · 2 years
@ciigarburns​  /  silco
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fem  had  been  bumped  into  many  a  times  throughout  life.  this  was  a  first  in  a  while  to  cause  a  stumble  .  feet  caught  her  ,  equilibrium  restored  as  she  swayed  into  place  .  colorless  optics  landed  upon  the  man  who  breached  personal  space  .  a  blank  stare  was  given  .                                  ❝     …    …   ???   ….   …    …     ❞
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magiclcss · 2 years
( ♡ closed starter for @ciigarburns​​ ♡ )
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    The girl yawn, rubbing her eye tiredly with the back of her hand before opening her mouth to speak. “Oi,” she begins. “What was so important that you woke me up for?”
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rahbid · 2 years
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
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me? i'm not yelling shit. she's insane and would want me dead, i want her nowhere near me
this one? depends. eli wouldn't yell, he'd sneak up on her and give her a heart attack. gio would loudly exclaim something just plain embarrassing to get her to react immediately or tell her his mom's looking for her because she loves her boyfriend's mom more than she loves her boyfriend. best friends? wren doesn''t yell in crowds, she'd fly up to scout her out and kaiden would just let her go until she realizes he's no longer behind her addition: silco also doesn't strike me as a yells aloud type because i think the moment she started to wander off he just grabbed her shirt.
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kyukicho · 2 years
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@ciigarburns​ asked: 🧋 - to offer your muse a drink . (paul)
Misc Action Memes || Accepting    
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It’s been a while since he came out of hiding. Moving into the light from the darkness of his pit. Even going so far as to venture out into the world and explore the city he lived beneath. Stopping by a little hole in the wall. 
It’s while he’s at his seat that a rather curious fellow decides to sit beside him. Offering up the next round. How could he refuse?
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“Oui, thank you, monsieur. I’ll have whatever you’re drinking.”
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draklorn · 2 years
“The Eye is upon you.” :)
"And it does not blink."
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castelleve · 2 years
@ciigarburns​ asked: “I don’t sleep in a coffin.” / “I sleep on silk sheets.” ( for Krisha maybe? )
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“Coulda’ fooled me. You seem like a ‘red velvet coffin’ kinda guy.” She rests her coffee down on her desk, pulling out a few files to skim as she talked. “But you could also be a silk guy. Who am I to judge?” Ironic, coming from her.
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            "Oh? When did I lose you exactly?” Kharon hums, amusement is clear in his deep tone. His bright amber eyes moving to look at the other, a half smile pulling over his strong features.
@ciigarburns​ // closed.
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ofspy · 2 years
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ciigarburns asked:  ❛ don’t act like you know me. ❜ ( hes just mad and cranky LMAO )
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. || accepting @ciigarburns
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“are you yelling at me because you’re in pain again---” 
he let out a soft sigh from his lips. Shaking his head a little, the spy crossed his arms over his chest. leaning to one side. he knew him very well. the trouble he has been -- to the personal life he leads. the blonde frown a little more and sighed.
“ I think over this time I know you pretty well. Just because you’re my boss doesn’t mean -- I don’t care about you.” he shook his head. “ Now how about we take a deep breath and tell me what’s bothering you today.” 
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smokes-and-bullets · 2 years
“ i’m here for business, not pleasure. “
"What business are you here for? Hey now, business can be pleasure too, depends really, but you are being kind of vague here."
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"What is it you require, what business do you have in mind. You have a target and want them gone, best run that by my boss unless you have already."
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manxeaterx-archived · 2 years
Silco grunt softly as fangs not so gently bite and nip at his exposed neck ; ascot dangling loose and shirt collar undone and messy. Normally, he’d have never let someone take advantage of him like this, but in his fogged state all his brain said was to indulge. The kingpin never indulges, not publicly anyway. The poor man is utterly at her mercy and frankly its so unfair. It’s always the pretty woman that can put him in his place that find him in such vulnerable positions.
There was no resistance when her teeth sunk into the base of his neck. There was always a benefit to people who would fall victim to the vice of alcohol, it made all this so easy. It took far less work and made things so much...simpler. There was no flirting, no awful attempts at pleasant conversation while she mustered up a convincing laugh that she could.
Was it awful? Of course. Nothing was worse than a scavenger. However, after living for centuries one just put things like mortality and shame behind them. Her left hand squeezed at the back of his neck a soft satisfied noise muffling against the crook swallowing hard the taste of iron and the smokiness of the alcohol that was now in his system.
Pulling off of his neck Antoinette inhaled deeply, focusing in regaining some sense of composure teetering just on the edge of losing herself. She could kill him. Right here, right now. With the state he was in he was powerless to really stop her. She could just keep feeding until she got her fill. Swallowing down each and every drop of red life as it coated her throat and satiate the primal urge that still was lingering deep within the very pit of her stomach.
A few quick blinks and her eyes went back to its calm blue hue. Her tongue darting out to lap and catch the any stray drops of blood that had dribbled down the corner of her mouth.
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A red painted nail traced down the bridge of his sharp nose with a grin.
"Good boy. So vulnerable, chere. Had I'd known you'd be so pliable after a few drinks I would have done this much sooner."
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huntershowl · 2 years
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@ciigarburns​​ said:
Blood coats his lips, dripping down his jaw. Red eyes lock with the tall woman, watching her closely for reaction. Silco had been keeping his… dietary change a secret. Cat’s out of the metaphorical bag now it seems. ( vamp!silco )
unprompted ( always accepting )
IT TAKES SEVERAL MOMENTS FOR PERSEPHONE TO FULLY PARSE what the fuck she’s walked in on. the well-honed instincts of a fighter kick in before anything else, the sight of a man and a near-corpse prompting her to draw a handgun and angle her back to a wall.  then, recognition. silco. his face is smeared with –– no, his mouth is coated in blood, and his eyes have gone a feral red. her eyes trail downward, settling on his victim. not quite dead, but getting there; he’s pale, too pale, except for a messy red mark over his jugular.  oh.  oh. 
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persephone watches the man draw his last breath before her eyes return to silco. the truth stares her in the face, but it’s not an easy one to accept. even for one known throughout the globe as a myth of her own. ❝ were you ever planning on telling me? ❞
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