#chyla probably pulled it out of ferus
solamederis · 7 years
@roanlxnds liked for a text
[Roan Lands: 8:23 PM] ......
[Roan Lands: 8:23 PM] Mario Kart?
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exitiumparit · 7 years
You are my sunshine for Chyla and Trever
@enneads || send you are my sunshine for your muse to die in my muse’s arms || accepting
She slipped her arms around Trever when Roan fell.
Never before had she seen a lightsaber glow that kind of red--it looked like blood igniting from the blade, and it was the same vengeance that cut Roan down. The Force around her was lightning--passionate and violent and dark and lethal. She hadn’t felt such a surge of power since the Purge--
The respirator cut through her ears as she dragged Trever away. Ferus’s voice was there, with Amie’s, and the sound of stormtrooper boots against the ground. Anything could happen to her friends--Roan is dead--and anything could still happen now. But, there was a kid here--what had told me to follow him?--and she could save his life. Another person she loved couldn’t die tonight.
He was shaking. Trembling, quivering--she half contemplated flexing what little she had left in the Force to put him to sleep. But, whatever that was that had--had--had killed Roan--could probably sense that another Force sensitive was around and, unfortunately, calming Trever was a lesser priority than keeping him alive.
I can’t lose you, too. There was something in the Force that told her she’d already lost Ferus when that saber had sunk into Roan’s chest.
She pushed it back and dragged him away, hand clamped over his mouth. Her hair was black now, red contacts in--it was a flimsy disguise but one that worked well enough to confuse any facial scanners in the streets. If she was captured, but that’d be another story. Get Trever out of here. Get you both out of here.
“C’mon, Trever, we have to go,” she said, whispering in his ear. “We gotta go,” she urged, letting him go a block down and take his hand. The surge in the Force--the power of that figure cloaked in black more machine than man--confused and fried her senses. She should have kept walking. Should have sensed the stormtroopers just around the corner.
“You two! Stop” She froze and turned on her heels. Underneath her cloak was a blaster at her back--she didn’t want to shoot yet--didn’t have the strength to outrun any backup that could be sent. But--
“I’m so sorry! It’s my--my--son.”
“Son? You’re a Chiss. He’s human. What’s going on here. Let me see your papers!”
Kriff, Chyla! She looked at Trever and he looked at the ground and she took that to say he wasn’t carrying his. Chyla slipped her hand into her pocket for the ID docs she had.
“And the kid’s!” the Stormtrooper growled, but snatched the papers out of her hand anyways. Ferus and Roan--captured, dead--had made her those. They’d pass as valid--but Trever was shaking. Shaking. In reaction--Roan.
“Kid, where are your papers!” The second stormtrooper shoved at Trever and that was too much. Chyla snapped her hand out to the other’s shoulder, pushing him back.
“Don’t touch him!” she threatened.
“What’s it to you? Get your hands off!--” The voice was silenced by the shot of a blaster. Her alternate hand had reached to her back and stunned the one behind her. The one in front, however, was too quick. He lunged at her, both falling to the ground.
“Trever, run!” She yelled, grunting as the soldier pinned her at the shoulders with his blaster. He pressed his weight against her, trying to break something in her arm to immobilize her. Cheap shot, she growled and slipped her hand underneath one edge of the rifle to push it up, smacking him in the helmet. She took the moment of momentum to push him completely off of her, grabbing the rifle and turning to lie on top of him. Growling, she rammed the butt of the rifle into his head. The smack disoriented him, but only barely. She tried to get his helmet off--better hit--but he hit her square in the jaw.
She fell off and spit blood the color of the night sky at the ground. He already moved to lunge for her, arms getting her about her waist. She couldn’t avoid it and fell back into the dirt. Thin blue hands reached for his throat, and dug her nails into the protective fabric. He cursed at her and tried to yank her hand away, but it only pulled the collar down for Chyla to dig her nails into his throat. The skin gave way enough for her to feel warm blood at her fingertips.
Unfortunately, this only pissed him off.
He hit her again in the face and teeth scraped against the inside of her cheek, dark blue blood staining her teeth. She was able to grab his hand the next time and twisted it back--he yelled in pain and she hooked her legs around his waist to find momentum again to flip them over. Scrambling to her feet she kicked at his helmet, shoving the thing off his head. A kick to the back of the head and he was curled up, giving her barely enough time to reach behind for one of the blasters at the ground.
Before she could turn around to shoot him, though, he shot. Secret pistol at his side.
Just behind her.
At Trever, who had her blaster raised, aimed at the stormtrooper. 
He crumpled just like Roan had.
She screamed and whipped around, shooting the stormtrooper between the eyes. The soldier fell back and Chyla reached for Trever, pulling his head into her lap.
“Trever, no no, no, stars, Trever--” She was sobbing and his face and the blue hair and his face was twisted and blurry through the sight of her tears. He was gasping, unable to speak--was it the pain or the blood or the totality of his miserable young life that choked his words?
“Trever, no, no, stay with me, kid, stay with me, I need you, Trev--” Not you, too, not you, too--He gripped at her hands and looked up at her--fear and pain and..death.
“Please, stay, Trever, please, please, stars, Trever, we love you, please--” His eyes fell past her and he stilled. And he was gone. And dead. Chyla hugged him close sobbed against his hair.
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solamederis · 7 years
@onceinamoon || meme || accepting
Feet in lap
To call herself “exhausted” would have been a massive understatement for the type of tired she was right then. She would have cast herself a spell or drank a potion or anything to not have felt as worn out as she did then, but, well...magic gave and take.
She was half asleep when she heard the door open. The only two people who had keys were Nerra and Ferus and the third she knew to be able to open her door did just fine without a key. Chyla yawned as Elaine happily curled up on her stomach, barely opening her eyes when Trever came on in.
“I’m okay, Trever. Just tired. Feel free to hang out if you want, though.” He paused for a moment and then sat at her feet. More silence and Chyla was nearly asleep when she felt Trever pull her feet on his lap and lean over to rest his head on the back of the couch. A small, shy smile; he’d probably be gone again by the time she woke up, but for the moment, this was nice.
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