#chuuya being boss is something so odd. he does not fucking like being boss and neither does dazai!!! thats why he was miserable
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hesperidia · 1 year ago
and thinking about beast: i'm so mad that Gin's whole character was murdered she deserved sm better. i'm not even mad about ryuunosuke not getting to make amends with them i'm just mad that asagiri did not give them a conclusion at all besides "they disappeared".
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flying-mochis · 4 years ago
I have some thoughts about Mori and Chuuya's relationship- nothing very concise, but I don't see them discussed very often so I figured it's more than nothing.
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Chuuya is undoubtedly loyal to Mori. He also admires Mori a lot, asking him for leadership advice after he "fails" The Sheep (it wasn't his fault but that's what he believes) And Mori tells him it's to both lead and serve his organization. To be willing to throw yourself in the dirt to protect it.
Something that comes naturally to Chuuya because jfc this boy has no sense of self worth-
After a year Chuuya finds belonging in the PM and even goes so far as to call it his family, declining the opportunity to meet his biological parents. Similar to how Elise refers to the Mafia as her family.
This is an opportunity given to him by Mori. It also came along with Mori telling Chuuya a story about his pencil scar, from before he was experimented on. These gifts are in a way similar to the gifts the Flags gave Chuuya- signs that Chuuya was human. He already knew it but it never hurts to have reassurance that those around you believe you and are willing to defend your identity along side you.
Chuuya says he's grateful to his boss, and Mori smiles.
From my interpretation, I think Mori is supposed to be written as genuinely caring about Chuuya. At least more than he cares about most other people, so not a lot. I see this twice in 15, when Mori's said to look at chuuya with "genuine eyes he had perhaps never shown to anyone before" and then when he looks at Chuuya with "a smile different from any until then- not the mysterious or unreadable smiles, but the completely ordinary smile of when people were happy".
I think these are interesting details to add in- I wonder if this seemingly special place Mori has for Chuuya could play into the story somehow. I wonder how far Mori is willing to push his disposability of his members when it comes to Chuuya.
I wonder how he views Chuuya as a leader. Chuuya is canonically the one who's put in charge as boss when Mori can't be, which I think means he's next in line to be boss if Mori retires or dies. I wonder of Mori came to that conclusion before or after Dazai left, because both scenarios raise questions.
Mori chosing Chuuya to be next in line while Dazai was in the mafia is unlikely. Since it's been said that Dazai would've taken Mori's place by force is he had stayed in the Mafia, and I don't think Chuuya was an executive that long before Dazai left. But it makes me think about how Mori values Dazai and Chuuya more or less or differently.
He probably chose Chuuya after Dazai left. He knows Chuuya doesn't desire leadership, and while Chuuya is a very caring leader, I'm not sure how much of a strategic one he is, so it's an odd choice. And he would've known it was an odd choice. He must know that Chuuya will not and could not ever be the boss Mori was, because he is nothing like Mori. But maybe he does really want Chuuya to be himself as a boss.
And if I were Chuuya, being shown such value after Dazai left would've meant a lot. I'm sure he questioned how much he was worth to the Mafia if he wasn't in Double Black. I'm sure he wondered if he was now a wasted half of a whole to them. But being offered so much trust probably would've been comforting in a way, despite his distaste for being a leader. At least then he'd know he was still important to the Mafia and Mori.
Mori and Kouyou also seem to be Chuuya's only friends. So like- I hope he's happy with them.
but also Mori is a dick.
He withhold important information about Chuuya for a year because he didn't want Chuuya to betray him. Actually he's mostly responsible in the first place for Chuuya losing the Sheep and being forced to join the Mafia, because I'm sure that was his idea. And he forced Chuuya into a partnership when he was way too young without the tools to keep himself safe in that partnership.
So yeah, Mori's a dick.
And I wonder if Chuuya already knows that. Or if he cares. I don't find it hard to believe Chuuya would really mind being mistreated because he let's it happen all the time. Because like I said. Boy has no fucking self worth. But I wonder how he would feel about Mori being a dick to others?
What Mori did to Dazai. What Mori did to Yosano. What Mori did to Tachihara's brother. At least one of those people is his friend. Maybe. We'll see how the thing with Tachihara pans out but I bet he'll care in the end. I wonder how much Chuuya knows, how much he's willing to forgive, how much he's even allowed to forgive, cuz it's not like he can just defy his boss.
Even if Mori seems to be written to especially care for Chuuya,would he be willing to hear him out about these problems?
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this was just a dump of ideas, some of them not even related really- I don't really have an opinion aside from Mori sucks but he's and interesting character and I want Chuuya to have friends. I just never see this talked about so dkdjdnfnf I wanna know other peoples opnionss
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toraashi · 4 years ago
chuuya week day 1
Idea: Chuuya being in a secret relationship with a regular person, they don’t know he’s a mafioso, and nobody knows he’s with someone outside the mafia, nor does he want anyone to. 
She met him in the subway.
 He had been snoozing on a bench near the subway tracks, a fancy bolero hat resting over his eyes lazily, unguarded. 
Her mother had once told her never to trust strangers on the subway for it was the crossroads of the city. People from all sorts of backgrounds appeared daily to commute to wherever life was leading them, and in some dangerous cases, sex trafficking and kidnapping was part of that path. Whether this advice was supposed to keep her from alerting this stranger or not, she wasn’t sure, but somewhere in her heart, she felt obligated to rescue this man from the horrors her mother had frightened her with as a teen. 
She had no way of knowing what else she had awoken. Love in a man with a passion and vigor, a terrible drinking habit, romancing like no other and a dark secret she wasn’t sure she would ever uncover. Upon moving in with him, she quickly realized that his career returned him to her with a blank stare and a locked jaw to be followed by a cold shower and enough glasses of wine to make him tipsy. Tipsy enough to forget the strenuous hours of the night that had led him home. 
As she felt him tumble into her arms in the early hours of the morning, she’d tenderly pick through his wet hair, rubbing the nape of his neck drowsily until he was unconscious. 
Some nights he’d arrive before her, this being one of them. In order to balance university life and her lover’s odd schedule, she had adopted a night job at a suspicious, run down bar down-town, seating and serving patrons and politely thanking them whenever they’d make drunken passes at her. Her mother would never approve, even if her daughter never tended the bar. 
Tonight was moving slowly, she had served a grand total of four guests in the two hours she’d been there. Her boss had been eyeing her contemplatively for 30 minutes, and she prayed that if it stayed slow, she’d get sent home to her lover. 
The bell on the door rang softly over the contemporary music chortling in the background, and she whipped over towards to newcomer, greeting them with a glowing smile and a menu. 
“Hello! How are you tonight?” He side eyed her lazily, lolling his hues to the clock behind her. 
“I’d like a seat at the bar.” His voice fell flat against her cheeriness. 
“Of course! Did you have a seat of preference? We’re not very busy so feel free to choose any-” He cut her off sharply, pushing past her towards the bar.
“I don’t have time for pleasantries, just get me a shot of something strong and leave me alone.” He sneered, “Or do you have to chit chat before you do that too?” A frog forced its way into her throat as she stepped aside. It wasn’t uncommon for a particularly underground dive bar to serve hostile customers, and once again as the man plopped in an empty seat along the bar, she was reminded of her mother’s words. 
Maybe her part-time college night job was a bit of a crossroads as well. 
Inching her way behind the bar, she mumbled the man’s order to the tender. Her co-worker rolled his eyes, no doubt having dealt with customers like him before. 
“Sounds like another drunken drama queen with a bad attitude.” He mumbled to her, coaxing a giggle from her throat before he mixed something for the customer. The atmosphere of the petit business almost felt like a second home to her. The clinking of pool balls, the overwhelming smell of cinnamon air freshener with a heavy alcoholic undertone, the flaxen glow of soft yellow lights hanging from the ceiling, nights like these were priceless. Tightening the apron around her waist, she grabbed her notepad to check on the few customers in the building.
Once more, the bell on the door jingled with anticipation. Immediately starting towards the door, she couldn’t help but notice the startled glance her previous customer had shot at the entrance. 
“Hello! How has your night been?” She grinned brightly, only for her sparkling eyes to widen tremendously at a familiar figure that left her heart racing. Their eyes met instantly, his pupils blowing into black holes of an expression she had never seen before. “Chuu?” Her smile instantly illuminated into a visage of pure euphoria. “What are you doing here?” His blue eyes, bluer than a vast ocean or a glittering sapphire darkened tremendously, never leaving hers. 
“Why are you here?!” He hissed; he didn’t seem remotely as happy to see her as she was to see him. 
“Chuuya, I work here…” Cursing under his breath, he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her aside, his warm touch vanishing instantly as he treaded towards the man from earlier, seating himself next to him. Her gaze lingered on his coated form anxiously, confused at his words. Twisting a lock of hair around her ear, she yanked her notepad from her apron, stomping towards him, determined to solve the mystery of his odd behavior. 
“Hello, gentlemen, I hope you’re both having a lovely night.” She butt into their silence, flashing pearly whites at her lover flirtatiously. He glowered at her, much to her dismay. “Is there anything I can get for you tonight?” Her beloved’s glare was nothing compared to the other man’s. 
“I told you to leave me the fuck alone. Get out of my sight before I kill you.” Malice was dripping off his tongue like blood on a sword neatly fitted into someone’s gut, and she felt it creeping up her spine in the shape of a venomous serpent. 
“M-my apologies. I just wanted to grab his attention, you see,” She motioned to Chuuya lovingly. “I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll be leaving now.” Turning in shock, she began to shuffle away only to immediately be twisted around by a calloused hand. It was who had mercilessly threatened her, and she had never felt fear more than in that moment. 
“Oh? Would you say you know this man?” Chuuya’s eyes were narrowed into thin slits, his entire body stiff as marble. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure if revealing her relation to Chuuya was a smart idea. 
“I have no personal relation to this woman, Dickinson. This deal remains between you and I, don’t involve bystanders unless you plan on violating our terms.” A sickening grin crossed the cheeks she thought she knew. “You don’t want to violate our terms, do you?” The man clicked his tongue, releasing her wrist and sending her plummeting to the floor. Confusion swamped her mind as she glanced between the two males. 
“Oh? Why would an innocent “bystander” be so interested in getting your attention then, mafioso?” He sneered. “As long as there’s a person of interest involved, wrong choice on your part risk her life, the life of an innocent bystander… one with a particular desire to humor you… a lover perhaps?” Chuuya gritted his teeth.
“Fuck, you’re so damn annoying. Let’s get this over with.” He looked down at the girl on the floor. “I’ll let you know if I need any service.” His crystal blue eyes showed little to no recognition as he pulled a sheet of paper from his coat pocket.
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athina39 · 8 years ago
evolving soulmate tattoo AU
A world with soulmate tattoos that evolve based on your actions, affecting your compatibility with your soulmate.
When you do something that makes you at odds with your soulmate, the tattoo becomes fainter – do it too often and the mark might fade entirely and change into something (someone) else. When you do something that makes you more compatible with your soulmate, the mark becomes bolder and darker, more permanent.
• You’re a low-level thug from one of the most notorious drug cartels. You do your best to quit and live a more honest life when you discover that your soulmate is that sweet, kind florist from the next block. Imagine your horror when your mark becomes fainter with each good deed you do, disappearing entirely when you manage to free yourself from the cartel, albeit in exchange for grave injuries. Imagine your horror when the boss himself hunts you down and executes you – because there’s no such thing as quitting in your group. Imagine your horror when you discover that the boss and the florist are the same person.
• You’re an undercover cop who hasn’t met your soulmate yet. You’re fine with not meeting them ever, you’re content with your life. Imagine your horror when you realize that your soulmate is your next target – a young CEO suspected of every possible crime under the same, brandishing his company as the front for some illegal mobster operations. Imagine your horror when your tattoo becomes bolder, darker, with each report to the higher-ups, with each evidence you find against your soulmate. Imagine your horror when the tattoo starts to burn with permanence the moment you arrest your soulmate.
• You’re one of the lucky ones – you grew up with your soulmate. You’re one of the unlucky ones – your soulmate is your brother.
• You’re one of the rare, chosen ones – your tattoo has been burned in permanence for as long you can remember. You’re lucky, they all say, because no matter what you do, your soulmate is yours for life. You spend years waiting for your mate – over each unlucky thing that befalls you, the loss of your family, your failure to complete your education due to poverty. You spend years more cursing the supposedly-lucky tattoo that seems to attract all the misfortune your way. You’re past your prime with aching joints and brittle bones. Your heart stops one day and you never meet your soulmate.
• You embrace your soulmate with joy – and within your first touch, both of your tattoos burn with permanence. You two are the envy of every person you meet. Your mate proposes that you test the limits of your bond. It starts slow – insulting your mate’s closest friends. It soon escalates and soon, your mate is setting fire to your parents’ retirement home and your tattoos remain vivid and solid.
• You grow up with your soulmate – they’re your neighbor, classmate, best friend. Both of your tattoos don’t change – doesn’t become faint even when you drunkenly make out with your soulmate’s best friend, doesn’t become more vivid when you propose marriage. You’re married for ten years – and as you prepare breakfast in bed to surprise them for your tenth anniversary, you realize that the tattoo on your hand is suddenly gone without trace.
• Your tattoo changes every day. Everyone who sees it – and it’s right on your forehead, like some kind of homing signal – thinks you’re either an unstable freak or some kind of slut. You find someone who befriends you and is kind to you and moves in with you and loves you despite society thinking that you don’t deserve them. Your tattoo continues to change every day.
• Imagine Chuuya’s tattoo growing darker and more vivid each time Dazai fucks his life over, while Dazai’s remain faint the entire time.
• Imagine Judar and Hakuryuu having matching permanent tattoos – but Hakuryuu is in denial so he tries to push Judar away. The tattoo remains permanent.
• Imagine Akutagawa being horrified at how each and every one of his attempts to be mean to Atsushi only makes their matching tattoos more permanent.
• Imagine Yuuri being torn between worry and contentment that Victor’s tattoo remains shimmery-faint. Because on one hand, why are their tattoos faint?! On another hand, at least the tattoo matches Victor’s nice skin…
• Imagine Katsuki and Midoriya having matching permanent tattoos since they’ve met each other. Katsuki enjoys how even as he bullies his Deku, the tattoo proclaim them as the best possible match…
• Imagine Will being SO DONE because no matter what he does – try to kill Hannibal, try to flirt with Hannibal, walking his dogs, giving out lectures – his tattoo only becomes darker each time.
• Imagine your OTP :D
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