#church of the mimic pool party?
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churchofthemimic · 6 months ago
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chlorine.. led lights... endless tile.. save me...
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saikiscleansink · 3 years ago
Okay so i love sagau fics n have always had some of my own headcanons so i wanna share but idk if i would ever be able to write it bc i suck n have no idea where n how to start. Will come back and edit things every once in a while. More like my own notes for sagau fics. This is all my own opinion!!Pls dont come after me for this.
Sagau basic headcanons:
Blood red slowly turns gold (like really really slowly) glitter? Looks normal but slightly different? = can justify acolytes attempt to kill cos seems fake?
Lore: why kill someone for looking like their creator? Impossible for anyone to mimic creator’s look due to creator being god. Only if have gold blood then is creator. ie blames abyssal magic for creator looking person but no gold blood (refer to above point for lack of gold blood)
Can hear through screen? If game is on then they can hear you clearly. Places they can see you?: luhua pool, mona’s thing, holy places (church of favonius, narukami shrine, asase shrine etc) (my fave place ok its so pretty) If game is off then its muffled? Maybe blurry image?
Acolytes feelings warmth around the creator? Yes but also no? Godly aura wont load in so fast. Maybe can feel a little bit similar to when around the traveller.
Godliness doesnt really load in so fast. Reader’s body has to undergo cjanges to adapt to being in a place filled with magic unlike homeland?
Imposter au headcanons:
If creator dies and is sent back to homeworld. Only they can see their blood is gold? Go doctor or smt and they only see normal red blood? Scars also only reader can see.
Abyss can tell imposter is actually creator due to ancient connection with creator from Khaenri’ah / curse???
Kids cant tell but dont want to hunt? Cautiously looks after reader bc of morals? Too young to be clouded by their obsession with creator.
Khaenri’ans in general ie kaeya, albedo, dainsleif can tell bc abyss n curse?
Albedo n kaeya have me a little on edge tho. Cause they were raised in a human land? Maybe albedo would be better at sensing their grace? Albedo isnt exactly as human as kaeya and doesnt get influenced by others as easily as a normal human? But kaeya is khaenrhi’an so he can just tell?
Razor probably doesnt really understand all that much about their grace? He understands that theres an imposter and imposter=bad but he finds reader and only understands that reader feels warm and safe. Even if reader is an imposter, razor is safe and comfortable. Reader smells like home.
Heizouuuuu!!!! Hes literally the best detective. While the dumbass “acolytes” r so focused on hunting reader, he just notices small details about reader. He notices that the blood you leave behind has a faint golden shimmer that gets more and more gold as time passes (?). He notices the way that not only the “bad” creatures of teyvat flock toward you but also the innocent animals (squirrels boars even pigeons). While the rest of teyvat is saying that reader is the imposter because of the way hilichurls and slimes crowd around reader, heizou notices the way timmy’s pigeons dont fly away until someone else comes by. He notices how the birds seem to guide reader in their escapes. He sees the squirrels giving reader wolfberries (to help heal wounds) and mints and sweet flowers and berries. He can put 2 n 2 together to realise that an imposter wouldnt be able to earn the favour of innocent animals the way his grace can.
TRAVELLER JUST KNOWS!!! They spend the most time around you!!! Even if they are not in the party i hc that they are still there. They are you in a sense. 11/10 most loyal and huggable acolyte
headcanons: graceful. Flexible. can treat minor injuries (dance= injuries) sprained ankle, muscle cramp. Used to injuries ie hit in the head. Big stamina. Can work through stitches (exercise stitches)
imposter au: 9/10 avoiding and protecting? Very graceful. Can fix slight injuries due to past dance injuries i.e. sprainend ankle muscle cramp? Taekwondo dance= better hand-to-hand combat. Better at hiding due to flexibility?
darling au: teaching teyvat dances and music from homeland. Obv vv graceful & elegant. Scares acolytes due to dangerous dance moves / literally folding in half. Dancer!reader is very flexible. No safety in mind, only cool dance move.
headcanons: ALBEDO/ RUBEDO. Teyvat equivalent of homeland materials/scientific reactions? Electricity?? ALICE!!! she would work w albedo n reader (like the dodocommunication device). Reader probably can figure out a portal to homeland but doesnt want to go back because SO MANY NEW THINGS TO EXPLORE AND LEARN!!
imposter au: surviving and thrIVING. Doesnt care about being hunted (but also doesnt really want to die) albedo finds reader n is ?cautious? but reader shows albedo science from homeworld. Albedo protect? Albedo n reader learns. After finding out that reader is indeed the creator, everyoen tries to apologise but albedo probably says that reader has gone back to their world because they dont want to keep being hunted (reader can probably “off themself” due to stress from being hunted) but reader is actually still in teyvat vibing n trying to research? Albedo keeps portal a secret?
darling au: acolytes LOVE to help reader find stuff to mess around with. Probably turns albedo’s lab into kindom of science 2.0. Instead of food n hymns people gift stuff like rocks and crystals and weird stuff to reader bc everyone knows n accepts that to be reader’s thing. IMPROVE DODOCOMMUNICATION DEVICE. People cant reallt go see reader much bc dragonspine is hecking dangerous so ppl r sad. But even better for reader bc can focus on research?
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illyrianwingspans · 5 years ago
Do Not Go Gentle: Grave Digger
Link to song: Grave Digger (stripped) by Matt Maeson (my absolute fave artist)
Synopsis: A wedding. Kind of. 
TW: Violence, domestic abuse, domestic violence, dark thoughts, mention of self-harm and suicidal ideation. 
Ao3 Link
Chapter 10: Grave Digger
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The dress was monstrous. When I’d first tried it on, I thought it was a joke. Something Ianthe had picked out to make me laugh. But when I saw the joy and approval in her face, I realized the grave mistake I’d made in even setting foot in the thing. She’d called over the shopkeeper without a moment’s hesitation to announce that we’d made our decision, though I hadn’t even said a thing.
It didn’t matter anyways. Weddings weren’t my thing, and I knew Ianthe had better taste than me. She knew that this would probably make Tamlin happy. Gods knew that I would’ve picked a dozen dresses before even nearing this one.
And the mess and tangle of lingerie that I was wearing below this had me sweating and itching as I paced the entrance of the wide double doors leading into the church. I couldn’t even scratch—I wouldn’t know where to begin amidst the layers of tule and chiffon. The corset also made it hard to breathe. I’d balked when Alis had first presented it to me when she aided me in dressing, cursed everyone and everything as she’d pulled the strings taut and nearly squeezed the life out of me, yet appreciated the effect of it nonetheless. Though I was already thin enough as it was.
“Are you almost ready?” Alis asked, her face bubbling with joy and excitement. I nodded my head in affirmation, trying to mimic her expression, but couldn’t help as my thoughts wandered to my family.
I’d sent the invitation. I’d even called my father during those months of boredom, several times—fruitlessly. No one would walk me down the aisle, not that I needed it. I could walk myself. And I didn’t need my sisters as bridesmaids, my sisters who hadn’t deigned to speak to me in years. Alis would walk before me and hold my bouquet. White peonies, roses and baby’s breath. It was so enormous that my hands were lost in them.
As though I was hearing it through water, the string quartet began to play in the distance through the closed doors before us. Ianthe was already in there, finishing last minute details, ordering everyone in their places, and was probably gushing with delight at this very moment.
“Alright, it’s time,” Alis beamed, and I nodded my head hurriedly. Panic squeezed my lungs as the doors opened and Alis began walking ahead in her gold satin slip.
Everyone stood, people I had seen at office gatherings, this or that party—my list of invites had been extremely short. Most of my friends were already in the wedding party, anyway. My family hadn’t showed up, which wasn’t to be a surprise. And Rhysand—
I hadn’t bothered inviting him or Cassian. I knew Tamlin would’ve said no anyways.
The first step I took was shaky. Alis was nearly to the end, and I could only just be seen at the mouth of the church. Finally, people turned where they stood to take in the sight of me—baubled and made up like a dazzling doll. Murmurs of excitement and approval ran through the gathered crowd.
And there, at the podium with the minister and Lucien at his side, Tamlin stood in his white tuxedo and black bowtie. His face was set in a full, dazzling smile as he took in the sight of me, and his green eyes were enough to have me melting. I took another step, ready to join us together, ready to step into the next chapter of our lives—
I looked down. To the white, velvet carpet that’d been laid on the church’s sandy, tan floors, and was transported to a memory that surfaced a few mere weeks ago.
“Flowers,” Ianthe said, clicking her pen against her lips. She’d invited me up to her office to discuss the finalizations of colour schemes, seating charts and the photo-booth (I didn’t know why we’d need a bloody photo-booth if we had a photographer already) while Tamlin finished up for the last hour of the day. I was still jittery after passing by Hum’s on the building’s main floor, and tried to ignore the intrusive thoughts trying to jam their way into my consciousness.
“Um, whatever fits the scheme. White?”
Ianthe thought it over for a moment, her eyes flicking upwards as he tried to imagine it in her mind. “Yes, I guess that would work with your bouquet. For everything else, though—”
“I don’t care, honestly. Whatever fits the scheme.” I had no clue what the ‘scheme’ was, but I had to pretend as though I was reading her emails and was actually invested into this entire affair. Another thought of the shop entered my mind, and I blurted out, “Except red.”
“Hmm?” Ianthe clicked away at her tablet, eyes stuck to her screen.
I repeated, “Any colour, except red.” She nodded absentmindedly, and I continued to flick through pictures of flowers, eyes training on the peonies.
Before, scattered perfectly haphazardly across the aisle leading me to my soon-to-be husband, were red rose petals, drops of blood speckled across the white.
When I looked up at Tamlin, I saw that the handkerchief in his pocket was gold and red.
Three hundred people blurred and melded together as they stared at me, dressed in this ivory gown. I shouldn’t be wearing this. Because I was a fraud. Because my hands, clutching the bouquet for dear life, were so filthy.
Everyone else was thinking it as their eyes drank in my every step. They had to be.
Each second extended longer than the last. Every pace closer to Tamlin, though, felt too fast—
He stood there, his chin held high, his eyes glistening as the warm afternoon sun glinted across the velvet accents of his tux. Ahead of me, a cluster of red petals loomed—just like the pool I kneeled in next to Isaac’s dead body.
I stopped in my tracks. Ten feet before the dais, I just…stopped.
Lucien’s brow furrowed. Tamlin only stepped forward and extended his hand, the unwavering confidence in his features begging me to close the distance between us. Hundreds of eyes watched me as I stood there, unmoving. My heart was pounding in my ears.
I was going to vomit.
The sunlight was too harsh, the people surrounding me crowding in, trapping me, until there was barely any air left for my aching lungs to breathe. As inescapable as the vows I was about to make, binding him to me for life, to this broken, weary soul.
Forever—I would never get free of myself, of my mind, of the beast that roiled within me, the one that’d pulled that trigger, the one that spent every waking and sleeping moment stuck in that car, kneeling in that storage room—
“Feyre,” Tamlin said, a small smile on his lips, but there was panic in his eyes. It was nothing like the panic within my chest, a bird flapping its wings, begging to break free. I only stared back, wide-eyed, unable to move.
If I turned away, people would whisper. If I walked out—I’d find myself completely and utterly alone in this world. But I couldn’t make it to the dais. Not for my sake, but for his—he couldn’t shackle himself to me. I wouldn’t let him.
Butcher. Killer. Murderer of innocents.
My foot stumbled as I tried to retreat, but a piercing noise broke the silence as the middle-most stained-glass window of the church seemed to burst, then fall to the floor in scattered, broken pieces.
People screamed, falling back, and many fell to the floor as the resounding sound of a gunshot echoed throughout the large space. I just stood there, mouth agape, unable to move. Everyone else was on the ground—I looked over to see Tamlin sprawled on the dais, Lucien and Ianthe beside him. But I could only stand there.
Frozen. Paralyzed.
Then I felt heat, heat in my hands, and I looked down to realize that the flowers had been completely destroyed. They were shaking, and I realized it was my hands—shaking, just like they had been when I clutched that gun.
And to my right, embedded in the shredded wood of the pew, was a bullet.
I sat in bed, the blanket curled around my shoulders, staring straight ahead as Tamlin made another phone call.
It hadn't taken long for everyone to clear out of the church. People fled, alarms blared in the distance, and I remembered Tamlin yelling for me. But I'd only fallen to my knees, unable to move as I was brought back to my trembling legs buckling, falling to the cold cement blanketed in warm blood. His arms had wrapped around me, and I'd clutched him hard as he near dragged me out of the church, down the aisle of blood, to safety where the police were stationed.
Rounds and rounds of questions. The angle of the bullet, the timeline of events. Tamlin frowned the entire time I carefully recounted walking down the aisle, and I left out the whole detail of me barely making it to the dais. Hours went by. Questions, security measures, phone calls and possible suspects. They'd scoped out the buildings nearby and found nothing. The security footage was requested from them all and would be looked over meticulously in the coming days.
Still, as I wrapped myself tighter in the warmth of the sherpa throw, I couldn't help but think of Rhys's warning yesterday. How I'd blatantly ignored it, and purposefully kept it secret from the cops.
Tamlin sighed and ended the call. His words had all blurred together throughout the day, I could barely decipher one from the next anymore. No, all I could focus on was the terror, the guilt—
Because bullet or not, I wasn't sure I would've walked down that aisle today. And that...
That's what terrified me the most.
Tamlin's eyes met mine. I didn't know what it was about the expression on his face, the exhaustion that weighed down his shoulders, but my eyes filled with tears. Chin quivering, I looked away, unable to face him.
“Feyre,” he murmured gently, then kneeled on the bed, climbing into it until he sat beside me. A sob tore from my mouth as I turned into him, clutching his shoulder as I buried my face into his chest.
“Why?” he asked. The betrayal in his voice stung. “Do you...” he trailed off, his voice thick with tears. “Do you not want to marry me?”
I looked up, telling myself that he at least deserved some sort of explanation.
“No, Tamlin. I love you. I love you.” My fingers trembled as I ran my hand through my hair to pull it away from my face. “It's just... I don't know what it was. I had a panic attack.”
His face hardened. We didn't usually talk like this, but it felt good to say it. To know he would listen. I continued, face heating with embarrassment, “There were red roses. And I looked at them and all I could think of was...” I couldn't finish the sentence.
He knew, though. He knew, because he sighed and rolled away from me until he was standing once again, pacing the length our bed. I shifted until I was kneeling at the foot of it, sheets pooling around my thighs. For a few moments, he was just silent, until he finally turned to me with a sharp glint in his eyes.
“Why couldn’t you have just tried? Held it together, for once?”
My expression dropped into a placid, stony one, filled with contempt. It was like all the blood left my veins and I was left with only icy, lethal disdain. “I’m sorry if I inconvenienced you today. Really. My panic is completely controllable, I just decided, I chose to make a fool of myself in front of you and all your friends.” Then I stood, unable to be beneath him, below him. I saw, I saw the rage that was beginning to burn his eyes, and I knew what it would bring—
And I didn’t care.
“Why aren’t we talking about the fact of how you inconvenienced me today, Tamlin? About how that bullet that nearly killed me was all because of the situation you put me in? For your company, and yourself?”
He pointed an accusatory finger at me as the blood filled his face. “You don’t get to say that. Everything I do is for you. For us. Don’t you dare tear me apart for the sacrifices I make.”
I laughed bitterly. “Sacrifice? You sit up in your ivory office pushing papers, signing deals and sweet talking crooked businessmen while I am nearly beaten to death in the trenches of your dirty work. So don’t fucking utter that word around me ever again.”
I turned away, prepared to barricade myself in the bathroom, take a cold shower maybe to cool the rage simmering my blood. Only I felt his hand wrapping around my wrist, pulling me back to face him.
Before I knew it, I was against the wall, clutching at the hand wrapped around my neck, squeezing.
No air. There was no air in my lungs, and I choked, sobbed, eyes wide with panic as Tamlin’s furious face was all I could see. Black spots danced at the edge of my vision, and I kicked, kicked with all my might—
He released me. I fell to the floor, hacking, heaving, trying to shove as much air as possible in and out of my chest. Everything burned, and my fingers felt numb. Tamlin didn’t say a word as I kneeled there, a trembling hand running over the aching skin of my neck.
He didn’t say a word as he walked away.
I’d pushed him. I’d pushed him too hard, and I knew how he’d react. I knew he’d do this.
In the distance, a door slammed shut, and I knew he’d be sleeping on the couch in his study, tonight.
I didn’t care.
I didn’t care as I pulled myself up and half staggered into the washroom. I didn’t care as tears streamed down my cheeks, descending my bruised neck tentatively as if not to disturb the skin anymore than it’d already been violated. I didn’t care as I drew a bath, sank into its waters, and stared up at the ceiling wishing the human body wasn't so adamant on staying alive, that I could breathe the water into my weak lungs and finally have it all be over.
I didn’t care about what Tamlin had done to me. Not anymore. Because the cruel, black wicked part of my soul, the one that murmured in my ear every waking second—butcher, killer, murderer of innocents—
It knew. It knew that I deserved it.
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nathlomon · 5 years ago
very rough concepts for apophistuck
so today ive been questioning over what planets there would be for the whole story n stuff. bc its not just hanging around but a buncha other stuff. so. yea. each so far has like 2 level varieties- the “architecture” levels w/built stuff n the “natural” ones which are just like the ecosystem around it. but there will be more.
(i accidentally turned this into somewhat of a narrative as i kept writing, sorryy)
The “Earth” setting of the story. It has a very biology-based, natural setting. There are cave levels, eventually the player is brought to other ones where they fight prokaryotic beasts as they evolve in little-oxygen, volcanic Proto-Earth. Godzilla is available in this setting as the level progresses into the city. There they meet an enormous human congregation, panicked, in one of the final levels, where monsters flood the scenery. In the end of the world they are chased by a beast that resembles some sort of...Miasmad Jr.
Stygius is a planet- well, not really a planet, but sort of like an underworld setting of Gaia, full of mountains and ghostly opponents. Hokmuto is unlocked upon completing the first level. Lots of large spiderlike beasts trot around shack-like structures and many slightly bigger that Miasmad Jr in Gaia. In some levels, there are no opponents though the focus is more on some sort of visual storytelling, talking about the story of many game aspects, one of the visions being of Solomon and Red fighting, as well as some sort of funeral pyre being offered to a giant monster as some sort of sacrifice. Some revelations are made about certain characters and the boss is like a giant aquatic beast dwelling inside a lake, resembling a fish-squid mix. As it dies, its body dissolves in the water into a mass of garbled graphics that resemble somewhat intelligible game glyphs.
The entire world has a rather industrial look and organic robotics aesthetic. where horned grey abstractions of monsters climb on top of walls and attempt to attack the player, who is made incredibly small and whose attacks deal much lesser damage than usual for the first half of the planet’s levels, which are some of the hardest of the game. Upon completing them, the opposite happens and the player’s usual size doubles, as well as its attack power and health- but so do the enemies (...so the game doesn’t really change that much from normal). The colors of the assorted forms of the enemies seem to be sequential, with groups of enemies ranging from red, to orange, all the way until purple and a slightly-pinker purple, where the level layout starts to resemble more of a river platform thing more than anything. The boss resembles a large pink human/fish/salamander thing with a large rainbow-y trident for a weapon. It towered over the player and often opens its mouth to reveal a large robotic cannon that shoots lasers at the player. Upon defeat, the monster drops a small, black pixelated mass that can be picked up.
A planet that has plain-looking natural features that are like the surface of a moon, with opponents that look like half-alien lich beasts. It also contains levels that take place in what seem like space colony formations with mostly inorganic enemies, like traps that can be found around, like rockets and explosives. Every once in a while scientist-like figures with elk heads can be seen using giant syringes to take life from the player, with every wave of them being completed by a giant monster that resembles an upside-down rotting elk head which “walks” with its antlers and spits out swarms of blowflies.  The final boss resembles a strange, lanky white form (somewhat like Not-Gezora) with a large featureless head, and at death it has an animation of it melting down into diminutive, spider-like animals.
A world that is marked by nearly full darkness. What makes the natural levels even remotely visible are the impaled poles in the background, which contain horned, humanoid skulls with bright yellow lights radiating from its jaw gaps and eye sockets, like a jack-o-lantern. Enemies often resemble wormlike beasts that stay underground until they sense they player, which is when they attack. Multiple-headed bats are also other enemies seen in the natural levels, with a miniboss being eventually fought that resembles a beastly cleric. The final blows aren’t the ones that defeat it, but rather a giant sword that swings and decapitates it.
 The other variety of levels involve colorful and unusually cheery church-like structures depicting stained glass art of morbid events, strangely enough.  The level includes enemies such as greyish flying cherubim/seraphim and quadrupedal caprine monsters wearing what look like nun robes. The boss of that level is a large dark grey monster with messy white and black face markings and long, distorted purple horns with multi colored splotches. At death, a cutscene plays, and text that says “ORDER HAS BEEN VIOLATED BY YOUR GALL. THE MARK IN YOUR DISOBEDIENT FLESH SHOWS A PREMONITION OF YOUR DOOM.” Upon viewing this, Kaiju!Janavo becomes available as a player character.
A stage where everything feels old, nostalgic, like eons ago- or was it something perhaps closer, more recent? The levels seem to resemble a castle with eagles and lizards decorating it. Worn, yellow papers with interrogation marks on them mark the walls, with enemies looking like ghostly formations made from cobwebs and tattered bags of straw, and haunted knight armor filled with what looks like a slime monster. In the end of each level there would be a chest that revealed to be a crablike mimic. After defeating it, the player receives some HP. Another level features what resembles a swamp with towering mangrove trees. The enemies resemble skeletal sea snakes and dryad-esque opossums, as well as six-winged parrots. At the end of the level, the player finds a hooded figure kneeling in the shallow water. When they notice its presence, the hood is lifted and a nearly unrecognizable face is visible, covered in wounds and a sorrowful look in its features. The screen turns black as to display text, that says “GONE FOR SO LONG. THE LOST SPAWN OF ATLAS. REUNITE.”. Upon that, the figure starts to weep, and tears begin to drop from its sprite. As it cries, the water level rises and it incentives the player to continue walking, as to end the world.
A level that has its entire atmosphere drawn to a colorless and sharp aesthetic. Unlike the other levels, that contain a horizontal line as its route for the player to walk towards. one of Dysphoria’s level types involves having them climb a diagonal, upwards-facing mountain. For flying characters, the rise is relatively faster although they are vulnerable to airborne attacks like a pendulum-like mace that appears from the top of the screen and swings for a couple of seconds.
 Enemies come crawling downwards the mountain and tend to resemble frozen, incredibly thin and bony wolves, which tend to every once in a while self-sacrifice by detonating themselves and sending bone shrapnel to deal gradual damage to the player.  Other enemies involve vultures which open their mouths to throw spinning daggers. Upon reaching the summit, the mountain begins to break apart as something like an earthquake strikes the soil, pushing the player into platforms. There they meet one of the bosses- a beast that resembles a large dragon covered in quills, whose attacks are based off spitting a black fluid that immobilizes the player for melee offense, and also beam attacks that resemble fiery raindrops. No cutscene follows the defeat. 
Another level features a scenario that resembles a courtroom, with multiple uniform, faceless entities as the jury, two horned creatures that seem covered in drapes as the parties and a judge that looked more like a strange sharklike beast. After the “trial” ends by the shark slamming a femur on the table as a gavel, the entire setting is attacked by batlike creatures with human skulls, one of the draped parties being mauled by the monsters, and a dark pink puddle of blood pooling under its dying body. One of the skullbats proceeds to impale its body with a trident coming from its mouth as a final blow. The screen, again turns to black and text saying “A MEMORY REVIVED, TO NEVER BRING JOY AGAIN”. 
The final level. It’s almost completely natural in terms of level scenery, resembling some sort of haunted, bone-filled forest with frozen puddles of water on the ground. The enemies resemble mostly half-reptile, half-mammalian beasts with snarling teeth and drops that caused the game interface to become nearly invisible from darkness for around 30 seconds, only the player sprite being outlined white. As the level progresses, humanoid skulls with spider legs appear and use green lasers as ranged attacks. Another level features cobra-like beasts with centipede legs inside a flooded cave, which has a viperfish-mudskipper hybrid covered with spines and open wounds. When defeated, it soaks the ground in a dark red fluid, which starts to consume the level’s walls while phasing through all of the spectrum until it reaches pink, when the entire screen has become covered. Eventually black fish skeletons begin to pile up at the bottom of the level, slowly rising, and eventually the player is stuck in a mound of bones, without having an end-level route. After they get consumed by bones, the level ends.
 When they move to the final level, the scenario resembles a rocky wasteland covered in inorganic parts and surrounded by glowing cyan lakes. There are barely any hostile enemies though NPCs can be viewed interacting with each other, like fishes getting snatched up by crows and carrion being consumed by bears. Eventually, the layout begins to become more aquatic, and it’s the stage where hostile characters begin to appear, which resemble intermediate stages of cetacean evolution and amphibians. They tend to attack the player with pink “acid fluid”. The level, after it becomes simply a far-away platform-jumping scene with water in between, starts to include fish. Passive, pink fish are seen jumping out in schools, only to splash back underwater again. Suddenly, a lightning bolt is seen zapping the fish mid-air and causes them to float around, with a lonely one falling back into the water. 
The player finally is left to swim only, having to fight large mollusk monsters that have the average health of a miniboss. A particular one, which seems to resemble a large, plate-covered squid with lobster pincers, manages to drain away a large portion of the player character’s health, and when they find themselves trapped, the dropped fish returns as a large whale, striking itself against them and having them attach themselves to its sprite, as if somehow riding it. The two float around the air for around 8 seconds, which then is followed by the whale splashing back into the water and spraying water onto the player from its blowhole, restoring the health of all its characters. However, when it returns underwater, it dissolves into sea foam- leaving the player alone yet again. 
The sprite of Warlock appears, half-turned into a shark. A black screen with text says “FROM THE WALLS YOU’VE SMASHED. THIS IS THE ONE THAT WILL BREAK YOUR NAILS”. The duel between Warlock and the player is tricky, as he moves extremely fast and is able to sacrifice local NPCS for health, as well as draining it from the player. His attacks are somewhat like a combo, managing to inflict lots of damage multiple times in a short timespan. Ranged attacks involves him glowing bright green and making a radius of boiling water around his body that deals damage. Easily he could bring half of the player’s monsters to less than 5 life bars during the fight. 
And when he is finally defeated- he does not swim away or dissolve, but instead has his mouth open and from within, is revealed a much larger and intimidating marine beast, skin covered in deep wounds, blotches of pink and blue littering its hide, with two jaws, four sharp claws, and a sharp extendable fin. A black screen with text says “I’VE MANAGED TO TEAR DOWN AT YOU QUITE WELL, JANAVO. I CAN SENSE YOUR WEAKENING MUSCLES, YOUR MIND SHUTTING DOWN. NOW SOON I WILL DISPLAY YOUR CARCASS TO MY REIGN, YOUR BLOOD WILL MIX WITH MAERAH’S FOR OUR ULTIMATE FEAST!”
The player is locked to only utilize Janavo as a character, whose attacks seem to deal not a lot of damage to the scarred beast, and his move which involves lowering his damage from an attack by using his hood is rendered useless. Its attacks involve spraying dark purple ink at the player, temporarily disabling their attacks, and slashing at them with its claws. This combination of moves makes for a challenging and nearly impossible battle, together with taunting comments and imagery. The beast, once Janavo is at one life bar, makes one last comment, saying “HOW WEAK AND LAUGHABLE OF YOU TO SUCCUMB LIKE THIS. JUST LIKE YOU WERE MANY YEARS AGO, FRAIL AND SENSITIVE. HOW ABOUT YOU FINALLY RETURN TO SUCH A FORM AGAIN, AND LET’S END YOUR PATHETIC, PETTY EXISTENCE!”
And so it proceeds to charge a bright red beam and shoot it at his sprite, which was twitching, becoming thinner and smaller, until Janavo resembled nothing but a dry, shriveled husk worm contorted into a curled up shape, surrounded by a blue “mist”. A laugh comes from the killer monster, which proceeds to grow large tentacles from its scars which start to consume the screen, but when it least notices, they are all pulled back and torn from its body in a gory fashion. Then it is shown that the whale had ripped them off itself and was consuming them. It faces the screen and everything fades to black as it dialogues with the player. 
“Dear. The blood of Atlas still flows through me. This is not the true fate of you. Remember the dueling behemoths that once managed to climb their way out. The two, who now offer their own lives to reverse this nightmare.”
The screen returns to the death of Janavo and the husk is devoured by the whale. On his place, appears a strange, purple tauric creature which was labeled “Mialomon”. The scarred beast went at full speed to successfully devour and kill him, but 10 health bars were taken away as its body seemingly goes limp as if broken inside. Mialomon’s attacks are a heat beam and using his tail as a whip, which both seem to deal a moderate amount of damage yet he shows to have an extremely high level of defense, with every blow received draining around only a quarter of his life bar. With every hit he gives, the beast seems to be torn to shreds, with its scars becoming screaming mouths, and its movements becoming more frantic. When nothing but its heads, spine and ribs remain, Miamolon inserts its front legs on the top jaw and pushes them apart, splitting both heads in half, ending its existence and clouding itself in dark violet blood. 
The whale appears again, and says “The pain has been vanquished, at last. Salvation has been reached. Now it can all sprout back again, fill itself with life and joy”. It opens its mouth, and from it, comes the revived sprite of Janavo, large and majestic again. The other characters are again accessible and soon the whale turns into some sort of mermaid. “I’ve missed you so much. The spawn of Atlas truly did save and reunite with its ophidian cavalier. I will never allow anyone to separate us again“. A pink sigil appears, and the game returns to the Godzilla: MoM home screen.
BONUS: Password Screen and More
The glyphs that can be seen at the death of Stygius’ boss can be used as an input. It will make so that the next time you (re)play the final level of Gaia featuring the human cluster, you will receive a cutscene that features Aloisio and his relations to both Earth and Stygius, and upon that, you will gain him as a playable character. Smaller in defense and size, he compensates it with high attack speed and strength.
By replaying the courtroom Dysphoria level, without setting in any code, by leaving the scene before watching the murder of the draped entity, the screen also turns to black. But the text instead says “A familiar yet so fresh scene you had to witness. Much like the manuscripts mention. Pain so sharp and tearful, like a talon slash to the eye. Not evaporating, not even when you try to close them. May warmth be in your heart, might by your side, and you will never shed blood tears again.” After that display, the player has a new playable character in the board- Sebastian.
By typing in “ENDOGENAS” as an input after finishing Lugubre, by replaying the game, Janavo’s sprite is shown to wear the carcass of the scarred beast as a lavish cloak.
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casquecest · 8 years ago
Tagged by the inimitable @sl-walker, I present to you:
about me:  Nic!
The facts I’m about to reveal are not at all influenced by the ones sl-walker did
1.  I wanted to be a volcanologist as a kid.  It was one of my earliest obsessions, and I was especially enamoured with the eruption of Mt Vesuvius in 79 AD.  I was finally able to make it to Pompeii in 2007, and it was a dream nearly twenty years in the making come true.  I wish I had had more time to explore; I’ll make it back one of these days.
2.  I tend to mimic accents as I hear them.  I don’t mean to, but it happens (and now I live in an area with a very distinctive accent, so it’s kind of ridiculous), although I never really fell in with the St Louis accent (where I was born and raised), which tends to be a bit nasal and ORs magically become ARs (”I lived off highway farty-far a majarity of my life”).
3.  I was selected to be in the choir of the Missouri Ambassadors of Music in 2002, which basically meant I got to go bum around Europe for a couple weeks and sing in empty churches with a slew of people from all around Missouri.  Our time in Austria marked the first time I got slightly drunk in memory (two-year-old me apparently got sloshed on the last warm dregs from Budweiser bottles revelers left on the pool deck at a party.  Pure class).
4.  I used to draw and write every single day.  Not so much these days.  I should really get back on that.
5.  I was held up at gunpoint in 2009 while sitting on my front stoop in St Louis.  Consequently, I’ve no real desire to interact with revolvers again (I thought I was cool, but a month or so after I got robbed, I was riding around with my dad and he asked me to get something out of the glove box, and a gun came tumbling out when I opened it, and I was just <=o.  So, yeah, not as chill as I thought).  I crashed at my friend’s place that night, and we had an awesome photo shoot in which we dressed up as Soviet soldiers, and I played the world’s smallest violin for my plight.
6.  I was at Game 5 of the 2006 World Series in which the Cardinals won =D =D =D.  I slept on the outfield at Busch Stadium that year as well (and I went to Opening Day, too).  That was the year that Ozzie Smith sat down next to me at the bar, we chatted, and he said “[I] really knew [my] baseball.” 
7.  I’m wicked good with years (like knowing when things occurred, as well as when movies and music were released).  It comes in terribly handy at trivia.
8.  I lived in London when I was 20.  I moved there knowing no one, with just a suitcase and $2000 in traveller’s cheques, which didn’t go terribly far since the exchange rate was awful for someone coming from the US (but I fully recognise it’s a lot more money than most people have), and it was the best thing I’ve done for myself, while also being among the worst because I think I’m constantly trying to recapture the feeling I had there - the freedom, the possibility.  I’ve been kind of restless since, which is also a good and bad thing.
9.  I can pop my limbs out of socket.  Though my thighs don’t disengage from my hips quite like they used to, I regularly sit with my arms out of socket.
10.  When I was little, I thought you pretty much got to choose if you became a man or a woman.  Like, I pretty much thought that if I wanted it hard enough, I could magically grow a dick as I got older.  That, or in my next incarnation, I’d be a boy, and I couldn’t wait.
11.  When I was about five or so, my mum was watching me in the bath and had to pee.  It was the first time I’d seen pubes, and I was aghast.  “WHAT HAPPENED?!  WHY DO YOU HAVE HAIR THERE?!” “It happens when you get older.” “That’s gross.  It won’t happen to me.” “It will.” “No, it won’t.  I won’t let it.” I was also very determined that I would not grow boobs.
I grew giant boobs, and I have pubes.  Life has been a continual disappointment to little Nic’s expectations of her body.
12.  My first vague memory is of my Aunt Cheryl giving me a stool with my name in removable blocks on it when I was about one.  More concretely, I remember when my brother was born when I was two, going to see him at the hospital, and calling him “baby doctor”.
13.  When I was about four or five, we lived with my grandparents while we were building a house, and my grandfather would take us around the yard (which was huge - about five acres - and full of hills).  There was a tree in the front yard where I decided Alvin & the Chipmunks lived.  There was a large stump in the back, my grandfather pointed it out to me, and said, “That’s where I found you.” Found me?  What?  I hadn’t been lost recently.  I hadn’t been round that stump with Grandpa before.  What did he mean? He told me a tale of a dark and stormy night, and him finding a large egg sat on that stump, which he brought inside, kept warm, and a bit later out I hatched. I was livid.  “I DIDN’T HATCH!” “Yes, you did.  Like a little birdie” “NO!  I’M NOT A BIRD, I’M A PERSON!!!!”
I don’t necessarily know what that proves or means in my development, but I feel it’s indicative of something.
14.  My first car was a 1995 T-Top Camaro.  There was a lot of space behind the backseat that served no real purpose, so I would decorate it seasonally.  I loved the fuck out of that car, but, sadly, it was totalled in a head-on collision in January of 2001.  I’ve had my current car since April 2001.  
15.  Speaking of decorating things seasonally, for high school graduation, my friend gave me a life size Fabio standup, so when we moved into an apartment together two years later, Fabio came along.  We’d dress him up for every holiday, and he would stand guard in front of the sliding glass door that led onto a small deck.  Every time we would leave the apartment and walk in the alley that deck overlooked, we’d glance up, see Fabio’s silhouette, and it’d scare the ever-living fuck out of us.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  TIME.
16.  In 2006, I had an apartment with two of my friends, and, upon hearing Pluto had been demoted, we decided to drink to its memory on the fire escape.  We sang songs for it, but our neighbours didn’t appreciate our form of mourning and called the cops on us.
17.  I get a lot of compliments on my hair colour, but I’ve never been overly fond of it myself.  
18.  I was in a band in high school, and we made the cover of the local alternative weekly (The Riverfront Times, or RFT as it’s now known).  They put a copy of it in my high school’s trophy case my senior year.  I doubt it’s still there, but it was nice to walk by it on the way to lunch and be like, ‘dat me’.
19.  I’m a published poet.  I even got a trophy for my shitty little scrawl.
20.  If I’ve not been drinking, I sleep four hours like clockwork.
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Because this historical figure was intersex and used both male and female pronouns throughout his/her life, I will be switching part way through the article. I apologize in advance for any confusion.
In Game:
Charles-Geneviève-Louis-Auguste-André-Timothée d'Éon de Beaumont, usually known as Chevalier d'Éon was a famous transgender French aristocrat, diplomat, spy, dueler and, during the Seven Years' War, a soldier in the French Army.
She first started to present as a woman in 1777 after forty-nine years of dressing as a man on most occasions, sparking a public debate on gender.  When the Bastille was stormed in July 1789, she wrote to the National Assembly and offered to lead a division of female soldiers, although this offer was rejected by the Assembly.
D'Éon was known for being a talented swordsman, and frequently challenged fencers to friendly duels, betting they could not defeat a woman. This practice proved to be profitable for her.
Sometime during the French Revolution, she contacted the Assassin Arno Dorian. Upon meeting him, she told him not to be alarmed by her appearance.  D'Éon also told him that she knew of his allegiance to the Assassin Brotherhood and that she needed his help. To prove that he was capable for the job, d'Éon asked the Assassin to challenge several swordsmen to duels and defeat them. After Arno returned as the winner, d'Éon challenged him to a duel as a final test. After the Assassin won the duel, the latter congratulated him on his skills as a swordsman.
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D'Éon later requested Arno's help in investigating Sir Reginald, also known as the Crimson Rose, suggesting he help her so that he could be allowed into the Crimson League. Upon her discovery that the league's members were all Templars, d'Éon quickly alerted Arno to this fact, following which the Crimson Rose was assassinated.
In Real Life:
Charles-Geneviève-Louis-Auguste-André-Timothée d’Éon de Beaumont was born October 5th, 1728, to a minor aristocratic family in the Hôtel d'Uzès in Tonnerre, Burgundy. D'Éon’s father was Louis d'Éon de Beaumont, an attorney, and director of the king's dominions and his mother was Françoise de Charenton, the daughter of a Commissioner General to the armies of the wars of Spain and Italy.
Despite later claims, there was no hint of anything unusual about his birth and he was declared a boy. It came out eventually, though, that d’Éon had androgynous physical characteristics and natural abilities as a mimic, good features for a spy. As a child, though, many people thought that d’Éon was a girl masquerading as a boy, due to his fair features and petite figure.
After a largely uneventful adolescence and completing his studies in Paris, d’Eon’s family’s connections secured him a place in civil service. He graduated in civil law and canon law from the Collège Mazarin in 1749 at age 21.
As he lived in a time where dressing up was common and popular, especially at parties, d'Éon first dressed as a woman at a costume ball, aided by his slight build. King Louis XV took notice of him, and realized that d'Éon's appearance of a beautiful woman would make it easy for him to be a spy. That was when Louis not only had d'Éon become the French ambassador to Russia, but also had him join le Secret du Roi, or “King’s Secret”.  The Secret was a network of spies and diplomatic agents established in the 1740s with the aim of putting his cousin, the Prince de Conti, on the Polish throne and turning the country into a French satellite. The Secret was so secret, it was hidden from and sometimes acted against the official French foreign ministry.
D'Éon  was sent to Russia as a spy in order to meet Empress Elizabeth and conspire with the pro-French faction against the Habsburg monarchy. At that time the English and French were at odds, and the English were attempting to deny the French access to the Empress by allowing only women and children to cross the border into Russia. In the course of this mission, d'Éon was disguised as the lady Lea de Beaumont, and served as a maid of honor to the Empress. Eventually, Chevalier Douglas became French ambassador to Russia, and d'Éon was secretary to the embassy in Saint Petersburg from 1756 to 1760, serving Douglas and his successor, the marquis de l'Hôpital. He listened at doors and stole documents with great dexterity, all the while dressed as a woman (if he was discovered, he likely would have been executed by the English), although his gender identity was not public as of yet. For this, Louis decorated him with the Order of Saint Louis. 
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D'Éon returned to France in October 1760, and was granted a pension of 2,000 livres as a reward for his service in Russia. In May 1761, d'Éon became a captain of dragoons under the maréchal de Broglie and fought in the later stages of the Seven Years' War. D'Éon served at the Battle of Villinghausen in July 1761, and was wounded at Ultrop. After Empress Elizabeth died in January 1762, d'Éon was considered for further service in Russia, but instead was appointed secretary to the duc de Nivernais, awarded 1,000 livres, and sent to London to draft the peace treaty that formally ended the Seven Years' War. The treaty was signed in Paris on February 10th, 1763, and d'Éon was awarded a further 6,000 livres, and received the Order of Saint-Louis on 30 March 1763, becoming the Chevalier d'Éon. The title chevalier, French for knight, is also sometimes used for French noblemen.
Despite the fact that d'Éon habitually wore a dragoon's uniform, rumors circulated in London that d'Éon was actually a woman. A betting pool was started on the London Stock Exchange about d'Éon's true sex, although it was eventually abandoned. For a while, d'Éon claimed to have been assigned female at birth, and demanded recognition by the government as such. D'Éon claimed to have been raised as a boy because her father could only inherit from his in-laws if he had a son. King Louis XVI and his court complied with this demand, but required in turn that d'Éon dress appropriately in women's clothing, although d'Éon was allowed to continue to wear the insignia of the Order of Saint-Louis. When the king's offer included funds for a new wardrobe of women's clothes, d'Éon agreed. In 1777, after fourteen months of negotiation, d'Éon returned to France and as punishment was banished to Tonnerre.
After 49 years of dressing as a man on most occassions, d'Éon took to appearing publicly as a woman in 1777, sparking a debate on gender. She was eventually ordered by the king himself to choose a consistent gender presentation, d'Éon decided to live the rest of her life as a woman.
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The pension that Louis XV had granted was ended by the French Revolution, and d'Éon had to sell many of her personal possessions, including books, jewellery and plate. The family's properties in Tonnerre were confiscated by the revolutionary government. In 1792, around the time of the Storming of the Bastille, d'Éon sent a letter to the French National Assembly offering to lead a division of female soldiers against the Habsburgs, but the offer was rebuffed. D'Éon participated in fencing tournaments until seriously wounded in Southampton in 1796.
D'Éon lived most of the rest of her life quietly in England; the devout and eventually elderly Roman Catholic woman later had a female roommate, a widow known as Mrs. Cole, in London who was completely unaware of her history as a man. D'Éon became paralyzed following a fall, and spent her final four years bedridden, dying in poverty in London on May 21st, 1810 at the age of 81.
The mortician who examined her body post-mortem stated that she had "male organs in every respect perfectly formed", while at the same time displaying feminine characteristics such as rounded limbs and "breast remarkably full".  D'Éon was buried in the churchyard of St Pancras Old Church, and all of d'Éon's remaining possessions were sold 1813. D'Éon's grave is listed on the Burdett-Coutts Memorial there as one of the important graves lost.
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biofunmy · 6 years ago
How a clean-cut Eagle Scout became a fentanyl drug lord
The photo that flashed onto the courtroom screen showed a young man dead on his bedroom floor, bare feet poking from the cuffs of his rolled up jeans. Lurking on a trash can at the edge of the picture was what prosecutors said delivered this death: an ordinary, U.S. Postal Service envelope.
It had arrived with 10 round, blue pills inside, the markings of pharmaceutical-grade oxycodone stamped onto the surface. The young man took out two, crushed and snorted them. But the pills were poison, prosecutors said: counterfeits containing fatal grains of fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid that has written a deadly new chapter in the American opioid epidemic.
The envelope was postmarked from the suburbs of Salt Lake City.
That’s where a clean-cut, 29-year-old college dropout and Eagle Scout named Aaron Shamo made himself a millionaire by building a fentanyl trafficking empire with not much more than his computer and the help of a few friends.
This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
For three weeks this summer, those suburban millennials climbed onto the witness stand at his federal trial and offered an unprecedented window into how fentanyl bought and sold online has transformed the global drug trade. There was no testimony of underground tunnels or gangland murders or anything that a wall at the southern border might stop. Shamo called himself a “white-collar drug dealer,” drew in co-workers from his time at eBay and peppered his messages to them with smiley-face emojis. His attorney called him a fool; his primary defense was that he isn’t smart enough to be a kingpin.
How he and his friends managed to flood the country with a half-million fake oxycodone pills reveals the ease with which fentanyl now moves around the world, threatening to expand the epidemic beyond America’s borders. It is so potent, so easy to transport, experts say, large-scale traffickers no longer require sophisticated networks to send it to any corner of the globe. All they need is a mailbox, internet access and people with an appetite for opioids. And consumption rates are rising from Asia to Europe to Latin America as pharmaceutical companies promote painkillers abroad.
The case against Shamo detailed how white powder up to 100 times stronger than morphine was bought online from a laboratory in China and arrived in Utah via international mail; it was shaped into perfect-looking replicas of oxycodone tablets in the press that thumped in Shamo’s basement and resold on the internet’s black markets. Then it was routed back into the postal system in thousands of packages addressed to homes across this country awash with prescription painkiller addiction.
When Shamo took the stand to try to spare himself a lifetime in prison, he began with a nervous chuckle. He careened from one topic to the next in a monologue prosecutors would later describe as masterful manipulation to convince the jury he thought his drug-dealing was helping people. Customers wrote thank you notes because their doctors refused to prescribe more painkillers, he said. It felt like “a win-win situation” — he got rich and his customers got drugs.
One of them was a struggling 21-year-old named Ruslan Klyuev who died in his bedroom in Daly City, California, the envelope from Utah at his feet. Shamo was charged in connection to that overdose alone, but when investigators scoured the list of customers they said they counted dozens more dead.
The question before this jury is being debated all across America: Two decades into the opioid epidemic, is there such a thing as justice for 400,000 lost lives?
The largest civil litigation in history is testing how the pharmaceutical industry should be held accountable for inundating the country with billions of addictive pain pills. Purdue Pharma, seen by many as the primary villain for deceptively pushing the blockbuster drug OxyContin, reached a tentative $12 billion settlement this week with about half the states and roughly 2,000 local governments. Attorneys general who didn’t sign on say the figure is far too low. A trial of other pharmaceutical companies is scheduled for next month, in which communities will contend that their mass marketing of prescription painkillers sparked an epidemic.
This crisis began in the 1990s and has since spiraled into waves, each worse than the one before: Prescription opioids spread addiction, then a crackdown on prescribing paved the road to heroin, which led to fentanyl — a synthetic opioid made entirely in a laboratory. Traffickers added it to heroin to boost its potency and profitability. That transition happened slowly at first, then with extraordinary ferocity.
By 2017, deaths from synthetic opioids had increased more than 800 percent, to 28,466, dragging the United States’ overall life expectancy down for a third consecutive year for the first time in a century. Fentanyl deaths have been reported abroad, in Canada, Sweden, Estonia, the United Kingdom. Countries with surging prescription opioid addiction, like Australia, fear they are on the brink.
“Fentanyl will be the bubonic plague,” said Mike Vigil, former chief of international operations for the Drug Enforcement Administration, warning that any country with a burgeoning prescription opioid problem could soon find itself following American footsteps. “It’s just a matter of time.”
No one can say exactly how or why fentanyl, first synthesized in 1959 as a powerful painkiller, entered the modern illicit drug market, said Bryce Pardo, a researcher at the Rand Corporation. In 2013, people began overdosing on heroin laced with fentanyl in New England and Ohio, and it spread from there. Shabbir Safdar, the Partnership for Safe Medicines’ executive director, said the first known death from a fentanyl-laced pill was in San Francisco in October 2015.
It was a frightening development: The DEA estimates 3.4 million Americans misuse prescription painkillers, compared to 475,000 heroin users — meaning the pool potentially exposed is 10 times bigger.
There are two sources of supply. Mexican cartels and packages shipped direct from China, where it is produced in a huge and under-regulated chemical sector. A Senate investigation last year found massive quantities of fentanyl pouring in from China through the Postal Service. The report largely blamed dated technology that left customs inspectors sifting through packages manually looking for “the proverbial needle in a haystack.” The Postal Service wrote in a statement to The Associated Press that it is working hard with its international counterparts to close those loopholes, and is improving its technology to intercept fentanyl shipments.
By the time a seized package heading from China to Utah led investigators to Shamo, he had already turned fentanyl into at least 458,946 potentially poisonous pills, the government said. There are many more like him, officials say, upstart traffickers pressing pure Chinese-made fentanyl into pills in their basements and kitchens with unsophisticated equipment. In a single batch, one pill might have no fentanyl and another enough to kill a person instantly. One agent at Shamo’s trial compared it to making chocolate-chip cookies, only if too many chips ended up in a “cookie,” whoever ate it dropped dead.
For traffickers, the profit margins are irresistible: The DEA estimates a kilogram of fentanyl synthesized for a few thousand dollars could make a dealer more than $1 million.
“Any moron can basically become a major drug kingpin by dealing in fentanyl,” said Vigil. “You can have somebody with an IQ minus 100 who becomes an overnight multimillionaire.”
Aaron Shamo dreamed of entrepreneurial riches. He idolized Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, and studied self-improvement books like “Think and Grow Rich.”
He and a longtime friend, Drew Crandall, worked at eBay after failed stints in college. But Crandall was fired and Shamo decided it was “unfair” that he still had to work, so he quit. They wanted easy money.
Shamo grew up in Phoenix with three older sisters. As a teenager, he started smoking pot and refusing to attend services with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His parents sent him to boarding school in Utah, where he earned his Eagle Scout badge. He later met Crandall through their shared love of longboarding and they moved in together. Crandall was awkward and shy; Shamo was charismatic, and prided himself on helping his friend talk to girls.
The pair concocted a plan to sell their Adderall, prescribed for attention deficit disorder, on the dark web — a wild, unregulated layer of the internet reached through a special browser. There are underground marketplaces there that mimic Amazon or eBay, where guns and drugs and pirated software are traded. Money is exchanged anonymously through cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.
They learned what they needed on the web, searching with queries like “how to ship drugs.” It was so easy. They expanded, ordering drugs in bulk, breaking them down and selling at a mark-up, all while barely having to leave the house.
They used the postal system like a drug mule, peddling the club drug MDMA, magic mushrooms, date rape drugs — they once bought a kilogram of cocaine from Peru. They recruited friends, offering them $100 to have parcels mailed to their homes, no questions asked.
But the profit margins were slim and their ambitions were greater: They bought a pill press, ordered the sedative alprazolam online from India and watched YouTube videos to figure out how to turn it into fake Xanax, an anti-anxiety medication. Crandall, math minded, created the recipe. They mixed it up by shaking it in mason jars.
Then Crandall fell in love.
His new girlfriend grew suspicious when he would sneak away to package drugs. When she confronted him at a party, he tearfully confessed. She forgave him, if he promised to leave the business. They bought one-way tickets to New Zealand.
Then a local drug dealer made a suggestion to Shamo that would change the course of his life: There was a fortune to be made in producing fake oxycodone.
Shamo enlisted his gym buddy, Jonathan Luke Paz, to help him. Shamo ordered fentanyl online from China, set up the pill press in the basement and bought dyes and stamps to match popular pharmaceuticals. Then they handed them over to the local dealer, who tested them on his own customers. The first batches were weak or speckled in color, he told them, or didn’t react like real oxycodone when users heated it on tinfoil to smoke it.
But they were getting better.
“Close to being money in the bank,” the dealer messaged Shamo. “You did it, bro.”
On the first day of 2016, Shamo wrote out his goals for the upcoming year: He would be rich. All the girls would want him.
“I will overachieve,” he wrote. “I will overcome.”
He went online with his products a month later. Some were specified as fentanyl, but some weren’t, purporting instead to contain 30 milligrams of oxycodone. Shamo named this new store Pharma-Master.
As winter turned to summer, sales skyrocketed. Pharma-Master started selling thousands of pills a week, charging around $10 each.
On June 6, a relatively small order came in: 10 pills, to be shipped to an apartment house in Daly City, a working-class suburb of San Francisco.
Like every order, it was sent in an encrypted email to two former eBay co-workers in charge of distribution. Alexandrya Tonge and Katherine Bustin counted out the pills in their suburban condo, packaged the shipments and dropped them in the mail.
The envelope arrived at the doorstep at 3 p.m. on June 11.
Under different circumstances, Shamo might have been friends with the 21-year-old man who lived there. Ruslan Klyuev, a Russian immigrant, was also an aspiring tech entrepreneur interested in the dark web. He had a baby face: rosy cheeks and curly hair. Klyuev loved to cook and would make extravagant meals for the house.
But his relationship ended, his web design business sputtered and he became estranged from his family, said Barry, a roommate who spoke on the condition that his last name not be published. His emotions toggled between sorrow and elation, and he struggled with substance abuse.
After drinking vodka, Klyuev crushed two of the pills with a battery and snorted the powder with a rolled-up sticky note, according to testimony. He started drifting in and out of sleep. He couldn’t stand up.
He was found dead the next day, with fentanyl, alcohol and a substance associated with cocaine in his system.
His was the only death with which Shamo would be charged. His defense attorney, Greg Skordas, argued that neither his death nor any others can be definitely linked with Shamo’s operation.
But in documents, prosecutors connected Shamo to a veritable slaughter:
A 24-year-old man in Seattle overdosed three weeks after he bought pills from Pharma-Master in March 2016.
Later that spring, 40 pills were shipped to a 21-year-old in Washington, D.C. He died in his dorm room 11 days later.
In Utah, a 29-year-old software analyst named Devin Meldrum had been searching since he was a teenager for a cure for cluster headaches that felt like knives stabbing his skull, said his father, Rod.
Doctors had prescribed opioids but limited the dosage, so he bought a backup supply from Pharma-Master. On Aug. 13, 2016, he ran out of pills days before his refill. As he got ready for bed, he texted his fiance and took a pill from his reserve for the first time, his father said.
He was dead before she arrived to say goodnight, blue on his bathroom floor.
His father isn’t sure Shamo even now understands the magnitude of what happened: “Does he even comprehend how many families have had their hearts torn out?”
Online, Pharma-Master was getting rave reviews.
“These will make u a millionaire in under a year, guarantee,” wrote one shopper who called himself “Trustworthy Money.”
He was a dealer in Portland named Jared Gillespie. He bought 80,000 pills from Pharma-Master, according to documents filed against Gillespie in Oregon. He knew he was buying fentanyl pills, the Oregon prosecutors alleged, but the people buying from him had no way to know that. They are unknown and uncounted.
Shamo offered steep discounts for bulk buyers. Tonge, one of his distributors, testified that she began to question Shamo’s claim that he was helping patients who couldn’t get medication: Why would one person need 5,000 pills?
Her vacuum cleaner would become a critical piece of evidence. Its dust bin was filled with pills. The operation had grown so frantic, pumping out tens of thousands of tablets a month, that when they spilled onto the floor, they weren’t worth saving.
Tonge and her partner complained that the orders were coming too quickly, so Shamo hired a “runner” named Sean Gygi to pick up the packages and drop them in the mail, dozens of them a day.
Drug manufacturing became routine: Shamo once wrote himself a to-do list, and included a reminder to “make blues,” the street name for oxycodone, along with getting a haircut, washing his sheets, cleaning the kitchen. And Shamo planned to expand. He bought another press so big agents would later need a tow truck to drag it out of his garage.
The money was pouring in, and out.
Shamo hired a personal assistant; she did his shopping, had his car detailed. He stuffed a duffel bag with $429,000 cash and asked his parents to hold it. He bragged to friends about VIP bottle service at clubs and gambling in Las Vegas. He shopped for real estate in Puerto Rico; took photos sipping champagne on a cruise ship; bought designer jeans, an 88-inch television, a boat and a BMW.
Crandall and his girlfriend posted photos on Instagram of trips to Laos, Thailand, Singapore, kayaking and partying. But he was running out of money and agreed to become a remote customer service representative. The list of people accepting packages from China ballooned to more than a dozen. Everyone was making easy money and getting text messages from Shamo dotted with “lol” and “awesome!”
Shamo penned another note: “I am Shamo. I am awesome. My friends love me. I created an empire.”
But even as he cheered himself on, there were signs of danger.
One customer reported an overdose death. Shamo scanned obituaries, then declared it was a fake, Crandall said. Then a message said pills were making people sick.
Crandall forwarded it to Shamo with a dismissive question: Should he tell them to “suck it up?” Or send more pills to pacify them?
They didn’t know it, but a suspicious customs agent at the Los Angeles International Airport had flagged a box from Shanghai, China, pulled it off the belt and looked inside. The agent found 98.7 grams of fentanyl powder — enough to make almost 100,000 pills. The box was destined for Utah.
Agents looked for more packages making their way from China to Utah, and eventually one arrived, said an agent with Homeland Security Investigations who spoke on condition of anonymity to protect ongoing investigations. On Nov. 8, 2016, postal inspectors seized a box en route from a port city in China known to law enforcement as a fentanyl-trafficking hub. It was addressed to Gygi, Shamo’s “runner,” so agents arrived at his house with a search warrant.
Gygi said he thought the hundreds of envelopes he’d put in the mail contained the party drugs he sometimes took himself. Told it was fentanyl, the agent recalled, Gygi drooped.
He agreed to wear a wire while he picked up the packages, like he did every day. But instead of dropping them in the mail, he delivered them to police.
This single day’s shipment contained 34,828 fentanyl pills destined for homes in 26 states.
Four days later, on Nov. 22, 2016, agents stood on Shamo’s stoop, shouted through a bullhorn, then broke the door down with a battering ram. They were dressed in neon-orange hazmat suits with clear bowls around their faces that made them look like astronauts.
Shamo came up the stairs in a T-shirt and shorts, a mask and gloves in his pocket. A pill press downstairs was running, in a room with powder caked on the walls and the furniture.
Others were raiding the stash at Bustin and Tonge’s condo. Veteran vice officers would say they had never seen so many pills, even in international operations. In total, they packed up over 74,000 fentanyl pills awaiting distribution.
In Shamo’s sock drawer, agents found stack after stack of cash. There was more money in a safe in the closet. Agents totaled up more than $1.2 million, not including the money he had tied up in Bitcoin or bags he’d stashed with his family. Investigators eventually caught up with Paz, whom Shamo paid around a dollar per pill, and he surrendered $800,000 more.
Crandall was in Laos, still traveling with his girlfriend, when he heard the news. He stored his drug-related data on a flash drive, threw it down a storm drain and sent an email to the dark web marketplace: “This account has been compromised.” After a few months, he figured he was in the clear. He and his girlfriend planned their wedding and invited guests to meet them in Hawaii for the big day: May 12, 2017. They bought rings, and a dress.
Agents were waiting when they stepped onto American soil in Honolulu.
When Crandall sat on the witness stand, he was slump-shouldered and shackled, clumsily trying to maneuver his handcuffs to pull a tissue out of the box to wipe his eyes. In the two years since his arrest, he has been imprisoned in a county jail and watched his fellow inmates suffer the brutal fallout of an opioid epidemic. They stole from their parents, cycled in and out of jail and shivered, sweated, sobbed through withdrawal.
He’d helped feed this, he realized. For money.
He and Shamo’s other ex-partners and packagers pleaded guilty, agreed to testify against their friend and hoped for mercy.
The story they told convinced the jury to convict Shamo of 12 counts, including continuing criminal enterprise, the so-called “kingpin charge” that is typically reserved for drug lords like El Chapo and carries a mandatory life sentence. The jury deadlocked, though, on the 13th count: the death of Klyuev.
The bust was one of the largest operations in the country in 2016. But the fentanyl trade has only grown more sophisticated since. By comparison, Shamo now looks “small-time,” said Safdar, with the Partnership for Safe Medicines. The most notorious Mexican drug cartels have transitioned to fentanyl, even as homegrown upstarts like Shamo’s proliferate.
Seizure data in the United Nations World Drug Report shows trafficking quickly expanding worldwide. In 2013, four countries reported fentanyl seizures. By 2016: 12 countries. In 2017, 16 countries reported seizing fentanyl.
There is no reason to believe it will not spread further. In Africa and the Middle East, the synthetic opioid tramadol is widely abused, much of it illicitly manufactured in Asia. If that market transitions to fentanyl it would be catastrophic, said Scott Stewart, a former agent with the State Department. In Australia, prescription opioid consumption has quadrupled. Marianne Jauncey, medical director of a Sydney harm-reduction center, can’t think of any reason fentanyl won’t soon arrive — all they can do is prepare for the day that it does.
As Shamo was convicted, a single dark web marketplace still had 32,000 listings for drugs, thousands of them claiming to be oxycodone. There was no way to tell whether they originated in a pharmacy or somebody’s basement.
One vendor even borrowed a version of Shamo’s name. Pharmamaster peddles oxys online, sold in bulk at a discount. It has, it boasts, an “unlimited” supply.
“Pharma-grade A++,” the listings promise. “24-hour shipping!”
EDITOR’S NOTE: This story was produced in partnership with the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.
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realselfblog · 7 years ago
Family Halloween Costume Hacks
Halloween is just around the corner, along with Trick-or-Treat, school and church Trunk-or-Treats, and Halloween parties. You know what’s scarier than ghosts or ghouls? Waiting until the last minute to figure out Halloween costumes for the whole family. With back to school and Labor Day, and fall sports starting again, it’s understandable how Halloween sneaks right up. Before you know it, it’ll be the end of October! 
 Instead of panicking and enduring unnecessary stress the weekend (or days) before, we’ve curated an easy and affordable list of costume ideas and tips for you. From scary to silly, your whole family is sure to be set this Halloween! 
 Toy Story Family 
 Kids and adults alike are drawn to the classic movie, Toy Story. Parents can easily repurpose their wardrobe to go as Woody and Jessie by simply donning jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat. Kids can choose from a number of characters, from Hamm the Piggy Bank to Buzz, or the trio of aliens. This is a great option for families of all sizes, because the options are endless. 
 Sweet Treats  
 Get inspiration from the very treats you will be receiving, and send the family out as assorted candy bars. This costume can be affordably assembled by making a sandwich board out of old boxes. Have the kids get to work, either painting or coloring the cardboard to finish it off. If cardboard is too difficult to find or cut, felt is another easy material that is both easy to move in and warm if Trick-or-Treat night is cooler than expected! 
 Tall, Grande, and Venti 
 Can’t get enough of your morning brew? Dress the family up in corresponding coffee-cup sizes for a latte fun! Coffee cups can easily be molded from poster board or extra cardboard, and stuffed with tulle to mimic foam. Use a pool floaty noodle as a straw and make sure to spell your name incorrectly on the side of the cup. Why say boo, when you can say brew! 
 Work with what you have 
 Want to add a little pizazz to your family costumes? Consider adding in your wagon or stroller to complete the ensemble. For the littlest of family members who may have a hard time keeping up, consider upgrading your wagon to an airplane or space ship for the night. Styrofoam can be cut into the shape of wings or thrusters to give real liftoff. The whole family can dress as corresponding astronauts or pilots. If you want to really outdo yourself, many of the Star Wars ships can be replicated with a little (or a lot of) extra effort.  
 Fit Together  
 Everyone loves the game Tetris, so why not send the family as individual pieces who all fit together when standing still? This costume is geared for the older kids, since it is somewhat complicated to navigate walking in a larger than life game piece. 
 While you won’t need to be an engineer to make this costume, it will take a little ingenuity and time. But the reactions you’ll get from your neighbors will make it well worth it! First, the boxes should all hit (around the shin) at the same place for the whole family, so for the shorter family members, you will need smaller boxes as opposed to longer ones for taller participants. Once you shape the boxes, paint them different colors and add the corresponding lines to make individual blocks. Don’t forget to cut in a hole for you face! Once assembled, test out all the possibilities on how you fit together as a unit.  
 Use this Halloween to flex your creative muscles, and as an opportunity to do something as a family. Save the stress for after Halloween — when you have to figure out what you should do with all that candy!
The post Family Halloween Costume Hacks appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.
Family Halloween Costume Hacks posted first on http://ift.tt/2sNcj5z
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churchofthemimic · 3 months ago
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once again, save me endless tiles.. blue water and windowless, cloud patterned walls.. save me..
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churchofthemimic · 6 months ago
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i love you all, good night, my friends.
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realselfblog · 7 years ago
Family Halloween Costume Hacks
Halloween is just around the corner, along with Trick-or-Treat, school and church Trunk-or-Treats, and Halloween parties. You know what’s scarier than ghosts or ghouls? Waiting until the last minute to figure out Halloween costumes for the whole family. With back to school and Labor Day, and fall sports starting again, it’s understandable how Halloween sneaks right up. Before you know it, it’ll be the end of October! 
 Instead of panicking and enduring unnecessary stress the weekend (or days) before, we’ve curated an easy and affordable list of costume ideas and tips for you. From scary to silly, your whole family is sure to be set this Halloween! 
 Toy Story Family 
 Kids and adults alike are drawn to the classic movie, Toy Story. Parents can easily repurpose their wardrobe to go as Woody and Jessie by simply donning jeans, boots, and a cowboy hat. Kids can choose from a number of characters, from Hamm the Piggy Bank to Buzz, or the trio of aliens. This is a great option for families of all sizes, because the options are endless. 
 Sweet Treats  
 Get inspiration from the very treats you will be receiving, and send the family out as assorted candy bars. This costume can be affordably assembled by making a sandwich board out of old boxes. Have the kids get to work, either painting or coloring the cardboard to finish it off. If cardboard is too difficult to find or cut, felt is another easy material that is both easy to move in and warm if Trick-or-Treat night is cooler than expected! 
 Tall, Grande, and Venti 
 Can’t get enough of your morning brew? Dress the family up in corresponding coffee-cup sizes for a latte fun! Coffee cups can easily be molded from poster board or extra cardboard, and stuffed with tulle to mimic foam. Use a pool floaty noodle as a straw and make sure to spell your name incorrectly on the side of the cup. Why say boo, when you can say brew! 
 Work with what you have 
 Want to add a little pizazz to your family costumes? Consider adding in your wagon or stroller to complete the ensemble. For the littlest of family members who may have a hard time keeping up, consider upgrading your wagon to an airplane or space ship for the night. Styrofoam can be cut into the shape of wings or thrusters to give real liftoff. The whole family can dress as corresponding astronauts or pilots. If you want to really outdo yourself, many of the Star Wars ships can be replicated with a little (or a lot of) extra effort.  
 Fit Together  
 Everyone loves the game Tetris, so why not send the family as individual pieces who all fit together when standing still? This costume is geared for the older kids, since it is somewhat complicated to navigate walking in a larger than life game piece. 
 While you won’t need to be an engineer to make this costume, it will take a little ingenuity and time. But the reactions you’ll get from your neighbors will make it well worth it! First, the boxes should all hit (around the shin) at the same place for the whole family, so for the shorter family members, you will need smaller boxes as opposed to longer ones for taller participants. Once you shape the boxes, paint them different colors and add the corresponding lines to make individual blocks. Don’t forget to cut in a hole for you face! Once assembled, test out all the possibilities on how you fit together as a unit.  
 Use this Halloween to flex your creative muscles, and as an opportunity to do something as a family. Save the stress for after Halloween — when you have to figure out what you should do with all that candy!
The post Family Halloween Costume Hacks appeared first on Fort Worth Dentist | 7th Street District | H. Peter Ku, D.D.S. PA.
Family Halloween Costume Hacks posted first on http://ift.tt/2sNcj5z
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