#chunky culture isnt cute
dogbook-is-hell · 2 years
DISCLAIMER: I am taking this entire post directly off of “animals matter, stop the abuse” on Facebook. This is their post. I will say one thing in regards to the infographics and that is breeds have different variations of weight. An overweight greyhound might not look anything like an overweight lab, for example. Breed does matter, but it doesn’t justify abuse either.
The post:
fit vs starving
fit definition: in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise.
starving definition: suffering or dying from hunger.
fit dog: a dog that is lean, well built with muscle and balance throughout the body
just because an animals ribs are showing doesn’t mean it’s starving, however there is a big difference.
each dog breed is different, for example greyhounds show a lot of rib, they are built that way and it doesn’t mean every single one of them is starving. Labrador retrievers however, usually wont show alot of rib, usually no rib at all, they can still be fit and lean, just build differences. some dog breeds wont show muscle at all/very little, that doesn’t mean they are fat, it’s just their build.
the “tuck” of the dog is an area right before the pelvic bones, this is a very common factor on how people tell if your dog is ”fit” or not. however, this doesn’t work for every breed (like i’ve stated before) as each once has a different build, coat type, muscle tone, and ideal weight.
starving is not ok!!!! starving includes all ribs showing, extremely defined pelvic bones, back ridge showing and sometimes tail bone. not all cases are *that* extreme but still need proper attention.
remember to kindly try to educate before stepping in with animal control/legal action.
here are some examples of FIT vs STARVING:
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