#chunky buttons… just like on the enterprise….
vulcanhello · 2 years
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mylittleredgirl · 2 years
favorite and least favorite parts of each trek, with absolutely no thought put into it before making this list:
🚀 classic trek favorite: the ~aesthetic~. fuckin LOVE big chunky plastic buttons and beepy things, the mini-skirts, the sparkly metallic fabric, the whole deal. least favorite: janice rand leaves forever :( :( every single appearance she had was BONKERS how am i supposed to experience that and then ever hope to fill that void 🪐 tng favorite: soooooo soothing to know that our guys will always be both kind and correct and at the end of the episode i will learn something about how to be a better person. also romulans are there. least favorite: shit fuck i shouldn't have started this post because i'm already drawing a blank. ok ok i hate that the ship's counselor role got nerfed into a "therapist on the bridge" when it's actually so so important!! that needed to be explored so explicitly that dudebros on the internet have to shut up about it forever ⚾️ deep space nine favorite: THE CHARACTERS MY FRIENDS. the cast of dozens where every single character right down to the randos on the promenade are great. headed up by benjamin lafayette sisko and kira nerys, truly characters of all time least favorite: dukat's insanity/pah-wraith arc. like i do get why this narrative parallel makes sense against sisko as the prophets' emissary but also, it's bad. 🥔 voyager (that's a leola root by the way) favorite: i LOVE the early seasons where everyone is so adorable and spunky and they're just tooling around the delta quadrant being terrible at making friends. also tuvok is there. least favorite: kes leaves forever :( :( i hear you out there saying "fury" but come here. look at me. look at me. kes leaves forever. 🛰 enterprise favorite: controversial actually but i love t'pol's arc. i DID NOT love it as it was airing because watching poor jolene blalock having to act her way through ever more demeaning episodes is painful and terrible, but t'pol is magnificent actually? the fish out of water vulcan finding herself in foreign waters?? self-destruction on the way to rediscovering her own personal relationship to logic??? imagine if we'd got three more seasons of her with manny coto in charge it would've been glorious. least favorite: can we PLEASE do something with hoshi and travis i am BEGGING. also physically painful what american jingoism did to captain archer but i might have emotionally coped with it better if travis got lines. 🍄 discovery favorite: michael burnham is the light of my life she makes me cry out emotions that have been buried since i was in utero i don't even know. also the changing opening sequence my beloved least favorite: need one of those serial killer string boards to figure out what's going on sometimes??? can't say that too loudly tho because the discovery haters can smell blood in the water 💃 short treks favorite: THE CONCEPT I LOVE THIS least favorite: more??????? :( 🥷 star trek picard favorite: seven of nine in comfy sweaters kissing a girl filled holes in my life i didn't know were there!!!?!?!?? least favorite: don't like when picard is a jerk :( don't like when no soji and elnor :( :( :( 🤪 lower decks favorite: every second is a relentless outpouring of love for star trek, it's like a sleepover where all your friends are sitting around talking about how much they love tng except your friends are 900% funnier. least favorite: i have a hard time with cartoon violence sometimes so i get TENSE and also badgey haunts my nightmares for real for real 👨‍🍳 strange new worlds - actually i have only seen the first episode despite posting about it as if i have seen all of it haha my bad SO favorite: new star trek to watch!!!!! least favorite: now everyone knows i haven't watched it yet and i am losing trekkie credibility babes 😬 👩‍👧‍👦 prodigy favorite: rok-tak my DAUGHTER least favorite: that feeling of being in a warner brothers cartoon and there's an anvil above all our heads with J/C DISCOURSE painted on it just waiting for the show to make a wrong move
i swear i must have forgotten at least one series there is so much star trek now??? anyway feel free to make your own post about this, i am curious!! if you absolutely MUST i suppose it's ok to think about your answers for more than 30 seconds.
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smileygoth · 2 years
Til I Hear It From You - Part Two (Stranger Things / Empire Records)
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Read Part One here!
'Wayne' is still keeping his secrets to himself, until a chance accident forces him to reveal more than he wants to.
CW: More angst, mention of suicide attempts, self harm, drug use, shitty parents.
Word count: 2822 words
Image found on Google, courtesy of Regency Enterprises (?)
Week 2
After a successful first week of learning the layout of the store, putting away stock, talking to customers and lots of dusting, Wayne was ready to tackle learning to use the tills. Debra was pretty pleased when Joe sent him out with a fresh till float in his hands to join her at the counter. He came up behind the counter and hesitated behind her. “Joe says you’re to show me how to use the tills,” he said.
Debra smiled and pulled open the empty drawer of the till next to hers. “Come on in.”
She showed him how to put the float in so it didn’t jam the drawer, pointed out the order of how the coins and notes were sorted in the little compartments, and showed him which button to press if he needed to spring it open without a sale, like if he gave the wrong change or something. “I could go through all the buttons with you,” she said, “But you won’t remember them all. The best way to learn is to just serve customers.” She paused to look round the empty store. “Unfortunately, first thing on a Monday morning is not our busiest time.”
Wayne fidgeted awkwardly. “So what do we do now?”
Debra shrugged. “Whatever you can find to do. Tidy the counter. Count the cracks in the ceiling. Me, I’m making buttons.” She held up the button press that was on the counter next to her. “People love buttons, even the shitty ones I make.”
Wayne leaned over to peer into the basket of buttons next to her. “They’re not bad,” he said.
“Why thank you, Wayne!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t realise you were so into buttons!” She turned and rummaged in the basket, then picked out out and handed it to him. “You can have this one. I think it sums you up perfectly.”
Wayne took it and looked at it. It was a black button with a big white question mark in the centre. He gave a small, pursed-lips smile. “I get it,” he said. “Thanks.”
Debra watched while he pinned in onto his lanyard cord. He was wearing a faded Iron Maiden t shirt today, short sleeved but with a long-sleeved grey top underneath. He wore a heavy silver chain on one wrist and a silver-strap watch on the other. This close, she could see that his chunky rings depicted a cross, a skull and a … pig? She frowned. “What’s with the pig ring?” she asked.
He shrugged and turned away to straighten up the leaflets on his side of the circular counter. “Boar,” he corrected. “It was a gift.”
“From who?” Debra asked. He pretended not to hear her. She shrugged and went back to lining up her designs into the button cases. A customer came in – a young girl wearing all black and big headphones – and they both gave her a polite smile. The girl ignored them and headed straight to the alternative section.
“You know,” Debra said, “I could make you more buttons if I knew a bit more about you.”
Wayne didn’t answer.
“Like, all I really know is that you smoke, you’re from out of town and you like Iron Maiden,” she went on. “There’s got to be more to you than that.”
“There isn’t,” Wayne replied tersely.
“Really?” Debra sighed. “Come on. What about … where did you go to high school? Do you play guitar? You look like you play guitar. Or maybe drums? What about a girlfriend? Are you single? Are you gay?”
“I’m not gay,” Wayne muttered.
“Okay, that’s something,” Debra replied. She bent over her designs, scribbled something, then punched it into a button and handed it over.
Wayne took it and read it. “‘Not gay’,” he read. “Yeah, I’m not wearing that.” He tossed it into the basket.
Debra shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
They fell quiet for a moment. Wayne was looking over to where Mark was trying unsuccessfully to get the girl in the headphones to talk to him. “Why do you want to know so bad anyway?” he asked.
“Because you’re a mystery,” Debra replied. “And I don’t like mysteries.” She hesitated, then added, “And thinking about someone else’s life means I don’t have to think about my own.”
Wayne looked at her. “Oh yeah? What’s the problem with your life?”
Debra shook her head. “Forget it.”
Wayne smirked. “See? Not fun having someone ask about your personal shit, is it?”
Debra stayed silent, eyes on her buttons.
“I’m gonna go have a smoke,” Wayne said. “And when I get back, it would be really cool if you could maybe respect my privacy a little.”
He stepped down from the counter and started walking toward the back of the store. The front doors opened and Gina and Berko came in, arm in arm, chatting together. They waved at Debra, then at Mark, who came over to talk to them, following them as they made their way to the staff room. The double doors at the back opened and Joe stepped out, a steaming cup of coffee in one hand. “Deb!” he yelled. “I need you!”
Debra punched the lock button on both of the tills and jumped down from the counter, quietly seething. Wayne’s comment had made her feel shitty, and she had enough in her life that made her feel shitty. But what really pissed her off was that he was right. She’d been prying and it wasn’t any of her business, but damn it, what was so bad about wanting to get to know someone? She called out: “Hey, Wayne!” He didn’t look round. On an impulse, she yelled, “Yo! Eddie!”
Then several things happened at once. To Debra, it all seemed to happen in slow motion, but she was too far away to stop any of it. Wayne was passing Joe in the doorway. At Debra’s shout, he spun round so fast that Joe, startled, took a quick step away from him. His sidestep sent him bumping into Mark, who was walking backwards ahead of Gina and Berko while he talked to them. They both stumbled; Mark lost his balance and landed on his ass on the floor, while Joe rebounded, catching his foot on the steps up to the doors and tripping forward. The hot cup of coffee spilled out, all over Wayne as he twisted to catch Joe.
Wayne yelled in pain and surprise. Without thinking he reached back over his shoulders and yanked his shirt off over his head, taking the undershirt with it, and swiped at his bare chest and arm where the worst of the spill had hit him. Gina and Berko, who had been clamouring to help Joe and Mark up, fell silent. One by one, everyone - even the girl in the headphones - turned to stare at Wayne.
Parts of his chest, abdomen and right arm were a little red and patchy from where the hot liquid had soaked through before he could pull his shirts off. But that wasn’t what had drawn everyone’s gaze. Nor was it the tattoos: the spider and what looked like a zombie head above his heart, the dragon, the monster on strings, and the bats on his arms. It was the numerous ugly scars all over his torso. On both sides of his stomach, stretching up to just beneath (and on one side, over) his nipples, were big, red, angry-looking wounds. The skin appeared to have been stripped away in pieces, the flesh beneath knotted and gnarled as if chunks had been torn out, and around these large wounds smaller puncture marks dotted his flesh. Smaller, similar wounds dotted his arms.
“Holy shit,” Berko muttered.
Wayne looked round at them all and swallowed. The silence was so complete that the click in his throat was clearly audible. He clutched his balled-up shirt in front of his chest. “I, uh, I’m gonna go clean up,” he said in a shaky voice. As he turned to the staff room doors, they all saw that the wounds on his stomach spread around his sides to the small of his back. Then he pushed through the doors and was gone.
Joe looked at his now empty coffee cup as if he thought it had inflicted the wounds. “Jesus,” he muttered. Then he looked up at his employees, all now staring at him, and pulled himself together. “Alright, show’s over!” he barked. “Mark, Gina, take over on the tills. Berko, grab a mop and clean this shit up. Debra -”
“I’ll find him a shirt,” Debra said quickly.
Joe paused, then nodded. “Fine. Come find me in the office when you’re done. I need a new cup of coffee.” He bashed through the doors, muttering and shaking his head.
Debra sprinted up the stairs to the merchandise section and grabbed a t shirt off the rail, then hurried back down and into the staff room. The bathroom door was closed and she could hear water running inside. Gently, she knocked on the door with one knuckle.
After a pause, Wayne’s voice called, “Yeah?”
“I brought you a new shirt,” Debra replied.
There was another pause, then the lock clicked. Debra opened the bathroom door and saw Wayne standing in front of the basin, pressing paper towels soaked in water to the red patches on his skin. He was looking in the mirror with an expression that Debra recognised from her own mirror most days. It was the face you made when hated what you saw.
She stepped inside and closed the door behind her. “Need a hand?” she asked.
Wayne gave her an odd look. “You want to help me wipe off?”
“True story,” Debra said. “I once helped a girl come down from a speed freak-out over that very basin. As it happens, that was the same day I had my own breakdown and shaved off all my hair. Again, over that very basin. So it’s hardly the weirdest thing I’ll have done in this bathroom.” When he gave a soft snort of laughter, she added, “I like helping people when I can. And if there’s one thing I know about, it’s scars. Mental and physical.”
Wayne hesitated, then handed her the paper towels. She dipped them in the cold water in the basin, then turned to press them against the red blotches on his chest. He hissed in a breath as the cold water dribbled down his skin.
“Does it hurt?” she asked.
“Tingles,” he replied.
“Yeah, you really ought to be under a cold shower,” Debra replied. “Too bad all we have is this dumb little basin.”
Wayne shrugged. “What’s the worst that’ll happen?” he said. “That it’ll leave a mark?”
Debra chuckled. “You do have quite a collection,” she replied. “Can I ask what happened?”
Wayne didn’t reply.
“Looks like maybe an animal attack?”
He grunted and nodded.
Debra sighed and changed tactic. “So … Eddie, huh?”
He narrowed his eyes and stared at her. “How did you know?”
“Know what?”
“My name.”
“I didn’t,” Debra replied. “You just told me.”
He gaped at her for a second, then snorted again. “Clever,” he remarked. “But come on, how did you know?”
“Well, you take forever to answer to ‘Wayne’, and the first time you heard anyone say ‘Eddie’ you nearly crapped your pants, so …” Debra shrugged. “Look, I’m not gonna tell anyone if you don’t want me to. You’ve obviously got some stuff in your past you feel you need to keep a secret. I just … If you want to talk to someone, you can trust me. Okay?”
Wayne – Eddie – stared at her for a long moment. Then all at once he seemed to deflate in front of her. He let out a long sigh and took a step back, slumping down to sit on a box of shopping bags that had been thrown into the bathroom for storage. Debra threw the soaked towels in the bin, grabbed another handful, soaked them and knelt down next to him, moving her attention to the scalds on his arm.
“I can’t tell you,” he said miserably. “I can’t tell anyone. Even if I wasn’t in some serious fucking trouble, I still couldn’t tell you because … you wouldn’t believe me.”
“Try me,” she replied. “Eddie, everyone here has issues. Seriously, I think that’s why Joe hires us. It’s like he’s trying to rescue us. Maybe he is – I know Lucas thinks of him like the father he never had. Berko was a full-on junkie when he came here. Now he just smokes too much. Gina’s self-esteem has skyrocketed – though she’d deny it if you asked her. Eddie – the other Eddie - was homeless til Joe gave him a job so he could start paying rent. Warren held the store up with a gun and that was before Joe hired him!” She took a deep breath. “And then there’s me.”
Eddie looked at her. “You?”
She lifted her wrist to show him the small, white scars that streaked across the skin there. “Failed suicide attempts. Self harm. Self-loathing and depression. Absent mom, a father I wished was absent, a string of failed relationships, substance abuse … Shit, I shaved my head in the bathroom at work. I am the poster child for dysfunctional teenage trauma. I mean, look at me.”
Eddie gave her a weak smile. “I think you look kinda cool,” he replied. “Badass.”
Debra smiled back. “Thanks,” she said. “But the secret is, I make myself look badass because I feel like a useless, weak piece of shit.”
Eddie was silent for a while. Debra tended to his burns, watching as the redness started to fade. She threw the soggy towels away and folded a dry one, patting his skin gently dry.
“I didn’t have a mom either,” Eddie said. “She left when I was little. My dad is a good for nothing scumbag, and when he finally got busted and sent to jail I ended up with my uncle. And … and then something happened and I had to leave town.”
Debra said nothing, just waited. Before long he continued.
“They think I killed someone. Three someones, actually. I didn’t … but they think I did. So I had to run. And … and then there was a … an earthquake, and they think I’m dead. So I can’t go back. Ever.”
Stunned, Debra stayed silent. She didn’t know what to say. As problems went, that was pretty huge. Eventually she asked, “Who do they think you killed?”
“A girl. Chrissy.” His voice took on a softness as he said the name that made Debra’s heart ache for him. “And a couple of other kids from school.”
“School?” Debra frowned. Eddie looked to be in his late twenties – a little older than her and the others. “How long ago was this?”
Eddie hesitated. “Ten years or so,” he replied.
“Did you get the scars in the earthquake?”
He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”
Debra was certainly not a doctor, but she felt reasonably certain that the scars she was looking at were a lot fresher than ten years. Even without that, she could tell he wasn’t telling her everything. But he was telling her something, which was a start.
“Where did all this happen?” she asked.
He glanced at her. “Indiana,” he replied.
“Hm.” She nodded and pursed her lips. “Well, Indiana’s not that far away from Delaware, but if it’s been ten years and they all think you’re dead over there, I would think you can afford to relax just a little bit.” She got to her feet. “Like maybe use your real name, because you suck at pretending your name is Wayne.” She screwed up her nose. “And why did you choose ‘Wayne’, anyway?”
“It was my uncle’s name,” Eddie replied softly.
Debra froze. “Shit. Man, I’m sorry.” She felt like someone had punched her in the gut. She didn’t want to imagine how Eddie felt.
“It’s okay. He’s not dead – at least, I don’t think so – but I miss him. That’s all.” Eddie looked at the shirt. “I’m getting pretty cold. Can I have that?”
Debra picked up the shirt from where she’d dropped it and tossed it over to him. He caught it and held it up to look at the design. “‘Korn’?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, they’re some new metal band Mark’s obsessed with,” Debra replied. “They’re okay.”
Eddie looked over the shirt and nodded in approval. “Alright,” he said, and pulled the shirt on. He tugged the sleeves down, trying to cover the scars on his biceps. “I guess everybody got a good look, huh?”
Debra nodded. “‘Fraid so.”
“What do I tell them?” he asked. He sounded very small and lost.
Reaching out, Debra took his hand and squeezed it .”Maybe start with your name,” she said. “Then just see what happens.”
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badger-writes · 2 years
just stop fucking with the look of the franchise please CBS. you don’t need to throw away Matt Jeffries’ Enterprise. the TOS uniforms don’t need to be redesigned. you don’t need to replace all the chunky buttons with apple touchscreens. the bridge viewscreen doesn’t need to be big windows with cg popups. the visual continuity of the universe is built on every aesthetic touch made during the production of past seasons like a jenga tower built over decades and when you start taking things out and papering them over because they’re “too dated” or “aged poorly” you weaken everything else by association. you’re not creating suspension of disbelief for new viewers you’re subtracting decades of carefully engineered immersion. you’re not being respectful you’re just being shallow. just leave it all alone. i promise you if you just stop fucking it up it’s fine. it’s all fine. it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine. please god just stop fucking with it.
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sshbpodcast · 3 years
I miss my old Star Trek chair too (Part 2)
By Ames
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After last week’s blogpost covering Part 1 of our captain’s chairs series, we’re tuckered out and ready to sit down some more. Join A Star to Steer Her By as we finish up our assessment on Starfleet’s top-level ass cushions and give our final verdict on where we’d recommend you put your butt.
See the remaining captain chairs below, follow along with our banter in this week’s podcast episode (chair chat at 1:01:49), and smash that Red Alert button! It’s right there on your armrest.
[Images © CBS/Paramount, Star Trek Timelines, Ex Astris Scientia, Donny Versiga, probably others]
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Enterprise S1-3: Enterprise NX-01
Let’s start out with the earliest chairs we see in in-universe chronology. The chairs of the NX-01 could have been ripped straight out of a Ford Taurus. We’re definitely digging the really chunky armrests that give the captain a ton of knobs and switches to noodle with. Overall, the seat itself doesn’t look too comfy because the padding looks lumpy and uneven though. Chair level: adequate.
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Enterprise S4: Enterprise NX-01
Last week we took a sneak peek at the seatbelted chair that got cut from Nemesis, and it looks like it found a happy home under Archer’s butt! As a chair, it’s bulkier but possibly comfier than many of the chairs we’ve seen so far. We’re left with the impression that this one would make a great gamer chair, complete with manual steering column, of course!
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Kelvin movies: USS Kelvin
We move onto the big budget of the Kelvin movies and their very custom chairs. The one we see in the flashback scene on the Kelvin looks the most like it could fit in as a precursor to TOS chairs, so at least that’s something. It’s got a nice burgundy color too that is nicer than the burgundy we saw in the Enterprise-E color. The shape looks like the designers actually put some effort in. Not terrible.
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Kelvin movies: USS Enterprise
When you’ve rebooted a universe, you might as well reboot the chair aesthetic too. Now here’s a chair that’s just trying too hard to look futuristic, with curvy lines like we’ve never seen before, armrests that zag inward, and a base like a child’s toy. The whole thing looks like a plastic chair out of a dollhouse version of the Apple store. It’s like the charming retro look of the TOS chair got sterilized and stripped of all its character. Movies have too much money, man. A much cheaper chair had so much more success in saying “Star Trek” to us than this antiseptic ripoff.
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Kelvin movies: USS Vengeance
Do you even swivel, bro? The USS Vengeance rolls in with this evil look to it, all huge and dark and chrome and menacing. This one is emphatically one of the least comfortable chairs we’ve seen in the franchise so far. The thigh huggers are back too, for some unclear reason. The whole thing looks more like a torture device than a captain’s seat, which may be what they were going for.
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Kelvin movies: USS Franklin
Finally, a chair that isn’t shiny and new! This guitar case–shaped thing looks like an in-universe antique, which is totally fitting of where we find the Franklin lying around. Like the Vengeance, it’s another chair that I wouldn’t want to sit in because it just looks hard, uncontoured, and not padded enough. But at least the shape is reminiscent of Star Trek so it’s in the right place. Just throw a pillow down before you take command.
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Discovery: USS Shenzhou
When we get to Nu Trek, we get yet another aesthetics change. The Shenzhou chair’s honeycomb shape is a rather nice look that is simple and elegant. The little angles and the way a black chair shape is nestled in a frame remind us of the TOS chair, but with more money and more chrome. We get more of a burnt sienna color than the really light grey of Kirk’s old chair, but I also couldn’t imagine anything in season one Discovery using light colors or shades. Overall, a nice focal point and decent chair.
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Discovery: USS Discovery
Remember how last week I said the leaning angle of the original TOS chair gave it the impression of forward movement like some of the progressive themes of the show? Well Discovery took that little angle and flung themselves into it so hard that it looks like the chair is trying to shove you out of itself. The seat itself is decent, but I end up missing the nice frame of the Shenzhou chair, and preferred its burnt sienna to this sort of dullard camel color. Overall, this one seems a little too big and the arms too far away from you, like this chair has to swallow you for you to sit in it.
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Discovery: USS Enterprise
Is it me or is it getting hot in here? It is impressive as hell how they took the basics of the design of the TOS Enterprise chair and made it work in Discovery. This chair is tweaked just enough to work in the Discovery aesthetic without just redesigning the whole thing like the Kelvin movies did. We see a little more of the wood from the armrests now outlining the base and it looks sharp as hell. The angles are a little more pronounced but they totally work. I am ready to throw my panties at this chair. We’re still just before Strange New Worlds is out, and I will WALK if they replace this masterpiece.
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Picard: La Sirena
Now this one is deffo a car chair. Which isn’t a bad thing, to be honest! Considering La Sirena is just a cargo ship and Captain Rios is more a no-nonsense kind of guy, it makes a ton of sense that we’d see a more mass produced piece of equipment. This chair does everything it needs to, and it even has the mermaid logo in the headrest. A simple chair for a simple ship.
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Lower Decks: USS Cerritos
With the freedom to animate any chair design in anyone’s imagination, this is what Lower Decks gives us? The chair of the Cerritos is a downright copout. It looks almost two-dimensional, and not just because it’s animated. Sure, we can say that the California-class ships are supposed to be less nice than other ships, but that’s no excuse for the chair looking like a literal lego and about as comfortable on the backside. And the colors. Hard meh. Would not sit if you paid me.
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Lower Decks: USS Titan
What makes me dislike the Cerritos chair even more is how we see much better drawn chairs in the same damn show when we see the Titan and the Archimedes. Riker’s Titan chair reminds us an awful lot of George Pike’s Kelvin chair or Georgieu’s Shenzhou in terms of its hexagonal shape and dark brownish colors. For a cartoon chair, it looks pretty good! How hard was that, Cerritos chair?
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Lower Decks: USS Archimedes
Even Sonya freakin’ Gomez has a halfway decent chair in Lower Decks. We are definitely seeing inspiration from the movie chairs, in that it would fit right in in an office setting. But this one could be the maroon little sibling of Sulu’s blue Excelsior chair we liked so much last week, but in animated form. We see the same kind of headrest, padding, and armrests, so the designers clearly did their homework. Which sounds about right considering how many references are in that show.
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Prodigy: USS Protostar
The Protostar is a really state-of-the-art shiny toy, and it deserves an absolutely over-the-top futuristic chair, and boy does it deliver. You can only recline in this really comfy beanbag chair. Seriously, this thing needs a matching ottoman because any captain is going to do more splaying out than remembering to do any work. I want that job. The overdesign of this chair is actually a thing of beauty, and you won’t hear me using that as a compliment in nearly any other circumstance. I kind of want this chair in my study, but again, I’d get no work done because of all the napping.
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Bonus: Picard: USS Stargazer
Fresh off the presses! Season two of Picard debuted after our recording of this week’s corresponding episode, but there’s a new ship, new bridge, new uniforms, new combadge, new everything! Including this new captain chair on Rios’s Stargazer. I’ll not spoil anything beyond that and telling you that of course this chair, like so much of modern Trek, comes complete with the required Starfleet delta. Ya know, for marketing more toys.
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Which seats will be the tops for our bottoms and which have us preferring to stand? Check out our bests and worsts!
Honorable mention - TUC: Excelsior
Caitlin - PRO: Protostar
Jake - DS9: Defiant
Ames and Chris: DIS: Enterprise
Least Favorites
Ames - TWOK: Enterprise Refit
Caitlin - TNG movies: Enterprise-E
Chris - LOW: Cerritos
Jake - TSFS: Excelsior
Alright, it’s finally time to get up and stretch your legs a little. But we’ve got more chairs that we need to test next week: Alien chairs! Keep tuned here to see that, continue voyagering with us on SoundCloud or your favorite podcast platform, hail us on Facebook or Twitter, and pop open that recliner. It’s time for a nap.
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secretladyspizza · 3 years
The Ultimate Guide to Men’s Custom Chains
For most men’s chains, 50 cm (20”) is the average length. This falls at the collar bone between the top two buttons on a shirt and looks good inside or outside the shirt. If you’re wearing a pendant necklace, opt for 55-63 cm (22-25”) so the pendant finishes in the middle of your chest.
35-45 cm (14-18”) – Quite form-fitting and will be visible above your shirt.
50-55 cm (20-22”) – Falls at the collarbone and is the most common size for men’s necklaces. Can be worn inside or outside the shirt.
55-61 cm (22-24”) – Falls in the middle of the chest and looks great with a medallion, pendant, or dog tags. Can be worn inside or outside the shirt.
61-76 cm (24-30”) – Designed to be worn on the outside of your shirt. Looks best with a larger pendant or a thicker chain. Total attention-grabber.
If you’re only wearing a chain (and aren’t looking for a statement-making necklace), a width of 2-6 mm is a good start. When adding a pendant, make sure it fits the chain and isn’t overpowered by its thickness. If you’re looking for a wholesale men's chunky chain necklace that falls in the ‘bling’ category, shop for 12 mm or wider. Chain width and length go hand and hand, so make sure they’re proportional to each other – in other words, no 35 cm (14″) chains with 12 mm width.
1-6 mm – This ranges from the discreetly thin to the standard width of most men’s necklaces. Can easily go under your shirt.
6-10 mm – This necklace width works well for pendants and chains outside of your shirt.
10-X mm – You’ve entered the ‘I wore this to impress’ zone. Necklaces of more than 10 mm (the thickness of recent iPhones) are worn to garner attention.
Most men’s necklaces fall into this type. A chain is a strand of rings, discs, or beads that interlock. While that sounds simple enough, there are countless variations and styles of chain necklaces to choose from… not to mention an array of clasp styles. You’ll want a clasp that supports the weight of the chain and fastens easily (especially if you get dressed alone).
Types Of Custom Chains For Men
Cable Chain – The cable chain is the most popular type of chain necklace for men. It’s created from connecting oval links and resembles an actual chain. Alone, cable chains aren’t the most statement-making necklace on the market, but they’re great for holding a cross, coin, or pendant.
Curb Chain – Curb chain necklaces are made of links that interlock when they lay flat. You’ll often see thick, chunky curb chains used in street and urban style. Cuban chains or Cuban link chains are popular variations of the curb chain necklace.
Marine Chain/Anchor Chain – For all the sea lovers out there, the marine chain necklace is inspired by anchor chains used on ships. Each oval link has a horizontal bar across the middle and interlocks like cable chains and lies flat like curb chains.
Figaro Chain – With its roots in Italy, the Figaro chain gets its name from the title character in The Barber of Seville, a famous Italian opera. This necklace is special because of its pattern of flat oval links. Typically, the pattern is of 1 large link followed by 2-3 shorter links. The Figaro chain necklace is a variation of the curb chain.
Rope Chain – The rope chain consists of chain links twisted together and resembles a rope. Rope chain necklaces are known for their strength and are often used with pendants.
Wheat Chain – In a men's gold wheat chain necklace, oval links are plaited together in the same direction to look like tips of wheat stalks. Wheat chains are often used with pendants.
Ball Chain – The ball chain (bead chain) is most often used for dog tags and keychains. It consists of ball-shaped links connected with or without small breaks.
Herringbone Chain – The herringbone chain is a flat necklace characterized by v-shaped links in alternating directions. It’s often confused with an Omega chain which has a similar design but is made from flat pieces in a curved design. Herringbone chains are not as flexible as Omegas and are prone to kink. Both are notorious for pulling and pinching the finer hairs on your neck – a great reason for staying groomed.
Box Chain – Square links give the box chain its name. Box chain necklaces are found in a variety of widths and are great for hanging pendants.
Snake Chain – A variation of herringbone and omega chains, snake chains are made from tightly connected plates or bands that resemble snakeskin. The result is a smooth, round zig-zag pattern. Known for being delicate, they’re great with pendants.
Hip Hop Custom Chains
Hip hop chains come in various styles, materials, and sizes. They can come in silver, gold, or iced out, and in all different types of styles; that’s the cool thing about these accessories, you have so much to choose from! Most chains range from 5 to 9 mm and 30 to 40 inches in length; however, you want to make sure you have a long enough link just in case you want to put a pendant on it. The most popular styles are Cuban, box, rope, snake, or Franco chain. Depending on your type of swag your favorite kind of rapper chains may vary. Come to Churinga and customize your own hip-hop chains.
Click hip hop jewellery wholesale if you want to know more.
Do stainless steel chains last?
Roughly, 316 stainless steel wholesale chain necklaces can last for up to 25 years with little maintenance. Although they can lose their shine and need re-polishing after a few years of wearing the wholesale 316 stainless steel chains, the cost and frequency of maintenance are low compared to other jewelry metals.
Do stainless steel chains tarnish?
Wheat chain stainless steel is durable and resists corrosion and oxidation. Our jewelry will not rust, tarnish, or turn your skin green, even if worn daily. More reasons why stainless steel hip hop jewelry wholesale chains are the best… … Unlike many other metals, these are safe to wear and no harm will come if you wear stainless steel chains wholesale for life.
What brand of jewelry does factory connection sale?
Shop factory direct jewelry from Churinga Stainless Steel Jewelry Factory/Manufacturer in China. Over 5000 designs are available in stock! Browse Churinga 316L Stainless Steel Jewelry for the latest designs of Earrings/Rings/Bracelets/Necklaces/Pendants, All at attractive wholesale prices Manufacturer by Churinga Jewelry. We provide the largest selection of wholesale stainless steel costume jewelry, wholesale stainless steel gold plated Jewelry, wedding engagement rings, etc. Shop at unecklace.com if you want to go into the jewelry business.
Check out our stainless steel necklace chain bulk selection for the very best in unique or custom from Churinga stainless steel necklace wholesale shop.
Custom Chains Details📷📷📷📷📷📷Who is the best jewelry factory in China?
Churinga is the best jewelry factory in China. Churinga is one of the best jewelry factory brands in China.
Churinga is affiliated with Hotsell Company Limited, and it is a professional fashion jewelry manufacturer in China, set design, production, wholesale, and export trade as one of the enterprises. Product substrate metals are stainless steel, copper alloy, and silver, a surface thin layer of gold plated, rhodium plated or palladium plating, auxiliary material with artificial gem (synthetic cubic zirconia, synthetic crystal, synthetic ruby, etc).
Product variety, style fashion, good quality, which covers rings, pendants, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, bangles, jewelry sets, etc. Our series products are sold all over the world, we provide good services to all of the customers at home and abroad.
We are one of the Chinese leading Jewelry manufacturers providing high-quality jewelry with fast delivery and the most competitive pricing. Customized service is our professional offer.
Churinga Jewelry Factory Team
Churinga Jewelry Factory Certifications
After the initial idea and/or sketch is developed, it’s time to start work on the digital model. Using CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software, the 3d designer will make a digital render of your jewelry.
In most modern jewelry production, the manufacturer uses a 3d printing machine to print a wax model made out of resin, which usually doesn’t take more than 48 hours.
The Rubber Mold
The original model is encased in plaster-like investment, which is specially created for jewelry making. After the investment sets, the encased wax model is burned away in an oven, leaving a jewelry-shaped void in the hardened investment. That space is filled with silver, forming a slightly smaller duplicate of the original wax design, which is polished to perfection. The silver master model is then packed into a fat sandwich of special mold rubber and squeezed tight under high heat and pressure until it forms a solid block. The rubber forms itself around the master model, creating a perfect three-dimensional impression of the piece of jewelry. The rubber is cut in half to remove the silver master. Then the rubber is put back together and hot wax is injected through a hole in the rubber to fill the ring-shaped space inside, forming a wax reproduction of the master model (but a bit smaller).
The Wax Tree
To finally turn wax into gold, a number of wax models, usually 10 or 20 are placed on a large branching wax tree. Positioning each piece on the tree must be done carefully, thicker pieces will go on the bottom, thinner on the top and the joint where the piece is joined to each branch must be positioned in a thick place in the design, where there is no detail, like the back of a ring. When the tree is complete, the whole wax structure is placed in a flask.
The jewelry goes through the casting process. At this stage, your piece starts looking more like the jewelry you might see in a store. The wax is melted away and is replaced with your metal of choice in molten form, usually gold, silver, or platinum. The metal then dries into the shape of your jewelry. This technique is called “lost wax” casting.
First, the jewelry has to be removed from the branch, or sprue, that held it to the tree in the mold. It is then is tumbled into smoothness, sometimes sanded, lapped to make edges crisp, and then buffed by hand on a polishing wheel.
After your jewelry passes through the design and casting stage, the final fabrication can take anywhere from 3 days to 3 weeks. At this point, the jeweler refines the main structure of your ring, necklace, or another piece.
For this step, the diamond setter finally adds the diamonds or other gemstones onto your piece. He carefully sets the central stone into the mount. If side stones are involved, the setter needs to hand drill for these before setting. Using a microscope, they then set each separate stone.
In the final stage, a polisher works to make sure the metal is polished to perfection so it’s as shiny as possible. Or it only needs a light final polish to bring out the luster and shine of the gold. This is done by putting a fine red jeweler’s rouge on a soft cotton cloth and buffing the piece by hand, making sure that all the details and highlights shine. Finally, the jewelry is inspected and each detail is analyzed to make sure production was successful.
Churinga Jewelry Factory Shipping And Payment
We support global supply. Meet your jewelry business with optimal efficiency.
Jewelry Stores Near Me – Churinga Jewelry Factory
Churinga Jewelry Factory FAQ
Q1: Are you direct factory wholesale?
A1:Yes, we are direct factory manufacture with more than 10 years experience. Over 200 new arrivals are launched each month. welcome, contact our customer service to know more details.
Q2: Can I place a sample order?
A2:Yes, we welcome samples to check the quality, mixed samples are acceptable. Depending on the design, the design fee charged for samples is $30-$50, and the sample fee will be refunded when ordering in bulk.
Q3: Can I get mixed products?
A3: Yes. Mix color and designs are available.
Q4: Is there a discount for larger orders of Jewelry?
A4: For new customers, there is a small discount, but when the value of the order is increased, we will provide a larger discount. For previous customers, we are happy to provide a discount for your loyalty. Please enquire.
Q5: How to place an order?
A5: You can choose some items you like online, or you can write down the item/code number, with quantities you want, contact our customer service to place an order.
Q6: Can I get one customized sample that laser my logo or make my design?
A6: Yes, OEM or ODM is welcome. customized designs, materials, sizes & colors are available. our designer will according to your picture or ideas to draw/design pictures. The product will arrange production when you confirm. We are willing to provide you with one/two samples for your testing of our design and quality. Sample charged the US $20-100/design depends on the design, sample charge will refund upon bulk order.
Q7: What is the lead time?
A7: It depends on the order quantity and the season you place the order. Generally, it is 2-3 days after getting payment if the goods are in stock. If it is not in stock, normally 7-15 days for small quantity and simple style, and about 25-30 days for large quantity and complicated style. Please kindly contact us and we will provide you with an estimated production time more exactly based on your need.
Q8: When can I get the quotation?
A8: We usually quote you within 24 hours after we get your inquiry. If you are very urgent to get the quotation. Please call us or tell us in your mail, so that we could regard your inquiry priority.
Q9: What’s your after-sales service?
A9: We will have a full inspection before the order ship out, but once you find any defective/short of quantity/other problem, pls send us the related pictures by email within one week, we will suggest to you our best solution to satisfy your requirement.
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Top 10 Most Selling (Black) Watches for Men in 2019
10 Diwali Gift Ideas for 2019When it involves selecting an appropriate timepiece, practicality and characteristic are important. However, style and design are also critical factors to don't forget. For centuries – watchmakers have honed their craft to create complicated portions of mechanisms that are constructed to outlive the person carrying them.
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There’s an amazing choice of timepieces, both new and antique available thru a network of legal stores and 0.33 birthday celebration sellers round the world. With such various choices, the extent of enjoy and information amongst sellers is as giant as the sector is extensive.
Even something as simple as the coloration is an essential choice so as to affect how, whilst and in case you wear your watch in destiny. For modern gents, a black watch may be a fantastic alternative. Sometimes you want something subtler to pull a glance collectively perfectly.
Whether you wear it for work or play, exploration or a day within the workplace, our choice of the high-quality black watches for guys features something for the budding watch fiend or the pro.
1. Timex Water purchase Classic Buying a slick, sharp all-black watch doesn’t need to be an expensive exertion. In fact, Timex proves that quite well here. The Waterbury line is a surprisingly latest addition to the emblem’s line of without problems wearable, lower-priced timepieces, and the subtle-yet-informal nature of this watch best adds to the brand’s allure.
The very congenial fee and a placing black dial and black strap emphasize an eye fixed that’s simply as easily wearable with a white Oxford as with a slender pocket tee. The brusque, smooth, vintage-stimulated appearance is a nice mash-up of patterns, and for only $a hundred, that’s approximate as lots as you can ask for in a exquisite all-black watch.
2. Suunto Core Military Men’s Outdoor Black Watch The Suunto Core is the most completely featured altimeter watch. The Core has something for each person: water resistant buttons for snorkelling and shallow diving, greater correct altimeter and barometer capabilities, nicer graphs, and a slightly easier-to-use interface with a well labelled easy-to-apprehend menu. While honestly not a ‘must have’ feature, the Core has dawn/sundown instances.
You can access this by way of choosing your place. As a result you could recognize sundown/sunrise times and set alarms. If you’d alternatively solution the query ‘how some distance is it?’ in meters than minutes – like the professionals do – then the Suunto Core is for you, though we’re sure that maximum hikers, skiers and snorkelers will keep in mind spending a bit greater to get a sports activities watch with a GPS. However, the Suunto Core’s long battery lifestyles and dependability make it hard to resist.
3. Casio G-Shock GA 100 Series Black Watch Casio has been one of the high-quality watch organizations for absolute ages. It’s no wonder they’ve stood the test of time. They come ready to price with this mechanical-looking all-black watch that catches your eye.
Crafted completely in the United States and accurate inside 1/a thousand of a second, you could utilise your stopwatch and pace indicator. Use the anti-magnetic structure to keep your self secure, and the automated LED lighting to kick within the afterglow effect.
Twenty-9 global travel instances, which include forty-eight towns all come preferred in G-Shock GA 100, whilst the sunlight hours financial savings time feature comes with a clear and specific on/off switch. Shock resistant, and best for up to six hundred toes of underwater travel.
4. Omega Speed Master Moon watch Omega is a logo for the gentleman. It has been within the commercial enterprise of imparting quality timepieces for decades. The Speedmaster Moonwatch is a tribute to the reality that astronauts who landed at the moon wore watches made via the organisation. This conventional all-black watch is for discerning guys with flavor.
Also called the “Dark Side of the Moon,” this watch retains some essential design elements of the original Speedmaster Professional while additionally including a few clean touches to attract new lovers. It comes with  sub-dials in preference to the original 3.
The Omega Speedmaster Moonwatch suggests solid construct with a zirconium oxide ceramic case on a leather-based strap. It has a case diameter of 44.25 mm and springs with a sapphire crystal exhibition-styled case again. The watch also boasts self-winding automated motion.
This all-black version is without a doubt a head-turner, however you want a fat pockets to get one. If the overall design doesn’t deliver that immediately, the 18K white gold dials ought to.
5. Seiko Prospex Sea Black Series Seiko stays an industry chief with regards to dive watches at an affordable price range. This significantly chunky Prospex model is 44 millimeters in diameter, so it wears a tad large, however if you could handle the scale, it’s a stable choice that you may rock just about everywhere.
A hard black coating is carried out to the watch case to represent the darkness of the deep sea. The tangerine orange minute hand reflects the light utilized by the night time diver to discover marine existence and locate their way inside the blackness.
This arrow hand’s accuracy is seen at night due to Seiko’s LumiBrite era as are the massive hour markers. Together the black case, orange indices and LumiBrite coating create an appropriate contrast for optimum visibility underwater and a fashionable aesthetic.
Night divers see marine lifestyles in a totally one-of-a-kind manner depending completely on their light’s beam for navigation and to witness species come alive of their natural habitat; an pleasing, magical world with colourful shades enhanced with the aid of their darkish surroundings. The series captures this spirit of descending underwater at night time each featuring features that meet Seiko’s excessive requirements for diving watches. List of Corporate Diwali Gifts for, 10 Diwali Gift Ideas for 2019
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lovelyfantasticfart · 4 years
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Liberty Women NYC
Women Fashion Early 20th Century
There may be loads that may be supplied on the planet of trend. However, most of the fashion motion is all centered around the design and sale of women fashion garments. It is the general tendency for ladies to buy more variety of clothes and spend bigger quantities on their attire.
There are two fundamental dynamics of women's trend. One is that there's a greater willingness to pay for clothes, and likewise that they purchase in larger volumes. Women's fashion, by and large is extra delicate to adjustments in model, and the tendencies are more pronounced in ladies fashion clothes.
It is all these dynamics that cause trend designers and attire manufactures to focus their attention extra towards women's vogue. It's definitely extra fun to work with ladies's garments since there is plenty extra scope for experimentation and expression when it comes to creativity.
Fashion is an business which is never hit by recession, since ladies will continue to purchase garments, irrespective of how the market looks. While the volumes are what may look to take successful, there's sure to be steady movement in the market. This is why you may be more certain that you'll get better your money.
Girls's trend is all the time shifting. Kinds and cuts change with traits, seasons and market movements. There's plenty of scope to get into this enterprise in lots of respects. This is a great avenue so that you can examine and grow in the market as a designer and manufacturer. You may as well try to look at this from the aspect of distribution and retail, since there may be quite a lot of room for income and development.
When you think about girls fashion garments, you are likely to imagine that it is much less delicate to price. Whereas this is true for the higher ends and premium manufacturers, there is a definite sensitivity to price as far as common and bulk purchases are concerned. For this reason there's a bigger volume of movement throughout gross sales and reductions.
Girls have a lot of enjoyable shopping for their clothes, and in addition as a lot enjoyable when being in the industry. There may be nice potential for women to be within the business since they know and perceive the nuances of it. Ladies who're in trend have recognized to be immensely successful and luxuriate in large satisfaction. It takes a lady to know another, and due to this fact, there is a great distinction that may be felt in the smallest areas.
It has rightly been said by trend gurus that yr 2010 is and can continue to be an interesting and exciting yr for style. With the top of the worldwide financial crisis and recession trend, an upheaval in the style world was seen to start with of the yr and this is continuing. In all the fashion shows that have taken place up to now, a brand new customary of fashion stand up is seen. The latest trends in ladies trend 2010 have been inspired by yesteryear's classic styles with a touch of sex, pores and skin, colours, gildings and naturally angle and glamor. Allow us to see some of the latest women vogue tendencies 2010.
2010 Style Colors, Prints and Patterns
There is a combine of soppy, delicate styles with sporty look in the Spring/Summer 2010. Little doubt, you could possibly trace a touch of previous style but blended with fashionable outlook on this season. The favored colours for the 12 months are impartial shades, sober colors and also different colours just like the blues, pinks, browns and surprisingly a colour like neon green. An essential side of women style trends in 2010 is that heavy patterns and prints, earthly tones teamed up with daring and outrageous designs are in this year. So there is nothing fallacious or embarrassing to experiment with a impartial apparel, staff up with bright coloured footwear like pumps and jewelries to carry some color to your look. Or get your self a gorgeous dress with huge floral or other prints all over, and team it up with patterned hand bags and stockings and hooped jewelry.
Fashion Developments 2010 in Girls Trend Wear
While the final decade saw the style circuit being dominated by tight denims, the ladies vogue wear trends in 2010 has seen the emergence of loose pants. So go for a dishevelled denims and throw on a unfastened kurti or tunic this yr. Wearing sporting attire can be a pattern in 2010. So you may see in the trend stores, designer jogging fits and fashionable sweat pants. These two traits have clearly shown that trend 2010 is more centered on consolation, moderately than appears to be like.
Scorching women shorts in bright and vibrant colors have made their method in 2010. Colorful chunky jewelry and equipment and big glasses play a significant role in including glamor to your ensemble. Don't wear too brief shorts so as to make your self a vogue disaster. A sultry and sexy excessive costume is in for individuals who do not prefer to put on shorts. This particularly appears to be like good on those who have properly toned legs and pores and skin.
Full skirts are out in 2010 and this development has been replaced bandage skirts. Actually, the fashion designers have concluded that the the bandage skirt is the "it" piece of fashionable clothes for ladies for work or an evening out. A fitted top gives the right slim determine look, accentuating the waistline. Mini skirts in neutral tones are also in this 12 months.
Women trend pattern 2010 has additionally seen the informal fitted t-shirts paired with denim jeans trying good on ladies for Liberty Women NYC that cool look. Denim jeans will never be go out of trend. There's a comeback of torn denims teamed with white t-shirt.
You may accent your look it doesn't matter what your fashion of clothes with the suitable womens vogue equipment. There are tons of accessories you can choose from too, like sun shades or scarves. Style equipment can even be worn together to create a unique look. You may just have to determine which kinds of accessories will make the proper you.
These classic items are an iconic image of the elegant lady. Each girl ought to have one in all these womens vogue accessories of their wardrobe. There are several uses for a scarf too. You'll be able to put on one around your neck, use it to guard your hair on a windy or rainy day and even use it to tie up your hair if you aren't as much as concerned styling of your hair.
Plus scarves are simply beautiful to take a look at. They arrive in paisleys, strips, polka dots and other extra elaborate designs. The precise scarf can really make a look pop.
Remember scarves are like make up colours. In case you are a fall then you'll want to search for scarves which are slightly darker in shade, maroons, browns, tans and so on. If you're a spring pick a shawl with lighter colors like pinks and blues. This goes for the other make up 'types'.
Sun shades
Even in the winter you can want a pair of sun shades if it's a really sunny day exterior. You will have to just be sure you pick a pair of these excessive class womens vogue accessories for any season. Sunglasses is usually a surprisingly expensive merchandise but they are also very useful and may simply accent a glance perfectly.
When searching for a pair of sunglasses to accent you, be sure you pick up some with UV safety and medium to dark shades. So, you'll be able to wear them even on the brightest days and feel snug.
The lenses shouldn't overwhelm your face, so the smaller your face the smaller your lenses. These big aviator fashion lenses aren't the look for a petite young woman. In case you should go with massive lenses choose a pair with solely gentle tinting. So folks will have the ability to see your eyes behind the lenses and they won't overwhelm as a lot.
Hair Ties/Clamps/Barretts
Even your hair deserves some fabulous womens vogue accessories. They're nice for bad hair days, days once you simply do not want to bother and people days if you need to exhibit a fairly new accent in your hair.
The type of hair accessory you pick for your hair on any given day actually depends upon how you are feeling. A hair clamp is a good strategy to pull again medium to lengthy hair and nonetheless look classy. Hair ties are quick and straightforward methods to tug long hair out of your face. Barretts are famous for holding down those unruly curls.
There are clearly numerous different kinds of womens fashion equipment to select from for your look. Choose one thing that matches you. Purses and luggage are great accessories and they are a fast place to stow your entire goodies. Jewelry at all times reveals off the girl and it's an excellent solution to invest a few of your cash.
On the subject of womens vogue with a view to keep in trend you need to watch every season's runway designs so that you can just be sure you are present and up-to-date. With that in mind, now that we're getting close to the top of snowstorms and near hotter weather it is time to update your spring wardrobe so that you're prepared from the first time you step out your door into the breezy fresh air of spring. So as to get so far nonetheless you might have considered trying to take a look at the next developments and tips for dressing proper this spring.
To start with, this spring the army designs of winter will carry over, only this time they will worked into lighter materials. You can't go incorrect with any spring jacket or raincoat that has a navy barred style down the entrance or buttons throughout the breast. Although you possibly can still get away with brief hipster raincoats, the style is slowly switching in direction of longer below the butt length and even down to the knee for those who pair the coat with a pleasant pair of suede or leather-based boots to elongate your legs.
Subsequent up in spring designs is the abstract pattern, which can be typically known as the architectural design, and is lighting up the catwalks across the globe. The essence of this womens trend development is sharp cuts and accents that really make a shirt, dress, or skirt look sharp, edgy and trendy.
Traditionally for those who stick with tender hues with sharp black edging or accents you may be okay, however if you want to push the style envelope you might need to create your own summary clothes by pairing solids with sharp jewellery that stands out across the clothing.
In terms of cowboy boots at the moment they are not a function piece of footwear. Relatively they've develop into a very important accent in many ladies's wardrobes right this moment. Discovering an important looking pair of womens trend cowboy boots has become a fantastic deal easier by means of the introduction of the web.
As you perform a search on-line you'll discover that there are lots of wonderful styles and designs to pick out from and among the most popular of these are those created by Lucchese. In addition to trying absolutely gorgeous the best way through which these boots are made ensures that they match snuggly offering you with real comfort when worn. Investing in a pair of those boots can actually improve any outfit that you at present have in your wardrobe.
The corporate was founded again in 1883 and was situated in San Antonio, Texas. When founded the company chose to produce practical footwear not solely to the ranchers located around the town but in addition a nearby army base as nicely. It was started by a household who chose to immigrate to the USA from Italy where for a few years that they had been making shoes. Nevertheless on arrival within the US they determined the time had come for them to develop and they mixed the art of Italian shoe making with the styling that has now turn into synonymous with all makes and styles of cowboy boots immediately.
However then in the 1960's one of the direct descendants who based Lucchese grew to become more involved in the human anatomy particularly when it came to posture and feet. Because of this interest the information gained helped the company to move on in creating new designs and have now developed into a number of the world's most orthopedically wholesome cowboy boots.
At the moment after greater than one hundred years of constructing such boots they still design all theirs by hand. However the corporate is no longer to be found in San Antonio however now in El Paso. To ensure that every single pair of their womens style cowboy boots meet this company's exacting standards all their staff endure intensive coaching in relation to the making of their boots. In reality no other cowboy boots are created in the same method that these by Lucchese are.
Every design of shoes that Lucchese create are required to have the ability to conform to the form of an individual's ft so that in addition they feel like one is wearing a second pores and skin. As you'll expect the finest leather-based is used in the making of their boots and every bit of leather-based used is rigorously chosen to make sure that the quality of those boots stays high. Also they'll only use the best high quality leather of their boots to ensure that they can produce very detailed designs on them so you know they honestly will make an announcement when worn. These are the varieties of womens cowboy boots that shouldn't be hidden away however worn clearly seen to everyone.
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