#chujin more like a pointy coyote like that one person said
uty-confessions · 5 days
Hi this is the anon with the complaint about Chujins design again. I think his design on it's own is nice, I like that he's not just an orange fox and his glasses give him fun expressions. I just really hate the "fantasy species with extreme variety between individuals but all the couples have both members look the same" trope. Like if Chujin was anyone but Ceroba's husband I would've enjoyed his design a lot more but now it just gives me "we can't make him another kind of monster that would be weird" vibes, you kind of get the maid mariam thing (from disney's robin hood, she's a fox woman in a family of lions but she has to be a fox because she's the love interest for the protagonist who is a fox). Though at least Kanako doesn't look like a clone of one of her parents, I guess the black hair is Cerobas natural hair color and the brown is from the purple mixing with the beige. though kind of a shame a lot of aged up version of her just turn her into a Ceroba recolor.
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