🐷 With Laslow! There's a great moment where he's a big feedee to Peri's feeder so fun to be had there
When Anankos had come to Ylisse, asking for help to save his home, it hadn’t taken much convincing to get Inigo, Severa and Owain to agree to give him their aid. After seeing Grima defeated, and hearing what Anankos could tell them of his dragon half, the three couldn’t help but see the similarities in this other realm’s plight. A dragon gone mad in another life had taken everything from them, and having saved their futures in this world, helping to save others from the same sort of pain felt only right to them.
They had to change their names and their attire to blend in, but upon crossing the bridge between space and time, something had gone a little…haywire for Inigo – or, Laslow, he supposed he should get used to going by that now. 
It wasn’t anything horrible, really, he just…Well, to put it plainly, he came out the other end a little mixed up. It was terribly embarrassing, realizing that he had the ears and tail of a pig. Laslow wasn’t a vain person, but he did think himself rather charming to look at, and this surely wouldn’t help his already abysmal track record with women. They got no explanation for why this had happened from Anankos, but, luckily enough, Owain – now Odin – was able to hide the offending features with a glamour, as he called it – essentially, it was a spell that would make him look just as he had before they traveled over from Ylisse.
It had worked surprisingly grand for most of their time in Nohr, to the point where Laslow had practically forgotten about it, but a hitch cropped up eventually…
As the conflicts between Nohr and Hoshido hit a fever pitch – and Valla came into play – Laslow had become quite close to his fellow retainer, Peri. As with most of his interactions with those of the fairer sex, it hadn’t gone completely smooth. Peri was an incredibly unique person, and they both had some very hit or miss moments before they eventually hit the sweet spot with each other.
And, boy, what a sweet spot it was!
Outside of being utterly vicious on the battlefield, Peri was a master of cooking. She could handle anything in the kitchen with ease and glee, and once they were wed and there was less fighting for her to take part in, Peri took to the kitchen to get her energy out. It helped her curb her tendency to maim servants, something that Laslow stood very firm on not being a good thing, and gave her an outlet for the anxieties of her past. As a result, they had very few servants around, especially when it came to the kitchens; they mostly handled all the work to be done in their own home, so there was rarely a need for anyone else to help around the place.
Of course, on account of spending so much more time in the kitchen, it seemed a great deal of their relationship revolved around the incredible dishes Peri would make. She’d often excitedly tell Laslow what she had planned for the day, and he’d do his best to make the whole meal feel like a special event – it was like they’d never stopped courting after marriage.
Peri never did anything by halves, however, and this is where that previously mentioned hitch comes in…
Overenthusiasm in the kitchen led to Peri making way too much food for just the two of them. Laslow often did his best to eat as much as he could, but he wasn’t the type to really eat more than two servings at a meal. He didn’t want his darling wife to think that he disliked anything she made – which was true, he honestly loved every meal she’d cooked for him – so he tried to push his stomach to take in more at every meal, much to Peri’s gleeful encouragement. In the sense of taste, it wasn’t an issue; Laslow would eat her cooking nonstop, if he could, simply for the tastes alone! It was how rich and dense everything was that made it so difficult…
After every meal – breakfast, lunch, dinner – Laslow felt like he’d swallowed a lead ball. An incredibly delicious lead ball, but a lead ball all the same. He’d usually end up beached in bed by the end of the day, moaning and groaning as he tried to rub some relief into his overstuffed belly.
And, really, there was nothing else to call it but a belly now. Where before he’d had a trim, lithe physique, the past few months had seen his middle round out steadily with every heavy meal he ate. Of course, the rest of him seemed to be following with this trend; his ass and thighs had plumped up as well, a small swell of a double chin and even some jiggle to his arms. What else he’d started to notice, after every meal, is that the spell Odin had cast on him seemed to flicker away more and more. It had been hardly noticeable at first, just a flash of there and then gone again, but as time went on and Peri continued to encourage him to eat more and more of her food, those dreaded pig features were coming back full force.
Laslow had done his best to keep his ears and tail from his wife hidden, but Peri was more observant than she let on, and he tended to get so wrapped up in their meals that he didn’t notice the way her gaze would be drawn to those oddly cute features of his. She loved to see him enjoying her food, and what could be better than spoiling her little piggy with the best food she could make, day in and day out?
All she had to do was get her darling husband to accept what he was…
Laslow sighed to himself as he stared hard at his reflection in the mirror. He really was leaning in a bit too much with this happy wife, happy life thing. He’d gone from chubby to downright fat, his clothes getting harder and harder to squeeze into. Not only that, of course, but those blasted pig ears and curly tail were back full force. He’d have to see if Odin could repeat the spell he’d used before, but it was a bit difficult to get into contact with his theatrical friend.
“Hey, Las, I have a special treat for you~!”
Laslow jumped at Peri’s voice, immediately pulling his hands away from where he’d been inspecting his sagging belly and rotund buttocks. “O-Oh, do you now?” he stammered, startled by her sudden appearance in the room.
“Mhm, why don’t you go lay down on the bed. Get nice and comfortable for me,” Peri purred in his ear, steering him away from the mirror and over to their bed. Her fingers sunk in just a bit as she held onto his arm, making her burst out into an excited grin as she practically shoved him backwards onto the mattress.
“Hey!” Laslow yelped in surprise, cringing a little when the bed creaked at his weight being tossed onto it. “What sort of treat is this…?”
Grinning widely, Peri snapped her fingers. A small parade of people came in through the door, carrying in what had to amount to a mountain of food; platters, plates, bowls – all piled high and overfull with food. Laslow squirmed as the bountiful feast that Peri had put together was laid out around him on the bed, the servants quick to leave despite Peri’s cheerful mood. He stared at her like a deer in the headlights as she locked the door behind the last person, and picked her way onto the bed with all the ease of a prowling cat. 
“We’re gonna do something fun, and it’ll bring out your true colors,” Peri hummed, delighted with herself, as she picked out a plate of fluffy-looking cupcakes from the large stash of food she’d had brought in. They were moist and fluffy, liberally covered in pastel pink frosting and each topped with a bright red cherry. “And I don’t wanna hear any complaining, alright? I’m gonna make you feel so special,” she giggled, pressing the first cupcake eagerly to his mouth.
Laslow was flustered and confused, but obliged and opened his mouth, biting into the baked treat without too much hesitation. He groaned at the sweet flavor of it, fingers curling just a bit into the bedsheets as he chewed and swallowed. Gods, that was good, and as soon as he’d made a noise of approval at the taste, Peri didn’t give him any time to formulate a question as to what had brought all this on. Peri watched closely as she fed him one cupcake after another, Laslow easing into the simple pace and the tasty treats quickly, her eyes glittering with excitement when she saw the flicker and sputter of what had to be magic around him.
“That’s right, just keep on enjoying those,” she crooned, letting him suck frosting off her thumb as she watched whatever spell that had been concealing his altered ears and tail shimmer away, leaving those adorable pig features out in the open now. “Aw, there’s my cute li’l piggy!”
Jolting out of the sweet distraction of cupcakes at those words, Laslow immediately tried to cover up those floppy ears with his hands, his face a brilliant red from embarrassment. “W-Wait, no, don’t–” he began to protest, but Peri quickly silenced his worries by shoving the last cupcake into his open mouth.
“I’m so mad you tried to hide something so cute from me, my little piggy!” Peri huffed, though there was a playful grin on her face as she pressed her pointer finger against his frosting smudged lips. “But, you can make it up to me, lovely. That’s what all this is for, after all! I told you I was going to make you feel special, and I will. I just need my cute pig to do what cute pigs do best~”
Struggling to chew and swallow through so much stuffed into his mouth at one time, Laslow managed out a muffled, “…And what’s that?”
Pushing him back against the headboard, and swinging a leg over his chubby belly so that she could straddle his plush hips, Peri leaned in close with a familiar, predatory smile on her face.
“Piggies eat and eat, and they just love whatever food they’re given! And I brought my piggy only the best of what I can make, so he better to his best to eat it all up!” she giggled, eyes narrowing and grin seeming sharper as she reached for a fresh plate of food.
Laslow wasn’t sure if he should be scared, embarrassed or aroused at this – being the man he was, he chose to embrace the aroused above the other two and inspect those feelings after this was all said and done.
Peri was fast and furious with her feeding, barely letting him breathe between mouthfuls. She did distract him with affection, though; kissing at his neck and chubby cheeks, teasing licks at the corner of his mouth that would only turn into a kiss if he managed to finish off what she’d given him to eat in time, sharp nails pinching and grabbing at his stomach as it steadily filled up to the brim with food. It was fascinating to watch for her, to see the soft lump of his gut turn hard and bloated as she stuffed him absolutely silly with good food. His entire face was flushed a beautiful red, his chubby body squirming on the sheets as she teased and taunted him. He made the best noises, too; breathless moans after swallowing down a large serving of food, whines and cute whimpers when she roughly pressed the heel of her palm against the stuffed bulge of his stomach. 
They were about halfway through the mountain of dishes when Laslow really started to slow up, pudgy hands rubbing carefully at his overfull tummy. There was almost no give left, just a tight, round belly gurgling away as it struggled to process the influx of food. 
“Aw, come on, we’re not done yet, sweetheart!” Peri urged, knees squeezing into his plush thighs as she grabbed onto the doughy rolls at his side and gave him a little shake. “I went though so much work to make all this for you, piggy, and I want you to eat it…”
Laslow grunted, trying to find a comfortable position, but stuck on his back from the sheer amount of food weighing his gut down as well as Peri’s deceptively strong hold on him. “B…But I don’t think I can–Mmph?!” his wheezing protest is cut off by Peri shoving more food into his face, his pig ears perking up at the force she used. 
“Ah, ah, ah…Good little piggies do as they’re told~” Peri hummed, continuing to feed him past his limits, one hand massaging and squishing at his overstuffed belly as she forced more into it with determination. 
She’d give him a good long cuddle after they were done, but only until he’d licked every plate clean and she’d busted those straining buttons off of his pants first.
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