#chu jimin layouts
outrodive · 1 year
can you make jimin x barbie layouts pls? 🤍 thank chu
posted! ❤︎ i hope they're worth the wait ☹️
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4wons · 3 years
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just b layouts !!
like or reblog if you save/use <3
icons are mine
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swolix · 3 years
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ㅤㅤ 大 : ⌗ JM x AMIN LAY0UTS ⌗ : 大
大 : like or reblog if u save & don't repost : 大 feerbell
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hik6ru · 3 years
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— for private/personal use only! no commercial use please.
— repost are allowed as long you put proper credit.
— don't claim this layout as yours!
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hi-imghost · 4 years
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ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ♥︎ :: Youngbin x Jimin • I-Land
like/reblog if you use/save !
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nightowlfandom · 4 years
Bully! Park Jimin- I’m Your Devil (DIRRRRTTYY)
So...I got a new computer and I have no clue how to screenshot on it as of now...and tbh I don’t feel like figuring out how. SO I’m gonna be experimenting with some layouts but until then you just have these annoying announcements.
Anyways, ANON ASKS  🧑🏿‍🎤  🧑🏿‍🎤  🧑🏿‍🎤 (you know who you are wink wink)
may I request a really aggressive schoolbully!jimin / sadistic!jimin smut inspired by the songs daddy issues, into it, and the hills :) 
Y’all some masochists but I ain’t mad.
Just know ya worth and if anyone treats you like this in real life, punch them in the balls. That being said, This is also LOOOONG. I didn’t plan for it to be but yeah. ALSO I GOT YOUR OTHER ASK SO I GOT CHU. I’m not sure if this is good but I hope I did you justice.
Reader who isn’t a virgin, really mean bully man, more foreplay than actual smut lol sorry, touch of diet-angst
“Okay class, what do you think the author was trying to say when she was describing her relationship with Damien?”
You sat at your desk, chin propped up in your hand as you gazed off longingly into space. This was one of the rare times you decided to pay attention because your class was reading your favorite book. “The Young Devil” (Completely made up lol). 
“She’s obviously a broken woman if she thinks Damien is ever gonna change his ways. She’s a stiff.” a comment made you practically fall forward. You turned your head to find the culprit of who said such a thing about your favorite character. “Anyways, she’s too safe. She couldn’t handle his issues.”
“Well maybe if Damien made an effort to open himself up, Belle wouldn’t have to pry so hard.” another girl rolled her eyes. “Men always think women can’t handle what they throw when in reality we take the heat for your dumb asses.”
“Interesting conversation. Y/N, what do you think?” the teacher took note that you were paying more attention and turned her sights on you. “What do you think about the dynamic between Damien and Belle?”
You cursed yourself for looking too interested. You hated speaking. “I...Um.” you opened your mouth and closed it again, unsure of what to say. “I think Damien’s refusal to allow Belle to see the other side of him not only puts their mental connection at risk, but physical as well.” you replied. 
“What do you mean physical?” she egged you on to elaborate. “As in sex?”
“W-well, yes and no.” you shrugged. “Belle prides herself on building connection through touch. She can’t have sex with Damien because she doesn’t feel loved by him. To him sex is just a thing you do. He gets his pleasure from bullying her, that’s his high.” you explained. “She claims she doesn’t care but if she didn’t, she wouldn’t spend her time wishing he was different...or something.” you played with your hands, staring down at your fingers.
The teacher stared at you before a smile broke out on her face. “Excellent analysis, Y/N!” she clapped her hands together. You returned the smile with the tiny bit of confidence that built up inside you. “Yes, Jimin did you have something you wanted to add?”
You turned your head to find the always mouthy Park Jimin lazily raising his hand. “She likes being bullied by him.” he said as if it was a matter of fact. 
“Excuse you?” you couldn’t help but speak out. Suddenly the entire class was quiet. They had never heard you speak so abruptly before. “What the hell do you mean she likes it.”
“She wouldn’t put up with it if she didn’t like it.” he raised an eyebrow. “She could just tell him to leave her alone, get lost or something.”
“How in the hell would Belle enjoy someone like Damien embarrassing her every minute he gets. Are we reading the same book?” you sat up straight crossing your arms. 
“Now this is getting interesting.” the teacher mumbled.
“You can tell by her actions. The rush of her blood when she blushes, the way she stammers over her words, the way she listens to his every word...much like you are right now, princess.” he winked. His smug grin alone made your blood boil.
“Oh and I suppose his possessive ways are warranted in your eyes too aren’t they.” you scoffed.
“Maybe, I mean she even says herself she feels cared about.” he shrugged.
“Because Damien is a manipulative dickhead!” you snapped. “He obviously wants her around because she’s the only girl who gives a shit about his life and he’d feel lost without her.” you snarled. “Then again I would expect this point of view from a man who changes bitches like he changes his underwear.” (A/N we don’t hate women here).
“Language Miss. L/N.” the teacher spoke. You rolled your eyes, glaring at Jimin one last time before facing forward. The whole class was silent.
“Nice one Y/N” a girl on your opposite side nudges you.
“Not bad for a quiet girl.” a boy piped up.
As classes were let out for the day you wordlessly avoided the looks you got from your other classmates. You walked down the halls, holding your books tightly to your chest. 
“Oi, Hey L/N!” 
You weren’t sure if the sound of Jimin’s voice made you wanna speed up or slow down. It didn’t matter because he went as far as to run and stop right in front of you. 
“Um..What?” you looked up at him.
“Oh, not excited to see me?” he scoffed with a sadistic smile. You didn’t know what he was planning but you didn’t like it. “Way to try and debate me in class today, who knew you had a mouth on you.”
“I was just answering the teachers question..I don’t want any trouble..” you clutched your books even tighter. Before he could reply a girl ran up, practically attaching herself to him. 
“JIMMY YOU HAVE DANCE PRACTICE!” she practically screeched. “Why are you talking to her?”
“Oh...Y/N here was-” he paused. “Just confessing her undying love for me!”
“What! No I wasn’t!” you tried to deny, but it was too late. Everyone who was around heard him. “I don’t have a crush on you!” You felt your face heart up.
“Oh Y/N, You don’t have to hide it! Why else would you speak to me passionately in class today.” his sick grin never left his face. You could tell this was his revenge for embarrassing him in class. “You were telling me all about how you couldn’t sleep another night without telling me. How you want me in more ways than one.”
He spoke loud enough so others could hear.
“That’s not true!” you snapped. You were trembling. Humiliation filled your body and was overflowing, much like the tears of embarrassment you couldn’t fight anymore. “I’m not in love with you.”
“Oh Y/N, you don’t have to hide it anymore. I know everything. The love letters, the staring-”
But it was too late, people were already giggling and staring at you with pity. You took one last look at Jimin, who was already walking away, gleefully accepting the high fives from the pigs who dared to say ‘Nice score.’
“Are you alright, Y/N?’ a girl came up to you, putting her hand on your shoulder. “Should we go to the headmaster?” 
You didn’t answer, you just ran. You ran out the school, unknowingly into the pouring rain. It seemed the sky matched your mood today. You let out all the tears, not caring who saw or who looked at you as if you had lost your mind. Your house was far, but you didn’t care about that either. In that moment you felt as helpless as the character you loved dearly, Belle. 
You ignored everyone the next day, even your small group of lunch buddies. You worked alone, you sat alone at lunch, and by the time free period had rolled around, you had opted to hide. However, just as you prepared yourself to leave, who else but Jimin to stopped you in the middle of the halls. 
“Well if it isn’t my little admirer!” Jimin spoke loud enough to capture the attention of those around you. He ‘accidentally’ slapped your books out of your hands. “Oh, I’m sorry Y/N...Go ahead, pick those up.”
Without another word you knelt down, only to have him kick one of your books to the side. “What’s this! A diary!” 
A brown and black leather bound hardcover book sat at his feet. You instantly scrambled to get it, but he had managed to get his hands on it. “Isn’t this interesting!” 
“Jimin please don’t-!” you stood up, forgetting about your textbooks.
“Dear friend,-” he cleared his throat dramatically as he flipped through the pages of your diary.
Dear journal,
My life is nothing like stories I read about all the time. Each and every night I’d wish for my handsome devil to come. Come and take me away from here, away from the hate, away from the commotion, away from Park fucking Jimin. I don’t know what I’ve done to make him hate me the way he does. I just wish he’d be nice to me...just once. But that is one wish I know won’t come true. He’s just a sadistic asshole who bullies me because he knows I won’t say a word.
So why do i-
You snatched the book out of his hands before he could read any more, this time you were seething with rage. “If you EVER touch my property again I will- I’ll-”
“You’ll do what princess?” he smiled cheekily. “You won’t do a thing to me and we both know it...you’re just like that Belle chick. That handsome devil of yours is just a fever dream, get over it-.”
“Maybe, but I’d rather live in a dream than talk to Satan himself.” you snapped. “You’re just the devil.” you whimpered. “Why do I even put up with you?” you sighed. Jimin suddenly stepped forward. You mentally prepared yourself for the worst.
You felt his lips touch the side of your mouth, had you moved just a bit more, he would have been on your lips. “Because you love me.”
“For this project, I will be assigning you partners
Oh shit...please no. God, no. Dear lord if anyone can hear-
“Alex and Jackson. Lisa and Mark, Y/N and Jimin-”
“Fuck.” you mouthed. You dared looked next to you. Jimin was playfully leaning his cheek against the palm of his hand. He winked at you, taking his bottom lip between his teeth. 
“You will be doing book reports on The Young Devil. You choose the topic, this is due in two weeks. I recommend you get together outside of school.”
As class let out, Jimin followed you. “Sooo, partner! When am I coming over?”
“When pigs fly.” you answered sourly.
“Saturday at 7:00 you said? I’ll be there!” he threw an arm around your waist. “See you there, babe.”
“You don’t even know my address!” you called after him as he walked off. That probably wasn’t the best idea because everyone was staring at you again. “NO! BECAUSE WE HAVE A PROJECT....Nevermind.” you groaned. 
... (Saturday 7:30 PM)
“You’re late.” you seethed as you pulled open the door. Jimin sauntered in and you slammed the door.
Soon it was silent between you two. Before he could open his mouth, you left him standing there to bolt up the stairs. Jimin, being himself followed you. To be honest, you were already starting without him.
“Do you live alone?” he asked, noticing how empty your home was.
“I do.” you replied curtly. “My parents travel around a lot, so I never see them.” you shrugged. “They help me out though.”
“So mommy and daddy take care of everything-”
“You don’t know me.” you cut him off. You sat down at your desk and pulled up your notes, proceeding to work. “They help me because they care...unlike some people.” you scoffed.  “Shut up so I can concentrate.”
“I thought this was a partner thing.” you heard your bed creak. “I think we should put out minds...maybe bodies together and think of a concept.”
“I already have one.” you cut him off.
“Enlighten me.”
“If Damien hadn’t changed by the end of the book, would Belle still be with him.” you mused aloud.
“....” you didn’t reply, because you didn’t want to admit he was right. Probably the only time you’d ever agree with him on anything. 
“What? Still mad at me for reading your little diary?” he asked. Once again, you ignored him. Suddenly, your chair was turned around abruptly and you were now staring at a red faced Jimin. “I don’t like being ignored, doll.”
He was so close, your noses were practically touching. You froze up, afraid to move. 
“Why are you so mean?” you found yourself asking. “What did I ever do to you?”
“Other than refuse to drop that good girl act of yours? We’re a dysfunctional two peas in a pod. I’m an asshole and you’re too much of a stiff to stop me.”
“Act?” you looked confused. “I don’t have an act.” you attempted to defend yourself. 
“Hm...that face you make is kind of hot.” he smirked. He slid his fingertips under your chin. Your vision went blurry, unable to process everything. You absent-mindedly began playing with the hem of your sweater.
“What is your deal!?” you found yourself getting angry as you stood up. Jimin stepped back looking startled. “You’re messing with my fucking head and I’ve had enough! Jimin what did I ever do to you?” you felt it again. Humiliation. “I’m not asking you to be my friend but the least you could do is be nice to me!”
“I don’t do nice, sweetheart. Like you said, I’m the devil.” he walked up to you. “Your blush is like a drug to me.” he laughed. “It’s cute.” he rested his hands on either side of your face. “Fuck, I kinda wanna kiss you right now. Do you wanna kiss me?”
“Yes, I mean no! I mean yes- I mean maybe, I mean fuck!”
Not even a second later, Jimin’s lips were over yours. Despite his bullying, his kiss was gentle. You practically melted. He protectively wrapped an arm around your waist. Your thoughts on the project were long gone. Jimin couldn’t figure out why he felt so protective of you all of a sudden, but thoughts ran through his head. Thoughts that if anyone else kissed you, touched, you even looked your way...he’d go ballistic.
And fuck, you were a great kisser. He held the back of your head with his free hand, guiding you into his touch, which you followed perfectly. His tongue slid through the gap in your mouth, yearning to taste you more. You felt lightheaded as if your heart was about to give out. He pulled away, resting his forehead against yours.
“Maybe I’m so cruel because I don’t know how to act around you.” he whispered. “Maybe I’m trying to be the devil you want so bad.” you could see a flash of sadness in his eyes, which was quickly replaced with lust. “I wanna be your devil, Y/N...”
He kissed you again, this time his warm hands slithered under your clothes. You were by no means a virgin, but the way you felt made you feel shy and exposed. Jimin walked you back towards your bed and practically threw you on the plush surface while he rid himself of his shirt. Your bodies practically melted together, bodies meeting in a sweaty mass of limbs that explored one another. 
Be fumbled with your pants, almost tearing them off you. He gave you a sadistic smile before ghosting his lips over both your thighs. Your legs shook, trying to keep them steady. 
“Have you ever...done anything with anyone?” he asked.
“Once, but nothing special.” you admitted. “It was straight to the point.” you shrugged.
“Then I guess I have nothing to compete against.” he bit his lips. “You smell so good here.” he shuddered. “I wanna-”
He yanked down your panties next. His lips ghosted over your slit, pressing feather light kisses against you. 
You held your breath, unable to register what was going on. His fingers met your clit, sliding his fingers through your slickness. Before you could say another word, Jimin licked a stripe up your slit. You bucked your hips, only to be held down. He sucked harshly at your clit before playing with your little bud with his tongue. 
“F-fuh-” you couldn’t even muster up the words as Jimin played with you. 
“Fuck Y/N.” he groaned. You felt his fingers slid inside of you, coating his fingers in your water. “I don’t know what’s hotter, the look on your face or the way your-”
“D-don’t say it!” you cut him off. “I’m warning you!”
“What?” you could just see she shit-eating grin on his face. “You mean pussy? The way this pussy takes my fingers so well?” (Now from the top, make it drop- I’ll shut up)
He abruptly removed his fingers which made your back arch and lurch upwards. You sat up on his elbows only to witness Jimin rid himself on his pants and boxers. Your eyes widened when you saw his hardness. You couldn’t look away. 
“See something you like?” his voice made you snap out of it. He bit his lip with a grin. He grabbed your legs and aligned himself with you, teasing the hell out of your entrance, just barely touching you with his length. “Am I your devil, Y/N?”
“God, yes.” you couldn’t fight it anymore. 
Slowly, he slid in, groaning at the feel of you around his dick. “Shit Y/N...How the hell am I gonna move when you’re so t-tight. I won’t last 10 seconds.” he whimpered. He slowly thrust again, your juices creating a deep echo in the room. “Hah...Ungh...f-fu” he planted his hands on the bed, one either side of your head. “Y/N...You don’t know what you do to me.”
“J-jimin.” you mirrored his voice, wrapping your arms around his neck. “P-please?”
That was all the motivation he needed to start moving. 
Your moans and yells echoes through the room, the clapping sound of flesh hitting flesh bounced off the walls. Sweat kept your bodies practically glues together. His fingers moved everywhere. Grabbing your sweater that for some reason was still on, grabbing your legs to pull you back into him. Your face to move your hair out of the way so he could witness the euphoria written shamelessly on your face. His jaw went slack and he felt himself getting to that part, and he could tell you were close too.
You were first, practically convulsing under him, screams of his name escaping your lungs.
“ARGH, FUCK!” He followed suit and immediately removed himself from you, only to spray himself...all over your sweater and legs. He felt forward, practically shaking against you. He messily kissed you, not bothering to think about neatness as his tongue invaded your mouth for the umpteenth time.
“Mind if I crash here tonight?” he laughed as he plopped next to you. 
“Sure.” you breathlessly replied. “Project can wait till tomorrow.”
As you drifted off to sleep, Jimin shimmied out of bed and walked over to the open window. He felt the breeze on his skin and closed his eyes. “Please.” He whispered. “I want to treat her well...don’t let me fuck it up.” He silently wished before joining you in bed again, protectively wrapping his arms around you. “I’ll do anything for you, Y/N...I’m your devil....”
Cheesy ending I know but what did ya think?! 
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eterni-ki-moved · 3 years
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hhhh i miss him too much :-:
i'm totally gonna change @euijewels to a chu jimin layout (once his pics come out)
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yixhag · 3 years
I'm tempted to change my ej layout to geonu or smth because the more I stare at it, the more I realize that we're probably not gonna see him for a couple more months
that’s a trick question you’re actually gonna change it to chu jimin
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honeymoonjin · 6 years
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A/N: I’m currently in the phase where novelty has worn off but things haven’t got super exciting yet (same thing happened with all of my other series), so I really apologise if this isn’t great. I just wanted to get something out even if it wasn’t as long as my chapters normally are. This one is 1.8k.
LOST IN TRANSLATION ↳What do you do when you have no qualifications but want to see the world? You help teach English in a Korean primary school, apparently. ↳Principal!Jin, math teacher!Yoongi, PE teacher!Hoseok, English teacher!Namjoon, school nurse!Jimin, art teacher!Taehyung, and science teacher!Jungkook.
CHAPTER FOUR ↳You have your first English class and enjoy a welcome lunch with (almost) all of the teachers.
You lean over to the small boy sitting on the carpet next to you. “Hi there,” you whisper in slow but cheerful English, “my name is Y/n. What is your name?”
The little boy blinked comically, chubby cheeks adorned with two bright red patches from being put on the spot. “My name…is…Min-jae! Nice to mee chu!”
You beam at him and return the sentiment. The two of you were near the back of the classroom, directly across from Namjoon in a closely packed circle of cross-legged kids. You had just finished up roll call, and a pop quiz on what they had covered in their previous lesson, and now Namjoon was passing around little whiteboards with markers attached. It was a different class from yesterday, these kids a bit younger but just as enthusiastic.
After leaving the staffroom, you had immediately regretted turning down the offer of an escort and had ended up slipping into the English room at the last second, with no time to chat to Namjoon before they got started.
“Okay, class,” the teacher announced loudly, cutting through the excited chatter, “today we are learning some new words. We are going to learn how to talk about the weather! Does anyone know any English words about the weather?” The students look around the room curiously, none raising their hands. “Nobody?”
You wait for him to continue, but instead of moving on, he’s gasping, hands to his cheeks like a movie cover, staring straight at you. You give him a confused smile.
“Oh no, students! Y/n doesn’t know any English words about the weather!” The class dissolves into raucous laughter as you put on a glare, trying to stop your lips from curling up. “Y/n, do you never talk about the weather?”
“Yes, I talk about the weather!”
Namjoon’s eyes twinkle behind his silver wire glasses. “Y/n, how is the weather today?”
You take a look out the window. “Today is cold, brr, and it is raining.”
He lets out a laugh at your charade of rubbing your arms up and down. “Exactly! Class, did you understand that?” There was an unpromising proportion of head shakes to nods. Namjoon chuckles and cracks open a blue marker, beginning to write on the whiteboard. “Y/n said two things: it is cold, and it is raining. Cold, cold and raining, raining. Now, in Korean, we…”
You let yourself tune out a little to the explanation, choosing instead to look him over as he passionately explained the intricacies of verbs and adjectives to the bewildered students. You had noticed how he attempted to hunch over a little to make himself seem smaller among the tiny bodies of the children, although his gangly legs stuck out almost halfway into the little circle you were all sitting in.
His dress shirt was a little rumpled and you could see the finger smudges on his glasses from ten feet away, but he still came across as completely put-together and in control. He kept this encouraging smile on constantly as he both spoke and listened to the spiels of the students, and it looked like his skin was practically glowing in the lights of the classroom. You quietly seethed over the fact that your English teacher growing up was a stuck-up lady who was so behind in technology that she requested you fax your essays to her. If you had been taught by a man like Namjoon when you were in high school, you probably would’ve fallen in love on the spot.
What were you kidding; you could probably easily fall in love with him now. As if sensing your thoughts were on him, he glanced over to you and gave you a soft smile. You blushed and looked away quickly, busying yourself by picking at the fibers of the carpet.
“Now we’re going to play a game, everyone,” Namjoon broke off at the enthusiastic cheers, and you couldn’t help but laugh yourself. It seemed the only thing these kids did were games. “Get into groups of three or four and find yourself a spot in the room.”
Your heart grew three sizes when you were immediately flooded by more than five kids, the two on either side of you, Min-jae and a little girl you couldn’t remember the name of, latching onto your arms tightly. You look up at Namjoon, unsure what to do and a little startled.
Namjoon laughs. “Y/n will be with us for a whooole year, guys, so you don’t need to worry. Some of you can form your own group, okay?”
Four students reluctantly pulled away to bunch up together, and you were left with the two beside you, and another little boy who looked scruffy and mischievous. He proudly introduced himself as Ken, and the girl next to you whispered her name shyly, Jisoo.
The game was simple; shout out a word in English relating to weather and you all had to act it out. Groups that did the wrong action were out. However, you (and you suspect Namjoon as well) weren’t prepared for how earnestly the groups would fight for their place in the game. Elaborate backstories would be formed on why fanning your face actually meant it was cold (“because when it’s cold outside, Teacher puts on the heater and then it gets so hot inside!”) or why cowering from the sky wasn’t for rain, it was for sun (“I was being a vampire!”). Namjoon seemed to be an extremely softhearted teacher, and he would keep giving them second and third and fourth chances until the bell rung and you still hadn’t found a winner.
The kids scattered before Namjoon could assign homework, and you walked up to his desk as he sighed and tipped his head back.
“Good class today,” you quipped, “I certainly learnt a lot.”
You averted your gaze from the arched column of his neck as he swallowed before speaking. “I hoped you were a very strict teacher so that we would get some work done for once. But no.”
You laughed a little, stretching out your legs from being sat down on the floor for so long. “Do we have another class?”
Namjoon shook his head. “It’s, uh, break time. The kids eat lunch now.”
“Oh, okay. What do we do?”
He stood up, holding out a large palm. “We eat too. Let’s go.”
Instead of being led back to the staffroom, as it turned out, breaktime was spent with the staff gathering at a picnic table on the corner of the field, looking over the students as some brave ones decided to play in the rain.
No matter the weather, at least one staff member had to be watching over the kids outside during breaks, and, as Art Kim was explaining to you, they decided a few years ago that it was nicer for them to all be together outside rather than fighting over who had to eat alone.
“That is very cute,” you comment, “very nice.”
He smiles softly, grabbing some more meat from the middle and placing it on your still half-full plate before picking out some for himself. “We’ve become a little family here. It’s been the same staff since…” he trailed off, eyes distant, and you followed his gaze to see Jimin with a tense jaw and dark eyes, the first time you had seen him like that since meeting him. “Since a few years ago,” Art Kim finished awkwardly. He brightened up and jostled your shoulder lightly. “That’s why we’re all so excited for you to be here. It’s about time we had a new face in the school.”
Your eyes glaze over a little as you begin to devour small cuts of the beef you had been given. “Is it, um, you, sorry…” You try and do the grammar in your head as he waits patiently. “Is this food what you eat every day?”
He glances at the impressive layout of dishes on the uneven wooden beams of the picnic table. “Oh, no! This is a special welcome lunch for you. We all pitched in and got some traditional Korean food for you to try.”
You look around the table properly for the first time, seeing the kind faces of all the staff that had welcomed you with open arms. “Thank you so much! I’m very grateful.” But as you look them over, you notice one missing. “Uh, where is Teacher Min?”
Teacher Jung immediately bursts into boisterous laughter. The principal reaches out and whacks him on the forehead before turning to you. “He’s gone to get his lunch. Any moment now, he’ll come out and start accusing someone of stealing it.”
The science teacher rolls his eyes and stretches back in his chair. “Hobi’s been stealing Yoongi’s lunch and he thinks none of us know it’s him.”
The teacher in question gasps in offense. “Hey! Who told you?” He shoots you a quick glare before Jimin buts in.
“Ah, hyung,” he chastises, “you’re a terrible liar. All of us except Yoongi know.”
He frowns, crossing his arms over. “You haven’t told him?”
Jeon answers with an easy shrug. “It’s a lot of fun watching Yoongi grow more paranoid. We’ve got a bet on how long it takes him to find out.”
The principal splutters. “You what? Why wasn’t I invited into the bet?”
You feel like you’re watching a tennis match, head swiveling back and forth, mouth slightly open as you focus on each line.
It’s the art teacher that responds to him in a calm baritone. “You can place a bet now if you want. Me and Namjoon have already lost, we thought he’d figure it out within a week. Jungkook says by this Thursday, and Jimin says he won’t realize until someone tells him. What do you think?”
Principal Kim taps his chopsticks against his plate in thought. “What’s the prize?”
“The winner gives all of their homework to one teacher of their choice, who has to grade it. Excluding Yoongi, because he’s suffered enough.” You let out a little laugh at Jeon’s matter-of-fact explanation.
Principal Kim sighs out dramatically. “I don’t have any homework to give away! There’s no point in me taking part. I’ve already got enough on the line if Hoseok wins.”
Jimin looks at a spot in the distance behind you and his eyes fly wide open. “Can I change my bet?” he asks hurriedly. “I think he’s going to figure out right…about…now.”
The yell is so ferocious the students outside freeze in their tracks, and the PE teacher pales, face falling slack.
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