#chronicles of lena luthor being a top
obliviouskara · 2 months
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just a reminder that this katie mcgrath exist
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i was tagged by @dirigibleplumbing​ thank you ^~^ 
RULES: List your Top 5 Canon and Top 5 Non-Canon OTPs. Then, tag 10 people.
- Pepper Potts/Tony Stark (Pepperony) from the MCU
- Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak (Olicity) from Arrow
- Tessa Gray/Will Herondale/Jem Carstairs (Herongraystairs) from the Shadowhunter Chronicles
- Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish from the Raven Cycle
- Stiles/Lydia Martin (Stydia) from Teen Wolf
- Dean Winchester/Castiel (Destiel) from Supernatural
- Kara Zor-El/Lena Luthor (Supercorp?) from Supergirl
- Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (Stony) from Marvel
- Tony Stark/James Rhodes (Ironhusbands) from the MCU
- Sirius Black/Remus Lupin (Wolfstar) from Harry Potter
- Enjolras/Grantaire (Enjoltaire) from Les Miserables
look, because tony features in two from the non-canon, I’m going to consider that as still technically kind of being 5. (i’m here typing this like SHIT I FORGOT [insert ship]). 
I tag @lesty-xx who’s awesome enough for 10 people (but if anyone sees this and wants to do it pls feel free + tag me =D)
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Study Dates - The Lexington Chronicles
The Taylington chapter that nobody asked for, but I felt like I had to write before their first official date!
“Okay, you’re not focusing at all.”
Taylor blinks as Lexi’s hand reaches over to close her book. For a moment, she’s afraid that she’s been discovered- that her secret swooning has become not-so-secret.
It’s not her fault, really.
Her tutor looks ridiculously attractive, with her brown hair pulled back in a low ponytail and a loose black t-shirt over jeans that look impossibly soft. It isn’t fair, really, that she’s expected to focus on physics when a literal goddess is sitting in front of her.
“If you stare at a textbook long enough, it starts to look like a foreign language.” Lexi continues, and Taylor feels herself start to relax.
“It was close enough to a foreign language when we started.” She quips and Lexi grins.
“Well, I think we’ve went over enough for today, it’s only our fourth session and we’ve covered most of the material for the next test.”
Taylor is tired of studying, and the clock on the library wall says 10:30PM; but she isn’t ready for the night to be over. Study dates with Lexington (the other girl’s full name, she had learned), are one of her favorite parts of the week; and she doesn’t want to say goodnight.
Luckily, Lexi must feel the same way.
“Come on, there’s a twenty-four hour diner just down the street.”
Taylor can’t hold back her grin at that, and she packs up her books before taking Lexi’s offered hand.
“Unless you’re ready to get some sleep?”
Lexi sounds a little unsure of herself, but Taylor shakes her head.
“Ready to get out of this library!”
Lexi smiles, and tugs her towards the stairs.
“I have just the thing.”
She tries to ignore the feeling of Lexi’s hand in hers, tries to avoid reading into the gesture. Friends hold hands all the time. The voice inside her head reasons, but her heart doesn’t listen, pounding erratically in her chest. The desk librarian waves at them as they leave, and then the cold of the night air is biting at her cheeks.
“Do you wanna walk or ride?” Lexi asks, and Taylor’s gaze falls on a street bike parked on the cross street.
“Is that yours?”
“No, I stole it from a guy on fifth street.” Lexi deadpans, and Taylor almost believes her, but for the smirk quickly spreading across her face.
“You ride a motorcycle?”  She expects Lexi to blush, or at least fluster, but instead her smirk only grows wider as she passes Taylor a helmet.  
“My Aunt Alex taught me.”
“She sounds pretty cool.”
“She’s an FBI agent, and she’s pretty much the coolest aunt ever.” Lexi’s hands come up to check her chin strap, and she fights back a shiver. “All good?”
Lexi’s aunt is an FBI agent?! On top of her parents being famous? Geez.
“I think so, I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll do all the hard work, you just have to hold on.” Lexi promises, and Taylor’s heart flutters at the thought of what ‘holding on’ entails.
Once Lexi is settled on the bike, Taylor steps on behind her, hesitantly gripping the waist in front of her. If she thought she was going to get away with that, it was wishful thinking; because Lexi’s hands hands reach for hers and tug them tighter before settling back on the handlebars and starting the engine.
The rumble of the motorcycle drowns out the staccato beat of her heart, and they ease out onto the road. She tries to pay attention to where they’re going, but she quickly loses track - distracted by the streetlights flashing by. It’s a peaceful feeling, with a tinge of excitement for the unknown.
When they roll to a stop a few minutes later, Taylor pulls off her helmet and looks around, confused.
“This diner is like two blocks away from the library! We drove for like ten minutes!”
“I thought you might enjoy the scenic route?” The grin on Lexington’s face makes her wonder if the other girl is trying to impress her.
Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
The diner is one that Taylor has walked past on numerous occasions but never stopped at, and she’s a little surprised that Lexi knows it. It doesn’t exactly scream three star Michelin restaurant.
Of course, she’s been consistently surprised by Lexi since they started studying together a few weeks before.
Taylor’s learned a lot about her physics tutor. Like that Lexi loves flowers, and drinks copious amounts of coffee. That she prefers texting over talking on the phone, that she has a ridiculous number of patents for someone so young. And apparently that she loves hole-in-the wall diners.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t one of my favorite customers!” And older, gray haired woman exclaims from behind the counter when they walk in.
“Hi, Ms. Betty!” Lexi grins and takes a seat at the bar after pulling one of the of the stools out for Taylor.
It’s just good manners. She reminds herself, trying to ignore the way her pulse quickens at the chivalrous gesture.
“How’s your mother?”
“She’s good, she still talks about your cakes all the time.”
“And your other mother?”
“Wants to you to start internet delivery of your cakes so that mom will stop talking about your cakes!”
Ms. Betty laughs.
“Well, I think we both know that she can stop by and grab a cake whenever she wants - no internet needed.”
There’s something being hinted at there, but it slides just over Taylor’s head, and she’s being subjected to questioning before she can put too much thought into it.
“And who’s your friend here?”
Taylor would swear that Lexi’s cheeks color slightly.
“This is Taylor, she’s my uh, study partner.”
Ms. Betty’s eyebrows raise, but she doesn’t comment.
“Are you two ready to order?”
Lexi looks to her questioningly.
“Do you like cheese fries?”
Taylor nods.
“And miklshakes?”
Another nod.
“Great! We’ll have two orders of cheese fries and two vanilla milkshakes please.”
“Coming right up!” Ms Betty nods before disappearing into the back of the restaurant.
“Milkshakes and cheese fries?” Taylor questions with a smile and Lexi blushes.
“Is that okay?”
“Oh, definitely! I just never expected you to be a twenty-four hour diner person.”
Lexi grins.
“I think you’ll find I’m full of surprises."
“Oh really?” Taylor can’t help but smirk. “I’ll figure you out yet. Twenty questions?”
“Twenty questions?” Lexi’s brow is furrowed in confusion.
“I ask you a question about yourself and then you ask me a question about myself. We each get twenty question. You’ve never played?”
“Oh, uhh, I never really had a lot of friends growing up? I was always kind of the weird kid. Just me and my books and my computers.”
It’s stated without embarrassment, and Taylor feels her heart break just a little. That having no friends is just a fact.
“Really? I mean, you’re so nice, who wouldn’t want to be friends with you?”
“Well, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m a little socially awkward.” Lexi offers a small grin as she fiddles with her glasses. “And sometimes, if I’m around too many people then it can be overwhelming. Too much stimulation and I kind of . . . shut down,” She taps her head. “Up here. Kind of hard to make friends when you hardly ever want to go out with them and the only conversation starters you have involve the equations for intergalactic space travel.”
“It sounds fascinating to me!”
“Once you’ve been to space . . . “
“You’ve been to space?! I have to hear about this!”
“It’s kind of . . . classified?”
“There’s a classified reason you went to space?”
“I mean it’s not as cool as it sounds.”
Taylor stares at her in complete disbelief, breaking her gaze only to thank Ms. Betty when she drops off their food.
Lexi finally cracks, a grin spreading across her cheeks as she twirls her straw in her milkshake.
“I’m lying, it was awesome!”
“Ugh!” She blows her straw wrapper in Lexi’s direction, laughing when it hits the other girl in the cheek. “If I can’t hear about your awesome trip to space, can I at least ask what your favorite color is?”
“Blue.” Lexi offers without hesitation. “Yours?”
“Yellow!” She lifts a fry, dripping with cheese, and oh my god; if they aren’t the best cheese fries she’s ever eaten. “Holy cow!”
“I told you.” Lexi smirks. “I know my food.”
“Obviously!” She mutters around another fry.
“Speaking of food, what’s your favorite?”
“Hey, it’s my turn!” She protests, but Lexi just raises an eyebrow. “Fine, is it a cop out if I say pizza? Although I do love sushi, it’s kind of a tie. What’s yours?”
“Hmm. . . “ Lexi taps her chin thoughtfully. “I’m going to have to go with mom’s pancakes.”
“Which mom?”
“Oh, Mama - Lena; Mom doesn’t really cook. Well, she doesn’t really cook things that are edible.”
“You’re telling me that Lena Luthor-Danvers, CEO of one of the top tech companies in the world, cooks pancakes?”
“She makes a really good grilled cheese sandwich, too.”
The look on Taylor’s face must communicate her disbelief, because Lexi laughs.
“She’s really not as much of a hardass as people think. I mean, at work she is, but at home she’s just . . . Mama. Who makes pancakes and lets me blow up science experiments in her kitchen.”
“That’s kinda cool, I guess it’s just hard to think about public figures like that as normal people.”
“Well, I don’t know about ‘normal’, but we do eat pancakes.” Lexi teases. "What about your family? What are they like?”
“It’s just me and my dad! My mom died when I was a baby, so it’s just us.”
“I’m sorry.” Lexi apologizes, but Taylor waves her off.
“It was a long time ago, I don’t even remember her.”
“Still, I know how hard it is to lose people. Even people you don’t remember.” A look passes over her face, but it’s quickly gone. “What does your dad do?"
"He’s a real estate agent, and sometimes he flips houses in his spare time. He lets me do all the painting, I spent so many hours growing up painting his project houses - it’s very relaxing. I mean I love painting scenery, but there’s something to be said for just covering a room in a solid coat of paint.”
She looks over to see Lexi watching her, a small smile on her face - one that Taylor can’t quite translate.
“What’s your favorite type of art then? Painting?”
“Hmm, I have to say pottery. I love the feeling of making something, feeling it take shape under your hands. What about you? Any art hobbies?”
“Do coloring books count?”
They both laugh at that, and before they know it, another hour passes in easy conversation until Taylor catches sight of the clock and groans.
“It’s past midnight and I have the early shift at the coffee shop tomorrow.” She wishes she could stay here all night, talking and laughing with Lexi; but she knows if she doesn’t get at least some sleep then she’ll regret it.
“Come on, I’ll drive you home.” Lexi tosses what looks to be a hundred dollar bill on the counter amongst their empty plates before standing up.
It feels so much like a date that she almost questions it, but it’s late and she’s tired, and maybe she’s overthinking things. So instead, she lets Lexi open the door for her and tries not to swoon when Lexi pulls her arms tight around her again once they're on the bike. It seems like just a few seconds before their pulling up in front of her dormitory, Lexi ignoring the rules at the late hour and pulling right up on the sidewalk before turning off the engine.
If Taylor’s legs are wobbly when she steps to the ground, she tells herself it’s because of the ride, and definitely not because she’s spent the past few minutes pressed up against her crush.
“Thanks for the study session.” She passes her helmet back to Lexi. “And the late night snack.”
“Anytime.” Lexi promises with a grin.
She isn’t sure why the other girl has taken her helmet off too, but she doesn’t dwell on it, because Lexi’s eyes are so startlingly blue in moonlight that she can’t really think too hard about anything.
“You should come by for coffee before class if you get the chance.” It sounds almost desperate the her ears, but Lexi doesn’t seem to notice, her grin only widening.
“I will definitely do that.”
“Good! I’ll see you tomorrow then!” Before she can second guess herself, she leans forward, brushing her lips against Lexi’s cheek. “Goodnight.”
She doesn’t wait for a reaction, just takes off towards the dorm, but she doesn’t miss the way Lexi calls after softly.
“Goodnight, Taylor.”
She shivers, and it isn’t from the cold.
She doesn’t turn back until she swipes her student ID and the door opens, but Lexi is still there, watching to make sure she gets inside. She offers a small wave before heading in, and she sprints up the stairs, too impatient for the elevator.
Ignoring her roommates slumber, she rushes inside, throwing open the curtains so she can look out over the quad.
Lexi is still there, securing her spare helmet, but soon Taylor can hear the engine rev up and Lexi guides it back onto the street. It’s only after the taillights disappear that she closes the curtains and flops down on her bed, cheeks aching with a giant smile.
“I know you’re like, head-over-heels and all, but could you please wait until tomorrow to gush about your study session with Ms. Perfect? Some of us need our beauty sleep.” Amanda’s voice is muffled by her pillow, and Taylor laughs softly.
“Okay, okay, I’ll save it all for tomorrow. Sorry for waking you up.”
Amanda mumbles something in response but Taylor doesn’t hear it, because she’s already focused on tomorrow.
Tomorrow is going to be a great day.
                Not exactly sure how I feel about it, but here it is! Hope you guys liked it! Let me know!!
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