#chrollo hc
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eruminx · 1 year ago
random phantom troupe headcanons / thoughts
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including: chrollo, shalnark, feitan, nobunaga, illumi, general phantom troupe
warnings: possible spoilers, nsfw, brief mention of torture, lightly proof-read
chrollo is really into astrology. when you think about his character it makes a lot of sense. chrollo believes in fate and destiny, and how we cannot change it. that’s why he’s so amused by characters like hisoka and gon, because they try to change their destiny. and one of astrology's main themes is destiny and fate. astrology gives people identities, something that chrollo is constantly looking for outside of himself. because he cant accept that he is himself. i would go more into the astrology topic, but i don’t know enough about it to get into great detail without sharing misinformation.
shalnark and feitan aren’t that different from each other. both are scarily sadistic it just manifests in different ways. shalnark is generally very friendly and one of the more outgoing phantom troupe members. he’s a nice dude, but he’s not kind. niceness is like a mask, it’s a common courtesy. kindness comes from the heart. i think the only genuinely kind member is nobunaga, but i’ll get into that later. shalnark is more of a psychological torture guy, while feitan is more into traditional torture.
okay back to nobunaga. i very much think that he is the only truly kind member of the troupe. (this headcanon is not based on how he was as a child by the way) i recently read a nobunaga analysis (here) and it only furthered my belief in this headcanon. simply the way he feels for others is very kind, and how he acted towards gon and uvo specifically. as well as some parts in the manga. he’s definitely very compassionate and understanding, especially compared to the other members. i think some of the other members are capable of kindness, but they wouldn’t be described as “kind”. two other members that come to mind are chrollo and pakunoda. they are both quite compassionate, as seen during their sentimental moments. (chrollo when reacting to members’ deaths and paku’s pre-death gun scene and her small interaction with the cat) but i wouldn’t call them “kind”, but instead more in-tune with their emotions. but, i think deep down inside all people are capable of kindness, so it can be hard to say.
illumi isn’t as clueless about love as the fandom makes him out to be. his only real reference for “love” is his parents, and they actually really love each other. knowing how kikyo is, she’s probably very doting with silva like she is with her children. and silva seems pretty compassionate as seen in his interactions with killua. silva also showed genuine concern for kikyo’s safety when killua threatened to kill her during the election arc. illumi has definitely learned from that, even if he doesn’t fully understand it. he wouldn’t be the best partner, but he’s more affectionate than he comes off. and i also firmly believe that he is not a virgin. i wouldn’t say he gets around like hisoka and chrollo, but he definitely has a few bodies. he’s human too, and he understands that he has human needs.
a good handful of the troupe members get around frequently. i read a headcanon saying some of the members have had sexual and romantic encounters with each other and I AGREE. i think the members who sleep around the most are (in order) hisoka (obviously), uvo, chrollo, and shalnark. maybe phinks but I think he’s so angry and intense because of how pent-up he is. i also think paku and nobunaga are the types to have intense flings with people every now and then… and they can last months. some members i think do not get around are machi, franklin, and feitan. they’re just not very interested and are too busy. i think shizuku is in the middle. i don’t think she’s a virgin and she has partners once in a while but she’s not actively pursuing sex. she just goes with the flow.
the troupe members dynamics are constantly changing. i feel like there’s very clear friend groups inside the troupe. like uvo, nobu, and shalnark are a very clear group in my eyes. as well as phinks and feitan. i feel like chrollo and pakunoda are a part of their little group together. i think the others are more loner types, but the original members still all share a special bond. member-to-member conflict happens a lot in the troupe, you can see this with nobunaga and some of his interactions with franklin and machi. I don’t think anyone dislikes each other (not including hisoka) but tension is common.
anyways... thank you for reading! this is my first post in forever lol (i’m a bit embarrassed….tbh lol)
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villainbait · 1 year ago
hey, could u perhaps write chrollo with a kurta reader? could be yandere if u feel comfortable writing that. reader could hate him bc they know or not, its up to you. they could also be affiliated with Kurapika in any way (bf, bsf, partner in taking down the PT, -close-friend) ty!
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Pairing: Yandere!Chrollo x Kurta Reader
Rating: 16+, SFW (mostly).
CW: yandere!chrollo, yandere behavior, bondage, drugs, reader was drugged, implied torture, jealousy, kurapika mentions, reader is a kurta
I- Man, anon I am so sorry. This ask has sat, haunting my inbox for almost two years. I have had this piece written for about as long but never finished. I couldn't figure out how I wanted to write it, how to piece it together into something I was happy enough with. Then the hyperfixation faded and I generally forgot about it until recently. I do not know if you will see this, but if you ever come back and check, I hope you know I'm deeply sorry and I genuinely hope that the wait is worth the short fic I offer to you.
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Where are you? Are you okay? Is what they’re saying true, were you really seen with HIM? 
You ignored the first text, then the second text questioning if you were alive, but it is the subsequent third text that grated on your nerves. Staring at the last and perhaps most damning text, you turn your phone on silent before pocketing it. While it was comforting to know that you weren’t the only surviving member of the Kurta clan, it sometimes could be smothering with how needy Kurapika could be towards you. 
But he can’t know. 
He can’t ever know you’re in love with Chrollo Lucilfer, the man responsible for the death of your clan. 
Just like Chrollo can never know you have survived. He must never know. 
The soft stroking of fingertips along your jaw jolts you awake and you instinctively find yourself pulling at your bonds. You were surprised to find yourself in this situation, but more surprised as you cast an uncertain gaze at the man who was stretched out next to you like a lazy panther; totally at ease despite your own discomfort. 
“Good morning.” His voice drips saccharine richness and you know you’re in trouble. “I don’t want to play, Chrollo.” You tug uselessly at your bonds. “Let me go.” Maybe you shouldn’t have teased him so much earlier at the restaurant, thinking back to how embarrassed he looked when you had slid your foot between his thighs. His words bring you back to the present and you blink owlishly up at the raven haired man you called your lover. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” His tone is veiled with barely concealed condescension and it makes you wince in shame as you watch Chrollo forced to play the villain. You had immediate regrets about your earlier antics when you had teased him mercilessly before and during dinner, but it was too late now. Your frame trembled with trepidation, fear sluicing through the haze of whatever drug he had fed you during your dinner date earlier. 
Not that you knew you had been drugged, thinking you had had too much wine with dinner.
He slides on top of you, straddling you with ease and you grow increasingly panicked as he traces your face with surprising gentleness. There’s something incredibly off about him and you realize for once, Chrollo Lucilfer is genuinely angry. 
“Not that it matters what you want,” he stated matter-of-factly when you decided not to answer and his fingers tracing the outline of your jaw before sliding an index finger across your neck; the fur on his coat sleeve tickling your skin. “You’ll be good for me, won’t you?” His lifeless silver eyes shift downward and you squirm uncomfortably. The rope with which he had bound your wrists was starting to chafe. Pushing the pain from your mind, you briefly consider the option of fighting him but quickly abandon the idea as you realize the futility of it; knowing he would catch you faster than you could ever hope to escape. Instead, you attempt to reason with him. 
“What do you-” 
“Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” He interrupts you and the first hint of anger seeps through his normally aloof demeanor. It felt like cold water had been dashed over your entire body and you froze. Clearly perplexed by his leading question, you rack your mind quickly and try to figure out what gave it away. It couldn’t have been your traditional kurta garb, so similar to Kurapika’s since no one aside from the two of you knew your people’s clothing by sight. It was how the two of you had found each other in the first place, a happenstance passing that turned into a macabre reunion of sorts. It was also, consequently, how you ended up interested in the Phantom Troupe’s boss. For all of Kurapika’s righteous vitriol about the Phantom Troupe, you had a difficult time believing Chrollo Lucilfer and his merry band of spiders could and had committed such atrocities. 
Perhaps you would never know the depths of their malice, or the depths of their reasoning. All you knew is that Chrollo had captivated you from the start yet here you laid, being accused of fraternizing with another man when the only one on your mind was him. So, you hold your breath and say nothing, offering what you hoped was a blank stare to the only man you’ve ever had romantic feelings for. 
You only prayed you were right in your assumption and that he hadn’t found the truth of your secret. 
“You spend far too much time with another man when you belong to me. Do you understand, y/n? You’re mine and I don’t like when other people try and take what belongs to me.” So you were right and he didn’t know you were a Kurta, which perhaps made this situation worse. It’s on the tip of your tongue to utter the classic ‘It’s not what you think’ line, before thinking better of it. Even if it was in fact not what Chrollo thought at all, he wouldn’t believe you. You should’ve known better than to give into Kurapika’s desire to have a kinsman nearby, for him to feel like he wasn’t utterly alone in this world. Yet you couldn’t help it anymore than you could help your feelings for Chrollo, which is what had gotten you into this mess. 
Still, you can’t help but sigh at the absurdity of the situation. That makes Chrollo’s eyes narrow in suspicion and annoyance, but you took a little satisfaction in the fact you made his facade crack. Your arms grow slack in their bonds and you sag in relief but you cannot stop the patronizing smile that graces your face with your next words. 
“That’s my cousin and you could’ve just asked me. This,” you shook your arms for emphasis, feeling like a frantic little caterpillar underneath Chrollo. “Was entirely unnecessary.” Chrollo laughs incredulously, but his words are tinged with disbelief. “Oh, is that all he is to you? How silly of me,” he pauses here for dramatic effect, and you realize he’s not smiling at all. “Not to merely ask you if you were having an affair.” Your head tips to the side as you contemplate why his melodramatic act seemed to have rocketed up the crazy scale. This side of Chrollo was senseless, and for the first time you wonder if he’s truly acting. 
Or, you thought with growing trepidation, were you finally seeing a peek behind the curtain? 
“My dear,” Chrollo croons and he leans in close, too close to your face. You show Chrollo your cheek but he shucks your chin roughly and squeezes your jaw hard enough to elicit a small pained noise from you, annoyed that you would look away from him. Forcing you to look back up at him, he leans close enough for your lips to brush against one another.  
“I will get the truth from you, one way or another. We have all night, you see, and where we are now no one can hear you scream.” His voice dropped an octave, sounding almost excited for what was to come. Your heart drops into your stomach like a stone and you try to fight your bonds in earnest now but it’s useless as Chrollo presses a hard kiss to your lips before releasing your smarting chin. A smile blossoms upon his lips but it’s cold, as cold as the rumored Phantom Troupe leader himself. 
“Shall we begin?” 
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blueberrymocha · 9 months ago
texting them
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✰ he didn’t grow up with much technology
✰ and he def did not have a phone
✰ so since he isn’t in the habit of using it often, your messages are all on delivered
✰ he also prefers to live in the moment instead of checking his phone all the time
✰ unfortunately for you that means you’re better off calling the person he’s with if you need to reach him
✰ once you talk to him about it though, he’ll be sure to answer within a couple hours
✰ he’d save your contact as a pet name, personally i can see him using “sunshine” or “honey” for you
✰ you’d be pictureless until killua points it out to gon and explains that you can add pictures to someone’s contact
✰ but once he does learn he’ll use a cute coupley picture of you guys from one of your first dates
✰ would have trouble deciphering your abbreviations
“btw ur gna be back asap right?”
✰ its fine, he prefers to call (loves to hear your voice) anyways
✰ y’all would be so mischievous together
✰ prank calls as a weekly ritual
✰ you’re mostly safe from them but don’t think he’ll never do it to you
✰ probably won’t text you first but always responds within the minute
✰ would only call if he’s checking up on you, like when you’re sick or he’s on an adventure
✰ will use the most abysmal, disrespectful picture he has of you
✰ your name on his phone is either an inside joke or an insult like “sleeping ugly 🧚‍♀️” (he’s out for blood omg you overslept once)
✰ i just know alluka is confused af
✰ he’ll change it to something else whenever you see it, which you will eventually
“y/n can you check my phone?”
“sure! babe why is my name ‘dumbass’ heart emoji, wizard emoji?”
✰ you can see this one from a mile away…
✰ his phone always got that silent mode + dnd + texts muted combo
✰ he does all that but would fully expect you to pick up if he called you
✰ speaking of which, he would call probably daily if either of you were away
✰ never forgets an “i love you” “be safe” “see you soon” etc
✰ if something happened, would want you to know that
✰ you guys would fall asleep on calls
✰ but mostly him
✰ your contact might just be your name for a while
✰ but i could also see him using something tame like “love” or “sweetheart”
✰ hes also the type to leave you on read
✰ especially if you’re asking when he’ll be back or how his mission is going
✰ generally just keeps his work separate from home unless he needs to vent or it’s extremely relevant to you
✰ wishes he could talk more often
✰ school just keeps him really busy
✰ will be upfront with you if he needs time to study, make dinner, or anything of that nature
✰ you’d get in the habit of leaving voicemails
✰ he listens to them all and leaves some for you too
✰ also good morning and good night texts, always
✰ your picture is whatever picture of you he finds the hottest tbh
✰ your name would be a pet name such as “shorty” or “beautiful”
✰ idk why but i feel like he’d misplace his phone often
✰ so if he doesn’t respond by the end of the day, you’ll probably get a call from his roommate’s phone saying how he lost his own
✰ lets it ring out and then calls back a minute later
✰ “oh did you need something?”
✰ this man can’t stop playing games, the call cuts off halfway through what you’re saying
✰ then he calls back again acting like it was the wi-fi
✰ don’t worry——that’s only like a quarter of the time
✰ depending on his mood, he’ll be mostly serious
✰ imagine the look on his face when he realizes you’re calling because you’re in the hospital or smth
✰ yeah so he’s better at responding now!
✰ your contact picture is gonna be from the most stalker angle
✰ like it’s just you sleeping
✰ you found that a little odd but maybe your clown just wants to capture those memories
✰ …while you’re walking home on the opposite sidewalk
✰ if you’re in a longer, serious relationship, your name is something romantic like “my dove” but it’ll take a while to get there
✰ you’d be so surprised to find that he loves to call
✰ he travels a lot as an assassin, so he needs something to do
✰ would always text you formally it’s scary
“have you arrived at the manor yet, y/n? be sure to notify me immediately once you do.”
✰ he’s giving you customer service type responses
✰ you’ll also get updates about his missions
“i’ve just finished killing the target, expect to see me home in four days”
✰ the contact is just your name and if you convince him, he’ll add a picture of your choice
✰ has like six phones
✰ if you didn’t know he was the leader of a gang you might‘ve thought he was cheating
✰ you also have the numbers of most of the spiders
✰ so if he ever has to disappear (like after yorknew) they’ll be sure to let you know what’s going on
✰ he’ll text you a few times a day if he’s able to
✰ would ask about your day and remind you to take care of yourself
✰ the conversations usually focus on you, while he listens or prompts you
✰ like kurapika, doesn’t want to involve you in troupe business so it’s very rare for him to even mention them
✰ he doubts you even want to hear about how he robbed an old man today, or killed a woman who didn’t hand over a jewel
✰ on his top secret personal phone, he’ll give you a contact photo with both of you in it
✰ your name would be a classy pet name, maybe “princess” or “beloved”
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cryinggirlnamedhelen · 2 months ago
some Chrollo things i found/realized on my rewatch + reread of hxh
- he has REALLY bad posture. in the PT base during yorknew, when Chrollo is reading a book, he is literally hunched over and his back is at like a 45 degree angle🥺
- he’s very smug and cocky. after his fight against Zeno and Silva, he asks with a smirk to Zeno “if we were in a fight, who would win, you or me?” and chuckles knowingly when Zeno replies. during Chrollo vs Hisoka, Chrollo says that he is “100% sure that i am going to win”
- his personality switches depending on who he’s with. with the troupe, he’s logical and stoic—never losing his temper. when he’s with Hisoka, he’s much more relaxed and friendly + smiles much more often. when he’s with someone older, he’s respectful.
- he doesn’t seem to mind celebrations/parties. he’s seen drinking with the troupe in a manga panel after the auction.
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- he seems very self aware of his handsome appearance, as he lured Neon in + most of the abilities in his book are from women.
- in terms of physical strength, Chrollo is 7th in the Troupe —above Bonolenov, Nobunaga, Shalnark, Pakunoda, Shizuku, and Kortopi, making him MUCH MUCH MUCH stronger than even superhumans such as Gon and Killua. (I love this fact for some reason)
- he had many similarities to Gon and Kurapika as a kid. (read Ch. 395-397, which is the Troupe backstory. it has a lot of cute baby Troupe member scenes🥺)
- he has a habit of covering his mouth with his hand whenever he is thinking deeply about something or connecting the lines.
- he knows a shocking amount about the Kakin Empire (in the manga), even more so than some of the Princes of the Kakin Empire.
- he seems to have a habit of smirking whenever something is going according to plan or when something went according to plan. he also just seems to enjoy smirking in general.
- his favorite color seems to be purple due to much of his outfits being some sort of variation of purple.
- in official arts + mobage cards, he seems to have dark circles under his eyes. in the yorknew city arc, he is also the only troupe member who didn’t sleep during the entire arc, meaning that he seems to have some sort of insomnia.
- in mobage cards, Chrollo seems to have a habit of fidgeting with his clothes. (pulling off his tie during the Christmas mobage card, playing with his hat, etc,.)
- he is very athletic, considering how at the end of yorknew city when he was left nen-less on those plateaus, he managed to climb down and find shelter all by himself.
- he is also very rich, since on average, every Zoldyck assassination costs around 1 billion—Chrollo managed to afford to assassinate the 10 Dons, meaning 10 billion Jenny.
- Chrollo doesn’t seem to care whenever someone is being disrespectful towards him or the troupe.
- Chrollo seems to have a particular fondness for suits, as he is often seen wearing a suit in official arts
- Chrollo often wears clothing that covers much of his body
- Chrollo seems to have the traditional values of a chivalrous man, meaning that he respects women quite a lot and makes sures to keep them safe. Chrollo made sure to catch Neon in the most respectful way when she “fell” (he literally could have just grabbed her by the arm and it would have been fine), he made sure to keep Pakunoda + Machi + Shizuku in the same team during yorknew (there were no men in their team), and during the Chrollo vs Hisoka battle, none of the female spectators (or even the commentator) were harmed.
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hisokakissmeplz · 10 months ago
How adult trio gonna react with a reader who obsessed with their abs and muscular body~
absolutely in love
He's very physical anyways so having a partner who liked touching on him as much would be perfect for him
Teases you constantly about it
makes you feel them after he works out
Makes you rides his abs or his biceps before taking his dick
sometimes he won't even give you his dick at least not until you've soaked every other part of him
Just loves it
He probably wouldn't understand why but is eager to please you
"Is my dick not big enough?" He'd ask sincerely when you suggested riding his abs (or anything else for future reference)
You would assure him that wasn't it and that you just liked his muscles
After an explanation he'd be very eager to try it out
Good luck because he ends up loving it and as soon as you cum on his abs he's knocking that pussy out
At the beginning of your relationship he was definitely very vanilla
And though he remains the gentleman he always was he has definitely become more needy in bed
He would suggest you riding his arms after noticing how you stared at him while he was working out
Your hands always finding a way to latch onto some firm muscle
After calming the red flush of your cheeks you agree
Of course it's amazing and afterwards he shows just how strong he really is
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mill-kh · 7 months ago
chrollo core
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yandere-daydreams · 4 months ago
Felt nostalgic and rewatches HxH after hearing that new manga chapters were coming up and I couldn't not think about Illumi... again. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, where is he, horny speaking?
He's in there, somewhere, as you mention that his darling does have to deal with 'intimate' affections, but how often does that tend to happen? How many times can they pull the crying card before it won't work and what would usually prompt him to want intimacy? It must feel kinda surreal when he initiates, because Illumi just doesn't look like a guy with base human desires.
You can only imagine the rest of the household (his siblings and the staff) bluescreening when they realize he does, in fact, Fuck. And has *preferences* when it comes to fucking, I bet they all schedule assasinations, gtfo, when he comes back and beelines for his room just to avoid eye contact when he emerges. Milluki finally going out instead of killing people at home remotely with mosquitoes, he caught one (1) glimpse of Illumi's darling and the collar in a camera and had to put away multiple of his precious figures that had chokers/neckwear because he Could Not Unsee It.
tw - implied non/con and very mild gore.
very intellectual question anon,,,, hmmm,,, allow me to extrapolate a bit,,,
honestly i do not think illumi's horniness is quantifiable just because he is getting off on shit too niche in ways too weird to ever be described by a number on a scale. he absolutely did not receive formal sex education and probably failed to ever consider so much as touching his dick prior to meeting you, when he spiraled head-first into sappy romcoms and weird fetish porn with absolutely no ability to differentiate between the two. it's not that he doesn't have those sorts of desires, it's that he has absolutely no ability or motivation to separate which of those desires you might enjoy hearing about and which ones you'd rather not - meaning, in short, that you're going to have to hear about the idyllic, fairytale-esque countryside honeymoon he has planned for when you finally break-down and agree to marry him just as often as he'll remind you of the fact that, if you die before him, he is going to remove one of his lungs and heave it replaced with yours, so you'll never be able to truly get away from him.
i also think that he would, contrary to popular belief, be self-aware not to make fetish gear one of your daily accessories, but that doesn't mean anyone within his estate is escaping psychological damage. there's a very thin line between his possessive instincts and sexual interests, and that line might waver just long enough for him to off-handedly mention that you're going to be in your Cage until you've learned not to be a Bad Puppy to a servant who,,, simply didn't need or want to know that. the flesh may be willing, but his situational willingness is still lacking severely and thus, it might be for the best to have him castrated until those stats start to look a little more even.
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 years ago
chrollo acting like a teen girl when he is in love is actually the cutest thing ever.
he sits in his hotel bed kicking his feet because you called him to ask how he’s doing. that means you like him right?
you bring him lunch when he’s in town because you’re afraid he isn’t eating well. he calls Pakunoda to gush about the cute little rabbit shaped cookies you made just for him!
likes every post you make on social media and shows the troupe the outfit you picked out for today(THEY ARE TIRED OF HIS ASS!!)
when he actually confessed to you he nearly threw up from the stress. here he is, a thief with the number of people he’s killed being so high he couldn’t even count it anymore, blushing and stuttering out an “I, uh, really like you.”
bro you’re like 26 GET A GRIP
he’s so cute though. he’s experiencing his first love and it’s got him acting like a lovesick fool. he keeps a Polaroid of you in his wallet that he kisses before missions for good luck
sometimes you’ll wake up to him walking into your home. you can’t quite remember if you gave him some spare keys or not, you’re too excited to see him to care(he broke in 🙏)
he tries so hard to act suave and cool but one smile or giggle and he’s struggling to breathe. he will crumble if you kiss him and tell him how much he means to you
it’s been so long since he felt something so pure and innocent and RAW like the way he feels for you. it’s something he’ll cherish in his heart forever. your soft touches, kind voice, and pretty face are enough to make him swoon.
he’s just so in love with you.
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hoejosatoru · 2 years ago
Well Trained
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Feitan, Fem!Reader x Chrollo (separately)
Summary: Chrollo is a particular man, with particular taste. Though he loves everything about you, he has yet to see how you preform in bed. He fears that if you disappoint him, it will ruin everything that you’ve built together. Luckily, he knows someone who can teach you to behave exactly how he likes.
Word Count: 4.1K
Warnings: Dub con that borders on noncon at times. If you’re sensitive to that at all I would skip this one, toxic relationship dynamic, manipulation, face slapping, choking, scratching, rough sex, degradation, praise, Feitan is mean but we know that, Dom Chrollo, calls you good girl a lot, body marking, oral (fem receiving), raw sex, cream pie, not proof read. MDNI
a/n: So I’ve had this idea in my head FOREVER because I want both Chrollo and feitan badly. Writing this concept out was lowkey kicking my ass though. I think I ended up pulling it together, but I hope y’all enjoy.
Dating Chrollo was a dream come true. He was everything you ever wanted in a man: intelligent, attentive, and sweet. Not to mention so handsome. He treated you like a princess and you loved it. Everything was perfect.
Well, almost everything.
You’d been dating for a couple months and you hadn’t had sex yet. At first you thought he wasn’t that into you, but when he kept coming back for more dates you knew that couldn’t be the case. You wondered if he was a wait till marriage type, or was shy in some way. You respected the boundary, despite wanting to sleep with him so bad. If he needed more time, you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, but it was starting to worry you. 
Little did you know, Chrollo wanted to sleep with you just as badly. Maybe even more so. He was very picky with who he slept with, hence this long period of courting. However, the more time he spent with you, the more he realized he had genuine feelings for you. He has had some relationships in the past, but he always knew they would not be very longterm. You, however, he felt was someone he could see himself with forever. 
This revelation made him want to make sure everything was perfect. He liked women with experience, who knew what they were doing and how to please him. However, he hated having to put the work in to get his partners there himself. Luckily, he knew someone who was a very effective teacher.
“My love,” Chrollo spoke over his wine, “May I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
He smiled at your eagerness. “Do you want to have sex with me?”
Your cheeks colored at the blatant question. Chrollo loved how demure you were. “Y-yes, I do. A lot, actually.”
“Good,” Chrollo replied, taking a sip of his deep burgundy drink, “I have wanted to for some time now, but there is something I need you to do first.”
Your brows knitted. “What is that?”
“I’m a very... particular person. As I’m sure you’ve noticed,” Chrollo explained, “And I want to make sure everything is just right.”
Your heart dropped a little bit. “Am... Am I not good enough for you?”
Chrollo shook his head and placed a hand over yours, comforting your nerves. “Not at all, my love. Quite the opposite actually. I love you so much that I don’t want anything to get in the way of our relationship.”
You nodded, feeling slightly relieved. “What is it? What do you want me to do?”
Chrollo thought about what the best way to explain it was. “I have a friend. He can teach you what I like, much better than I can.” He say the confused look on your face and continued. “You trust me, don’t you y/n?”
“Yes, of course,” you replied instantly. And it was true.
“I know it is an request,” Chrollo went on, “But it is important to me. Everything about you is so perfect. This will simply make sure it stays that way.” He kissed your hand, making your stomach fill with butterflies. “I want you in my life forever. Will you do this for me, my love?”
The way he looked at you and spoke to you made your body feel weak in the best way. The answer was easy for you. “Yes, of course.”
A smile spread across his face. “Excellent.”
A few days later you found yourself in a building outside of the city. It was a bit dumpy on the outside, but the inside was furnished nicely. You were aware that Chrollo engaged in a very secretive business and decided awhile ago not to ask. You didn’t know, and you didn’t want to. It didn’t matter, anyways, you loved him. And he loved that about you. 
Chrollo led you into a bedroom, occupied by one other man. You felt a pang of anxiety, not fully knowing what Chrollo meant by being taught what he liked.
“Y/n, this is my friend Feitan,” Chrollo introduced you to smaller man standing before you. The way his cold eyes appraised you sent a shiver down your spine.   You said a polite hello, but he was silent. Chrollo continued, “Feitan is on the quiet side, but I trust him completely. He is going to show you what I want.”
Your stomach rolled anxiously. “Wh-what does that mean, exactly?”
Chrollo gave you an almost sympathetic look. “I don’t want to lie to you, my love. I want you to have sex with Feitan. He’s going to... mold you into the exact type of lover I like.” 
You stared at him, dumbfounded. Chrollo was a bit possessive, even early on in your relationship, so you couldn’t believe he was telling you to have sex with another man. Your eyes flicked over to Feitan, his aura making you nervous. “Chrollo I don’t-”
Chrollo gently took your jaw in his hands and turned your face back to his. “I thought you trusted me, love?”
“I do, I ju-”
“It will be okay, I promise. This will make our relationship stronger. Everything will be perfect. You want that, don’t you? You love me, don’t you?” He was so close to you, speaking so softly it made you dizzy. You almost forgot Feitan was there and what this situation was for. You never understood the effect Chrollo had on you, just that it was very strong.
“I do, I love you so much,” you replied. 
“If that is true, you’ll do this,” Chrollo replied sweetly, “And I know you will, because I know you love me.”
You nodded. You were nervous, of course, but you couldn’t say to him. “I will, I promise.”
Chrollo smiled. “My good girl.” He kissed your forehead. “Now go sit on the bed, I need to talk to Feitan quickly.” You did as you were told, sitting on the edge of the bed as the two men stepped out side and spoke in hushed tones.
“What rules boss?” Feitan asked.
“Get her how I like them. You know the way,” Chrollo replied, “Do whatever you need to. Choke her or hit her if you need to. Just nothing that will leave a mark, especially not on her face. And don’t cum inside her, that is for me only.”
Feitan nodded. “Understood.” 
With that, the smaller man slipped back inside the room. Your anxiety spiked being alone with him. He pulled his jacket down, revealing his full face. He actually quite handsome, almost similar to Chrollo. He, however, looked more cold and harsh than your boyfriend did.  He was silent as he approached you, appraising your body language. He could tell you were nervous, which excited him.
“Take clothes off,” he stated. With you on the bed and him standing he was able to look down on you.
“I don’t-”
Before you could finish your sentence he gripped your jaw. “It not a request.” You nodded, shaking. He was not someone you wanted to challenged. You slowly took off your shirt, then your pants. You reluctantly went for your bra, but he grabbed your arm. “I do that. You undress me now.”
You nodded, your voice still feeling lodged in your throat. You were just happy to have the focus be on something other than you. You stripped off his jacket, shirt and pants, leaving him in his underwear. “Good,” he said before climbing on top of you. 
Your body instinctively shrunk away from him, which made him scowl. “You treat me like Chrollo. You would not hide from him.” He place his hands on your shoulders, pressing your body into a more relaxed position on the mattress. 
“I’m sorry I- this is just hard for me,” you admitted.
“If you listen it will be easy,” he replied. He placed a kiss to the center of you check. “Chrollo will mark you here.” He kissed the top of your breast that your bra didn’t cover. “And here.” He kissed your neck. “And here. And you’ll let him.” 
“O-okay,” you replied. 
“Now we kiss.” He pressed his lips to yours, which were warmer than you thought they were going to be. Still, you felt you couldn’t kiss him back, your lips feeling glued shut. Feitan’s hand wrapped around your neck, making you gasp. Feitan laughed, licking into your mouth. “If you kiss Chrollo like that, he won’t like.” Feitan tightened his hand around your throat, choking you slightly. 
You kept your eyes closed and tried to pretend you were kissing Chrollo. It was hard at first, especially with Feitan tightening his hand more. “Do better.” Eventually you were able to get into a rhythm; you knew you were doing it right when Feitan loosened his grip. 
His grip loosening, however, meant dipping lower to your chest. He squeezed at your boobs over your bra for a moment, before taking it off. You couldn’t help yourself, you moved to cover yourself. Feitan, of course did not allow it. He gripped your arms and pinned them above your head, tsking. “You are slow learner.” 
Feitan kissed and licked at your breasts and neck. He was very careful not pay attention to too much on one spot, as he did not want to leave a mark. Feitan took any job Chrollo gave him seriously, but especially this one. He knew how much trust Chrollo had to have in him to allow him do this. He would never break the trust, but he would make sure the job was well done. By any means necessary. 
“If I release your hands, you will listen?” Feitan questioned.
“Yes,” you replied, still with a shake in your voice. 
Feitan did as he said he would. “Put them in my hair. Gentle. Chrollo like that.” You slid your hands into his dark locks, running your fingers through them softly. Feitan went back to kissing you as you did this. He smacked you bare thigh when your lips got too stiff again. You yelped, but continued to kiss him like he wanted. Like Chrollo wanted, you reminded yourself. this was for him.
His hand slid down your body, between your thighs. Your legs shut, making him slap your thigh again and roughly pry them open. “Stop fighting.” He ran his hand over your clothed cunt. You focused on kissing him and running your hands through his hair as he touched you. His rubbed your clit through the fabric. You were surprised how it made your stomach curl, how it felt... good. 
It made it a little easier to kiss him and touch him. You let your hands wander a little further down his back, making him hum in approval. You gasped when his finger slipped inside you, but recovered quickly. Feitan curled his finger into a spot that made your breath go ragged. He pumped his fingers faster, your cunt getting wetter by the minute. Your brain was a confused mess. On one hand it was weird to be touched by this stranger, on the other it did feel good. 
Feitan slid in a second finger and you bit your lip to stifle a moan. Feitan gripped your jaw. “Don’t be quiet. He’ll wanna hear.” Feitan scissored your his fingers inside you, stretching you out. This time you let a moan slip from your lips. “Good.” He pulled his fingers out of you and put them in front of your lips. “Now suck.”
You took in his fingers, sucking at them. “More.” He shoved them deeper in your mouth, making you gag a little. You tried to correct yourself quickly, letting your tongue roll up and down the length of them, tasting yourself. Feitan yanked your underwear off and it took everything in you not to hide yourself. You felt so exposed under his gaze. 
As he stripped off his underwear and climbed on top of you, the reality of what was about to happen set in and you started to panic. “No!” you cried trying to close your legs. It was no use, Feitan was so much stronger than you. He dug his nails into the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, making you wince.
“You obey, not fight,” Feitan growled, bullying his way between your legs. You brought your hands up and start smacking his chest and shoving him away. A sudden, swift slap to your face stunned you into stillness. Your face stung as he gave you a look that struck fear into you. He gripped your jaw achingly tight and got in your face. “Chrollo never love you like this. He want girl who behave. Who listens.”
“But-” He dug his nails into your thigh more, making you yelp.
“And you never say no to Chrollo,” he practically spat. He released his grip on you, but his gaze kept you pinned in place. “You going to behave now? Or do I tell Chrollo you don’t love him enough.”
You gulped. “P-please don’t.”
“Then shut up and take it,” he replied, flipping you in your stomach. “You can’t be trusted on back.” He took both go your hands in one of his, holding them to your lower back, effectively making you immobile. You felt the tip of his cock nudging at your entrance, covering himself in your slick. He gave you no warning when he pressed into you, making you gasp. 
Despite his smaller stature, his cock stretched your cunt. You whined as he thrust into you, not giving you any time to adjust. A slap came down on your ass. “Arch back more.” His free hand went down the length of your spine, putting you into place. The new position allowed him to get deeper inside you, hitting a spot that made you see stars. “Feels better for him. And you.” He was right, it felt so good. Your pussy throbbed with each brush of his cock at that sweet spot.
When you bit your lip to stifle a moan, you earned another sharp slap to your ass. You opened your mouth to cry out in pain, but it turned into a damn near pornographic moan as Feitan pounded you through it. “Like that. Let me hear.” 
He continued to pound into you rough and hard. You knew you should hate it, that it shouldn’t feel so good, but god it did. You weren’t even faking your moans, they were all real reflections of the pleasure he gave you. Just when you thought it couldn't get more intense, his free hand snaked around to play with your clit.
“Fuck Feitan!” you cried out. You were on the precipice of an orgasm when he pulled his hand away, making you whine.
“You want to cum? Beg.”
“Please!” Another hard slap on your ass.
“Better than that.”
You begged, desperately, “Please Feitan! Please! Let me cum. I need to!”
“Good.” His hand was back on your clit, rubbing rough circles. “Now cum.” Your body responded immediately, tensing then melting into a deep, euphoric state. You were sure to moan loudly, to show him just how good it felt. You have heard him say good again, but your mind was too foggy to be sure. All you know is that he didn’t slap you again, so you must be doing something right.
Feitan pulled out of you quickly, spilling his cum on your ass and back with a low groan. He very much enjoyed when Chrollo gave him jobs like this. “Chrollo will cum inside. And you let him.” You nodded, feeling hazy and spent. Your body collapsed on to the bed as Feitan got up. He tossed a towel at you and told you to clean yourself up. You did your best to wipe his release off yourself as he dressed and disappeared out of the room. 
You were just finished dressing when the door opened again. This time it was your boyfriend. “Chrollo!” you cried out with relief. You ran to him, hugging him tightly. He chuckled lightly; you played right into his plan. He knew Feitan would be rough with you and knew that would make you love his gentleness towards you even more. It was just another way to manipulate you into believing he was a good guy, to make you desperate for his approval.
“My sweet girl,” he hummed rubbing your head. “Feitan said you did good. Just a few more lessons and you’ll be perfect. I'm so proud of you, angel.”
You sniffled. “Really?”
“Of course,” Chrollo replied, giving you a chaste kiss. “I know you must really love me to do this. It makes me so happy. I hope you know I love you, too. All of the is for us, for out relationship.”
Maybe if you weren’t in such as haze you’d realize how ridiculous this all was. Or if you weren't s enamored with him. But both of those things blinded you. “I do love you! I know you love me too. I’ll do anything, I’ll learn fast. I promise.” 
You returned to Feitan’s bed handful of more times over the next few weeks. He taught you to be the perfect lover for Chrollo, someone who submits fully and is eager to please. Overtime you found the lessons to be easier, even enjoyable. Well, maybe that was too strong of a word, but they were pleasurable. Feitan wasn’t gentle with you, but the more you learned and complied, the less he hit or was unnecessarily rough. You couldn’t deny that Feitan knew what he was doing.
Your favorite part, however, was how Chrollo treated you after. You lived for the praise he showered you with, how he kissed and held you. You never once doubted that he loved you, despite handing you over to Feitan. Your hard work paid off when Feitan finally told Chrollo you were ready.
You were a mix of nervous excitement as Chrollo led you to his bedroom. The two of you went out to dinner to celebrate and now it was time to show him you could be the perfect girl for him. You knew Feitan taught you well, but you couldn’t help but be a little nervous.
Chrollo’s lips found yours as you settled into the bed. Your lips moved against his with ease. You parted your mouth slightly, allowing your tongues to swirl together.
“Take your clothes off, my love,” Chrollo whispered in your ear.
“Yes sir,” you replied. You slid out go your dress, letting him admire the lingerie he bought for the occasion.
“All off.”
“Yes sir.”
Your cheeks flushed as you removed the final article of clothings covering you. Chrollo’s gaze was definitely softer than Feitan’s, but it still made your stomach flutter with nerves. You kept a brave face, letting him look without covering anything.
Chrollo smiled. “So beautiful,” he crawled on top of you, kissing your breasts. “My beautiful girl.” He sucked at the skin, in a way that would definitely leave a mark. “And all mine.” He continued kissing, sucking, licking up your chest and neck. You slid your hands through his hair, pressing your body into his touch. Chrollo hummed approvingly. “I allowed Feitan to touch you, but you’re mine. Everyone will know it. You want that right, baby? To be mine?”
“Yes!” you practically cried out as he sucked on a sensitive part of your neck. “’M all yours. Only yours.”
“Good girl,” he purred. He kissed you again as his hand traveled down you body. You slid your thighs open, allowing him access to your throbbing cunt. His fingers slid through you, letting your arousal coat them. “Soaked for me already? Didn’t realize you were so desperate for me.”
“Need you so b-oh,” your sentence died off in a moan as he pressed a finger inside you.
“What's that? I didn’t hear you,” Chrollo mused, pumping his fingers in you. He curled his finger against your sensitive spot, which had you mewling. 
“N-need you so bad!” you cried. His thumb made contact with your clit, making your body jolt. Your thighs instinctively wanted to close from the pleasure, but you kept them open, as you knew he wanted.
“Think I wanna taste this pretty pussy. Would you like that, y/n? What my mouth on your cunt?” Chrollo asked, toying with your pussy.
“Yes sir! Want it, want whatever you want,” you replied breathlessly. 
Chrollo smiled, loving your desperation, how it was clear you would let him do anything he wanted. He laid between your legs, licking a stripe up your pussy. “Mmm, so sweet.” He went straight to your clit, sucking on the sensitive bud. You didn’t stifle your moans at all. Your hands slid through his hair again, running your nails along the scalp. Chrollo let his tongue tease your hole, while his finger took over at your clit. You rolled your hips into him, grinding your pussy against his face just as Feitan told you to. 
Chrollo’s tongue and fingers switched places. He fucked you with his fingers more intensely, giving your pussy a nice stretch.
“P-please, can I cum?” you questioned, trying to desperately to hold on. You did not want to cum before you were allowed. That was a big no.
Chrollo smiled. “Because you asked so nicely.” Your body responded immediately, releasing on his face. Your cried out his name as his tongue flicked your clit through your orgasm. Feitan had made you feel good, but Chrollo made you feel amazing. You knew your love for him made it so much better.
Chrollo sat up, appraising your body. He loved the power of you being naked and him being dressed.  He loved that he could already see bruises forming on your neck. How you already looked fucked out from just his tongue. How you were looking up at him, desperate for more, but waiting for him to tell you what to do. He made a mental note to thank Feitan again.
“Undress me.” 
You complied immediately. “Yes, sir.” Your body was weak from your orgasm, your hands shaking. Chrollo was amused by how your were so desperate for him that you struggled with he buttons on his shirt. You planted kisses down his body as you removed his clothing, another lesson from Feitan. When he was finally naked, you sat back and waited for his instruction.
Chrollo climbed back on top of you and you parted your legs for him dutifully. He teased his type at your hole. “Beg for it.”
“Please Chrollo! Want you so bad,” You begged, “Need you. Only you. Please let me make you feel good!”
Chrollo made a noise of approval. “Such a good girl for me.” He slid his cock into you, making you gasp. He was definitely a little bigger than Feitan, giving you a stretch. He pushed himself in slower than Feitan did, but didn’t give you much time to adjust. He rolled his hips against your yours, his paces quickly increasing. 
His hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing lightly. His thumb brushed against your lower lip. You parted your lips, allowing him to slip the digit in. You sucked on it, keeping your eyes on his. You could feel Chrollo’s cock throb, egging you on. You began rolling your hips up to meet his, just like Feitan taught you. 
“Fuck, I love you angel,” Chrollo groaned, “Knew you’d be my perfect girl.” He slipped his thumb out of your mouth, but kept his hand wrapped around your throat. You moaned, despite his grip getting tighter around you. That combined with him pounding into your pussy made you teeter close to edge.
“Chrollo I-nngh ‘m close,” you gasped. “Please can I cum?”
Chrollo dipped in to kiss you before responded, “Yes baby. Cum on my cock.” Your head lolled back as your second orgasm flooded your body. His name slipped from your lips in a desperate moan as the pleasure had you seeing stars. Chrollo fucked you through it, your spasming walls eventually pushing him over the edge. He moaned your name - the sweetest sound you’ve ever heard - filling your pussy with his warm release. His final way to fully claim you as his. 
He didn’t pull out even when you both finished, leaning in to kiss you more. “I love you so much, you were so perfect,” he praised between kiss. “And now you’re mine. Forever.” 
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the-menace-in-pink · 3 months ago
Chrollo Headcanons (various)
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He’s neither fond nor hateful of children. He doesn’t see the point nor sense in hating them as he’s been one once—as were his most cherished people. But they’re just that, little humans whom he doesn’t see as inherently innocent and helpless either.
He’s got a big thing for pomegranates, but nothing’s more annoying to him than coming across an enticingly red one just for the seeds to be acidic. When their skin’s red he tends to just go for it and bite into the full thing without peeling it.
He enjoys classic fairy and folklore tales, especially in their morbid lessons and rawness. The Red Hiding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Rumpelstiltskin and Bluebeard are some of his favorites.
Because of his peculiar name and his habit to juggle identities, he’s always found a strange comfort in Spirited Away and Juliet’s monologue in Romeo and Juliet.
He believes he’s got a talent for writing, but his confidence always falters when he wants to put into paper a musing that’s dear to him.
Shalnark being taller than him annoys him to no end lol. Like he knows it’s not a big deal, and he’s not short by any means but… he thinks he’s got the ‘big height, 180cm+’ energy, you know? Not the geek
His smile’s slightly crooked/lopsided, and it’s much more noticeable when his smile’s genuine. Pakunoda and Machi secretly think it’s he most adorable thing ever.
His hair got to his shoulders at some point, he’d even style it in a low ponytail or a braid, but he cut cut cut it bc too much work.
I doubt he’s figured his ideal type. Although he’s certain he doesn’t want to date someone who’s just himself in a different font style and personality wise. He prefers contrast, be it physically, morally or in their overall demeanor. Not day and night either, just someone who’s different to keep him guessing and make things interesting.
If he wanted a pet, he’d be in for a fish, a cat or a snake. He doesn’t want to be all up in their space, and he doesn’t want them to be in his either. Just a presence is enough. But bc of maintenance and stuff, he’d prefer cat… or just a stray one he’d bring treats to and hang out with from time to time.
He’s only got a crush on someone once, when the Troupe was still starting out and lingered longer in areas to set up their plans. He never acted on it tho, and they were mutually rude to one another. So go figure lmao. (That person’s probably still alive and most likely lost their student job bc of the Troupe’s shenanigans)
I’m sure this has been said a billion times already but he’s yappatron 3000 when you get him drunk enough to spill the secrets of the universe (btw he doesn’t know shit)
The whole Troupe thinks he wears contacts because no way his vision is still flawless by now. Never confirmed nor denied anything.
Got high with Shizuku and Shalnark once and thought Feitan was his mom.
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user73817 · 4 months ago
almost victorian with you//wearing nothing but the summer bruises on my knees
chrollo x reader drabble with vague allusions to sex. inspired vaguely by fishtail by lana because i love lana and the chrollo + lana combo is lethal
cw: none i think but chrollo is kinda weird and bit of a red flag
technically no explicit mentions of reader's gender but they wear dresses so idk
~ 600 words
You doubt even he knows what he wants from you. 
Truly, Chrollo doesn't care for much at all in the world, only the Phantom Troupe and whatever captures his interest at any given time. He doesn't talk about things like the past, but you're sure it carries weight to it from the way the Troupe always put nothing but their utmost faith in him.
‘Hedonistic’ is the word you think of when you think of Chrollo, spoiling himself and the Troupe in the items he steals. Whatever shiny thing catches his eyes will be his. Sometimes you think that with the way he looks at you, perhaps you're just another shiny thing he wants to possess. 
He carries himself like a true gentleman, a well crafted veneer of class and sophistication. The slight bow when he meets others, straight posture, ironed suits, and his finely manicured hands.  
He loves to read, and you can tell, Chrollo, ever the quiet romantic. He can speak endlessly on anything, with a wealth of knowledge beneath his expensive belt. A thief in the skin of a Victorian nobleman. He always insists on taking you to fancy restaurants in Yorknew, even though he always makes you two leave without paying. Gifting you artfully crafted bouquets and expensive jewellery that he almost certainly didn't pay for. Sneaking into orchestras and ballets with no tickets, yourself dressed in the fine jewels and pretty dresses he gets for you, and him in his patent leather coat over his well tailored black suits. 
Sometimes at night, before either of you are tired, he’ll read to you whatever limited edition classic he made off with from a private auction, his soft voice lulling you to sleep. Or perhaps it’s more of a siren’s song than a peaceful lullaby. As you fall asleep, you always feel it, the soft press of his lips against your forehead, right where he has the tattoo on his. 
But at times his gentlemanly charade slips, the facade of a well mannered man falls for just a moment.
You’ll never forget the way he so intently looked at the scarlet eyes of the Kurta, fixated on them, watched them, severed and put into jars surrounded by a yellowish liquid, and faint trails of blood. Like he just couldn't get enough of the sight, a light smile touching his mouth, eyes unable to tear themselves from the sight, needing to indulge himself in the pleasure brought from his spoils, over and over again. 
Sometimes it seems like he wears that same expression when he’s on top of you, with his hair down, shadows cast from his brow to his eye, the flat of his torso splayed across yours, and you can feel every inch of his skin pressing against yours, the slight digging of his hip bones against your flesh. That same fascination and intensity in his stare, boring deep within you. You can feel his attention fall to every minute reaction your body gives up. How he knows every way in which you respond to his touch. His slender hands clench your waist like they're his to hold onto so tightly. His tongue unable to leave you, his eyes drawn to the sheen of his saliva on your skin. He kisses your knees gently after you bruise them on the tough hotel carpets in front of him. He leaves bruises decorating your neck and collarbone for you to wear alongside the necklaces he gifts you. Sometimes he bites down hard, not hard enough to bleed, but hard enough to remind you that he’s the only one allowed to rough you up and treat you kindly after. In all fairness, Chrollo's the only one you let treat you in such a way, the only one who would treat you in such a way. 
And perhaps it is all just a charade, an evocation of old-timey traditionalism to mask his selfish desire to possess you like another one of his stolen treasures. Or maybe he does just want to treat you nice, take you out to rooftop dinners under a setting sun, show that, in a gentlemanly way, of course, he maybe feels something akin to love for you.
You wouldn't know. You doubt even he knows. Chrollo has always been enigmatic, even from when you first met him. And just maybe, he is to himself, too.
i love chrollo
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queenmimis · 1 year ago
Some may say I'm crazy for liking them but whatever their my husbands😊
what the adult trio needs to be fulfilled in a relationship
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hisoka needs...
- sex, excitement, and attention LMAO
- bro needs a round daily, he cant remember a day in his life where he hasn't came at least once
- except for maybe infancy and young childhood
- he's too horny for his own good
- needs to be your number one priority
- whether ur his number one doesn't matter
- you need to be ready to give him attention whenever he wants it
- unless he was trying to get a reaction out of you, he wouldn't ignore you because he understands the desire for attention
- but expect him to ghost you every now and then
- that doesn't mean he's not watching you, because he totally is
- he picked up a few trick from illumi lol
- and it's almost never personal
- buttttt, if you manage to trick him into opening up the ghosting and obsessive stalking would become more frequent
- he'd want to know more of your weaknesses than you know of his
- in a way, he does like to feel weak, only because it turns him on though
- if you manage to keep him excited and hold his attention for long enough, he'll get attached
- he'll be your dog LOL
- surprisingly loyal if the relationship is serious and you guys have known each other for multiple years
- simply because he knows he can count on you
- but he's not sexually monogamous, and doesn't super care if you are
- only allows one night stands tho
- would kill the person if they tried to continue anything
- and would bring you their head
- like when your cat kills a bird and then brings it to you cuz it's so proud of itself
- that's just his way of showing u how much he loves u LMFAO
illumi needs...
- control, submission, and patience
- he's a total control freak. classic manipulator shit too
- uses text book manipulation when you disagree with him so if you catch on it's not really a problem
- lacks a lot of understanding of emotional needs and empathy so you need to be patient and explain everything to him
- or else he'll be like "why are you crying? your grandma died? that isn't something worth crying over."
- he never ghosts you
- ignores you only if he's really really pissed
- you must always be in a close radius, you're never out of his sight
- of course he requires all your attention, you are his number one and he expects to be your number one
- you go on missions with him, and if you don't it's because you're at the Zoldyck mansion or smth
- you are always in his grasp
- youre his doll, ok?
- if you guys aren't married yet, he doesn't think you two are are "dating" he just thinks you guys are engaged with no ring yet
- is 100% monogamous, and if you aren't he will make you be monogamous
- will kill anyone who looks at you in a way he doesn't like so it's not like u have an option
- yes he loves his family but he loves you a little more
- if you were somehow able to convince him to run away with you he would come along
- deep down he just wants love and if you love him that's all he really needs
- luckily he's not very socially knowledgeable
- it would be very time consuming, not impossible, but it would take a great amount of effort (esp with kikyo smh)
- doesn't really like physical touch at first but trust me that man needs a hug.
chrollo needs....
- commitment, intelligence, and a fairytale love
- would never admit it sober
- but he's a total hopeless romantic
- he just desires for a true connection
- like one where you guys are literally meant for each other and no one else
- someone perfect for him
- one where you understand each other well, you don't even need to communicate you just get each other
- he does need communication as well
- he's gone his whole life feeling like everything is temporary, and he just wants something that is forever
- wants to grow old together
- needs your 100% commitment
- doesn't ghost you exactly, but he does disappear for periods of time
- he'll tell you that it's a work trip but won't specify, even if you already know about the phantom troupe
- he'll be gone from two weeks anywhere to five months.
- but would never leave you hanging
- he'd send you stuff and text you everyday
- wants you to devote yourself to him
- at first he'll make you think he's devoted himself to you, but eventually he will come around and start to be more serious after a year or two passes
- bro doesn't want to be talking to a wall
- so you actually need to be capable of conversation and complicated discussion
- would form a book club
- by that i mean it's just you two and you read the same book to be able to discuss it passionately
- he is very passionate in many ways
- also you are to stay out of troupe business no matter what
thank you for reading and supporting me :) - eru
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illubean · 15 days ago
Heyyy, so I’m like reaaaally tall and I wanted to ask if you’d be comfortable with writing headcanons about the Phantome troupe (or just feitan, uvogin and Hisoka) with a tall fem!s/o? Like 6’2 or 6’3 , cuz I really like your other headcanons and I can’t find any of those ANYWHERE… :,)
Phantom Troupe w/ a Tall!Fem!Reader
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Characters: Chrollo Lucilfer, Feitan Portor, Uvogin Type: Headcanons, Fem!Reader
Haven’t written hxh for a hot minute… replaced Hisoka w/ Chrollo cus I don’t write for him! also reader is intended to be in the 6’0+ range
Warnings: a tad suggestive?
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Chrollo Lucilfer
I personally think Chrollo is a certified tall girl lover
never be afraid to wear heels/platforms around him because he’s literally obsessed with you
his favorite thing ever is when you wear shorts/skirts/anything that shows off your legs
if anyone tried giving him shit for having a gf who’s taller than him he doesn’t care because thats little dick energy and Chrollo is NOT part of that club
tall or not he likes having you in his lap, his palms resting on the outside of your thighs or around your waist
who cares if it looks silly to other people? he adores you
he insists on helping you put on/take off your shoes every time, often pressing a kiss to your ankle and telling you how pretty you are GAHHH
touchy touchy man in private, always laying on your lap, caressing your thighs or offering you specifically leg massages
he may or may not be a teeny bit of a perv
he just can’t help it :(( he wants to spoil his tall baby
we already touched on the shorts and skirts thing but this guy goes NUTS if you wear stockings/fishnets/thigh highs etc. like YESSS THANK THE LAWD
he is not above getting on his knees and quite literally worshipping you, kissing up the length of your leg
ok let me stop before i get freaky
Feitan Portor
oh boy
Feitan is already used to being relatively shorter than people, it wasn’t new to him
but he didn’t expect to get with someone DAMN NEAR A WHOLE FOOT TALLER
you guys are like the big and friendly x small and scary ship dynamic except reversed gender role i guess
as previously mentioned in another headcanon post i did similar to this, Feitan likes being shorter than you for 2 main reasons
1. so he can sneak up on you easier and 2. because he’s practically eye level with your chest..
he likes it when you hug him so he can just faceplant into your rack then blame it on the height difference
he likes to sneak up on you and watch you nearly jump out of your skin because you literally didn’t see him coming
he’s not at all insecure about your height difference but he does get annoyed if you or anyone else teases him
if you tried leaning an arm atop his head or something he would dodge you with a scowl and give you the silent treatment for the next 10 minutes because how dare you!?
he is small but mighty, so if you ever try to pick him up or something he WILL fight back
9 times out of 10 you end up splayed out on the floor while he stomps away, a little salty
but he doesn’t mind so much in private
he actually DEMANDS to be the little spoon
he likes the feeling of having your larger form wrapped around him :3
yeah so no matter how tall you are you’re probably never ever going to be taller than this guy soz
he’s like over 8 feet tall
so needless to say your height doesn’t matter much to him..
but I think he probably has a preference for taller women because it just makes things easier for him
also wtf would it look like if this guy was dating someone under 5’4…it would look suspicious even if they’re an adult……..
so yeah he like’s that you’re tall even though you’re still pretty short compared to him
he likes that he has easier access to kiss you instead of having to lean down ridiculously far (even though around 2 feet is still kind of ridiculous…)
another one who likes it when you show your legs off
to be fair, he likes it when you show skin in general but yeah
cannot keep his hands off you ever
he always has an arm slung over your shoulders or if you’re sitting his insanely large hand is resting on your thigh
he doesn’t shy away from pda ever and it kind of annoys some of the other troupe members..
but yeah you guys are giants in love <3
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blueberrymocha · 3 months ago
hugging them ᯤ¡! ❞
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╰┈➤ fluff
➣ characters: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, hisoka, illumi, chrollo
➣ word count: x
➣ a/n: happy holidays :D here’s my 102929282th attempt at being active
- would instantly hug back
- actually you're lucky if he doesn't full on tackle you
- he's very affectionate and does not care when, where or why
- so generally, he's always got an arm over your shoulder
- or his hand intertwined with yours
- or anything that involves touch
- is frozen
- his first reaction might've been that there's some threat from the sudden touch
- especially if you snuck up on him
- as soon as he realized it was you, he just stood there awkwardly
- maybe bringing a hand to rest on your head
- he doesn't really strike me as the hugging type
- but it's not like he's gonna push you away
- would tease you after
"so clingy, did you miss me that much?"
- he doesn't like touch at all from people he's not extremely close with
- so if you'd just started dating or weren't at that level yet he'd just stand there and nudge you away
- but once he's warmed up to you more, he's actually pretty touch starved
- so he'd hug you back
- but he holds you tight and doesn't let go for a while
- after that, as long as you initiate, he's down with it
- has the most normal reaction
"hello to you too, anyway"
- just gonna hug you back quickly then continue on with what he was doing
- maybe kiss the top of your head or ask what's up
- you guys would hug an average amount so it's not out of the ordinary for either of you to initiate
- surprisingly, he tenses up
- there’s just never been a time in his life where someone was outright gentle with him
- yet as much as his muscles are begging to let lose, to counterattack—because to him, contact was negative—he doesn’t pull away
- for the simple reason being that it’s you
- he knows you, and he’ll never admit it, but some part of him trusts you
- so in the split second of his mind anticipating violence; he’ll merely stand there, almost awkwardly
- once his senses come back to him, he quickly summons his playful persona to tease you
- he recognizes it as a sign of affection, thinking back to all the couples he’d seen do this motion
- so he’ll wrap an arm around you too, in a very stiff way
- the first few times you hug him, he probably thinks it’s a little silly
- but he doesn’t want to needlessly upset you by pulling away
- eventually, if you do it enough, he’ll lean his head on yours or ask about your day
- all of that’s assuming you’re in privacy, if you were in public, he’d politely step out of the embrace
- he finds it genuinely adorable, a small and rare smile on his face
- he’d never tolerate touch from anyone else
- but you’re a clear exception
- he’ll hold you for a few moments before pulling away,
- his face returning to his usual neutral expression
- but you can tell by the look of love in his eyes that he can’t help but think about how lucky he is
- and how precious you are
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cryinggirlnamedhelen · 2 months ago
some really silly (AND CANON!!!) things about chrollo that i enjoy a lot
lmao im giving you all more since i think u all seem to rlly like the fun facts on the last post🥺💕❤️
- chrollo has a phone, and the only times that he actually uses it is to call someone—plus, he only uses it a few in the series. an example is after his fight against hisoka (ch. 357) and another time is on the black whale trying to find his “ideal partner” (ch. 406, will elaborate more on in the next fact)
- chrollo basically uses the nen equivalent of tinder, as he steals an ability (notably from a woman) called “love dial”, in which he can put in a condition to find someone on his phone with the nen ability and the ability will give him the number of the person who is his “ideal match” (it’s not necessarily romantic). for example, if chrollo puts in “someone with a strong rage towards me”, then kurapika’s number would show up. (note: just because you call doesn’t mean that the call will necessarily go through).
- chrollo can basically use any resource to his advantage, no matter how seemingly useless. for example, in the yorknew city arc, chrollo kills all of the assassins going after him with the pen that neon used to write his fortune. another example is when shizuku and pakunoda talk about how kurapika probably came to yorknew for the auction and chrollo suddenly pieces together where exactly kurapika could be, who he is, etc,.
- according to the yoshihiro togashi exhibit in japan (which holds completely canon information), chrollo is considered a genius at nen, meaning that he is only one level away from the ultimate tier of nen use. according to togashi, anyone can reach the ultimate nen user tier as long as they train hard enough.
- chrollo has an ongoing pattern of taking someone’s nen ability and using it far better than the original owner ever could. for example, neon only used her ability with little to no knowledge about how it actually worked; meanwhile chrollo managed to take full advantage of her ability by predicting exactly what will happen in the future and managed to save numerous troupe members due to it. another example is kortopi’s ability, which was believed to be useless in combat. however, chrollo proved that to be wrong, as kortopi’s ability was crucial to chrollo’s win against hisoka.
- chrollo can TECHNICALLY win any battle as long as you give him prep time. (i know, it’s the ultimate chrollo fangirl powerscaler card, but im not wrong😔)
- chrollo actually seems to prefer letting his hair down. the only times that chrollo actually has his hair slicked back is when he is around the troupe, possibly due to not wanting to seem vulnerable around the troupe. his unmoving hair when slicked back represents that. however, when chrollo’s hair is let down, it moves and represents the more human, more fragile side of him.
- chrollo’s eyes directly contrast hisoka’s. while chrollo’s eyes are gray—a plain and dull color, they are nearly always lighted because chrollo cares despite trying to pretend that he doesn’t. meanwhile, hisoka has bright and fun colored yellow amber eyes, because hisoka doesn’t care about or feel anything despite wanting to.
- it’s canon that chrollo knows so much about Christianity and the Bible because he often visited the church in meteor city as a child (ch. 395-397). he seemed to be very close with the pastor, Father Lisores, as the pastor often complimented chrollo and talked about chrollo to the meteor city elders, talking about how chrollo might be the one to help the city.
- chrollo and the troupe actually seem to be viewed as heroes in meteor city rather than a villain. when the troupe visited meteor city to battle the chimera ants, the elders had no protests whatsoever despite knowing of their crimes. not only that, but judging from the way that chrollo spoke during his fight against hisoka, the meteor city elders also had very little, if any, issues against chrollo stealing their nen ability.
- chrollo has canonically met characters such as razor, eta, illumi, abengane, and dog man; no, that wasn’t a typo😭 his name is actually dog man (ik this isn’t really a fun fact but can u imagine how each of their conversations would go🤭 it’d lowkey be so silly)
- chrollo name in katakana (クロロ ku ro ro) has the word “kuro” in it, meaning black. the word “ro” is often added to names in japanese to make a name more masculine. thus, chrollo’s name can mean “black” or “darkness”
- chrollo’s tattoo is a type of cross called a “double vajra”
- a small plot hole in HxH about chrollo is how relaxed chrollo is with showing his face when going in public. during the yorknew city, people put chrollo’s face up on the internet. although they eventually take it down, there is still digital footprints.
- chrollo has a habit of self blame even when he is fully aware that something is not his fault (read his backstory for specific examples because there are WAY TOO MANY examples of it, especially in his backstory😞)
- chrollo seems to view himself as some sort of “higher being”. superior to humans, and yet the “being” that he sees himself as has little value. during the hisoka vs chrollo fight, chrollo says “humans are so very interesting” while looking down—and for the first time in the series, his eyes aren’t lighted. they are just dark and empty with very little emotion. chrollo doesn’t even view himself as a human anymore, and chrollo seems to view humans as some sort of strange entity.
- chrollo is an actor who acted a role for so long that he eventually forgot what his actual personality was like, and thus began to act out different roles and personalities hoping to find the one that he once was before he began acting.
oh chrollo, how i love you. the way that you genuinely changed my life. how dare you be such a realistic and relatable character? how dare you be such a fun and addicting character to analyze and dissect? how dare you be such an incredible character to daydream about to my ocs? how dare you be the character that made me cry the most in all of fiction? how dare you occupy such a special place in my heart?
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hisokakissmeplz · 7 months ago
How would the adult trio teach reader who has never done oral? Would they be reassuring? Would they force your head down?
gotten so many blowie rq lately u freaks
He's kind the first time surprisingly
At least a first
He knows he's big and hard to take, letting you slowly take home into your mouth
He smirks when you choke, his hands holding your head reassuringly, fingers interlocking in your hair
After a little while, his tip hits the back of your throat, forcing a groan out of him
He begins to speed up, his hands gripping your hair harshly as he forces your head down to deep throat him
He's praising you the whole time, despite his rough throat fucking
Kisses you after and his very encouraging, he wants you to enjoy it just as much as he does
Probably his first time too honestly
He's virgin sensitive, flinches when your breath fans over his tip
He comes around to it, falling into a rhythm of slowly rocking his hips into your mouth
Tells you everything he's feeling, teaches you how to please him
Very soft the first time
after that he becomes addicted to stuffing his dick down your throat whenever you let him
If you let him throat fuck you he'll propose right there
"Darling...fuck-marry me?" "Mmphn!"
Perfect gentleman
Guides you through the whole thing, holds your head softly, easing your mouth onto him
Teaches you by letting you suck his fingers first
Loves 69
I feel like he's a giver so he'd definitely wanna please you in whatever way he can while your blowing him
Loves answering calls during it too
He wants everyone to know how much you love to please him
Sorry if this sucks I haven't written in forever
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