#christopher luxon? more like christopher cuckson
ourdreamsareneon · 4 months
I'm sorry if you don't follow me for niche takes on gang culture but UGH I hate Christopher Luxon (NZ's PM) for many many reason, one of which is him saying this government is going to be "harder on gangs" BITCH HOW???
Sentencing is already harder if you're in a gang or gang affiliated. You already can't wear patches in most establishments. The cops already are harsher on people if they know they're patched/affiliated/just happen to live in an area like Cannon's Creek where gang crime is high. The government already busted most of the trap houses in the Wellington region back in 2013.
What more are you planning to do that doesn't involve just killing people in the streets? Or locking people up that haven't even committed any crimes (or that you don't have evidence of because mostly everyone who is patched will have committed a crime to get patched.)
Labour actually worked with gangs to reduce violent crime and give back to the communities that are struggling to prevent young people from entering gangs as a last resort. National/ACT/NZ First has no interest in making life easier for people living in poverty and actually seem dead set on putting more people into poverty - and what have we learnt from decades of gang culture? When shit is bad, people join gangs because a gang is a family that will put food on the table and a roof over your head, and a government is a cold, careless institution that will put you on the streets and starve you so that they have one less person to give health care to.
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