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oldetimetales ¡ 3 months ago
Purchase today on Amazon! “Angels Afterglow” Children’s Book on 
Description: When Jesus was born, the Angels were so happy that they flew all around, sharing the good news with everyone. Angels have a special secret—they leave behind a magical, glowing light called an "afterglow" when they visit.
For more books visit our website:
Or go to Authors Central https://www.amazon.com/author/oldenburg
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virginiagreene ¡ 1 year ago
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Hello, Tumblr followers! 
When I was a kid, pre-social media, there was a tradition of sending your friends and family an annual update on life in the form of a “Christmas letter”. It was a way of letting the people in your social circle (though maybe not your immediate day-to-day life) know what you’d been up to this year, often in a lighthearted way. This probably sounds ridiculous to anyone who’s grown up with social media—you know what people have been up to, essentially the same time it’s happened! Unless, of course, the person in question is an ever-Luddite-leaning artist and naturalist who posts on social media these days once in a blue moon (or less).
But 2023 has been an incredible year for me—full of joy, challenges, and growth—most of which I have not transmitted via social media. So in honor of that old goofy tradition and that most human desire to connect with one another, I would like to write for you in this last month of 2023 my own little “Christmas letter”.
If you’re seeing this, thank you. Thank you for following me, thank you for liking my posts (sparse as they have been), and thank you for supporting my artwork—I hope you will enjoy hearing what I’ve been up to!
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ptagtrucking ¡ 1 year ago
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A letter to truckers from the CEO of the PTAG !!!
🚛💨 #ptag #trucking #christmasletter https://ptagtrucking.com/blank-hmtzi?preview=true
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bexreadstoomuch ¡ 2 years ago
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Magic Man - Chapter 11
After Winning your local Battle of The Bands competition, you don’t realise it’s your old school crush’s band that’ll you’ll be supporting for the next 4 months. Can you put the past behind you and forgive?
It's time for the new years eve party, buckle in - let go have some fun!
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, flirting, reader has weight/image issues light angst, 18+ overall for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use/language, angst, smut, fingering, confessions of attraction, EddiemunsonxReaderHenderson
A/N - So it says eventual smut, and the smut has arrived, it's only slight here, warning are above. This chapter also contains one of my favourite Scorpions songs - Still Loving You! I hope you enjoy
Masterlist Part 11/? [wc 6.1k] a/n - please please like, share and comment, your comments make me so happy and encourage me to write more! thank you <3
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11 - Still Loving You
Sitting at the window of your motel room, you watch the snow slowly falling covering the parking lot out front in a blanket of crisp white snow.
Arriving early couldn't have been timed more perfectly, as you were expecting a large cold front and even the possibility of a blizzard here in Nebraska.
Looking across at the venue across the street, your face is illuminated by the blue neon sign of the motel, hiding the blush that was rising in your cheeks at the memory of Eddie's hands on you only a few hours earlier.
“please promise me, I'll see you tonight after the show for the party? So we can speak some more?” his words echoed in your head. Of course you’d see him, you were not going to miss out on this. 
Of course you were still worried that he wasn’t being fully truthful but you had promised Dustin you would give Eddie a chance.
“Listen y/n, Eddie was in bits after that night, kept asking me why you weren’t around anymore, I’d never seen him like that before” Dustin had explained to you back at christmas in the garage.
 “He kept asking about you every single day, I never even saw him get mad, he just went quiet after a while. Once he finally graduated, he packed up his stuff and moved out of Hawkins. I didn't know where he was going, but I heard a rumour he’d gone to California, I don't know maybe in hopes to find you”
The show had gone amazingly, you kept seeing Eddie on the side of the stage watching you closely with a smile plastered on his face, watching his eyes roaming over your body. When you'd notice him doing this you would bluff a few notes, causing him to stifle a laugh and mouth “sorry” in your direction.
Laughing to yourself you get up from your position in the window making your way to the shared bathroom to grab a shower. Upon returning to the room, Lula comes bounding in with a large bag with a logo you don't recognise. 
“OK don't get mad, but we got you something for tonight” Lula places the bag on the bed between them, tipping it upside down letting the contents cascade all over the bed.
Your eyes went wide at the sight. All you could see was a sea of black. Black Leather and cloth, and the glint of silver.
“What is all this?” you look up at your friend confused.
“So Gareth may have spilled the beans to me about what happened at thanksgiving and tonight with Eddie - please don't get mad” Lula throws her hands in the air seeing the shocked look on your face.
“So with that in mind, I was saving this for your birthday, but I thought tonight would be better,” Lula explains, picking up a few pieces to flatten them out.
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and seeing.
“Lula, im, WOW, i mean look at these, they are beautiful but i'll look ridiculous in this” you say holding up the leather jacket which you now see is encrusted with small silver diamontes.
“Now remember what we told you before we left for this tour? No self doubting y/n, you are gorgeous and beautiful inside and out and we are gonna to show Eddie what he's been missing all these years,” Lula had made her way around to you, hands on your shoulders looking you dead in the eye. “You got this?” She may be small but she can be intimidating when she wants to be.
“Yes, YES, ok let's do this” you beam back at her. “Where's Jack anyway?” you ask 
“I don't know, she said she had some stuff to do after the show but would see us later back at the venue for the party”
Jack had been disappearing more so recently after shows, coming back to the bus in the early hours. She didn't think you’d both noticed but you had. You know not to question her about it. Like when she came out to you both it was on her terms, she told you when she was ready. And that's the rules you've taken ever since, Jack will tell you something when she is ready.
After about an hour or so of Lula backcombing your hair, applying more mousse and hairspray to your head, that it would even make Harrington jealous, you were starting to get really nervous, and she could see it. 
Squeezing your shoulder from behind you Lula gives a small smile and nod. That's the great thing about true friendships, you don't need to say much, and they will know what you need.
After applying your makeup it was time for your outfit. 
Lula had hung it up ready for you in the bathroom to get changed into while she finished off her own makeup.
Closing the bathroom door behind you you looked at the outfit hanging there and your body was awash with self doubt.
Thought came flooding into your mind of all the things that could go wrong. The pants wouldn't do up, even worse they would split.
You thought back to what Lula had said “we are going to show Eddie what he's been missing all these years”
Taking a deep breath you set upon getting dressed, trying your best to get those negative thoughts out of your head. 
This isn't just for Eddie this is also for you! You deserve this!
“LULA WHAT THE FUCK?” you shouted pulling the bathroom door open brandishing the bag in front of you.
“Oh yeah that, well you never know” lula trailed off raising her eyebrows up and you going back to the mirror to do her makeup.
“How do you know it’ll fit?” you ask annoyingly.
“Don't worry we know your sizes and made sure it would - you'll look amazing”
You shook your head at your friend making your way back into the bathroom, to examine the bag again. Inside were a set of black lace and ribbon bras and panties.
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Putting it against your body you wouldn't believe you were going to do it, but you promised her.
Once your outfit was on, you couldn't stop moving your hands up and down your thighs, across your stomach, all the areas you hated. 
Taking a deep breath you make your way out of the bathroom, your new heeled boots clacking across the tiled floor.
“OMG Y/N you look amazing! He's gonna die!”
Looking at yourself in the full size mirror you start to feel a sense of power come across you. The outfit made you feel powerful, like you could take on the world.
You take in the leather trousers which are encrusted with stars made up of diamantes which matched the leather jacket which covered your torso which was in a tight black Harley Davidson tee, with a double buckled belt.
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Lula had retired her plaid and vans for the evening and opted for a short little black dress, fishnet tights and borrowed your dr martens boots.
“Lula, aren't you going to be cold when it's snowing?” you express your concern looking at her outfit.
“Oh I'm not worried, hopefully someone can warm me up later” she giggled.
“Oh you are gross!” you laugh back at her. She had expressed that her and Gareth haven't gone all the way yet and she was hoping tonight could be the night. Looking like she did, I'm sure it’d be hard for him to say no.
Making your way over to the venue to get more and more nervous, walking a few steps behind Lula trying to take as much time as you could. Maybe thinking that if you walked slow enough you wouldn't have to go.
“Y/N, come on whats up?” Lula calls over her shoulder, noticing you behind her.
“What if it happens again?” you say in an almost whisper, “what if it's like halloween again? I mean look at me!” your hands gesturing across your body.
“Honey, it’ll all be ok, Eddie wants you to be there, he’ll be next to you, and if he doesn't he’ll have me to answer to ok?” She tries to reassure you, but you cannot push the daunting feeling away.
You nod slightly taking in what she was saying, you trusted her. It was everyone else you didn't.
Walking back into the venue, you see the room now transformed ready for the new year. Slivers of multicoloured foils hanging from the ceiling, lights flashing between different colours and the music so loud you could feel it vibrating in your feet.
Looking around you recognise a few people from Wyatts team back in California, over at the bar, he waves over to you both to join him, Jack already in conversation with him.
“Hello Ladies, you both look wonderful” Wyatt gushes, tipping his hat to the both of you.
“As do you Wyatt” Lula comments 
“So ladies, I wanted to have a quick chat with you before the party gets into full swing. I've been chatting with the boys and they are in agreement with me. This tour so far has been a triumph and once it's over, me and the team would love to sign you to add to our label, join the team! What do you say?” 
You all must have had the same look on your face as Wyatt quickly says “no need to rush to a decision now, but let me know as soon as you can ok?”
You all nod, watching Waytt turn and walk away back to the rest of his team.
“Oh my god what just happened?” you say exasperated grabbing both the girls arms.  
“I think we did it, we finally did it” Jack quickly responds.
“What do we do?” Lula asks, looking at you with a worried look.
“We say yes right?” you answer.
You're all looking between each other and slowly all nod in agreement.
No more words were needed between you all, this was it, you made it. Your only concern was you'd be on the same label as Eddie, no doubt working together, was this such a good idea?
You must have willed him into existence thinking of him, because as you turned around so your back was against the edge of the bar, he walked in the rest of the band in tow.
Tight black jeans, chains, black boots and a black sequined shirt, ludicrously open very low exposing his chest tattoos, with a chain dangling around his neck which you noticed had a pick attached. You wonder if this is the same one from high school he always had on.
You notice him scanning the room as though looking for someone, and as soon as your eyes meet, you notice him let out a breath, looking up and down at your body, raising his eyebrows in awe. This alone was making your cheeks heat up. 
He looks flawless, and there was that knot in your stomach again, making you shift your weight from side to side.
Your heart sank as you saw the band disperse but Kelly appeared next to him in a tight corset style black top with a long skirt attached, a large split going up one side. He must have noticed this in your face as he leaned over to Kelly whispering something to her, which must have not been good as she had a face of thunder as she stormed off.
Eddie looked back over to you with a look on his face as thought he was apologising on her behalf. Making his way over towards you, you were feeling hotter with every step he took.
“Hey sweetheart, you look, just wow, you look amazing” Eddie extends a hand out to you which you slowly take letting him spin you around so he can look at the rest of the outfit.
“Where have you been hiding this?” he asks you, his voice seemingly deeper than usual.
“Lula got it for me, early birthday present” you quickly respond looking down trying to hide your embarrassment.
Eddie's hand suddenly whips up, taking your chin with his thumb and pointer figure, tilting your head to look at me.
“No need to be shy sweetheart, you look beautfiul”
His words made your heart hurt, you always thought people were saying things like this just to make you feel better but never meant it. This must have been showing on your face, giving you away as he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek giving it a gentle rub with his thumb, leaning in close to your ear.
“I mean it y/n - i've always thought you were beautiful” Eddie's voice was soft and full of sincerity.
Your breath hitched in your chest when he said this. Taken aback by his honesty, you blurted out “I always thought you were too”
Eddie let out a little chuckle moving his hands to your waist guiding you towards the bar. “Ladies, how about you?” he asked Jack and Lula. You had completely forgotten they were still standing next to you, completely lost in Eddie.
“Thanks Eddie but were ok, i'm going to go find Gareth” Lula tells you both, making her way past you, whispering to you as she past “It’ll be ok y/n, you got this, don't forget he's got me to answer to if he hurts you again”
You give her a nod as you watch her glide across the room straight into Gareth's waiting arms, placing herself in his lap, on some of the leather chairs that were dotted around the room.
“You want shots again, or are you going to take it slow this time?” Eddie is asking you as you watch your friend leave, and noticing Jack was now missing too.
“Oh sorry” you quickly turn back around facing him “No, ermm, can i have a cranberry and vodka please?”
Eddie learns over the bar and orders your drinks. You feel awkward standing there. You feel like everyone is looking at you. Judging you. Talking about you.
“Y/n? You ok?” Eddie's voice from behind you makes you jump back to reality, standing there with a beer in one hand and your drink in the other.
“Shall we sit?” He tilts his head over to an empty booth area of seats.
Nodding you follow him to the secluded area and sit down opposite him, hands clasped tightly around your glass, knuckles almost going white.
Looking up you see Eddie's hand also tight around the bottle he was holding.
“I'm glad you came tonight” he says breaking the silence between you “I should of done this a long time ago”
“I spoke to Dustin over Christmas, he saw the letter you gave me and explained things to me, but I don't know what to believe. I was a mess that night, I felt so hurt, I felt small, I felt foolish. Foolish for thinking someone like you would like someone like me.” you thought if you never said it now you never would, taking a large gulp of your drink feeling the alcohol burn down your throat.
Leaning forward in the booth taking a drink from his beer Eddie have a defeating sigh “I thought you wouldn’t want to been seen with someone like me - like I said this afternoon I was an idiot teenager who didn’t know any better”
He reached a hand over the table between you reaching for one of your hands. You looked down at his heavily ringed open hand for a moment debating whether to take it or not.
You slowly extend your towards him, allowing him to encase his large hand around yours.
“Eddie, why did you react the way you did when you first saw us back in California?” You asked him with worry. You had been wondering this for sometime, not really wanting to know the answer.
“Oh that, well, I really don’t know” Eddie's grip on your hand becomes tighter and he searches for an answer lowering his head as though ashamed 
“I regret how I acted, I was a complete fool, you no doubt thought I was being some pompous rock star” he laughed the last few works trying to lighten the moment
“But I think it was the shock of seeing you after so long, you looked breathtaking standing there and I was afraid I was mess things up again”
You watched him try and explain himself, watched his eyes searching your face for forgiveness. Lowing your eyes you watch him adam’s apple bob in his throat and he swallows trying to find the words.
You didn’t say anything, just looked back at him moving your free hand to cover his that’s encased around your other hand.
“I’ll be right back” Eddie says as he moves out of the booth making his way over to the DJ booth. You watch him point to something behind the man and have a quick conversation and nodding between them both. 
Watching him make his way back over to your booth you see the man behind the desk place a record on the deck moving the needle carefully into place.
You instantly recognise the first chords of the song now playing over the speakers. It was the song Eddie was playing this afternoon when you saw him playing alone.
Scorpions - Still Loving You 
“Will you dance with me?” Eddie's voice is low as he extends a hand out waiting for you to accept it.
Taking a moment to consider your options you throw caution to the wind, shifting out of your jacket leaving it in the booth you stand taking Eddie's hand in yours letting him lead you to the dance floor.
Pulling you tightly towards him he placed both hands on your hips giving you no choice but to place your arms around his neck under his hair.
He let out a little noise from the bottom of his throat at the feeling of your hands on the back of his neck.
“How did you know?” You asked him looking up at him as he swayed with you to the music 
“Know what?” He looks down at you with a small crooked smile.
“This song, it’s my favourite, you were playing it this afternoon weren’t you?” You replied, questioning him.
“Ah well that would be telling, but I have my ways of finding things out” he learned forward pressing his forehead against yours.
The knot in your stomach was growing tighter, you felt like you had hundreds of eyes on you. You thought you could hear people talking about you.
Suddenly you felt the room was spinning, you felt your breathing get rapid, you were starting to panic, eyes darting around the room. 
You felt something on your face, snapping you back into reality you could see Eddie's face still in front of you, one hand still on your hip the other on your face.
“It’s ok y/n it’s ok, you're worrying again aren't you? Just breathe it’s all ok, I’m here I’m not going anywhere” His voice was calming, and soothing. You felt yourself settling again. 
“Eddie I feel such a fool” you lean your head into his chest fitting perfectly under his chin, which he rested on your head.
He didn’t say anything, just held you tight while still moving with the music.
He lifted your head of face him, wrapping his arms tightly around you, leaned into the side of your head and sang long with the song to you,
“If we'd go again, All the way from the start, I would try to change,Things that killed our love. Yes, I've hurt your pride, And I know what you've been through, You should give me a chance, This can't be the end, I’m still loving you”
For a split moment you meet his large brown eyes seeing them full of all the emotions he was trying to express. the knot in your stomach had gone, you felt calm and in control.
Wrapping your arms quickly around his neck again you pulled him down to you crashing your lips together in a hungry kiss.
No one else mattered but you both. You felt like you were the only people in that room for a moment. It was peaceful. Eddie responds with the same hunger, grazing his tongue over your bottom lip asking for access. The kiss was more intense than the one you shared this afternoon, both of you fighting for dominance over the other.
Breaking away from the kiss for only a moment you stared intently at each  other.
“I meant what I said this afternoon, I’m so sorry about what happened, but please let me show you how sorry I am” The tip of Eddie’s nose touches yours as he brings his face in closer again to capture your lips.
Letting your guard down you let out a small moan escape your mouth as he kissed you with more ferocity.
His hands moved from waist down to hips letting his thumbs graze your sides. You could feel his fingers slipping underneath your tee so his fingers could trace your skin.
The song was coming to an end, but you didn't want this to end. Eddie's hands still on your sides he pulls you closer, bringing your hips close against him.
He moves a hand up to tuck some of your hair behind your ear and whisper “follow me”
Your feet had a mind of its own to follow Eddie's command willingly. Passing the guests in the party you see a few faces looking at you with confusion, whispering to the person next to them. Your stomach sinks, and you abruptly stop, your arm stretching out, as Eddie still had hold of it.
Looking around he looks at your concern, slowly making his way abc to you.
“Are you ok doll?” His voice was full of concern.
“Everyone is staring Eds” you answer so quietly it was barely a whisper.
“It's ok, look at me” Eddie's hands are now on your shoulder, turning to face him. “Focus on me ok? Let's get out of here, get some air?”
You quickly nod your head and you allow him again to lead you out of the venue. 
To your surprise you're standing outside beside Bertha. Eddies reach into his pocket and bring out a key unlocking the door.
“How do you have a key for Bertha?” you ask
“Bertha?” his head spins around looking at you amused.
“Yeah she's called Bertha, we thought it was a good name, she's sturdy, albeit a little unreliable” 
Eddie just chuckles at this explanation going back to opening the bus doors.
“Lula gave me a spare key at the bar before just incase” he explains walking up the bus steps pulling you with him.
You’ll be having words with Lula later about that. Everyone seems to be talking about the pair of you, except to you.
“It's nice in here, homely” Eddie remarks looking around, touching the wooden panels on the walls and making his way to the bunks at the back, sitting down on the bottom.
“Yeah Lulas folks helped us set it all up, they're great” you say as you kick off your boots into the corner and grab your blanket wrapping it around you sitting next to him on the edge of the bed.
“Y/n?” Eddie's voice is quiet, his hands move back to your face, bringing it to meet his.
You could barely respond to him as he crashed his lips into yours again. You felt his tongue graze your bottom lip asking for entrance again and you oblige.
Your hands moved from their position in your lap wrapped in your blanket to rest on his jean clad thigh. Feeling your hand on him he pulled away from the kiss leaving you wanting more. He slowly moves so he's facing you ducking slightly so he doesnt hit his head on the bunk above. You move yourself from the edge of the bed moving in further as to give him more room next to you. Seeing what you were doing he dove across so he was now positioned above you.
“Is this ok?” he asks tenderly, looking at you for reassurance.
“Yes” you whisper to him, leaving all inhibitions behind you, reaching up, grabbing him around his neck, pulling him into you to kiss him once more. 
Your both breathless moans, and messy wet heated kisses. He moves his lips from yours, moving his way to your neck, leaving hot kisses in places you didn't know could make you feel this good.
His hands started to roam your body, tracing down your arms and you tense up when he reaches your stomach. Feeling you he stops looking up at you.
“Are you ok y/n? I don't want us to do anything that you're uncomfortable with, we can stop and I can just walk away” Eddies says, looking at you reassuringly.
“No, no please dont stop, its just….. just , oh god, now I feel stupid” you shuffle form underneath him bring your knees up to your chest, hugging your arms around them.
“Sweetheart, I know what you're gonna say, and please, don't worry. I think you're beautiful and I want to show you how beautiful you are, will you let me?” Eddie inches back towards you, placing his ring clad hands on yours.
“You're not just saying that? You mean it? I've had people say these things to me, just because they can then brag they've been with a Fat girl, and, and” your starting to feel your body shake as tears start to form in your eyes. 
Eddie's hand flew up to catch the tear before it fell, wiping it away.
“Please sweetheart, I'm not that type of person. I see you for you, nothing else. Like I said before, I see before me a beautiful, talented woman. A woman who can belt out a song like I've never heard before. You have no idea how long I've dreamt of kissing you, feeling you in my arms, holding you, I was an idiot in school, I wish I had told you sooner, helped protect you from those who would hurt you, will you let me?” You had waited for Eddie to say something like this to you all those years ago.
Unfolding your arms from your legs, you crawl your way closer to him. Leaning in to the side of his face you whisper in his ear “show me, please”
Without another word Eddie dove at you, pinning you beneath him to  continue the assault on your neck. Hands roaming down your sides squeezing your hips making his way down grazing your thighs. His kisses become more heated on your neck, biting down slightly, making you moan at this touch.
His hands tugging at the bottom of your shirt, he makes his way under grazing his hands up your torso, the coldness of his rings causing goosebumps to form. He grazes the underside of your bra feeling the lace under his fingers. 
“What's this?” he comments breathlessly from his position in your neck.
“Another gift from Lula, she said to me ‘you’ll never know’” you stifle a giggle.
“Can I see?” you nod as you lift your frame helping him raise the tee above your head revealing your ribbon and lace bra, your breasts heaving over the top threatening to spill.
“Oh my god doll, you're gorgeous” Eddie's mouth moves quickly from your neck to lick across the peaks of your breasts making you involuntarily hitch your hips up. Feeling this you feel him smirk upon your skin and move himself so he is positioned between your legs.
“If you want me to stop, you need to tell me ok? Do you know the traffic light code?” he asks you quickly, face flush, hair wild. 
You nod, which he raised his eyebrows at.
“Don't forget, green is carry on, amber is slow down and red is stop ok?” he makes sure you remember, you nod again.
“I need you to use your words sweetheart” 
“Yes, Eddie” you reply, raising your hips towards him again to reiterate your answer.
“Good girl” his voice was an almost growl as he dove back towards your chest, nipping and sucking at your skin causing you to throw your head back letting out a small moan.
Eddie would continue to ask you if it was ok for everything you did and you answered promptly gaining more praise from him.
Hands roaming each other, you reach down to the buttons on his shirt, opening them up and pushing the shirt off his shoulders.
Your hands stoke down his chest to one of his pierced nipples, asking him “when did you get these?” 
“When I left Hawkins for California, you like them?” his answer muffled from between your breasts.
“Yeah I do, a lot” your fingers grazing over the bar, causing Eddie to let out a guttural moan, the feeling vibrating through you.
Moving his hand down lower to feel him undoing the buttons on your leather trousers, asking for entry. “This ok?” he asks.
“Green, please Eddie” you reply breathlessly looking down at his position now between your legs.
Eddie's hand pulls down the zip and gestures for you to lift your hips to help him pull down your leather pants.
“Oh wow, I'm gonna have to thank Lula when I see her next” he says, kissing his way across your inner thighs.
Before you could respond you feel him tracing his fingers across the frilly edge of your panties, continuing to kiss closer to your warm core making you squirm.
“Oh doll, keep still, you have no idea how long i've dreamt of this” Eddies voice is full of want
“Me to Eds, please… don't stop” you encourage him by tracing your arms up and down his bare arms.
“Don't forget, traffic lights” With that you feel eddies fingers move to rest above your clothed heat finding your small wanting bud beneath, rubbing slowly in small circles. This action caused you to cry out a small moan. 
“Eddie please dont stop” you reached for his free hand beside you bringing it to your covered breasts helping him manoeuvre the fabric down exposing yourself to him.
“My god y/n your so beautiful” Eddie moans as his hand massages your large breast tracing over your nipples making you gasp.
His other hand doesn’t slow down rubbing tighter circles on your now swollen bud.
“You have no idea what you're doing to me doll, can I feel you?” Eddie looks up at you from under hooded eyes.
“Yes, yes please” your stutter your words out to him 
“So polite for me” Eddie grins up at you as he moves his hand under the waistline of your black lace panties moving lover to your folds. Moving his body back up your body you feel his cold rings against your hot skin sending a jolting sensation up your body.
Eddie places kisses against your skin making his way to your now heaving breasts quickly taking your nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it, as he pushes his fingers through your warm folds at the same time.
“You're so wet for me sweetheart, let me look after you, like you deserve” Eddie's voice was a low growl full of lust. 
Your head feeling all fuzzy from the sensations you were feeling just nodded, making Eddie stop.
“Your words doll, don’t forget” 
“Yes Eddie, please I want you too, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time too, please” you hurriedly said, thrusting your hips up into his waiting hand.
“Good girl, my good girl” Eddie growled as he continued his cruel pace on your swollen bud. 
His girl. His words sent your head spinning, lifting your hips to match his movements, wanting more. You could feel a coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter with every move he made.
Stopping suddenly, Eddie makes his way up your body capturing your lips with his, reaching for the straps of your bra to manoeuvre it down completely. He looks at you with a silent question, eyebrows raised.
“Green, please green” your voice breathless.
Eddie is quick to remove your bra completely, moving his lips down to capture your nipples in his mouth sucking and licking, making you make noises you never knew you could.
Your hands move around his neck pulling at the nape of his neck letting him know you want more, pulling him toward your face. Moving a hand back down to your soaked panties he pushes them to the side tracing a finger up and down you, causing you to mewl.
“Can I feel you? I want to feel you wrapped around my fingers” Eddie asks seductively, not leaving your gaze.
“Yes, please I want to feel you, I want to come around your fingers Eddie please” you are practically pleading him at this point.
This was all the encouragement he needed, slowly pushing a digit inside of you causing you to moan loudly, pressing your forehead against Eddies, rutting your hips upwards matching this pace.
Dragging his finger slowly in and out of you, teasing you was torture, you wanted more. He must be reading your mind as he inserted another digit, slightly curling upwards hitting the spongy spot deep inside, manoeuvring his thumb to rubbing your clit quite vigorously.
You shut your eyes tight leaning your head back at the feeling of him pumping his fingers in and out of you, the coil was starting to get tighter in your lower stomach and Eddie could tell.
“Are you close y/n?” Eddie asks as he feels you getting tighter around his fingers, the moans and whimpers coming from your mouth encouraging him in speeding his pace up a little, making your legs start to shake.
“Y.. ye…yes” you could barely speak, concentrating on the feeling in your lower stomach thinking you might explode. No one had ever made you feel like this before.
Eddie learns down capturing your lips in an open mouthed kiss, tongue fighting for possession once more. Moaning into the kiss you try to find your words.
“Eddie please, i'm gonna come” you were now panting holding onto his shoulders tightly.
“Let go sweetheart, come for me” Eddie's tone was desperate, encouraging you.
With that, you could see stars behind your eyes as you came with so much ferocity, your legs were trembling, making Eddie grab one with his free hand stroking your leg to calm your muscles down. Pressing his forehead against your you open your eyes to meet his large chocolate brown ones. A smile spread across his face, one which you shyly returned.
As he pulls his fingers out of your aching centre, you sigh at the empty feeling, clenching around nothing.
Sitting up to reposition himself next to you he suddenly hits the top of his head on the bunk above.
“Jesus H CHRIST!” his curses rubbing his head with his hand, squeezing his eyes closed tight at the sudden pain.
“Eds you ok?” you sit up moving close to him, taking his face in your hands checking him over.
“Yeah, yeah I'll be good” he chuckles look back at you.
“That was err, that was amazing y/n, are you ok?” he's looking at you with concern on his face.
“Yes Eddie im more than ok, i just never thought we would do anything like this” you now sitting pulling the blanket back around you feeling exposed sitting there in just your now ruined panties.
“Well I hope we can do this again and maybe more?” he asks shly rubbing the back of his neck.
“I'd like that yeah”  you learn forward giving him a soft kiss on his soft lips.
“We should get back to the party, people will wonder where we’ve gone '' Eddie gets up, reaching out a hand to help you up, passing you your clothes.
“Eddie, can I ask you a favour? Can we not tell anyone what happened here? Maybe keep this quiet for a bit? I don't want to rush things too much” You felt foolish saying this considering only a few moments ago he had given you the best orgasam you've ever had.
“Of course doll, anything you need, just as long as I can kiss you at midnight?” wrapping his large arms around you pulling you close you giggled nodding at this request, leaning into his warm chest.
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A/N - We finally got there, BUT how's Y/N gonna feel? Hope you enjoyed
tag list - @corrodedcoffincumslut @themrsmunson @emmalee-01  @bohemianrhapsody86 @jennk182
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mariette-prince ¡ 2 years ago
Yule Ball AU "Shall We Dance, Miss Granger?"
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"Professor Lupin!" called Hermione. "Glad to see you".
“Oh, hello”, he was a little bit embarrassed, giving her a friendly smile. "By the way I'm not your professor anymore."
"I'm sorry."
For a moment her eyes went blank. Lupin noticed it and immediately tried to correct the situation.
"You're charming, Hermione", his delicate gaze outlined her silhouette. “You’ve grown up and… look beautiful”
The compliment from his mouth sounded especially nice. Doubts about her own recklessness was gone. But the words just didn't come out.
“Thanks”, she drawled, biting her lower lip contentedly. "Maybe… I hope you're not busy, I'd like to…"
Trembling all over, Hermione froze and suddenly looked at him bravely.
"Will you dance with me?"
Her request was truly embarrassing for Lupin – Hermione didn't even doubt it. But she couldn't know for sure and secretly hoped that he wouldn't find anything reprehensible in this. Just a dance among the same dancing couples. His face was calm, slightly surprised, but not at all striving for an objection. He almost did this step.
Music stopped. Unexpectedly and treacherously. Applause blew up the heated air.
"And now let's greet our champions again!" Dumbledore's voice came from behind her.
"Hermione!" Victor appeared out of nowhere next to her. "Let's go?"
She glanced at Lupin with disappointment.
"It's fine", he said reassuringly. "We'll definitely dance another time".
Fate has a bad sense of humor. She had already become a habit of deceiving expectations. A year later they no longer met in the magnificent decoration of the hall but in the dark corridors of Grimmauld Place: there was hardly time for dancing. At the wedding of Bill and Fleur he walked around the tent and appeared inside only a couple of minutes before the invasion of the Death Eaters. Every new opportunity was doomed.
She danced with many people: with Ron, with Harry, with Dean Thomas at the anniversary of the victory, with Mr. Weasley at Ginny's wedding, with someone else… Many years have passed, many holidays, many dances with the wrong partners. Only this little stupid unfulfilled desire still did not go from Hermione's head. Someday… And she did not even hope.
"Miss Granger?"
Hermione turned at the voice and faced the owner of the inevitably boyish smile. She would recognize it everywhere. As well as this palm extended to her in invitation.
“Probably this promise was delayed for about ten years”, Lupin remarked ironically. "However, I will take a chance"
"You haven't called me 'Miss Granger' for about ten years", Hermione chuckled, slowly answering. "What's the matter, professor?"
“Exactly,” he smirked. "Subordination is an important part of teaching. Especially with younger colleagues. Still, I don’t want to fail, especially in front of competitors. Everyone tries to take you away."
“Well, then you should hurry up."
Squeezing her fingers, so thin and weightless compared to his, he pressed them to his chest – to his faithful and ardent heart.
"Shall we dance, Miss Granger?"
"With great pleasure, sir."
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rowan-and-fox ¡ 2 years ago
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▪️ S T R I K E S▪️ As a small business, Royal Mail strikes are totally out of my hands. I will always dispatch on time (often before the dispatch date), but I cannot control what happens to the post when it leaves my hands and is placed in the hands of Royal Mail. Post is taking a lot longer than usual with more strike days ahead and a backlog of parcels needing to be delivered after all the previous other strikes. Can I ask you all to please bear this in mind when ordering and messaging asking where your order is. Yes, it’s a pain. Yes, its extremely frustrating but @royalmailuk are facing a bigger battle to get better pay and better rights. Please be patient, please be kind and above all, have a lovely Christmas🖤 Ps. Photo from @paper_tots . . . . . . #royalmail #royalmailstrikes #christmasparcels #christmasletters #shopsmall #bekind #bepatient #beunderstanding https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl1yWdftBtG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foodlifedesignblog ¡ 3 years ago
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Just listed a bunch of new personalized Christmas cards and I think this one is my favorite! 🦌🎄🎁 Image description: Personalized Christmas Cards - Kissing Reindeer - Christmas Greeting Card - Custom Xmas Cards #christmascards #christmasgreeting #customxmascards #customchristmas #personalizedcards #personalizedstationery #christmasgifts #christmasiscoming #merrychristmas #christmas #christmasstationery #christmasletters #christmascards #christmascollection #reindeer #xmascards #xmas https://etsy.me/2ZZr4YN https://www.instagram.com/p/CUu46pLAYlY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jacarooster813 ¡ 5 years ago
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This is coming out late but here is our Christmas Eve festivities. Christmas Eve is bigger than Christmas Day in our family. #christmas #christmaseve #christmastimeishere #christmastimeiscoming #christmascoming #christmasisnear #christmas2019 #christmasparty #christmasfamilyphoto #christmasfamily #christmasfamilypictures #christmasfamilyphotos #christmasfamilytime #christmasfun #christmasjoy🎁 #christmasletters #christmaschallenge2019 #christmaschallenge #christmasgifts #gifts #giftsforfriends #giftoftime #familychristmas #kidschristmas #kidschristmasgifts #italianchristmas #italianchristmascookies #christmasfood #christmascookies #christmasdeserts (at Cleveland, Ohio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tCcJZl96F/?igshid=fcyh900u7h9l
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chrystalizabeth ¡ 2 years ago
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Sometimes Christmas isn’t merry or bright 🖤 I honestly love this time of year, it’s my favorite. But it’s also one of the hardest times of year to get through sometimes and this year is definitely one. I’ve been trying to be festive but I gotta be honest, I am not have a good time 🙃 things are downright awful. Anyway, during this magical and festive time, keep a place in your heart for those that are struggling to get through 🖤 and feel free, if you’d like, to vent in the comments if you’re going through it too. • • • #christmastime🎄 #christmastimeishere #christmas2022 #ᴄʜʀɪsᴛᴍᴀs2022 #christmaslettering #holidaylettering #christmasblues #holidayblues #brushlettering #brushletteringpractice #lettering #letteringpractice #moderncalligraphy #moderncalligraphypractice #handlettering #handletteringpractice #procreate #procreateart #procreatedrawing #procreatelettering #ipadlettering #ipadletteringprocreateapp #ipadcalligraphy #chrystalizabeth_ipadlettering https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZrb4fvM0v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oldetimetales ¡ 3 months ago
Purchase today on Amazon! “Is the Manger Prepared?” Children’s Book on 
Description:Gabriel, an Angel, guides other Angels to prepare the manger for the King of Kings.
For more books visit our website:
Or go to Authors Central https://www.amazon.com/author/oldenburg
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virginiagreene ¡ 1 year ago
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Dear Tumblr followers,
January was a month of contrast—between cozy time with loved ones and solo interstate travel to learn about chainsaws. At home, I delighted in the company of my fiance (alternating between Wedding Planning Activities and Avoiding Wedding Planning Activities), my dearest friend from college and her lovely family (and she’s also an incredible artist with a focus on painting houses and actually knows how to do consistent engaging content—check her out at @dltartwork1!), my stalwart attendant and familiar for the last 12 years Gali, and our newest family member Kumquat. (Gali as usual dominates the photos on my phone.)
I struck out to Tennessee on my own to attend the TN-KY Wildland Fire Training Academy and knock out S-212 (Wildland Fire Chainsaws) early in the month. While I’m reasonably comfortable with a chainsaw for limbing and bucking at this point (AKA cleaning up stuff on the ground), felling (AKA putting it on the ground in the first place) is an art form that always presents new challenges and opportunities to learn. I was grateful for the opportunity to pick up new tips and techniques from experienced fellers out in the field, and see how other states and other agencies do things!
I am a hermit by nature, and at first over those few days when I wasn’t in class I reveled in being alone—going for runs with the sunrise that turned into birding excursions (birding>>>running), writing and drawing comics (some of which are included here), and watching weird animated films before a very early bedtime. However, by the end of the trip, I was thoroughly done with being by myself. Past me was pretty accomplished at solo existence, filling my non-work hours with creativity, projects, and exercise—but now I found myself impatiently looking forward to getting back to “my people”.
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kimsplacedesigns ¡ 5 years ago
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Just a friendly reminder. We are now 1 month away from Christmas 🎄. Can you believe it? #christmasletters #christmasgiftsideas #handmadechristmas #handmadechristmasgifts #shopsmall #shopetsy #kimsplacedesigns #mantledecor #mantleletters #mantledecorations #personalizedgifts #personalizedgift https://www.instagram.com/p/B5OYNDSgJTL/?igshid=1etxpuerrdegm
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bisonbooks ¡ 8 years ago
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Ooo I hope the books are okay ;) #book #illustration #tolkien #christmasletters (at BISON BOOKS)
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theboredkids ¡ 4 years ago
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🔔 May Your Days Be Merry & Bright 🌟 - Hope Everyone is enjoying their holidays - Do you see a bell or tree or both or I’m crazy lol - #lettering #handlettering #thedailytype #christmaslettering #procreate #procreatlettering #goodtype #typegang #typsim #holidaylettering #blkcreatives #blackartists #blackdesigners #typematters #christmascheer #designinspiration #holidaycheer #letteringart #letteringinspiration #greetingcarddesign #greetingcards #typographydesign #ipadlettering #letteringdaily #mondaymotivation #happymonday (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJD6KevHFGs/?igshid=nxri3yz3qeve
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foodlifedesignblog ¡ 5 years ago
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My mistake...the 20% OFF sale continues!! Yesterday I said that it was the last day of the sale, but all day long I thought it was the 3rd 🤪 Lucky for you! There's still about 12 hours to save BIG on your personalized Christmas gifts! 🎄🎅 #etsysale #etsygifts #shopsmall #shopetsy #personalizedgifts #personalizedstationery #customstationery #customgifts #christmas #christmasiscoming #merrychristmas #christmasstationery #christmasletters #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #stationeryshop #stationerylovers #etsyseller #teachergifts #giftsforteachers #giftsforher #giftsformom #giftsforgrandma #giftsforwomen #giftsforteens #giftsforgirls #giftsformen #vlhamlindesign #madeinvermont https://www.instagram.com/p/B5nnKIqBYDE/?igshid=lhbumbcbokav
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rachelwhiteart ¡ 5 years ago
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🎄🎄🎄 . #christmas #lettering #handlettering #christmaslettering #holiday #holidaylettering #handlettering #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #quotesdaily #quotestagram #handlettered #letteringart #quotes #positivequotes #holidayquotes #christmasquotes #rachelwhiteart #typedesigner #fontdesigner #graphicdesigner #fontstyle #fontdesign #designers https://www.instagram.com/p/B6YNMtRHvF-/?igshid=135eh3t4edpb6
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