#christmas gnome mug
typelau · 2 years
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Christmas Bear in a Cup
More deisings here: https://rdbl.co/39CGZPE
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farmerinthemac · 10 months
"Average German eats 500 broetchen a day" actually statistical error.
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who eats 5,000,00 broetchen per day, is an outlier and should not have been counted.
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bverma1707 · 6 months
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hiphopstryess · 2 years
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                                        Gnome Christmas Mug 
Just in time for the Christmas Holiday is this cute gnome Christmas mug. This stylish & festive mug will go perfect with your coffee or hot chocolate for the holidays, it also makes for a great gift. Click here to grab yours today! 
Click here to visit our entire Etsy collection. 
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rainbowprintshop · 2 years
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 11 months
Jason would 1,000% date someone who starts listening to Christmas music on November 1st. He’s so in love he can barely say anything.
Dick holds so much resentment bc Jason’s the one who put the “until thanksgiving” ban on the manor
"This is bullshit," Dick protested, looking around at all the fairy lights and the massive white tinsel Christmas tree that was already up. "It's Fucking November 5th."
"She works on Christmas," Jason said shrugging, wresting one of your caroling gnomes out of his hand and placing it back on the dining room table.
Dick rolled his eyes, "I'm telling Bruce-"
"I don't live there I don't give a fuck."
He shut his mouth with a snap and looked around, "She has a lot of Christmas shit."
Jason shrugged again and took a sip from his coffee mug, "It makes her happy. And a lot of it is inherited. After her Grandma died her mom just didn't have the heart to host family Christmas anymore."
"So does that mean you're not coming to ours?"
"I've been to all the others," Jason pointed out. "And she's bought your presents."
Dick blinked for a second processing that. And then gawked at Jason's mug. 'Don't get your tinsel in a tangle' it said. "What did she do to you?"
"Her chocolate soufflé is a religious experience."
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someheroescarryfloss · 10 months
Season 2, Episode 6
Well, we finally know what Kris's purpose was, other than comic relief. Santapolis's whole purpose was to be a stopping point for Mad Santa where he and Olga could show the audience that they really aren't that bad, and since they obviously weren't going to be killed off (not that kind of Disney franchise!) they (or, at least, Magnus) needed another place to go. Yeah, okay. I'll buy that. Kris's purpose was to provide Magnus Antas with a new purpose. What do I think about this? Mm...it's fine. If Jack Frost can be thawed by a hug, why not?
So, when Magnus Antas put himself in the doghouse (pun intended) and said he was 'Werewolfing himself', that had me wondering if they were going to drop one of those little throw-away nuggets, like "Oh yeah, by the way, Werewolves are real. Anyway, I was a bad person, lock me up." If they're gearing up for a Christmas/Halloween crossover in Season 3 and it looks too much like a watered down version of The Hollow, I'm gonna sue! XD
Okay, seriously though, I didn't mind this episode all that much. Lots of tying up loose ends, though very little character development, and Scott finally pulled his head out of his butt and decided to be a good dad. I liked that Magnus actually helped him see where he made his mistakes. Didn't much care for the final confrontation, but it was interesting that the cocoa mug was actually the amulet. Noel is finally showing that he can be as bada$$ as his wife, which I LOVED!
The Betty/Olga fight seemed a bit forced to me, mostly because what can a toy sword do against an actual battle axe! And them fighting over the toy like...well, children. I know they look like children, but it's pretty much been established that they're adults, they can marry, they have jobs. So to be like "I want it!!!" "No, it's mine!!!" just fell a little flat to me. I much preferred what came after!
So, is the Elf/Gnome grudge all because Gnomes can't make toys, and Elves can't make useful things (like, excuse you, toys are useful, they serve a purpose!), so it's all about jealousy? Hm...interesting. You know, they could probably team up to make some pretty nice back to school stuff! Sure, it's useful, but who says it can't be fun to look at, or maybe have bells or charms hanging off it? Kids would eat that UP! Just look at all the Lisa Frank stuff that was all over the place before.
EB is normal again, and possibly a potty mouth. Love that. XD
Riley is back, and suddenly all is forgiven. Hate it.
And apparently Scott is NOT in Dutch with the Council for breaking nearly every rule in the book? This man is a Karma Houdini!
I guess Disney accomplished their goal, at least...they got us to watch and talk about it. I just wish they were more character oriented, because they sure as Hades ain't concerned about continuity!
Oh yeah, and Curtis is alive! So, why'd they call it 'Curtis-itis'? Hmmmm...
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vulpinesaint · 5 months
4 8 9 17!!!
hi jules my lovvveeeeeeee!!!!!
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
silliest thing on earth but a few years ago they started putting gnomes fucking. everywhere. influx of gnomes around christmastime, then valentines gnomes around target, gnomes in every holiday decoration... target is especially egregious about it but it's a significant thing once you start looking for it. anyway it must have been like 2019 when one of us pointed this out and i went "well. you know what they say. gnomes are forever." and now that is a staple phrase in our household along with the concept of gnomes in general. say literally anything nd someone will go "well, you know what they say..." and everyone starts giggling. genuinely not that funny but it is in our brains like a worm now. i own gnome christmas stockings, gnome socks, and a gnome mug courtesy of my parents. it's practically an epidemic by now
answered 8 already on the ask before this <3
9. tell a story about your childhood
suddenly i have no stories ever. ummmm this isn't something i remember but my mother told me about it very proudly. i had a friend in elementary school who was very anxious about absolutely everything (my mom says that happy feet the movie was a big issue for her) and she would be TERRIFIED when airplanes went by overhead. i remember going with her when they flew over during recess and she would run to hide in the bathroom. i can only imagine that this was fucking terrible when the planes from the military base nearby were practicing for their yearly air show skdjfghs. but anyway! my mom says that one of the times this happened in kindergarten i looked at her very seriously and said "don't worry. you don't have to be afraid, god will protect you :)" which was nice of kid-me to try and comfort her but also whoa little bracken. chill it on the proselytizing...
17. name 3 things that make you happy
beautiful gorgeous smart talented friends :3
sunshine and afternoon naps
wellbutrin ✨
questions I think would be fun to be asked
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clowngremlin · 9 months
Found all of like my special mugs.....I had a few special mugs in our cupboard because they are ones I got after we moved to the shitty apartment (rainforest cafe mug, haunted mansion mug from Disneyland in 2022, special handmade mug a friend gave me for my birthday, cryptid mug from gavin, bigfoot and swamp thing mugs my dad got me from the horror movie collectibles store)...... my dad and I were like worried they had gotten lost in the move either from the old apartment to the shitty apartment or from the shitty apartment to here.....I'm glad we found them.....I have like 4 tmnt mugs, a ceramic bigfoot cup where he has a funny little ass, two Disney mugs from my sister (jack skellingon and a piglet mug), a cute mug shaped like a dog from my grandma, a funny mug a friend gave me many years ago, a doctor who Tardis mug that I got in grade 10, a small teacup that goes with my teapot that my dad gave me for Christmas in like 2017, a jack-o-lantern mug for Halloween and a colour changing gnome mug I got when I worked at a tea store in 2018....
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danganronpa2 · 2 years
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these gnomes are happy, healthy, and flourishing in their natural environment. they’re in touch with nature and free to roam and express themselves. they have arms to interact with the world around them and big boots to keep them steady in rough terrain. these are gnomes with personalities and rich inner worlds. these are gnomes i respect and gnomes i can trust.
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these are eyeless, amorphous, soulless blobs designed to use as little material as possible to cheaply produce an inoffensive and vaguely nordic design that's kitschy yet minimalistic enough to appeal to both college students and middle-aged women who shop at home goods alike. they have no personality, no agency, no mobility. they can be churned out and repurposed for any holiday with only a swath of patterned fabric. they are overtaking stores across the country in the form of plushies, socks, mugs, ceramic figurines, punny novelty t-shirts, even going so far as to blight the good name of the humble nutcracker. while they may be loosely based on the tradition of the scandinavian christmas gnome, they are gnomes in name only and convey none of the joyousness or mischief of their namesake. i won't be able to sleep soundly at night until these menacing abominations are cleared from the shelves and returned to the factories from whence they came.
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scjacka · 10 months
Last episode. Let's all make our Christmas wish this year that it doesn’t come back
I don't even really remember how the stupid thing started (I may have been drinking to get through it XD). This is going to be disjointed because I rage paused a lot and I WILL NOT be rewatching any of this to get it correct. This show doesn't care about my time so I'm not wasting any more of it by rewatching, lol.
Kris is completely useless. Like there was zero point to him being in this season at all. I was also of the mindset that he was going to be a bigger role and maybe take over for Scott but he was completely pointless. I JUST REMEMBERED HE WAS THE KID THAT SAW SKINNY SCOTT WITH THE CANOE AND THAT WAS HIS SANTA ORIGIN STORY OR WHATEVER AND I STARTED YELLING AT THE REVISIONIST HISTORY AND MY HUSBAND WAS LIKE, ARE YOU OK?! AND I WAS LIKE DO I LOOK OK?!!?!
I may be wrong, but is this the first time we've actually seen the factory floor in this whole damn show? Like we're always in Scott's office, the stables, the real world, or the monitoring room. Have they even made any toys in these TWO SEASONS?! Maybe they have and
I liked the Betty/Olga fight (but like why a fake sword?) but the way it was cut back and forth with the Mad Santa/Scott discussion was annoying
The gnomes are just pissed cause they can't make toys... that's like all it took? Feel like we shoulda figured that out sooner. Same goes for Noel just being like, hey gnomes, just come help us.
The mug is the "amulet". Ok, sure. I didn't pause the show in anger about it. Like, not only did we rewrite and destroy the magic-powered watch from 2 earlier this season now we re-wrote the mug. None of this is helped by them bringing up the damn thing 2 episodes before the end like we knew anything about it and it wasn't just shoved in at the last minute. Does each Santa have a different "amulet" (for god sake just call it a talisman or something not associated with a necklace) or do they all get their power from the same ones? Did Judy technically drug him into being Santa then. Like got him drunk on Christmas power? If it's tied just to Mad Santa then why on earth would Judy still have it if there was a coup and all that shit to get rid of the man? Wouldn't it also be locked away somewhere?
Didn't Scott say he made Cal's vest out of the coat? Maybe I misinterpreted that in the early episodes but now he's just wearing it like no big.
Laughing really hard at Scott not realizing he's been a douche until the "villain" says he is with regards to Cal. MS should just be Santa and Scott can go live at the fake Santa village with Fluffy.
Laughing really hard at suddenly remembering Charlie exists and pretending like you get some kind of Christmas powers from him.
Sandra is all-powerful. Good for her I guess.
I still love Befana. Like she's the only character I consistently enjoy watching
Elizabeth Mitchel is too good for this show and is acting much harder than she should with this garbage.
"We fixed EB he's good now but we didn't have the budget to bring back Tracy Morgan or he didn't want to be in the makeup again or something so we're just not gonna show him, but take our word he's fine!"
Why are they singing again and especially that song? Something about a child elf and the lyrics "I touch you once, I touch you twice" is unsettling to me.
Cal's gonna go to college... wouldn't he have to like, go to real school first and have transcripts and whatnot (I'm sure they'd magic it away or whatever). Also, he's not that bright so like, how's he gonna fair in higher education?
Everyone that goes on Kribble Krabble doesn't come back. I swear to god that's the plot of one of the few Hallmark xmas movies I've ever watched. But I guess that means Curtis isn't exploded. With the logic that they all Kribble and don't come back, I'm convinced that was actually Judy working in the bad xmas village which is just a sad development for her and really a downgrade from being at the Pole
So we basically end this season right where we started at the beginning of season 1. Like, Cal's not gonna be Santa and Scott's just gonna be Santa forever and never retire. Mad Santa is there now too I guess (also, there are werewolves in TSC canon... ok, sure). He's with Fluffy in the fake Santaville I guess, but whatevs
I forgot until I realized I took a picture of it, the line from Carol about leaving her job and her life behind and not complaining about it. Like on the one hand yes, please go off queen cause you deserve so much better. But also, you've kinda been complaining about it since the 3rd movie.
Oh right, Tim Allen got to mention Jesus one last time just to make sure it got in there. I literally had to turn on the closed caption cause I was like, did he just say "The King" and sure enough he did, capital K and everything. YOU CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS ALLEN!! Like pick silly fantasy Santa show or pick something religious. IDK it irks me so much
I feel like I had more to ramble about but I'm tired just from having to remember all of this from last night, lol. Just needed to get this junk outta my head. Honestly, very glad Jack wasn't in here to be slandered by this show. Same for the Millers. Same for Bernard again (besides in name and that dumb picture that still makes me mad) and Charlie again.
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typelau · 2 years
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Gingerbread Man
Follow this gingerbread man here: rdbl.co/3undhHB
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For Thank Gnome It's Friday again, a thing @rachelillustrates and I did a while back on an old blog of mine (check out her art, btw cause it's my fave). I splurged on a red and black gnome couple during the Christmas stroll and bought the little guy next to them at Walmart in the Christmas section. He's their boy. Also of course. My favorite mug I'm drinking coffee out of.
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vector-art-bundles · 11 days
The Iconography of the Christmas Gnome and the Vintage Vector Design
The Christmas gnome, a beloved figure in holiday folklore, has become a symbol of festive joy and protection. Originating from Scandinavian traditions, these whimsical creatures—often known as "Tomte" or "Nisse"—are deeply embedded in the cultural tapestry of winter celebrations. They are cherished not just for their charm but for the rich symbolism they bring to the holiday season.
The Iconography of the Christmas Gnome
In folklore, Christmas gnomes are seen as guardians of the home and hearth. Their small stature and distinctive appearance—complete with pointy hats, long beards, and twinkling eyes—reflect their role as protectors against misfortune. They are believed to bring good luck and ensure the well-being of families during the cold, dark winter months.
The gnome's lantern is particularly significant, symbolizing light and guidance. It represents the warmth and illumination that the gnome provides, chasing away the darkness and ensuring a safe, joyful Christmas. The addition of festive ornaments in gnome imagery further ties them to the holiday spirit, embodying the themes of celebration and abundance.
Focus on the Design: Vintage Christmas Gnome with Lantern
Our "Charming Vintage Gnome Lantern Vector Pack" beautifully captures the essence of this holiday icon. The design features a classic Christmas gnome holding a lantern, enhanced with traditional decorations. This vintage-style vector art brings a nostalgic touch to any project, combining the gnome's protective symbolism with a timeless aesthetic.
The vector pack includes Svg, Ai, Eps, Png, Jpeg, and Pdf formats, all optimized for easy use and exceptional quality. Each format is designed to ensure that the design maintains its clarity and impact across various applications, from holiday décor and apparel to stickers and custom crafts.
Design Versatility and Applications
The vintage gnome design is incredibly versatile. Its classic charm makes it perfect for a wide range of uses:
Home Décor: Use the design to create festive banners, wall art, or decorative pillows.
Apparel: Customize t-shirts, sweaters, or holiday-themed garments.
Crafts: Ideal for stickers, mugs, and holiday cards.
The flexibility of the vector format allows for seamless resizing and adaptation to various surfaces, whether you’re printing on fabric, wood, or glass. This ensures that the design retains its quality and festive spirit, no matter the application.
The Christmas gnome is more than just a holiday decoration; it’s a symbol of light, protection, and festive cheer. The Charming Vintage Gnome Lantern Vector Pack encapsulates these elements beautifully, offering a design that is both visually appealing and rich in tradition. Perfect for any holiday project, this vector pack brings a touch of vintage magic to your Christmas celebrations.
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rainbowprintshop · 2 years
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svgoceandesigns1 · 10 months
Chillin With My Gnomies Xmas SVG - Family Christmas Gnome SVG PNG, Cricut File
Chillin With My Gnomies Xmas SVG, Family Christmas Gnome SVG PNG EPS DXF PDF, Cricut File, Instant Download File, Cricut File Silhouette Art, Logo Design, Designs For Shirts. ♥ Welcome to SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Store! ♥ ► PLEASE NOTE: – Since this item is digital, no physical product will be sent to you. – Your files will be ready to download immediately after your purchase. Once payment has been completed, SVG Ocean Designs will send you an email letting you know your File is ready for Download. You may also check your Order/Purchase History on SVG Ocean Designs website and it should be available for download there as well. – Please make sure you have the right software required and knowledge to use this graphic before making your purchase. – Due to monitor differences and your printer settings, the actual colors of your printed product may vary slightly. – Due to the digital nature of this listing, there are “no refunds or exchanges”. – If you have a specific Design you would like made, just message me! I will be more than glad to create a Custom Oder for you. ► YOU RECEIVE: This listing includes a zip file with the following formats: – SVG File (check your software to confirm it is compatible with your machine): Includes wording in both white and black (SVG only). Other files are black wording. – PNG File: PNG High Resolution 300 dpi Clipart (transparent background – resize smaller and slightly larger without loss of quality). – DXF: high resolution, perfect for print and many more. – EPS: high resolution, perfect for print, Design and many more. ► USAGE: – Can be used with Cricut Design Space, Silhouette Cameo, Silhouette Studio, Adobe Illustrator, ...and any other software or machines that work with SVG/PNG files. Please make sure your machine and software are compatible before purchasing. – You can edit, resize and change colors in any vector or cutting software like Inkscape, Adobe illustrator, Cricut design space, etc. SVG cut files are perfect for all your DIY projects or handmade business Product. You can use them for T-shirts, scrapbooks, wall vinyls, stickers, invitations cards, web and more!!! Perfect for T-shirts, iron-ons, mugs, printables, card making, scrapbooking, etc. ►TERMS OF USE: – NO refunds on digital products. Please contact me if you experience any problems with the purchase. – Watermark and wood background won’t be shown in the downloaded files. – Please DO NOT resell, distribute, share, copy, or reproduce my designs. – Customer service and satisfaction is our top priority. If you have any questions before placing orders, please contact with us via email "[email protected]". – New products and latest trends =>> Click Here . Thank you so much for visiting our store! SVG OCEAN DESIGNS Read the full article
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