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gossipwithjesus · 3 months ago
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craigwhitey · 2 years ago
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Verse of the day. #Jesus #God #BibleVerse #christianmessage #jesuschrist #jesusfreak #religion #GodsNotDead #bible #holy #righteousness #spiritual #blessed #christ #emanuel #christianblogger #christianity #christian #christianlife #christianman #christiandad #christianliving #christianwomen #faith #grace #truth #offer #followme #choosejoy #godsloveministries https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyLx-PyRqr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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johanvdm · 6 months ago
GIVING UP IS NOT AN OPTION #christiandad #motivation #uplifting
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charmayne100 · 7 years ago
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Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6, ESV) • Fathers who teach their children about God are following biblical instructions. Their children are receiving the BEST possible legacy they could leave behind. Earthly riches hold no value and cannot save us when Satan comes knocking at our door. We need JESUS more than anything else in the world. • If you are a father reading this post, #reflect on your overall parenting. How often do you share about God in your home? Are your children able to connect easily with their Heavenly Father based on your example? Adults really struggle with #accepting God as Father and provider when their natural father was absent, abusive, or too busy to have family Bible Study. Your role in the home is VITAL! Never let our ungodly society convince you otherwise. • Prayer to become the father God has called you to be everyday: • Dear Heavenly Father, I humbly come before You asking for forgiveness regarding my parenting. I have not been as dedicated to teaching my family about You, Christ, and The Holy Spirit. Lately, it seems like everything else gets in the way and I choose those tasks over Your instructions. My family needs to know about Your love, Grace, forgiveness, salvation, peace, joy, hope, etc. This world has zero compassion; You are the ONLY One they can truly depend on, always. Strengthen and guide me to consistently do Your work in my home. In Jesus' Name, Amen. • #HappyFathersDay2018 #GodlyFathers #ChristianDads #PriestOfTheHome #Leader #AuthorityFigure #TagFriends #Follow @instachristministry
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spasmenos-kai-evgnomon · 4 years ago
Sometimes its hard to be faithful, especially when you're feeling distant from God. Please remember, when you're feeling distant, God hasn't left you, he is ALWAYS with you, sometimes you're just too distracted to notice. Peace be with you.
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sereiaambrose · 4 years ago
A Conversation with my Christian Father
Dad: Isn't witchcraft Satanism?
Me: No, it's whatever you make it.
Dad: Well, you still need to believe in God.
Side note; I am not a Satanist and do not believe in either Heaven or Hell.
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ultra-dinogogoglow · 8 years ago
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https://youtu.be/lZTOT6DKfZ8 #DivorceCorp #FathersRights #EqualRightsForFathers #EqualRights #Fathers #MichiganDads #Michigan #Law #BiasLaw #FamilyLaw #FamilyCourt #MichiganLaw #RipOffReport #DadsWithTattoos #Movement #ConservitiveDads #StandUp #FathersRightsMovement #Conservative #Morals #InfoWars #ChristianDads #ChangeTheLaw ⚖ (at Pronto Restaurant)
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boldfollower · 2 years ago
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Bold and unique Christian gifts and clothing for the hard to shop for person on your list! Visit www.boldfollower.com All profit goes toward ministry. Follow our YouTube for weekly teachings! Design you’re looking at not printed on the product you want? Message us and we can custom make it! Order early to ensure delivery by the holidays! Blessings! #blackfriday #christianmerch #christiangifts #christian #boldfollower #evangelismgifts #christianswag #giftsforchristiandad #christiandad #giftsforchristians https://www.instagram.com/p/ClYx6dsrLxY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allforgodmuziksblog · 2 years ago
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God tells the truth!!! WATCH you will see 👈💯🙏 - - Follow us for more amazing content @allforgod_muzik and don't forget to check out our new MERCH SHOP every donation goes back to reaching people for Jesus. -http://Linktr.ee/Afgmuzik - #christian #christianity #christians #christianquotes #christianblogger #christianliving #christianlife #everythingchristian #communityofchristiancreatives #christianmotivation #christianeducation #christianpost #christianitytoday #christianbloggers #christianquote #christianquotesdaily #christianencouragement #christiandad #christianleadership #christianspeaker #christianityquotes #christianity101 #christianinstagram #christianitypost #christiancontent #christianpage #christiancoach #christianyouth #christiancreatives (at Thank You God) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChtE5pFs4-Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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soluschristusclothing · 3 years ago
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What does the fragrance of Christ smell like to you? Link in Bio! Like, Share, Follow, Comment, and tag some friends. . . . . #jesussaves #christianliving #graceupongrace #christiancreative #christianblogger #christianfamily #christianmom #christiandad #prayerlife #Jesuschrist #givemejesus #bibleverse #Godislove #blessed #verseoftheday #bibleverseoftheday #christianpage #Jesus #dailydevotion #godsplan #biblequotes #blessedbyGod #bible #doeverythinginlove #godslove #livingischristdotlive #dailyword #JesusisLord #humility #biblejurnals (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSKWqk9hnTr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegospelhymnbox · 4 years ago
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Last minute for Father’s Day?! For Father's Day, give an uplifting gift of inspiration! For right at home....the old hymns that he loves! All instrumental. Light and relaxing. www.TheGospelHymnBox.com #christiansubscriptionbox #christianwomen #christianmen #fatherdaughter #christiangifts #giftfordad #religiousgift #fathersdaygifts #fathersdaygiftideas #christianmusic #fatherandson #grandpa #lifeway #elderlycaregiving #andrewwommack #worshipmusic #christiandad #lastminutegifts #thegospelhymnbox #forthefaithfulatchristmas #christianbook #nottobeservedbuttoserve https://www.instagram.com/p/CQWhlSHF6d-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bodbygod · 5 years ago
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Whoa... Christian parents your thoughts?! 😱 DM for video credit (unknown) #christian #christians #jesus #jesusisking #christianmemes #christianvideo #jesusitrustinyou #christianparenting #christianparents #christianfathers #christianmom #christianmotivation #christianmotherhood #christiandad #christianmother (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Pm6xdFurO/?igshid=r2jgkj9vkjjp
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craigwhitey · 2 years ago
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Verse of the day. #Jesus #God #BibleVerse #christianmessage #jesuschrist #jesusfreak #religion #GodsNotDead #bible #holy #righteousness #spiritual #blessed #christ #emanuel #christianblogger #christianity #christian #christianlife #christianman #christiandad #christianliving #christianwomen #faith #grace #truth #offer #followme #choosejoy #godsloveministries https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-4IjIyGeq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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maximumphilosopheranchor · 3 years ago
My boy’s cunning plans: Enterprise of England, edition 1576
“El 11 de noviembre de 1576, redactó con su propia mano una serie de sinuosas instrucciones que Escobedo debería llevar a don Juan. Sobre todo, la pacificación de todos los Países Bajos volvía a ser la condición previa imprescindible para la invasión de Inglaterra. “Por una parte”, el rey admitía, “es [ésta] la mejor ocasión que se puede offrescer por tomar a la reyna de aquel reyno desapercibida  y para sacar la dicha gente de mis Estados con más reputación, y el servicio grande que se haría a Nuestro Señor en reducir aquel reyno todo a la religión católica.” Pero, por otra parte, hay “las obligaciones en que nos meteríamos de comencarse sin mucho fundamento y seguridad del buen sucesso del, las dificultades que puede aver en conseguir este negocio y las grandes inconvenientes que podrían suceder de turbarse la Christiandad y el mundo todo.” Por tanto, le decía a don Juan, “he querido advertiros aquí de todo lo que sobre [e]ste negocio se me offresce y de mi voluntad en él, con deseo que se acierte el servicio de dios y mio”.
En primer lugar, “en ninguna manera se deve emprender este negocio hasta que los dessos estados esté todo quieto y llano, y que no aya en ellos ningún genero de embarazo […] por poco que fuese […] pues se dexa muy bien considerar quan gran error sería dexar en peligro nuestros Estados por yr a emprender los agenos”.
Segundo, don Juan debía averiguar qué grado de apoyo podía esperar de los católicos ingleses, “pues ay ningún reyno tan flaco ni pequeña que se puede ganar, ni deve emprender, sin ayuda del mismo reyno.”
Tercero, y en contradicción con lo anterior, “importa mucho el secreto, y assí avéis de estar muy advertido en mirar con quien lo communicáis y tratáis, que quantos menos fueren será mejor”.
Cuarto, “quanto al yr vuestra persona a esta empresa, paresce que no deve ser, sino después de comenzada y tomado buen pie el negocio, por aver de ser con el color y disimulación que arriba esta dicho, y porque no sería acertado aventurar vuestra persona y reputación en cosas tan dudosas, como sería esto al principio”. Así pues, don Juan debía de nombrar un lugarteniente para ponerse al mando de los invasores.
Quinto, dicha invasión debería hacerse sin implicar al rey: “Me ha parescido que será muy conveniente que se dé a entender y muestre a todos que no se emprendió sino por resolución vuestra, que aviendo de sacar la gente española dessos Estados, y desseando hacer a Dios algún señalado servicio, en poner en libertad una reyna tan catholica como la de Escocia […] os resolvisteis de emprender tal negocio y valeros de la ocasión de tan buena gente.”
Y, lo mas extraño de todo, “como tenéis entendido de la calidad de aquella reyna [Isabel], ordinariamente ha tenido tratos e inteligencia con las personas con quien le ha parescido que se podría casar, y podrá ser que por algún rodeo entrasse en este pensamiento y plática con vos. Paresce que, sucediendo el caso, no se debe huyr, sino dexarla correr quanto ella quisiere” para disfrazar con “mayor disimulación” la invasión y la conquista planeadas.”
“On November 11, 1576, he [Philip II] drafted with his own hand a series of sinuous instructions that Escobedo should take to don Juan. Above all, the pacification of the entire Low Countries was once again the essential precondition for the invasion of England. “On the one hand,” the king admitted, “it is [this one] the best occasion that can be offered for taking the queen of that kingdom [Elizabeth I] unready and for bringing out the said people of my states with more reputation, and the great service that I would do to Our Lord to reduce that whole kingdom to the Catholic religion.” Therefore, he told don Juan, "I have wanted to advise you here of everything that is offered to me about [this] business and of my will in it, with the desire that the service of God and myself be successful.”
In the first place, “in no way should this business be undertaken until those states [the Netherlands] are all calm and smooth, and that there is no kind of obstacle in them […] however little it may be […] because it is very well considered what a great mistake it would be to leave our states in danger by going to undertake the alien ones”.
Second, don Juan had to find out what degree of support he could expect from the English Catholics, "because there is no kingdom so weak or small that it can be won, nor should it be undertaken, without the help from the kingdom itself."
Third, and in contradiction to the above, “secrecy matters a lot, and so you have to be very careful in looking with whom you communicate it and deal with, that the fewer will be, the better”.
Fourth, “as far as your person is involved in this enterprise, it seems that it should not be, but after the business has started and taken off well, for having to be with the color [?] and dissimulation that is said above, and because it would not be wise to venture your person and reputation in such doubtful things, as this would be in the beginning.” Thus, don Juan had to appoint a deputy to command the invaders.
Fifth, the said invasion should be carried out without implicating the king: “It has seemed to me that it would be very convenient for it to be understood and shown to all that it was not undertaken except by your resolution, that in order to get the Spanish people out of these states [the Netherlands], and wishing to do to God some notable service, in setting free a queen as Catholic as that of Scotland […] you resolved to undertake such a business and took advantage of the opportunity of such good people.”
And, the strangest of all, “as you have understood of the qualities of that queen [Elizabeth], ordinarily she has had dealings and intelligence with the people with whom she has thought she could marry, and it may be that by some detour she entered into this thought and talk with you. It seems that, if it happens, you should not run away from her, but let her run as much as she wants” to disguise with “greater dissimulation” the planned invasion and conquest.”
Geoffrey Parker, Felipe II: La biografía definitiva
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2 Unintentional Life Lessons As Told By Shanda B. and Her Dad and also some other stuff
I didn’t realize until my adult life just how influential my dad has been in my life. My father, my daddy, my pops is my hero. Now, I’ve been told I tend to go down rabbit holes as it pertains to my family. I have stories on stories on stories about the Brown family and all of our shenanigans. However, today I am here to tell you that none of those feel-good moments would have been possible without my God-fearing, head of the household, father... Daddy Brown.
There are many things that I’ve learned from my pops… from riding my bike to loving the Temptations to mowing the grass. To save you from my infamous ramblings, I’m going to share only two of those unintentional lessons.
1. Live out the Gospel
I grew up in church. Both of my parents were heavily involved in ministry. My dad was a deacon, and my mom worked in the children’s ministry. Needless to say, we spent a lot of time at church. However, when we left church, church came with us. My Pops was all about living a life that was pleasing to the Lord. He was open about his love for the Lord. It didn’t matter if it was a Sunday or a Tuesday, you could find my dad humming along to Shirley Caesar or the Winans. He would sing songs of victory, reverence, and joy. I never questioned it. My dad confidently belting out songs of admiration to his Father, our Father. He would also read Bible stories to us. While we had plenty of other books to read, my dad loved pulling out our children’s Bible and read us stories of redemption and love. And when he prayed, I swore demons actually retreated. My Father has always been a praying man. My sister and I loved it. We’d try to emulate it. Always volunteering to pray. Just like my daddy.
My dad’s love of the Gospel trickled in every part of our lives. My father set the foundation. Roots so deeply planted in the Gospel that our family life reflected love and grace over everything else. Yes, I got in trouble like all growing children, but I was corrected and guided in love. I hated disappointing my dad. Thankfully, he always extended grace which allowed me to grow. He believed in me more than anyone in the world. Still does.
2. Words Matter
Before I knew what words of affirmations were, my dad was all about that affirmation life. He celebrated us and complimented us often. My sister and I would hear the same things repeatedly. These unwavering truths gave us a strong understanding on who we were. Examples such as:
“I love you, you beautiful Black sista, you.”
“Alright Shanda! You gon’ ‘head with yo bad self.”’
“You know what? I thank God for my two beautiful daughters and beautiful wife everyday.”
“Y’all are some smart girls. You know that? I have some smart girls.”
“Wow. You’re just awesome girl.”
My dad still gives great pep talks. I feel like floating after each affirming word. He also gave me the power to give myself some pretty bomb pep talks when he isn’t around and the world tries to tell me everything I’m not. You know who else gives good pep talks? God. His Word is full of reminders and love notes to get us through those moments of doubt. How wonderful is it that our Heavenly Father gave us the Bible and His Spirit to orchestrate the greatest pep talks in the universe! GO US!
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Random thoughts that came about through this process...
When I look back at the lessons learned, I can’t help but think of all of the other beautiful examples of fatherhood I’ve had in my life. All of my parents’ friends were married with children. I didn’t know until middle school just how countercultural it was to live in a household with two loving parents because it was all I saw. Happy Black children being raised by loving Black parents. It was normal.
The men in my dad’s circle were smart, funny, honest, and strong. Righteous men. They never drank or used foul language around us. I don’t even think they were capable really. These men of God would pray down the house at BBQs and birthday parties. They were encouragers and leaders. Their wives and my mama were such a classy bunch. These women were Christian, brilliant, poised, Southern, stylish, and everything else that I wanted to be and more. The pairings in these God-ordained marriages were beautiful.
There were no shortages of “I love you’s” being sung at family and friend gatherings. Everybody loved everybody. A pure love. A sweet love. My parents’ people were my people. I knew that when I was around our family friends that they were extensions of my parents. The rules were the same. The love was the same. These were all people that I would trust with my life. They were my family.    
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Now back to my daddy...
My father is a good father because he loves our Good Good Father more than anyone else in the world. And knowing that our heavenly Father has entrusted him with such a gift, a family in which he prayed for, he treasures us like the most precious jewels. He takes his role as a leader seriously. Never raising his voice but instead leading by example. A man of character and of his word. I am convinced that my dad loves us so deeply because of his love for God. I am certain of this.
This is the kind of man I want to marry. This is the kind of man I want my friends to marry. This is the kind of man I want to be pouring into the kids in my community. Now, I’m not saying that this man, my father, is perfect. He is deeply flawed like so many of us, but he has shown me that your actions matter. Your words matter. Your character matters.
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If you know a father of character, uplift him. Encourage him to continue. If you know a father who is working on his character, uplift him but also call him out in love. Then, encourage him to continue. I cannot pretend that the absence of fathers in households hasn’t completely rocked how we view fatherhood and how our men father our children after not being fathered. I acknowledge that, and I know it hurts. I’ve seen it and I’ve felt it through community. I’m praying that one day, as we grow closer to our Father, that we look more like Him in all areas and our families will be blessed because of it. “But you, man of God, flee from these things, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.” - 1 Timothy 6:11 (CSB)  I’m praying for us (specifically sisters)  that as we pursue the things of God that our men will also be pursuing the things of God so that order may be restored. Let’s vow to challenge culture. Culture will not define what fatherhood should look like. God defines it. And I’m going to say this for all of the people in the back as loud as I can, “FATHERHOOD IS BEAUTIFUL!”
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Peace, Love, and Happiness,
Shanda B
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spasmenos-kai-evgnomon · 4 years ago
Daily reflection
Matthew 6: 34 "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own."
Today was the celebration for my son's first birthday.
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Here he is having a ball as the ringmaster of his very own circus. As a parent for the last year ive experienced plenty of anxiety, and a whole lot of fear for the future. I often think of what will happen to my son, and how he will turn out due to my raising him. Sometimes this thinking turns into worrying, and the worrying into an anxiety attack because what if I'm not good enough? What if I make too many mistakes? What if I fail as a father?
After a long day of preparation and sickness, I began to realize that I probably will make too many mistakes and fail as a dad, because I'm NOT good enough. The only thing that I can do is point my son to God and do my best to love and nurture this boy into a man.
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