#christian/toto lore
mediumtires · 1 year
I'm still not over this. How in the world Christian is sharing this and expect us to be okay ? HOW??
I'm also living for Fed to be there as their chaperon 😂 he cannot let these menaces free or chaos will prevail.
It got me thinking now, is Fred going to tease the hell out of Toto at each TP meetings now?
i would like to formally apologise i don’t understand how no one else is losing their mind about this? i am so about to lose my mind?
you’re telling me christian horner and toto wolff shared a flight to melbourne (loooooong flight from the uk) and christian just causally drops that bomb on us like it’s something they do all the time?
i swear the most compelling thing about them is that THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. all the yelling and the one upping and the creating fake scenarios for netflix, the comments, the quotes they feed the press, the mind games, "i don't have to kiss his arse" etc etc etc but at the end of the day they’ve been around the paddock together for over a decade. in 2014/15/16/17/18 they hung around each other ALL THE TIME.
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and then 2021 happened and gLoVeS wErE oFf but even after that— may i remind everyone of preseason testing 2022?
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this was literally only A FEW WEEKS after that commission meeting where masi got fired relocated. weeks after toto wore a black turtleneck like he’d just buried the w12. and they were acting like giggling schoolgirls twirling their hair and having a laff? are you joking? are you telling me these two whiny conceited big headed team bosses can just forgive and forget?
YES AND ITS BECAUSE THEY LIKE EACH OTHER. toto probably acknowledged what happened in ad wasn’t christian’s fault and christian’s crush on toto is big enough that he could move past merc protesting max's win and getting his bestie michael fired relocated.
and now you’re telling me they’re sharing flights. sure sure. probably because they’re really environmentally conscious. maybe even an accidental booking on a commercial flight. two personal assistants going “whoopsie didn’t check the passenger list sorry”. three if you count in fred but he and toto probably booked that flight together. surely they weren’t plane pooling a private chartered flight. cough cough surely not. these three old rich men (billionaire toto wolff) would totally sit first class on a commercial flight, 17 hours among commoners, before one of the hardest races of the season, one of them with a broken back, one of them blind, and one of them with a tummy ache. these three very rich men would totally suck it up and bite the bullet to make sure their carbon footprints stay as low as possible.
HELL no i don’t believe it for a second. they plane pooled. BECAUSE THEYRE FRIENDS.
christian is the longest serving tp along with franz tost but toto has been around since 2011ish when he first started at williams. they've known each other for A LONG TIME. no other team principals have been around as consistently and continuously as these two. sure some of the current tps have been around the paddock in other roles. and yet with the exception of toto and fred, none of them are "friends".
i am convinced they started hanging out. they must have because they were the two youngest tps around and everyone else was boring (except for maurizio my beloved). they build a rapport. some kind of undefinable bond, not friends, not colleagues, rivals maybe, but there's respect. even if christian won't ever admit to it ever. maybe they don't go to dinner together but I'm convinced they text occasionally, anything between "happy birthday" and "fuck you for buying out my engineer i actually needed that one". also. christian is ceo of a top level performing technology business (lmao) and if there's one thing toto knows it's management and finance. like I cannot imagine they have never had conversations about that. they're both passionate about racing. sure they probably have like hugeeee differences in opinions about certain things but it's because they're both willing to do whatever it takes for their team to win. they must respect that in the other. (their opinions are probably not even that different if we think about it. probably scarily similar actually. this is the problem, they are very much two sides of the same coin. they want their team to win and they’re willing to do pretty much anything to get there. they look at each other and don’t like what they see because they’re literally mirror images.) (THEYRE TOO SIMILAR)
IN CONCLUSION. they like each other. they may not be friends by common definition but THEY ARE SOMETHING. they share flights I rest my case.
(also yes obviously fred makes fun of them all the time it’s how he’s coded)
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princemick · 1 year
wait hold the fuck up maurizio/toto lore???
like marcus rashford once said 'no no no, no no no'
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inlap · 2 years
referencing your toto/christian post, are you aware of toto's "enemy building" strategy? peak deranged behavior.
now he says he doesn't have a picture of anyone from f1...but i'm inclined to think otherwise
like clearly he got caught with a photo of christian on his desk and had to make something up
this is so wild bc i first read it thinking 'notebook' meant 'journal' as in 'toto wolff puts pictures of christian horner in his diary' 😕
even having photos of your enemies up on your computer is wild too though. i'm ALSO inclined to think otherwise. like let's be real here horner is def his main competitor, toto def semi-admitted to staring at photos of horner in his free time
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Will you please bless us with the titles and pairings and general vibes of the now expanded regency verse please i am begging you 🙏🙏
Or is it a surprise 👀👀
I knew that would get some questions!
Full caveat: I have no timeline for writing/posting these, which are largely concepts, and the order may yet change depending on whose story I'm vibing with the most (except two of them are going to be in exactly that order).
Part 1: this is your life, don't play hard to get (Oscar & Logan's story)
Part 2: rest your weary head and let your heart decide (George & Lewis' story)
Part 3: open up your mind and let me step inside (Mick & Jack's story) - arranged marriage setting, family trauma, infertility
Part 4: when you're feeling down and your resistance is low (Christian & Toto's story) - arranged marriage setting, enemies to enemies to enemies to reluctant friends to lovers, inheritance requirements
Part 5: my game of love has just begun (Daniel & Max's story) - forbidden love, hidden identity, prince/pauper, age gap
Part 6: all you have to do is fall in love (Lando & Carlos' story) - love at first sight, overcoming obstacles
Part 7: it's so easy when you know the rules (Mark & David's story) - forbidden love, same-sex relationship, hidden relationship
3 & 4 are the only stories that will open with the wedding, as the focus will largely be on what happens after
4 will include a large time skip (for reasons that will be obvious later)
obviously, 4 & 5 will be the only two that are in exact order because 5 will contain spoilers for 4
3 is going to be the big angst story of the series
7 is going to link back to 1 (obviously)
6's whole existence is...nebulous and its writing is likely to be most affected by RL
There may be an 8th story, which would be more of a collection of lore and short insights into other pairings (like Piarles)
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shovson · 10 months
vampire au stuff about bites, vampirism, and also turning in the little f1 coven sorry i want to ramble and i don't feel like drawing what im trying to convey so u get this....
(incoherent, includes ferlando (im sorry.....))
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i did an old halloween drawing about my vampire au because there are some different ways of how vampires can become vampires in my lore
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vampires were originally aliens from another planet, very similar to earth. not much is known about that planet due to the first vampires not really saying much about it, wanting to simply settle into their new homes. idk how to transition from older vampires to newer ones yet...... many of the first vampires have disappeared due to hunting but few remain alive, but they stay hidden. because of this, to newer vampires, they have a legendary status with some myths and stories tied into their origin and power.
the modern vampire is far from the original aliens, most of them were bitten and turned.
humans can be turned via a bite. bites on the neck and bites on the wrist are the most common and other bites are seen as odd.
bites via the neck indicate an extemely close bond among two people. romantic or queerplatonic. the mark is out there, uncovered, a representation of the devotion a pair may (or previously may) have). bites like these can be a source of happiness and loyalty for the person or often a bitter scar and reminder of the past relationships that have gone. the people on the grid with this bite are: lance (bitten by prev lover), george (bitten by current lover), esteban (by current lover), there's gotta be more but it's not coming to me right now
bites on the wrist are either by friends or strangers. sometimes they represent someone who was turned by force. they're more hidden (some drivers choose to hide it via a watch or jewellery) and usually don't mean much to people, though not always.
covens (usually larger ones) may have a person designated to turn new members once they join. these people are called guides.
the f1 coven (name tba....) demands all drivers who come into the sport be turned within a year. they're willing to make exceptions for extensions but the harassment of christian horner and toto gets so fucking annoying most drivers will turn to be left alone. the current guide is lando norris, given to him by fernando who was the guide until his retirement. fernando also turned lando and they share a complicated but fun bond.
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some vampires are born, usually by two vampire parents and very rarely by vampire/human relations. vampire/human vampires are extremely rare as their children (dhampirs) are closer to human than vampire. for a vampire to be born of that bond is practically a miracle.
born vampires age like humans and can choose when they stop aging (i guess slow down...havent decided). when vampires feel that moment, they must go to a religious figure (most vampires choose the devil but not all) to ask and confirm their decision. a lot of vampires choose to be young (and a lot regret that) but not always (like toto). some born vampires may have powers that their turned counterparts may not have. not always though.
the end
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jeannereames · 5 years
I just finished ‘Becoming’ and I absolutely loved it! I just wondered if you believe that AtG and Hephaistion continued their romantic relationship throughout their lives or if you think they let that side of their friendship go as they got older as was more common at the time? Anyway! I absolutely loved ‘Becoming’ and I can’t wait to read ‘Rise’!
I’m guessing you’re asking about the historical people, as opposed to the fictional characters? I do hope/plan to continue the Dancing with the Lion series, and in it, yes, they will remain romantically involved. Whether or not future novels are bought, however, rests on how well Becoming and Rise do. (So if you want more, get the word out and post reviews. *grin*)
Yet, with regard to the historical men, I think it’s very hard to know whether they remained sexual partners as adults. And the reason it’s hard to know involves the difficulty of our surviving sources.
As soon as historians start talking SOURCES, a lot of folks tune out. It’s BORING. *grin* But in order to give an honest answer, I kinda have to Go There.
First, let me give the TL;DR version. If they were still sexually involved as adults, I suspect it was quite occasional. And the fact it was quite occasional (if at all), may be why we don’t hear anything about it in the sources (discussion to follow). After all, they were both extremely busy men with duties and responsibilities that sometimes kept them apart for months. If they were still sexually/romantically involved, they had what we’d today call a long-distance relationship at points…and without the benefit of cell phones.
It may have been a gradual “weaning” from each other, rather than anything sharp. So they may have been lovers as teens, then over time, each took younger beloveds, and finally, wives—all while remaining emotionally very, very close. (Although I suspect that, like any friendship OR love affair, they had ups-and-downs, fights and reconciliations.)
Now, here’s why the TL;DR summary above gets a big fat label: “SPECULATION.”
The sources are the only way we know anything about the past, and if they can’t be trusted, or at least not trusted in toto, we have a Really Big Problem. So let me lay it out.
Before I do, however, I want to remind readers that I DO think Alexander and Hephaistion were lovers, at least in their youth. But no, it’s not “obvious.” Theirs wasn’t a world especially reticent about same-sex affairs (*cough* see below), even if post-Christian, modern historians had trouble with it until the last 40 years or so. So if the (surviving) ancient authors don’t talk about them as lovers, even while discussing other same-sex pairs in the same damn text, we have to ask…why? One very real possibility is that they didn’t talk about them as lovers because they weren’t. Full stop. There could have been other reasons (I think there were), but let’s not flinch from being honest, here.
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(This could have been a lot more graphic, but then I’d have to post a warning on my blog.)
So…back to our Persnickety Sources.
First, nothing has survived that Alexander wrote himself. We have a couple public inscriptions, but not one piece of writing, even a letter, from Alexander. (Any surviving letters are quoted in later sources, and probably aren’t real.*)
Second, nothing has survived written by anyone who actually knew Alexander, or even lived when he did, except forensic speeches from Athenian demagogues who mostly hated him (and weren’t writing histories anyway). One may as well trust Demosthenes on Philip.
The sources we do still have used histories written by those who knew Alexander, such as Ptolemy, Aristobulos, Nearchos, Marsyas, and even the court historian, Kallisthenes. They also used other texts of dubious worth, such as Onesikritos, who was made fun of even in his own day for writing “historical fiction.” And sometimes our later authors were using texts who, themselves, were using earlier texts. So we’ve got three (or more) layers, not just two!
Third, we have not just layers of sources, but layers in the CULTURE behind those sources.
The first layer is, of course, Macedonian. How did the Macedonians themselves view Alexander? We don’t know—not truly. Nothing survives from a Macedonian source, such as Marsyas or Ptolemy. (Some of you “in the know” might be thinking, But Polyaenus! No. Polyaenus lived 500 years after ATG; that was a very different Macedonia. [Yes, I used the Latin spelling, as he was Roman. ;p])
The second layer is Greek, but we have to qualify this. Layer 2.0 is Greece of the 4th century, especially Athenian reactionism, writing about the emerging Macedonian kingdom. There could be huge cultural differences even among Greek city-states. Case in point: Athens vs. Sparta. Greeks didn’t always understand Macedonians (sometimes, I swear, on purpose).
BUT we also have the increasingly homogenized Hellenistic world of the Successors, which was sorta like when you throw in a bunch of different colored shirts and wash them in hot water. You get a color-bleeding mess. Your red shirt (Attic-Ionic) might have a big blue streak (Doric) on it now. That’s sort of what happened to Greek culture as the Hellenistic era progressed. Lots of bleed. This had begun prior to Alexander, but he accelerated it like kerosene on a trash fire. We can call that Greek Layer 2.1, or something.
Then we have the Romans, and their culture, which, if similar to Greek, definitively wasn’t Greek in key ways. All our surviving sources were written as the Republic was collapsing and the Empire emerging, and by that point, Greece was a Roman province.
Again, we’ve got two groups here: Greeks living under Roman rule, such as Plutarch, Diodorus, and Arrian—who wrote in Greek—and then Roman authors such as Curtius, and later Justin, who wrote in Latin. But the Greeks under Rome shouldn’t be conflated with Athenians in ATG’s own day, or even under the Successors. The culture evolved and took on Roman shadings.
So that’s not just layers of sources, but layers of cultures trying to understand what people who lived a hundred or two hundred or three hundred years before them thought/believed.
Ergo, are we hearing what Alexander (or anybody else around him) really thought or intended? Or just what writers of the Second Sophistic (such as Plutarch) wanted him to model? Or how even later authors, such as Arrian, wanted to use him to flatter his patron, Hadrian?
What’s Roman, what’s Greek, and what’s Macedonian? Can we tease that out? I’d say it’s damn tricky, and often, flat impossible—although unlike some of my colleagues, I don’t believe it’s all Roman overlay. That goes too far in the other direction, IMO.
Last, we have several authors who weren’t writing about Alexander specifically, but have bits of Alexander lore embedded in their texts: Athenaeus’s “Supper Party,” or Polyaenus’s “Strategems,” or even Plutarch’s “Moralia,” just to name three.
Among these, especially later, we have authors writing material they (or later readers) tried to pass off as written by earlier authors. We often refer to these authors with the preface “Pseudo-” as in “Pseudo-Kallisthenes.” It was NOT written by Kallisthenes, but was later attributed to him.
So, now you have some idea of why Alexander historians want to pull our hair out!
But I detail that to explain why it’s so hard for me to give you any clear answer about whether Alexander and Hephaistion remained lovers as adults. Or even if they were lovers at all.
In none of our five primary histories of Alexander, nor in Plutarch’s other stuff, nor Athenaeus, etc. is Hephaistion ever called Alexander’s lover. This includes sources that do mention with apparent unconcern other pairs of male lovers. So this isn’t “the love that dared not speak it’s name.” The Greeks were pretty okay with talking about their boyfriends.
There could be OTHER reasons for deep-sixing mention of Hephaistion and Alexander as lovers, mostly having to do with status (some of which I touched on in the novels), yet the lack of clear affirmation is a problem. The only mentions we do have come from late sources, one of which belongs to that category of “pseudo-” authors I mentioned: Pseudo-Diogenes (in Aelian), as well as Arrian recording the Stoic Epiktatos. The philosophers are trying to make a point about the dangers of giving in to physical desire, so it’s hard to know how much credit to give these references.
Thus, we’re left with little besides the indirect (e.g., the Achilles-Patroklos allusions, etc.). Those have their own problems, which I’ll not go into now, as I’ve already written a small essay.
One potential reason for a lack of mention in our surviving sources is that any sexual love affair had been a product of their youth. What remained was a fiercely deep and passionate devotion. Before you pooh-pooh that—Of course they were still having sex!—consider modern marriages that have lasted for decades but no longer include sexual activity, at least between the married partners. Don’t be sucked in by Romance novel tropes.
When I was doing bereavement counseling (et al.), I ran into all sorts of arrangements that married couples made across time. Some marriages break up when the partners stop being sexually attracted to each other, and “cheat.” But others don’t, because it’s not “cheating” if it’s mutually agreed to. Or in some cases, the partners simply lost interest in sex as they aged…but didn’t fall out of love with each other. So they might have sex once a year? Maybe? That was enough. Or they had sex on the side, with permission. People don’t fit into boxes well, IME. Honesty was the hallmark of marriages that lasted even when they weren’t still having sex. I’ve known of marriages where the couples had stopped having sex years ago, but when one of them died, the other was completely devastated because of the enormous EMOTIONAL investment. I think that’s what hit Alexander when Hephaistion died. Maybe they were still having sex, at least once in a blue moon. Maybe they weren’t. That didn’t matter.
LOVE is deeper than sex, by a long shot. Which is why the Greeks counted PHILIA (true friendship) as the superior love to eros (desire).
So whether Alexander and Hephaistion were still sexually involved—or had ever had sex—doesn’t reflect the depth of their love for each other. We might not be told by the sources that they were lovers, physically, either as youths or continuing into adulthood. But the sources are abundantly clear that they loved each other best of all. When Hephaistion died, Alexander followed him about 10 months later.
(Final note: what I intend to do in the series, going forward, is a bit different from what I described here, but that’s why I specified this involves the historical men, not necessarily my fictional characters.)
*My reference to quoted material, such as letters—or speeches—not being real: it was a common practice in the ancient world for the author of histories, especially starting with Thucydides, to just MAKE SHIT UP. It was all about showing off one’s own rhetorical skills. I think, in a lot of cases, we are probably getting at least the gist of what was said. But NEVER, EVER, EVER trust the “transcription” of an ancient speech…unless it was actually recorded later by the author. So, say, Demosthenes’ Philippics are probably a cleaned up version of the speeches he delivered. But Alexander’s “Speech at Opis” is NOT what Alexander actually said.
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zeroadult479 · 3 years
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You pay your money, you take your choices (Last Updated January 18 ) There are quite a few premium vehicles in World of Tanks, sprinkled across the various nations, classes, and tiers. As stated above; premium vehicles come in a variety of forms, and there are a few limitations on what they can be. Generally speaking and there are exceptions , premium tanks will be slightly inferior to fully upgraded tanks of the same class and tier. They span tiers 2 to 8 and have a few special quirks; as one example, a premium vehicle can use crew trained on vehicles of the same class at no penalty.
Premium Tank Guide: You pay your money, you take your choices (Last Updated January 18 ) There are quite a few premium vehicles in World of Tanks, sprinkled across the .
In the game, you are fighting with giant, walking robots in 6v6 pvp matches controlling territory by capturing beacons, and, of course, by destroying other robots. Last year was a very good year for War Robots. The number of installations was tripled, and reached 50 million. DAU is about , players. Why does War Robots attract players so much? Judging on its dynamics, War Robots is the only adequate game in the genre niche of slow shooters, which is dominated by World of Tanks WoT.
In a slow shooters game, exchanging of fire lasts longer than in the mainstream shooter games. It looks more realistic when long fights occur between combat vehicles with armor and survivability.
2018 Gameweek 2 Discussion (No new threads, include all GW2 yarns here)
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That’s 6M paying customer, in the same league as WoW, despite much smaller developer budget. The only gameplay is going to the field and battle enemy tanks, head on. PvP games are killed by the “PvP spiral”:
As I have spent many hours looking for World of Tanks mods, bonus codes, free gold, t-shirts and more, I’m pretty sure you’ll find something for yourself as well. To start, take a look at the main menu above or pick one of the popular categories below.
In Air Realistic mode, matchmaking is performed based on the aircraft selected for the battle. Since the vehicles not selected cannot be used in the battle, there is no need to include them in the calculation. In Ground Forces Arcade mode, matchmaking is performed based on the tank with the highest BR in the set. In Ground Forces Realistic mode, matchmaking is performed based on the tank or aircraft with the highest BR in the entire set depending on which vehicle has the highest BR. Many players have a preference for several modes.
For their convenience, there is a ” vehicle preset ” mechanism, which allows players to save preferred and frequently used vehicle arrangements in their hangar. This allows players to prepare for any type of battle in just a few clicks. Matchmaking by Bracket Air Simulator battles use this matchmaking method. When the player opens the Air SB interface, they will see several identical missions where the only difference is the BR of the permitted aircraft.
Matchmaking Near Shawneetown Illustrator
All you have to do is select the desired battle rank and assemble the required aircraft in your set.
Let’s Play! WoT 92 – Premium Matchmaking Tanks
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
100 Best Free Audio Books and 10 Sites for More
Audio books may not offer the timeless look, feel and smell (oh, the sweet smell of freshly printed leaflets!) of regular books, but they certainly present their own unique set of advantages – They’re lightweight (actually, they’re weightless!), they’re portable, they eliminate dangerous paper cuts, they’re compact, and, best of all, you can typically find a good selection of audio books that are a lot cheaper than their printed counterparts – oftentimes free!
Take a look at this list of the 100 best free audio books – we bet you’ll find some worthy of your attention:
100 Best Must-Hear Audio books That Won’t Cost You a Penny
Something New – P. G. Wodehouse A comical adventure following a competition to retrieve a stolen artifact and claim the reward.
Short Science Fiction Collection – A variety of stories of the sci-fi genre
The 9/11 Commission Report – 9/11 ComVarious Authorsmission The final report of findings from the devastating events of September 11, 2001
Ghost Story Collection – Various authors A compilation of 10 scary stories
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A full reading of the classic novel that began the Sherlock Holmes craze we still enjoy today.
Erewhon – Samuel Butler A satire of Victorian society
Beyond Good and Evil –Friedrich Nietzsche A thought piece on politics and philosophy by a renowned existentialist
Candide – Voltaire A reminder that life doesn’t always provide a happy ending
Beowulf – Unknown The classic English tale of the heroic Beowulf, written more than a millennium ago
The Adventures of Pinnochio – Carlo Collodi The story surrounding America’s most recognized wooden boy
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases – Grenville Kleiser A practical guide to the English language
This Side of Paradise – F Scott Fitzgerald From the author of The Great Gatsby, this stunning work mirrors the experiences of Fitzgerald himself
On the Origin of Species – Charles Darwin One of the most widely criticized books of its time, it follows Darwin’s theory of evolution
The Mystery of the Yellow Room – Gaston Leroux From the author of Phantom of the Opera, this mystery focuses on a crime committed in a locked room
Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English – Henry Stanton A guide to sexual behavior and relationships from a 19th century perspective
The Gods of Mars – Edgar Rice Burroughs A sci-fi novel of the protagonist’s return to Mars after a 10-year leave
The Colors of Space – Marion Zimmer Bradley An alien-disguised human tried to uncover the mysteries of space travel
The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame The classic tale of talking animals and their adventures
The Adventures of Reddy Fox – Thornton W Burgess A series of stories about a grandmother fox teaching her grandson about the world
Short Story Collection – Various Authors A variety of 10 fictional stories
The Phantom of the Opera – Gaston Leroux The original tale of the famed Opera Ghost that haunts a Paris theatre
Short Mystery Story Collection – Various authors Ten short mystery tales, including ones from Kate Chopin, P. G. Wodehouse, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Tales of Terror and Mystery – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A collection of short, scary, mysterious stories by the creator of Sherlock Holmes
The Railway Children – Edith Nesbit This beloved children’s book follows three children on a London railway adventure
Twelve Creepy Tales – Edgar Allan Poe A collection of spooky stories from a true horror master
Night and Day – Virginia Woolf A look at spiritual and moral issues
Just So Stories – Rudyard Kipling The creator of The Jungle Book brings this collection of stories that describe how common things might have originated
The Adventures of Sally – P. G. Wodehouse A light romantic comedy following the topsy-turvy escapades of Sally
Spoon River Anthologies – Edgar Lee Masters The fictional epitaphs of 212 residents of Spoon River, as told by their deceased personas
The Diary of a Nobody – George Grossmith This comic depiction follow the trials and triumphs of a bumbling middle-aged man
American Indian Fairy Tales – H. R. Schoolcraft A series of Native American legends and lore
The Story of Mankind – Henrik van Loon A simple look at history for a younger audience
The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter – Beatrix Potter A beloved collection of the best works of Beatrix Potter
Legend of Sleepy Hollow – Washington Irving The classic haunted tale of the Headless Horseman
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – F Scott Fitzgerald The original tale of the recent Hollywood blockbuster
The Scarecrow of Oz – L Frank Baum A look at Oz through the Scarecrow’s adventures
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary – M R James A collection of spooky tales guaranteed to leave you with goosebumps
The Art of Public Speaking – Dale Carnegie A must-hear for anyone who needs or is involved in speaking to crowds
Five Sci-Fi Short Stories – H Beam Piper A glimpse in fictional futuristic and alternative realities
The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing – Joseph Trienens More comical than practical, this look of advice from over a century ago might give you a new appreciation for modern society
The Red House Mystery – A A Milne The creator of Winnie the Pooh constructs this whodunnit tale
Lilac Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
Blue Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Power of Concentration – Theron Dumont A self-help guide to perfecting concentration
Last of the Mohicans – James Fenimore Cooper A fictional look at the French and Indian War
The Problems of Philosophy – Bertrand Russell A connection between philosophy and ordinary people
A Practical Guide to Self Hypnosis – Melvin Powers A guide for ordinary people to engage in self hypnosis
The Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling Follow the saga of Mowgli, Baloo, and Bagheerah in this classic telling
Tik Tok of Oz – L Frank Baum Another spin from the wonderful Wizard of Oz series
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl – Harriet Jacobs A close up look at slavery, as told by a woman born into the practice
The Brown Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Crimson Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Pink Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Grey Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Yellow Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Olive Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll A delightful tales about a young girl’s adventures after she falls through a rabbit hole into a whimsical land
The Emerald City of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing adventures in the land called Oz
The Tin Woodman of Oz – L Frank Baum A look at Oz via the Tin Woodman
The Snow Queen – Hans Christian Andersen The base story that lead to Disney’s Frozen
The Velveteen Rabbit – Margery Williams The beloved children’s tale of a child’s love for a velvet rabbit
Pygmalion – George Bernard Shaw A play that details how a phonetics professor can transform a rough-edged girl into a linguistic lady
Poems, Puzzle and Stories by Lewis Carroll – Lewis Carroll The Alice in Wonderful creator also crafted mindful riddles and puzzles
The Game of Logic – Lewis Carroll Another collection of mind-bending thoughts from the creator of Alice in Wonderland
The Art of Money Getting – P T Barnum A bit dated, but some rather helpful advice on how to get money and keep it
Zoo Stories – Various A collection of antics involving fictitious zoo denizens
Katie, the Ordinary Witch – Various A series of stories about a young girl who can do magic
Aesop – Aesop The classic retelling of the famed Aesop’s Fables
Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life and Leadership – Oprah Winfrey A modern audio book choice featuring advice from one of the country’s most influential women
The Secret – Rhonda Byrne One of the best-selling self-help books of the millennium
Dr. Lissa Rankin on Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself – Dr. Lissa Rankin A look at how one doctor believes you can overcome your illnesses without modern medicine practices
The Surprising Science of Motivation – Daniel H Pink A guide to utilizing and improving your motivation
21-Day Meditation Challenge – Deepak Chopra A meditation guide on how to live with passion and abundance
Why Are We Happy? Why Aren’t We Happy? – Daniel Gilbert A TED talk that explains what we think will make us happy can have the opposite effect
The Secret of Dreams – Yacki Raizizun A guide to the meanings behind common dreams
The Patchwork Girl of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing adventures in the land called Oz
The Marvelous Land of Oz – L Frank Baum A boy named Tip unites with the Oz characters for new adventures
Ozma of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing saga of Oz, as told from Ozma’s perspective
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz – L Frank Baum The adventures of Dorothy during her trip to the magical land of Oz
Road to Oz – L Frank Baum Dorothy and Toto meet a new cast of Oz characters and come face to face with new adventures
Rinkitink in Oz – L Frank Baum The 10th installment of the magical Oz series
Lost Princess of Oz – L Frank Baum Dorothy and Toto set out to find the kidnapped Princess Ozma and Glinda the Witch’s stolen magic
The Magic of Oz – L Frank Baum A young boy discovers a powerful magic word in Oz
Glinda of Oz – L Frank Baum The final installment in the Oz series
Brave New World – Adolph Huxley The radio drama version of Huxley’s groundbreaking novel
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C S Lewis Four children discover the world of Narnia after wandering into an old wardrobe
Prince Caspian – C S Lewis The second installment of the Narnia series, though some argue it should fall fourth in the lineup
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – C S Lewis The third installment of the Narnia series, though many choose to read this one fifth
The Silver Chair – C S Lewis The fourth installment of the Narnia series, although some may argue it should be considered the 6th in the series
The Horse and His Boy – C S Lewis The fifth installment of the Narnia series, though some argue this one should be read third
The Magician’s Nephew – C S Lewis The supposed prequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Last Battle – C S Lewis The final installment in the magical Narnia series
1984 – George Orwell An eerie satirical depiction of futuristic society that somewhat mirrors actual life in our current time
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud A glimpse into psychoanalysis prepared for laymen
The Interpretation of Dreams – Sigmund Freud A closer look at what our dreams could mean, as discovered by renowned scientist Sigmund Freud
Stories of King Arthur and His Knights – U Waldo Cutler A collection of tales centered around one of history’s most legendary, elusive figures
The Faerie Queene – Edmund Spenser Written as a tribute to Queen Elizabeth and the Golden Age she helped to create
My Father’s Dragon – Ruth Stiles Gannett A young boy befriends a cat before setting off to rescue a dragon
Eve’s Diary – Mark Twain A short, comedic telling of earth’s first woman as depicted from the diary she keeps
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 1 – Hans Christian Andersen A compilation of some of Andersen’s most well-loved stories
Madame Butterfly – John Luther Long A Japanese girl marries an American naval officer and becomes a disgrace to her family
Where to Find the Best Free Audiobooks
Now that you know which audio books to look for, where can you find more like them? There are surprisingly many sites making a killing on handing out free audio books, but we’ve found several gems you should check out first:
Lit2Go specializes in classic stories and poems that reside within the public domain.
Free Classic Audiobooks
Here you can find most of the familiar classics in mp3 format.
From classic works to translations in a slew of other languages, Librivox offers a huge selection of free audio books to download.
Loyal Books
Besides of the most beloved classics, you can also find a large selection of hard-to-find or out-of-print books, along with titles from lesser known writers.
Hearing a story is a great way to encourage your child’s love of reading, especially when you aren’t available to read it to them yourself. Storynory has a lot of original titles you can’t find anywhere else.
Learn Out Loud
Dedicated to all things educational, you can find some valuable self-help and other nonfiction resources, free for the listening.
Currently boasting over 900 free audio books, you can find a good variety of classic literature and poems.
Formerly known as Podiobooks, you can find a worldwide variety of novels, short stories, essays, and series.
Kiddie Records
Reminiscent of the books-on-record days, this site is dedicated to providing a look (and sound) back to a classic form of children’s storytelling, but with a modern, digital vibe.
Mind Webs
This old-time radio series from the 1970s through the 90s has been converted to a digital audio format for your enjoyment.
The post 100 Best Free Audio Books and 10 Sites for More appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2p3QXAa via Viral News HQ
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mediumtires · 11 months
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mediumtires · 1 year
i can’t get over the intimacy of sharing a 17 hour flight.
have you ever been on a long haul flight? you get comfortable. and i mean. real comfortable. these men live in hotel rooms and cars and airplanes for the better part of the year. they know how to travel comfortably.
it’s sweatpants and slippers and audiobooks. christian and toto probably slept in close proximity of each other. do you know how vulnerable that makes a person? sworn enemy two rows in front to the left and christian nodding off with airpods in and a neck pillow? are you joking?
toto with an eyemask on and christian makes fun of him for it and toto scrambles to explain “i got my eyes lasered last week OK”. christian keeps chuckling for two hours straight as an excuse to keep looking over at his archenemy with the dark tousled hair. literally watches him sleep.
and fred. just literally in the middle of the aisle doing squats and engaging absolutely anyone in conversation because he’s bored. poor stewards have to squeeze past him every time christian calls them over.
meals. they’ll be eating together, at the same time. it’s such a weirdly intimate thing to eat on a flight, you can’t tell me it’s not. toto with a napkin tucked into his collar, christian rolling his eyes at him. fred already stuffing his face because standing up has him starving also he’s bored.
and. according to my main man carlos, the one way to fight australian jet lag is to stay awake the whole flight. we’ve all heard it, we’ve all seen it, he kept us updated. i can’t see these three old men staying awake for the whole thing but there will certainly be awake time. there will be work getting done (everyone but fred let’s be real), there will be books and music, maybe toto watches a movie and christian annoys him until he turns on the subtitles so he can watch along from behind. then he makes fun of toto’s choice of movie (i’m thinking top gun) for the rest of the flight. maybe toto meditates and christian can’t believe his eyes. in between toto will get up to get the blood flowing and he’ll do his squats right next to christian’s seat. i am convinced he has a night time routine and he WILL be doing it on the plane. he’ll offer christian his snacks.
and this is all fun and games ok but ABOVE ALL. they must have been talking.
and this is what has me insane because christian is SUCH a pr guy. like he is such a sucker for having cameras around and playing it up as this big respected team boss when in reality he’s just a big ass softie whenever there’s no one around to judge him. and he had to built this image of himself. he was the youngest tp, no f1 experience when he started and also - may i remind everyone - he’s short. tiny. he had to puff out his chest and bark at everything and everyone but he had to be charming about it too and this is literally how he learned to play the media so well. he is the king of pr. he knows how important image and perception are. BUT. i so very strongly believe he drops the act when he’s sure no cameras are around and that’s why he’s so well liked in the paddock. considering the portrayal of him in the media, i would keep a twenty feet distance to that man at all times but people aren’t are they? he’s well liked.
cameras off, he’s a nice guy. funny. probably very knowledgable about the sport, likes to give advice and help smaller teams. not necessarily merc. but basically everyone else. he can hold a conversation without making stupid comments all the time. and that’s what he and toto do too! the media and everything 2021 has made them into something aggressive and founded in hate and disrespect but actually, they were friendly with each other long before 2021 and they managed to be adults about the whole thing (so surprising tbh). THEY ARE STILL FRIENDS. and so they are okay with things like sharing long haul flights and sleeping in each others proximity etc etc etc even when christian makes a throwaway comment about it after like “oh toto was there too, got his eyes lasered or sumin idk i didn’t really ask”
BRO YOU HAD 17 HOURS ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME YOU DIDNT SPEAK TO TOTO ONCE THE ENTIRE TIME. try again. he asked about his eyes and then went on to complain about his tummy ache and THEN he probably filled toto in on geri’s race horses and they shared stories about having to build lego cars on christmas day with their sons who are literally the same age, all of it over some shitty airplane lasagne.
you can’t fool me christian horner you can’t
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mediumtires · 1 year
Ok but wtf was Toto doing there??? 7yrs makes sense…….. but real life???? Toto doing a socializing? Toto annoying Christian? Toto awkwardly following Niki around like a lost child? Please enlighten us o Ell, for i am confusioned
niki and bernie knew each other for a long time and they were known to be quite good friends, so i’m assuming toto tagged along for cake and champagne.
plus, back in 2016 mercedes and red bull had a pretty good rapport, as did christian and toto. toto knows bernie as everyone knows bernie so i assume he was very welcome / invited
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mediumtires · 1 year
So I just read the little snippet you wrote with max and was now wondering if he ever warms up to Toto in Seven years ?
idk these two are strange to me, i don’t think max cares very much about toto, he mostly cares about christian and then so happens to start caring about toto by extension. i think max is the type of guy who is nice to you if you’re nice to him. toto for the longest time was just mercedes to him, meaning lewis, meaning rivalry, so he probably wasn’t too big of a fan (not diving into the toto max red bull lore).
i like the idea of max getting to see a different version of christian outside of red bull. he didn’t know about them until The Outing, christian kept that part of himself hidden and only very few people were allowed in on that so i think he’d be quite surprised by the married husband version of christian. at the beginning it’s just a few little things, he sees christian driving a mercedes occasionally, spies a few suspicious text messages popping up, overhears a phone call or two. and then maybe at one of those horner wolff garden parties he actually sees them together for the first time, in an environment that is entirely removed from racing and their jobs and he’s stunned by how different christian behaves (openly fond, way less sarcastic than usual, a lot less politely distant) and how very different toto is (less annoying, way more casual and suave). i assume he’d still walk up to them ala “but this doesn’t change anything right? i don’t have to get along with lewis?” but that’s neither here nor there
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
100 Best Free Audio Books and 10 Sites for More
Audio books may not offer the timeless look, feel and smell (oh, the sweet smell of freshly printed leaflets!) of regular books, but they certainly present their own unique set of advantages – They’re lightweight (actually, they’re weightless!), they’re portable, they eliminate dangerous paper cuts, they’re compact, and, best of all, you can typically find a good selection of audio books that are a lot cheaper than their printed counterparts – oftentimes free!
Take a look at this list of the 100 best free audio books – we bet you’ll find some worthy of your attention:
100 Best Must-Hear Audio books That Won’t Cost You a Penny
Something New – P. G. Wodehouse A comical adventure following a competition to retrieve a stolen artifact and claim the reward.
Short Science Fiction Collection – A variety of stories of the sci-fi genre
The 9/11 Commission Report – 9/11 ComVarious Authorsmission The final report of findings from the devastating events of September 11, 2001
Ghost Story Collection – Various authors A compilation of 10 scary stories
The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A full reading of the classic novel that began the Sherlock Holmes craze we still enjoy today.
Erewhon – Samuel Butler A satire of Victorian society
Beyond Good and Evil –Friedrich Nietzsche A thought piece on politics and philosophy by a renowned existentialist
Candide – Voltaire A reminder that life doesn’t always provide a happy ending
Beowulf – Unknown The classic English tale of the heroic Beowulf, written more than a millennium ago
The Adventures of Pinnochio – Carlo Collodi The story surrounding America’s most recognized wooden boy
Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases – Grenville Kleiser A practical guide to the English language
This Side of Paradise – F Scott Fitzgerald From the author of The Great Gatsby, this stunning work mirrors the experiences of Fitzgerald himself
On the Origin of Species – Charles Darwin One of the most widely criticized books of its time, it follows Darwin’s theory of evolution
The Mystery of the Yellow Room – Gaston Leroux From the author of Phantom of the Opera, this mystery focuses on a crime committed in a locked room
Sex: Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English – Henry Stanton A guide to sexual behavior and relationships from a 19th century perspective
The Gods of Mars – Edgar Rice Burroughs A sci-fi novel of the protagonist’s return to Mars after a 10-year leave
The Colors of Space – Marion Zimmer Bradley An alien-disguised human tried to uncover the mysteries of space travel
The Wind in the Willows – Kenneth Grahame The classic tale of talking animals and their adventures
The Adventures of Reddy Fox – Thornton W Burgess A series of stories about a grandmother fox teaching her grandson about the world
Short Story Collection – Various Authors A variety of 10 fictional stories
The Phantom of the Opera – Gaston Leroux The original tale of the famed Opera Ghost that haunts a Paris theatre
Short Mystery Story Collection – Various authors Ten short mystery tales, including ones from Kate Chopin, P. G. Wodehouse, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Tales of Terror and Mystery – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle A collection of short, scary, mysterious stories by the creator of Sherlock Holmes
The Railway Children – Edith Nesbit This beloved children’s book follows three children on a London railway adventure
Twelve Creepy Tales – Edgar Allan Poe A collection of spooky stories from a true horror master
Night and Day – Virginia Woolf A look at spiritual and moral issues
Just So Stories – Rudyard Kipling The creator of The Jungle Book brings this collection of stories that describe how common things might have originated
The Adventures of Sally – P. G. Wodehouse A light romantic comedy following the topsy-turvy escapades of Sally
Spoon River Anthologies – Edgar Lee Masters The fictional epitaphs of 212 residents of Spoon River, as told by their deceased personas
The Diary of a Nobody – George Grossmith This comic depiction follow the trials and triumphs of a bumbling middle-aged man
American Indian Fairy Tales – H. R. Schoolcraft A series of Native American legends and lore
The Story of Mankind – Henrik van Loon A simple look at history for a younger audience
The Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter – Beatrix Potter A beloved collection of the best works of Beatrix Potter
Legend of Sleepy Hollow – Washington Irving The classic haunted tale of the Headless Horseman
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – F Scott Fitzgerald The original tale of the recent Hollywood blockbuster
The Scarecrow of Oz – L Frank Baum A look at Oz through the Scarecrow’s adventures
Ghost Stories of an Antiquary – M R James A collection of spooky tales guaranteed to leave you with goosebumps
The Art of Public Speaking – Dale Carnegie A must-hear for anyone who needs or is involved in speaking to crowds
Five Sci-Fi Short Stories – H Beam Piper A glimpse in fictional futuristic and alternative realities
The Handy Cyclopedia of Things Worth Knowing – Joseph Trienens More comical than practical, this look of advice from over a century ago might give you a new appreciation for modern society
The Red House Mystery – A A Milne The creator of Winnie the Pooh constructs this whodunnit tale
Lilac Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
Blue Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Power of Concentration – Theron Dumont A self-help guide to perfecting concentration
Last of the Mohicans – James Fenimore Cooper A fictional look at the French and Indian War
The Problems of Philosophy – Bertrand Russell A connection between philosophy and ordinary people
A Practical Guide to Self Hypnosis – Melvin Powers A guide for ordinary people to engage in self hypnosis
The Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling Follow the saga of Mowgli, Baloo, and Bagheerah in this classic telling
Tik Tok of Oz – L Frank Baum Another spin from the wonderful Wizard of Oz series
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl – Harriet Jacobs A close up look at slavery, as told by a woman born into the practice
The Brown Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Crimson Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Pink Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Grey Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Yellow Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
The Olive Fairy Book – Unknown Part of a series of colored fairy books detailing folklore of several European countries
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll A delightful tales about a young girl’s adventures after she falls through a rabbit hole into a whimsical land
The Emerald City of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing adventures in the land called Oz
The Tin Woodman of Oz – L Frank Baum A look at Oz via the Tin Woodman
The Snow Queen – Hans Christian Andersen The base story that lead to Disney’s Frozen
The Velveteen Rabbit – Margery Williams The beloved children’s tale of a child’s love for a velvet rabbit
Pygmalion – George Bernard Shaw A play that details how a phonetics professor can transform a rough-edged girl into a linguistic lady
Poems, Puzzle and Stories by Lewis Carroll – Lewis Carroll The Alice in Wonderful creator also crafted mindful riddles and puzzles
The Game of Logic – Lewis Carroll Another collection of mind-bending thoughts from the creator of Alice in Wonderland
The Art of Money Getting – P T Barnum A bit dated, but some rather helpful advice on how to get money and keep it
Zoo Stories – Various A collection of antics involving fictitious zoo denizens
Katie, the Ordinary Witch – Various A series of stories about a young girl who can do magic
Aesop – Aesop The classic retelling of the famed Aesop’s Fables
Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life and Leadership – Oprah Winfrey A modern audio book choice featuring advice from one of the country’s most influential women
The Secret – Rhonda Byrne One of the best-selling self-help books of the millennium
Dr. Lissa Rankin on Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof You Can Heal Yourself – Dr. Lissa Rankin A look at how one doctor believes you can overcome your illnesses without modern medicine practices
The Surprising Science of Motivation – Daniel H Pink A guide to utilizing and improving your motivation
21-Day Meditation Challenge – Deepak Chopra A meditation guide on how to live with passion and abundance
Why Are We Happy? Why Aren’t We Happy? – Daniel Gilbert A TED talk that explains what we think will make us happy can have the opposite effect
The Secret of Dreams – Yacki Raizizun A guide to the meanings behind common dreams
The Patchwork Girl of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing adventures in the land called Oz
The Marvelous Land of Oz – L Frank Baum A boy named Tip unites with the Oz characters for new adventures
Ozma of Oz – L Frank Baum The continuing saga of Oz, as told from Ozma’s perspective
Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz – L Frank Baum The adventures of Dorothy during her trip to the magical land of Oz
Road to Oz – L Frank Baum Dorothy and Toto meet a new cast of Oz characters and come face to face with new adventures
Rinkitink in Oz – L Frank Baum The 10th installment of the magical Oz series
Lost Princess of Oz – L Frank Baum Dorothy and Toto set out to find the kidnapped Princess Ozma and Glinda the Witch’s stolen magic
The Magic of Oz – L Frank Baum A young boy discovers a powerful magic word in Oz
Glinda of Oz – L Frank Baum The final installment in the Oz series
Brave New World – Adolph Huxley The radio drama version of Huxley’s groundbreaking novel
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – C S Lewis Four children discover the world of Narnia after wandering into an old wardrobe
Prince Caspian – C S Lewis The second installment of the Narnia series, though some argue it should fall fourth in the lineup
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader – C S Lewis The third installment of the Narnia series, though many choose to read this one fifth
The Silver Chair – C S Lewis The fourth installment of the Narnia series, although some may argue it should be considered the 6th in the series
The Horse and His Boy – C S Lewis The fifth installment of the Narnia series, though some argue this one should be read third
The Magician’s Nephew – C S Lewis The supposed prequel to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
The Last Battle – C S Lewis The final installment in the magical Narnia series
1984 – George Orwell An eerie satirical depiction of futuristic society that somewhat mirrors actual life in our current time
A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud A glimpse into psychoanalysis prepared for laymen
The Interpretation of Dreams – Sigmund Freud A closer look at what our dreams could mean, as discovered by renowned scientist Sigmund Freud
Stories of King Arthur and His Knights – U Waldo Cutler A collection of tales centered around one of history’s most legendary, elusive figures
The Faerie Queene – Edmund Spenser Written as a tribute to Queen Elizabeth and the Golden Age she helped to create
My Father’s Dragon – Ruth Stiles Gannett A young boy befriends a cat before setting off to rescue a dragon
Eve’s Diary – Mark Twain A short, comedic telling of earth’s first woman as depicted from the diary she keeps
Hans Christian Andersen: Fairytales and Short Stories Volume 1 – Hans Christian Andersen A compilation of some of Andersen’s most well-loved stories
Madame Butterfly – John Luther Long A Japanese girl marries an American naval officer and becomes a disgrace to her family
Where to Find the Best Free Audiobooks
Now that you know which audio books to look for, where can you find more like them? There are surprisingly many sites making a killing on handing out free audio books, but we’ve found several gems you should check out first:
Lit2Go specializes in classic stories and poems that reside within the public domain.
Free Classic Audiobooks
Here you can find most of the familiar classics in mp3 format.
From classic works to translations in a slew of other languages, Librivox offers a huge selection of free audio books to download.
Loyal Books
Besides of the most beloved classics, you can also find a large selection of hard-to-find or out-of-print books, along with titles from lesser known writers.
Hearing a story is a great way to encourage your child’s love of reading, especially when you aren’t available to read it to them yourself. Storynory has a lot of original titles you can’t find anywhere else.
Learn Out Loud
Dedicated to all things educational, you can find some valuable self-help and other nonfiction resources, free for the listening.
Currently boasting over 900 free audio books, you can find a good variety of classic literature and poems.
Formerly known as Podiobooks, you can find a worldwide variety of novels, short stories, essays, and series.
Kiddie Records
Reminiscent of the books-on-record days, this site is dedicated to providing a look (and sound) back to a classic form of children’s storytelling, but with a modern, digital vibe.
Mind Webs
This old-time radio series from the 1970s through the 90s has been converted to a digital audio format for your enjoyment.
The post 100 Best Free Audio Books and 10 Sites for More appeared first on Lifehack.
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