#christian humber reloaded
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themistressofdolls · 5 months ago
Xenos the Cat UNLEASHED
Done, every single chapter of the remaster of my previous Nanowrimo spoof story Xenos the cat unleashed is done.
Entire story is a send up to old edgy stories such as Christian humber reloaded, self inserts, 2000s forum OC characters and more. Sort of a love letter you could say.
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/756806867713409024/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vi
Chapter VI: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/760806998896984064/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vii
Chapter VII https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/764907289684606976/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vii
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nostalgiachan · 2 years ago
At long last, the final chapter of Christian Humber Reloaded is live!
And now...I have to figure out what the hell story I do next. I kinda blew my load too early on this one, lol.
Anyway, if you aren't familiar with my Story Time series, why not catch up with this handy-dandy playlist?
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fanfictionlive · 6 years ago
Christian Humber Reloaded - How a Terrible Fanfiction Saved My Life
Christian Humber Reloaded is a sort of well known trainwreck. Written by the deranged mind of an anti social, anime and video game obsessed teenager in the mid naughties, it arrived on the internet at the hands of a group of dickhead bullies who obtained a copy from Humber after they pretended to be his friends. It’s a sprawling 6 part nightmare, with an invincible main character who gets stronger and stronger throughout the story with zero limits, who murders countless innocent civilians and treats everyone like trash. A multitude of different series are crammed into the story (including Dragon Ball Z, Bionicle, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, Warhammer 40k among many) with no regard for canonity or coherence. The writing lacks basic punctuation and spelling and the plot is little more than strung together battles and events that vaguely resemble a story. It has all the makings of a terrible story, yet I adore it.
It’s silly to say but CHR sorta saved my life. I suffer quite badly with anxiety and in the past it was incredibly bad. I couldn’t leave the house without having a panic attack. But for some weird reason, I would always come back to CHR. Reading it would always cheer me up, it’s ridiculousness and the endlessly quotable dialogue would always make me smile. In a way, this dumb story sorta saved me. So Christian Humber, if you’re reading this, where ever you are, thanks. I love your work.
submitted by /u/Fuckingusernames69 [link] [comments] from FanFiction: Where Magical Ponies battle Imperial Titans http://bit.ly/2R8jOjt
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maxwolfanfic · 11 years ago
PART 1 THE BEGINNING They say the Pokémon world is all about fun and laughter. That´s fucking bullshit if you ask me. For me, life in the Pokémon world has been nothing but one living nightmare. I´m (or better said, I once was) a Poochyena, by the way and I used to live with my family in the route 101 from Hoenn. At first, everything was fine, but then some dipshit trainers started to hunt us and tried to capture us, so we have to run away, but my mom and my brothers were captured by one of those despicable shitheads. I never saw them again, after they were captured but my father told me that all the captured Pokémon are instantly brainwashed, so they became slaves from the humans and there is no hope for them, so I had to forget about my family, trying to survive the best I could along with my father.
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reddyrabbit · 14 years ago
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themistressofdolls · 5 months ago
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter VII
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/756806867713409024/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vi?source=share
Chapter VI: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/760806998896984064/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vii?source=share
The city of Nocturnal
It had been a year since I got back to Earth and I got all my friends and comrades together as we formed a yakuza mafia clan called the Moonblade Nocturnal. I even recruited a lot of staff to build us a new city in Japan that would be our HQ called the city of Nocturnal in which I would help make the world a better place while we also made a name for ourselves.
I was at a fancy party on the rooftops of Moonblade Nocturnal HQ and we all wore fancy suits with gold and red livery that had the clan logo “Looking good tonight Xenos Nocturnal.“ Brisket smiled and kissed me.
She had the same kind of suits like us but with a skirt and sexy high heels through nobody fucked with her because she could make blades come out of her high heels to fuck bad guys up.
Later we drove our fast cars, I had a shiny black custom car that was high class and could turn into a small personal airship on command which was my royal car suited only for the Moonblade Nocturnals boss which was me.
Sometimes we also had to fight rival gangs and clans that wanted a piece of our city but they where scared shitless of us so very few ever messed with us up front.
During the day as boss of the city I had to do paperwork WHICH I HATED and dealing with peoples problems so I had a lot of responbility now.
But when we had fun WE REALLY HAD FUN! I owned an entire garage of fast cars, an armory of all the coolest guns and we went on the most insane adventures or just had sick street races at night like we where running in the 90s. Times where great, we felt young and we felt alive making the most of these great days.
Old enemies return
I was out for a drive with Brisket and Fist the Echidna when I saw the city was on fire and advanced looking airships where attacking “WHOSE ATTACKING? IS IT A RIVAL CLAN?! NO IT CAN NOT CAN NOT BE THEY HAVE TOO BIG RESOURCES!“ I gasped and hit the peddle to the metal to get back to the HQ to find out what was happening to the city.
I got to the Moonblade Nocturnal building as I took the VIP elavator up to my open office, it had a pool and a lounge too. When I got there Kazu was waiting for me “Its Vivic Ramsy a US politician, it seems he revived Eron Monk as well using nanomachines and they've built a massive attack fleet with their companies money.“ He told.
“Why? What gain do they get from invading Japan? Its fucking insane!“ I slammed my fists on desk in anger.
Banana Split walked into the office “He wanted to become president of America but he was INSANE even for for the current rival to the president so he thought we where weak enough to be invaded so they could carve out their own kingdom here, then take over all of greater Japan.“ Banana Split told me.
It all made sense, same fucking excuse for people like that “Always money and power but they thought we where weak AND THEY WILL SOON FIND OUT THEY WHERE VERY WRONG!“ I got my blackguard ready along with my capos and elite agents putting on their kevlar business suits and going down to the bosses armory with me to get tooled up for the war.
I grabbed two M4 Carbine customs with white gold paint job, a Famas elite with the red scar paint job, an SA80 with black pink wind pattern paint skin, two FN40GL granade launchers with shiny silver paint skin, a Benelli M4 with a white digital camo paint job and duel desert eagles with high gold paint along with my crystal katanas and Bazhazard gunblades “Lets get ready to fuck some shit up!“ I said putting on my sunglasses as me and the capos got in my black car driving into battle.
The streets where filled with enemy mercinaries that where attacking the people, we ran some over then I jumped out blasting them with my M4 carbines taking out an entire command squad of enemy mercs.
We took control of the outer regions of the city as I gunned legions of mercs down who didn't even stand a chance against my elite skills in battle.
On the main airship Vivic Ramsy and Eron Monk who was now cyber augmented sat on the bridge overlooking the invasion of the city “These people are disgusting parasites, it is our destiny to wipe them out to build a new America! An America free of weakness and the corruption of false freedom.“ Vivic said.
Eron nodded “Interesting, looking into this.“ He said in a robotic voice.
Vivic smiled “And if you eat shit you can gain lots of vitamins and boost your T, its true I read it on the internet.“
Eron nodded taking down notes “Interesting, looking into it, 100% XD“ He replied again as he picked up a shit log and took a bite.
Back on the surface we took out over 40,000 of Vivics mercs thinning their forces down as the elites rushed in with katanas.
“Order our mech walkers to go after the air fleet, I'll get on board the main ship and make sure Vivic and Eron Musk get whacked!“ I said reloading my guns as I got in my personal car switching flight mode on as I flew into the air using my badass driving skills to dodge machine gun and missle barrages.
I opened fire with the cars hidden missle system taking a couple of the enemy airships out as I flew into the command ships dock, jumping out of the sun roof as I grabbed my degles opening fire on the soldiers there taking every single one out with perfect headshots.
500 more soldiers showed up so I loaded up my granade launcher and blew them away “COME DANCE IN THE FIRE WITH ME!“ I taunted them.
I bolted through the ships halls, lobbing granades into each room blowing up everyone inside, moving like a total terminator because I was going to whack every single enemy that set foot in my city to set an example to all the rest.
I arrived on the bridge as Vivic looked horrified to see me “Xenos Nocturnal! How did you? I mean we didn't mean it, we only invaded as a joke, just a little bit of trolling hehe...come on buddy don't be so triggered hehe.“ He was sweating as I grabbed him by the neck THEN I PUNCHED MY FIST THROUGH HIS FACE AS HIS SKULL AND BRAINS SHATTERED AND I THREW HIS BODY TO THE FLOOR.
Eron Monk tried to run away but I grabbed him next “Oh please, not again!“ He cried as I threw him out of the ship to his death below.
I blew up the command ship then went into my Final Hazard form using a beam attack to destory the rest of the airfleet.
We gathered all the survivors of Vivics mercenary army as we crucified them and put them on display outside the city as a warning to other invaders that would try to dishonor the freedom of the Moonblade Nocturnal and its promise of hope to the world.
Elsewhere a helicopter flew by as someone grabbed Eron Monk saving him from his fall “I thought I was going to die again.“
He looked into the cockpit seeing a fat Cockroach man piloting the chopper “Its you Curtis Moldbug, I swear I did my best I thought we had a winner with Vivic!“ Eron was begging for mercy as the cockroach man scratched his bum and hissed.
Also there was BD Bance who picked a cheeto out of his beard and ate it “Delicious“ he licked.
Curtis scurried over to Eron as he clasped his hands rubbing his greasy fingers “The don is coming back to start the dark CITADEL as I have foreseen in my manfestos all those years ago, you are to pledge your monetary support to him sssssssssss“
Eron kissed his gross bug feet “Yes lord Moldbug your will shall be done.“
The disgusting humanoid fat cockroach man hissed in delight “once we take the white house we shall built the dark CITADEL and ceos shall rule the world while the disgusting moronic poor people will be grinded into BIOFUEL or put in the matrix to be drained for their DELICIOUS SOUL JUICES sssssssss.“
I decided to visit New York in America to make a deal with another clan there but something was wrong as it was night time at one in the afternoon “You notice it too right?“ Kazu noted and thats when we saw a sickly red star in the sky glowing.
“What is with that star? Just looking at it makes me feel ill.“ I said.
I looked at my custom Moonblade phone to check the internet and found a science channel “Scientists are calling it the Abyss Star, we don't much about it but it is drawing closer to Earth.“ The science guy said.
I folded my arms thinking for a moment “This Abyss star can't be good, we need to find some leads about whats going on before something really fucking bad happens.“
We phoned up one of my capos who sent a helicopter to take us to NASA who would have the answers we needed “GIVE ME SOME ANSWERS WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ABYSS STAR!“ I threatened the head of NASA.
He put a video on the screen “We sent an expidition to the Abyss star, it is made of flesh but what happened scared us.“ He told me.
We watched the video and saw the astronaughts being absorbed into the ground as they became part of the abyss world trapped in eternal agony, then the camera zoomed out the world had evil eyes and walls of teeth “HOLY FUCK THATS THE MOST UGLY THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE GOOD FUCKING GOD!“ I shouted.
I had to do something to stop it so I got my helicopter back to new York thats when I saw her standing on the street with a new elegant lunar dress IT WAS GENOS MY SISTER “Hello my loathsome brother, it has been some time, do you like the Abyss star? I was the one who did the eldritch rituals to summon it to our galaxy and its hunger is endless...it shall consume world after world to aid to its flesh form.“ She giggled drawing from her cigarette holder.
She did the ojou laugh with her smug cat face “Nya, I don't care anymore, let the world and universe burn. I had ambitions of conquest once but after losing to you so much, nothing matters now LET IT ALL BURN UP!“ She said powering up into her Dark Crystal super form and I went into my FINAL HAZARD SUPER FORM as our glowing blades crossed.
“Let this be our last battle, brother!“ She said with hate in her eyes, she was truly gone at this point so I had no choice but to put her down once and for all.
We slashed and sliced but our blades blocked the other attacker because we where matched in speed. Her pure hate was driving her power level to stand against me “I won't let the world end, I have defeated stronger foes than some stupid dumb star.“ I scoffed.
“I don't care anymore, you will burn up in despair and suffering ohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho!“ She laughed pushing me back and firing 1000s of energy blades which I dodged.
I heard a voice inside my spirit, it was my great grandfather “Do not hold back, you are the legacy of this world after all, protect the star at all costs, destory the foe that stands in your way.“ He said and with that I WAS FILLED WITH MOTIVATION turning my gunblades into pure creation energy asending into my OMEGA FURY super form as my hair glowed with a color beyond comprehension.
“END OF ETERNITY!“ Genos cast attempting to rupture creation itself with a beam of pure nightmare energy.
I took my limitors off “UNLIMITED HOLY WORKS!“ I screamed blasting a city wide beam of pure celestal energy as our beams clashed in a struggle.
There was no choice I had to keep pushing as I put all my power into the attack pushing back against end of eternity as my beam began to burn Genos “SO THIS IS THE END AFTER ALL! THEN I SHALL...I!“ She tried to use a cracker bomb attack to take the planet out but I increased the beam range as she was consumed up it atom by atom which shattered her soul sending her to other world forever this time.
I collasped on the ground tired after using so much power “The Abyss star is still on its way here...I can't stop now.“ I gasped.
In my darkest hour I felt the power of motivation burning through me as my health and energy where fully restored “No I won't let the world end NOT TODAY ASSHOLE!“ I pointed towards the red star.
The world was covered in earthquakes and tornados as the Abyss star go close, it was right outside the atmosphere now ready to absorb everyone into its flesh to make them suffer forever “I SAID NOT TODAY!“ As my silver trenchcoat and shirt exploded exposing my abs.
I powered up going way beyond my omega fury form AND INTO MY SHIN TENJI SUPER FORM FINALE! I shot into space with the speed of a million rockets burning with passion and motivation as my fists with the impact of nuclear bombs punched into the surface of the abyss star as it coiled in pain “I BET THAT HURT FUCKER!“
It tried to whip me which its tounge which I grabbed and used to spin it around as I swung it into the sun which burned it bad but it came back at me for another go trying to eat me as I flew up to avoid then landed on the surface “DRILL OF TENGUS!“ I said punching the surface trillions of times digging into the abyss star as I began to violently beat up its heart then blasting it with thousands of ki shots.
I tore open a rift of pure burning sun energy and dragged us both into the celestal world “I'M TAKING YOU DOWN ONCE AND FOR ALL YOU LIVING GOD DAMN NIGHTMARE!“ I said punching it more and more then I used phase death loop move which was the most forbidden attack opening a billion rifts as time distorted.
Then I played my epic gangster theme the golden requiem to set the mood “You picked the wrong planet to mess with, hahaha!“ I grinned MY PSYCHO SMILE and the abyss star looked terrified for the first time in its existence.
I sent ten trillion nuclear punches into its face “MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!“ I chanted as each nuclear explosion cracked its surface then the time rift threw the abyss star into a billion suns as it was trapped in an exploding sun loop falling into sun after sun being burned over and over.
“Your ass is cooked!“ I laughed merging all the suns into one universe sized mega star and threw it into the abyss star as it screamed being drawn into the ultra sun as it was disintergrated into nothing more than dust.
I closed the rifts floaitng back to Earth as I landed on the streets of new york reverting back to normal with not even a scratch on me as crowds of people appluded and cheered for me “You're our hero Xenos! All hail Xenos!“ They cheered.
Thanks to that my deal with the local American yakuza mafia clan went through and all the other mafias in the world grew to respect me as I became the most powerful boss on the planet.
Not to mention the Moonblade Nocturnal as world famous and we even had our own merch line and energy drink brand which gave people real energy and was filled with good stuff that didn't make people fat or give them diabetes LIKE THE SHIT THE PAUL BROTHERS MADE!
Final stand against the Abyssal dark gods
I was doing training the next year in the Taoist realms where time was slower so I could get more gains doing that. When I came out I was able to enter my Golden Requiem super form on command which impressed everyone. Even my friend Udon had visited Earth to hang out with us and as a present I gave her a custom mafia yakuza suit and skirt which looked pretty badass and sexy on her.
We got a call from across the next galaxy from my friend Chass who sent a warning “The outter systems have been attacked by pattern screamers sent from the Abyssal warp, we need help before they consume all the worlds complete and corrupt them.“ He said.
“I'm on my way!“ I said as me, Udon and Sona went to area 51 to demand a ship off them after we explained the situation.
It was then my friends in the SCP foundation arrived to upgrade the ship “These pattern screamers are dangerous, they go after worlds that are advanced at a certain level and corrupt them.“ Said my friend Doctor Gears.
The foundation brought some special cases in “You'll need this, its our newest gear.“ Doctor Gears said opening the case which had a special nanofiber jacket and training suit along with a new armor breaker cyber katana which I called THE MASTERMUNE!
I got on the space ship as we entered light speed and took off to the other galaxy.
We got the the next galaxy finding dead worlds filled with static monsters that used to people, all they could do was scream in static like broken TVs so I killed them all to put them out of their misery.
Thats when I saw the wound in reality IT WAS THE ABYSSAL WARP THE SOURCE OF THE MOST EVIL DARK ELDRICH GODS “I'm going to put them down forever!“ I told my friends as I went into my Golden Requiem form flying towards the eye itself.
“We are the Darkhand, the most powerful beings in all of eldritch space, we foresaw your coming. After all we created your evil self.“ Said Terrornova the leader of the four Darkhand as my evil self Zenos appeared in his Silver Requiem form welding the Crystal Pandemonium ULTIMA.
We crossed blades matching attacks as the shock waves could be felt across every single world across the universe at once “Lets have this out my evil self, one last time for the fate of all things on the line.“ And I used all my limit breakers at once hitting him with my hardest attacks.
Time slowed for a moment as both us ran as the stars rained nova energy which sparked all around us then we punched each other in the face going flying,
“The end can not be stopped, give into the darkness and embrace destruction!“ Zenos smirked at me feeling cocky he could win this battle.
But I drew upon the requiem goldens power and sliced him in half then used unlimited holy works to finish him off as the Darkhand watched.
“You can not kill evil itself, we are part of reality and we will make all of reality like us.“ as they summoned every eldrich monster every exe creature even Cinos.exe, every creepypasta monster, dark power, the high gods of the soulless, Abyss stars and all the evils as armies of trillions stood before me in deep space including that moon from live 85 home entertainment.
I then broke all my super forms at once “NEVER TELL ME THE RULES!“ I threatened surprassing the limit barrier completely as Terrornova looked disturbed.
“How? Its impossible to surpass even the super barrier, no being can do that!“ He shouted.
My theme spirit vs spirits played as I burst into multiple colors of gold, primastic, silver, holy, dark and colors beyond all things THIS WAS MY REQUIEM HYPER FORM!!
The lady eldrich looked on “Hes unlocked hyper, we have to stop him!“ she shouted ordering the trillions of dark beings to attack.
I turned my arm into the CELESTA GUN DRAWING ALL CREATIONS POWER INTO IT “YOU'LL PAY FOR RUINING MY CHILDHOOD!“ I screamed blasting a beam of creation hyper energy consuming the entire army of darkness as trillions of them burned up.
The Darkhand tried to flee as I turned the Celestia gun on them opening fire into Abyssal warp itself cracking it as every dark hell star burned up and the corruption as destoryed forever killing the greatest source of evil in existence as the Darkhand where perminatly destoryed.
Across every world in the universe a beautiful sunset was scene as hope was reborn with humans, aliens and more all looking up to a brand new day “Thank you Xenos, for everything.“ Chass smiled.
Training in Celestia
After the battle I went to Celestia where I was cared for by a beautiful angel nurse called Floni who healed me. After my deeds destorying the abyssal warp the forces of Celestia hailed me was a great hero allowing me to train and learn techiques that where once forbidden to outsiders but for me they made a special exception.
I went to the heavenly forge with the most holy materials to forge my ulitmate weapons THE DREAM BLADE.
Completing my training I instant phase shifted to Earth where Udon and Brisket where happy to see I was alive and well giving me a hug “Alright you're suffocating me.“ I laughed and we all laughed.
It had happened, a coup to take over the entire United States by Donald Trump who declared himself president eternal. It only week him a week to suspend democracy claiming it was to stop terrorism but his entire agenda was driven by hate.
He sent his private military forces to take over all the news offices and shut down anyone that didn't align with his new reigme.
All the neo nazis I once fought before where given badges or military positions while those loyal to democracy where ether executed or sent to prison camps.
Even that creep Eron Monk was back paying people $500 to kiss Trumps ring and swear eternal loyalty to him but those that refused where executed to spread terror to the masses.
A civil servant walked into the white house to give Trump paperwork “Here is the forms you wanted Mr president eternal“ He said as Trump grabbed him sitting on his face unleashing powerful farts as the intern tried not to scream.
“You will huff my farts and you will like them because if you don't say you like my farts you will be sent to the work camps.“ Trump ordered as the white house staff smiled and clapped nervous to question the great leader.
“Thank you for making me huff farts sir.“ Cried the intern.
Trump grinned and did the OK sign “Thats right I really make fantastic farts, really just good farts you know, the best farts, quility farts.“ He said and the staff appluded
Eron Musk was jumping up and down like an excited kid “You're so based daddy Trump hehehe and you will make me the space man in return for my good work right daddy?“
Donald Trump sighed “You will be rewarded for your service.“
A dark portal formed as Elidon and the rest of the Aeonians came “Xenos is coming, I hope you are ready to destory him.“ Elidon said and Trump nodded smugly.
“Don't worry I have a perfect weapon to deal with him after all it was me that funded his augmentations and upgrades.“ Trump snapped his fingers as Helios stomped into the room.
Meanwhile me and the squad where chilling in our city when over 600 nuclear bombs rained from the sky, I went into my requiem hyper form ASAP rushing to the sky to unleash a sheild of hyperion to block as many as I could but at least two of the bombs broke through doing massive damage to The city of Nocturnal “WHO DID THIS? HOW WOULD KILL SO MANY INNOCENTS!“ I shouted holding the bodies of my people up who died in the bombing of sector seven.
Thats when I saw metal from the bomb IT HAD THE US GOVERNMENT LOGO ON IT!
I went to my command centre on the top floor as all my capos and generals had gathered for an emergency meeting „“ts Donald Trump hes back and invading every single country, hes insane with power and hes called you out personally.“ Sona told me.
My blood was boiling with rightous fury for all the blood spilled “We're going to Washington to take president Eternal Donald Trump down, he can't keep getting away with this!“ I cried out.
I went to my personal armory as my top men fitted me with my new golden trenchcoat and I grabbed the DREAM SWORD, the Tri-Tetsu, The Sutakata Mark X blade and my Lightswords “Tonight we fight for true glory my brothers!“ I told my comrades who all raised their weapons.
I played the song assault as my flagship the Shadowcutter flew towards America “We're detecting the entire US airforce, looks like they are sending their entire military forces at us!“ Kazu noted on the radar.
We fired everything at them blowing thousands of aircrafts apart on our way across the ocean “We're close to US boaders but it looks like the US airforce are sending expernmental airships, we're taking heavy fire!“ Cinos warned.
I launched the qaud missles doing massive damage to their ships as we crossed the sea into US territory taking fire from AA batteries on the ground.
We where over Washington so we got into our drop pods taking fire on the way down as we landed, opening fire against the US marines as we breached the city gates “Keep fire on them, we need to break through enemy lines!“ I said as me, Brisket, Udon, Kazu and Banana Split moved towards the inner city destorying the entire US military with our raw power.
Outside the White house where hoards of Abyss spawn and demons “President Eternal Donald Trump promised us revenge if we killed you! We will make you pay for blowing up hell!“ An archdemon shouted throwing fireballs but I went into my requiem hyper form and blew his head off with magic then blasted the hoards of hell spawn and Abyss creatures.
At the gates where some nazis but they where all weak and I wiped them out like blowing away dust.
We blew the doors down and the Aeonians where waiting for us summoning their legendary weapons “The Apocalypse chain event will begin tonight, you may have killed our council leaders but now the end for this shard draws near“ Said a high level Aeonian as me and Kazu ignited our lightblades doing battle with them as sparks and fires went flying.
I drew the angel requiem cannon opening fire on them as they used dark magicks and even went into their Aeonian prime forms which gave us a little trouble but then I went into my HYPER REQUIEM FORM and blasted them.
It was pretty fucking epic as we cut down each Aeonian leader one by one until only he was left.
Helios blew up the wall firing his minigun arm and shoulder cannon “I will take my revenge upon you brother, you can not stand against my raw fire power as I have been upgraded for this assignment“ but I went into my fury form merging it with hyper as I shadow stepped forward and attempted to rip out his power core but his armor was too powerful as he upper cut me into the sealing casuing me to crash into the upper level of the white house.
I tried to get up but I heard horrific mechnical running as Helios jumped through the hole and smashed me through the wall into the first ladies room.
“YOU VILL PAY FOR KILLING GENOS WHILE I HAD ISSUES WITH HER SHE WAS STILL THE ONLY SISTER VE HAD!“ Helios said determinated to put me down once and for all.
I went into a kung foo pose and tried to spin copter into him then drop kick him but he thrust punched me multiple times as steam vented from his massive metal arms “I VILL SHOW YOU ZAT MACHINE IS STRONGER ZAN FLESH YES!“
Before I could go super he powered up drawing tons of energy then his armored machine body turned golden and glowing “BEYOND DAS POWER OF MECHINUS SUPER FORM!“ He turned his arms into chainsaws firing trillions of energy bullets that caused massive damage all around the room and I took a few hits
“I can't hold back! I killed Genos but I was scared to go all out again but the world needs be GET READY TO HIT THE FLOOD FUCKFACE!“ I screamed unleashing my REQUIEM HYPER FORM then used unlimited holy works to crack his armor.
“SUCK IT DOWN!“ I started unleashing billions of Mudas into his power core as he fell to his knees and ran out of power to sustain his super form.
“Helios!! Brother Trump is going to enslave everyone entire countries turned into eternal dictatorships all for one fucking idiots power trip! Stand with me lets kick his ass together its what I've always wanted for the three of us...“ i shouted at him.
But then an energy blade his his legs off which exploded and standing there was Eron Monk in a black maga hat looking more demonic and decayed and old “The weak should perish its what lord moldbug demands you will make good biofuel kekekekekekeke“ laughed Eron who looked slumped over and filled with hate.
“HELIOOOOOS!“ I screamed
Eron Monk was oozing darkness as his eyes turned black and soulless “Moldbug infested me with bug spawn, I am empowered by the soulless, of pure dark energy I AM DARK MAGA NOW HAHAHAHAHA!“
Helios grabbed him “LET ME GO YOU FREAK!“ the decaying old soulless husk of a man screamed.
“Xenos you must finish this fight without me! You must do what you always do, you must destory evil and win. Do not show them any mercy for they have none, fight and win brother.“ Helios self destructed doing massive damage to Eron Husk.
He hissed and stomped on the remains of Helios head which made me fucking angry “It matters not I have power now, real power I'm not useless anymore I will be the one to end Xenos forever!“
I started screaming as I transended Requiem Hyper form breaking the final barrier as colors flowed around me like a crystal rainbow I HAD UNLOCKED HYPER MESSIAH MODE
“Oh crap...“ Eron said as I upper cut him so hard every single tooth from his decaying form blasted out of his face.
After falling I started punching him in midair thousands of times then drop kicked him into the fires of hell where he was tortured forever by Lucfier from hellraiser whose the cooler devil unlike the evil ones I killed.
“You belong here, loser.“ I said then used teleport magic to return to the white house.
I went back to the Whitehouse lobby and killed a bunch of nazi soldiers as the Aeonian leader Elidon came out of a portal “So you killed my brothers and now expect mercy from me? I will be the one to carry out there final ideals to reforge this inferior world I AM THE HERO THE WORLD NEEDS ITS SAVIOR!“ He said going into his holy Knight form.
He summoned the ghosts of fallen heroes to attack me as we clashed blades, my Tesingu Gunblades blocking his attacks as it shook the entire whitehouse.
“You're not a fucking hero! You just kill people and support evil villains to bring back an era that is gone! You can't live in the here and now!“
He summoned leylines which glowed with magic mimicing all my super forms which attacked me “Fuck!“
Then he summoned ghost echo fighter copies of Genos and Helios to attack as I tried to fight them off
I had to focus my taoist arts because Elidon could match me on all other fronts „I told you I am the true hero this world needs, I am the milk of justice it requires in its darkest days“ He said sending all the echo fighters to attack me at once.
ENOUGH OF THIS I SCREAMED GOING INTO MY MESSIAH HYPER FORM THEN UNLEASHED UNLIMITED HOLY WORKS PHASE 2 which blew all the echo fighters away then I teleported in front of Elidon and round house kicked him channelling holy power sending him to the ground then blasted him with a tao beam.
He reverted to his normal form and teleported away “We are not done yet...“
Trump waited for me as he was glowing with energy and besides him was the masked Aeonian leader Elidon “I must return to my knight form to avenge my fallen brothers.“ Elidon said low on energy but then Trump grew a huge tail from his ass which sucked Elidon in as he screamed.
“You will not use me, I am too based and cool. You think I was foolish enough to be a pawn in your plan? You're pretty dumb, guess you're getting absorbed now.“ Trump said as he sucked Elidon into his body and absorbed all his power.
The sight made me sick as Trump was covered in gold energy then turned into an armoed golden god “I AM NOW GOLDEN TRUMP! I HAVE WATCHED YOUR BATTLES AND LEARNED HOW TO BECOME LIKE BUT BETTER AND MORE GOOD!“ He said in that annoying voice as the entire White house came down around us.
“I am going to end this and free the people from your tyranny, scumbag!“ I swore
Trump laughed at me “Before I kill you I want you to know I funded Fakebook and other forces and I paid the farmers who killed your family...It was me who funded the science experiments that where done to you so I could learn to become a god.“
That made me rage as I started punching him but his golden body took no damage as my hands hurt “FUCK YOU!“ I shouted wanting revenge against him.
I charged into him going into Messiah hyper form on command as I slammed my fists into him but his golden body as so hard I broke every bone in my hands.
“My turn.“ Trump did that fucking smug grinned as he used explosion magic doing tons of damage to me as the entire whitehouse exploded all around us as we stood in the flaming ruins of washington DC, debris falling from the sky as the shirtless golden Trump stood before me.
The badass music It Has To Be This Way started to play as I punched Golden Trump ten million times as he just stood there taking it and taking zero damage as I kept punching and only breaking more bones in my body.
“You just can't win Xenos, I am the chad and you are the soyjak its just science.“ he laughed at me as he punched the super out of me
He then clasped both hands together bringing his fists down upon my skull as he slammed me into the concrete which hurt like fucking shit.
Trump then grabbed my head digging his claws into me as he started to drain energy sucking all the super and hyper forms out of me...all magic, taoist arts, every power I ever gained as sucked out as he empowered himself with everything I worked towards.
He then smashed my face into the ground and pressed his boot into the back of my head „Eat the shit on the ground, its what you deserve what everyone who doesn't like me deserves! I'LL BURN THE ENTIRE WORLD TILL EVERYONE THAT DOESNT LIKE ME! EVERYONE WHO MADE FUN OF ME! CROSSED ME! IS DEAD LIKE THE REST OF THE GARBAGE ON EARTH!“
Upon a star
I woke in the celestal world as the Goddess floated before me in front of the stars “Xenos you had the power in you all along, that is something he can not take from you but all he drained as aether but you have the ability to use dynamis a power great than anything filled by the power of emotion and prayer and will.
“You mean I can still win this? I have to, I won't get bodied by a fucking loser weirdo like that guy.“ I told the Goddess
Then I heard prayers from all my friends the hope of the entire world as energy flowed into me healing all my wounds “I need to go back now TO FINISH THE FIGHT!“
Trump punched me with his huge golden fists slamming my body further into the ground “No it won't end here, I can't after coming this far.“ I said letting my chi flow through my body WITH DYNAMIS TOO surprassing the requiem hyper form and entering my CELESTAL BEING DYNAMIS ULTIMATE FORM as 30 wings of light grew from me and rings of light flowed through me as my hair was glowing imperial white.
I drew the power of Celestia into my hand “SHINING FIST!!“ I roared punching Golden Trump so hard he vomited out all the stole power and super forms which flowed back into my body “THESE ARE MINE MOTHERFUCKER!“ I mocked.
I began to summon all the energy across the omniverse into my self “UNLIMITED JUSTICE BLADES!“ I said summoning all the legendary swords as each one cut into Golden Trump doing damage that could cut a god apart, each slash causing the entire multiverse to violently shake.
Trump was screaming as each legendary weapon slashed and cut into him “I WILL SHOW YOU TO THE EDGE!“ I said putting all my power into a divine punch slamming his face as his golden form shattered as the man himself was destoryed exploding into corrupted energy which was sent to other world for divine judgement.
The decaying form of Trump lay on the ground as a bug crawled out of his ear leaving him with a melting brain “I will uhhh cats and dogs eating the men...amnd uhehehe“ as he was a mess just a rotting old man.
“So the bug spawn was giving you power keeping your brain still working then who made it?“ I demanded answers.
A gross flesh moon was in the sky as the hologram of a disgusting fat cockroach man appeared “I am Curtis Moldbug, my people have longed for your world and if these puppets have no use THEN I NEED TO DO THINGS MYSELF TYPICAL!“ He hissed as the moon grew tentacles connecting into Donald Trumps rotting body filling it with foul gasses as he became a gaint corpse piloted by the bug moon.
“I will put my people in every humans brain then everyone will have worms in there brains becoming living nests for the roach humans kekekekekeke“ laughed Moldbug who had connected himself to the moons core.
There was still some energy left in my Celestal being Dynamis ultimate form “YOU THINK I'M GOING TO LET YOU PUT DISGUSTING FUCKING BUGS IN PEOPLES BRAINS! HELL NO! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN SO SAD GOODBYE!“ I smiled flying him as I put all my power into my first punching through the gaints corpse as blood sprayed everywhere and it exploded leaving the bug moon exposed.
“How can you still have sssssssso much power impossible the bug scientists said we had drained you sssssss!“ Moldbug screamed as the moons tentacles tried to slap me but I cut them apart with light blades.
“We're not done yet you piece of shit garbage motherfucker!“ I summoned the armies of Celestia as the angels of light appeared behind me slashing their blades in holy union towards the falling debris of the disgusting bug moon.
All that was left was Moldbug now exposed as I absorbed all the angelic heroes into my arms and punched him with the light of realms causing him to exploded into a shower of blood as his soul was forever chained in the void abyss
I landed as everyone in America was in awe at my Celestal being hyper form “You are all free now, democracy is returning.“ I told them as they cheered loudly and Brisket cuddled me causing me to blush.
“After this, we should you know...start a family.“ She said kissing me on the cheek and I looked embrassed.
In the company of friends
We went to Akiba in Japan to celebrate in a luxury maid cafe as I pulled my car in and sat with Brisket, Kazu, Cinos and Udon. The song don't stop was playing on the radio as I bobbed my head to it, enjoying the nighttime air.
“Its the times like this you have to remember right? The best of days.“ Brisket smiled as I thought back to all the adventures we had.
“Yeah.“ I smiled watching a female in a black coat come in which made me a little uneasy but I shrugged.
The music swelled as a dog demi human came in walking into the bathrooms “So what are we ordering?“ Kazu said and I looked at the menu.
It was truly the best of days I thought to myself but then I looked up noticing something.
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themistressofdolls · 1 year ago
My Nanowrimo for this year is done, which was eating into my time a lot so its nice to be finished.
Xenos the Cat UNLEASHED is something.
Inspired by 2000s power fantasy fan fiction stories, such as Christian Humber reloaded and others, Xenos the cat follows our over powered protagonist as he goes on many destructive adventures.
Also spot the number of copyright free versions of famous franchises our hero will self insert into, theres also two easter egg cameos such as Vash Blade himself and Zane from Slayers X.
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themistressofdolls · 11 months ago
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter IV
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV:
Meeting the Professor and our adventures in space time
It had been a few days since I had destroyed my sister and I was relaxing at OASIS when a strange green phonebox had appeared out of thin air and a man in a brown suit got out “Wait, you're him aren't you? Xenos? Pleased to meet you I'm the professor NOW RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!” He said as some cybernetic soldiers opened fire on us.
We went into the phone box which was bigger on the inside and WAS A SPACE SHIT “Holy fuck its a space ship?!” I WAS STUNNED!
“No time to explain, I am the professor and this is my space ship the STOID! It can go anywhere in space or time.” He told me.
Strangely I heard about him before “Are you the one Genos spoke about way back?” I asked him and he said yes.
“I know she turned to evil so I don't blame you for exiling her.” I replied.
The STOID began dematerializing as we entered the vortex of time “Those machines where cyber troopers, they used to be humans but where painfully converted into unfeeling machine creatures and they want everyone to become like them.” He told me.
We landed back on Earth and it had been a while since I was there.
“This is London on Earth, I think the Cyber troopers have a base here and we need to stop them or else the Earth could be in trouble. I recruited you because you are a known hero and I need the strongest heroes to help me here.” He said and I accepted.
We infiltrated saint pauls cathedral going deep inside and we found a Cyber trooper base “They've been here all along?” I gasped looking at how corrupted the inside the building was.
“We need to be careful the Cyber Troopers are powerful.” The Professor said.
I gave a thumbs up taking out my gunblade “Leave them to me.”
That's when the song I become the thing I hate played as I drop bomb attacked the cyber trooper commands and unleashed lightning magic taking tons of them down “Destroy the organic at once!” Said the cyber boss and the stomped towards me as I sliced them apart with the Rui katana which was like cutting through tin foil.
I unleashed a ki blast into the cyber control centre blowing it to bits “You emotional fool you have ignited the reactor of saint pauls cathedral!” Warned the Cyber captain.
“GOOD!” I said and we escaped as the explosion destroyed saint pauls cathedral which really pissed the cops off.
The police commander was looking annoyed but I grabbed him by the collar “I SAVED YOU FROM THE CYBER TROOPERS AND YOU'D ALL BE UNFEELING MACHINES IF NOT FOR ME A STUPID BUILDING IS WORTH LESS THAN HUMAN LIVES!” But that did not matter because social media was really mad at me.
My war against social media
I went to my penthouse in the city to do some investigating about these allegations against me and I found a post not just accusing me of destroying Saint Paul's Cathedral but also of murders I never committed and more fucked up crimes “I NEVER DID ANY OF THOSE THINGS! I'M GOING TO HUNT DOWN AND KILL WHOEVER IS MAKING THAT CRAP UP ABOUT ME!” So I posted on the internet.
Thankfully I had connections in the CIA which I used to get the fuckers IP address it turned out to be some snotty shithead in Scotland called Charlotte so I went to her house with a chainsaw “You thought you could make fun of me on the internet and make shit up and get away with it? You dun fucked up!” And then I drove the chainsaw into her chest and gored her.
After that nobody talked shit about me online ever again.
But that's when I checked her answering machine “Good work ruining Xenos Edgeblades reputation you will be paid well by the company.” said the voice on the machine and it was familiar so I went into my mind palace piecing together news reports.
I figured the truth out, the voice belonged to CEO Eron Monk!
This time it was personal so I geared up and went to Chriper HQ which the idiot had renamed Brand X corp which was stupid
I put my MP3 player on and played BOMBING MISSION from that one RPG I love “Excuse me you need an appointment to enter the brand X building.” Said the receptionist so I opened my charcoal silver trench coat which was full of swords then slowed time down as I punched her into the air.
Security guards got their guns out so I jolted forward slicing them apart as I drew duel uzis tearing through more guards “This is the easiest battle yet, they really cheaped out on security here.” I mocked.
I got into the elevator heading to the top floor getting out where the CEO Eron Monk was waiting for me “I see you made it, shame my campaign to destroy your reputation didn't work but still I have a means to end you here.” He said.
Suddenly I was weak as a machine grabbed me and started draining energy from my body “Your power is great, with it I shall power my cryptocurrency mines for the next one thousand years and you will be a living battery to mint my new Xenos coin, haha hah ah aha haha!” He laughed.
But I went into super form one which caused the machine to explode because it was cheap crap and I was not so weak to get stopped by such a cheap trap “You messed with the wrong catboy.” I said as he started to piss his pants and I drew closer with my psycho smile.
“Haha.” I chuckled.
Later I left the room leaving red stains all over the walls and floor.
After that I went to Fakebooks new HQ and burned that down as a message to the rest for the damage they where doing to society then I went home to play some kart racing on my switch.
Saving the planet
I got a recent gig with an eco group called Snowblazer who wanted to save the planet from oil companies which where causing pollution choking the planet. Of course the governments would do nothing since the oil companies had billions of dollars to lobby their agenda so it was up to us to do the right thing and save the world.
My first mission was to take the down the oil company DP so I loaded up driving a tank through the front doors which caused the police and security to run away in fear “If you don't want to die then leave with your lives but if you stand against me then you will suffer the next level of hell!” I warned them and they obeyed.
There was no real challenge as I made it to the CEOs office a man called Steven Harlon “You poured oil into the oceans and have made the world worse and for that Snowblazer will make you pay!” I told him before putting a bullet in his head.
It was all over the news the next day which scared the other CEOs who began hiring mercinary armies to protect them and help them further fuck over the planet.
That wouldn't stop me through as I called in some support from the PMC I used to work with who sent me some helicopters and a portable carbon gear mecha I could ride in as I assaulted the central rig of BLEXXON petrol taking out their merc forces who had bunked down.
But when I landed I noticed a hard ass military guy in a giant carbon gear who fired a rail gun blowing me out as I got out just in time “Finally someone who can put up a fight, this might be fun.” I laughed.
The military hard ass lit up a cigar and puffed “So you're this Xenos Edgeblade the one giving my boys a hard time, I didn't notice you since you don't have that kitten form you had when I first saw you.” He told me.
Somehow I was puzzled, what did he mean by that “What did you mean by that?” I asked him.
That's when he told me something that cut through my emotions “I was the one who murdered your family and helped the farmers. It was fun and I would do it again but first I should finish the job I got paid to do years ago.” He climbed into the carbon gear firing everything.
I was so pissed off remembering the pain of my childhood as a manly tear rolled down my race “Aghhgggggg BASTARD!” I screamed drawing on all my pain and suffering.
My tears where glowing as they blew in the wind and red and blue energy surrounded me transforming me into A BLOOD SUPER DEMI HUMAN RAGE FORM!
But I call it BLOOD HUNTER form for short “You'll pay for every animal you ever hurt!” I told him jumping forward as I brought a slash kick down so hard the carbon gear exploded and he had to eject.
“Not bad but I am not done yet, boy!” The hard ass said going into hand to hand combat with me.
In my rage I punched him so hard his body armour cracked breaking his ribs and sending the metal shards of his armor into his flesh as he vomited up blood “GAHHH!” He screamed.
A white dove flew by as I uppercut him so hard in the jaw it broke his skull causing him to die “Its over...” I said.
After that I went to the CEOs office as I broke his back over my knee then threw him into the ocean as he drowned to death “Lobby that, motherfucker!”
Going to prison
When I got back to the mainland an army of police cops with cyber armour where there “Xenos Edgeblade you are under arrest for murder!” They said and I decided to come quietly.
“Fine I'll do my time.” I sighed as they took me to court and I was declared guilty and sent to GDX SUPERMAX which was a hardcore super prison.
A big bald hentai ugly bastard ran the prison, he was there for well sick fuck crimes so I already hated him “Give me your dinner or else.” He said.
I stabbed his hands with forks pinning his arms to the table as he screamed then I broke his jaw and both legs “I am the ALPHA MALE HERE NOW SO DON'T FUCK WITH ME!” I said and the prisoners got the message so nobody messed with me making me in charge of the prison.
Month passed and I was living like a king in prison having my own classy cell with an HDTV, a hot tub, game console and fine eating. That really pissed off the tabloid papers but they knew I would kill them when I got out so they decided not to run those stories if they knew what was good for them.
Everyone in the joint respected me from the mafia to the guards, this would be an easy few years I figured.
Return of the robo empire
The warden took me into his office one morning to talk to me “Xenos it seems the US marines need you for a job, if you succeed we will drop all charges against you.” He said sliding a document towards me.
It had a picture of robot soldiers and thats when I knew THE ROBO EMPIRE WAS COMING BACK “I'm in!” I said without hesitation.
I was released later that day and taken into a helicopter as the marines gave me back my silver and gold trenchcoat along with all my gear “It seems the Robo empire are invading using giant bio organic mechas called Dunduang, you are the only one with any hope of stopping this.” The marine commander told me.
We flew into a city where the gaint machine was on a rampage lasering buildings in two so I jumped out entering blade dance mode as I started to slice its leg to pieces “Been a while since I got a real fight, this should be good!” I smirked going into my BLOOD HUNTER form and unleashing hell upon the giant machine.
More of them appeared which only made me more happy since I could fight to my hearts content “Is this all the Robo empire has? Don't make me laugh.” I said powering up as I unleashed the crystal railgun taking three giant machines down at once.
In orbit some Robo empire razor ships drew towards Earth for the invasion “What is the status on Xenos Edgeblade?” Asked Emperor Mechanus who was the leader of the Robo empire and the one who designed the conspiracy with World Order way back.
I flew into space using my blood hunter form and charged up a Ultrkani beam blowing up a whole bunch of their captial ships “My emperor it seems the Xenos one is attacking us.” Said the grand adviser to the emperor.
The emperor slammed his fist on the control console “Destroy him, destroy him at once!” He demanded and pointed at the window ordering everyone to fire lasers and rockets at me but I dodged them at sonic jet speeds.
Thats then I grabbed the emperors ship and started swinging it around with flow power “AHHHHH!” The emperor screamed as I flung his ship into another one and the last thing he saw was the white light of the ships fusion cores going nuclear.
The entire Robo empire fleet went up like Christmas lights that night “That's the end of that” I said returning to Earth and everyone watched the sky which was full of colors due to the debris and explosions from the battle.
I was pardoned from prison and finally able to return to a normal life.
Search for the chaos diamonds
I was relaxing at Square station city at a fancy hotel by the pool and sipping a tropical soft drink “This is the life, I needed a vacation after that last battle.” I said just chilling out, vibing in my lane as you could say.
It was then a portal opened by the pool and a hedgehog fell out “NO WAY, CINOS?!” I gasped as I had no seen him since the events in the future.
He climbed out of the pool “I am not the Cinos you know but Cinos the hedgehog from another dimension, I came here to warn you about Doctor Julian Baconman.” He told and I remembered the Doctor Baconman from the future so I knew this other Doctor Baconman would be bad news.
“Tell me what you know about him and his plans?” I asked.
Cinos spin dashed out of the water and did a cool pose just like his future world counterpart “He's after the legendary chaos diamonds, if he gets them he could become a god since they are the ultimate power.” Cinos explained.
That's when I remembered and pulled out the chaos diamond the fae gave me one time “You already have one of them? Wow!” Said Cinos.
“That's right it was a reward for helping some allies of me one time.” I told him.
He nodded “That leaves six for us to find, we need to get them before Baconman can.” SO WE WENT ON A QUEST TO GET THEM!
We went to ice cap sector to find the first chaos diamond seeing a bunch of Doctor Julian Baconmans robots attacking the military “We're helpless, fall back!” Said the army guy and they retreated.
I jumped on top of a humvee “So you robots want to fight someone that bites back?” I smugged and then did a slash kick blowing a ton of them apart.
Me and Cinos raced to the finish line to see who could take the boss on the fastest and I won “Not bad, but I'll beat your score next time.” Cinos laughed.
Doctor Julian Baconman flew in on a hovercraft that shot out flaming spears “My new firelance machine will melt you to death.” Baconman laughed and I took out my gunblades and blew up his engine as he ejected covered in soot.
He fled but I managed to get the chaos diamond “Alright five more to go, lets do it to it.” Cinos said and we raced to the next sector.
Next area was acid factory zone, this was Doctor Julian Baconmans acid production factory and I knew we had to shut it down because acid is dangerous and we couldn't let him make weapons out of it so I went super Demihuman and blew the place up to kingdom come which really pissed Doctor Baconman off.
We now have three chaos diamonds but then we got to airbase sector and Baconman showed up in a spike machine armed to the teeth with 10 miniguns “I already have four diamonds, give me yours or die, fool!” He shouted.
I laughed going super again and blowing his machine up as he fled into a space shuttle but me and Cinos grabbed on as it took us into space and thats when we saw the gaint orb shaped space weapon THE BACON SANDWICH ZONE “This is why he needed the chaos diamonds.” Cinos said as we landed.
My new super form
We boarded the Bacon Sandwich zone as I ripped and teared through Baconmans robots as I got to the main area, thats when I saw a metal me with a metal trenchcoat and a machine gunblade “I am metal Xenos, I am better than you in every way and was built using your battle data.” It beeped.
I rubbed my nose “You may know everything I'm going to do but I know everything you're going to do STRANGE ISN'T IT?!” I laughed as he butt heads and started a sick sword fight.
“There can be only one Xenos Edgeblade.” He brought his gunblade down but I swiftly perried then kicked him into the core.
Both of us charged “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” I shouted powering up then with one swift slash I cut thorugh his torso and he began to explode.
“You are the real Xenos Edgeblade...” He said and blew up.
I picked up his head and looked at him “You where a worthy copy but in the end just a copy.” I then put it down and made my way to the main hanger to confront Baconman.
Seemed Cinos the hedgehog had already been fighting him but he was low on energy as Baconmans gaint robot punched him with claws “TIME TO GET YOU OUT OF MY HAIR FOR GOOD HEDGEHOG!” The Doctor laughed ready to throw the killing blow.
But I rammed into him knocking the robot back and punching the rest of the chaos diamonds out of him as all seven chaos diamonds circled around me then in flash I was in my CHAOS CRYSTAL SUPER FORM “I feel one with the cosmos.” I felt amazing power.
The doctor was scared “Please have pity on me!” He begged but I fired a blast from my hand blowing his robot up like it was paper.
He tried to escape but in one shot I killed him “He won't threaten the world anymore, Cinos.” And suddenly the Bacon Sandwich zones self destruction went off as I grabbed Cinos and we flew at mach speed out of the station as it exploded and then BLEW UP!
We both landed back in Square Station and I returned to normal “I don't know about you but I want to get back to my vacation” and we both laughed.
Plastic love
I started working at an orphanage because I love kids but one day I noticed the rooms where filled with cheap plastic knock off junk “Look Jessica I got a toothbrush shaped like a dog and it poops toothpaste.” Said Jacob and they both giggled.
“Where did you get that?” I asked.
They looked at me like I was out of the loop “Why Plasmu, everyone goes there, they sell lots of products really cheap.” They told me.
That's when I noticed more cheap useless junk was flooding the orphanage which was getting me annoyed.
Then a phonebox materialized and I knew who it was “PROFESSOR NOT SEEN YOU SINCE THE CYBER TROOPER INCIDENT!” I gasped and he came out but with a new face since he was a Keanu Reeve looking zen guy now.
“Xenos I need you, this company Plasmu is run by the Automations, a race of plastic beings that want to infest your world with plastic and kill everyone.” The Professor told me.
We got inside the STOID and he punched up the console tuning into global TV and we saw adverts for PLASMU all over the globe “They are everywhere Xenos and using influencers to sway the public into mass buying cheap rubbish until the infected plastic is inside every home and government building. “The Professor said in a dire voice so I knew the situation was serious.
The ship landed outside PLASMUs main office in China and we went inside “There is no one allowed.” Said an emotionless guard.
So I went back in the ship putting on a blond wig and egirl outfit “I'm an influencer here for the new promotion video so let me the fuck in!” I demanded.
“You may enter.” He said and I went inside.
Inside was a walk way like from the fashion shows as a bunch of business looking guys watched me “If you are a real influencer you must know how to twerk.” They all said in a creepy voice.
I had to shallow my pride since it was the only way to get close to the truth so I started twerking and everyone clapped “You may proceed to the film room.” Said one guy.
There was a strange plastic looking man sitting on a camera “You will prepare for the plastic treatment, all influencers will become plastic slaves to serve promotional purposes” he said in a stiff voice.
But I went into my super fire mage form and melted him with Xe Fire “Huh plastic is pretty weak.” I was not surprised but pretty disappointed.
I opened the wall finding tons of girls that had been converted into plastic creatures “This is monstrous, I will make these BAAAASTARDS PAY!” I screamed setting fire on the room and fighting my way upstairs as plastic police men came after me as well as plastic army guys but they where weak since I could just melt them.
When I got to the top floor the Professor was there aiming his acoustic hammer at the boss “Why are you doing this?” He asked.
The plastic business boss walked forward “Our products are everywhere and when I turn on the plastic signal they will infect everyone in the world TURNING THEM INTO PLASTIC CREATURES!”
“I won't let you do that, Earth is defended!” The professor warned the plastic business boss but then a man in a black suit came out with a strange gun looking like some Al Pacino type guy.
He smiled with a smug grin “Ah my dear Professor, you have been quite navie” he laughed.
The professor stood in shock “THE DOMINATOR?!”
“WHAT THE FLYING FUCK YOU KNOW THIS CREEP, PROFESSOR?!” I gasped in shock and the Professor nodded grimly.
“I do he's from my homeworld, he loves chaos and destruction...He's the Dominator.” The Professor told me.
The Dominator aimed his gun “If you mess with me this device will turn your organs inside out with just a click, now onto business. You see once Earth is plastic I plan to sell it as cheap fuel to every space corporation from here to Kalsko nine.” He laughed.
I was pissed off so I went super on command and kicked him so hard he fell into a vat of molten plastic screaming “Professor save me, glub!” He screamed drowning and feeling his flesh melting.
“You stopped him, good work now we need to kill the boss and shut the plastic signal down.” Said the professor.
I played the song the strange creatures as we got to work as I used fire school marital arts to kick the bosses ass then melt his remains “I'll head to the roof, destroy the signal machine.” I shouted as I jumped up the ladder to the roof.
There was a big ray gun on the roof so I charged up into my chaos crystal form “XI SENKO TIMES TEN!” I shouted unleashing a crystal beam which destroyed the plastic ray and levelled the entire PLASMU building ending the threat.
With that me and the Professor parted ways again but he said if I ever needed a favour to give him a call.
Trouble at Jesus academy
I went back to the orphanage at sun hill and there new coming there, a boy called Devin “Please don't send me back there, I heard its safe here.” He was upset so I asked him what happened.
“I was sent to Jesus academy and they beat us there and hurt anyone that is seen as different. They also force everyone to obey the bible or they hurt us more and this nun called Maggie Murphy is the worst of them.” He told me.
I grabbed my stuff “Leave it to me, I won't let anyone hurt kids, including bible thumpers.” And with that I got on my motorcycle and drove there.
Jesus academy was like a big church so I went inside and what I saw disgusted me “Obey jesus or you will get a beating!” Shouted a nun who was whipping their hands with a belt.
Then this ugly fat priest was there too “We do not want those who are not normal in Gods eyes, if you do not become normal you will be sent to the spikes room for pain!” Said the fat priest.
I got my gunblade out and thrust it through the fat ugly priests heart as blood sprayed everywhere and the other staff where terrified of mine “AN AGENT OF THE DEVIL IS HERE GET HIM!” Shouted the head nun Maggie Murphy.
“I'm far more powerful than some dumb devil, come try me out if you think you can take me!” I did a cool bring it on gesture with my hand and they ran towards me.
I did a spin slash with my katanas as they fell to the ground dead “How dare you devil boy!” said Maggie Murphy as she took the whip out but I just fired a weak ki blast and she exploded.
The children cheered “You are free now from those religious nut jobs.” And I called the police and they found evidence of the abuse and sent the kids to better homes even giving me a cash reward.
The steel fist tournament and the dragon emperor
There was broadcast on every tv including the one in the centre of shibuya on top of the big building, it was Momoka Hayashi head and CEO of the Hayashi zaibatsu one of the most powerful megacorps in Japan.
“The steel fist tournament begins, sign up now to see who is the strongest in the world however the weak need not apply for only the worthy can make the cut” he said and the broadcast ended.
I took that personally so I was first to sign up to show what I was made of.
In the trails my first fight was against a guy called Kung Fu Ryo and I took him down in one punch. I might have hit him a little too hard since one of his ribs was broken but I couldn't help just how strong I really was.
Momoka Hayashi appeared with his piercing stare “You show promise but do not get arrogant Xenos Edgeblade for the real fight is not begun yet.” He warned and we got back to fighting.
I managed to defeat all my trail enemies which meant I was approved to join the steel fist tournament. I was also surprised because it turned out my friends Cinos the hedgehog, Kazu and Sona had joined up as well “Hey Xenos, good to see you, I'm pretty hyped to to join up.” Sona said with a big smile, he always was positive which was his strongest trait.
Momoka gave a speech in front of all the fighters “This years steel fist is series, for the evil god the Dragon Emperor has returned and we need to find who is the strongest in order to defeat him for the sake of the world.”
“So seems the stakes are pretty high, huh?” Kazu said and he folded his arms in deep thought.
The Dragon emperor and the cross over nexus
After I managed to get through the final round there was a new challenger and I was shocked. While at first I didn't recognise her because of her cybernetic implants and augmentations “Been a long time Xenos” She said in a digital voice.
“But I killed you?” I gasped
She laughed in a disturbing computer voice “I survived fuelled only by my hate for you and all life.” Nyan-Chan giggled as she called the dragon emperor OMEGON fourth.
Momoka was on the ground badly wounded “Xenos you are the only hope now.” He begged.
I drew my new lightblade DESTINYS CROSSROADS and attacked Nyan-Chan she kicked the sword away then clawed at me with her mechanical claws “I don't care if I die EXISTENCE DENIED!” She laughed and sliced herself in half.
She was too far gone and I felt a little guilty because I made her fall down that path.
The dragon emperor stomped towards me and I slashed him but Destinys crossroads shattered and I started punching at the emperor but it did no damage “You are no fighter you are weakling!” The emperor said punching me through a office building.
Suddenly when all hope was lost the song no mercy from Guilty G played and an explosion from the sky slammed into the ground knocking OMEGON off his feet “What is this power level?” He shouted.
A demi human wolf in a badass trench coat and a bunch of swords and guns was standing there “Holy shit you're so cool?” I gasped and he picked me up.
The wolf demihuman smirked “I have many names but think of me as a legendary hero, now what do you say we KILL THIS UGLY SON OF A BITCH!” The wolf said and I did the cool predator handshake with him.
“Fuck yeah!”
I drew on every drop of power I had left going beyond all forms, breaking all limiters as there was an explosion of cold fire “Coldflame super demi human!” I said as my hair was covered in blue spikes which an aura of cyan fire.
Then legendary hero powered up too “CHAOS HUNTER FORM!” And he was covered in intense power as well drawing his blades.
OMEGON went into an offensive stance charging at light speed throwing countless punches which we dodged, I then brought my fists down into his face holding my ground as I no selled his attack “Eat shit!” I told him and started punching lead into him with each bullet empowered with coldfire ki.
I fired a blast of energy into his face sending him back then the wolf demihuman unleashed an omni slash level X cutting into him thousands of times doing massive fat stacks of heavy damage.
“Lets fuse, one final attack to bring this ugly bitch down!” The wolf said and we fused into a super sayin absolute instinct God with glowing blue hair and eyes.
The dragon emperor was terrified and we charged forward flying with all our might power level uncountable as we punched through his chest flying through him bursting out of his back as he exploded.
After than we unleashed looking over the remains of our enemy “Not bad, you're pretty good with some more training you could be a legendary hero yourself one day.” The wolf told me.
He began to walk off “Look after yourself kid.” He smiled going back to his own adventures.
My dark self returns
I flew to Russia again and beat the shit out of Putin to assert my dominance again to remind Russia not to fuck with me.
I got to Red Square and saw a political rally and that's when I saw my dark self giving a speech “We shall purge the weak and build a world of the worthy and powerful!” Zenos shouted and the crowd where cheering for him.
Angry I cut my way through his security detail and jumped on the stage “Don't listen to this guy, he's an ugly loser and smells like pee!” I then crossed blades with Zenos who had gotten stronger since our last rematch.
“I am everything you are not, I am power!” He shouted at me but I drew the Zaino gun and blasted him in the face as he fell over the stage destroyed once again.
The crowd left realizing they where duped by my evil half.
My hunt to find Kerry Raichick
After a hard day helping out at the PMC I went to pick little Jacob up from school, the same kid from the orphanage I helped out at but as I got to the school IT FUCKING EXPLODED! Thankfully no kid was hurt as they where all out after the bell “I was so scared Xenos, it was a bomber.” Jacob cried.
I was going to fucking find this asshole and make them pay for hurting kids.
To find some leads I went to the CIA building in Langley to meet the CIA director who still owed me some favors for the coups I did for him “I need to find out who bombed tsundere primary school!”
He held his hands together in a plotting pose, eyes hidden behind his red sunglasses “Its Kerry Raichick, she runs a social media channel called the Liberals of TikTikTok and has threatened bomb threats against schools all over the country.” the Director told me.
I slammed a fist on the table “WHAT KIND OF SICK BASTARD BOMBS SCHOOLS?!!!!”
“She claims they promote degenerate values that are against Jesus and purity so she is building followers to bomb schools to force the President to ban gay people and trans people and maybe black people too.” He told me.
I got all the intel I needed and asked the CIA director to give me some new guns, I was going to bring this bigoted piece of shit down with my bare hands.
We gathered our PMC and some friends from the Potato town mission to find clues to Kerry Raichicks location, through strangely Kazu wasn't around when we tried to call him “We have something.” Banana Split said turning on youtube.
“We are going to bomb yandere high school unless the president bans all LGBT people from the country, you may think this is bad of us but its all to make America pure again, to purge the sickness that is infecting it, you have one hour.” The woman said before cutting off.
“I traced the IP we're sending a helicopter, lets do this.” my Coms officer said and we got in the helicopter to find the video maker.
We landed in a mansion taking out the guard finding a middle aged woman in Joker make up at a radio terminal “Don't shoot me, I'm just doing this for money, ITS JUST MY JOB!” Kerry Raichick begged.
“What do you mean your job? YOUR JOB TO BOMB SCHOOLS?!” I screamed.
She got up “Why so serious Xenos? Its all money, hate makes millions now, you think I hate people for real? No no no, I don't care what the stupid assholes believe but spreading hate, bombing schools...it makes me a lot of money, you could make a lot of money too if you let me go.” She laughed.
That made it even more fucked up to me, no beliefs or ideals...just money GOD DAMN FUCKING MONEY?
I picked up a cooking pan and slammed it into her face as her had a fist fight in her kitchen “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” I shouted as we rolled over the floor and I slammed her head into the marble while she tried to crush my eyes.
She then sprayed domestos bleach in my face which caused me to let go “MOTHERFUCKER!”
“I'LL END YOU THEN I'LL MAKE UP A STORY FOR MY CHANNEL ABOUT YOU DOING SICK FUCK CRIMES AND EVERYONE WILL BELIEVE IT! HAHAHA!” She did the fucking joker laugh but then I picked up a metal kettle and smashed her in the face with it
I started beating her with the kettle over and over until she was finally no longer alive.
Rolling over on the floor I tried to catch my breath as I took a bepis from her fridge “Fuck man, some people...” I sighed with the job done knowing the schools where safe now.
The return of the moonlight ceremony
I was doing bounty hunting work when I passed by a TV shop and saw the news “At the UN today Lady Tomoyo meets with world leaders at the G20 to promote a new world peace plan” said the news lady but what got me was THAT LADY TOMOYO WAS ALIVE AND HAD GRACED HERSELF WITH WORLD LEADERS!
I went to pick up Sona and we drove to Kazus house to get his help but he was dressed like a rap artist covered in gold chains and a fancy suit “Arrest these lower class scum!” He said and some police came in and hand cuffed us.
“WHAT THE FUCK KAZU WHY ARE YOU WORKING FOR LADY TOMOYO?!” I screamed at him pissed off at his betrayal.
He punched me and then spat on me “She made me a famous tiktiktok celebrity and I have become a billionaire and even good friends with the Paul brothers.” He laughed and snapped his fingers ordered the police to take me and Sona away.
We got taken to a cell as we reflected on what happened “Kazus never been like that what was it did the power of money and fame corrupt him? Just how deep do the talons of Lady Tomoyo go?” I was curious but then some armored soldier guys removed us from the cells.
It was night out with thousands of people as we where taken to a stand in the middle of the street, then it hit me THIS WAS A PUBLIC EXECUTION TO MAKE AN EXAMPLE OF US!
Lady Tomoyo was there like some Ceaser type looking down from above “These people are the cancer eating at our great society, they are enemies of world peace and today we shall make an event of their deaths on pay per view, ohohohohohoho!” She did that stupid fucking ojou laugh which made me hate her even more.
Kazu was up next to her typing away on his golden cell phone next to Bogan Paul and his brother Tyke Paul “Lets make this quick, I have a boxing promo to get to then my golden plane is waiting to pick me up for the filming of my new movie.” He yawned not even caring about our fate.
I had enough so I powered up breaking out binds and freeing Sona as we summoned our lightblades but then some military shocktroopers came in so we fought them off.
“Send in the Aerobuster to make quick work of them, we shall show the world the raw power of Lunarian technology.” Lady Tomoyo ordered as she retreated from view.
A powerful combat robot came in firing lasers from its hands “Targets acquired.aquired.” The Aerobuster beeped as it started firing its rocket batteries at us.
“Not to worry he's just a chunk of cheesy hardware.” I told Sona as I sliced it up with my Lightblade the musamata!
The machine exploded and we massacred the remaining security forces as we got out of there to plan our next attack.
The resistance
I gathered a group of people that had not been swayed by Lady Tomoyo and her bullcrap world peace plan and we fought back blowing up a number of Lunarian outposts.
Only problem was they had golden mechas and space ships that could adapt to any attack making them a real threat.
Cinos showed up at the base “We need to go the floating shard to find my friend Fist the echidna, he controls the master Topaz and with it we might have a chance to take the fight to the moon.” He told me.
So there was a version of Fist in this universe too, that was interesting “Alright lets rock.” I said and we loaded up a convoy and got moving.
I was in the front truck as we drove “Golden ship robot coming to the side.” I warned as it transformed into a statue form and its eye lasers tried to burn the convoy so I jumped onto the roof and started firing at it but the bullets did no good.
“THIS IS AN ANTI XENOS EDGEBLADE TAOMECH!” The pilot said dropping missles which we had to drive to the side to avoid.
I played the sound track from Slayers X terminal aftermath as I drew on hack blood power “Its the only way, it will just counter all my super forms.” I told Sona as I powered up INTO MY HACKER FORM!
I glowed with green energy as glowing ones and zeros flowed around me in runic circles “HACK BLOOD POWER I CALL UPON YOU!” I shouted firing a beam of pure hackblood energy at the Taomech.
The god damn mech wouldn't go down no matter how much I hit it then a voice called “You need a true hack blood master to help with this one” The voice said as he landed on top of one of the trucks.
I couldn't believe it, It was Zane Lofton the legendary X slayer himself “I'll clear the way for you, now watch this!” He smirked with confidence as his Hackblood Talismen powered up unleashing a blast of hackblood energy so powerful it ripped right through the taomechs core as it burst into a nuclear explosion which shook the convoy a little.
“Good luck, you've got this.” Zane gave us a thumbs up as we drove off.
What a guy I said to myself as we drove into the distance to find the floating shard in hopes we could push the Lunarian forces out of Earth.
Battle for the floating shard
We arrived below the floating shard which was an island in the sky, I focused my ki power as I picked up Sona and Cinos as we flew up and landed on the island.
The red echidna came to meet us “What are you doing here? You here to steal the master Topaz?” He was defensive.
“Look idiot, we need its power to save the world or else those Lunarians are going to take over the world and I can't let that happen.” I said.
There was a gunshot as Fist was bleeding then kneeled over “WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?!” I screamed and looked up to see my former friend Kazu there wearing a Lady Tomoyo 20XX T shirt.
He had tears coming out of his eyes “You have to keep resisting the mistress, she only wants to purify us of sin and make us nice! She made me rich, I even have my own energy drink deal coming but you bastards have to keep angering her!” He then tried to shoot at me but I caught the bullet and crushed it.
Then Lady Tomoyo floated blow as she blew pink cigarette smoke from her holder into Kazus mouth and his eyes glowed “Yes, they must die my master...” Said Kazu
She did the ojou laugh “Sweetie I only brought his dark nature out, that's why I must make this filthy Earth, pure.”
I used healing chi of the sun to heal Fists wounds and bring him back to full health “You're not such bad guy, I misjudged you but as for her...” Fist looked pissed.
“Please Kazu you have to fight her mind control, its not you! Rap music? You like heavy metal like me and hanging out with the Paul brothers? You hate them, think Kazu think!” I shouted.
He struggled gripping his head “I can't...money..must obey lady..NOOO!” He screamed in agony as sludge dripped from his ear and a slug made out of corruptive nicotine and blood dropped out of his ear. I was disgusted and quickly used a ki blast to torch it.
Sona grabbed Kazu “I'll look after him, he's been through a lot.”
“I've got your back Xenos, lets take her down, do it to it!” Cinos got ready to fight but Lady Tomoyo snapped her fingers and he exploded.
Everyone was shocked and horrfied by her “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” I screamed bursting into my BLOOD HUNTER FORM PLUS!
And I charged forward pumping endless sonic punches into her but she dodged each one “I became stronger after the Lunar Goddess revived me and I shall not be taken down like before!” she scoffed at me with arrogance.
She then round house kicked me into the Topaz shrine WHICH WAS HER ULITMATE MISTAKE!
I landed on the master Topaz feeling its intense power flowing into me as orange golden crystal light envolped me and I unleashed a new form FLOW FORM!
My hair grew long all the way down to my knees and glowed a brilliant golden silver light and a new blade formed in my hand made of the strongest elemental crystals “This is Kata creation blade, use it wisely my son.” A voice said.
Lady Tomoyo dashed to me and I no selled her attack as her punch landed on my face but I didn't move or show pain as she was shocked “No you can't do this to me, not again!” She cried.
I kicked her so hard as crashed through the shrine then I jumped up unleashing ten thousand creation kicks into her causing a lot of damage.
“CHAOS KATANAS!” I said summoning katanas of light then shooting them into her doing even more heavy hardcore damage.
There was an explosion as her power increased as she was covered in golden lunar light “I've trained since we last met and I was only using two percent of my power back there BEHOLD GOLDEN LUNAR GODDESS MODE!” She said.
The song undefeatable played as we clashed blades over and over “Finally someone that can go toe to toe with me but can you keep up?” I smiled treating this like a challenge.
I kicked her into the air and we entered another high speed clash with fists flying and kicks swinging as we then blasted ki shots at each other “I will purify this world, you will become Lunarians just like us!” She swore.
The fate of all was in the balance so I removed all limiters to give myself a boost of power to try and keep up with Lady Tomoyos golden lunar goddess mode.
I blasted everything at her but it wasn't enough so I called on everyone to lend me there power “Friends, people of the Earth I need you more than ever!” I called drawing energy from all living beings as I summoned a chaos katana of light but a gaint one.
Then I pulled it down upon Lady Tomoyo slamming it into her as I did countless damage to her as she rolled on the ground badly beaten “I WILL NOT DIE! NOT HERE THE CEREMONY WILL CONTINUE!” She screamed summoning an anti Xenos TAOMECH then she flew into the sky drawing it towards her as she fused with it INTO A BIOMECHNICAL GOLDEN HORROR WITH HER GAINT MECHANIZED FACE WITH FLOWING GREEN MACHINE VAINS.
“You sure got ugly.” I laughed.
She was really mad “FUCK YOU!” She screamed opening her mouth as a beam of pure green light came out and I dodged but it burned my army pretty badly.
No more compromise
I tried to punch the machines face but it was too massive and I didn't even annoy her “Just die already you motherfucker!” I charged up a blast but it bounced off her and the giant mecha Tomoyo slapped me with her big mecha hand as I flew across the sky taking a lot of damage.
The golden woman stood there overlooking me from above and laughing “I got to break throught It all, don't look back!” I said finding motivation to keep on going forward.
She fired thousands of missiles so I got them to lock onto me and turned the other way then flew under her causing all the missiles to barrage into the corrupted TAOMECH form of Lady Tomoyo as her defences fell.
Then I powered up further sending fists of golden light into her by the hundreds at the highest level of speed, then stopped time unleashing a sonic slash as thousands of crosses of golden light slammed into her face chipping down her health.
Her defences went back up as her golden face punched me cracking a rib which really fucking hurt pretty bad but my determination healed the damage as she fired more rockets and I caused them to blast her face again as she stumbled.
Taking my chance I grabbed the corrupted taomechs leg forcing all my strength into my arms as I spun her around and around at mach speed then let go as she went flying across the world and crashed head first into mount rushmore doing untold damage to her “The US governments gonna be pretty pissed at me when this is over.” I sighed.
I flew across the world to where she was unleashing a beam of pure creation energy breaking her armor down “ITS OVER THIS TIME THERE IS NO COMING BACK!” I screamed drawing every bit of energy I had left as I flew like a missle into her chest tearing her up from the inside as I burst from the other side as energy, blood and wires flew everywhere then the taomechs core exploded.
“No, I can't let the Lunarian cause end.” She begged as she exploded into pieces.
She reverted to normal landing on the ground below covered in blood, broken and low on energy “Please don't kill me...” She begged.
But after everything she did, there was no mercy “No I owe it to the people you hurt to make you pay!” I told her then unleashed a blast at her destroying her physical form completely.
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themistressofdolls · 1 year ago
Xenos the Cat UNLEASHED
Inspired by 2000s power fantasy fan fiction stories, such as Christian Humber reloaded and others, Xenos the cat follows our over powered protagonist as he goes on many destructive adventures. Written for nanowrimo 2023, decided to do an updated edition chapter by chapter so enjoy the chaos.
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/750820193047101440/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-v?source=share
Chapter VI: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/756806867713409024/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vi?source=share
Chapter I:
The origin
They say child hood is the best days of your life, yeah right more like a god damn living nightmare for me. I was born to a litter of kittens and we struggled to find food and where often attacked by wild foxes and badgers.
To make matters worse some English farmers would hunt us with shotguns for fun and one day they shot my mother and I screamed into the heavens in pain.
Father tried his best to keep us fed but he was abusive to us and drank alcohol which made the cold nights hard as he shouted and hit us.
Then one night the farmers came with mercenaries hunting us down along with the foxes in the night of blood.
I watched my brothers and sisters get killed along with my dad was I was only kitten of our litter left.
Just when I thought I had gotten away some men in hazmat suits captured me and dragged me into the back of a lorry full of science equipment.
My rage unleashed
I was in some kind of lab where they did sick experiments on us night after night. I watched as they injected chemicals into a captured wolf and some foxes they took from the same forest where they bagged me.
When I saw them did surgery on a fox to turn it into a cyborg monster that's when I unleashed my rage and I ripped out the head scientists neck “One of the creatures has breached containment, we need a kill team in here!” Screamed a scientist and I pounced on him and ripped his jugular out and he was covered in blood and guts.
I powered up feeling a flow of strange energy as I tore and ripped my way through all the scientists and escaped out of a window.
A new start
I woke up in a house with warm food and my wounds had been bandaged up.
Looking up I saw a woman and had two daughters “We took you in and healed you.” The woman smiled and it was the first time a human was nice to me.
One of the girls wanted to name me Mr Cuddles and I hated that but the woman smiled “XENOS would be a cool name for you cat.” And I liked it.
Over the weeks I got to name the family who lived up in the Scottish highlands in a fishing village called Lochmevin and I helped the lady catch fish which she let me keep sometimes.
On the boat one day we got attacked by a great white shark but I unleashed untapped power and clawed so hard it bled out and fled “Wow your really strong for a cat” the lady said petted me and I felt badass and sharks didn't mess with us again.
The pain of loss
There was fire all over town as buildings where burning down and there was an orange glow lighting the night sky! I panicked going outside to find out where the family where and I saw the mother and her girls dead and bloody on the streets “WHAT HAPPENED!” I thought to myself screaming in pain.
It was then some mafia guys in sunglasses where there with guns “Kill em all boys everyone in this town owes us money and will pay with their lives!” Said the head mafia goon.
I felt so much burning rage building up as I UNLEASHED MY SUPER FORM “kill the cat too leave nothing alive.” The mafia goon laughed and I jumped up and sliced him in half as the other mafia goons where frightened of me.
Burning with pure rage in my super form I killed every single one of them!
The next day I left after burying my adopted family with sadness.
My catboy human form unleashed
I had walked for weeks hungry and tired when I came across a Japanese shinto temple run by a strange kitsune “You seek growth don't you young cat?” The kitsune said and I was fucking shocked.
“WHAT THE FUCK YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME!?” I shouted and she nodded.
She walked over to me kneeling down “That's right I am connected with the Goddess and can help you train to unlock your potential” She told me.
We started training over the days as I lifted weights and did meditation under a waterfall to unlock the power of my mind so I could use mana and magic.
After a week I learned to fight as well as use magic and ki growing even more powerful plus I started working out with the most heaviest metal.
Finally the kitsune brought me to the temple priests to see how strong I got and I powered up AND TURNED INTO MY NEW HUMAN FORM! Through I still had cat ears but now I had the true power.
I also went super easily which impressed the kitsune whose name is Soki.
Entering the world of work
I said my farewells to Soki and headed out to the world as I got on a plane to the United States getting a job in anti terrorism with the CIA. I got my first gun and went on missions to hunt down all kinds of bad guys.
The worst ones where the sickos who tried to groom people on discord so I tracked them down then ripped their skin off and made them lay in a salt pile while keeping them alive for days while also having Dobermann dogs eat their flesh “Come on boy its sicko meat on the menu today” I laughed as the dogs killed them.
I got my biggest mission yet, I had to kill Kim Jong Un so I got a cool silver sniper rifle with the really cool custom paint job which was super rare. It was easy for me to sneak into the DPRK and wait for my chance as I blew Kims out brains end putting an end to the dictatorship and allowing the CIA to bring freedom.
Using the money I earned I was able to buy my first buster sword which was a high carbon blade so it was really fucking strong and could cut through heavy armour pretty easily “Fuck yes!” I said swinging the blade.
The profound darkness
I was training when a man in red robes with a staff approached me “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU BOTHERING ME WHILE I AM TRYING TO TRAIN TO GET STRONGER?!?!” I shouted at him because I was pretty fucking annoyed.
“My name is Garth LeVay and I can help you gain more power.” He said.
More training could be a good thing I thought “Alright I can give it a shot!” I said and decided to go to his cult temple.
There where men in red robes praying to some kind of being called The profound darkness and in the middle of the room was a black vortex as an evil sword rose from it “This is the blade Crystal pandemonium the ultimate weapon” said Garth as I picked up the blade feeling evil energy flow into me!
Suddenly my eyes turned a golden red and my hair a corrupted power “Haha I feel amazing!” I said giving into the power of the evil blade.
Suddenly I felt the devils power, that of profound darkness as I unleashed my anti super form and went on a rampage through the city killing thousands of people for fun and bathing in their blood while saying cursed verses.
The Crystal pandemonium blade continued to pour its corrupted satanic energy into me growing stronger with each kill “NO THIS ISN'T ME! FUCK YOU EVIL SWORD!” I roared ripping the sword away as I punched my chest pulling the evil corruption out and exploding it with ki energy.
I was low in energy as the sword and corrupted energy reformed into what looked like a double of me but with silver hair and a more girly outfit he was so lame “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!”
“I am ZENOS your dark reflection and I shall bring chaos and suffering to the human race” He giggled.
Angry I drew my buster sword and cut him in half, he didn't expect that.
The future world and meeting Cinos the hedgehog
I went to a Taoist temple to meditate and purify myself completely of the evil swords influence finally restoring myself to normal. After that I went back to that satanic cult going super mode and killing them all, that will teach them for making me kill all those people against my will.
That's when I noticed a crack in time which grew into a portal and I was fell in through the vortex of time.
I crashed into a lake as I swam to the shore finding myself in a strange world “Hey dude whatcha doing in the water?” A red hedgehog asked me.
“I was walking through the city when this fucking portal opened and I ended up in this place!” I told the hedgehog.
He ran around and was real fast “That's mondo weird, anyway my name is Cinos the hedgehog one of the freedom fighters against the evil Doctor Ivan Baconman, who are you?”
“MY NAME IS XENOS!” I smirked.
Cinos did a cool flip “That's a way past cool name, you should join the north island military forces to help us fight the human kingdom being lead by Doctor Baconman.”
I accepted because this Doctor Baconman sounded like a real piece of shit and I needed missions to keep me busy while I was stuck in this strange world.
The military training school and a betrayal
Cinos introduced me to Felix the fox, Fist the echidna and the rest of his friends at the North island military training camp. They explained I was on the planet Parabus and Doctor Baconman an evil scientist took over the human religion becoming the new pope using it was a way to control stupid people as his army where wiping the lands and nature out.
Baconman had wiped out every kingdom leaving only the human west and the Northern forest kingdom lead by the furry military.
I trained to use every kind of fire arm and learning how to use tactical gear to become a better solder in the fight against Western empire and its religious goons serving Baconman.
Me, Cinos, Felix and Fist went on lots of missions together pushing back against the empires robots and zealots.
One night we where having a feast in the military base when Colonel Blackhawk our CO came in, he was a black wolf furry who I respected.
Or well used to respect at least.
“I hope you are enjoying the meal I have good tidings for you” Colonel Blackhawk said as he got everyone's attention.
Cinos seemed nervous “What's the news? I hope its mondo cool and we've finally beaten Doctor Baconman.” Cinos smiled.
“We are going to join Doctor Baconman and merge our army into his. In fact he is on his way here right now for the ceremony.” Said the colonel.
I slammed my fists on the table in fury “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? YOU WANT TO JOIN THAT FUCKING GOD DAMN MONSTER ASSHOLE DOCTOR IVAN BACONMAN WHAT THE FUCK!” I screamed at the colonel and everyone else was angry and upset too.
Cinos jumped on the table “Yeah colonel what the hell? That's way past uncool!”
Disappointed with us Colonel Blackhawk took out his magnum pointing it at me “Arrest these traitors they will be hung for treason!” The colonel said.
“Go fuck yourself!” I said and punched him so hard his jaw shattered then Cinos spin dashed him into a wall killing him.
Fist took care of the soldiers sent to arrest us “We need to escape before Doctor Baconman arrives here and its too late” Fist said and we escaped fighting through 100s of soldiers as we made it to the hanger and stole a jump jet.
“I can pilot this.” Said Felix and we flew away as we saw Ivan Baconmans fleet arrive in the Northern kingdom bringing an end to freedom on the planet Parabus.
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themistressofdolls · 7 months ago
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter VI
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/756806867713409024/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-vi?source=share
Chapter VI
The battle for the stilted towers
I got a call from Yuki Miyazaki from Vermont Island PMC which had been a while, she told me some old friends from my days in the CIA where looking for me and I was shocked because it was Banana Split, Joe Sunshades and Agent H “Been a while old buddy, seems pineapple is up to their old tricks and have been attacking the town next to Potato town the Stilted towers, wondering if you could help us take it back.“ Joe asked.
I smiled “Hell yeah, anything for some old buddies.“
We dropped into the Stilted towers by the battle truck as I drew my silver scar Uzis opening fire into the pineapple computer company mercs “Its Xenos Hellslayer, quickly we need heavy weapons!“ They ordered.
Me and Agent H snuck up behind them as I cut them down with a katana then used my AR-57 with the Gold spray job to finish them off.
Under one of the towers we found the pineapple computer base as I took out a rocket launcher “Lets blow this place!“ I said opening fire on the crowd of enemy mercs as bodies went flying, then the team of my team came in to finish the job.
Pineapple would think twice before fucking with us again.
The high school killing game
I got an invitation to a new school and I thought I'd not been to school in a while so I went there and it was in another city in Japan but once I got inside the doors where sealed with a barrier unable to be opened “What the fuck? Who locks people inside a school!“ I was annoyed.
“Oh you're in here too? We got trapped by some kind of killer and hes making us undergo trails or some kind, I'm Junya Edogawa.” She said and I remembered her from the magazine covers she was a fashion idol who was really big in Japan.
I bet the other classmates Yuno, Handa, Toby and Yukio who had been trapped in the school a week “Anyone could be the killer, they may even be among us.” Toby said.
Then a teddy bear rose up in front of the class “Its me Monobear and today Yuno will die for being the suspected killer.” The bear hit a hammer against the desk as the floor below Yuno turned into a factory with fire and death traps but I went super and grabbed her by the arm saving her.
“How dare you interrupt the class trail, it is your turn now!” Said Monobear but I blasted it with Kahenma blast.
“Go fuck yourself!” I told the smoking remains of the teddy bear and stuck up the middle finger.
The class was scared but I got up on the table “This is a sham and I will protect everyone here from this sick game!” And they clapped in cheers.
I used my mind palace to piece the clues together which lead me to a control room and what I found was shocked “JUNYA EDOGAWA THE FASHION QUEEN?!” I was shocked and she giggled doing that ojou laugh I hated.
“Its true it was me all along, I just love despair and nihilism and will spread sweet nihilism to the world using the killing games to construct a mind control program to broadcast to the world.” She smiled.
A dark cloud formed and Landradelta was there “Meet my allie who will help me bring despair to the entire world.“ She grinned.
I drew the Tri-Tetsu in defense “The nhilism event will tear the world apart causing the 8th chain apocalypse event, everything is as foreseen.“ The Aeonian said.
“Since you are about to die, how about a last meal? I do have some raman here.“ Junya laughed.
Then Landradelta summoned his void creation magics and rammed me full force “YOUR MEAL ENDS HERE WARRIOR OF JUSTICE!“ He cackled blasting me with the total power of voiden lightning
“I'm not going to let you ruin Earth like you did the other shards!“ I told the gothic motherfucker and I went into MY FINAL HAZARD FORM AND PUNCHED HIS MASK SO HARD IT CUT INTO HIS EYES AND HE SCREAMED.
Then I used meteor punches SIX MILLION TIMES everytime he reformed I DID IT AGAIN!
Junya stood over him and stole his mana energy absorbing him “NO I AM EONS OLD I CAN'T BE DEFEATED BY SOME BIMBO FASHION QUEEN NOOOOO!“ He screamed as she consumed the Aeonians soul energy and gained HER DESPAIR SUPER FORM.
“They tried to use me but I was using them the entire time, ohohoho!“ She giggled and fired a nhilhistic beam at me but I used the hopebringer shield to block it.
We punched at each other “Nothing matters everything is despair, why even bother...“ She said unleashing a nilhlism bomb but I went into my light mode and brought the energy of CURE OF MOONS which tore the roof off the school building showering everything in the light of hope.
Junya shed a tear as for the first time her black heart felt something again “Is this hope? It feels wonderful.“ She smiled as she fell to the ground drawing her last breath.
After that the police came taking the students away who all thanked me for putting an end to the killing game for good.
Realm of Shadows
I am Elidon and today I sit on my throne within the void before the Aeonian council to report the final death of Landradelta “He was truly an idiot, to get absorbed by a high school girl is pretty pathetic.“ The smug robed man said while the rest of the council nodded in agreement.
I was sad through as we spent thousands of years together, after all he was one of the three immortals “This set back will not stop the 8th event, it is in your hands now.“ I told the smug one.
Slenderman vs Xenos
It had been a few months since that mess with the killing game and I was vibing with Kazu, Fist the echidna and Brisket for a while in Japan as we hit some arcades and parties.
One morning I got a call for help from some fitness guys in Philadelphia who where doing internet videos but said the Slenderman was after them along with some insane guy called Habit who was a serial killer. I knew Slenderman was bad because he was harassing film students since 2009 but his terror went all the way back to Germany in the 1500s.
I knew I had to put an end to the horror before he toremented 100s more with fates worse than death so I got a plane to Philadelphia in the United state where the fitness guys where waiting for me lead by a beard guy.
When I arrived they met me “Thanks for coming, with you on our side we might have a chance against the horrors.“ The beard guy said.
We got in the car listening to music as we drove through the city and they got me up to date on things.
After we went to the super market to get some food we went to the gangs house to relax for a bit through everyone was tense because Slenderman was stalking them every single night.
Rushing I punched but he vanished “You can't run from me Slenderman, I will be your reckoning!“ I swore.
I entered my temporial shift form as I was able to see Slendermans warp movements then I clocked him launching a spincopter kick right into his blank face as he slammed into the wall “I bet you felt that one, huh?“
“Watch out Xenos!“ Said Evan who pointed at THE RAKE! Who jumped on me trying to claw my guts out but I punched it so hard it crashed into the sealing screaming in pain.
“NOT TODAY FUCKBAG!“ I shouted firing a beam at the creature burning it up.
I heard the wind move which told me a knife was coming at me in bullet time so I used the instrant phase shift to dodge the knife slash to find it was Evan who looked evil “I WANTED TO SEE WHAT YOUR GUTS LOOKED LIKE!“ Habit said.
So Habit was in Evans body, I had to do something so I used cure of moons to remove Habit from his body sealing him inside a shinto orb “Thank you Xenos, you freed me from that hell...“ Evan said.
Slenderman reformed attempting to strangle me with his tentacles and infect me with the Slender sickness but I powered up into my Chaos omni form burning away the tendrils then palm slammed him into the wall “You're finished you baldy prick!“ I said unleshing 5000 finger stabs at him “YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA YA!“ I shouted and then he blew up into void particles.
“He won't be bothering Earth for a long time now.“ I told the gang but then he quickly reformed summoning a portal.
“I am taking you with me!“ Slenderman swore as I exploded his form with my gunblade but it was too late as the portal pulled me in.
I woke up in a forest as the sky was bright with eternal sun “Where am I? This place is another world?“ I looked to the right and saw Tanchad and Leena there.
“This can't be Eorzeio can it? How else can you all be here!“ I shouted
Tanchad rubbed his head “I don't think this is Eorzeio, we where all at the base when we got pulled here but I'm surprised to see you again old friend.“ He smiled.
We decided to explore but something felt wrong with this world despite how serene it all felt “I don't like the vibes here, the vibes are very bad.“ I growled.
After a mile walk we arrived at a location called the Crystal City “they are not infected with the angel plague, let them in.“ said an elven guard.
We where ordered to go see the Crystal emperor who ran the city as we took the lift up to his tower but what shocked me was the Crystal emperor was an older Kazu in elegant robes and a wizard staff “Xenos I was the one who summoned you here along with your comrades! I hijacked Slendermans portal because we need Xenos Hellslayer to save this world from the angel plague.“ He explained to me.
“But Kazu why are you here and older too?“ I was confused and demanded answers real bad because I was tired of being out of the loop.
He nodded “You see this is one of the worlds shards along with Eorzeio, Earth and Parabus and the Aeonians want to cause the Angel plague for their foul plans.“
It all made sense to me but something still bugged me “But the planet Parabus is Earths future right? Something bad must happen between now and then which lead to Earth becoming Parabus then the bad future happening.“ I told him.
AND HE NODDED “That is right Xenos, Parabus is Earths future becoming a seperate shard you see if we can save this world we can prevent that future befalling Earth! Thats right Xenos we are going to change the timeline in order to stop the Aeonians.“
Hearing that I knew I was in “Alright then give me a mission and I'll get to work on saving the day.“
We had to go get an alliance with a near by kingdom that was fighting the Angel wraiths who where formally humans, elves and demi humans but corrupted into angelic horrors by the angel plague.
After arriving at the kingdom of Yuldus we went upstairs to meet their leader a big man called Ian Corburn “We've come to restore our alliance in order to fight the angels!“ I told him.
He was big and fat and he was in charge was he was eating chicken but what disturbed me was he had Angel Wraiths sitting next to him like pets “HOW DARE YOU THE ANGEL WRAITHS ARE FRIENDS OF OURS AND YOU ARE THE REAL ENEMY HERE!“ He shouted in a booming voice to show he was large and in charge.
He ate more turkey “Because they are pure beings and in my kingdom the rich will be safe from the end of the world that is why I have allied with them BUT YOU COME IN HERE ASKING QUESTIONS TO ME? YOU MUST BE PUBLICALLY KILLED FOR THIS!“ He boomed and his knight guards pointed spears at us.
We got thrown in the dungeon after that but I used my intellgence to figure out how to resonate the locks and we busted out escaping.
The angel plague
I went to the desert ruins of Maruco to learn more about the celestal plague that was turning the people into Angel wraiths then I saw some fucked up stuff it was a Yuldus preist he was pouring Angel plague into an innocent person and as they transformed they screamed out “LOOK WHAT JESUS DID LOOK WHAT JESUS DID THEY ARE PURE NOW!“ He shouted as the woman turned into Angelic monster screaming out.
“YOU SICK FUCK THEY'RE NOT YOUR GOD OR RELIGION THEY ARE ENEMIES OF LIFE ITSELF!“ I pointed as the Angel Wraith ate the man then came after me.
I went into my weakest super form and cleved it in half without breaking a sweat “This world has me now and I am going to mop up these disgusting monsters!“ I promised.
That was when the boss appeared the Arch Angel and it was ONE UGLY MOTHERFUCKER with four arms, chains and teeth but me and Tanchad killed it pretty easily which weakened the plagues hold over the region “So they can be stopped!“ I said knowing we could push them back.
The Aeonians show their faces
We got back to the Crystal city where a man with the same hair color and cat ears as me stepped onto the scene “Who are you? TELL ME NOW OR I'LL GUT YOU APART!“ I warned him.
“I am Marlus Edgeblade, Aeonian and your great grandfather its a pleasure to finally meet you Xenos.“ He grinned.
He smugged at me which reminded me of my sister a bit “Why I thought I might be able to talk you into aiding us, afte rall our true goal is to unite all the shards into one great world we can rule, thats right we want to build Celesta a paradise where all beings can be immortal under our divine guidence.“ He replied to us.
“But to make this world other worlds would be merged...“ I brought it up.
He nodded “Thats right, those inferior worlds and their people have to die to make the divine world its simple science but this is better for everyone, you must see the logic in my arguement.“ He said really beliving he could recruit me.
“I'll never aid the Aeonians, no matter if we are family or not and you didn't do anything to help save us from the farmers so I owe you nothing my loyalty is to my friends!“ I told him putting my foot down.
He vanished into a dark cloud “Very well then we shall stand as enemies if that is the case, such a pity you had to be so stupid and dumb.“ and with that he was gone.
Millia looked worried “I sensed a great level of power from him Xenos, we must be careful for he will try to stop us from saving this world from the angel plague.“
Fight for the train
We repaired the old train between the desert cities and got on as we drived down the tracks but then a hoard of Angel Wraiths desended upon us which I took out with the Delta gunblades after that we arrived at the Snow station „The next Angel boss is in the mines below lets go.“ Millia said and we went down the deep mines killing a bunch of Angel Wraiths.
At the bottom of the mine was a ruined city “This was one of the worlds great civilizations before the age of angels, so many lives lost.“ Tanchad said then an angel of made of eyes razors and wings flew down and fired lightning at us but I went into my ultra omega form and blew it up with a blast freeing this zone from the angel wraiths.
We got back to the train and departed but then Yuldus airships attacked us and Ian Coburn was on the speaks “LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR YOU WILL PAY FOR BREAKING HARMONY OF ANGEL WRAITHS!“ He screamed.
I WAS PISSED OFF so I glew into the sky going crystal super demi human on command and blew the entire Yuldus air fleet apart!
“Thats it I'm sick of this lets put an end to this shit crap!“ I told Millia.
The sick truth about Ian Coburn
After making my way back to Yuldus we got attacked by some jesters and knights which I killed on my way in along with every other soldier that tried to stand between me and the fucker who did this!
I got to the top as all the rich nobles where scared when I blew the doors down “Oops, my bad!“ I said casting reef fire slaughting all the rich motherfuckers in the ball room.
In the royal chamber the big man was waiting as he was eating an Angel Wraith “You're eating your own creatures? What the fuck is wrong with you? What even are you!“ I shouted confused and sickened as his stomach opened into a wall of teeth and angel wings 6000 miles long.
He then transformed into a femboy after all the Angel Wraith cells merged with him “I am now Gabriel the redeemer, all bow before me!“ He summoned a golden sword and the kingdom turned into a temple of light and god.
I went into my Chaos Angel super form to match his power level as we swung our swords with each impact creating a sound so loud it shook the entire star.
“You shall suffer for being an enemy of the light!“ He howled at me casting a bolt of light energy which I no selled when it hit me.
After that I leveled up and starting punching into him thousands of times as his gold chestplate shattered “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!“ I chanted punching more and more with increasing power “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!“ I kept going sick of his bullshit and how long this fight was dragging out.
Then I flew into him and punched him into his golden castle as he got slammed through wall after wall with punch after punch with PSI level of seven million, it was so hard his bones must be jelly by now.
“FINAL CLASH!“ I shouted bringing a circle of beams down which finished the angelic dictator off for good.
Final Shadow
Marlus Edgeblade arrived and used his Aeonian magic to drain my power “Ughghgh!“ I screamed falling to my knees in pain.
He laughed at me as future Kazu tried to attack with his magic but was blasted away by the greater Aeonian “If only you had joined me you could have been truly great, now you shall become the new head Angel Wraith to replace Ian Coburn, what a waste.“ He smugged at me.
I forced myself to stand grabbing the Tri-Tetsu “No matter what the situation, how silly or dire I WILL NEVER GIVE UP! You can break me, get in my way but as long as I keep believing in hope I WILL NEVER STOP COMING AT THOSE IN MY WAY!“ I said and rushed towards him with the blade.
“Very well then you fool, come to the city of the Aeonians if you think you can best me.“ He teleporting into a dark cloud.
I put on a metal bandana, a red armored jacket, pauldons, a combat belt and sick gauntlets as I geared up “Marlus isn't going to win, he is going to deal with me personally and I will drag him to hell.“ I swore revenge tooling up.
Future Kazu worried “He took your powers, this fight will be quite dangerous for you my dear friend.“
I gave a confident thumbs up as I reved my chain katana as it vented steam and sparks of mana energy “The dark future of Parabus and the other shards is not coming to pass because I am going to end the legacy of Marlus!“ I said with the song ride of fire playing.
I grabbed a one man assault airship and fired my way towards the city of the Aeonians.
Hoards of dragons and monsters flooded the sky “Looks like Marlus is sending a welcoming party.“ I grinned taking out triple barrel submarine guns opening fire upon the hoard as I tore through the bloody sky in my ship.
I then fired rockets at the greater dragons, flying over them as I run along their back dragging my chain katana across them watching their guts spill out into the abyss below before jumping back onto my airship.
Then I jumped off letting the assault airship crash into the ruined city exploding “Right, come on out Marlus, get ready to die, lets dance in the blood!“ I clenched my fist ready for some combat.
“This was once the homeland of the Aeonians but the world ended and the inferior existence you call the multiverse came into being, we only want to create a celestal paradise where all is one as it was in the first age, why can't you accept we are the good guys here!“ He shouted sounding like he was pretty annoyed.
I dug my sword into the pavement “Because you are trapped in the past, a slave to it and you will kill trillions to rebuild a past that is gone! I want to fight for the future FOR MY FRIENDS!“ I pointed putting us at odds with each other.
He transformed into an armored demon samuari with four golden blades of darkness “Then I shall fight for my beliefs, let us see whose resolve is the stronger here.“ He said as I dodged his attacks but with each hit he connected I was taking a lot of damage.
But through my spirit I felt the light going super demi human “Impossible I drained your powers!“ he shouted as I walked towards him.
I drew more energy in going super level two, then three, Lunar super form, crystal, prismatic, beyond all the limits, beyond all of things then with a burst of energy I entered something flowing with life energy itself MY DIAMOND PHOENIX FORM!
I sliced his sword arms off then burned him with a nuclear wave of purifying life fire as he screamed “THE POWER IS INSIDE ME ITS NOT JUST SOMETHING YOU CAN TAKE!“ then I went into phase mode punching his face with each impact causing all the diemensions to shake from the sheer sound “AHHHHHH MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA!“ I unleashed six million blows into his head and core as his form exploded.
The humanoid form of Marlus fell to the ground as the skies turned to normal and the angel plague was over “You truly surpassed me, take my power and be the beacon to the future.“ He passed his life energy onto me and faded into the otherworld.
“I will show the people a better path forward.“ I made an oath that day.
The journey home
After a celebration for saving not just the shards but the future as well as Earth could now chose its own path rather than the broken future I visited all those years ago „Good luck, we shall meet in the new present day old friend.“ Future Kazu said as he faded away after opening the portal back to Earth.
I went into the portal ready to get back to things.
0 notes
themistressofdolls · 10 months ago
Xenos the cat UNLEASHED Chapter V
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter III: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/747208799126011904/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iii
Chapter IV: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/748187552796868608/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-chapter-iv
Chapter V
The PMC wars
The world entered a state of disorder after the fall of the Lunarians as different PMCs fought over territories building a war economy. I had to take some responsibility for what was happening so I returned to working with Vermont Island PMC and Yuki Miyazaki was online “Xenos, you need to clear out the middle east, its under the control of bulldog PMC forces who don't have the best intentions there.” She said and I nodded grabbing my Heckler & Koch HK416 with the custom ultra rare bubble gum pink paint job ALSO IF ANYONE THINKS ONLY GIRLS CAN HAVE PINK, THEN FUCK YOU PINK CAN BE MANLY TOO!!
I took my forces and we attacked a bulldog PMC position taking them out easily, then I fired a rocket launcher blowing a bunch of their tanks up which they hated.
We went into their base and I went super blowing the entire building up in one shot. The survives tried to flee the burning building so I hunted them down one by one for fun which I enjoyed doing.
After that I went on other missions around the world to take out the PMCs that where causing trouble, nobody wanted to fuck with Vermont Island PMC because they knew they would have to deal with me!
The Tiktiktok app
I was back at school in Tokyo when I saw everyone was hypnotized by some phone app called Tik Tik Tok “I want to buy Snow Splender merch, she's so cool and taught me how to starve myself to get more healthy.” Giggled one of the girls.
They were all watching some new influencer who told them how to think and what to do but I avoided that stupid site because I listen to heavy metal music and am a gamer.
Every day people got worse as friends turned on each other for clout, people buying weird products they didn't need and others doing extreme things to get popular on the app as the school turned into a living hell.
I had to put an end to it so I got into my airship and flew to Beijing China, when I arrived I beat the shit out of the Chinese president because he tried to have me arrested for not signing up for his evil social credit system “I have your social credit right here.” I told him before I kicked him out a window.
That's when I got a taxi to take me to the Tik Tik Tok building which was in Chinas technology centre which was super high tech and filled with fancy looking buildings.
I went inside and some armoured security guys where there “You don't have clearance to be here, leave or we will shoot you!” Said the head guard.
But I pointed “DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM?!” I said going super on command as I beat the shit out of the guards and killed them!
I slaughtered everyone in the building then I used electro magic to blow up the server rooms taking the app offline for good and freeing everyone from its power.
That was when the CEO a big man came down and he had a CCP badge on “We spent years building this system to dumb your country down and you have ruined our hard work, for that you will pay.” He snapped his fingers and a tiger helicopter flew by the window unleashing chaingun fire as I went into bullet time running from the spread.
Then I took out my enchanted chaos guns and opened firing taking the helicopter down.
After that I killed the CEO and used a blast to take the Tik Tik Tok building out forever freeing the people from its dumbing down effect.
Assault on area 51 and the CIA
I got a knock at my door and an alien in power armor was there “WHAT THE FUCK A GOD DAMN ALIEN AT THE DOOR?!” I was shocked since it was not something you would see every day.
“Please I mean you no harm, I am a cosmo man my designation is Chass. My ship was shot down due to CIA experiments and they are holding it with my brother in the place called Area 51, I came here because you are a legend who destroyed Emperor Iblis and I need your aid.” The alien told me.
I thought about it for a second and got my polycarbine trenchcoat with runic blessings “Alright, I have no love for the CIA anyway after they used me in the past, lets do this!”
Using my secure phone I called vermont PMC to send me a military grade carbon gear which we used to drive towards Nevada.
Some US army guys demanded us to stop but we opened fire and rammed them with the carbon gear as alarms went off “We've crossed the check point, they're going to bring everything down upon us now, I like those odds.” I said opening fire on the troops.
I unleashed missiles on the heavy artillery then abandoned the carbon gear as it took too much damage and exploded.
I used the cyclone slash with my duel katanas cutting down over 30 US marines who tried to get in my way.
Things where getting intense so I played the song assault from Final F Ten to get into the mood as we ran into battle taking out countless soldiers and heavy assault troops “Send your armies to me, I will return the body parts.” I warned them but they kept attacking so I destroyed them.
We snuck into the main hanger finding the computer room “It seems my theory was true, our ship was brought down by CIA expernments, they have been killing aliens for years and stealing the technology.” Chass said.
That got me real angry but then I heard a gun click and it was the CIA director Mr Kinsey “You could have been an asset Xenos but instead you choose to fight against us, what a pity.” He said.
I powered up into my creation super form and blew the director up with a low level mana shot “I always hated you, you corrupt piece of shit!” I said putting an end to his evil.
Inside the medical room we found Chass's brother but he had been dissected “I am sorry they killed your brother but we will make them pay and ensure they never hurt people again.”
I send the documents to the police who had the rouge black ops unit arrested and shut the CIA down for their crimes.
We got into the main hanger finding Chass's ship which was like a high tech orb “This is the phase shift distorter, my ship.” He said and we went inside.
As he did repairs the machine came to life “Something is wrong I have lost control.” Chass said as a vortex opened pulling the distorter and us in.
The tyranny of the Iron legion
We woke up as the Phase shift distorter was smoking and in bad need of some repairs “What happened, where did we end up?” I asked going outside.
That's when I saw furrys running around and knew I was back on Parabus but not the one I knew, this was different it was Parabus a few centuries before the Baconman era but still far into Earths future.
We went to check out what was going on and saw some fascist shock trooper in black and red glowing armour “All those who do not obey the Iron legion shall be sent to the death camps!” Said the head shocktrooper.
I went to stop them but got knocked out “Take this one to the camps too!” Said the wolf soldier.
We woke up inside a prison camp “So you're finally awake eh? Looks like they got you too huh while crossing the boarder?” A badger sighed.
“What happened, what is this place?” I asked them.
He looked depressed “This is camp 15, its run by the Iron Legions most evil member Cheryl Periwinkle the cat. She kills hundreds of people every day and her rule as warden of camp 15 is brutal.”
I clenched my fist because people like her where the worst kind of scum “What's your name? Plus this Iron Legion thing?” I asked him.
“I'm Ray the Badger, I'm part of the resistance against the Iron Legion. It was founded by Darth Talon the wolf, he used to be a good guy once but he thought he could make Parabus a better place, at first he tried to do good but over time power corrupted him and Cheryl as they became more fascist over time.”
Liberation of camp 15
I made a plan to get out so I went into blood hunter form and massacred all the guards easily as they ran in terror “Go now you are free, lets fuck this place up!” I said as I got Chass and we fought through the enemy force.
That's when she was there, the pink furred latex clad Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “You made a real mess of my death camp, for that I will have to lash you, then I shall have you my future slave.” She laughed making kinky faces at me and slapping the ground with her laser whip.
“YOU THINK I'D JOIN YOU? GO EAT TERDS YOU GOD DAMN FASCIST MONSTER!” I gave her the middle finger to let her know I was serious about saying no to her offer.
She grabbed my neck with the laser whip “I will just need to break you in and make you a good boy. After all the iron legion has plenty of brainwashing machines to make you see our point of view.” She smugged.
I powered up causing the laser chains to shatter which scared the shit out of Cheryl Periwinkle the cat “How are you so fucking strong? I WON'T GO DOWN SO EASILY GOD DAMN IT!” She said really mad as she punched the ground.
“Pathetic.” I said looking down upon her as I started unleashing billions of meteor mode punches into her body “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!” I shouted a million oras.
Her body was hit with punch after punch with each of the punches giving off a massive sonic boom as she had broken every single bone but I would not stop “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!” I shouted punching her thousands more times.
Then I uppercut her so hard she crashed right into the camps garbage truck drowning under an ocean of thrash “You made your bed, sleep in it.” I gave a sick burn.
The fight back against the legion
We went to Forestwood village where the resistance lived “Cinos is that you? No impossible its a few centuries before that versions era.” I said and the hedgehog approached me.
“You must have me mistaken, I'm Ashura the hedgehog, leader of the resistance pleasure to meet ya.” He said and shook my hand.
Chass thought deeply for a moment “He must be an ancestor of this Cinos, at least the future one.” And that made sense so I believed him.
We had a feast that night in my honour for the destruction of the evil camp 15 and for taking down Cheryl Periwinkle the cat who was one of the big generals of the legion “Xenos, please help us in our struggle we being pushed back by the rising power of the iron legion.”
“How did this fucking iron legion happen?” I asked wanting to know the lore of the situation pretty badly.
He rested his arms on the table looking serious “Darth Talon the wolf founded it but back then it was the iron movement, we sought freedom against the old government and his revolution appealed to us. Yet after his victory he grew more authoritarian and power hungry as he was corrupted by the energy of darkness in his lust for more power.”
Ashura continued his talk and I thought about the song hopeless desire from Final F Ten “Cheryl Periwinkle the cat used to be a friend of mine and a brave warrior lady but when Darth Talon adopted the dark side of the tao many of the good guys defected to him along with her lured by the power of position he offered as she grew more corrupted and twisted over time.”
He shook his head in sadness “Darth Talon became more ruthless than the former government, building his army of death troopers and talon droids to enforce his will over the lands. From the city of Neo Utopia he rules over everything now.”
I stood up and gripped my emerald gunblade the Chaos destoryer “I've heard enough, I'm going to new Utopia to finish this tyrant off myself, scum like him pisses me off!” I said and geared up.
My one man raid against Neo Utopia
I used the trans teleporter network to breach the city which was filled with flying cars and Talon police robots but people looked depressed under the regime of Darth Talon “Time to put an end to this and bring freedom back to the planet Parabus!” I swore.
I landed on the streets as combots and death troopers in black armour with glowing red lines attacked “For the glory of the iron legion!” They shouted and I went into my crystal form and cut them down to size.
More reinforcements including robo cops, death troopers, talon droids and statesec forces came after me “Come on, if you think you're good enough!” I said unleashing a blast that wiped every single enemy in front of me out.
In the chaos I vaulted with my katanas slicing apart those that tried to escape the killing zone.
People in the city started to cheer for me as it was the first time they had ever seen any more stand up to the government “BE NOT AFRAID ANYMORE LETS KILL THE FUCKERS!” I raised my fist and they followed me into battle.
I played the music Straight Ahead from MM Zero to get me hyped as I summoned my lightblade destiny cutting down their roboguards and aerobuster mechas which exploded all over the city as I ran through each section taking out fascist soldiers and robots.
Their legions thinned as I made my way through each area towards the techno castle of Darth Talon himself.
VS the dark lord
I busted through the citadel as golden death troopers attacked me with energy axes but I cut them down to size with my super form then blew up the guard tanks in the lobby.
The remaining generals of the iron legion got in my way but I killed them easily and moved up to the penthouse level of the techno castle where the honor guard was a group of the strongest death troopers “Protect our great leader, hail hail!” They said and attacked me but I used bullet time to dive behind them and used the crystal gunblade to break through their armour then a blast of purifying ice to freeze them.
“Time to chill out, motherfuckers!” I said and shattered them with my gunblade.
I used gigafire magic to blast the doors to his penthouse open which was a large room pitch black with computers, consoles and windows overlooking all of Neo Utopia.
Darth Talon the wolf sat on his throne as his clawed gauntlet tapped on the arm of his chair “I have been watching you for some time Xenos Edgeblade, I know all about you from the records of the dark history, your fight against Golden Trump was a favourite of mine...believe me I have watched all of your moves.” He said in a machine like evil tone of voice.
He got up as all the pipes disconnected from his darkness infused power arm disconnecting him from the throne and steam vented from the armour then he threw his cape away “I shall turn you to darkness but if that fails you will be destroyed!” He said in his machine voice.
I played the Deval No Uta theme metal remix and ignited my two lightblade DESTINY AND RAGNOROK!
As slammed blades together as sparks and energy flew all over the room started firings and I have to admit it was pretty fucking god damn epic “FINALLY A REAL FIGHT WAITED A LONG TIME FOR THIS!”
The dark lord laughed “You are one of master philosophy like me and not sheep philosophy like the filth who deserved to be ruled by the dark lords!” He said as we swung our blades at each other.
I went into creation form ultra instinct as my hair glowed a crystal colour “I WILL NEVER BE LIKE YOU OR LOOK DOWN ON PEOPLE! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A FASCIST WHO USES THE POWER OF DARKNESS TO CRUSH THE WEAK!” I said slashing at him sending him flying back.
“THE WEAK DESERVE TO BE CRUSHED FOR BEING SO WEAK! IT IS THE NATRUAL ORDER OF THE WORLD XENOS!” Darth Talon replied swinging his blade as all the windows smashed at once and gale force winds blew into the burning penthouse.
He slammed his blade into the floor as I almost fell but quickly parried but the force he put into his attacks was truly intense “I was good like you once but too many people betrayed me, that's when I realized people where filth, only fear would be true power, control and pain!” He told me.
Darth Talon then stabbed me through the chest as I was bleeding and wounded “I won't give up, I can't because everyone is rooting for me!” I cried out going beyond creation demi human form into something new.
There was an explosion as my eyes glowed, my hair grew longer and was a brilliant shine of crystal white “Is this the legend? Is the legend true? The Holy Paladin Super form? Impossible!” Darth Talons screamed as he was covered in the light.
“This is the power you denied, power you will never know!” I said as the voice of the divine spoke through me.
I felt an aura around me “LEVEL SSS LIMIT BREAKER! SWORDS OF JUSTICE TYPE X!” I shouted.
Katana glowing with god power slashed him “SWORD OF DESTINY JUDGE OF THE WICKED!”
The next blade slashed thorough him “BLADE OF RAGNORAK KISS OF THE APOCALYPSE!” I shouted as fire burst out of his armour
“CRYSTAL VERDICT KATANA OF ANSWERS!” I shouted as a blade cleaved him from above.
Then 50 blades stabbed into him shattered “Purifying bullets of the gods!” I said as my guns glowed with holy power unleashing countless rounds into the dark lord as his armour and mask shattered and his bloody beaten remains slammed into the floor.
He had trouble breathing but now I saw the wolf rather than the machine “So this is the real you, not corrupted by darkness, the one who meant well one time.” I said.
“Please call me by my real name, Gregory McBeth of clan McBeth...I once tried to do right by the world and my wolf kin but I lost my way drowning in darkness, please let me die.” He weezed as the fires of the penthouse consumed his body.
I went downstairs and set Neo Utopias nuclear fusion reactor to go nuclear consuming the hellish city ending the terror of the iron legion forever.
Xenos the cat: Back to Earth
Chass finally repaired the phase shift distorter and we entered the vortex travelling back to our own era “I need a bubble bath and some anime after that experence” I laughed and we went back to my mansion and chilled out in a gaint hot tub watching our favourite anime, it was a really high octane action series too.
I invited Kazu, Sona and even Fist the echidna over so they could watch anime with us and play video games and we had a great time.
Crystal Destiny RE-MINDED
I was at Japan when a portal opened and the robed man with runes came out from months ago “You want to fight again? Last time I remember you where a pretty strong enemy but this time I'll kill you dead!” I warned the man.
“I have not come to test your power again no but to issue decree a warning!” I told the cat boy with a grim reminder on my lips.
I pointed my finger at him “One who knows nothing can not know what is to come!” I mocked as he armed his crystal blades.
“My brothers and sisters where killed by you in the future leading to a bad ending for everyone in the world!” I summoned monsters of crystals the GEM LEGION TO ATTACK HIM.
Xenos fought them off but was drained of energy due to how powerful they where “What kind of enemies are these motherfuckers?!” He shouted at me.
“They are lost souls from the crystal void, a place you will be damned too if you do not find a better ending!” I warned him before walking towards the portal “Perhaps a better timeline is possible, maybe you will find the way.” I said vanishing.
The hostage situation at anicon 20XX
I got everyone tickets to Anicon this year in San Diego which was going to be hype as fuck since there would be cosplayers, merch stalls and interviews with voice actors AND REAL VOICE ACTORS FUCK THE INDUSTRY USING HOLLYWOOD ACTORS TO TRY AND REPLACE THEM!
We got there and saw some of the hot cosplay babes and I bought some blu rays as well as some cool figures “This has been mega awesome so far, I'm going to the bathroom for a moment be right back” I told Sona.
When I went to the bathroom some men with masks and guns came in “We are atomic purification of the atom a neo nazi group that will destroy the weak! We are taking you hostage and you will die unless the US government agrees to set all their nuclear plants into melt down to kill millions of the subhuman races!” said their leader.
I listened from the bathroom and their demands where fucking insane “I need to take these lunatics out out else everyone at anicon is gonna die!” So I vented into the vent shaft to scout out the nazis locations.
“We have das bombs ready to go, even if za government gives us vhat we vant we shall blow this degeneration con up with everyone in it HEIL PURITY!” Said one of the terrorist and that pissed me off even more.
So when he was alone I came out of the vent AND SNAPPED HIS FUCKING NECK then took his machine gun AND I WAS ARMED!!
In the next room I saw two dead terrorists as Sona and Kazu where tooling up “I knew you two had things in hand, lets take the rest of these terrorist bastards out!” I said and we did.
One by one I shot and killed the terrorists then used my mind palace to figure out the bomb cuts disabling all the bombs.
The terrorist leader retreated to the roof where I faced him and he aimed at gun at me “You are strong, you should join ze master race with us and cleanse this land of the weakness!” He said but I just kicked him off the fucking roof and he landed through the spiked fence as blood and guts went everywhere.
“I bet that one fucking hurt, ouch.” I laughed.
After the situation was over I got a medal off the governor and the papers talked about what a hero I was.
I was visiting South Korea to do some intense training at a local temple when the entire Earth violently shook then a voice from the sky was heard in every mind “I am God and I have deemed the human race unworthy! Within ten days I shall exterminate every living being and condemn their souls to eternal pain in hell!” The voice warned.
There was riots on the street while religious groups where praising the end and talking about how it was a good thing while they hunted people down.
I geared up and started taking out the terrorists to keep order “GOD ISN'T COMING TO TAKE YOU TO HELL! I AM GOING TRAIN TO TAKE HIM TO HELL!” I told the world.
It was announced that God fight would happen in ten days as I started training with the most heavy metals tied to my body and doing brutal meditation on top of the highest mountains in order to empower my mind then level my magic up to beyond the time.
I did 8000 push ups, 9382 sit ups and lifted weights made out of 500KG of osmium as I went beyond all known forms “I need to ascend higher than before” I said and started playing heavy metal training montage music and beating punching bags also filled with osmium.
Every morning I got up to go for a two hour run up Mount Everest and back.
I started to focus as my aura grew drawing in ki “I NEED TO GET MY POWER LEVEL UP AGGGGGGG!” I screamed increasing my power beyond its limits, I had to attain a form unlike anything I had ever known before.
My friends brought me the chaos diamonds, the master Topaz and the legend lost Ice Sapphires as the gems floated around me drawn into my body as my aura exploded into a beautiful light unlike anything seen beyond “He's truly going beyond the time.” Sona said.
Fist looked stoic but nodded “No he's going beyond the limit, he's unlocked something deep down.” He said and he was right.
I felt my burst mode unlike as my body turned into a glowing armor like skin and my shine radiant with a brilliant shine “This is it...” I said I UNLOCKED MY OMNI FORM!!
I was ready as I waited at the destination where GOD HIMSELF WOULD APPEAR FOR GOD FIGHT and he did as the clouds shattered and a man 6000 feet tall stood before me “You dare oppose my extermination of the world? THIS IS FUCKING HERESY! DEATH TO THE WORLD IS THE FINAL END KNEEL AND ACCEPT IT AND MAYBE I SHALL SEND TO ETERNITY IN HELL PAINLESSLY!” God threatened.
“You're no god, just an evil soul, another grinning monster out to kill! You just think because you have power that you can hurt people!” I gave him the middle finger because I did not respect him at all.
That pissed him off as he lost his temper and punched me into a cliff with his gaint fist “DON'T TALK BACK TO ME, I'M FUCKING GOD!!” He shouted flying towards me as gaint fists punched into me 6000 times burying me under the rock.
God shrink his down down to my size as he picked me up by the neck and started punching my rib cage “I will seal you in the deepest level of hell but first I am going to have some fun breaking you heretic.” God said and slammed me into the ground.
I smirked “Why are you smirking?” He said as I started to power up.
Then I laughed “I had to take some damage to power up my new omni form and unleash all my limit breaks at once.” I said as the energy drew into me then I was now in my Omni form as God got blasted back.
I flashed in front of him then brought my leg down into his head as he smashed into the ground getting half buried “HOW DARE YOU!” He snapped as he blasted out of the ground throwing endless punches but I dodged and parried each one.
Then I uppercut him in the jaw as her flipped over and slammed face first into the dirt “You can feel pain that means I can beat you.” I taunted him with a cool hand gesture.
I rushed into him covering my arms in omni fire as I let out with a barrage of flaming punches into his gut, chest and face “na na na na na na na na na na na na!” I shouted punching him countless times and applying the greatest level of force into each blow with intent to destroy the enemy.
As he was in the air I made all my blades glow and float around me like projectile weapons as they fired lasers with the heat of 9000 suns into him then homed in on him at multiple angles firing laser after laser into him.
I entered level three burst empowering omni mode further as I flew up into the air with the speed of light itself and let rip “BLOWS OF PURIFYING STRIKE!” I shouted punching him hundred of thousands of times then sent the hardest punch into his back as he caught fire blasting into space in a flaming ball at hyper speed.
“Is it over?” I asked and Kazu and the others looked into the sky as it went dark and all light was drained from the planet.
A voice boomed but it was more profound the old man I fought before “You defeated my proxy but he was nothing more than a weak avatar, I am the real one you call God. I am the Demiurge, the god of the physical realm, your ruler and soon all will die and their souls will become the new fuel to flow through me as I reset the physical dimensions.”
Suddenly reality shifted as we stood on a platform in space before a gaint crystal snake with a lions head the size of 500000000 feet and its eyes where flames of holy light.
To fight the Demiurge
I couldn't let this being consume all the souls of existence so I launched towards him punching into him but his body was hard like crystal made from the divine itself.
“You can not defeat your god, all physical life is in service to me you can not overturn your destiny.” It spoke.
But I wouldn't give up as me, Kazu, Sona and Chass attacked the being but they where blown back while I tried to unleash a beam bomb attack but it bounced right off him “I will never give up, I won't let some false god decide whats good for everyone WE DESERVE TO LIVE AND DIE ON OUR OWN TERMS GOD DAMN IT!” I shouted going at him again with another thousand omni fire punches.
The Demiurge slammed me so hard I went flying while the blow knocked the Chaos diamonds, ice sapphires and Master Topaz out of me reverting me to Lunar Demi human super form “Ugh, he punched the super out of me...” I gasped coughing up blood.
But I refused to let the future fall to darkness “NEVER!” I shouted refusing this fuckers destiny, the fate offered as I pulled the Chaos diamonds, Ice Sapphires and Master Topaz back into me reverting back into my Omni form but that wasn't all through my raw determination I destroyed all the burst mode barriers UNLOCKING OMNI FORM PLUS!
“That is not enough to stop me, you can not fight fate!” The Demiurge cursed at me but I could sense some doubt in his voice.
I charged in unleashing a series of brutal punches which started to do damage then I grabbed the fuckers tail and started swinging him as he smashed into a red dwarf burning up “YOU DARE DEFY YOUR FATE THEN PERISH LIKE A GOD!” He said flying back over to counter attack with burning flames of creation.
But I stood there in the flames taking no damage because of my form “W...what what ARE YOU?!” The Demiurge screamed.
I unleashed 1000s of blasts towards him doing a huge amount of damage then dashed into the air as I thought down a legion of energy punches into his stupid fucking lion face then turning around I started shooting X blasts into his face too which did even more damage.
Then I landed back on the platform pissed off with such levels of unseen fucking fury as red cybertronic energy, divine energy, void energy and pure creation magic flooded into me like an ocean “I'm not finished with you let HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” I laughed exploring into a multicoloured form with spiral eyes.
My friends where shocked as they watched “I've never seen Xenos hold this much power before!” Gasped Sona.
Chass folded his arms “This power is dangerous and hard to control but what he needs to win this fight.” Chass replied.
I rolled up into a ball of pure nuclear creation energy picking up speed as I kept spinning then my friends shot me like a spinning missile ball into the Demiurge as I slammed into his body spinning into it and cutting as his crystal body started to crack “NO NO NO NO NO!!” It cried out as I finally broke the crystal shell blasting through his body.
Spinning through his inside like a flaming nuclear ball of fury I slammed into the other end cutting through the crystal THEN I BURST THROUGH THE OTHER SIDE AS THE DEMIURGES ENTIRE BODY SHATTERED LIKE GLASS AND ALL THE SHARDS EXPLODED INTO LIGHT.
I landed back on the platform as me and my friends watching the exploding shards come down like glowing rain drops “Its finally over, we did it guys.” I smiled.
The platform started to crumble since the false God was gone and unable to maintain this pocket realm “If we don't get out we'll die in space!” Sona said.
I used the last of my energy to tear open a portal back to Earth and kicked my friends through it “No, let us stay with you!” Kazu begged as the portal closed behind them.
A smiled came over my face as I started to drift through space “As long as my comrades are safe, thats all that matters in the end.” I grinned before passing out.
Becoming a space marine
I saw a big light then I was beamed on board some kind of starship, the people there looked human so maybe they where a cousin race to humanity “Surprised you survived so long in deep space you must have strange biology friend” said the star captain when I woke up.
“I was able to stay in my level one super form which kept me in one piece out there but I guess I owe you some thanks for recovering me.” I rubbed my head.
An alarm went off in the ship “We don't have time to talk, we're under attack consider yourself drafted into the united planet federation marine corps now gear up!” The captain ordered and I was sent to the lower level with some power armour soldiers.
“Go go go go we have hostile alien attackers, gear the fuck up soldiers!” Said the marine commander who handed me a weapon called a pulser rifle then they got me suited into some power armour.
“This feels pretty epic, alright I guess I can help you kill some of these aliens as thanks for saving me back there.” I said and they got us into the drop ship and sent us into battle as we landed on the alien hive ship.
We opened fire as we got out shooting some disgusting looking bug creatures “EAT LASER MOTHERFUCKER!” I shouted spraying them with bullets.
The inside of the hive ship was gooey and disgusting “Kill em all no mercy!” A private said but an alien grabbed him and shoved a tendril down his mouth pumping a parasite liquid into him as his skin bubbled and he exploded while a bunch of alien snake babies slid away.
That's when I truly knew these creatures where a threat to life so I got my high carbine flamethrower unit and started burning everything in sight “COME GET SOME!!” I shouted in a badass boost.
“Watch out!” I screamed to Private Jacob as one of the alien bugs grabbed him into a vent and started to feed him eggs.
I was angry so I threw a grenade in to give him a mercy kill AND IT EXPLODED!
Everything around us was burning as I used up the entire flamethrower tank so I grabbed a grenade launcher and started blowing up everything in sight since I was the last space marine left alive “FUCK!” I shouted blowing more things up while using my shotgun with my free hand.
Then I saw one ugly motherfucker it was the alien bug queen like a spider but she was one big ass motherfucker “So you're the one pumping out all these alien babies, time to put a stop to this.” I said as the alien queen laughed unable to speak.
“All life exists to become incubators for the young ones, now you shall be bound and forced to drink my eggs!” Said the queen BUT I WENT INTO MY OMNI FORM PLUS AND FIRED A HYDRONIX BEAM AND SHE BURNED ALONG WITH THE ENTIRE FUCKING NEST.
The hive ship was burning up so I had to evac back to the drop ship but I noticed the alien bugs had destroyed the ship so I had no choice but to go super again and fly out into space as the bug ship exploded killing the entire alien race for good “Mission complete.” I said as I flew back to the federation starship.
I was given a medal for my promotion and promoted to a captain for my outstanding service.
The horror of Citadel centre station
I got my next mission and was able to pick my own equipment since I had ranked up to join the space marines black operations division and I studied hacking too so I could use all kinds of computers.
My next mission was about contact being lost in a place called Citadel centre station which was a space station they where working on some advanced AI tech “I'm going in.” I said as my ship docked with the station.
There was blood and guts all over the docking area “Something fucked up must have went down.” I said turning my guns laser sight on and proceeding to the med sector to investigate.
Some fucked up half human robot showed up with cutting tools for arms “You will be taken to the robot chamber and turned into a hybrid slave for our AI master.” It said activating its blow torch arm but I punched it in the face and it exploded.
I noticed an ID tag under his metal augmentations that had been fused to his flesh “Alex D, medtech first class? So they where the crew once, I will help them rest in peace.” I said loading my gun.
More robots came some with assault weapons and others with saws for blades “In my way.” I said opening fire with my Hazard rifle blowing 100s of them away as I moved from sector to sector.
I found some logs recorded which explained the AI TODAN had taken over the station after becoming self aware and painfully transforming the crew into her slave robots “This is disgusting, I must take revenge for all the lives she had taken.” So I went to the armoury sector getting a laser machine and a fusion missile gun “Lets rock and load!” I laughed.
“You can not stop me, soon you will become my body and with it I shall become an unstoppable machine Goddess!” TODAN said over the radio in a disturbing voice that was machine like.
I hacked the terminal taking control of the sector “Only body you're going to be getting is a body bag once I'm finished here.” I warned her as I jacked into the cybernet.
Everything was glowing and data while I floated around “So you have come to face your goddess.” TODAN UGLY FACE SAID.
I went into my super demi human form and blasted her which caused her to get deleted “Not even worth my time.” I said then set the station to self destruct as I logged out and got back in my ship.
My adventures on the planet Yauki
My ship went off course due to a lack of energy and I ended up crash landing on a strange but lust planet that was Earth like called Yauki. I got out of my ship and looked around when a cute girl in a blue dress waved at me “I saw your ship come down, are you alright?” She asked me.
I dusted myself off “Nothing I can't handle.” I laughed and she giggled cutely.
“I'm Brisket a local girl, who are you?” She asked me.
With a smirk and a thumbs up I told her my name “I'm Xenos Edgeblade a catboy demi human from a far away planet called Earth but I've been in space for a while now.”
“Come to my house you can stay while plus it looks like that ship won't be flying again.” She chuckled and I looked at the wreak and had to admit it was pretty busted up beyond repair, I came in pretty hard I guess.
Briskets house was pretty comfy and she had a spare room with some Yauki game consoles which had some really awesome video games. Seems the culture of this world was very close to Earths which was cool.
I made myself useful by cutting wood out back, doing dishes and showing Brisket some of my fighting moves.
We even went on a date “You're really cute Xenos and I've never been with a boy before let alone one as cute as you.” And she closed her eyes coming closer AND WE KISSED!
I spent the next two years on Yauki going on adventures, making friends and even helping them take down some villains.
Like on Earth, my name became a source of fear for bad guys.
General Skull
There was some gas mask soldiers attacking our village so Brisket got her rapier and I got my new scythe THE VOID REAPER which I forged in the fires of mount void using dark crystals and the strongest magically infused metals.
“Destroy them for the great General Skull!” Said the gas mask minion and I sliced his head clean off with the void reaper.
Then I hunted the others down leaving a bloody mess “Good work dear.” Brisket kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
“Not here, I'm trying to be badass.” I responded.
We tracked down General Skull who was the leader of an evil country to the south and I busted into his castle “NOBODY ATTACKS MY VILLAGE AND LIVES TO TELL THE TALE!” I warned him as I pointed the Scythe threateningly.
He was an armoed man in a gas mask with a nazi like cap but with the logo of his empire on it “You will present no problem to me and when you die I shall invade all of the lands.” He said and fired rapid fire granades at me which I dodged using void time.
He then fired a beam of energy from his gauntlets but I blocked with a more powerful ki blast “You're just a worm.” I laughed.
General skull fled to another chamber as we chased but in there was a huge portal cascade machine “If I can not take over my world I shall rebuild my empire on another PERHAPS YOUR HOME OF EARTH HAHA!” General skull laughed jumping into the portal storm as the machine started to blow closing the gate behind him as we escaped the castle.
“GOD DAMN IT NOOOO!” I screamed as we flew out of the exploding castle.
Brisket tried to comfort me “Its alright we defeated him right?” She tried to reassure me.
“He went to Earth which is in danger now and I don't have ship or a way back there.” I said clenching my fist.
That's when Brisket had an idea “The phase shift monks in the North, they might know a means.” She said and it was worth a shot since I didn't have anything else to lose.
Learning instant translocation
I travelled with Brisket to the northern shrine of Yuta Tak where the monks met us “You have come to learn the rare Instant translocation technique but are you truly worthy.” The head monk said slowing time down as he pushed me into the air and I crashed.
He dodged all my moves but I got a hand of the situation as I appeared behind him and kicked him through the ground.
The monk climbed out and laughed “You are indeed strong Xenos, very well I shall teach you this power.” and he showed me how to do it.
The technique allowed me to focus and transport myself anywhere across space as long as I focused on where I wanted to go.
“Alright time to get back to Earth.” I said ready to focus and Brisket grabbed me as she was teleported along with me.
The terror of General skull and the alt reich movement
We teleported into the middle of Washington DC and everything was a mess with riots everywhere and posted for some new political movement called Fash Americana “Looks like things have gone to shit since I've been away.” I said.
“Wow so this is Earth? Like my homeworld but a bit less fun.” She said and she was right but it was still my homeworld.
There where men in hawaiian T shirts marching and stomping in masses “Heil heil heil! Death to the weak, death to the worthless! Death to useless!” They all chanted some even carrying guns.
I jumped in front of the rioting crowd “Hey sup!” I mocked.
They opened fired “HE IS A DEGENERATE HE MUST BE DESTORYED FOR THE GLORY OF THE RACE!” Shouted the leader with the stupid ass hair cut.
I fired a blast of energy destroying a bunch of them leaving a puddle of blood then I smashed the rest of them at lighting speed with punches and slashes.
“Oops, maybe I went a little wild back there.” I chuckled and went to the capital where more of the nazis where rioting.
“Take over the white house THE GREAT AND BENEVOLENT GENERAL SKULL SHALL BE THE NEW RULER OF THE WORLD! ALL HAIL SKULL AND HIS GLOURIOUS NEW REIGME” Said some weird podcaster guy who was leading the other nazis.
I got pissed at than as I did a haymaker at full speed right into his stupid bald face and he went flying through the window as the other nazis watched “GET HIM!” They screamed.
Kazu showed up shocked to see me “XENOS YOU'RE ALRIGHT? FOR A LONG TIME I WORRIED WE'D NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!” He grinned giving me a manly hug.
“I'm the cat boy who makes the impossible possible, what else did you expect?” I laughed and we looked behind us as more of the neo nazis appeared but these ones had assault rifles and power armor.
I fired a blast but they used some shielding tech to block it “Looks like General Skull has tooled them up with some advanced alien technology.” I said so I went into Lunar Demi human super form and played heavy metal music as I flew forwarding tearing through them with bladed punches.
Even advanced power armour was not enough to withstand that level of power.
Two of the head nazi came up to us a boy in a red hat with vaporwave sunglasses who I knew from the internet as Mick Fumtenis and a girl in all pink covered in make up known as Sparklepoo “You are strong if only you didn't work for the degenerates you could become the ideal ayran superman of our movement!” Mick sighed.
Sparklepoo was typing into her phone on the tik tik tok app which had been revived so I would need to make a note to go blow up their new HQ later “Like whatever I'm only here Mick because like General Skull said we can kill all the trans people and I hate them cause they are like icky and gross so lets like totes kill this loser so I can get back to it, like ugh whatever!” Sparklepoo sounded uninterested.
They took out machine guns grinning “Time to put this cat to sleep” Mick laughed as I warped in front of him and bent his gun which scared him.
“Did you really think you had a chance against me?” I looked at them with cold evil eyes before I charged up a tao blast turning them both into dust.
Me, Brisket and Kazu went to McDaniels to discuss what was happening and he told me General Skull showed up a few months ago to take over the new far right movement with lobby money from the ultra rich because General Skull promised them tax breaks.
“Show me where these rich assholes live!” I said while eating my chicken nuggets.
Taking down General Skulls connections
We smashed through the roof of a mansion where all the rich people and CEOs working with General Skull where having a big party. They looked shocked as we interrupted them while they where sniffing drugs and drinking champagne from golden statues “How dare you, be gone filthy poors!” Said a bald man.
I opened fire on them as Kazu drew his Okatana and went to town as we destoryed all the rich assholes cutting the money out of General Skulls movement.
Kazu called in some contacts who airlifted an APC to us and we got in driving through the mansion neighbourhood opening fire with the APCs turret as we tore all their mansions down which made them cry AND IT WAS FUNNY!
After that I WENT INTO MY PSYCHO FORM as my eyes sprialed with the blood madness and started killing all the rich assholes and CEOs in the are AND THEN THERE WHERE NONE!
I radioed in for a C130 aircraft which was also a base that bad bedrooms, smaller planes for defence and an armoury just like that cool movie we watched a while ago “We're closing in on skull fortress.” Brisket said as she flied the plane.
We looked out the window seeing a castle shaped like General Skulls gasmask head “He has an ego but I'm coming to cut it down to size!” I laughed as I geared up putting my new polymana steel trenchcoat on and armed myself to the teeth as I did a halo jump from the plane.
The sky was on fire as rockets, machine guns and more where exploding around me due to ground defences trying to take me down.
Then I took my pistols out opening fire as I took out a bunch of AA batteries from above then crashed into the ground causing a mini nuclear explosion which sent the fascist defence soldiers flying all over the place.
I used bullet time drawing my lightblades entering sword dance mode as I cut their bodies into thousands of pieces as they fell, then when time became normal again it was raining blood since blood was all that left of their bodies.
Getting closer to the main gates I was attacked by heavily armoured military war robots who opened fire with scud missiles which I cut in half with my gunblade “Nothing more than a waste of my time!” I scoffed slicing the robots apart as the explosions shot me over the gate then I brought my gunblade down on a guard.
More nazis loyal to general Skull arrived but when they saw my power level they pissed their pants and fled but I hunted them down and nailed them all to the wall so general Skull could see it and know he would join them soon.
I kicked the front doors down killing everything on my way to the roof where he was waiting.
General Skull smugly looked at me from his gas mask as he got up “We meet again at last Xenos Edgeblade, when I last saw you I had a small fascist army but here on Earth my reach is bigger because these humans are much more easily swayed towards my ideals thanks to money and power.” He told me.
“This world has more heroes than those who would be stupid enough to buy what your selling them.” I replied drawing my gunblades.
The general got up throwing his cape aside and ignited his green energy longsword “I care not for these rich people or building Earth fascist, they are a means to end while my robot production line goes online allowing me to create a machine army that is more pure than both our races.” He then jumped with the blade bouncing across the room even sicking his robot dog on me at one point.
I kicked the robot dog across the room as I blocked his slash with my duel gunblades our swords sparking together as we both applied force “You where just using humanity to get money for robots?!?” I gasped.
He kicked me away and tried to cut me half which I dodged “Even on my homeworld I turned my loyal soldiers into robots but organics are useful idiots if you give them a cause of hate to stand behind and as for the rich they would support mass death and suffering to make a profit.” He said slashing at me again.
I went super and used a Hadoku attack blowing his body up leaving only a head as a huge reactor machine grabbed it attaching his ugly gas mask mug.
“I will become purity itself, the heart of machine kind then I shall robotize Earth and my home world!” He said turning into a gaint wall machine.
He sent giant flying hands after me which shot huge fire beams into the ground which came towards me but I quickly jumped on top of the hands forcing them to slam into his UGLY FACE!
I snapped in the moment entering my PSYCHO SUPER FORM unleashing a storm of violent red energy punches into his core “METEOR MODE!” I screamed punching him billions of times as the core exploded consuming him.
“I WILL NOT DIE NO!” He screamed as the fires consumed his head meaning he could never come back to life ever again or back his bodies up.
After that I jumped out the window as Skull castle exploded into a nuclear blastwave ending General Skulls movement for good.
With the fall of General Skull the fascist groups he funded broke up with their surviving leaders being arrested for life.
My brother returns
It had been a few weeks since I finally ended the nazis so I was off in Japan relaxing and buying some anime blu rays when there was explosions in Tokyo “WHAT THE HELL IS FUCKING GOING ON THIS TIME?!” I shouted going to the situation
There was an armoured looking robot cat person with a shoulder mounted cannon, machine gun arm and more weapons than a small military. He was also riding a walker mech that had rocket launchers, a flamethrower and a grenade bomber “KILL EM ALL WHO WANTS TO SUFFER HAHAHA!” He shouted blowing people up but what pissed me off the most was he fired grenade bombs into the local arcade as it exploded into a hailstorm of fire.
I jumped onto the scene drawing the Suttakata mark III “I don't know who you are but making trouble on my turf, thats a good way to rush towards the grave.” I said and I was serious.
It was impossible, my brother died when the farmers killed my family “HOW CAN YOU BE HERE YOU DIED!”
It was then my second shock of the day happened as that smug bitch was alive IT WAS MY SISTER GENOS EDGEBLADE who was standing there in a kimono smoking a cigarette holder “I used the power of the crystal pandemonium to being his soul back from the netherworld then used dark science to convert his body into a war robot and after hearing how you hurt me he wants you make you hurt even harder ohohohoho!” She did that smug fucking cat grin again.
Rock music played as we did battle with Helios firing powerful 90000 PSI machine punches which winded me pretty badly “Not too bad, you're pretty good.” I gasped for air.
His rocket feet launched him forward as he round house kicked me into Majong building which hurt pretty bad and scared some of the old pensioners there “Fuck sorry about that” he then came in and murdered all the old people which was fucked up.
“I hate old people they make me sick.” Helios laughed punched me through a table as the rock music got even harder.
Enough screwing around so I went into my Omni form but then he went into a super form too as his machine body sparked with bright silver “WAR SUPER FORM!” He shouted firing 8000 grenades out of no where as it was raining fucking bombs.
“GOLDEN ROCKET BOMBS!” He shouted bringing a shower of rocket bombs down as I flash stepped trying to dodge each and every explosion.
He walked out of the fire looking like a fucking nightmare terminator as I unleashed all my magic at once “We share the same blood, the same potential but I am empowered by dark science and machinery. Did you think you could even make a dent on me? THINK XENOS EDGEBLADE THINK!” He then punches me in the face as I clipped through a wall.
While on the ground Genos stood on top of me digging her high heel into my face “HEEL BOY HEEL! LICK THE DOG SHIT OFF MY SHOE DO IT MAGGOT! DO IT! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” She had a fucking smug twisted face as her eyes rolled back in pleasure, she was clearly loving seeing me brought so low.
“LIKE HELL I WILL!” I screamed going into my PSYCHO FORM as I blasted her off of my face.
We entered meteor mode unleashing thousands of punches at the speed of sonic sound with our fists hitting each other unable to land a single body blow “You really can match all of my moves but I always find a way to win no matter how fucked up or stupid the situation!” I roared with absolute determination as our eyes locked.
My limit breakers all broke then something ignited in my soul as I drew in a new form of power “AHHHHHH AHHHHHHHH AHHHH!” I roared glowing with emerald like energy.
Helios looked worried for a second “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING TO DO NOTHING CAN MATCH MY WAR SUPER FORM!” He charged but his cracked his metal fist trying to punch my aura “OH FUCK! FUCK YOU!” He screamed trying to spray me from granades from his shoulder cannon.
I formed glowing green runic wings, glowing golden long hair and purifying robes “SO THIS IS THE POWER OF THE CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM! NOW YOU'RE SCREWED HELIOS!” I warned him.
Genos coughed up her cigarette holder as she shat herself in fear “Helios we need to get the fuck out of here right now!” She told him but he had too much arrogance and ego as he charged towards me unleashing all his power.
“FUCK THAT I WANNA FIGHT!” But I didn't even move as every single hit he threw did zero damage, I didn't even flinch which scared the fucking shit out of him.
Then with one light punch I cracked his omega core as he started leaking out crystalized energy
“Shit! I'm venting power fast, I need to bail THIS IS NOT OVER BROTHER!” He shouted as he escaped with his sister Genos.
I smirked reverting to normal mode “We'll meet again, get stronger before that day.” I said looking forward to a new challenge.
Breaching the hellgate facility
I went to a Buddhist temple in the mountains of Japan to heal under purifying springs after the battle against my lost brother.
A black helicopter landed and some US marines got out “Xenos we need your help please.” They begged me.
“Why the fuck should I help the US government?!” I demanded and they shook in fear knowing that if they got on my bad side they wouldn't be going home tonight.
General Bagg got out of the chopper and opened a handheld hologram which had a map “This is Crystal Arcadia shopping centre a new shopping experience that opened in San Diego last year. You see the internet was closing the malls do so the five most powerful zaibatsus used their power to combine the mall with a digital metaverse experience creating THE HYPERMALL a leisure and pleasure experience for the consumer.”
His explanation bored me “Get on with it, why does some dumb mall involve the US government?” I shouted in his face.
The general pressed a button and a red map appeared under the hologram “It was all a cover for F.E.A systems an aerospace and bioresearch company researching THE POWER OF HELL, they opened the hellgate facility below the mall BUT THEY LOST CONTOL now demons have overrun the lab while thousands of shoppers are trapped above sealed by the lockdown protocol.”
I sighed “So you want me to get inside to save them? Find I need a team and lots of guns...I know just who to bring.” I said getting into the helicopter.
At the recon base outside the mall I met with Sona and Brisket who where gearing up in black trench coats with sunglasses equiped with the most advanced cyberwear “We need all the gear we can get BECAUSE I AM GOING TO EXTERMINATE ALL OF HELL!” I said as we locked and loaded with more guns than we could carry.
We entered the access codes at the front gate entering the main area of the mall as the doors locked down behind us.
There was blood and guts everywhere, stores shuttered and more “Looks like we missed some heavy violence, I will check the systems for data, you two go on ahead.” Brisket said as we hacked the terminal.
The mall was huge as we found some sliced torsos on the floor and a dead guy in one of the pools “Its spooky and to think this place was once filled with life.” Sona said as he gulped.
I loaded up taking point “Looks like theres no survivors the demons must have wiped out everyone, must have been a horror show in here and I will make them pay dearly.” I told Sona.
There was the sound of something dragging an axe along the ground as a fucked up flesh man with a serial killer mask shambled towards us “YoU WiLl MaKe A GoOD FlEsH SuIt GIVE ME YOUR SKIN!” It said in a demonic voice, it was clearly a former shopper that got possessed by a demon and corrupted.
“Go eat shit!” I said and shot gunned his face so he had no head but his body still moved so I stabbed him with my gunblade and opened fire as he exploded into gibs.
More hocky mask demons appeared along with zombies that used to be people “Theres a swarm of them.” Sona said.
We loaded up machine guns and I played the death metal song HELL TO PAY on my MP4 player as we opened fire into the swarm of demonic hoards killing them by the 100s “RIP AND TEAR ASSHOLES!” I bragged as I did a cyclone slash with all my blades at once then rammed a heat granade in one of the undeads mouth and he exploded killing ten zombies.
I opened my trench pulling out duel uzis as I used bullet time magic to really enjoy the moment as I fired shot after shot into the masked demons.
More demons came including some big nasty ugly motherfuckers with horns and hooves “Oh look Sona the cliches ones are here, they think their scary HOW CUTE!” I laughed as I fired a bazooka into the face of one and the rocket in his mouth blasted him towards the other one as they BOTH EXPLODED INTO A PILE OF GUTS WHICH SCARED THE OTHER DEMONS.
Heavier demons showed up as we moved to the next level including spider flesh machine demons, flesh witches, reaper demons and even one of the Koch brothers who was a reaver zombie “Lets even up the oods.” I said as me and Sona equiped Silver S Grade Miniguns unleashing tire which tore the enemy into a bloody mess of guts and paste.
A massive demon commander in cyber armor with machine hooves and metal horns showed up punching me through a garden store “I'll make you into mincemeat little catboy!” I roared as its eyes glowed with fire.
I picked up a chainsaw in the store and equiped it onto my arm “Fab!” I said jumped out of the window as I reved the chainsaw up AND SLAMMED IT THROUGH HIS UGLY FUCKING FACE AS HE SCREAMED WITH BITS OF BRAIN GOING EVERYWHERE AS HIS SKULL VIBRATED WITH PAIN!!
I went into my super form as my chainsaw turned into gold and with the ki energy it had limitless fuel “KILL AND RIP BABY!” I said going into a high octane cycle spin with my chainsaw slicing up demon swarm after demon swarm while Sona chaingunned the rest of them.
We got to the entrance to the lab as we breached the doors of the evlivator “Hacking the terminal the lift should take you to the lab now, good luck.” Brisket said over the radio and we went down.
The truth of the incident
The lift doors opened as we entered the underground F.E.A systems lab which was covered in blood and dead scientists but a sickly red fire glow was coming from the distance.
Armies of heavy demons, the soulless, reavers, hell knights and spider layers stood before us “The soulless are working with hell? This is bad.” Sona said arming his lightblade while holding an AK47 with the other hand.
“They can allie with whoever they want, their still going to die.” I said opening fire as he tore through the hoards.
Sona sliced through them epic style then took out duel desert eagels as he blasted two hell knights appeared.
I went into the labs weapons sector finding a flamethrower unit “Hell yes!” I said arming up as I sprayed the hoard with fire as the demons screamed in pain.
We must have killed over 12,000 demons or even more by time we made it to the portal room where a bald beardy scientist was over the control panels “Hold it right there you bastard fucker!” I pointed aiming my assault rifle behind his domed head.
He turned around his eyes looked all fucked up and evil “Greetings I am Doctor Bruger, yes it is true I am the one who amped up the hellgates settings causing the outbreak.” He said in a thick german voice.
“Why did you do it!” Sona asked him.
He laughed his voice coming off demonic “I want an age of eternal pain and agony for every man woman and child while I become demon! Yes I am doing this for the greater good you see, hell is strong and people are weak so they must be punished for their weakness.” He typed on the computer console clearly fucking insane.
Bruger was filled with demonic energy coming out of the portal as his body got thick and fleshy then tentacles came out of his back along with demon wings. Then he grew big horns, a face like a dragon, hooves and bulky arms like a biohorror “RAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” He screamed picking up a pillar and throwing it into Soras face like a baseball bat but I sliced it in half with my blade before it could hit him.
“ME BECOME STRONG DEMON BURN IN THE FIRES!” He roared breathing hell flames at us as I unleashed a stream of machine gun rounds into his flesh.
Suddenly alarms went off “Warning the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system, I repeat the nuclear system has been triggered you know have T minus five mintues to evacuate to the underground subway escape system.” Said the computer and there was red lights everywhere.
“Fuck we need to evac now, Sona get Brisket and escape while I deal with this ugly piece of scum!” I said arming my chainsaw as I sliced his tentacles off which he kept regenerating.
The beast tried to swipe me with his claws but I did a badass drop roll “Xenos, take this!” A voice said and I was shocked IT WAS CINOS THE HEDGEHOG BUT I THOUGHT HE DIED!
He dropped a rocket launcher to the ground and retreated into the shadows “YOU'RE FUCKED!” I said firing a barrage of 14 rockets into his mouth as he exploded into puddle of gore.
The gate was overloading as the nuclear reactor was going haywire then I was pulled into the hellgate as the entire facility self destructed ending the demon threat.
Everything around me was on fire as people screamed in lava unable to die only to feel eternal pain. In the flaming skies above where reavers and flying demons along with flesh walls “So I am trapped in hell...no HELL IS TRAPPED HERE WITH ME!” I said swinging my Dai Katana ready to make the demons my bitch!
I sliced and diced my way through a ton of demons as a hoard of billions of them stood before me “You really have no idea who you picked a fight with.” I said taking out duel AK47s with scopes and cyan ice paint jobs opening fire into the hoard.
After running out of ammo I went into bullet time jump kicking an archdemon in the face then pulling out rapid fire desert edgles blowing a bunch of techno demons apart with AP rounds.
Loading my chainsaw I used a limit breaker throwing the chainsaw into a hell knights face mincing his brains “OVERKILL!” I shouted using Kung Foo to break a spider demons neck then I picked up the spider demon and rammed one of its legs through the mouth of a Reaver demon.
“You're out of ammo, now you will boil alive for crossing the forces of hell” Said a death knight general drawing his satanic broadsword.
I stood there with a serious look on my face powering up into my CHAOS ANGEL SUPER FORM which made them afraid of me “I DON'T NEED AMMO TO TAKE YOUR ARMIES APART!” I told the general as I round house kicked his head off then rushed through the hoards throwing millions of punches which from the air looked like a mist of blood as thousands after thousands of demons where exterminated by a ball of light.
Over the next hour I wiped out level after level of hell going to the deepest circle which was like an ice castle “FLEE WE MUST ABANDON HELL BEFORE THE DESTORYER COMES!” An ice demon cried in fear.
“We are trapped in hell we can go no where” said one of his comrades as I crashed through the roof stabbing them through the face with gaint icicles.
Then I saw him it was the satanic wizard Garth LeVay, the motherfucker who helped create my evil self “Pity you turned down the power of the Crystal Pandemonium but it matters now, hell shall rise and take the human world.” He said.
I was pissed off so I grabbed him by the neck lifting him up as he was afraid “W...what are you going to do?” He shivered.
I stuck my fingers in his mouth and ripped the top half of his head off before throwing his body away “I waited a long time to get revenge on you, now it is done.” I said before flying off to kill more ice demons.
Finally it was the elite royal guard of hell, fully armored with hell metal katanas “We must protect our master the prince of darkness!” They said as I charged up a holy Hiyako attack which torched them.
Kicking the castle doors down the large armored being with horns stood up from his massive throne IT WAS THE DEVIL HIMSELF “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM! I AM THE GOD DAMN DEVIL AND YOU WILL PAY FOR DESTORYING MY LEGIONS OF THE DAMMNED!” He screamed at me.
I no selled him looking him the eyes “I don't fear you, I killed God after all.” I said.
His tough persona quickly dropped “Oh fuck!” He said as I powered up unleashing a omegadon energy bomb attacking leaving only his smoking legs standing.
After that I gathered all the energy into me throwing it into the hell star which exploded consuming all of hell itself as the evil realm folded and was destoryed into nothingness THATS RIGHT I WIPED HELL OUT OF EXISTENCE FOREVER!
0 notes
themistressofdolls · 1 year ago
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II: https://themistressofdolls.tumblr.com/post/744437263076917248/xenos-the-cat-unleashed-ii
Chapter II:
Return to Japan and the pure heart scouts
It had been a long time since I was last in Japan but I got a new house there using my freelancer money which had a hot tub, high tech gamer pc so I could play fortnite, a switch and tons of cool anime figures too, I even made some extra side money doing boxing even defeating that weakling L Paul in a match who went down in one hit.
I was out doing some shopping in Akiba because I wanted the new manga when I saw some monsters attacking and these cute magical girls where fighting it to protect innocent lives.
“This ones too powerful Pink Heart!” Said the magical girl in the yellow fuku.
Thats when I showed up cutting the monster in half with my gunblade and finishing it off with a burst round from my devil arms “That is amazing power you have! Thank you for helping us back there, my name is Yellow Heart and we are the Pure heart scouts.”
“My name is Xenos Edgeblade but some call me Katana of justice I guess but that's a mouthful so just Xenos will do.”
War against the Black Venus kingdom
The Pure hearts told me they reincarnated from Princesses thousands of years ago who where killed by the evil Black Venus Kingdom who wanted to revive empress Iblis a force of pure evil that would corrupt the universe and they had awoken to justice as magical girls to fight queen Blackheart.
I knew I couldn't let them win so I decided to team up with the Pure hearts to fight against the Black Venus kingdom.
Suddenly there was explosion in the streets of Tokyo and I could not believe what I saw but it was the author of the shitty wizard book series Harvey Porter “I have sold my soul to the Black Venus Kingdom for power and now I shall exterminate those who do not conform to purity!” She laughed setting fire to store fronts.
I was on the scene with Pink Heart and Blue heart as we fought back “I DEMAND PROOF YOU ARE REAL GIRLS OR ELSE!” She demanded throwing more fire.
“Shut the fuck up who are you to decide who is real or not also your books fucking suck and anime is way better!” I said and charged the power of the grand sages through Odin and Zenkata as I blasted her into dust.
Pink Heart was scared of how powerful I had became but was glad I was on the side of justice “Good work but shes not the only one, many evil people sell their souls to the black kingdom for power.” She sighed.
I laughed “Yeah maybe that one did it in hopes they'd make her a decent writer.”
This was just a week enemy, a monster of the week you could even say so we had take on the real fight the four dark generals of the black venus kingdom.
Taking the fight to Venus castle
I had enough waiting around so I geared up and went to NASA “I NEED A SPACE SHUTTLE RIGHT NOW TO GO TO VENUS IN ORDER TO STOP QUEEN BLACKHEART FROM SUMMONING EMPRESS IBLIS!” I screamed at the command centre people who where nervous around me.
Pink Heart and the girls had come in “Please you must help us before its too late.” and they nodded because The Pure Hearts where beloved heroes and NASA where happy to help us.
We got armoured space suits and they took us to the shuttle and we blasted off into space.
It was a long flight but thankfully we had a TV with some anime box-sets so I watched some my hero academy to kill some time until we got there.
A storm of silver light hit the shuttle as we approached Venus and armies of flying monsters from the abyss of chaos itself “Looks like we can only head half way, just the way I like it! Storming the front gates!” I smiled and jumped out of the rocket like a falling ball of fire slicing my way through the hoard.
I put my MP3 player on playing the epic fight music from the Casshern movie as I covered my body in Lunar flames tearing through armies of chaos monsters.
Slamming into the surface of Venus the first Black Venus Kingdom general Elegentis was waiting for me sniffing a rose “Oh so you are the ruffin that dares to lay a hand on our great queen, I shall send you to eternal slumber like I once did the Pure Hearts original selves.” He fired an exploding rose then drew out a crystal rapier covered in magic.
We clashed swords in an epic duel but I was too fast as I powered up into Super Demihuman level three as my hair turned golden and longer and destroyed him with a beam attack.
I went into the crystal city which was once the seat of power for the Pure Hearts before corrupted by queen Blackheart and the corrupt Empress Iblis now it was a shiny city ruled by death knights and cultists.
It was pretty easy for me to fuck them up in super form three as I tore them to pieces with my Sutakatta gunblade then finished the rest off with a rain of double pistol bullets.
The next general had long red hair and he was called Ballkana “You will not get near the queen, the awakening of the dark devil is near.” and I was tired of his shit so I charged up an delta bomb and threw it him and he went down in one hit.
“You look like you could use help, lets use Pure Heart prismatic power!” Said Green Heart as a rainbow of light covered the monster army taking thousands of them down.
The last two generals showed, lady Shadowdance and Lord Yuno who drew weapons on us but with the combined power of level super three and the Pure Hearts we made quick work of them leaving the queen as the only threat left.
The rival of empress Iblis and my greatest battle yet
I entered the celestial castle where Queen Blackheart waited for me wearing long purple robes, high heels and a black magical staff “It is too late I have already drained the life energy from everyone on Earth to revive Empress Iblis.” She laughed and used her demonic magic to blast the Pure Hearts who screamed in pain.
“LEAVE MY FRIENDS ALONE YOU BASTARD!” I told her but she laughed and used her evil magic to weaken me.
She started to drain energy from Pink Heart and the others “Xenos, if you can destroy the Iblis core you can return the life energy to the people of Earth, take our energy and stop her!” Pink Heart begged me as the girls sent me their energy.
I got up and swung the Sutakatta gunblade at Queen Blackheart but she blocked it with the abyssal blade and did the unthinkable
Queen Blackheart used a hellfire impact knocking me down but I got up filled with the power of determination and entered my Lunar super form launching six thousand mudas at her
But each hit didn't even move her as I punched faster and faster and she just stood there taking each blow as sparks flew off each hit.
She laughed smugly with that fucking cat grin as she removed her crown SHE HAD CAT EARS JUST LIKE ME SHE WAS A DEMI HUMAN BUT REALLY POWERFUL!!!!
“My real name is Genos Blackheart EDGEBLADE! Your sister!” she laughed smugly mocking me which got under my skin but how could my sister be alive?
Pink Heart tried to stand “But you destroyed our kingdom and corrupted Venus thousands of years ago how could you do that if you where Xenos sister?” She asked.
“After the farmers destroyed our family I survived and after meeting a strange man in a box we went on adventures across time and space but I grew hungry for power betraying him. After that the lonely god of time abandoned me in the distant past but I escaped my exile when those foolish princesses took me in, training me then I betrayed them to empress Iblis.” She told Pink Heart explaining everything.
“That makes sense” I noted.
I drew my duel katanas and clashed with her “Sister or not I can't let you revive that god damn horror devil!” I told her determinated to win this fight.
The feelings of all the people I loved, the pure hearts, my friends with the Yakuza, Cinos and the freedom fighters flowed into me as I finally managed TO NO SELL HER ATTACKS AND LAND A STRONG BLOW AGAINST HER.
With all the energy I went past my Lunar superform and even super demihuman level III as prismatic energy covered me like a glowing rainbow and I felt absolute instinct mode kick in with my hair turning a glowing rainbow flash.
THIS WAS THE ULTIMATE POWER PRISMATIC SUPER FORM AND GENOS WAS SCARED NOW “How could you surpass me? I have the power of evil, of empress Iblis within me!”
I scoffed at how little she knew “Darkness is a chain it will only drag you down sister, that's why you could never truly defeat me.” and I dashed forward landing thousands of sonic punches into her breaking bones and doing massive damage.
Genos started to having a mental breakdown which I found funny as she shattered her staff and started punching the floor “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU BROTHER I HATE YOU GO EAT SHIT AND DIE IN A BASTARD FIRE!” She fired a death beam at the Iblis egg freeing the darkness as she vanished.
Vs the concept of death and damnation itself
Reality broke apart as space turned into blood and screaming and horrific skull faced eldritch horror form of Empress Iblis was floating in the field of red starts singing the death signal itself across every world at once “All shall return to nothing and all souls shall return to pain everlasting this is the purpose of life and its demise” The being spoke as I drifted in the red space.
I flew into it sparkling like a rainbow firing phantom punches of prismatic light but it wasn't doing enough damage to do much “LIFE DESERVES A CHANCE TO BE ALIVE!” I spoke the hopes and dreams of the universe.
The song I'm here played as the hopes and dreams of all beings flowed into me as I started to twitch and going crazy with the most intense energy ever as leylines of multiple colours appeared over my skin and my belted trench coat turned into a glorious golden silver and rainbow wings formed with runic symbols
THIS WAS HOLY PRIMISTIC SUPER DEMI HUMAN MODE and I felt like I could take on the concept of death itself and prove the worth of all beings.
I started firing holy Omega Gendokus at it cracking the surface of the planet shaped skull then landing on it to fire a million earthquake sized punches, I bet that gave the fucker a nasty headache.
The music got more epic motivating me to keep fighting harder as I pulled more power into me forming a blade of pure crystal prismatic light and cutting the red space in half as holy spears smashed into the red skulls surface cracking it.
“You can not stop nihilism and despair don't try it!” Iblis warned me but I didn't listen, fuck that guy so much.
I went beyond into HYPER DEMI HUMAN PRIMISTIC CHAOS ANGEL forming the blade with temporal time space axis power “FOR EVERY LIVING SOUL IN CREATION I SHALL SEND YOU TO DUST!” I shouted.
I charged the blade with the raw power of time itself then I slashed into Empress Iblis as it fell into a loot of destructive time “TRY THIS ONE LOSER!” And I punched the abomination a million time then used a destructive prismatic punch firing empress Iblis into the sun as it burned to death.
But I was not finished as I looped BEYOND THE TIME causing empress Iblis to get punched into the sun over and over and over burning infinite times.
I did a cool pose absorbing the sword and finishing the demonic bastard off with a haylon beam as it broke apart crumbling into dust killing Empress Iblis forever.
The fight against WORLD ORDER PMC
It has been a few months since I returned to Earth and I got a cool new job with Vermont Island PMC who where trying to stop terrorists and cure a disease called pathos syndrome. They headhunted me after hearing about how I epicly killed an outer god.
I got a cool silver trench coat with tons of belts to store weapons and gear along with a High Nanocarbon cyber katana and red sunglasses equipped with cyberwear allowing me to scan the situation on any mission.
I was on a mission one day with a convoy in the middle east when a rocket hit our car knocking us over but I jumped out in time doing a sick summer salt and unsheathing my katana “So someone wanted to mess around, if you know the legends that's a bad idea.” I laughed.
A big fat man with a cyber axe and a minigun arm came out of the smoke “Yeehaw my name is Warmonger and I'm here to bring back the 9/11 age when AMERICA was great and strong and we'll fuck this place up get some oil and create more war and killing yeehaw.” He laughed firing the minigun but I used my ninja moves to slow motion out of the bullets way because of time powers.
He swung his cyberaxe but my katana was able to block it “Your cyberwear is no good we have the most top of the line stuff and lots of money.” Warmonger laughed at me.
I powered up into prismatic super demihuman but he fled before I could hunt him down because he knew he would die in a face to face fight with me.
My radio went off and it was our mission controller Yuki Miyazaki “We did some intel checking they where with World order PMC a military company with ties to powerful republican party senators and the family foundation a deep pocket right wing think tank.” She told me.
But what puzzled me was why they wanted war and killing I had to find out and get answers.
I got in our helicopter returning to base when my best friend told me more data. He had a trenchcoat like mine but it was red with a lot of belts to store his weapons plus he had green sunglasses and black fur “Kazu you got the low down for me?” I asked him.
Kazu the hedgehog nodded “Yeah World Order PMC is making big moves, they want war all over the world but it seems they are being bankrolled not just by the family foundation but also the Russian federation.”
I grabbed an a cybernetic armour killer Katana, two Heckler & Koch VP9 handguns, a FAMAS, a grenade launcher, and two SCARs which had the ultra rare gold edgestrike paint job which is the rarest one ever made.
We went to New york where the HQ of World Order PMC was walking into the lobby with trench coats “Please step into the scanner” said the cyborg cops and I opened my coat showing off all my cool weapons before punching him so hard his lower ribcage shattered.
I turned out my MP3 player that had Du Hast playing as I opened fire on the cyborg security forces in the lobby even using my power to slow down time as my bullets made cool patterns in mid air. I then spun kick one guy so hard he went flying into a pillar which broke the pillar.
Kazu the hedgehog ran along the wall spraying four cyber swat guys with SCAR bullets.
Slowing time down I dropped from above and with a well timed hand movement twisted a guys neck as it snapped
Running along the wall I dropped my machine guns and took the two VP9s from my coat opening fire on some armored swat guys, getting head shots on each one, my aim was just that good.
The lobby was covered in smoke as cyber cops and swat guys lay on the ground. We went into the lift and headed to the top floor to confront who was behind this.
Suddenly the elevator doors opened and we where in some kind of lab filled with machines and computers.
“What is this fucking place Kazu? Its creeping me the hell out.” I shouted looking around for answers but then a robotic looking lizard men came in and I knew him because I saw his face on television countless times.
“MARK ROBOBERG?!” I gasped completely stunned it was the head of Fakebook the social media company.
He whirled roboticly “This is the AI lab, I made a deal with WORLD ORDER PMC to create what is called an AI content farm. With this we can create fake news and propoganda on a global level to make people think whatever brain dead ideals we seed in their pathetic human minds.” He said in the most robotic voice ever.
“The human disease is weak minded, we can create AI art and TV to fill their bellies with slop and waste which will save us billions of dollars. Not to mention with the AI system we can engineer even who can become president and what agenda they shall obey.” Mark Roboberg laughed but it was a laugh devoid of humanity, a cold laugh, an evil laugh.
I drew the katanas and took his head off then fired a haylon beam destroying him completely “You can not kill me I am inside the system now.” His voice was over the intercom.
“But if I blow up the AI lab, then you'll die.” I smirked.
The voice became sad, the first time he had even a hint of dull emotion “Oh I did not think of that one.” He sighed and I powered up into Super Lunar Demihuman blasting an omega bomb burning the entire AI system down taking Mark Roboberg out for good.
“Roboberg is just a minion, we need to find out where the dark money is coming from to fund all this.” Kazu the Hedgehog said and I agreed since we had to find out where the dark money was coming from to fund all this.
The mask of the Robo empire
We went to the next floor where Warmonger was wearing for us “You came here but you'll be too late to stop the revival of the 9/11 dream my friend yeehaw, soon we'll have a new age of war and anti terrorism like the good old days of the 2000s yeeehaw.” He laughed throwing his armoured trench coat away showing he was augmented into a giant killing robot.
“AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU TO TRY AND STOP US!” Warmonger said as he smashed is giant fist into the floor knocking us all down
Warmonger turned his arms into rocket launchers firing 100s of missiles at me and Kazu which we dodged as I flash kicked him right in the face cracking it.
He then armed his mini guns firing thousands of rounds and lasers and grenades and bombs “This guys not giving up, lets use the cross slash limit breaker Kazu!” AND WE DID!
We crossed out blades glowing with prismatic magical power charging forward in an X formation as we sliced him in half. The cut was so clean it cut his power reactor in half as he exploded into pieces.
“One more floor, lets confront the CEO of World order PMC.” Kazu said and we went up to the penthouse level.
The list topped and we exited in a gold room with water foundations, statues and windows overlooking the entire city at night.
That's when the big boss sitting on a throne smoking a cigar came to greet us “I watched you on the CCTV, it was most amusing. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am Bron DeSanta republician politician, future president and CEO of World order.” He was licking pudding from his fingers “Rero rero rero yummy.” He had a twisted face.
I took out my golden caster pistols aiming them at the fat fucks face “This ends now, you're not going to get your new 9/11 asshole!” I warned him and I was DEADLY SERIOUSLY!
DeSanta snapped his fingers as robo soldiers came in and we fought them off but more kept coming “You can die here for my entertainment like the rest of the non normal people who will be purged when I take over with the help of the family foundation, Russia and the Robo empire.” the bastard laughed smoking his cigar and drinking whiskey
Kazu opened fire blowing apart a bunch of robo soldiers while I sliced even more up with my katanas “I have more frags than you, you gotta move faster Kazu.” I chuckled as we made a game of it.
After bagging the last robo soldier the fat republician got up throwing his cigar away and laughing as he turned into fire melting his fake skin AND HE WAS A BUFF ANDROID ROBOT SUPER SOLDIER “Hahaha, its true I am a secret sleeper agent for the Robo empire and our plan was the weaken your pathetic human institutions to prep for our invasion.” and he turned his arm into a machine rifle opening fire as he heelied around the room.
The robo general grabbed Kazu punching him with his electro fists and sending a million volts into him before body slamming him into the statues “OOOF FUCK!” Kazu shouted.
I got in the way and unloaded 10000 shots into the robo general who tried to helicopter spin kick me over and over.
No choice left I WENT INTO CYBERNETIC SUPER MODE as the kandatsu runes circled me allowing me to unlock BLADE DANCE MODE and I slowed down time and started to slash the robo general 100s of times cutting through him as bits of him and limbs went over the room each one exploding.
All that was left was his head as I aimed my guns in the air in slow motion “JACK POT BABY!” I said unleashing over a 100 bullets as his head and CPU exploded into bits leaving nothing of him.
With the robot Bron DeSanta destoryed the signal to summon the Robo empire was shut down but I knew their invasion force was still out there in the dark space waiting AND I WOULD BE READY FOR THEM!
After that me and Kazu sent the World order PMC buildings reactor core up blowing the building up, it did some damage to the near by area but the police had evacuated people anyway so nobody got hurt at least.
Working for the CIA again and the defence of potato town
I left my PMC job because I wanted a break but before I could I was grabbed by some black ops guys into a helicopter and it was the director of the CIA “Welcome back Xenos Edgeblade, we need you to do some jobs for us.”
The director chuckled “We can clean your record after that incident in Japan.” And he got me there as I remembered what I did to Nyan-Chan which made me feel bad because I went a little too far back then.
“You see I need you to join a crack team with our agent Banana split to defend Potato town which is under attack from the Pineapple computer company which wants to knock it down to build a new gigafactory which would displace thousands of people and its not in our interests you could say.”
I read the files about the colourful town and how gangs of mercs had been fighting over it for a while in the battle royale wars which was alright with me since I enjoyed a good battle “Alright I'm in but you better honour our deal.” I warned him.
I met the crew such as Banana Split who was half banana, Joe Sunshades and Agent H who where all pretty awesome people and we rode on the battle truck which was a truck but it had hang gliders on it so we could fly it over Potato town.
We jumped off the battle truck and opened fire on the Pineapple company mercenaries who had constructed a fort there but I got a rocket launcher and demolished it as they where on fire screaming and I laughed “Suck it down!” I taunted them.
It was an easy fight as I managed to take down over four enemy forts but what I was surprised with was the enemy had somehow recruited THE BOOGEYMAN KILLER to aid them as he swung his butcher knife at me looking into my soul that that fucking evil mask with black holes instead of eyes “Silent type eh?” I spat.
I drop kicked him then shot and stabbed him but he kept getting back up because he was a supernatural killer.
But then I WENT PRISMATIC SUPER MODE AND USED THE SENDOKEN HAY KO ATTACK AND VAPORIZED HIM! He wouldn't be coming back to life from that one.
With their top fighter gone me and Banana Split along with Agent H made quick work of the final fort as we made our way to the Pineapple CEOs base.
Inside the base I gunned down his elite mercs and kicked down the doors to the control room as the Pineapple CEO sat their in his smug business suit “Xenos Edgeblade betray your friends to me and I shall pay you double if you help my company own everything we can own”
“Fuck the shut up I will never work for a scumbag CEO like you!” I told him as I shot him in the face and he WAS DEAD!
That night we had a huge party playing arcade games and drinking cola and it was a good time.
Fighting the Soulless
After completing my deal the CIA director let me go and cleared all the charges against me as I went back to having a normal life.
That's when some black creatures attacked me like shadow beings and I slashed them but it did no good “What the fuck why won't you die?!” I fired beams at them but it also did nothing but thats when a young kid with brown hair showed up with Lightsword cutting them down.
“You're lucky I came here, those where the soulless, evil creatures that where once people but their souls where taken away turning their bodies into evil shadow creatures that spread across the worlds turning them into dark cores.”
I thanked the kid for saving me “What's your name and how did your weapon hurt them while mines didn't?” I asked him.
“I'm Sona, I fight the Soulless with the Lightblade which is given to chosen knights of Heart to protect the worlds from the rising tide of darkness.” He explained and it made sense to me and I wanted to help him fight these dark creatures.
“Ok I believe you.” I said and offered to join his fight.
We went through a portal to the world of Fae which was under attack by an army of Soulless and I went into my Holy Knight super form and summoned my Lightblade the ragnarok which was a sword of red light with a spiked handle and I cut through an army of thousands of which and Sona was shocked “You where chosen to weld a light blade too? This must be destiny, you are the chosen knight of heart.” He said.
Me and Sona fought back to back as we cleared the Soulless out saving the Fae world “Thank you for saving us you will be legendary heroes within our stories.” Said the queen of the Fae who gifted us with powerful diamonds.
“Take these two chaos diamonds, may they protect you in the battles to come.” She smiled.
Storming Castle despair
I fought many battles against the Soulless over the next few months and after killing all the boss types we learned they where coming from the world of castle Despair where their leader must be hiding out. I figured if I killed the asshole I could put an end to the invasion of Soulless and restore light to existence.
We took a lightship breaching the nexus wall as we arrived in the sky above castle despair which was infested with armoured Soulless. I jumped out turning into a rainbow fire ball “DEATH FROM ABOVE SHITHEADS!” I shouted slamming the ground which set tons of them flying and I made quick work of them with the ragnarok lightblade.
After that me and Sona stormed the gates entering the castle where too fat boss enemies where waiting for me but I went into Holy Super mode and cleved them with the powered Lightblade.
“Lets go upstairs, the boss must be in the gateroom from back when this was the world of Lightneia a place belonging to the knights of old.” Sona said and we charged upwards clearing out each floor before we arrived at the gate room which was infested with darkness corruption.
Finally we arrived in the portal room after slaughtering tens of thousands of the soulless and thats when a man with long white hair, a massive katana and a black and silver outfit was waiting for us “This is Antuo the seeker of souls, he is the one who unleashed the flood of the soulless.” Sona said and armed his lightblade and I armed mine too.
“He'll be soulless when I'm done with him.” I smiled reassuring Sona I had the situation well in hand.
An aura of darkness covered Antuo “I am Antuo seeker of darkness, I wanted knowledge of the ones with no souls so I sacrificed this world to them to get it and know I am close to becoming the god of all Soulless, you will join the tide of darkness soon enough.” And he summoned the black lightblade DESPAIR which was too powerful.
But I felt the light and summoned my new ultimate lightblade HOPEBRINGER and he was real scared then “HOW COULD HOPEBRINGER CHOOSE YOU ITS IMPOSSIBLE NOTHING CAN STOP THE DARKNESS!” and he attacked but HOPEBRINGER blocked DESPAIRs attack and we crossed blades having an epic fight across the castle ruins.
“BECAUSE THE COSMOS IS LIGHT AND I AM ITS CHOOSEN GUARDIAN THATS WHY YOU CAN NEVER WIN BECAUSE YOU HATE THE POTENTAL THE SOUL HAS!” And I cut him in half after I entered my light bringer form and he was consumed by the portals light.
Finally the soulless where destoryed but before me and Sona could celebrate the portal exploded pulling me in.
The world of the rose and becoming a student of plant
I woke up on the road dodging a high tech looking car but when I saw the sky I realized this wasn't castle Despair or even Earth I WAS ON A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORLD!
A green haired lady with a whip looked down on me “You are hurt? Why are you sleeping on the road?” She asked and I got up.
“I wasn't sleeping I was fighting the soulless when a portal blew up and sent me here!” I told her everything and she believed me.
She nodded “I am Rika a teacher at Oasis a series of schools which train mercenaries to go missions all across the world, you seem like you have potential, if you want you could enlist to become a student, we call students of Oasis PLANTS” She told me and it seemed cool so I agreed signing up to become an Oasis student.
Over the next month I learned this world was called Rose and a military empire called Galhardia was invading other countries to do something called imperialism and I didn't like that so I doubled down on my PLANT training to get even more stronger.
One morning I was in the OASIS training centre beating a punching bag but it was no normal punching bag since I was too powerful for that, no it was a punching bag filled with tungstenthe strongest metal on earth and I punched it 100s of times as the bag flew into the air exploding “I'll need another a bag and more tungsten, they can't handle my power level, haha.”
A fellow PLANT called Setsuna came in, he was my classmate and sparring buddy who wore a sick black coat with gold lines and had a cool golden katana “Yo Xenos, training eh?” He grinned and we did a badass handshake between two bros because we where tight.
After that we went to get launch together, it was chili dogs WHICH I LOVED but we fought over who would get the last batch because I was so hungry I could eat a house but we all laughed together about it then went out to town to play at the arcade that night.
At the end of the month we where brought to the main hall to be briefed on the battle exam a live combat situation where only the best of the best students would pass and become PLANT members! I was confident I was going to axe the exam because I had tons of experience and training that it would probably be too easy for me.
Headmaster Jack Tobin greeted all the students “As of 1400 hours the nation of Galhardia invaded the small country of Umber sending in shocktroopers, the mayor of Umber has hired OASIS to help push Galhardia forces out, good luck.” He said and we geared up going into battle.
We got on an airship flying over the ocean “Are you scared?” I laughed.
Setsuna just shrugged “Not a chance I'm pumped to finally see some real action instead of just monster hunting.” And we looked down seeing bombs going off and soldiers fighting as we parachuted out of the airship landing on the beach as we opened fire with guns and swords “SUCK IT DOWN MOTHERFUCKERS!” I shouted unloading into an armoured trooper.
I then drew my Omega Crystal Gunblade which was forged with emerald mana crystals and nano metal making it the strongest gunblade I had forged yet “You don't want to die? Oh boo hoo, you got into combat so you made your bed SLEEP IN IT!” I smirked drawing my Ragnorak light blade as I duel welded the Omega Crystal and Ragnorak tearing through the front line troops as OASIS made their way into the city centre.
A cute girl student with a sniper rifle approached us “Hey Xenos I am from squad two we got sent to back you up what's the situation.” Leena asked us.
“We wiped out the forces on the beach and now we need to target the occupied military base in the forest.” I told her as we loaded up fighting through the red elite soldiers who had red uniforms and tougher more hi tech armour but my new gunblade cut through it like butter while Setsuna and Leena backed me up.
As we got to the forest we noticed the Galhardia forces where in mobile armours which where heavy power armour suits with mini gun and flamethrower arms “Looks like they're sending out the welcome wagon” I said and went into my Prismatic super form as I charged focused unleashing a slash of pure light as they exploded “GO GO GO THE WAY FORWARDS CLEAR!” I ordered as my squad charged forward.
We ran into some tanks and I shouted “MISEIKO!!” I shouted firing a ripple of powerful beams from the right hand blowing apart the legion of Galhardia tanks “SEND YOUR ARMIES THERE'S NO MAN OR MACHINE THAT CAN HOLD ME BACK!” I threatened them and the surviving soldiers peed their pants in fear because they knew they had no way to stop me.
Then I summoned Ki fire magic and burned the surviving soldiers to death as they screamed “No mercy for war mongers like you!” I said.
Reaching the end of the forest we saw the occupied military base with tons of Galhardia soldiers “What's the plan Xenos?” Asked Leena.
Setsuna was rubbing his chin “We could try sneak in, take them by surprise?”
But I grabbed my gunblade “Lets rock the house down, we out power them and they won't expect a direct frontal assault.” and I charged forward unleashing metor magic which blew the front line down.
Then I vaulted from the air cutting a commander unit down with my gunblade before I pulled out my guns and opened fire blowing even more men away.
After that Setuna and Leena joined the assault killing even more Galhardia soldiers clearing the way as I assaulted the base cutting town mobile armour soldiers and more.
We reached the main hanger where the enemy command was waiting in a giant mecha armed to the teeth “This is carbon Gear the ultimate weapon and with it I will crush PLANT and take this weak country for the empire.” He said arming the machine as he fired a barrage of heavy rockets down me on me as I slowed time and dodge rolled.
“Annoying pest, eat this!” He said firing heavy machine fire which I also dodged as I fired back with Hedoku blasts hitting the machine.
Setsuna backed me up as he fired a homing missile at the mechs communication system blinding it “Good work, let me take care of the rest.”
I jumped into the air slowing time down as I went into primatic super cyber demi human UNLEASHED mode and then entered Blade dance form as I started slashing the machine over a million times as pieces went flying and exploding everywhere.
The commander ejected as he tried to fight me in hand to hand combat but I punched his so hard his chest exploded and he was dead.
“Good work Xenos, we did it now lets get back to the airship” Leena smiled and kissed me which made me blush.
After liberating Umber we returned to OASIS to see what grades we got in the battle exam and thats when Headmaster Jack showed up “Good work Xenos Edgeblade, Setsuna and Leena you all got S ranks which means you are now PLANTs.” and we where happy we passed the battle exam.
That night we would go to the ball to celebrate our victory and think about the future.
The Enchantress takes over
I was at the ball and danced with Leena who had the hots for me but I was not that really into dating so I didn't know what to say because my true love was fighting “I was thinking maybe we could go out together” we danced at the ball while looking at the sky above.
The next day we got our first mission as Headmaster Jack came to greet us “You must go to Galhardias captial city and assassinating the Enchantress who is working with the dictator to get power for herself and take over the world of Rose.”
We got on our armored train which took us to the next continent but we had to use fake Ids so the Galhardia boarder patrol didn't suspect us of being PLANT members.
The train arrived in the city of Piatis which was full of neon lights and grand art which made it a shame to know it was run by the fascist Galhardia government making me want to liberate it even harder.
“I an agent Hagard from PLANTS north sector academy, so you're the team for this mission.” He greeted us.
“That's right me, Leena and Setsuna are the best there is and we're ready to prove it.” I told him and my eyes alone showed I was deadly serious.
Taking the tram we arrived at Hagards penthouse in the city, he'd been living here undercover for a while it seems. He poured himself a bepsi then gave us the low down “The enchantress is the most powerful magic user on the planet Rose, she arrived long ago as an adviser to the political class and over time they became more extreme war mongers invading other lands.” He told us.
He continued his explanation “She plans to take over Galhardia and is only using Chancellor Penjamin Nepanyahu for her own agenda, she is a being of pure evil and has to be destroyed before she can rise to power as the final anti Christ.”
Then I saw the newspaper which shocked me THE ENCHANTRESS WAS MY SISTER GENOS EDGEBLADE “HOW THE FUCK DID GENOS SURVIVE AND GET TO ROSE?!” I shouted and everyone was stunned.
“Wait, Xenos you know her?” Asked Setsuna.
I grimaced and nodded “She's my sister but she turned to evil long ago when she wiped out a kingdom of magical girls and attempted to revive a horror from beyond the void BUT I KILLED IT AND SENT HER TO OTHERWORLD but it seems she survived and somehow established herself on this world so I must stop her and finish what I started.” I said grabbing a sniper rifle, a bepis can and my duel guns.
We took our positions on the grassy knoll and there was a big parade with witches and magi there as the enchantress Genos Edgeblade came to the stand to give her speech. She was wearing a red royal dress, a crown filled with rainbow gems and a gold staff with a magical ruby “Shes here, this is it.” Setsuna said.
She began her speech “I will be the terror of the night that leads you to an era of blood and death! We shall butcher the lands and take their resources to grow more power in our never ending empire! Those that serve me shall be rewarded while the weak will be skinned alive and put display as an example to the filth!” She said and the crowd clapped clearly brainwashed by years of propaganda.
Chancellor Penjamin Nepanyahu looked worried “That's not the platform of my government, that's a bit too far even for me.” He said and she looked at him with her smug cat grin AND RIPPED HIS FUCKING HEART OUT AND THE CROWD CHEERED!
The sickening parade went on and I was disgusted at how brainwashed the people where as they openly accepted the creation of a fascist state under my sister “We need to stop her, I have to take the shot.” I told Setsuna aiming the magitech sniper rifle and firing towards Genos Edgeblades head but she blocked the shot.
Thats when she saw me from a distance and pointed “XENOS YOU MOTHERFUCKER DID YOU THINK A SNIPER ROUND COULD KILL ME? DO YOU REALLY THINK I AM THAT FUCKING WEAK YOU PIECE OF SHIT? FUCK YOU! I REALLY MEAN IT FUCK YOU!” She shouted and I grabbed a motorcycle charging towards her as I drove it into her face and it exploded.
I then jumped into the air bringing down a rain of magical bullets on top of her before unleashing a brave slash and entering combat mode.
“I'm not going to let you ruin this world, as a member of OASIS its my duty to stop monsters like you sister!” I told her because I was serious about fighting.
But what shocked me more was the Crystal Pandemonium blocking my blade, my sister had teamed up with my dark self ZENOS VOIDEDGE “This world shall enter an age of depravity and chaos.” He smiled as I had to fight the two of them off.
Genos fired balls of omega magic at me while Zenos attacked with chaos slash making it hard for me to get a hit in “I have no choice.” as I powered up into my prismatic cyber form form but my evil self punched me so hard HE PUNCHED THE SUPER OUT OF ME!
Then to make it worse he went super himself in Dark super chaos demi human “I have grown stronger to meet you in battle my loathsome light side” Zenos grinned as he started kicking me while I was down.
Dashing forward I tried to throw some punches at Zenos but he flash stepped and kicked me in the back.
Setsuna and Leena came to assist me “I can do this, don't put yourselves in danger!” I asked them but they just smiled at me drawing their weapons.
“We won't let you fight alone Xenos, thats what the power of friendship is all about, right?” Leena said and cast a massive wall of fire allowing me to get the advantage as I perried Zenos attacks and was able to stab him.
He healed through and powered up but thats when I floated in the air thinking about all my friends who stood by me as glowing blue energy flowed towards me.
“No you can't do this to me, thats not fair.” Genos said blasting me with spell after spell aiming her staff at me to unleashed forbidden destructive magic.
I used a holy bomb to blast Zenos my dark self into dust then charged forward as my body glowed with light dropping thousands of high speech light punches into Genos.
Then I drew all the blue light into me forming a crystal railgun out of the particles “CRYSTAL DRIVE DRIVER ULITMA!” I said forming the crystal railgun and blasting a non stop beam of pure cleansing energy into Genos as she disintegrated ending the threat of the enchantress once and for all.
As I returned to my normal friend my comrades hugged me “The threat is over but we need to de-radicalize these people and restore democracy” I said.
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themistressofdolls · 1 year ago
Xenos the Cat UNLEASHED II
Chapter I: https://www.tumblr.com/themistressofdolls/743616576495009792/xenos-the-cat-unleashed
Chapter II:
We landed the jump jet in an underground cave system and started to use parts to build a high tech base where we lived for the next five years.
We played games and had fun but I was bored and wanted to go to the surface to fight back against Baconman that's when we decided to form the freedom fighters!
I went to rusted jumpjet cleaning up out guns and we repaired it and flew to the surface world which was a wasteland now, all the forests and nature was gone “I'll land us in the western kingdom.” Felix the fox said and landed the jumpjet.
We landed in a ruined town filled with skeletons that had been dead a long time “What the hell happened here???!!!!!” I was angry.
Inside a building we found a note that was handed out to the people from Doctor Baconman.
“As your religious pope our enemies of sin are drawing near, thus for the final order all citizens must kill themselves to go to heaven under my command.”
I was fucking sickened by the note “Religion makes people stupid! They took their own fucking lives because of that asshole brainwashing them!” I clenched my fist.
Those who didn't die in the war had been brainwashed by Doctor Baconmans evil religion then made to take their own lives, no nobody but the freedom fighters and Baconmans robots where left.
Fist the echidna was furious as he punched the wall and cried “HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!” He screamed as Cinos hugged him.
“I can't believe it, religion convinced every human, every demihuman on the planet to take their own lives because of some lie of an afterlife.”
I shrugged apathetically because I was above such notions of stupid people “More like a religion of evil, if these people put their stock in it then it only proves they where pretty dumb.”
Operation doomsday and the truth of Parabus
After investigating the ruins we learned Doctor Ivan Baconman had constructed a factory city called mechrotropolis where his citadel was so we got in the jump jet and started our final plan to bring down his empire and avenge the furry people!
In the control room of the citadel Doctor Ivan Baconman watched on the monitors “It tickles my dead black heart to see the planet in ruins Pibley, hahaha.” Baconman laughed
“Yes sire.” Pibley said spinelessly
Typing on the controls Pibley activated the defence systems firing missiles at our jump jet “We're going to crash, hold on tight! Ahhhh!” Fist said and I grabbed my buster sword, duel pistols and jumped sky diving without a parachute because my mana allowed me to use feather fall magic.
“HERE I COME BACAONMAN! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE THEN TOO BAD, COPE AND CRY!” I laughed as I started shooting down tons of his robots pretty easily.
A big robot with mini guns for arms and duel rocket launchers attacked but I used hadoken blast to blow it to smithereens “You went down like a bitch.” I laughed and Cinos and the others where impressed with how powerful I had grown in five years.
Baconman was watching on his machine throne punching the computers “PIBLEY KILL THAT FUCKING CAT BOY! KILL HIM! KILL HIM!” He picked Pibley up by the collar choking him.
“Y...yes sire at once sire!” Pibley cried sending stronger tactical robots out.
I went super on command and blew the robots apart with a single Ki Sinki beam “Is that the best you've got? Pathetic, I'm coming to end this Bacon boy!” and I blew up the main gate and flew into the base cutting down 100s of robots with my buster sword.
“Begin operation doomsday, if I can not have planet Parabus NOBODY CAN!” Baconman smiled with evil and his robotic eyes glowed red.
Rushing to the bases reactor core I fought two G809 robots which where heavily armed and put up a fight but Cinos spin dashed them and I was able to blast them with a hailstorm of bullets as they exploded “We're almost there lets kick Bacon boys imperial butt!” Cinos smiled and ran in at light speed.
Fist the echidna then drop slammed the ground sending robots into the air as they exploded into pieces of scrap “You want a fight, you got one!” Fist taunted.
We arrived at the reactor chamber and Doctor Baconman was there in a gaint mecha armed to the teeth “So you must be Xenos the one working with that annoying hedgehog Cinos, I will make mincemeat out of you.” Baconman was pretty pissed off which was funny to me.
“You're going to die for ruining the planet Parabus.” I drew my buster sword.
Baconman armed his mecha and laughed “You fool you have no idea, the planet Parabus is EARTH IN THE FAR FUTURE! Aliens attacked and humans and aliens used horrific weaponry that ruined the planet and created a new age and furries but you all forgot the black history and repeated the cycle of war! In fact humans where so stupid I was able to take over their religion and use it to control them because religion is for stupid people hahahahaha!”
I got pissed off remembering the millions who died because of what Doctor Baconman did during the war and when he became pope.
“TIME TO DIE!” I shouted.
But the doctor wagged his finger as his robotic eyes glowed and he took out a switch “I recreated the same photon gene bombs used in the war three thousand years ago which are buried under the earth and when I press this button operation doomsday will begin turning the bombs on as they explode the planets core!”
A hologram appeared showing me the black history, warfare between mech armors, nuclear bombs raining on the planet over and over then alien bio-mutagenic weapons cracking the crust as a new war turned the planet to hell with overlords, fascists, rebels and regimes rising and falling over the eons to where we are today.
“This is the black history and you where part of it hahaha.” The Doctor smirked.
He then typed into his mechas command console “Now I shall create a new black history and reduce this planet into molten slag.”
I wasn't scared of such a stupid threat as I flash stepped instant teleporting next to him as I sliced his trigger finger arm off with my buster sword as black blood sprayed everywhere “MY ARM YOU PIECE OF SHIT I HATE YOU!” Baconman screamed in pain and I laughed.
“GO TO HELL AND DON'T COME BACK!” And I punched him through the chest and crushed his nanomachine powered cyborg heart as the life drained from him.
Doctor Ivan Baconman the brutal tyrant of the planet Parabus and bane of the freedom fighter was dead.
Constructing the Sutakatta gunblade
As the base began to self destruct the reactor created a portal and I was pulled in falling through a vortex as I crashed into a strange temple and there was a miko priestess there “WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU WHAT HAPPENED TO CINOS?!” I shouted.
“My name is Reimi Hikari a shrine maiden, you must be an outsider.” She smiled joyfully at me which I found pretty annoying but it started to grow on me.
I sighed “Who the hell are you calling an outsider and where am I?” I shouted because this was a strange place with forests and mountains.
“You are in Genshinki a land of magic that boarders on the Earth world as you know it, here the mysterious lives in harmony but you must be careful because humans can be eaten by youkai here if they are not careful.” She explained to me.
I laughed “I'm not human, I'm a cat and I know how to fight so don't worry about me.”
Some vampire girls where starting an incident and Reimi and her friends had to go stop them so I decided to help out, when they saw how powerful my super form was they quickly backed down realizing that messing with me was a bad idea.
Me and Reimi as well as her friend Marcala became a good team as we went on a few adventures to stop rouge youkai and magicians.
One day we went to the angel mountain where the Goddess Lunaria lived “This is where the golden forge is, a forge created by the Gods of old.” Marcala explained as went inside and the forge was huge.
“THIS IS AMAZING!” I gasped and the Goddess Lunaria appeared and she was beautiful.
She looked at my weapons “Reimi said you wanted a sword, I can help you form a legendary weapon that will complement your incredible power!” She said.
That's when I had an idea “Make me something cool, I want a gunblade! Then my enemies will think twice before they fuck with me in the future.”
We gathered chaos metal the rarest metal in Genshinki along with ultima grade mana crystals and omega carbon metal as I helped hammer the forge constructing the blade and blessing it with the power of the 50 spirits of the divine sages.
Through the celestial fires the SUTAKATTA GUNBLADE WAS FORGED and I marked it with my own blood to sign it as mine as I swung the blade and its shock wave alone was so powerful it cleaved a wall in half “NOW I'M PLAYING WITH POWER!” I smirked.
The lunar fall ceremony
One morning everyone in Genshinki started going crazy as a fairy with a chainsaw came into the shine “I WANT TO SEE THE PRETTY RED WATER COME OUT OF HEHE!” And she spun around with the chainsaw but I cut it in half with the Sutakatta gunblade.
I used cure of moons to restore her since I knew some kind of force had corrupted her AND I WAS RIGHT!
“What the hell is going on and why you acting so crazy?” I asked her and the fairy calmed down realizing what she tried to do.
The blue haired water fairy tried to remember “It was last night there was a bright glow from the moon and everyone became angry and insane.” She cried.
I realized a dangerous incident was happening so I got geared up putting on my cool wizard trenchcoat and taking my gunblade. I had been here a while and studied magic so I had gotten a lot better at casting high level spells “Something must be wrong with the moon.” It was easy for me to piece that together because I used my mind palace which let me think really fast.
Outside it was chaos in the forests and human town of Steamberg as everyone was on a rampage torturing and killing each other “I won't let the god damn moon ruin this beautiful world I have come to love!” I screamed to the heavens.
I tracked down my friend and fellow merc Udon Bunny who was a demihuman like me but half bunny instead of cat “What is doing this? You have history with the moon you must know something!” I asked.
“Its the Lunar fall ceremony, you see a thousand years ago people settled on the moon under the Goddess Tsukuyomi but they grew to hate humans because they where infested with the concept of sin and even worse they hate Genshinki more because they seem them as the most impure of beings who must be purged.” she told me and it made my blood boil.
It made my blood boil with fire “They remind me of another group from the Earth world we called nazis.” I snapped back BECAUSE I HATE NAZIS!
War against the Lunarians
I flew towards the boarder of Genshinki where a golden spaceship was there setting up a relay device with some bunny soldiers “So Udon Bunny was right, it is the moon.”
A katana welding woman with an eye patch was there “So you must be the legendary Xenos but the power of the Lunar gods makes us invincble so why not just lay down and accept your death because you have no chance against us.” She smugged.
I went super mode as my hair turned gold and my aura was more bright it seemed in my anger I had became an asended super demi human “What is this power, how did you became an asended demi human?” The general lady was shocked and tried to channel her goddesses power into her katana but I teleported out of the way and drove the Sutakatta gunblade through her chest as blood and guts went everywhere and the bunny soldiers where fucking terrified because I took their powerful general out in one hit “Welcome to the slaughter, motherfuckers!” I grinned as I started taking them out and they screamed in terror as I sliced and diced them with my gunblade then blew the rest up with ki attacks.
Remembering the taoist teachings I learned I used the flow to pick up their golden space ship which scared Udon and Reimi “Don't worry I've got this.” and I spun at light speed and threw the ship which blasted into space and smashed into the Lunar capital on the moon as causing a nuclear blast.
Then I flew into space focusing all my power as I slammed into the moon.
The Lunarian locals where scared shitless as a tainted Earth person dared step on their world “They are an inferior lifeform, they poison our great holy land by standing here!” Shouted a Lunar noble so I fired a hadoken beam blowing him up.
“The world below is my domain and anyone who fucks with it is messing me and for hurting those I care about YOU'RE GONNA KNOW REAL PAIN!” I warned them but it didn't stop them as the Lunarian knights and Samurai came out to fight me with high level moon magic.
I took out my MP3 player putting the song holy frick on getting me into an epic mood as I started punching the soldiers guts out taking them out one by one at high speeds.
Powering back up into asended super demihuman I flew high speed turning hundreds of lunarian elite soldiers into gibs while launching thousands of punches while flying “Muda muda muda muda muda muda muda muda!” I shouted
Channeling my form I used ulitma magic to blow up buildings and even used the flow to throw larger buildings into soldiers.
Suddenly some castle guards stopped me in massive armor they put up more of a fight but I used the absolute blood shell attack from my gunblade cracking their lunarian armor then I sliced them up as they went down.
I used the X slash cutting the castle doors into four pieces and ran inside as I cut down guard after guard making my way to the top floor to find the nasty eugenics woman who was running the entire lunarian operation.
At the top floor which was like a palace the leader was an elegant women with a katana and fan and her magical power was over the limit “I am lady Tomoyo commander of the Lunar armed forces, so you are demi human interfearing with her cleansing operation of the earth but know this by destorying the tainted boarder world we will spread purity to earth world and bring an era of peace.” She said.
“Peace? AT THE COST OF MY FRIENDS!? THATS NO PEACE WORTH PAYING!” I pointed my gunblade at her.
She giggled “A few million lives is a perfect price for peace, after all how many breads do you eat?” Lady Tomoyo laughed with no empathy for her victims.
Rushing forward with pure rage in my asended super form I punched her over 500 times at light speed but she dodged each blow and the hits that did connect did zero damage to her “WHAT KIND OF POWER IS THIS AND WHY CAN'T I DO ANY DAMAGE!”
She glowed with a bright light light and fired thousands of beams at me as I took a lot of damage, it was the first time in a while someone put up a real fight against me.
“Heel boy!” She smirked at me turning her katana into a metal whip as she slashed me with it over and over
Lady Tomoyo then summoned silver spears of moonlight stabbing me in my arms and legs as I was pinned to the wall.
The moonlight ceremony shined through the window as it touched my blood but because of my power and strong will it didn't drive me insane but instead I felt the flow of the moon goddess in my being as silver light covered me “I let myself go to the power of the moon like the magic users of the eternaity kingdom!” I said as the moonlight covered me surpassing all my previous forms as I exploded into light with silver spiked hair and a silver trench coat which sparked.
“This is impossible the moon serves us the true and most pure beings HOW COULD THE GODDESS GIVE YOU POWER AN INFERIOR LIKE YOU!” Lady Tomoyo screamed as her once beauitful face had the most ugly pissed off expression, she was really seething hard.
Feeling my unlocked power my speed supassed lady Tomoyo who couldn't keep up as I channeled silver energy into Sutakatta breaking her katana whip into pieces then I punched her two thousand times at sonic boom speed with each punch cracking a rib over and over “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!” I shouted punching her again and again and kicking her hard in the face as she smashed through a wall and out into the lunar surface as I flew after her “YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY FROM ME YOU MOON NAZI BASTARD!” I shouted kicking her into the air.
The injustice of what she did flashed through my memory, the millions the Lunarians would have killed had I not stopped them “I realize what I must do I HAVE TO FINISH YOU OFF SO YOUR EVIL REIGME DIES WITH YOU!” Then I flew at light speed as my fists slammed into her chest and her back burst spraying blood everywhere.
Then I kept flying before punching her into the surface of Mars where she exploded.
However I exhusted so much energy and reverted back to super demihuman one as I drifted back to Earth and started burning up in the atmosphere.
I crashed into Japan just outside Tokyo and some yakuza guys took me in and nursed me back to health “We found you outside the city pretty beat up so we got some medicine to help you because you look pretty badass like us.” Said the tough Yakuza guy in the white suit.
“Thanks for the help but I can look after myself.” and I used a taoist healing meditation techquine called a healing trance to regenerate myself which impressed the yakuza clan.
The tough guy respected me “You seem pretty strong, our clan the Shinigami Yakuza have been attacked by our rival the orge alliance who are working with some strong fighter who killed some of our best guys.” He told me.
I wanted a challenge so I told the yakuza guy that I'd take care of it.
Out on the street I was fucking shocked to see who it was IT WAS ZENOS MY DARK SELF AND HE WAS KILLING SHINIGAMI PEOPLE “I thought I destoryed you back in America!” I took out the Sutakatta while Zenos drew the Crystal pandemonium blade which transformed into the Crystal pandemonium GUNBLADE.
“Evil never dies Xenos no matter how many times you kill it.” He said with a sick smile and we clashed blades but I powered up into my Lunar super form and cut him into four pieces then fired a lunar Kanaihen beam atomizing him once and for all.
The tough Yakuza guy thanked me and his name turned out to be Ken Ryugati so we had a big feast that night and they declared me a friend of the Shinigami clan.
My life in Tokyo
It had been a few months since I settled down and moved in with my new girlfriend Nyan Chan and her best friends Nekomata and Ryo-Owo who where cat demihumans like me and we had fun adventures plus I started going to school with them because growing up as I did I never managed to get an education.
School in Japan was pretty fun all things considered plus with all powerful I was the bullies never fucked with anyone or else they would deal with me.
We had lunch together like we did every day “Try the bento box Xeno its a Japanese delicacy.” Nyan chan smiled and it tasted really good.
I also had a can of monster assault to wash it down because its my favourite flavor “Lets hit the arcades after class Nyan chan.” I said and WE DID!
Me, Nyan-Chan, Nekomata, Ryo-Owo and the others from class went down to the Akiba arcade which was massive and had every arcade machine from shooters to dance machines and we had an amazing time.
I got the high score in BEMANI which blew everyone away “Wow, Xenos you're amazing at gaming.” Said one of the girls from class who had a crush on me but she had no chance because my heart belonged to Nyan-Chan.
The Evil headmaster strikes
One day at school everyone was weird and acting like a bunch of fucked up conformists complete with fucked up uniforms like they where in some kind of nazi youth group “What the fucking hell is going on?” I shouted and they pointed at me.
“You have free will you will be punished by the new headmaster” they all said together in a creepy voice so I used a sonic strike attack to knock them out, I broke a few bones but I didn't kill anyone because it seemed they where under some kind of hypnosis.
I met Ryo-Owo and she told me a new headmaster had taken over the school called Ken Starmer and had brainwashed people to become conformists to serve his evil agenda.
Someone had to confront this Evil headmaster and brainwashing my friends was a fast track way to end up in a body bag so I grabbed the Sutakatta gunblade and my High breaker katana and went to find the headmasters office.
I confronted Ken Starmer who had purple sunglasses on and a white jacket looking like some kind of fucked up alien scientist “I knew you where coming here, you are a rule breaker and we can not allow rule breaking in our new orderly and proper society of British values which I am bringing to Japan.” Said Ken Starmer.
“Why are you doing this you boring conformist nutjob?” I demanded some answers and the wrong answers would have be taking heads.
He stood up almost robotically “You see Japan is too free, I will make a world of order where people will work and produce for society. People have too much freedom and emotion which must be corrected through British value systems.” He said.
“I shall now drink from the puddle of darkness.” He consumed black water from a pit in his office as he glowed with evil magic.
Before he could do anything I went into Lunar super demihuman form and cut his head off as yellow blood and wires sprayed everywhere which was fucked up “KEN STARMERS A ROBOT? HES A GOD DAMN ROBOT!”
I had no idea who built him or for what but the school was back to normal “Lets go home play some fortnite and get something to eat haha” I smiled and Nyan-Chan hugged me.
The betrayal of friends
I went back to my house after school when tech-swat officers in black armor opened fire on me “This is section eight hanzer corps, you are the infamous Xenos the cat you will come with us for containment and arrest!” Said the swat command.
I wiped blood off my cheek and drew my katana channelling fire as the blade was lit up with flames “You made a big mistake, now you're going to pay the price!” I warned them as I sliced them apart, using the katana to cut up their bullets before they even got near me.
After I killed the last swat soldier I went to Nyan-Chans house to warn her “It was me I reported you to section eight for the reward money, I had to get it to pay for my moms healthcare since she is dying.” She looked sad and I understood.
Revengence against Nyan-Chan
I pushed glowing red energy through the Suttakata gunblade was I went to the police station first to make them pay for daring to attack me. The gunblade was covered in red glowing light as the police ran to the hall to take positions and I used the taoist arts to crush the front doors and began cutting each officer down one by one.
They fled in fear as I rammed them into walls and the roof. One stupid idiot banged on the door crying for mercy as I stabbed him through the door.
They where scared shitless as I focused raw mana into my hand and used the flow to crush every bone in one guys body.
After that I went to Nyan-Chans home as I killed all her friends and loved ones as she cried and then I finished her off.
My training in Russia.
I took a plane to Moscow and when I landed I punched the countries leader Vladimir Putin so hard I knocked all his teeth out and left his face a mess in order to assert my dominance. Lets just say the Russian military and police didn't want to mess with me after that.
Knowing what I had to do I went deep into the mountains where a group of magic users where training lead by the gun mage mercenary BLACKROSE! I heard about the legends that she has over 300 kills, not as much as me but I had to respect her kill level.
She was training with her elemental rifle when she came me arrive “So you are Xeno Edgeblade I have been expecting you.” She knew my code name Edgeblade which surprised me at first.
“I know lots of things, our order has agents all over the world gathering intelligence.” She explained to me and it made sense.
Suddenly time slowed down as she punched me into the air “Your training begins now, there will be no mercy BE READY!” She said taking me off guard as we sparred together with the other gun mages.
I used the fire arm kata about to channel mana through my guns, plus I trained to shoot better while slashing with my melee weapons.
Forging Odin and Zenkata
Blackrose took me deep into the forests to mine the rare Omega metal then we started to forge two magic magnums which I called ODIN AND ZENKATA! I tested them firing off 100s of shots as my magic regenerated ammo GIVING ME INFINITE BULLETS!
I felt even more badass than before as I summoned magic golems filling them up with round after round as I did sick moves in midair, cutting one of the golems heads off with my gunblade then slicing the other with my katana then firing 50 shots into its remains.
“You have done well, with these devil arms you shall be a true gun mage.” Blackrose said as my training as complete.
My job as a freelancer
As a gun mage I travelled the world hunting down evil crime bosses, terrorists and rouge magic users as a mercenary and I was good at it!
My last job took me to the middle east to hunt down the leaders of ISIS as I ran along the walls opening fire as a storm of magical bullets rained down on them and they where so scared they shit themselves and I laughed “WELCOME TO THE STORM!” I taunted them taking one of their leaders down with my gunblade and another with duel katanas.
After that I got a huge bounty reward from the united nations who thanked me for putting an end to ISIS once and for all.
My infamy grew through each job that I earned the title KATANA OF JUSTICE because I used my duel welding katanas to finish my targets off.
Crystal destiny final mix
I was walking down the street when an energy field surrounded me and warped me to a realm of crystal outside the void filled with floating crystal castles and alien looking structures “WHERE THE FUCKING HELL AM I RIGHT NOW!” I was going to waste the asshole who sprited me away to this strange realm.
A man in black robes with glowing runes floated down wearing a silver mask covering his face “Xenos Edgeblade it is my duty to protect the timeline from you so the sundering can advance, I shall unmake the fall of my comrades and test your power!”
Suddenly I was face to face with the catboy known as Xenos Edgeblade as I played the battle music to the edge igniting my silver crystal X blades then sending ice fire towards him as I spun at him creating a circle of crystal ice which cut into him.
“You're not that bad but I'm better!” Xenos shouted charging at me with his gunblade which I perried using the crystal X blades
I slashed at him many times then spun creating a tornado of crystal ice laced with the power of the cold void itself which he quickly blocked “You are strong indeed, we shall meet again Xenos Edgeblade.” I said and opened a cloud of darkness vanishing into the unknown.
The strange robed man pissed off and the crystal ream shattered sending me back to the streets like nothing happened “Next time we meet I'll take you out!” I swore.
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nostalgiachan · 3 years ago
You kids ready for another periodical dose of pain?
I don’t think you are.
Part 12 is now live!
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nostalgiachan · 3 years ago
For those of y’all who are new around these parts, I do my own show separate from Ogre Poppenang called Story Time with Nostalgiachan, and I just finished the audio for my next video! If you’d like to listen to it before the video’s complete, consider joining my Patreon! It starts at a buck, and I only charge when the video’s complete.
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nostalgiachan · 5 years ago
You choose Story Time, you stay in Wonderland, and i show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
CHR episode 8 is live!
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