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prayersteam · 1 year ago
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paulwwayne · 2 years ago
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+++ Thursday Blessings +++
+++ From The Lord Comes Deliverance +++
+++ Be Blessed +++
Salvation belongeth unto the LORD: Thy blessing is upon thy people. Selah.
Psalm 3:8 KJV
➕➕➕ AMEN ➕➕➕
Pastor Paul Wayne
#christianity #christian #jesus #bible #God #faith #jesuschrist #church #christ #holyspirt #blessed #believe #worshippers #jesussaves #lord #gratefulchallenge  #thursdayblessings #christianblessing #dailyblessings #GodsKingdom #salvation #godsword #godsdeliverance #grace #theblessings #blessings #christainlife #wisdominjesus #trustgod #jesusislord
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madileigh792 · 4 years ago
Focus on the wave, instead of the ripple.
No matter how many people tell me something is good, the one person who calls it horrible is the person I listen to. I ignore the wave, and focus on the ripple.
Have you ever been here before? Do you constantly fall into this mindset over and over again? Because, trust me, I feel the exact same way, except most of the time, it's not a random person's negative comment, but my own...
If you guys would like to read more, please head over to my website where you can read the full blog, and learn more about Diary of a Struggling Christian.
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stefannyribeiro · 4 years ago
Significa "mulher leoa" ou "mulher dócil". Um leão docil? Que que isso hein. Forte, espirito de liderança, corajoso. A autoridade de Deus está sobre a sua vida! Sabe o momentos para cada comportamento. Uma pessoa a moda antiga. Cordial! Quem tem Stefanny tem proteção, tem amor e exclusividade.⠀
Isso veio daqueles aplicativos do app vizinho do Tio Zuckerberg. Aí você imagina como eu fiquei quando li isso?! Me sentindo a braba, maravilha, uma rainha mesmo, oxe!⠀
Acabei refletindo sobre a importância de se enxergar com amor próprio, carinho e paciência. Quando é pro outro, a gente tem tudo isso fácil, sem pensar duas vezes. Agora quando é contigo.. ah, mano.. sempre é difícil. Na minha fé o grande mandamento é amar o Senhor, teu Deus, com todo o teu coração, alma e entendimento'(Mateus 22:37). Mas logo depois vem o amor próprio, sobre a amar o próximo COMO A TI MESMO (Mateus 22:39). Se você tem um pouco de processo na sua caminhada de vida, dá pra entender o que tô falando.⠀
Até porque a vida é essa montanha russa mesmo é tá tudo bem também. Só que nos ensinam que casa, estudo e finanças estáveis são a segurança de uma vida calma, mas num é oxe. A verdade é que nada tira ou evita a imprevisibilidade que a vida é e talvez a única coisa que possamos controlar é a formar como lidamos e reagimos ao que está no nosso redor. E lidar consigo com amor, carinho, cuidado e paciência.. Aí que tá o Tchan do negócio, oxe!⠀
"Ah, falar é muito fácil?!" E é mesmo, pq tudo isso que eu falei pode não acontecer rápido, talvez seja até difícil. A parada é fazer disso um exercício diário, começa com passos pequenos, mas comece.⠀
Sua alma merece todo carinho e toda alegria.⠀
✊🏾🍂🧡 @heaven_of_paradise⠀
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grac3-ruth3rf0rd · 4 years ago
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It’s a nice wallpaper
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kldesignsworld-blog · 5 years ago
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#jesusfreak #christainlife #toptags #inspirations #christian #biblical #amen #church #blessed #followerofchrist #prayer #grace #inspiration #faith #jesuschrist #bible #christlike #christ #pray #god #cross #christianity #fellowship #inspirational #godsnotdead #salvation #Godisgood https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4PoDzlmsa/?igshid=18komojkeookt
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essence-of-femininity · 5 years ago
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Holy Spirit, mystery of a presence, you penetrate the depths of our being, and there you discern a longing. You know what our intention is—to communicate your compassion through an infinite goodness of heart.
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prayersteam · 1 year ago
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lillann12 · 6 years ago
"Lord, look at my family with your eyes of love, help us face difficult times.
I pray you fill our hearts with your peace. Lord, I know we can overcome every problem with you"
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bondante-blog · 6 years ago
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Ieri sera ho assistito #live alla #crocifissione di #cristo pubblico questa foto che è stata scattata da Mario Nucci su Fb perché io stavo registrando un video che ho caricato sul mio Canale YouTube raggiungibile dal link sul mio profilo @bon_dante ⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ @bon_dante @bon_dante @bon_dante il video è completo di #viacrucis #passionedicristo #interviste post #crucis #backstage nell’aria #regia • • • ⛪️ #jesusfreak #christainlife #toptags #inspirations #christian #biblical #amen #church #blessed #followerofchrist #prayer #grace #inspiration #jesuschrist #christlike #christ #god #cross #christianity (presso Aielli) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwej_r9lHDS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ueka556g9vpp
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actionkiddy · 7 years ago
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Sunday verse~ Giving my praise to God!
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williamjavier73 · 3 years ago
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Las cosas viejas pasaron, todas son hechas nuevas por la sangre del Mashiaj. 🍎 . . . . . . . . . . . • • • #jesusfreak #christainlife #toptags #inspirations #christian #biblical #amen #church #blessed #followerofchrist #prayer #grace #inspiration #faith #jesuschrist #bible #christlike #christ #pray #god #cross #christianity #fellowship #inspirational #godsnotdead #salvation #Godisgood https://www.instagram.com/p/CYrusrOppIuJEsshU2cisk_YwZ1tMbAGOaCTf40/?utm_medium=tumblr
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officialamedymac · 7 years ago
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Remember you can Soar above all things with your God given Wings.. It been Voice,Dance,Reporting, Journalism,News Caster,A Life Coach, Motivator, Engineer, Scriptwriter,Performer,Poet,Etc.. Push it with much #Positivity 🤘💛🤘💛🤘💛🤘💛🤘💛🤘💛 #successful #selflove #truth #trust #christianapparel #christening #witness #Love #PositiveVibes #positivethinking #positivequotes #positive_energy #k #Godfirst #gh #spirituality #quotedaily #purpose #christainlife #christaincreator (at Greater Accra Region) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmwmBWmHaYc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1fdriecfvk75x
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grac3-ruth3rf0rd · 4 years ago
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lovingmenow1 · 7 years ago
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Do you have people in your life that will say I’m with you all the way ? Sometimes the things God will ask us to do will seem crazy and out of the ordinary. It is important we surround ourselves with people that will say I’m with you all the way. And not people who will discourage us when God sends us on his crazy assignment and believe me he will. * * * #improve #growth #fit#holyspirit #christianblog #pray #bibleverse #blackqueen #hope #soul #faithful #theeverydayproject #happynow #christainlife #choosejoy #truth #Godslove #bosslady #womanoftheword #entrepreneur #letteryourfaith #christaincreative #holdyourmoments #simpleliving #blogger #bloggingals #blogsociety #nolimits18 #morningdevotion #devotion
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essence-of-femininity · 5 years ago
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PRAYER TO SAINT JOHN PAUL II: Oh, St. John Paul, from the window of heaven, grant us your blessing! Bless the church that you loved and served and guided, courageously leading it along the paths of the world in order to bring Jesus to everyone and everyone to Jesus.
Bless the young, who were your great passion. Help them dream again, help them look up high again to find the light that illuminates the paths of life here on earth.
May you bless families, bless each family! You warned of Satan’s assault against this precious and indispensable divine spark that God lit on earth. St. John Paul, with your prayer, may you protect the family and every life that blossoms from the family.
Pray for the whole world, which is still marked by tensions, wars and injustice. You tackled war by invoking dialogue and planting the seeds of love: pray for us so that we may be tireless sowers of peace.
Oh St. John Paul, from heaven’s window, where we see you next to Mary, send God’s blessing down upon us all. Amen.
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