#chrissie edition 💕
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vielleichts ¡ 4 months ago
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collectivecloseness ¡ 2 years ago
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Hey y’all! I’m shifting into fanfic mode more and more. I’ve been writing more... just not finishing editing and posting it, lmao...
So to help me out, I’d love to give you guys full reign, to send me any hc’s you have!!
They can be about any character - or mix of them - I write for, and can be about anything; be that angst hc’s, smutty thoughts, fluffy hc’s, or just sending me “imagine: xyz”.
Long thoughts about a scenario, a quick sentence abt a hc you see as fact, or it can be the opposite, where you send in an example, and I’ll answer which character I think most fits with whatever hc/scenario/etc you’ve asked!
It could be yandere fruity four ideas, feelings on what stobin x reader would be like at family video, headcanons on how someone reacts to reader being sick, literally any headcanons, ideas, or any thought you guys have, you have full reign to share! And I’ll be responding with my own little ideas (and hopefully some blurbs bc I’d love to get a lot of them out) too!
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devondespresso ¡ 8 months ago
Wiggy Wednesday🧠🪱 - A Robin (Buckley) Hood au
tagged by @just-my-latest-hyperfixation @shares-a-vest and @hotluncheddie Thanks guys!!! 💕🫂💝
continue-the-game tags at the bottom, you guys absolutely don't have to read this whole thing for it, it won't hurt my feelings cause this thing got long sgnxgnxnh
💚>> EDIT: @carolperkinsexgirlfriend expanded on the aro robin thing and its literal perfection!! <<💚
tbh the past few days ive felt like i was loosing my spark a bit (could be a medication thing now that i think about it) so the plans for today are to rewatch some really damn good motion pictures, feel some emotions probably, and go from there.
having said that, i was able to put together a fun little idea about Robin Stranger Things as Robin Hood, Steve and Little John, either Vickie or Chrissy as Maid Marian. Chrissy would fit the secretly badass princess type very well, thinking princess peach in the mario movie, while vickie would be slightyyy more tough girl princess, thinking fiona from the first shrek. I'm not like a huge fan of slapping character names into roles just because, so i think most antagonists would be of the robin-hood-world and some might get left out. Dustin and Erica would be there, possibly as merry men, or i also think itd be cool to mix another vaguely-medieval story that fits the kids group better, have it be something in the backstory or future or something like a story living in the edges of this one. Eddies also an easy fit as the minstrel and could be tied to chrissy's story too if you want
im not planning on writing anything for it, but the story ideas that are jumping out to me rn are mostly characters meeting/origin stories. Steve and Robin meet early on in her outcastery, Robin in jail for stealing and Steve also locked up close by either for something outrageously stupid or something definitely illegal but for the sake of his little brother and friends. They swap stories and then swap even more jokes and fun banter. Either Robin loops him in on her plan to break out, or Dustin and Erica come to break Steve out during her escape and they all team up. Maybe a little part where they visit Dustin and friends, let him know Steve's fine even tho him and Robin are fugitives, maybe Dustin tries to follow them but they have to send him back until he's old enough to move out, an emotional "we're not gone forever" talk, concluding with Robin and Steve heading off to camp in the woods and figure out what's next. maybe robin comes out here, maybe steve had confessed and whatnot similar to the show, maybe robin just needed to establish that she's not into him before they started adventuring just the two of them. Maybe she mentions her future plans, to stay firmly on the laws bad side, maybe to reunite with the lady she found at the edge of palace gardens, something that would make the road alongside her rougher than his already will be, and Steve chooses to join her anyway.
also a romantic subplot with Chrissy or Vickie.
if its chrissy, i think itd go similarly to the disney movie (relative to vickie's anyway), chrissy has her princessy life and through circumstance (maybe an archery contest, maybe they run into each other, probably a combination of run-ins) they meet and are into each other, maybe Robin crossdresses and after she's revealed to be a girl Chrissy's head over heels, maybe Chrissy runs away, maybe robin wins her favor, lots of fun princess tropes to play with.
with vickie, i keep leaning into the Fiona-style angle where she very much doesn't care to be in a royal setting, not rejecting femininity just spinning the princess archetype on its head. So maybe she's a runaway, maybe she rescued herself, or maybe she faked her death or something extreme, and she runs into robin (maybe robins disguised and she looks extra rougish, maybe vickie had only heard bad stories about her) and they fight. if vickie wins she notices in her victory robins actual personality, realizes shes not aggressive like expected and they talk, and if robin wins she does a mercy thing, maybe disarms her to get enough time to run off and vickies like 🤨mysterious🤨 or they spark up conversation. Maybe part of Robins group comes in either ready to defend her or diffuse the situation and their appearance soon splits the fight. lots and lots to play with. one way or another vickie tags along or joins the group, she and robin fall in love, yippee
aaaand third option: polyarmory, where chrissy joins the group first, they run into vickie second, and the three of them fall in love.
fourth option: aro robin (lol get it. cause. arrows.) who picks up princesses (plus steve too) like its her job and those princesses fall in love
r*nance (* for search because this isn't exactly abt them, NOT to be a dick about it) could work too ig but its not my jam so im not diving into that angle
i also love the idea of expanding robins relationship with any of the kids (Dustin and especially Erica, because scoops troop has solid character dynamic potential thats barely touched. Robin and Max too, and it'd make sense to bring in Lucas too with his ties to both Erica and Max)
if this gives anyone else brainworms and you want to write it, absolutely go for it, i know im definitely not going to sit down and write scenes or anything for it, and if you're comfortable tag me so i can read it!!
for Wiggy Wednesday im tagging (no pressure ofc): @starry-eyed-steve @marvel-ous-m @lightoftheseraph @pearynice @puppy-steve
@tinytalkingtina @dreamwatch @flowercrowngods @withacapitalp @writing-kiki
@queenie-ofthe-void @carolperkinsexgirlfriend @eriquin @hairstevington @sunflowerharrington
@imfinereallyy @sourw0lfs
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crowleyholmes ¡ 1 year ago
Hi! :D
I'm Chrissie (or Chris or Chii), 30, she/her, and I'm an artist from Austria here to scream about Good Omens, go on long rants in the tags, and post my fanart.
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I'm quite shy and introverted but I DO enjoy meeting new people, especially on here where most people are just as weird as I am, so please never hesitate to reach out and say hi! 💕
I also loooove to collaborate on fandom projects, so if you're a fellow artist or writer with an idea and would like to work with me chances are I'm interested! 👀
Please always feel free to tag me if you post art of any kind, angsty fics with a happy ending (especially canon compliant hurt/comfort, mutual pining, all that good shit 😭), creative edits or gifsets or meta! I love to see other peoples' creations!
Alright I think that's all, just one more sidenote: If you like to hate on Aziraphale (or Crowley, though I see that less often but often enough to mention it), this is not a blog you will enjoy following. There is no hate on this blog, and I do not care to see it on my dash either.
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pearlypairings ¡ 1 year ago
annual writing self-evaluation
Thank you @justhere4thevibez for tagging! I woke up so early bc I'm still not adjusted well to the time difference on my vacation so I figure I could work on this to kill some time💕
1. List of works published this year (in no particular order):
Meet Me At Our Spot
Coffee and Contemplation *
Dear Donna,
painting (a masterpiece)
not a sound, but the wind
In the Shade of Aurelias *
all good dates begin at the cemetery
so much (for) stardust
there is a light that never goes out *
* = WIP
(I have a few more anon works too which were fun to try some new things with😄)
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
OH this is tough… I think I have to choose two. I'm so proud of not a sound, but the wind for many reasons. I tried a lot of new writing techniques within that story, which honestly the first images came to me at 2am fever dream of Chrissy with short hair and distraught pushing her way through the woods in a blizzard. I didn't know where the story was going but once I got started I had so much fun. And right now I'm also very proud of there is a light! It's my rarepair fic that I've fallen in love with for chrissy x jonathan and it's been a true delight to meet other people in the fandom from that fic alone!
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
Hmm I think painting (a masterpiece) is one that I would probably revisit to edit and change if given the option. I don't think it's terrible by any means, but it was really a self indulgent fic for me inspired by the song of the same name. I think I published it very quickly without letting it simmer for edits, so I would change some of the beats for pacing.
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
From not a sound, but the wind
“Do you comfort all your crying customers?” She let her fingers graze his palm as she accepted his makeshift tissue with a sad smile.
“Only the ones I like.”
Chrissy dabbed her eyes, praying that none of the mascara smeared beyond recognition. “You’re not gonna sell me anything, are you?”
“Who said that? If there’s any time you need pot, it’s now!”
A small laugh shook her fragile frame, warmth spreading across her chest from within. She folded the bandana into a small square and tucked it into her pocket with a sheepish grin. The last of her tears iced over the corners of her eyes.
“Coming from my dealer, that sounds a little like a sales pitch.”
Eddie fell back, miming an arrow through his heart and rigorously pulling the invisible weapon out from his chest. “You wound me. How about half off and twice as much?”
5. Share or describe a favorite comment you received:
ALL of my comments on there is a light are my favorites. People really enjoying my take on jonathan (a character that even I slept on and didn't really connect with until I saw things from his pov) and being really supportive of my WIP that's ending soon! It's really been such a joy to read all the lines each reader loved and the plot twists they had guessed right or wrong. It's been the best!
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
2023 was a……year. Yeah, I think the fall was very hard because of some family hospitalizations that were very scary and exhausting. So I didn't have the energy nor the will for quite a bit after that to write much. I'm hoping 2024 is all for good health and better headspace.
7. A scene or character that you wrote that surprised you:
At the risk of sounding really cheesy, I really loved the scene in not a sound when Chrissy and Eddie are about to kiss. The two chapters with back to back pov were so much fun to write bc we get little glimpses into both perspectives of the situation and how wrong they interpret the other person's reactions. It's so cute and I didn't intend to write an eddie pov chapter when I started that fic, it just happened (and we got more Wayne which is always a plus).
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
I have a long way to go with this, but I think I'm finally shedding parts of my past where for work I had to write scientifically and directly. It's so hard for me to break that frame of mind, so I'm constantly going back in edits to add in more details and worldbuilding and mood setting beyond action and dialogue. In 2024, one of my goals is to do enough exercises where that flows more naturally in the drafting process.
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
LOL oops! I sort of just answered that question, but another goal of mine is to continue to finish my beloved WIP Aurelias AND write a ton more for rarepairs to stretch my imagination.
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
Losty, @1lostsoul0fishbowl you are all of the above. So glad we found each other on this site and via Dear Donna,. It's been lovely getting to know you and I appreciate all the times you've read through drafts and ideas and insanity on my part. You da bomb diggitty 💣
11. Anything in your real life show up in your writing this year:
Definitely…. The break up in there is a light is loosely based on a real break up between me and my first high school boyfriend. The AUDACITY. But definitely many, many other little bits of dialogue or scene set ups are from moments in my life :) the life of a writer.
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Write it down. WHEREVER you are (unless driving lol). Whatever the idea is, the dialogue you thought of, the plot puzzle piece. Just write it down somewhere on your phone, in a notebook etc. Because you will forget it and it will frustrate you lol.
13. Any new projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
2024 is when I'll be finishing Aurelias! Slow and steady because it's my baby and very setting/period heavy. And there's a few tricks up my sleeves for future fun projects that I'll be writing mostly for me (and maybe losty lol). AND I CAN'T WAIT! Rarepairs galore ✨
What a fabulous evaluation and deep look at the past year! Can't wait to see what 2024 brings 💞 happy new year!
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a-strange-inkling ¡ 2 years ago
Hiya, hope you’re having a good day. Firstly want to say sorry about your granddad. Secondly, I ADORE your old haunts universe, you just literally make my day whenever you give us even the tiniest crumbs! Lastly, if it’s not too much to ask ofcourse, 7,8,15 aaand 21 from the asks? 💗
Thank you, that’s very kind 💕 I miss him a lot, but I like to think he’s with my grandma now 🤍
Aww thank you! I do love writing and expanding that story, it’s a big comfort in a lot of ways for me! My oneshot is almost finished being edited, so we’ll get a little more of it in a few days 💖
Ooo these are some good ones…
(cw: a tiny bit spicy for number 8 🙈)
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
Nothing. They like everything about one another. They’re perfect.
No I’m kidding lol they’re human beings, they have their frustrations and can drive one another crazy once in a while.
Eddie’s least favorite thing is when Chrissy hides her problems from him, when she shuts down or slips quietly away during a difficult situation. Especially when she gives him the silent treatment, or uses what he calls ‘Jason tactics’ like fake smiling, or one word amiable replies, telling him she’s fine; he loses his mind. He hates that she still sometimes feels like she has to carry all her burdens alone and can’t tell him what’s bothering her. It also breaks his heart when she’s too hard on herself, when she hurts or denies herself, or is just straight up self degrading.
Chrissy’s least favorite thing is when Eddie doesn’t take important things serious. When he jokes about something serious or avoids it, makes it small, because that how he’s gotten through a lot of difficulties in his life. She knows it’s a copping mechanism, and she understands why he does it, but she wishes he wouldn’t always joke about his trauma or runaway from it.
8. What do they find physically sexiest about each other?
Oh my God… what don’t they find physically sexiest about one another? I don’t think they could pick one thing, but I’ll try my best..
For Chrissy, I can narrow it down to three and no less. In no particular order: 1. His hands, they’re so, so big and rough and strong, yet he touches her so gently. She loves the feel of them caressing her and always melts when he holds her. The way he plays his guitar, his rings, his rigid knuckles. She’s putty in them. 2. His eyes, those big, beautiful brown eyes that get so dark and fathomless at night when he wants to have his way with her, and so warm and glowing in the morning when he watches her wake up. His lashes so think and long they reach his cheekbones. He can destroy her with just one look standing across a room from her. She’s a helpless mess and he knows it. They’re her biggest weakness. 3. His lips/mouth… Jesus, help me… because yes that… but also because of his full kissable lips and his smile, his ridiculously beautiful and sexy smile. His voice. Poor girl never ever stood a chance. Honorable mentions: hair, neck, back and *smacks self*
Okay for Eddie… Oh God… I don’t even know if I can get it down to three, he’s just so obsessed with every little part of her… okay so 1. Her eyes as well, she’s got the prettiest craziest color eyes he’s ever seen, they always put him in a daze, she hits him with those and a flutter of her lashes and he’s on his knees for her. 2. Her legs, so long and shapely and strong, he’d love to just be smothered between her thighs. Her grace and agility honestly gets him so turned on, the way she can wind so effortless around him, the boy’s well done. 3. Her lips/mouth, yes they share two out of three favorite things, what are you going to do? But, yes her mouth, he loves her pouty bottom lip, her gorgeous quirky smile. Her laugh and all the little noises she makes… ridiculously sexy. The way she kisses him so sweetly, he’s a total goner. There’s also her sinewy neck and her shiny soft hair and I could go on for days… her whole dang body, she’s a goddess and he worships her, let’s be real.
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
They really have balanced one another out in a lot of ways. She’s calmed him, he takes more care with his words and his actions, he’s kinder, more thoughtful, and he’s helped her find her voice, to speak her mind. She’s become more confident and can see how beautiful and worthy she is despite her flaws. They very much inspire one another to be better people.
21. If they live together, how do they split household responsibilities?
They live together from 1986 on and they are pretty harmonious in that aspect of their life. It’s very natural, they love taking care of one another, so that comes easy. Having their own place to even take care of is a dream come true for both of them.
They both work, so they split the household responsibilities pretty evenly, but pick up the slack if the other needs it anywhere. If Chrissy makes breakfast, Eddie makes dinner. Whoever didn’t cook will wash the dishes, the other will put the dishes away and so on. They enjoy doing chores together 💕 it doesn’t really even feel like chores.
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hargrove-mayfields ¡ 2 years ago
tag game, stranger things edition!
i was tagged by @thatgirlwithasquid and @intothedysphoria, thanks y’all, I really appreciate it! 💕
1. ride or die ship/otp : Hellcheergroveton! every combination in this ship is adorable and it has all my favs too ☺️
2. most annoying ship : m*leven. I am beyond tired of watching a young disabled girl be taken advantage of and have it be treated as romantic. El deserves to live partner free, and M*ke deserves to go in the whole garbage can.
3. second favorite ship : Hollogrove. Since it’s not part of the core hellcheergroveton relationship, I’ll branch out a little and bring in my girl Heather. I love her and Billy I’m a relationship and can totally see them spending the rest of their lives together ♥️
4. favorite platonic dynamic : Billy and Max, or Dustin and Steve. Or Steve and Gareth. Cause I headcanon Gareth as becoming Steve’s caregiver after the events of the show leave him with cognitive and physical disabilities
5. underrated ship : Hollogrove, Cunningway, Pompompineapple, Stonathan, Cheerscoops, Calicheer, Rockie, Stargyle, Cammy, Kegboys, Steather, Argilly, and so many more but I’ll stop there.
6. overrated ship : Any of the fruity four (it makes me wanna gag just typing it) ships. I haven’t looked in the fandom tags for a year because it’s oversaturated with passionless, factory produced, carbon-copy fanworks that look like Harringrove fics put through ai to be rewritten as St*ddie, or Buckleway into r*nance. I’m sick of it. It’s boring. I’ll come up with my own steddie content, thanks.
7. one thing to change in canon : Everything. Not even joking. I’m going blorbo shopping and bringing all my favs back to my dollie house to play fix-it.
8. something canon did right : Um. I guess letting actors put in feedback and details of their own. Like Millie choosing for El to touch Billy’s cheek, Dacre giving us backstory on Billy’s mom and also on Billy’s disability (BPD), both he and Joe Keery refusing the original scripts, Joe Quinn improvising Eddie’s crush on Chrissy, and so on. All of the actor choices are the only good things about the show at this point.
9. a thing I’m proud of creating for the fandom : @disabledbillyandsteveweek! There's more information about the event over on the blog, but basically it’s an event starting in about two weeks meant to highlight Billy and Steve as disabled characters, through all kinds of fan works and different ships!
10. a character who is perfect to me : Christine RenĂŠe-Beth Cunningham. Nobody compares to my cheer girl.
11. the most relatable character and why : Also Chrissy. She reminds me a lot of myself, especially how I was when I was still in highschool, being timid and struggling a lot with my mental health. I wish she could have grown and gotten help and felt better since I’m on my journey to doing so right now, but I’m forever grateful to have seen a character with an eating disorder and an abusive family on screen, portrayed in a heartfelt and generous way- all thanks to miss Grace Van Dien
12. character I hate most and why : Neil, Karen (actually just the Wheelers in general except little Holly), Brenner, Owens, the lady that shot Benny, literally so many of them. Anyone who intentionally and unabashedly hurts other characters without remorse.
13. something I’ve learned from the fandom : To be patient, because even when things seem tough or impossible, we can make it. Together, with friends who understand us, and who share our pain, we can fight and keep going! Especially because this community will always have folks who understand and have our backs, we just have to find them ❤️❤️
14. three tags I seek out on ao3 : I actually don’t read fic on ao3. The extreme amounts of severely triggering content hosted on that site is just too much for me and I can never seem to avoid it. I only post to ao3 because I know people find it easily accessible, but I had one too many mix-ups that led to me being in a terrible state of mind, so I discontinued using the site.
15. a song I strongly associate with otp and/or favorite character : I’ll never shut up about “Time in a Bottle” by Jim Croce. Conveniently off the same record as Hop has on Vinyl and Cassette, it’s my favorite song ever because it’s so tender and loving and even though it’s old people music yall should give it a listen. It applies to any ship, but especially packs a punch with Harringrove. Also “Magic” by Olivia Newton-John.
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @honey-tongued-devil @martianclown @hephaestn @jaylikesrainbowtigers @denkiddo1 @enchanted-day-dreams @stranger-themes-blog @ratbastardbilly @thinger-strang But there’s no pressure to do it! You absolutely don’t have to if you already have or if you just don’t feel like it! <3
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jinniebit ¡ 2 years ago
Bubble tea 💕- yang-innie
Bubble Tea
- the talented moot
- best layouts !!
- edits are literally the best
- teach me your ways pls ><
@yang-innie Chrissy 🥹 ty!!
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Send me a beverage
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poolsidepanic ¡ 2 years ago
poolsidepanic masterpost
I’ve pretty much sorted out my tag system for this blog so here, find what calls to you:
squid’s stuff
#thoughts 🌸✨
these are my small little ideas that don’t make much on their own
#snippets 🌸✨
these are short little scene snippets that give an idea of what i think cunningway’s life or dynamic could be like
#fics 🌸✨
these are my fanfics for cunningway. i more-or-less count anything 300+ words in this category
#edits 🌸✨
my edits. both videos ive posted here as well as my tiktok, and silly little image edits
#art 🌸✨
any pieces of art i have done for them
others’ brilliance
#others’ thoughts 💕☁️
short little ideas other people have had
#others’ writing 💕☁️
things other people have written for them. this includes both short snippets and fanfics
#others’ art 💕☁️
art that other people have made of chrissy and heather
#others’ edits 💕☁️
i use this tag as an umbrella tag for edits, moodboards and other such things that don’t have their own tag
#aesthetics 💕☁️
any aesthetics that made me think of them
who for?
#just chrissy 🫧
posts that include chrissy but not heather
#just heather 🍒
posts that include heather but not chrissy
#poly ships 💅
any posts with poly ships that both girls are part of
#resurrected girlies 🖤💋
demon!cunningway stuff because i cannot stop thinking about it
#trio of besties 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️
cunningway + billy friendship
#witches 🔮🌱
an au where the girls are rival witches
#mermaids 🧜‍♀️💦
where either or both the girlies are mermaids
#pottery studio 🎨
pottery studio owner heather holloway
other stuff
#pinterest references 📌
art i drew based on a picture i found on pinterest
this ones a little self explanatory :)
my responses to any asks received
this is your reminder that i am happy to receive asks about me, the blog, chrissy, heather, cunningway, etc.. <3
#not the girlies 🤍
my thoughts more about the act of shipping them, the blog, or other not-quite-chrissy-or-heather nonsense
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chrissy-cunningham-things ¡ 2 years ago
Aw well your therapist had a good idea there love, social media is a Fuckin disaster. But you’ve got nothing to be in your head about..you’re fucking breathtaking..
Aw…that’s really really sweet, thank you Chrissy
Thank you, it means a lot to me to hear somebody like you say that! 🥰
And you're welcome.💕 You're so pretty that Eddie always starts stuttering and being all brain foggy when he stares at your profile picture!
Oh! Eddie always asks about you drinking water, right? I want to ask too!! Did you drink enough water yet? 🧐💕
I did! 🥳
I already drank a whole bottle of water while helping Nancy with the last preparation for a special edition of The Weekly Streak (I just sat there and read my book, but I was there to keep her company!) I'm getting really good at drinking my water!
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sunflowersteves ¡ 2 years ago
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
okay so I think that another day, another dollar (rooster) is one of my favorites of all time bc jealous rooster always hits me in the feels and i rlly emphasized his trust in the reader bc hello, we love a king.
my other favorite has to be the color green (eddie munson) bc chrissy is a a lil schemer to get her to friends to finally act on their feelings and I just— yeah <3
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hxneybimbo ¡ 3 years ago
maybe for part two of He Loves me, He Loves Me Not it could be like a few months later and reader is trying to forget eddie. the byers moved back to Hawkins or maybe they’re visiting and she’s been hanging out with Jonathan more and more, especially since him and nancy are taking a break or broke up. eddie slowly realized over the months how much he misses reader/he actually did have feelings for her but when he sees her looking at jonathan the way she used to look at him it kills him inside 😁 make this eddie feel pain! And maybe he catches them fucking in the woods or something so that he feels even more pain 😁💗
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Pt. 2
Eddie Munson x Reader, Johnathan Byers x Reader (Endgame)
Warning: angst and pain
Authors Note: hopefully you all like this! I’ve been having trouble thinking about the endless possibilities for part two. But do not fear, I do plan on writing other endings!!! 💕💕 for the mean time enjoy this little bit!! Unfortunately I did not write smut since I couldn’t find where I could fit it in? Dw I’ll be adding and editing this :)) also thank you anonny, for this lovely idea 💕
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It’s been 3 months since you ran out of his home after he moaned and practically confessed the wrong name. It’s been 3 months since you’ve dumped him. It’s been 3 months since the both of you had an actual conversation that didn’t involve fake pleasantries and awkwardness. No matter how hard he tries to make things go back to the way they were, you don’t budge. You smile prettily at him but it’s never genuine. It’s the polite smile you always give Steve, to Billy, to everyone in Hawkins that don’t know you, and now him. He went from Eddie Munson, your boyfriend, to Eddie Munson, your acquaintance.
Within these months, Eddie realized that he loved you. He realized that he should have valued you and reciprocated those feelings back. He expected that you’d continue to be with him, to love him. But you didn’t, not anymore. Though you used to be a constant in his life, it’s as if you forcefully removed yourself from it. He’s slowly coming to the terms that you’re no longer going to be in his life and that your world doesn’t orbit around him anymore. And as much as he hates knowing this, it’s good for you and you’re better off just having him at arms length. To have those polite conversations that he fucking hates because he ruined you.
It’s been 3 months and all Eddie feels is regret and guilt. He was wrong of saying another woman’s name while literally being inside of you. He was definitely wrong for saying that he loved her instead of you. As much as he wanted to come up with different excuses to explain why he said those three words, he knows he can’t. There isn’t any logical fucking explanation as to why he said those words besides the fact that, yes, he was utterly so in love and smitten with Chrissy Cunningham when he was dating you. Even if he vehemently wants to deny this, both of you know it’s the truth.
“Eddie, i want you to be honest with me. Why did you ask me out? Why did you tell me you loved me when you obviously weren’t in love with me?” You asked him one day after his band finished playing at the bar. You came to see his band play, always supporting him in some way because you genuinely believed his band was good. You supported him because you loved him.
He was taken aback from your questions. You were both still in talking terms but it was obvious your relationship wasn’t the same. You went to support his band and occasionally sought him out to express how well he played, then immediately leaving. “Do you- Do you really want me to tell you? I don’t want to hurt your feelings.”
“Hurt my feelings? You already broke my heart, Ed.” You laughed.
He paused and he nodded with a frown marring his face. “Well, at the time I just- I figured if I dated you, I could get over Chrissy because you were a nice girl and someone worth dating. But now? I really don’t know why. I don’t know why I told you that I loved you. I guess it was to make things not awkward.”
You visibly deflated in front of him and you shook your head, letting out a small disbelieved chuckle. You let out a soft, shaky breath and you colapse your hands on your head. Your eyes started getting glossy but immediately you blink back tears. God I’m such a fucking idiot, you thought. “Y/N-“ Eddie reached forward to comfort you but you immediately pull away and you smile at him. That fake smile that was reserved for those who have hurt you and to strangers.
“Right, thanks Eddie. Anyways, um you played great tonight! But i have to go now, bye!” Unbeknownst to him, you ended up going to the bar to try and get shit faced where a familiar brunette stoner found you.
Good for you, Eddie bitterly thought as he watched you press a soft kiss against Johnathan Byers’ cheek. Your smile is soft and you look at Johnathan the same way you used to look at him. You giggle at whatever dumb joke your new boyfriend said and gently shove his shoulder. He observes the way that Johnathan’s eyes soften when he looks at you, listening attentively to whatever you’re babbling about. He did things that Eddie never did, things that he should have done. He was a genuinely good boyfriend who obviously loved you even though your relationship was fresh and new.
It’s been 3 months and you’re dating Johnathan Byers. He wants to be mad, wants to seethe in anger because how could you? He doesn’t though because the only person he can be mad at is at himself. He fucked up and is instead relieved that you found someone better who he’s sure will value you more than he did. Sometimes though, he genuinely wished that Johnathan never came back and instead stayed in California where he was still dating Nancy. Because maybe then, he’d get a second chance. He’d be able to prove to you that he loved you and only you.
He misses you, he really did. He finds himself up at 2am thinking about you. Regretting everything he did, wanting to take back those words that he said in the moment. Apologize to you for hurting your feelings, for wasting your time with him. It hurts knowing that you’re moving on– have moved on to someone better while he’s still mourning the loss of what could have been if he wasn’t a complete ass.
He thinks about you all of the time. He thinks about your pretty smile, how you can talk about nonsense for hours. He ponders over how pretty you used to look in the morning in just his shirt while demanding him to make you breakfast. It’s these things that have him circulating back to you because they have him wanting to go to your house, beg you to take him back. But he knows he shouldn’t— he doesn’t, never does because he’s a coward and he’s too scared to really look you in the eye and tell you how sorry he is. How he stays up all night thinking about you.
So he stays behind and watches the two of you, indulging in his regrets and painfully gripping a singular flower petal in his hand. She loves me not.
@haylaansmi @explosiongamora @gttrgrrl @honey-on-mars @simp4rengoku @vulcrum332 @supernovasblogstuff
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honeybadgerwritings ¡ 2 years ago
Bandana And The Bracelet
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Requested: OMG OKAY i was thinking about what to request for eddie or steve because i read your elevator fic and fell in love instantly. Would you write a 4 + 1 concept for eddie? I just love those! Maybe with a popular!reader? And i know some people are tired of that but i just adore some opposites attract shit lmao
Um if you want an idea: the 4 times reader ignored him and the 1 time she/they didn't. If you don't have time to write right now or that just doesn't give you any inspiration i totally understand! Lots of love 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Warnings: Heavy Mentions of Abuse and Violence, Blood, Angst, Panic Attack, Drug Usage, Arguments, Insults, My Overuse of Italics (Please let me know if I missed any!!!)
A/N: Haha decided to do a 5+1 instead, I decided to give Andy the most basic last name I could think of, because I don’t think he has one.
Summary: 5 times you ignored Eddie + the 1 time you didn’t.
For the sake of this fic, You, Eddie, Chrissy, Robin, Andy, and Jason are all in senior year. Steve one year older and graduated.
Not Edited
(Will get it done ASAP)
1. The Tickle Fight
An ensemble of heavy metal echoes in your ears as Jawbreaker by Judas Priest blasts throughout the Munson trailer. You huff in frustration, flipping over the chair cushion in the living room as you look for your green bracelet. Eddie is proving himself to be absolutely useless as he leans against the wall, watching you scramble around, desperate to find it. He smirks to himself as you do so, feeling it sit in his back pocket. You huff in frustration, wiping sweat from your brow as you look up at him.
“Are you gonna help me or just sit there?” You sass, placing a hand on your hip. He raises an eyebrow at you,
“Actually I’m pretty content over here.” 
You groan, throwing the cushion at him. You hope it catches him off guard and hits him in the face, but you’re not so lucky as he snatches it, tossing it in his hands.
“Easy tiger,” he laughs, watching as you slowly become more and more frustrated. “Why do you need it so badly anyways?”
A sigh leaves your lips as you rub your arm, fingers fiddling with a button on your denim jacket, and your eyes are fixated on the floorboards. Eddie’s eyebrows furrow as he watches you become flustered all of a sudden, almost like you’re embarrassed to tell him.
“Hey,” he bends down to meet your gaze, and you’ll be damned if you ever admit that his pretty eyes make your stomach do flips, and your heart beat faster, “What is it sweetheart?”
“It’s just-” the pet name makes your brain sputter for a moment and you bite your inner cheek. You know he’s definitely about to judge you for your next words, “We start Sophomore year tomorrow and I wanna look good. The bracelet is the only thing I have that matches the outfit I picked.”
You can tell by his reaction that he’s confused, so you elaborate before he can get any words out, “If I dress nice maybe I can get in with some of the popular girls. You know, like Chrissy and Rebecca…. and then it might be easier for me to join the cheer team.”
His mouth drops open in pure shock as you stand there before him. Your eyes meet the ground once again as you fiddle with the hem of your jacket nervously. The silence is only broken once his laugh cuts through the air, and you look up at him in surprise. His head is thrown back as he clutches the cushion in his grip, having to lean back into the wall to support himself.
You frown, a pout forming on your lips as you cross your arms and glare at him, “What’s so funny about that?”
He shakes his head, huffing out a few more laughs as he tries to calm himself down. He bends over in an attempt to catch his breath, which allows you to spot the bracelet dangling from his back pocket. You grin at that, figuring that he’d taken it, but you had to be sure first. He stands back up as the last of his chuckles escape him.
“I’m sorry- I’m sorry I….” He huffs out, smiling, “You just looked like a kicked puppy. Like I was going to be upset with you over that.” Now it’s your turn to be confused.
“But I thought you hate the cheer team. You always make fun of them.”
“Ah ah ah,” he corrects you, “I make fun of their boyfriends, who are all douche bags to me. I think you’d be a great cheerleader sweetheart.”
You smile bashfully and he smirks as your cheeks grow pink.
“In fact, I have something that might even match better.” You raise an eyebrow at him as he makes his way into his room. He comes back, a green bandana in hand. He gestures for you to hold out your wrist and you do so, letting him tie it neatly. You can’t help but grin as you watch him, admiring the fact that his tongue is sticking out as he focuses.
“See? Perfect.” He stands up, a proud smile on his face, “Much better than any old bracelet.”
Your heart feels like it’s grown three sizes. What the hell is happening to you?
You roll your eyes, and lean in, making it seem like you’re just going to hug him. Instead, you dodge his outstretched arms and attempt to snatch the bracelet from his back pocket. He jumps out of the way, taking a few steps back as he giggles like a little school girl.
“You thief! I knew you had it!”
He rolls his eyes at you, crossing his arms, “You absolutely did not.”
“Did too!”
He sticks his tongue out at you, “Did not.”
You jab him in the stomach, emitting a surprised squeal from him as he tries to get away. If there’s one weakness you know Eddie Munson has, it’s that he’s incredibly ticklish.
He tries to push you away from him, but he fails, toppling over onto his back. You crawl on top of him, continuing to dig your fingers into his sides, his stomach and his neck. Laughs and squeals leave his lips in between his desperate pleas for you to stop,
“Pl-please stop! I’m sorry! I-I’m sorry!” He giggles, attempting to push you off of him. You just laugh, ignoring him and continuing your attack, his protests being drowned out by Judas Priest.
You may have never gotten your bracelet back, but at least you got to keep the bandana.
2. The Actual Fight
It’s cold. And rainy. And dark.
Which means that the last place you want to be right now is upset and waiting outside your best friends trailer in your cheer uniform. It’s currently the middle of October and you had your first ever pep rally as a cheerleader tonight. You had been so excited, spending hours practicing the different routines that you were supposed to do.
The night had gone great too. You’d remembered every single move and routine without messing up once, and you had so much fun while doing it. Until you realized someone was missing in the crowd.
Your feelings had only grown for him in recent months. Developing from a simply crush, to you being absolutely giddy any time his name was mentioned. He’d been super excited to watch you perform too, promising you over and over again for weeks that he would be there tonight.
“How could I miss my favorite girl doing something she loves?” He’d said to you.
I don’t know Eddie, but apparently you could.
He was also supposed to be your ride home, but since he never showed up you had to hitch a ride with Chrissy back to your house. You didn’t mind that though, she’s actually very sweet and had spent a lot of time helping you practice the different routines. She’s a good friend to you.
You had thanked her after she dropped you off and watched her car pull away before turning to head inside. You didn’t even make it to the front door before your mind wandered to Eddie. Maybe there was a reason he hadn’t shown up to the pep rally. Maybe he was sick… or hurt. You couldn’t bear not at least checking up on him.
So you grabbed your bike and began the 3 mile trek to the trailer park.
Now here you are, standing in the trickling rain and banging on door of the Munson residence with your fist. Part of you hopes that there’s something actually wrong with him. Because if he ditched you for no reason, you’re going to be pissed.
“Jesus Christ- I’m coming!” His voice is muffled through the metal walls before the door flies open, revealing a very disheveled, very high, Eddie Munson. Your heart sinks in disappointment as his eyebrows furrow in confusion at the sight of you.
“Sweetheart? What are you doing here?” He asks, reeking of weed. You take a step back shaking your head in disappointment. The pet name doesn’t have the same affect on you that it normally does; this time it physically hurts to hear.
“I could ask you the same thing.” He’s confused, you can tell, “You were supposed to be there tonight Eddie.” He shakes his head, still lost. You sigh, clearly aggravated as you gesture to your cheer outfit. A look of recognition fills his eyes and you expect him to feel bad, falling to his knees and beg you for forgiveness like his dramatic self normally would.
He doesn’t even flinch.
But you do.
“Okay? What do you mean okay? You promised me that you would be there. And what- you ditched me to get high?” You ask incredulously. He opens his mouth to respond before one of the doors behind him creaks open and a sickeningly sweet voice fills the air,
“Eddie can you tell the cheerleader to hurry it up please?”
You flinch again, just now noticing how his pants are on completely backwards and there’s remnants of lipstick on his cheek. Oh my god. He had completely ditched you for another girl. You’d be lying if you said it didn’t feel like a stab to the heart; a jealous rage filling you.
“Yeah baby, I’ll be there in just a minute.” Eddie calls back and you scowl. So that’s it? Mystery girl is “baby,” but you’ve been downgraded to just “the cheerleader” to him?
You can’t help but scoff as you hear her shut the door behind her. Eddie watches carefully as your eyes fill with rage, becoming slightly irritated himself.
“The cheerleader?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Well, you are one aren’t you?” He snaps back. You take another step back at his tone, never having heard him speak like that towards you.
“Yeah I am…. I thought that wasn’t a problem for you.” You mumble, head hanging low at this point. You hear him huff, and tears start to brim your eyes.
“It’s not. You’re the one making it a problem.” His nonchalant attitude causes you to snap,
“You were supposed to be there! You told me over and over again for weeks about how excited you were to see me perform! And then- what- you ditched me to get high and sleep with some girl? Do you even know her?”
He’s angry now, opening his mouth to yell, but you cut him off again, “You know what? I don’t even care about her at this point. You were my ride home too Eddie, and you weren’t there. Best friends don’t do that kind of shit to each other.”
It’s like he ignores almost everything you had just said.
“Well you made it home just fine didn’t you?” He asks bitterly.
“No thanks to you, asshole.” His eyes widen in surprise at your words. You had hardly ever cussed around him, let alone at him. A mix of both guilt and dread begin to sink in as he realizes the full extent of your anger,
“Listen, you came at a bad time and-”
The tears begin to fall down your cheeks as you grab your bike, hopping on. You wish it were you he’d been so quick to defend. You wish it were you he was spending his night with. You wish it were you in that trailer instead of some random girl.
“Yeah I can see that. But you don’t have to worry about that happening again, I won’t be coming around anymore.” You begin to peddle off, needing to be away from him. His face falls as he watches you,
“C’mon don’t be like that!” He calls,
“Sweetheart please…” he tries again. But you don’t turn around. You don’t even acknowledge him as you bike off into the night, your tears mixing with the rain as they soak your cheeks.
3. The Band Practice
The rest of the year had gone by in a flash and it was now Summer in Hawkins once again. Your sophomore year had been great to be honest. You’d gotten solid grades, passed your drivers test, and made plenty of new friends from the cheer squad, and while they could definitely be pretty mean and judgmental, they were better than nothing.
Except Chrissy though, she’s an absolute saint. She’s there for you and always seems to know what to say. She’s heard about what happened between you and Eddie about a million times, and while she doesn’t agree with his behavior, she thinks you should try to talk to him.
That’s one of the only pieces of advice that you haven’t taken from her. You know that her heart’s in the right place but… you just can’t. It’s too late at this point.
But that’s okay, because she’s been avoiding the advice you’ve given to her for months. You’ve told her to dump Jason about fifty times by now and she just won’t, even though she thinks he’s a total douche bag. Either way she’s a sweetheart to you, and an amazing friend.
Just like Eddie was. The thought lingers in the back of your mind.
You shake your head, trying to will away your thoughts. As much as you hate to admit it, you really do miss Eddie. The two of you had been best friends for almost a decade, but after that night you never spoke again. It definitely hurt, cutting out his friendship cold turkey. It was just some stupid fight, and honestly you had expected him to be apologizing by Monday night so the two of you could celebrate your monthly watching of ‘The Thing.’
But you guess he took what you had said to heart.
“I won’t be coming around anymore.”
Even though he had been completely in the wrong that night, you still regretted your choice of words. Maybe you’d still be friends with him. Maybe you’d still be able to show up at his trailer at midnight with your problems.
Maybe you wouldn’t have an overwhelming feeling of dread as you stare at him playing his guitar in Gareth’s garage.
You’d been on a run, trying to get back into shape for cheerleading. It‘s supposed to start up along with school in about a month, and you decided it was better to be prepared instead of feeling exhausted at the end of every practice, like the year prior.
While you had been busy with your new popular friends, Eddie had also been quite busy. He’d reformed his old band from middle school, keeping the name corroded coffin, and he’d started a D&D club called Hellfire. He runs it with his buddies Jeff, Mick, and Gareth, and honestly, he seems happier with them. Happier without you.
Gareth’s house has always been on your typical running route, but their band practices have never overlapped with your usual runs. Until now at least. You’d stopped in your tracks completely in the absolute worst spot too.
At the end of the fucking driveway. Right in their line of sight.
You can’t take your eyes off of Eddie though. He’s definitely grown another inch or two taller, and his hair has gotten longer. He wears rings on his fingers now, and he’s no longer wearing his old, worn out black shoes, but instead crisp, new, white ones.
He looks good. Like really good.
It isn’t until the song they’re playing ends and he looks up that you even realize you’re staring.
He’s surprised to see you of course, you’d be surprised too. But then his eyes light up and he gives you a wave. You can’t help but give him a small smile, shyly returning the wave. He cracks a smile and you blush. God you miss this boy.
You watch as he holds up a finger to you as if to say, “one second,” before he turns to the other boys.
You realize what he’s doing and immediately panic. He’s going to come up to you. He’s going to talk to you. Your fight or flight instincts kick in, flight immediately winning as you turn your heel and continue your run, leaving Eddie behind once again.
Eddie turns around after setting his guitar down, only to find that you’re gone. He peeks his head around the corner of the garage and watches as you run down the street, away from him.
A sense of deja vu washes over him from the night your friendship had ended and he sighs, masking the disappointment from his face before picking up the guitar and plastering on a fake smile.
“Alright, where were we?”
4. The Parking Lot
Senior year hits you like a bus. Your years of mischief and dark clothing have been put behind you, and you’re now one of the Hawkins High, “It girls.”
You’ve been named Co-Captain of the cheer squad alongside Chrissy, who is the Captain, you’re constantly making appearances at parties and many other social events, you’re in the running for homecoming Queen, and you’re even dating Andy Johnson, one of the star varsity basketball players.
From the outside, most people would say that your life is great. But in reality, you’re drowning.
The constant partying, drinking, and socializing is way too much for you. Keeping up the stereotypical “good girl who always dresses up” image you’ve created for yourself has caused you to have so many breakdowns that you’ve lost count of them all.
And spending hours at night just to figure out what you’re going to wear the next day, then going to school with eye bags and a forced smile? It’s exhausting. And it’s not like your parents are ever around to help you, with how “devoted to their work” they are.
“Honey it’s nothing personal.” Your mom had said over the phone for the last three birthdays, “Your father and I have work to do. Go hang out with your friends today.”
It was bullshit. Your whole life had become a stupid pile of bullshit, and you were left to deal with it alone.
All while trying to keep your shithead of a boyfriend happy.
It’s wearing you down to bone. These days you look in the mirror and don’t even recognize yourself. You never used to care what other people thought of you, but when the other cheerleaders are constantly judging your outfits, your makeup, and your attitude?
It doesn’t matter how many times Chrissy tells you to ignore them, it still gets to you, and she’s the only one who can see that.
Well, and Eddie of course.
He’s kept his distance for over the last year and a half, taking the hint you gave him that day at his band practice. But that doesn’t mean he stopped keeping an eye on you. He watched from afar as you slowly climbed the social ladder, becoming extremely popular within only a few months.
At first he was happy for you, even if it hurt, he was still happy that you had moved on and made something better for yourself. And then he started to notice it.
The way you slouch over in class, eyes slowly drooping shut until you’re called on by a teacher. The way you force your smile while talking to the other cheerleaders. The way you always fiddle with your clothing or your hair, nervous that somethings fallen out of place.
The way you seem completely uncomfortable around your asshole boyfriend.
He can tell that you’re close to your breaking point, as he’s seen you burst at the seams before, but he doesn’t want to overstep the line you’ve so adamantly drawn out between the two of you.
So he stays away. Close enough to where he’s there if you ever need him, and far enough that you’re not bothered.
Little does he know, you’d never be bothered by him. You miss him so much that it physically hurts. But you’re stuck in this façade, fearful of what might happen if you break out of it.
You’re ashamed of how often you lay in bed and wish that things had gone differently that night. That maybe you could’ve given him a chance to explain, or even come by the next day and communicated your frustrations. But no, you had to let your anger get in the way and fuck it all up. It was just a stupid pep rally after all, and it’s pretty much ruined your life. It was just the shove you needed to be sent spiraling down the rabbit hole. You’ve dug yourself a hole six feet deep, with no way to crawl out.
Which is why you’re here now, after school, dragging your feet along as you trudge to Chrissy’s car. Cheer practice had been cancelled for the day so you actually have time to do your homework, pick out a cute outfit for tomorrow, and pass out completely.
You can’t help but sigh happily as you daydream about your bed. However, your blissful thoughts are rudely interrupted by a string of insults flying through the air. You whip your head around to find the last thing you wanted to see,
“You think you’re tough shit freak? You think you can stalk my girlfriend and get away with it?”
Andy and Jason have Eddie cornered.
You know that they like to pick on him from time to time, but Eddie can most certainly hold his own, and it’s never gotten physical. Andy’s violence was usually just reserved for you. Until now.
Jason throws the first punch, hitting Eddie square in the jaw.
Eddie’s always been a good fighter, but not when it’s two against one. That’s just unfair.
His head whips back but he recovers quickly, throwing a punch of his own. A sickening crack fills the air as his fist connects with Jason’s nose. You mentally cheer as you witness Jason stumble backwards, only to watch in horror as Eddie’s punched in the cheek by none other than your boyfriend. Another punch is thrown into his gut and he falls to his knees, taking punches and kicks from both boys.
Your immediate gut instinct is to run over there and defend Eddie, and you almost do, but about five steps in, your body forces itself to stop, as you see Andy with his raised fist. You’re paralyzed with fear.
You’ve experienced his hits before, and you’re absolutely petrified of him. The hundreds of dollars worth of foundation and concealer you’ve gone through are enough proof for you to realize that you can’t do anything to stop this.
Eddie’s eyes meet yours through the chaos and his eyes can’t help but soften as he watches the tears trickle down your cheeks. Even as he’s being beaten to hell, all he can worry about is you. You can’t force yourself to keep watching though, turning away from the scene, doing your best to drown it out, to ignore it.
Soon enough you have arms wrapped around you and you’re being pulled into someone’s chest. You catch a whiff of perfume as you try to breathe, recognizing the signature floral scent anywhere.
“JASON THAT’S ENOUGH!” She rages and you tremble harder in her arms, never having heard her sound so angry.
Silence ensues after that, Jason and Andy ceasing their attack on poor Eddie. They realize that a crowd has now gathered, witnessing everything that had just gone down. Chrissy holds you tight, gently shushing your cries as teachers begin to push their way through everyone.
“It’s okay…it’s okay it’s over. He’s alright.”
You nod your head shakily against her chest, titling it to the side to catch a glimpse of another student helping Eddie up. He’s beaten up pretty bad, but all he can focus on is you. The two of you hold eye contact for a moment before your lip starts to wobble. You manage to mouth an apology to him before your view is cut off by a very angry Andy, who’s currently marching towards you.
He grabs you by the wrist as he walks by, practically yanking you from Chrissy’s arms and dragging you with him.
“Ow! Andy-”
“Shut the fuck up and let’s go.” He practically growls, dragging you towards his truck.
“Actually Andy…” Chrissy’s voice cuts through the air like a knife. The girl who usually sounds so sweet, now sounds like she could bite Andy’s head off, “Her and I were going to study tonight. So I suggest you let her go.”
Andy stops in his tracks and you almost crash into him. He turns to glare at Chrissy, only to realize just how many people are staring at him right now. He huffs out an aggravated breath before releasing his tight grip on your wrist.
“Of course.” He smiles bitterly, his voice sickeningly sweet, “She’s all yours.” He bends down to your ear,
“Don’t think for one second I’m gonna fucking forget about this. Next time I see you, we’re gonna have a little talk.” He whispers, his tone ever threatening. You don’t even know what you did wrong, but you’re too petrified to ask. He places a kiss to your temple for show, before pushing you away from him. You stumble back into Chrissy’s arms and she holds you tight once again in an attempt to calm your trembling self.
“Chrissy I-” you hear Jason attempt to explain himself.
“Don’t. Just fucking don’t, Jason. Go home.” She hisses at him. You can’t see but you can only imagine how he’s solemnly hanging his head right now, walking back to his car like a kicked puppy. It takes Chrissy a moment to notice that the crowd is still gathered, witnessing this whole interaction.
“Cmon, let’s go to my car.” She ushers, gently.
You nod, trailing behind her as she leads you by the hand. When the two of you are finally settled inside, you take a moment to process everything that’s gone down in the last 10 minutes. Chrissy watches you carefully, keeping a hand on your shoulder as your hands slowly begin to stop trembling and you take a deep breath.
“Are you okay?” She asks you, tone full of concern. You shake your head, wondering where the hell everything in your life had gone so wrong.
“Did he see any of that?” You ask, knowing she’ll understand what you’re referring to. She shakes her head,
“I don’t think so. He was limping away by the time Andy grabbed you.” You sigh in relief and she bites her lip in contemplation, “Why do you stay with him?” She whispers.
You think about it for a moment. Remembering back to the earlier days of your relationship. You had thought he was cute, and sweet, and funny. And when he had finally asked you out, you were over the moon, never having been in a relationship before. But then he changed. He stopped being sweet, and started begging for sex, getting angry every time you told him that you weren’t ready. By the time you were, you’d found out that he’d been sleeping with other girls. So many other girls. The first time you tried to confront him about it was the first time he hit you.
That was the last time you had any complaints. But it definitely wasn’t the last of the abuse.
The two of you have been together for show for the last nine months. He doesn’t kiss you, he doesn’t show you affection, and he doesn’t touch you. Yet, he refuses to break it off, even though when the two of you are alone he’s nothing but scary. You’re terrified of what he’ll do if you try to break up with him again.
You think back to last month, when the two of you stood in the Family Video parking lot as you tried to end things with him. He’d backhanded you across the face right then and there. The only thing that saved you that day was a very angry Steve Harrington who had marched up to Andy in his uniform and practically thrown him off of the property.
You and Steve had talked occasionally before, mainly through Eddie and Robin who’re both technically mutual friends. The two of you had always bonded over your feelings of loneliness within your families. You’d confided in him that day, telling him every last detail about what had been going on with you lately, while you cried in his arms. You were begging him not to tell Eddie anything, and he agreed, reluctantly, but he agreed.
As long as you stayed away from Andy of course.
You knew you couldn’t keep that promise though. He’d be back, and Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington couldn’t protect you forever. So you lied through your teeth, convincing him you’d be done with your boyfriend for good. And since he isn’t in high school anymore, you hoped it be a lot easier to hide it from him.
But by the next Monday, you and Andy were officially back on as a couple. Holding hands in the high school hallways had never felt so draining, especially since there was a large purple bruise on your cheek that had been doused in concealer.
You shrug your shoulders, sniffling, “He’ll hurt me if I try to leave him again.”
She stays silent for a moment, pondering what she can do to help you before she reaches back behind her seat. You do your best to wipe your face of any tears before she places something in your lap.
A first aid kit.
“What-” she cuts you off,
“I saw him go back behind the football field. Probably to that old picnic bench he deals at.” She looks at you sadly, but you shake your head.
“No…no I can’t. There’s no way he’d even want me to-” she grips your shoulders gently, turning you towards her with a small smile.
“You’ve been putting this off for way too long. I’ve seen the way he looks at you…the way he looked at you just now. Even when he was bleeding and bruised all he cared about was you.” You huff, contemplating her words,
“But what if he-” you attempt one final time.
“He won’t. Now go. I’ll wait here until you guys come back.”
You nod, taking a deep breath before stepping out of the car, first aid kid in hand. You slowly make your way towards the woods, anxiety filling you to the brim.
5. The Picnic Bench
The woods are cold; the trees preventing the sun from keeping the November air bearable. And you wore a fucking skirt to school today.
Great idea.
In your defense, you didn’t think you’d be outside for more than 5 minutes today. But here you are, trudging your way through mud and leaves behind Hawkins High School, first aid kit in hand.
God why did Chrissy have to be so convincing.
There was still time to turn around. You could tell her that Eddie had wanted nothing to do with you, and told you to fuck off. You could go home and finally lay in your comfy bed, and pass out for ten hours straight. You could avoid any and all interaction with him like you had been for the last two years and spare yourself from what could be the most awkward situation you’ve ever put yourself into.
But your feet don’t stop moving, because you know better. You could never do that to Eddie. Whether he wants to admit it or not, he needs someone right now. And you’re the only someone around.
The small clearing comes more into view with every step that you take, and low and behold, there sits Eddie on top of the picnic bench holding his head in his hands. You pause for a moment, unsure of how to go about this. You watch as his body trembles and you can hear him sniffle, your heart shattering as he does. You’ve never seen him like this, and you want nothing more than fix the broken boy in front of you.
The broken boy you created, your thoughts echo, a horrible weight of guilt settling on top of your shoulders.
You take another slow step towards him and a twig snaps under your foot, causing his head to whip around in fear. You curse, holding your hands up in an effort to show you’re no threat to him.
Not that he would ever actually think that.
“It’s me… It’s just me,” You state calmly. He huffs out a breath of relief, wincing before he turns back away from you, quickly wiping his tears from his cheeks. You watch as he does, feeling a pang in your chest at the fact that he’s hiding from you. You make your way over, setting the first aid kit down on the bench as you kneel in front of him.
Your hands reach up, cradling his bruised face as your thumbs gently brush the tears from his cheeks. He lets you, though he doesn’t say anything, nor does he make eye contact with you, his eyes glued to the floor. “Oh Eds…” you sigh, reaching for the first aid kit.
He glances at it, shaking his head at you, “No.”
You freeze, eyeing him carefully, “What?”
His puppy dog eyes stay focused on the ground as he pleads defeatedly, “No don’t- please don’t. You don’t have to.”
His body is trembling, his bottom lip and eyebrow are both split, his left eye is swollen, his jaw is starting to form different hues of black and blue, and based on the damage that had been done to his stomach and ribs, you had no doubt that his torso looked just the same. And yet here he is, pleading for you to walk away. But there’s no way you’re going to leave him out here alone.
There’s no way you’re going to leave him ever again.
You reach into the first aid kit, pulling out an antiseptic wipe before reaching up to dab at the slit in his eyebrow, “Of course I do.”
He winces as the alcohol seeps into his cut, cleaning them. He sniffles, attempting one last time to convince you that you don’t have to help him, “I’m serious, you really don’t have to.”
You ignore him, continuing to lightly dab at his wounds.
Your hands work slowly as you carefully clean and bandage each cut, the two of you sitting in silence, save for the occasional hiss of pain from him, immediately followed by a mumbled apology from you.
Once you finish you slowly put everything back into the first aid kit, the two of you continuing to sit in silence. You chew on your lip, not really knowing what to say. You can’t help but think of what things were like three years ago, when this would never have happened. Back then there had never been an awkward moment between the two of you. Yet here you are, nervous thoughts wracking your brain and watching as he nervously played with the ends of his hair. You take a moment to gather your scrambled thoughts as you take a deep breath,
“I’m sorry.”
You both say it at the same time, wide eyes meeting. He grins shyly, and you can’t help the small laugh that leaves your lips,
“What the hell are you sorry for?”
His eyebrows furrow at your question, eyes swimming with confusion as he wonders whether your serious or not. What the hell isn’t he sorry for at this point?
“Well- everything?” He huffs out, “For getting into a fight with your boyfriend, for making you feel like you need to take care of me, for pushing my way into your business, even after you made it clear you want nothing to do with me, for…that night.” he trails off, remembering how you had looked, standing in the rain and begging for some kind of an explanation from him, when in reality, he didn’t have one.
You shake your head at his words, “That- that night was so…”
“Stupid?” He fills in, and you nod.
“I don’t even know why I was so worked up over some dumb pep rally,” you laugh sadly, head hung low. Eddie watches carefully as your hand comes up to your cheek, quickly trying to wipe a tear away. He sighs heavily, patting the spot next to him on the bench and you look up at him in confusion.
“Cmon, get up here.”
You oblige, sniffling as you stand up from your spot on the ground. You sit down next to him, suddenly aware of the cold air around you once more. Your arms wrap around your body as a chill runs up your spine. You don’t even notice that Eddie’s removed his leather jacket until he’s placing it around your shoulders.
It smells like him. The same cheap cologne he’s worn since freshman year, a hint of weed, a hint of cigarettes… and mint? That’s new.
You nod, wordlessly thanking him, and he responds by snaking his arm around your shoulders, scooting closer to you until you’re joined at the hip. Without even thinking about it, you lay your head on his shoulder and he rubs your arm.
It’s silent for a few moments, the two of you just taking in this moment together, as the cold November air nips at your skin.
“You were worked up over ‘some dumb pep rally’ because it was important to you, and I bailed.” His voice cuts through the air, filled to brim with regret.
“Eddie-” he shakes his head.
“I bailed on you to get high and sleep with some random chick. I messed up, and I disappointed you without even apologizing for it. You shouldn’t have to feel like any of that was your fault, because it wasn’t,” you watch as his face falls into one of remorse, “It was mine, and I’m sorry. I never should’ve done that to you. You didn’t deserve it.”
You’re silent for a moment, not really sure what to say as you hear him sniffle. You lean impossibly closer to him, placing a kiss onto his cheek.
“Maybe not, but I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago if I’m being honest, I just didn’t know how to talk to you again. I was scared you would hate me.” You huff, teeth still slightly chattering, “But you sure as hell didn’t deserve two years of silence from me. I’m sorry too Eds.” You mumble, and he chuckles.
“I personally would disagree, but I forgive you too sweetheart.” He places a kiss on your hairline
You haven’t heard him call you that in so long. So long that you never realized how much you missed it until now. Your boyfriend never even gave you the time of day, let alone cute nicknames or pet names.
Which reminds you…
“Hey Eds?” You ask shyly, head still leaning on his shoulder. He hums in response, encouraging you to continue. You twiddle your thumbs nervously in your lap as you open your mouth to speak once again, “Why um- why did you get into a fight with Andy?”
He tenses, as if he’d forgotten the actual reason that the two of you are here. His hand pauses it’s movements briefly on your arm, and he clears his throat,
“I uh…,” he pauses, causing you to grow more nervous. “Harrington,” he confesses and you feel your heart sink, “Harrington told me everything yesterday. So I confronted Andy about it and well…” He trails off.
Okay well…Shit.
You retract from his grasp in an instant, moving away from the picnic table all together. A mix of panic and betrayal covers your features, and he eyes you carefully, arms extended towards you in an effort to calm you.
“Woah woah woah, okay baby…take it easy-” you shake your head. He can’t know, he just can’t. Because if he knows… and Andy knows that he knows…
You’re fucked.
“H-he’s lying! Whatever Steve said to you it’s not true, I-I swear!” You choke out, pure panic lacing your voice as your breathing picks up drastically. His eyebrows furrow and he glances down at your arm momentarily,
“I saw that little exchange in the parking lot, so tell that to the bruises on your wrist.” You look down and sure enough, purple outlines of Andy’s fingerprints coated your wrist where he had grabbed you. Your eyes pinch shut and tears leak down your cheeks.
“No… no no no you can’t- Steve promised he wouldn’t- oh god- this can’t be happening- shit Andy’s gonna-”
You can’t think straight, holding in your cries and stumbling backwards as your breathing keeps up it’s rapid pace. You don’t even notice the branch on the ground until you stumble over it, landing on your ass. The impact causes the damn inside of you to break, strangled sobs forcing their way from your throat.
Your head’s spinning, your body is trembling, and you can’t breathe. You can’t tell if you’re numb from your breakdown or from the cold, but you don’t really care at this point. Everything that’s been building up inside of you for the last two years is all coming out. Not only that, but now that Eddie knows everything, Andy’s going to hurt you. Andy’s going to hurt Eddie again. You curl in on yourself, mumbling apology after apology through your cries.
You hardly feel Eddie’s presence as he quickly squats next to you, but even through your hazy mind and panicked breaths you’re able to make out some of his words,
You nod your head rapidly, barely understanding what he’s asking, but begging for some sort of comfort.
Warm hands find their way underneath your arms, slowly lifting you into an embrace. Eddie sits on the ground with you, one of his hands rubbing your back calmingly, while the other gently squeezes the back of your neck, attempting to ground you. Your body trembles against his, and your face rests tucked into where his shoulder and neck meet. You continue to cry and wheeze, legs straddling his lap.
“I’m so sorry- I can’t- I don’t know how to stop it I’m sorry-”
God you feel pathetic.
“It’s okay, It’s okay. You don’t have to be sorry for anything. Just breathe, I’ve got you.”
He holds you tight, gently rocking the two of you back and forth. His chin is placed on top of your head, and his mind is running with about a hundred different questions. But he tables them for later, putting all of his focus onto you. You need him right now; for the first time in two years you need him. He wasn’t about to fail you again.
“E-Eddie…” you cry weakly, and he shushes you.
“I’m here sweetheart, I’m right here. Not going anywhere, I promise.” He reaches up, gently grabbing your hand from where it sits around his neck, and places it on his chest, “Feel that? Feel my breathing? I want you to try your best to follow it. Deep breaths now, c’mon.”
You attempt to follow them, but it’s hard. Your breaths remain short and panicked as you try to inhale deeply. Eddie can sense your growing frustration, but he continues to gently guide you, knowing it takes time.
You try once more, only to have your breathing stutter again. What is supposed to be a groan of exasperation, quickly becomes a painful, desperate wheeze as it leaves your lips.
“Shh, I know honey. You can do it, just keep breathing for me.”
You do, taking your time to inhale carefully. You focus less on the raging thoughts of Andy in your head, and more on the expansion of your lungs. Finally, your breathing starts to slow and you’re able to take in a deep breath of air, much to yours, and Eddie’s relief. He continues holding you for a few minutes longer, allowing you to fully relax in his arms.
“I thought you stopped having panic attacks?” He gently asks, breaking the silence. You nod, sniffling as you lean back to look at him; his eyes are swimming with nothing but pure concern for you. “Yeah, I did, until a couple months ago. Turns out I really don’t like being in the spotlight as much as I thought I would.” You look down, avoiding his pitiful gaze, “How the fuck did Steve know anyway?” You ask, wondering if Eddie even had the answer to that.
He did in fact have the answer. A deep chuckle rumbled in his chest and he gently poked your forehead, “Forgetful thing aren’t you? Must’ve forgotten we go to school with Buckley.” The amusement in his eyes only grows as your own widen in realization, and your head drops into your hands, a frustrated groan escaping you.
“God I’m so stupid.” He reaches up, rubbing your arm’s comfortingly, “Maybe a little.”
That earns him a shove and he laughs again, but you don’t. You look back down in utter shame that you had tried to keep all this a secret in the first place.
“I’m sorry-” He shakes his head, not having it.
“No. Absolutely not. Don’t do that to yourself,” you stare at him, dumbfounded.
“But I-”
He reaches up, cradling your face, thumbs gently wiping away the tear stains from your cheeks, “My sweet girl, you have nothing to be sorry for.” Your heart stutters for just a moment, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. But I’ll be damned if I let that piece of shit lay a hand on you ever again.”
You don’t know what to do. You think about crying again, maybe laughing, getting on your knees and thanking him profusely. But none of those seem right.
So you find yourself leaning in, and you kiss him.
He stills at first, in what seems to be utter shock. He doesn’t move for so long in fact, that you begin to pull away in shame, before his hands are tangling in your hair and he kisses you back. Hard. Like he’s been waiting for this moment his entire life.
Unbeknownst to you, he has been.
His lips are soft. Softer than you ever imagined. It has you absolutely melting against him, deepening the kiss as your body becomes weightless, feeling like you’re floating on water. He gently swipes his tongue against your bottom lip, and you don’t fight him, your mouth falling open and welcoming him. It’s as if time stopped, as if no one else exists but the two of you.
You reluctantly pull away from him, panting as your foreheads rest against each other. Your eyes remain closed for a moment, processing what you’d just done. His thumb circles the apple of your cheek for a few seconds, before it trails down to your bottom lip, gently tracing it. You slowly open your eyes to meet his, staring at you in complete adoration, a small smile gracing his face.
“Gotta say, I’ve been dreaming of that since freshman year.” You blush a deep red at that, a shy giggle escaping you. You drop your head against his shoulder once again before lifting your wrist, revealing the green bandana he’d given you that one fateful day,
“Sophomore year.”
A shit eating grin forms on his lips, and he tilts his head back, whole body shaking with laughter. You can’t help but lift your head and watch him in amusement. God he’s so pretty.
“There’s no way!” He exclaims, and your eyebrows furrow in confusion, “What?”
He lifts his own wrist, revealing the bracelet he’d stolen from you that same fateful day. Your eyes widen in realization and you join in on his laughter.
“You still wear it?” You can help but to ask in disbelief, and he smiles,
“Never took it off.”
You blush, shaking your head, “Neither did I.”
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence on the forest floor for another moment before he speaks up again, a cheeky grin covering his features,
“We’re just big ol’ idiots aren’t we?” You nod without missing a beat,
“The biggest.”
6. The Hallway
“And then I told him to fuck off! Can you believe it?” Chrissy exclaims excitedly. She’s finally broken things off with Jason and is currently giving you and Robin all of the details as the three of you walk out of Mrs. Clicks class.
You can’t help but be equally as excited, it just radiates off of her, and it’s contagious.
“That’s amazing Chris!” You wrap an arm around her shoulders and she giggles, feeling giddy as all hell.
“What about you?” Robin asks can’t help but ask, “How are you doing?”
After yours and Eddie’s little escapade in the woods, the two of you had made your way back to the parking lot, where Chrissy was still waiting in her car. Eddie had offered to give you a ride home, but you politely declined, offering to come over later that night. He obliged, but not before kissing you once again.
Chrissy honked the horn mid make out session and the two of you had parted with laughs.
When you made it back to her car she was losing her mind, absolutely ecstatic for the two of you. She also couldn’t help spewing out a few, “I told you so, I’ve been telling you for years.”
You’d been dropped off at home with a cheerful goodbye to Chrissy, before getting ready to see Eddie. Within two hours you were at his trailer for the first time in years, greeting Wayne with the biggest hug ever.
“It’s good to see you kiddo.” He’d said, and he meant it.
That was a week ago, and so far you had been able to avoid Andy, while simultaneously seeing Eddie every day.
“Honestly? I feel better than I’ve felt in years. I missed him so much, and now that he’s back in my life, it’s like a breath of fresh air.”
She beams at that, genuine happy to hear you’re doing better. “And Andy?” Chrissy asks. You huff out a breath. “I’ve been avoiding him like the plague. Haven’t seen him since last week.” They both giggle at that,
“Maybe you can keep avoiding him until he forgets about you entirely.” Chrissy pipes up. Robin can’t help but retort, “That shouldn’t take too long, considering he’s dumber than a pile of bricks.” You laugh at that, like full on belly laugh. You can’t help it because it’s true. There’s stupid, and then there’s Andy level stupid. You look over to Robin, suddenly feeling immensely grateful for her and Harrington.
“Seriously though Robin, I can’t thank you and Steve enough.” She waves off your thanks with a ‘pfft.’
“I didn’t even know! You and Andy just came up in a conversation and I swear to god Steve’s face went white as a fricken ghost. He like, immediately called Eddie and told him to come over. I was completely lost until he explained everything to the two of us. I’ll be sure to pass your ‘thank you’ off to mama bear Steve though.”
“Still,” Chrissy chimes in, “She’s lucky to have friends like you guys looking out for her.”
“Damn right she is! Cause if that asshole ever tries to lay another hand on you, I’ll fight him myself.”
“Robin,” you giggle, “You’re the most uncoordinated person I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah and I’ll still fist fight him.” She gets into a mock fighting stance, throwing a few fake punches like she’s a video game character, before bursting out laughing.
However, your laughs are cut off as Chrissy abruptly stops walking.
“Uh oh.”
You look up and immediately feel your smile fading at the sight in front of you. There stood Andy, holding Eddie by the collar of his leather jacket, pinning him up against the lockers. At first, fear spreads throughout your whole body. For yourself, for Eddie, for your friends on either side of you…
But then it turns to rage.
You reach into your backpack, grabbing your very sturdy, very big biology textbook. You turn to Chrissy, wordlessly handing her your bag. She looks at you in both fear and confusion, but nevertheless take it from your arms and into yours.
“Hang on-” Robin whispers, quickly figuring out where this is going. You shake your head, turning to her, “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
You turn your attention back to Eddie, who looks a mix of furious and fearful. You waste no time, making your way over to them. Eddie’s eye catches yours, widening in fear at what could happen to you. He shakes his head, urging you to walk away. To keep yourself safe. But you’re done dealing with Andy. And you’re done leaving Eddie.
“Hey dick!” You yell, catching the attention of the asshole jock. He doesn’t even get the chance to fully look at you before you’re swinging the textbook at his head. He stumbles back with a grunt, holding his head in his hands as he curses up a storm. By the looks of it you’ve broken his nose. With how much blood is dripping down his face, it seems like the only possible answer.
Everyone in the hallway has stopped to watch in shock as the seemingly “perfect couple” falls apart right before their eyes.
“If you put your hands on me or any of my friends ever again, I will ruin your fucking life. Do you understand me?” He scoffs at that, not even really paying attention to you, too busy cradling his nose. His answer doesn’t satisfy you though, and you don’t have much time before teachers start showing up. So what else is there for you to do other than kick him right in the dick.
He falls to his knees with a cry, and the whole crowd gasps and ‘ooos’ as he writhes on the ground. “I said, do you understand me?” You ask calmly.
“Yes!” He chokes out pathetically, “Fuck- Yes! I understand!”
Finally satisfied, you gently grab Eddie by the sleeve of his jacket, dragging him away from the scene, and through the crowd back to your friends. “Holy shit.” Chrissy mumbles, eyes widened in shock as you take your bag back from her.
“Holy shit!” Robin beams, as if she’s just witnessed the most badass thing ever.
“Holy shit…” Eddie praises, almost like he’s…turned on?
Jesus fucking Christ-
“So!” You clear your throat, “Lunch anyone?” You ask, abruptly trying to change the subject. All three of them nod, still absolutely dumbfounded as they make their way with you to the cafeteria.
“You know,” Eddie whispers into you ear as the two of you walk side by side, “That was pretty hot.” You can’t help but roll your eyes, biting your bottom lip to hide your grin.
“Keep it in your pants Munson.” You whisper back and he chuckles,
“Oh I will, for now at least.” He winks at you and you blush, heat rushing all the way down to your neck. He chuckles at you before reaching for you hand, lacing his fingers through yours.
And that’s how the two of you walk, hands intertwined, with a green bandana wrapped around one wrist, and a green bracelet around the other.
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sunflowerharrington ¡ 2 years ago
I’m finally sending you my request!
I would probably want a fluffy to smutty Eddie x plus size reader fic. Based on “Do I wanna know?” By Arctic Monkeys.
Like her and Eddie are bffs and she has had a crush on him for what feels like forever, they tease each other and stuff but he never picks up the hints. The whole gang goes to the lake for a day and the reader is super nervous to show up in her swimsuit because she’s bigger and doesn’t want Eddie to think she’s gross. When he sees her he realizes the feelings he’s had for a very long time. They eventually go back to his place to change and they both end up confessing to each other. That’s just my idea but you can change it however you want to fit the song better if you like. 💕
Do I Wanna Know If This Feeling Flows Both Ways? - EM X PlusSize!GN!Reader
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pairing: eddie munson x plus-size!gn!reader.
warnings: male masturbation, perv!eddie, friends to lovers, p in v sex, eddie’s wild thoughts, eddie’s pov, obsessions, borderline yandere!eddie, jealousy, anger, low self esteem, body issues, lack of self love, fluff and smut, mention of heather holloway and billy hargrove’s deaths, reader is wearing a bathing suit but this can be read as swim shorts too if you like, slight breeding kink (i think that’s it).
notes: i tried my best, babes, i really did. i don’t feel as though this is the best representation because i myself am not plus sized, so if this is bad i’m sorry, i just wanted to write this for you. poc friendly also :) enjoy! if you want you can listen to ‘do i wanna know’ by arctic monkeys!
side note: not proofread or edited, sorry if there’s spelling or grammar mistakes :( also, i couldn’t help myself from switching the pov and the crush to eddie, i hope you still like it baby!
word count: 1541
taglist: @jonathansonlysweetheart @steveslittlesunflower @thisishellfire @friendly-neighborhood-ghoul @hellfirehaley @fxllfaiiry @fleurfairie @liviawritesthings @myobmaya @thefreakofhawkins86 @lxvecakes @creneal @corrodedhawkins @wzrlds @sympathyforher @quickiesgirl @eddiebillysteve @taecube @eddies-bat (i hope i got everyone!) dm comment or ask me to be added or taken off for future updates! 🖤
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There’s this story that brings you on the journey of young love. It’s like stepping out from a dark place and into the sun on a hot summer’s day, where the light is so bright and hot that your eyes ache and you’re blinded, where you panic, afraid you’ll never see the sun again. That’s what it was like when Eddie Munson fell in love. And he would always see the sun, as you were his sun, and he’d never let you go as long as you both lived.
He wanted you forever, he wanted to be yours forever. Whether that was as a friend, a best friend, or something more, he didn’t really mind. He just wanted you to stay in his life. Which was why on the day before you left for your vacation to California that you were going on with Chrissy, Robin, Nancy, Max, Erica and El, Eddie decided to ask the gang to meet him down by Lover’s Lake for a cool off from the hot sun. And everyone showed up, with Dustin complaining the entire time about the heat, with Steve telling him to stop whining.
Eddie loved their brotherly relationship, and he also loved the way Steve took in Max as one of his own without any questions, filling the big brother spot she never had. Eddie aspired to have that kind of relationship with someone, which is why he jumped at his first chance, taking Will under his wing, showing him the ins and outs of D&D and highschool romances—even though Eddie was never in a relationship before. But he swore by the fact that single people give better relationship advice than those in relationships… And he also helped Will figure out his feelings for Mike, so it was heartwarming to see that after Will confessed, Mike didn’t run away, he didn’t pull away. In fact, they got even closer.
Eddie wanted to be that close with you. And this “pool party” was the perfect way to do so. He even thought about fake-drowning so you’d save him, knowing you worked as a lifeguard at the swimming pool after Heather Holloway and Billy Hargrove went missing… Or so he thought. But Dustin and the others hadn’t told him the ins and outs of the Starcourt Tragedy just yet. They didn’t need to ruin his summer even more than you already had. You’d ruined him. You’d ruined Edward Wayne Munson, and you didn’t even know it. Standing on the wooden pathway around the edge of the lake next to Chrissy, ready to jump in, in your red lifeguard bathing suit—his favorite color, the reason why he hung out at the pool, just to see you in it, with your black bathing suit cover-up and your black and white flip flops—that he loved a lot.
But not as much as he loved you. Oh, he loved you so much. He’d do anything for you, including things from moving mountains to human sacrifice. You were his goddess, sent down from heaven to guide him through his highschool years, helping him to finally graduate in the summer of ‘86, and now helping him to finish his mechanics apprenticeship so he could get a job at the local garage. He hoped your car would break down a lot so he could fix it for you and impress you with his skilled fingers—while fixing your car, obviously, get your mind out of the gutter—instead of his swimming skills, or lack thereof.
He lay on his stomach next to Lucas, who’d been writing something down in a notebook, humming a Kate Bush song to himself. It sounded like Babooshka, and he had Max’s headphones on, so it must have been. Lucas was drawing a love heart with his and Max’s initials inside, and there was a poem beneath. As Eddie read the poem, his thoughts drifted back to you, the sound of your giggles filling his ears as Nancy splashed water at you and Steve playfully pulled you under the water with his arms… around… your… waist…
Fuck. No, this could not be happening. Eddie needed to be the one doing that. He needed to be the one with his hands around your waist, with his legs tangled with yours, with his hands around your— Woah, slow down there buddy.
Eddie rolled his eyes, he’d have to somehow slip away to sort out his growing erection somehow. Do you see what you do to him? He excused himself to the bathroom, stalking away from the group, into Reefer Rick’s cabin and into one of the rooms furthest away from where the group were situated. He sighed contentedly, working his balled fist over the shaft of his throbbing cock, the sensations of his hand squeezing over the sensitive nerves in his tip sending shivers of pleasure up his spine.
From where he was standing he had a clear view of you outside the window, the bathing suit hugging your full hips and your thick thighs he’d love to have his face between. He’d do anything for it. A small whimper left his throat as he fucked his fist faster, cursing your name under his breath, spreading his precum over the length of his dick.
“Fuck,” he mumbled under his breath, his hips bucking against his hand, whining and moaning as he kept his wide eyes full of undeniable lust on you. “Love fucking this pretty pussy, baby. My pretty pussy—fuck, baby, you’re so fucking tight, oh my God! Wanna have sex with you for real, sweetheart. Gonna cum in you again and again until you’re so full and round you look pregnant, baby—shit, fucking shit, oh shit— gonna- gonna make you mine.”
Eddie’s labored breathing turned into lewd gasps as his wrist flicking sped up, fucking himself through his high, his eyes squeezing shut, though the image of you bent over to pick up a bottle of sunscreen was still plastered in his mind. He wanted that image tatted on the inside of his eyelids.
His mouth dropped open and his thighs tensed, his chest rising and falling rapidly at the same time as his heavy breathing. One, two, three strokes until he let out a loud cry of your name, alerting you unbeknownst to him. He didn’t hear the door flinging open behind him as he came, thick ropes of cum dripping down his hand.
“Fuck, princess,” he chuckled. “Look at what your pretty ass made me do.”
He barely felt the arms wrapping around his waist until somebody rested their head against his back, against the area between his shoulder blades. His breath hitched in his chest when he recognized the color of nail polish you were wearing outside. You knew he only called you his princess, his sweetheart, his.
“Hi, Eds,” you murmured, your voice muffled against his skin, running your fingertips up and down his stomach, not realizing what had just happened, or just choosing to ignore it. “Had to come in for some shade, it’s too hot outside.”
“That’s because you were outside sweetheart. You’re gonna cause global warming,” he said, turning around after he’d shoved his softened dick back into his swim shorts, knowing that you hadn’t seen it because if you had, he knew his sweetheart would be freaking out. And he didn’t want that.
He wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled you close, discreetly sniffing your hair as he kissed the top of your forehead by your hairline. One thing Eddie didn’t know was how long it took Chrissy and Robin to convince you to go to the lake, practically dragging you out of your house and into Steve’s car. They promised nobody would think anything different of you, but that was so easy for them to say. Itty bitty bodies and tiny waists, but that’s not what Eddie liked. No, no. He loved your body the most.
He wanted to worship you as if you were a Goddess. Which you were, especially to him. He wanted to squeeze and kiss every inch of your body, and he wanted to suck hickeys into those deliciously curvy hips of yours and your neck. Oh, he wanted to cover your neck in hickeys, a few in the shape of an ‘E’ on the right side of your neck, and an ‘M’ on the left side of your neck. He wanted to mark you as his. And he wanted to do it now.
So that’s how he found himself on top of you as you whined beneath him, his shirt covering your body as he made sweet love to you, whispering words of affection to you as he chased both of your highs. He confessed he loved you as he came, seeing stars and angels dancing and fluttering around in his mind as thick ropes of cum landed on your breasts and stomach, seeping into his Black Sabbath shirt, joking that he’d never wash his sheets again after your cum began seeping into the sheets and the mattress.
You thought he was kidding, but he wasn’t, as you saw when you landed on the mattress after jumping back into the overworld after defeating Vecna in the Upside Down with your Eddie by your side.
feedback, likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! they let me know that you want me to keep writing!
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rebekol-maxicest-fitzsimmons ¡ 2 years ago
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My 50 Shades Of Grey inspired Hellcheer edit.
In this theme though they meet a few years after high school when Chrissy interviews him about his band.
Then once they have reunited Chrissy learns all about Eddie’s kinky ways and the life long crush he has had on her.😈😇💕
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thefreakandthehair ¡ 2 years ago
steve, chrissy, joyce
thanks friend! 💕🫶🏻
steve- if someone were to associate you with one item, what would it be?: that’s weirdly hard omg hmm, maybe a notebook bc I’m always writing! or a cat bc I don’t shut up about mine? edit: according to lexi, it’s bats and I love that so that’s my new answer.
chrissy- describe your favorite or most iconic outfit: my favorite regular day outfit is my yellow sweater with sleeves rolled up to show off my bats tattoo, jeans, and boots. my most iconic so far has probably been this leather dress I wore to new years. 🤌🏻
joyce- do you have any special rituals or routines you stick to?: well I’ve practiced witchcraft since ‘05 so lots of rituals there on a bigger, annual scale. daily, I always start my day with tea and I do a 5-10 minute meditation at some point during the day to make my therapist proud. it does keep me from losing me entire shit most days though so maybe she’s onto something.
stranger things inbox game!
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