#chriss loves a planet so much
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fredmundo · 4 months ago
Hiiii 💕💕💕
oh if it isn't the most beautiful space object ever ️🪐💕💕
10. a song that makes you feel relaxed?
any song by vincent lima really mellows me out but especially "where you're coming from", "Orpheus", and any song of Man by the Coast. excellent indie folk vibes for every sad girl (gn) out there
11. a song that makes you dance?
oooooh there are so many songs that I can't help but bounce to. Come and Get Your Love by Redbone is one of my all time fave songs. it was me and my husband's walkout song at our wedding so it always brings me happy happy memories.
on a different note, ain't my fault by zara. that song is my get ready song
14. a song you love to sing along to?
honestly i am singing along to every song. i have to so basically song in existence could go here. but uhhh right now Oh Susannah by Wyatt Flores is one of my go to jams. sooo good if you like country/folk and being sad lol
19. a song that makes you emotional?
just because i just watched it again Unsaid Emily from Julie and the Phantoms. honestly the whole soundtrack slaps but that song gets the tears flowing every time
20. a song for a playlist for the person who sent this ask?
this is the hardest question of all. because like it you were a different planet (say Jupiter) there's an easy answer lol but i'm going with two very different options.
Mattering Ram by Penny and Sparrow. it is a sad folk song about how everything in life matters even the small "insignificant" things simply because life is beautiful
and then Stand Out Fit In by One OK Rock. Japanese punk band (a good portion of their stuff is also in english but their japanese stuff is also soooo good even if you don't speak the language). this song is just about the expectations and impossible standards that society puts on its young people (and really everyone) to stand out but also match the status quo. and you seem like someone born to stand out, Saturn💕
okay love you byyyyeeee💕💕💕
if you want to put music asks in my inbox here are the questions
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singlethread · 2 months ago
Hello! 💕💕💕💕
I am baaaaaack with part 2!
@daffi-990 you hold a special place in my heart. You are always so sweet and build me up. I appreciate you so much and I love you and your works. You are so amazing and your persona is infectious. Mwah 😘
@rosieposiepuddingnpie Interacting with you is always a delight! You are awesome!
@try-set-me-on-fire Omg I love you art and your fics sooooo much! They are so amazing!! You are so talented in so many ways. I love you and your blog mwah 😘
@inell : Inell inell Inell you are so amazing! I always love interacting with you. Thank you for all the support on my works and posts. I really hope you are able to get some writing beans soon. Sending them your way mwah mwah 😘
@bidisasterevankinard : Diana I think you’re always a delight to interact with and I am so happy we’re Mutuals 😘
@wikiangela : Vicki you are always amazing. I love your writing so much especially the Buck driving fic. So happy to call you a mutual as well. 😘
@bekkachaos : bekka oh Bekka I love you and your blog so much. Your writing is so amazing especially your addict Buck fic and it is always so enjoyable to see you on the dash and in my notes! 😘
@saintmoss : vaughnnnn! You are amazing. I always love sending you asks and seeing you on the dash. I am sending you the best my friend. You deserve it. Mwah 😘
@cal-daisies-and-briars cal! I absolutely adore you and your writing is sooooo good! I admire how much you are able to write! It is so impressive. Thank you for always tagging me in my favorite works of yours so I don’t miss any updates! You are amazing mwah 😘
@queerprincesseddiediaz Minnie you are amazing. I love interacting with you and seeing you on the dash. You are amazing. Mwah 😘
@thewolvesof1998 wolf!!!! Dear wolf you will always hold a special place in my heart. You truly helped introduce me to the 911 fandom and make me feel included. Thank you for being you mwah ❤️
@fredmundo chrissssssss!!! Chriss you always make me smile whenever we interact. You always know how to make a planet feel special 🥰😘 thank you for being you and always being so kind and friendly mwah 😘
@marmarthehatterverse : I always love interacting with you! I think you and your blog are amazing! And your buddie sentinel/guide fic is sooooo good. Thank you for all your support. 😘
@playinginthunderstorms Charlie I always think you are a delight. I love interacting with you and reading all your fics. You are so amazing mwah 😘
@untherapized-eddie Jess! You are so amazing and awesome and I always love interacting with you! I am so happy we are Mutuals 😘
@kitteneddiediaz baz!!!!!! I love being Mutuals with you. You are so awesome and amazing!! I love all your fics!! I love interacting with you and seeing you on the dash 😘
@shyaudacity - I absolutely love your writing!!!! Especially your outsiders fics!!! It is sooooo cool to find someone who enjoys the outsiders and 911!! Before I met you I had no idea there was a fandom for the outsiders/how to find it!!! So happy to have met and I think you are so cool and awesome!! 😘
@lemmeaskthedevil - hi Jordan I think you and your blog are awesome! You are so fun to follow and I love seeing you on the dash and interacting with you 😘😘
There are so many others I want to add on:
@exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @lonelychicago @santakinard @imtheiliad @diazheartsbuckley @disasterbuck @buddiebeginz @moonsharky @chaoticlava101
@kyoteugly @daniwib @aroeddiediaz @enougheddie @mischiefbuckley @hotshotsxyz @jesuisici33 @texasbama @smilingbuckley @loveyourownsmiilee 😘😘😘😘
But seriously, I love all my tumblr Mutuals and followers and others in this fandom so much. You guys really make the fandom experience and I am so happy to have found this little corner of the internet. So to everyone I interact with regularly, I love you all even if I forgot your username, and I’m sorry for that
And to you, thanks for hosting crush night and letting me gush about all my favorite pocket pals! 😘😘
This is so so so wholesome and I’m so glad you wanted to participate in crush night and help me spread some love Saturn!
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chraneness · 6 years ago
Sort of a Masterpost for y’all who care.
So....honestly, it took me a long time to figure out my WIPs and I was never pressured to make a masterpost so I never did. I am also super busy applying to as many scholarships as I can cause my dream college is super fucking expensive. But I digress.
I think I have 4 WIPs going right now. I only have one that is really developed, the others are a bit half-baked. I’m gonna intro then all now though, so y’all know what really goes on in this weird-o head of mine.
Dennis’s Shit-
Yeah, this one doesn’t really have a name that pulls you in or anything, but I hold it most dear to my heart. A guy named Dennis is chased out of his home by his father who just lost Dennis’s mother and couldn’t bare to look at Dennis anymore because he looked too much like her.
So yeah, he is chased out when he is young and taken into a gang environment, selling drugs and shit. He is taken in by and mentor that he tries hard to please, but when it doesn’t work he will rebel against the system. So it’s basically his story of moving up in the gang life. Gotta love it.
This next one has had a bit of development, but not as much time spent on it. This is about a society in space called Bittor (a Bittorian society), it takes place on a spaceship the size of a planet.
Each person is born and bred for a specific purpose to keep the place running. Each generation seems to get smarter and better at the jobs. Granger is a 14 year old GENIUS programmer. He skipped learning English and can only read binary.
Zenth is a bred pilot. He has had his license revoked so many times for “reckless endangerment”. He does stupid shit.
Both boys are too skilled for their times and Zenth’s rebelliousness could get the best of them. Then where would they be?
Yeah, I didn’t try to name this one.
Rob is a present working in the marshes. Ash is a Nobel Woman in the empire. Mark is a winged messenger. They will go against the unfair system. There will be a twist, but this one is even less developed. Sorry guys, kind of disappointing with that one.
The Temple-
This one is in the middle of a transformation of ages and stuff, and nothing is in order yet, but I’ll give the best explanation I can. There are two kinds of robots. Metal skeletons, your basic robot, or ‘tin can’ is the slang. The other one is humans that get surgery and get robot parts put in them. Chris leads the robots against the Powerborns.
Powerborns are pretty straightforward. Born with powers. I know, I’m creative. There is no order to it, they either have powers or don’t, it doesn’t have anything to do with DNA or any real logic. They have to fight the robots, needless to say.
Rowland is the main character, he was a strong Powerborn that was converted into a half-robot by surgery. He was decked out with all the weapons a teen boy could ask for. He is Chris’s biggest weapon. He also has a conscience. It gets interesting.
Thank you so much if you have read this much of it! Please tell me if you wanna be tagged for anything. I love you all! Have a great day/night my friends!
People I would like to see this:
@jaycewriteslikealot @the-violet-writer @timelessziowl167 @happy-humpback-whale @writeblrs @state-gaypanic And all my mutuals out there!
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toreadorwriter · 5 years ago
What happens in the dark ch 2: Marie's past.
Several hours later, Susi came back home and Jewel practically jumped into her arms. Marie came out of the bathroom with Alysa, who was nice enough to hold what little amount of hair she had left when she was puking up a storm.
"Damn dirty hot cheetos," she muttered. To make matters worse, Susi and Jewel were chatting up a storm. The other ghouls were so happy to see one another that Marie's stomach churned seeing them hug and ask about each other's day and frankly seeing them all happy and just plain not miserable.  Just being in the same room as all that positive emotion made Marie want to throw up again. God,she couldn't stand the new roomate. Jewel didn't do anything bad to her but still the pangs of jealousy hit Marie like a truck and the beast in the Nosferatu was begging to frenzy.  
"Let me out, I can help you solve your problems" the beast whispered seductively into Marie's thoughts.
Before things went too far out of control, Marie rapidly excused herself from the room leaving everyone else behind. Alysa tried to follow her concerned for her friend's safety and happiness,but  received a glare so nasty and cold that if looks could kill the other vampire would have been ash in the wind by now. 
Going upstairs, the nosferatu slammed the door and locked it and switched on the dimming lamp before flopping down in her bed.
Her punk themed room was filled with underground band merch and posters and a huge American flag. She grumbled curses as she dug underneath her pillow and pulled out some paper and a bag of weed and rolled a fat blunt before putting on her headphones and letting the wailing of guitars take her away from all her problems.
"Stupid Jewel, Isaac used to be mine. Before she came along, I used to be a really popular musician and Isaac's favorite ghoul. I was a pianist and I was talented as hell, smart, and gorgeous, and both men and women swooned whenever I entered the room. It's not fair, why did I have to be turned into a ugly Nosferatu? I'm not a bad person andiI didn't deserve this- if it wasn't for stupid Gary fucking Golden getting jealous of Isaac and embracing me. I would still be rich and famous- and most of all HUMAN. God, I just wish I could be human again and see the sunrise and be able to show my face in public without the revulsion my presence causes. That's all I ever wanted! not this cursed unlife!" 
Marie's thoughts mixed with the lullaby wafting through the air from the smoke  led her to sleep and ignore the real world completely.
Five years earlier
Marie was busy putting on a tight fitting black dress which showed off her assets quite nicely. The young woman gazed affectionately at herself in the mirror across her vanity and went over to her walk in closet and pulled out her Red bottom High heels and slipped them to complete tonight's ensemble. She then placed the gorgeous diamond necklace that Isaac had gifted her around her neck and finished the look with the matching earring set.
While she was finishing touching up her makeup and curling her hair, she heard a knock on the door. 
Spritzing an expensive perfume all over, Marie ran to the door to reveal Isaac standing there with a rose for her hair.  Isaac ,smiled he nearly had to keep his jaw from dropping as Marie looked absolutely beautiful. And that dress! He had a hard time believing her beauty was not supernatural and he definitely couldn't wait to introduce her to the other local Cainities at tonight's piano concert she starred in. His soon to be bride and child was going to make him proud tonight and his undead heart almost beat again with excitement.
Marie smiled at him, her hazel eyes sparkled and Isaac's breath was taken away even though he hasn't needed to breathe since his own embrace. Isaac will never forget the time he first met Marie, she was as beautiful as she was 2 years ago she was still the same young,  carefree, musician she was then. He met her at one of her performances and her sparkling orange dress caught his eye, and the angelic sounds from the piano drew him into the first row of the audience. From this point of view, Marie looked absolutely angelic in the spotlight and his Toreador sensibilities approved wholeheartedly of the scene.
He was absolutely enthralled for the two hours of the concert until she gave her final encore and exited the stage. Isaac scrambled to meet her offstage when the audience began cheering and she left the stage, dodging roses thrown by other admirers.
Isaac found Marie busy pouring herself some punch as a young man with an atrocious fake tan and frosted tips approach her and he placed his hand on her shoulder. Marie was startled and almost dropped the punch in her hand. She looked at the stranger in the eye and sighed but cracked him a polite smile anyway.
''The names Chriss Tapper and I'm a big fan of your work," he said, not even bothering to give her eye contact. His eyes were busy ogling down her dress anyway. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Marie did her best to ignore his ogling.
"Thank you, that means a lot. I'd love to stay and chat but unfortunately it's getting late and I have other obligations" Marie said while covering her chest with her purse. Isaac could feel her discomfort from across the room. 
Marie tried to leave the situation at hand, but Mr. Staring Contest was not having any of that and blocked her way. Chris grabbed her roughly by the arm shocking her completely. What nerve! Who the hell did he think he was?'
'''Let go of me! I won't tolerate this behavior!" she snapped and that caused Chris to chuckle obnoxiously.
 "You don't scare me. Try to start some shit with me and I'll make sure you never play in this city again!" He threatened.
Marie instantly decided she didn't like the city much any how and tipped her drink over his head.
Isaac decided to intervene and stepped in between Marie and this horribly dressed man before anyone had more than their egos hurt. The punch left streaks in the spray tan as it ran down the man's face.
"Sir. I wouldn't do that if I were you. You might end up in prison or six feet under" Isaac said casually with just a hint of anger in his voice. 
Surprised and scared from the speed of the other man, Chris backed off.
 "Fuck you, she's not even cute anyway…." He muttered before slinking off like the coward he was.
Turning around ,Marie gave a sigh of relief
''Thank you so much for helping me, that guy was a total creep.”
Marie trailed off, entranced by Isaac. He looked so enticing under the lights in the ballroom. 
If Isaac was alive,he'd blush from the look she was giving him. He also noticed Marie was wearing the delicate rose shaped necklace he had made especially for her in his shop the night they met. 
Isaac led Marie to the dance floor and began to lead her in slow circles and pulled her closer to him. She breathed in his cologne scent and sighed contently.
“I could live in this moment forever” Marie said longingly into Isaac’s ear. 
Isaac purred a response “we can live this moment forever in private, are you interested?”
Marie nodded and he lead her out into the night. 
Isaac called one of his cars to the theater to take the pair back to Marie’s place. The driver was able to ignore the two in the back seat whispering sweet nothings during the ride home. 
Marie lived in a cozy but small brick apartment in a rougher edge of the city. The air smelled of cheap cigarettes and fast food. Isaac did his best to ignore the smell and walked Marie up the stairs, arm in arm. Marie dug in her purse for her key and quickly unlocked the door. Stepping inside,  Marie turned on the switch and the lights fluttered on and Isaac was in awe- her apartment looked like a scene straight from a Elvira movie. It was punk and gothic and various band posters was interspersed with antiques painted black in the living room. There was an all black leather couch that beckoned to Isaac to relax, and off jumped a cute black cat that stretched and meowed and walked up to greet them.
Marie stooped down to pet the friendly animal and even though this apartment wasn't to his taste, Isaac had to admit she did have creativity. He really liked that in a woman. 
''Awww, how's my good boy. Midnight did you miss me?." She asked while kneeling down to the cat’s level. The cat meowed a happy reply and returned to his spot on the couch. After getting up from the floor and placing her thing's down Isaac, cleared his throat catching her attention.
''Would you like to continue this night forever?”
He then pulled up the sleeve of his dress shirt and offered his wrist to Marie.  Then he remembered that blood was a pain in the ass to get out and he did not want to ruin his new suit or Marie's furniture. Getting up, he walked over to her kitchen cabinet and fumbled around with the doors before finding a crystal wine glass. Obviously cheap and from a halloween store,  but it suited him. The toreador sat on the couch and bit into his wrist letting his crimson vitae spill into the glass. The crimson blood shone in the light and in a few seconds the cut he inflicted upon himself closed up and the vampire offered the wine glass to her.
Marie looked at it as if he just offered her a plate of deep fried cockroaches but regardless of her hesitancy, she obliged. 
She should have been disgusted and was instead surprised when the blood tasted like caramel and she felt a wave of emotion wash over her body. She instantly felt relaxed and it was stronger than any drug on the planet and in this moment, nothing hurt. It was beautiful. 
''Wow what ever you just did, I  want more." 
Isaac chuckled. ''oh you will but in due time." He promised. The vampire smiled at her, and he allowed his fangs showed this time.  Marie felt her heart flutter. She felt the strong urge to please him and be next to him at all times and she didn't know why, but surely she always had these feelings deep inside.
The world started to fade to black for Marie and  Isaac knew that the sunrise was starting. He quickly closed all the blinds and carried Marie upstairs. Opening her bedroom door he gently laid the sleeping ghoul down and tucked her in. Seeing that it was only one bed in the apartment Isaac excused himself and went to go sleep on the couch but the eyes from Midnight said he was not willing to share. Isaac went back upstairs and wrapped his arms around Marie and fell into the dreamless sleep of the dead. 
To be continued….
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toreadorwriter · 5 years ago
What happens in the dark ch 2: Marie's past.
Several hours later, Susi came back home and Jewel practically jumped into her arms. Marie came out of the bathroom with Alysa, who was nice enough to hold what little amount of hair she had left when she was puking up a storm.
"Damn dirty hot cheetos," she muttered. To make matters worse, Susi and Jewel were chatting up a storm. The other ghouls were so happy to see one another that Marie's stomach churned seeing them hug and ask about each other's day and frankly seeing them all happy and just plain not miserable.  Just being in the same room as all that positive emotion made Marie want to throw up again. God,she couldn't stand the new roomate. Jewel didn't do anything bad to her but still the pangs of jealousy hit Marie like a truck and the beast in the Nosferatu was begging to frenzy.  
"Let me out, I can help you solve your problems" the beast whispered seductively into Marie's thoughts.
Before things went too far out of control, Marie rapidly excused herself from the room leaving everyone else behind. Alysa tried to follow her concerned for her friend's safety and happiness,but  received a glare so nasty and cold that if looks could kill the other vampire would have been ash in the wind by now. 
Going upstairs, the nosferatu slammed the door and locked it and switched on the dimming lamp before flopping down in her bed.
Her punk themed room was filled with underground band merch and posters and a huge American flag. She grumbled curses as she dug underneath her pillow and pulled out some paper and a bag of weed and rolled a fat blunt before putting on her headphones and letting the wailing of guitars take her away from all her problems.
"Stupid Jewel, Isaac used to be mine. Before she came along, I used to be a really popular musician and Isaac's favorite ghoul. I was a pianist and I was talented as hell, smart, and gorgeous, and both men and women swooned whenever I entered the room. It's not fair, why did I have to be turned into a ugly Nosferatu? I'm not a bad person andiI didn't deserve this- if it wasn't for stupid Gary fucking Golden getting jealous of Isaac and embracing me. I would still be rich and famous- and most of all HUMAN. God, I just wish I could be human again and see the sunrise and be able to show my face in public without the revulsion my presence causes. That's all I ever wanted! not this cursed unlife!" 
Marie's thoughts mixed with the lullaby wafting through the air from the smoke  led her to sleep and ignore the real world completely.
Five years earlier
Marie was busy putting on a tight fitting black dress which showed off her assets quite nicely. The young woman gazed affectionately at herself in the mirror across her vanity and went over to her walk in closet and pulled out her Red bottom High heels and slipped them to complete tonight's ensemble. She then placed the gorgeous diamond necklace that Isaac had gifted her around her neck and finished the look with the matching earring set.
While she was finishing touching up her makeup and curling her hair, she heard a knock on the door. 
Spritzing an expensive perfume all over, Marie ran to the door to reveal Isaac standing there with a rose for her hair.  Isaac ,smiled he nearly had to keep his jaw from dropping as Marie looked absolutely beautiful. And that dress! He had a hard time believing her beauty was not supernatural and he definitely couldn't wait to introduce her to the other local Cainities at tonight's piano concert she starred in. His soon to be bride and child was going to make him proud tonight and his undead heart almost beat again with excitement.
Marie smiled at him, her hazel eyes sparkled and Isaac's breath was taken away even though he hasn't needed to breathe since his own embrace. Isaac will never forget the time he first met Marie, she was as beautiful as she was 2 years ago she was still the same young,  carefree, musician she was then. He met her at one of her performances and her sparkling orange dress caught his eye, and the angelic sounds from the piano drew him into the first row of the audience. From this point of view, Marie looked absolutely angelic in the spotlight and his Toreador sensibilities approved wholeheartedly of the scene.
He was absolutely enthralled for the two hours of the concert until she gave her final encore and exited the stage. Isaac scrambled to meet her offstage when the audience began cheering and she left the stage, dodging roses thrown by other admirers.
Isaac found Marie busy pouring herself some punch as a young man with an atrocious fake tan and frosted tips approach her and he placed his hand on her shoulder. Marie was startled and almost dropped the punch in her hand. She looked at the stranger in the eye and sighed but cracked him a polite smile anyway.
''The names Chriss Tapper and I'm a big fan of your work," he said, not even bothering to give her eye contact. His eyes were busy ogling down her dress anyway. Feeling a bit uncomfortable, Marie did her best to ignore his ogling.
"Thank you, that means a lot. I'd love to stay and chat but unfortunately it's getting late and I have other obligations" Marie said while covering her chest with her purse. Isaac could feel her discomfort from across the room. 
Marie tried to leave the situation at hand, but Mr. Staring Contest was not having any of that and blocked her way. Chris grabbed her roughly by the arm shocking her completely. What nerve! Who the hell did he think he was?'
'''Let go of me! I won't tolerate this behavior!" she snapped and that caused Chris to chuckle obnoxiously.
 "You don't scare me. Try to start some shit with me and I'll make sure you never play in this city again!" He threatened.
Marie instantly decided she didn't like the city much any how and tipped her drink over his head.
Isaac decided to intervene and stepped in between Marie and this horribly dressed man before anyone had more than their egos hurt. The punch left streaks in the spray tan as it ran down the man's face.
"Sir. I wouldn't do that if I were you. You might end up in prison or six feet under" Isaac said casually with just a hint of anger in his voice. 
Surprised and scared from the speed of the other man, Chris backed off.
 "Fuck you, she's not even cute anyway…." He muttered before slinking off like the coward he was.
Turning around ,Marie gave a sigh of relief
''Thank you so much for helping me, that guy was a total creep.”
Marie trailed off, entranced by Isaac. He looked so enticing under the lights in the ballroom. 
If Isaac was alive,he'd blush from the look she was giving him. He also noticed Marie was wearing the delicate rose shaped necklace he had made especially for her in his shop the night they met. 
Isaac led Marie to the dance floor and began to lead her in slow circles and pulled her closer to him. She breathed in his cologne scent and sighed contently.
“I could live in this moment forever” Marie said longingly into Isaac’s ear. 
Isaac purred a response “we can live this moment forever in private, are you interested?”
Marie nodded and he lead her out into the night. 
Isaac called one of his cars to the theater to take the pair back to Marie’s place. The driver was able to ignore the two in the back seat whispering sweet nothings during the ride home. 
Marie lived in a cozy but small brick apartment in a rougher edge of the city. The air smelled of cheap cigarettes and fast food. Isaac did his best to ignore the smell and walked Marie up the stairs, arm in arm. Marie dug in her purse for her key and quickly unlocked the door. Stepping inside,  Marie turned on the switch and the lights fluttered on and Isaac was in awe- her apartment looked like a scene straight from a Elvira movie. It was punk and gothic and various band posters was interspersed with antiques painted black in the living room. There was an all black leather couch that beckoned to Isaac to relax, and off jumped a cute black cat that stretched and meowed and walked up to greet them.
Marie stooped down to pet the friendly animal and even though this apartment wasn't to his taste, Isaac had to admit she did have creativity. He really liked that in a woman. 
''Awww, how's my good boy. Midnight did you miss me?." She asked while kneeling down to the cat’s level. The cat meowed a happy reply and returned to his spot on the couch. After getting up from the floor and placing her thing's down Isaac, cleared his throat catching her attention.
''Would you like to continue this night forever?”
He then pulled up the sleeve of his dress shirt and offered his wrist to Marie.  Then he remembered that blood was a pain in the ass to get out and he did not want to ruin his new suit or Marie's furniture. Getting up, he walked over to her kitchen cabinet and fumbled around with the doors before finding a crystal wine glass. Obviously cheap and from a halloween store,  but it suited him. The toreador sat on the couch and bit into his wrist letting his crimson vitae spill into the glass. The crimson blood shone in the light and in a few seconds the cut he inflicted upon himself closed up and the vampire offered the wine glass to her.
Marie looked at it as if he just offered her a plate of deep fried cockroaches but regardless of her hesitancy, she obliged. 
She should have been disgusted and was instead surprised when the blood tasted like caramel and she felt a wave of emotion wash over her body. She instantly felt relaxed and it was stronger than any drug on the planet and in this moment, nothing hurt. It was beautiful. 
''Wow what ever you just did, I  want more." 
Isaac chuckled. ''oh you will but in due time." He promised. The vampire smiled at her, and he allowed his fangs showed this time.  Marie felt her heart flutter. She felt the strong urge to please him and be next to him at all times and she didn't know why, but surely she always had these feelings deep inside.
The world started to fade to black for Marie and  Isaac knew that the sunrise was starting. He quickly closed all the blinds and carried Marie upstairs. Opening her bedroom door he gently laid the sleeping ghoul down and tucked her in. Seeing that it was only one bed in the apartment Isaac excused himself and went to go sleep on the couch but the eyes from Midnight said he was not willing to share. Isaac went back upstairs and wrapped his arms around Marie and fell into the dreamless sleep of the dead. 
To be continued….
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