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December 2021
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Hanging with my tour buddy #Chrishiggins We recorded and toured for many years with @offspring #Worldtours #BBC #radio1 #Japan #Theworld #Artesiapro @artesiapro @trbolden #Wearetheregeneration @chateaurelaxousa #Grammys2020 #Grammyawards2020f #62ndgrammyawards #ronniekinggroup #Steelpulse #Pepper #Mutliplatinum @pepperlive @steelpulseofficial #composer #compositore #Grammynominated #nominadoGrammy #OscarNominated #nominadoOscar #nominatoOscar #composer #compositore #producer, #productor #DeathRowRecords #EpitaphRecords (at Gallaghers Pub HB) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uRoSpnYfi/?igshid=orm407b3m9
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#chrishiggins and #mikebrown are tough guys to stop but with #davetomlinson rocking on defense good things happen @canucks @davetsn #bigjohnbates https://www.instagram.com/p/B9pDjBvh-7S/?igshid=ptjlri2iozhg
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Hanyalah sebuah bintik di lautan 🌊 . . #kutipanbuku #aboycalledocean #chrishiggins https://www.instagram.com/p/B3d1JvLgvtT/?igshid=ooe3zzcrknmc
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29. FAVORITE BOAT IN HORROR Duh - you knew damn well that somehow I would have my fave final girl in here, even if it's the canoe ride from hell‼️ #fridaythe13thpart3 #chrishiggins #danakimmell #higginshaven #crystallake #thackerscrackershorrorchallenge
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#newbook #troubleatschool #chrishiggins #emilymackenzie #Bloomsbury Its Bella's first day at school but her friend Magda is turning it in to a disaster! #earlyreader
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Don't miss out on #theshow that ends this weekend. @tgold_ie Johnny Jover, WooJong Kim, Dorthy Tanaka and Chris's Higgins are some of the May creators whose work stood out to me this year. See it all at @emilycarru and send me a message if you have any questions! . . . #theshow17 #theshow2017 #emilycarrgradshow #designdaily #designshow #designdisplay #multimedia #mixedmedia #emilycarruniversity #studentwork #vancouverart #vancouverartists #explorebc #thingstodoinvancouver #igdaily #instagallery #instadesign #designerspotlight #vancouverdesign #vancouverdesigner #tessagoldie #johnnyjover #woojongkim #dorthytanaka #chrishiggins #vancouversculptor #vancouverpainter #vancouverfashiondesigner #vancouverceramics
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Many thanks to Liam Neeson, @malikyoba, @kdaneyko3 and @sbrylin18for all the love and support over the years. Thanks again to @taylorkitsch for coming out to play! What a great guy, on and off the ice. Thanks to @georgeparros, @enforceorr, Chris Higgins & Brian Mullen for all you've done to help these kids! Thank you to the NYPD hockey team, the NJ State PBA, the NJ State Police, the FBI hockey team, the Federal Air Marshals, the NYPD Police Commissioner and especially my team captains for all the hard work that went on behind the scenes. I owe you all a huge debt of gratitude! Last but certainly not least, thank you to RMHNY and all who donated time, money and/or help to make this event possible. Hope to see you all next year!! 🏒🏒🏒 * * * Thanks to @thejohnhedlund for the great footage! #liamneeson #taylorkitsch#malikyoba #kendaneyko #sergeibrylin#coltonorr #georgeparros #brianmullen#chrishiggins #nypdhockey #njspbahockey#fbihockey #faceofftofightcancer #rmhnyc#mdcproductions
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UTS 80066 Design Studio: The Digital Image. Assignment 1.
The banal, the everyday items that we overlook and take for granted. With the chosen subject matter of the urinal I wanted to show that an item that is considered banal can still be an essential to our daily activities.If sanitation were to be taken away it would be anything but banal. Furthermore, the banal object is still one that can take on many variations and names. As stated by Franklin, ‘comfort stations, bathrooms, water closets, lavatories, toilets rest rooms, loos, urinals...and the list goes on’ (Franklin 2000, p. 25).
Daniel Chow. Student #12593556.
Image 1.

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Image 6.

Image 7.

Image 8.

Image 9.

Image 10.

Image 11.

Image 12.

Image 13.

Image 14.

Image 15.

Image 16.

Image 17.

Image 18.

Image 19.

Image 20.

Image Reference List
Image 1
Artstor, All collections: urinals, viewed 19 March 2017, http://library.artstor.org.ezproxy.lib.uts.edu.au/library/secure/ViewImages?id=8D1OeSI2JCxdLS04eTh%2FRXovXg%3D%3D&userId=hTZBdjA%3D&zoomparams=
Image 2
Crankalicious 2014, Why do men pee all over the toilet seat even in public restrooms?, Hub Pages 2014, viewed 19 March 2017, https://hubpages.com/health/Betrayal-The-Dark-Secret-of-Mens-Bathrooms
Image 3
Zhang, S. 2015, Extremely bad reasons why waterless urinals were illegal, Gizmodo 2015, viewed 19 March 2017, http://gizmodo.com/tag/urinals
Image 4
Bluestocking magazine 2013, Notes toward a row of urinals, viewed 20 March 2017, http://bluestockingsmag.com/2013/02/28/notes-toward-a-row-of-urinals/
Image 5
Wade, L. 2012, How come women’s urinals haven/t caught on?, Jezebel 2012, viewed 20 March 2017, http://jezebel.com/5884315/how-come-womens-urinals-havent-caught-on
Image 6
Greenz 2008, Pee green: waterless urinals saving 22,000 tons of water a year at Nankai electric railway, Treehugger 2008, viewed 20 March 2017, http://www.treehugger.com/bathroom-design/pee-green-waterless-urinals-saving-22000-tons-of-water-a-year-at-nankai-electric-railway.html
Image 7
Brykman, S. 2015, The UX of UP: urinals and usability, Propelics 2015, viewed 20 March 2017, http://www.propelics.com/ux-of-up-urinals-and-usability/
Image 8
Toilography 2014, Baseball stadium, viewed 20 March 2017, https://toilography.com/tag/urinal/
Image 9
Payne, A. 2010, Urinals of different heights, public, toilets, gents, empty, gentlemens, urinals, bathrooms, mens rooms, tiles, three, 3, Alamy 2017, viewed 22 March 2017, http://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-urinals-of-different-heightspublic-toilets-urinals-gents-empty-gentlemensurinals-30788429.html
Image 10
Watersave Austrailia 2012, Uridan – experts in waterless urinal design, viewed 22 March 2017, http://www.uridanaustralia.com.au/uridan-news/uridan-experts-in-waterless-urinal-design
Image 11
Gerber, P. 2015, Dry state calls for dry urinals: why waterless urinals still aren’t in every bathroom, The mindful world 2015, viewed 22 March 2017, http://www.themindfulword.org/2015/dry-state-waterless-urinals/
Image 12
Toilography 2016, Sheraton urinals, viewed 24 March 2017, https://toilography.com/category/urinals/page/2/
Image 13
Waterless, FAQ’s, viewed 24 March 2017, http://www.waterless.com/faqs/
Image 14
Anthony 2015, How Falcon waterfree urinal cartridges can reduce your company’s water bill, Waterless urinal cartridges 2015, viewed 21 March 2017, https://www.waterlessurinalcartridges.com.au/blog/
Image 15
Ebay 2017, How to install a wall mount urinal, viewed 24 March 2017, http://www.ebay.com/gds/How-to-Install-a-Wall-Mount-Urinal-/10000000205798203/g.html
Image 16
Buchanan, C. 2008, Urinal, flickr 2008, viewed 24 March 2017, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cadebuchanan/2989737324/in/photolist-5ycbKf-qyMXck-9JcVZt-qhxLj8-3JS68e-qhp8fW-qhxLLF-qyMWKZ-qyTZtU-kVYQr-6Gf4rY-2wvRP-9yJfY3-qhxLji-7nY3oX-bTYaie-6oyPw3-7Ne47t-4bMVmX-aFAAr-8ifwe9-yHiXm-4AZEmq-4DNJi9-vheeb-4LViAZ-61Wq2z-7Yeqoz-e5tkGL-9Mwut8-2eihj-c857u-4V9vc-9dV43n-6RCMVU-5BQ3oU-aA6Qwg-3ZB3z-9czjiB-8heZWs-33m3ND-DMgnT-cqUuf9-8znUF9-dx6fUo-9uzChG-5APm8M-EC1eP-82Dksg-7YST4G
Image 17
Interior Design 2017, Sanura S6100 urinal, viewed 24 March 2017, http://www.interiordesignindex.co.uk/entry/36553/IdealStandard/Sanura-S6100-urinal/
Image 18
Brixtongentleman 2014, Urinal etiquette, Workdpress 2014, viewed 24 March 2017,
Image 19
Sailor, M. 2011, 10 stand-up facts about waterless urinals, How stuff works 2017, viewed 24 March 2017, http://home.howstuffworks.com/10-facts-about-waterless-urinals.htm
Image 20
Higgins, C. 2014, An explaination of urinals and urinal culture, Medium 2014, viewed 24 March 2017, https://medium.com/@chrishiggins/an-explanation-of-urinals-and-urinal-culture-66dc3cd0364b#.rk9806sd7
Quote Reference List
Franklin, P.B. 2000, ‘Object choice: Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain and the art of queer’, Oxford Journals, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 25-50.
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Watching #fridaythe13thpart3 #chrishiggins #jasonvoorhees #horroraddict #horror https://www.instagram.com/p/Bstsck_HV3P/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vjbpwqn9xkor
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Surprise Surprise, hanging with my Band mate of many years with the @offspring #Chrishiggins of @wank_usa fun home town show!!!! Thanks @lifelinehb for a great show.. #Artesiapro @artesiapro @trbolden #Wearetheregeneration @chateaurelaxousa #Grammys2020 #Grammyawards2020f #62ndgrammyawards #ronniekinggroup #Steelpulse #Pepper #Mutliplatinum @pepperlive @steelpulseofficial #composer #compositore #Grammynominated #nominadoGrammy #OscarNominated #nominadoOscar #nominatoOscar #composer #compositore #producer, #productor #DeathRowRecords #EpitaphRecords #interscoperecords #SonyMusicEntertainment #Miramaxfilms #UniversalPictures #punksnthugs #ronniekingscholarship #UCI (at Gallaghers Pub HB) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9uQtDJHxwz/?igshid=rm1whkum5ljz
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Laut memberikan efek ketenangan 🌊 . . #kutipanbuku #aboycalledocean #chrishiggins https://www.instagram.com/p/B3aiGNegcHh/?igshid=xegm980duh0v
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#fridaythe13thpart3 Art coming soon 😍🙌🏼 Thank You @mt_illustration Cannot wait to see your take on my favorite #jasonvorhees (#richardbrooker) & #finalgirl #chrishiggins (#danakimmell) & the 1st appearance of the iconic hockey mask!
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Don't miss out on #theshow that ends this weekend. @tgold_ie Johnny Jover, WooJong Kim, Dorthy Tanaka and Chris's Higgins are some of the May creators whose work stood out to me this year. See it all at @emilycarru and send me a message if you have any questions! . . . #theshow17 #theshow2017 #emilycarrgradshow #designdaily #designshow #designshowroom #designdisplay #installation #multimedia #mixedmedia #emilycarruniversity #studentwork #vancouverart #vancouverartists #explorebc #thingstodoinvancouver # #onnow #igdaily #instagallery #instadesign #designerspotlight #vancouverdesign #vancouverdesigner #tessagoldie #johnnyjover #woojongkim #dorthytanaka #chrishiggins #vancouversculptor #vancouverpainter #vancouverfashiondesigner #vancouverfashiondesign #vancouvershoedesign #vancouverceramics
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Here's a cute funny story.
During this years Superskills Hamhuis got paired with Higgins to compete against in the Puck Control Relay and he was so excited to race he smiled like the fucking sun.
Then he proceeds to the line, all bent down in a starting position looking over at Higgy like "I'm gonna beat you"
Then Higgy just looks over at him laughing, then proceeds to the line too.
Then he teases Hammer by pretending to skate over the line, knowing how serious he's taking a silly little race before the whistle blows to start.
Then he beats Hammer, and although it's not shown on the youtube video, skates over to him afterward to chat and I assume rub it in his face.
I have way too much time on my hands to focus on shit like this.
Dan has made it known many times how competitive he can be. I now understand why.
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