#chris d’elia hold on
mccourtytwins · 5 years
a comprehensive list of things we’ve never deserved:
•devin mccourty’s humor
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sumukhcomedy · 4 years
How To Cancel “Cancel Culture”
In his speech at Mount Rushmore, President Donald Trump attacked “cancel culture.” It had been one thing to see this phrase constantly brought up on social media but now we were seeing the leader of the free world bring it up on the anniversary of the country’s independence. I have no idea where the term “cancel culture” came from and it doesn’t even matter anymore anyway as it has become yet another term that has been molded into its own strange definition by whomever may use it. In a general sense, “cancel culture” appears to now be pared down to the erasing of something because it’s offended someone.
The problem to “cancel culture” is that it’s become a broad term to represent many complicated, in-depth concepts. I’m going to put what’s been labeled as “cancel culture” into 3 separate groups (there probably could be more but, for the sake of this essay, I’ll keep it to 3).
1. Legitimately disturbing or criminal acts that were done by individuals
2. Correcting a wrongful history for the betterment of society and our nation
3. Revisionism in an effort to address uncomfortable topics
The first, “Legitimately disturbing or criminal acts that were done by individuals” is seen most prominently in entertainment and politics. As a comedian, I’m going to look at the most recent claims against Chris D’Elia and then subsequent backlash towards the “boys club” mentality that exists in stand-up comedy that led old videos of Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz, Theo Von, Brendan Schaub, and others to surface on Twitter. Diaz is a good example of where “cancel culture” goes wrong but it’s where it’s also not well-defined. Almost immediately after the disturbing commentary of Diaz drew widespread attention on Twitter, numerous women in comedy defended him and discussed how he helped them. Diaz has always had a unique and honest sense of humor. He addressed on his podcast that he’s talked about the mistakes he’s made in the past and getting better. It is the crux of his act and his brand of humor. But, on his podcast, he then goes off into talking about “cancel culture.” These situations are always framed under the notion that it’s an attempt to get the comedian “cancelled.” The reality is that all it’s doing is to open up a more intelligent discussion on why this behavior is occurring, holding responsibility for it, and ensuring that a culture that has long existed within stand-up comedy and treats women as less doesn’t continue. In D’Elia’s case, the accusations against him were criminal. They didn’t come out of nowhere. They came from one woman opening herself up on the Internet and then other women connecting with that and revealing that they had also been victimized by this man. This is not some sort of conspiracy to end D’Elia’s career. It’s women opening up that a high-profile man is a predator and ensuring that he does not continue this behavior and hurt others with his position. For D’Elia, he needs to address it and hold responsibility for it and, for now, he only appears to be showing the usual behavior from high-profile men which is to deny the accusations without any further discussion. From this point, there isn’t really a “cancellation” that is even happening. Look at Louis C.K. The story came out and still C.K. has a career and there are people that wish to watch him and do business with him. His career didn’t end up being over even though his apology was terrible and he hasn’t particularly shown any sense of remorse or compassion. Sure, he doesn’t have a TV show or movies anymore. But he also isn’t a destitute hermit. He’s still existent and earning money in this capitalist, patriarchal structure of entertainment.
The second, “Correcting a wrongful history for the betterment of society and our nation,” is seen currently with the removal of statues, which was the major reason behind Trump bringing up “cancel culture.” This is about properly addressing the negative and detrimental history of our country. A statue is a form of honor. This is why if anyone receives a statue, they express a great deal of gratitude for it. No one really learns anything from a statue because, unless all the history you want to learn is on a small plaque in front of the statue, there is not much to be gained from something placed in a public place as opposed to a museum or a book in a library. The statue is there for one reason: to glorify the individual and what they represent in history. What does the Confederacy represent in history? A group defeated in the Civil War and whose flag now stands as a piece of racism more than anything else. What does Christopher Columbus represent in history? More of a violent raider than a peaceful explorer. This is a history that you wish to glorify with a statue? This is a history that you want to have where you live? There is no need for this type of history and glorification in public places. That’s like saying you’d rather have a statue of Donald Sterling outside of Staples Center in L.A. rather than Magic Johnson. And this history isn’t going to go away. Pick up a book, watch a documentary, and really learn about it. That’s more history and nuance than any statue can provide, and it can do it without turning villains into heroes.
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The third, “Revisionism in an effort to address uncomfortable topics” is where the people angry at “cancel culture” get their most energy from. It’s again most seen in Hollywood because Hollywood, for as liberal as it may seem, is still as backwards and uncomfortable with race and history as conservative America can be. This is best seen as of late with production companies and streaming services beginning to remove episodes of shows because they may touch on race in an uncomfortable way. A good example was Hulu’s decision to remove an episode of The Golden Girls, “Mixed Blessings,” in which Blanche and Rose appear in “blackface.” The episode occurred in 1988. Even though they are wearing mud masks and not specifically blackface, is it uncomfortable to see that as a source of humor in 2020? Definitely. But, the point of the episode is about Dorothy’s son entering into an interracial marriage. It’s about Dorothy coming to grips with that and the age difference between the two of them as well. Hollywood doesn’t seem to be capable of telling the difference between a piece of art that comments on our society’s racism as opposed to a piece of art that is flat out racist. Nor does it seem to factor when the art was created. Sure, I don’t like that The Golden Girls writers and producers made such a decision in 1988. But it was 1988. The episode still addressed important issues in 1988 and did so with the best intent. This is highly different than, for example, D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation, which was as racist in 1915 as it is today or Leni Riefenstahl’s Triumph of the Will in 1935. You may laud them for what they did for film but you must teach that they were racist propaganda. They were not well-meaning films at all and they, in fact, contributed to a deadly history. There is no purpose to banning this art. But it’s important to provide better education, better understanding of intent, and better knowledge of history when it comes to viewing this art. Blackface is terrible and has no place in 2020, but in order for it to have no place, people have to understand its history, the manner in which it was used, and the reasons why it is bad. The reality is that few people of color are asking for this third type of “cancel culture.” It’s more so coming from well-meaning white people who do not know how to properly handle race.
“Cancel culture” has become a simple term tossed out by individuals who simply do not want to address their own behavior, responsibility, or history. They would rather say to themselves that they are right than to challenge themselves that they could be wrong, that our society could be better, and that they could progress. All of these situations of “cancel culture” get labeled by the opposition as being “You’re too sensitive!” as opposed to “Let’s have an intellectual discussion to make this better.” It continues to be passed off as some sort of offense or political correctness issue when it’s just an effort to address one’s potential role in a bigger issue in society (whether that’s racism, misogyny, sexual assault, etc.)
“Cancel culture” is just an easy phrase. It’s an easy card to play to avoid dealing with one’s own behavior, speech, history, and art. Strangely enough, it’s a term that’s dismissive when it’s defending itself out of a fear of being dismissed.
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Kind of a weird question, but... are there things that people consider “problematic” that you don’t? Things people deliberately avoid in writing that you don’t feel the need to?
Hmm. I think that a lot of people will avoid things like writing true pain and sadness and difficult situations because they don’t want to offend people and they don’t want to think about their characters in that way. 
I think a lot of people avoid writing … stereotypical things? I guess, for lack of a better word? Just because they don’t want to be looked at as someone that’s perpetuating stereotypes, but the thing is that not all stereotypes are mean-spirited and not all jokes that are rooted in these stereotypes need to be taken as such. 
Everyone is so goddamn afraid to offend someone else that I feel like people censor themselves entirely too much, which often changes the overall tone and message of the story or the show or the script or the character that they’re trying to portray. I think that’s why I like comedians like Anthony Jeselnik and Chris D’elia and even to a point, Daniel Tosh, even though he’s changed A LOT in the last few years. Just because something is shocking and goes against the grain doesn’t mean that it needs to come with a warning. 
Which brings me to my next point: writing is about leaving things to the imagination, and letting readers discover things on their own, not about holding someone’s hand and telling them what’s going to happen way far on down the line in the story. I UNDERSTAND that people have had bad things happen in their lives, and want to avoid certain situations. I understand that things are difficult for people to read about and relive, but at the same time, you don’t see authors like Stephen King putting warnings on his books that there’s rape and use of offensive language (BTW, ‘c u next tuesday’ is my favorite swear word of all time), or directors ruining the twist endings of movies like The Sixth Sense by saying “WARNING MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH” at the beginning. I include warnings on my stuff, but I always try to be vague, because as much as I want people that read my stuff to not feel blindsided, I don’t want to give anything away.
This got away from me, so I’ll circle back around: 
- I don’t think there’s anything wrong with writing ‘traditional’ gender roles into stories, at least in terms of the way that the characters interact with/joke with each other (in terms of things like joking about strength, cooking, cleaning, etc) because we all know that these things are changing, but people still talk about what they were like previously, because these are things that they did experience or that their parents experienced. 
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goldmcdal · 5 years
𝕀ℕ𝕋ℝ𝕆𝔻𝕌ℂ𝕀ℕ𝔾 ... 𝖗𝖔𝖝𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖐 !
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°✧。 { MELTED ICE CREAM , AN EVERLASTING SMELL OF CHLORINE , RAINY NIGHTS } i can’t believe i just saw roxanne patek name ! yeah, the twenty-three year old that’s representing team australia in swimming this year. this is their third time in the games. i wonder if they’re as querulous and captious as people say. but, i mean, they seem pretty jocular and dedicated, too. well, we’ll see how well they do. °✧。 *
[chris d’elia vc] what’s up my babies, hi! im literally so exited to be here & roleplay with all of you. my names meg, living in the est and i go by she/her pronouns. i go back to school in like a week and wow ... i don’t wanna deal with all that right now , but that’s life amiright ? enough about the dred of college life, here’s my lil cinnamon bun roxi. if you’d like to plot just hit that heart button and i will come running to you ♥
here’s her career stats !
1996, roxanne zsófia-lynn patek was to born vivian and mikael patek in cairns, queensland, australia. their second child and last child. she has an older brother by three years named lucas. 
her grandmother (paternal) would babysit roxi and her lucas during the days and even some nights when her dad had meetings. this was because her mom worked as a yacht stewardess so she was often away from the family and her father worked as a financier so he had a busy schedule, although he made a point to spend as much time as possible wiht the kids through activities like camping, surfing, bbq’s, and reef diving.
2002, her parents had roxi in gymnastics for a few years but she wasn’t really taken to it. she preferred to run off to the pool or talk her brother into bringing her to the beach down the road instead of stretching or practicing routines. 
her father noticed how much she loved being in the water and how she’d set up races with her friends, more importantly he noticed how she always won, even against the boys. that’s when he decided to put her into competitive swimming at the local ymca. she took to it well and her coaches often raved about her abilities.
2008, she started secondary school. she joined the schools swim team, found herself a tight knit group of friends who she’s still friends with to this day. 
within her first year on her schools team she’d broken most of the record set over the years as well as many records within the district. by her second year on the team she held every record but the ones in breaststroke. 
2010, she made her world championship debut in dubai. she won her first international gold medal, two silver medals, and one bronze medal (the only bronze medal she’s every had on an international scale). she medaled in every race she did that year.
it was a stand out year for many reason for roxi, of course for the obvious being her first worlds but also because her family had come together for the first time for her meet. her dad, grandparents on both sides, mom, and brother were all there supporting her in the stands.
she’s had unwavered support from her family ever since. they make it to all of her meets and have had no questions of her abilities ever since.
2011, her first world aquatic championship where she won five gold medals and a silver and set her first world record, ever, in the 1500m freestyle just before she made her olympic debut in london. where she dominated, taking home a gold medal for each race she competed in. breaking two olympic records,  two australian records, and a world record. 
2012, she attended that years world championships in turkey coming off her first olympic year, she and ryan lochte were named the best female and male swimmers of the competition.
2014,  she graduated from school and decided she wanted to study sports business but she wanted to explore her college years in a different country and so she applied to several schools around england and america. she inevitable decided  to attend stanford university where she was offered a full ride on a athletic scholarship.
although every summer she came back home to australia for about a month.
2015, her second olympic appearance in brazil. where she won four gold medals and two silver medals. breaking two world records, one of them being her own. 
this olympics was a different experience as she’d spent alot of time with american swimmers she felt it was alot easier to start building report around the olympic village between countries apposed to her first year were she stuck mostly to her fellow australians.
2017, the day after setting a world record at the world aquatics  championships she was competing in the 200m butterfly when she banged her head against the wall during a turn. she finished the race in 2nd but was brought to the hospital due to her head bleeding and the championships were put on an hour hold to clean out the pool. 
she had to announce she wouldn’t be competing in her last two races for the championships and took nearly a month off from swimming. 
during that time she debated retiring in fear of the accident happening again but decided to get back to training later in the year. 
2018, she graduated from stanford with a sports business degree and minor in international politics. she decided to move back home to australia were she lives just down the road from her parents in cairns.
2019, she’s just off one hell of a run at the 2019 world aquatics championships that was held in south korea. she has two new world records under her belt and four more gold medals. according to her coaches she is in the best shape of her life.
 so basically roxi is not like other girls *eye roll* or atleast she will claim so until her last breath. 
she’s always been a total daddy’s girl and has been giving everything she’s every wanted in life, so she’s a tad bit spoiled y’all. she’s more of a whiny baby than a raging bitch though so that’s sort of a positive?!
she was never the best in academics, roxi was a solid b- student with a tutor, but what she lacked in academics she’s made up for ten-fold in her athletic ability.
she’s only had two serious relationships her whole life. 
is pansexual although she’s only ever dated guys before. 
she’s the friend you hit up when it’s curfew in the village but you wanna cause a little trouble maybe prank your neighboring roommates, or run through rome. she’s always up for a good time, so long as you’re not getting int he way of her training.
on the note of training, boy, no one trains more than this girl. she’s part fish basically and lives in the pool. she is the most decorated female swimmer she didn’t get there by being lazy that’s for sure lol.
she sucks at running so she kick-boxes for workouts when she’s not in the pool.
if she likes you you’ll know, if she doesn’t, you’ll know
I'll definitely add more to this as time goes on ~
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tanyaodebra · 5 years
You 2.2: “Just the Tip” – Of the Iceberg
“Just the Tip” opens on a fish market, because so many things about both Joe and Love are very fucking fishy. Catfish, anyone? (The penis-y title paired with a vaginal allusion has not gone unnoticed, btw.) Our resident cool girl saunters from table to table loudly demonstrating her seafood savvy, so I’m holding strong to the idea that she might be baiting our antihero to serve him on a platter. Unable to stay in reality for two consecutive minutes, Joe takes a stroll down memory lane to the moment he believes his Love story began – one whole week ago with his arrival at LAX. There he spots a celeb to whom he immediately and favorably compares himself by employing the ultimate backdoor brag, praising himself for being so humble. Must be tough to be perfect.
The next stop on Joe’s journey to Love brings us to the inception of his new identity, where the real Will Bettelheim shows just how much he deserves everything that’s coming to him by daring to bitch about GMOs and the state of animal farming in Joe’s presence. Joe has hired Will to scrub his identity, but that’s not good enough for our Joe. As usual, he wants what he can’t, or shouldn’t, have; in this case, it’s Will’s identity. In a moment of cosmic irony, Will blurts out the whole conceit for You, that no one ever suspects white guys. He quickly feels the consequences of his own miscalculation as Joe cracks his skull with a cement brick. The timeline jumps ahead close to where we left off at the end of the last episode, when Joe is trying to figure out who Jasper is and why he came looking for Will. Shocker, the guy Joe hired off Craigslist and who had to scrub his own identity is into some shady shit. Looks like Will owes Dark Web Jasper three large for services never rendered. This is no sweat for a professional book counterfeiter like Joe, especially since LA is full of dumb-dumbs who will buy anything. Something about this feels a little too easy.
Back to the fishmonger’s ball where Love, who is serving major Liv Tyler in Empire Records vibes, demonstrates that she has absolutely zero healthy boundaries by kissing Joe for the first time completely out of the blue. A sucker for “romance,” Joe takes his own slapshot in this game of tonsil hockey and gets nothing but net with the catch of the day. Uh-oh, look out. Is that… Beck lurking in the shadows? Ex-girlfriends, amirite? They just don’t know when to stay dead and buried. Lucky for Joe, she’s vanished as swiftly as she appeared. In the meantime, Joe the daydreamer has missed Love’s proposition: lunch with her friends. If memory serves, Joe wasn’t too fond of his old girlfriend’s pals. In fact, he even murdered one (RIP Peach Salinger). That Love is pressing Joe to meet her buddies so soon might be another hint that she is fucking with him. Or maybe she’s a big old roll of cling-wrap attempting to cover the world’s deepest black hole, and now he’s going for a walk on the stalk-ee side of the street. Either way, it’s pretty karmic.
Out at the dumpster behind Anavrin, an affable fellow calls out to Joe, or rather, to Will. Jasper (Steven W. Bailey) isn’t nearly as scary as we may have imagined, and it seems Joe will be able to pay up and be done with the whole messy business – that is, until Joe discovers Will owes fifty grand, not three. And here’s where the joke in the title of the episode pays off. Jasper cuts off the tip of Joe’s pinky finger, throws it on ice and keeps it as collateral for the balance of the debt, all with a smile on his face. Looks like Joe should have listened to his mentor, Ellie, when she called the guy a creep. When Joe circles back to the plexiglass prison where he’s storing the real Will, he finds a sniveling mess in dire need of his meds. Even though Will can barely function, he’s somehow able to recall a fifty thousand-dollar IOU Joe can claim. In order to hunt those ducats, Joe must cancel his lunch date with Love and her squad. Upon receiving the news, Love, who knows no bounds, returns a text with a fucking phone call. Like, I don’t believe in The Rules, but come on. Show a modicum of chill. Of course, Lonely Boy doesn’t have any boundaries either, so he finds this adorable. He comes up with an alibi blaming Forty, which Love does not seem to buy, and decides to go to the lunch anyway in the capacity of a cap-wearing creep peeping from behind a plant. To Joe’s surprise, the group decides they like the sound of him, and he reciprocates with his own stamp of approval. It seems Beck’s ghost does not approve of Joe’s happiness, because here she is again, cockblocking from the other side.
Remember Joe has a severed finger? He finally does, too. Joe must endure a noontime LA party to find Will’s debtor, Rufus, endearingly named in a nod to Penn Badgley’s Gossip Girl father. Guests at the party just will not believe that Joe is not John Mayer, and they honestly might be right. Dude looks EXACTLY like John Mayer, a true fact that I hadn’t noticed before. As he traipses around the party, he spots the celeb from the airport –  a comedian named Hendy (Chris D’Elia). Guess who else is at this party? Delilah the landlady. Small world made smaller by the fact that she knows Rufus, and also Hendy. When he notice’s Joe’s hand, Hendy recommends the same microsurgeon as Jake, which shores up Joe’s good opinion of Hendy earlier earned in a brief Google search. Delilah vehemently disagrees, storming out of the party. We learn later that Hendy raped her when she was seventeen. Delilah points to this experience as the reason she sees right through Joe’s bullshit – she knows he’s bad news and she warns him to stay away from her and Ellie. Back at the party, Joe finds Rufus who hands over a huge bag, not of money but of pills – Will’s meds.
Joe doubles back to his (or Will’s) place to tend to his wound, and of course Love turns up uninvited, and she is displeased. You guys, I fucking love soap operas. Guess who Forty is to her? Her fucking TWIN BROTHER! I live for this shit. According to common knowledge, twins share everything, so now Love knows Joe lied about his reason for bailing on her friends. While Joe spins some wild yarn in his head about doing all this crazy shit so they can be together, she whips out the dead husband card in order to emotionally strongarm Joe into being her boyfriend. And since this is exactly the type of shit Joe lives for, everybody’s favorite ghost steals the scene again, which makes Joe flip his lid. It’s like, can’t a guy do a few little murders and then live in blissful peace? Love draws the line at yelling (boy is she in for a surprise if she gets to see his true colors) and hightails it out of there. Perfect, because Joe really needs to see to that finger.
Joe meets Jasper at the storage unit. Seeing that he’s never going to raise his dough from the whimpering puddle otherwise known as Will, Jasper lunges at Joe. But Joe is a seasoned killer and he takes Jasper out lickety-split, butchering him Sweeney Todd-style and ditching trash bags filled with his ground-up body in a dumpster. Right alongside this scene, Love hacks away at a rack of lamb with a large butcher knife. As she prepares the rest of her dinner, she cracks a couple of eggs with one hand. Vivisected balls much? Joe shows up at Love’s door – even that psychopath knows to text first – and he bravely drops the knowledge he learned from Beck’s ghost; it’s not that he’s afraid of getting hurt, it’s that he’s afraid of hurting her. Love does all the heavy lifting for him and warps this loud siren into whatever she wants to hear, which is that they need to be in a relationship. Let me remind you once again that it has only been ONE WEEK. Love pulls the classic high school move of claiming friendship when her motives of partnering are so, so transparent. Both are playing this game, though, so Joe is delighted by her willingness to wait for him. Aw! Gross!
And just like that, old Joe is right back in his comfort zone – panty-snatchin’ and trophy-hidin’. This is a pretty high bar to set for episode two; Joe’s only been in LA for one week and he’s already got a body count. Can’t wait for episode three! See You then!
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laresearchette · 7 years
Tuesday, June 27, 2017 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 7:00pm: Orioles at Jays
MLS SOCCER (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: Toronto FC at Montreal Impact
STILL STANDING (CBC) 8:00pm/8:30pm (SEASON PREMIERE): After the most destructive wildfire in Canadian history, the citizens of Fort McMurray, Alta., become determined to rebuild bigger and better. In Episode Two, with new methods of telling about Newfoundland's history, its citizens hope to attract more mainlanders.
BARONESS VON SKETCH SHOW (CBC) 9:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): How to be single after the apocalypse; the ultimate birth plan; an unhappy police officer. ____________ |       YAY!        | |   IT’S TIME   | |       FOR        | | BARONESS! |       |___________| (\__/) || (• •)  || /     \
DATE MY DAD (W NETWORK) 9:00pm: The girls decide It's time to give Ricky a complete lifestyle makeover and even hire the perfect girlfriend for him - behind his back.; Mirabel discovers she's more than just a pretty face by treating the school nerd with respect.
WENTWORTH (APTN) 9:00pm:Allie attempts to take out Ferguson and Will sets a trap to bust the drug ring.
PEOPLE HOLD ON (SUPER CHANNEL 02) 9:00pm: Set during a weekend at the cottage, the gang reunites for their annual lakeside romp. A break-up, a new job, and a fracture prevented them from getting together last year and they're trying to patch the tear in their proverbial jeans.
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elleleh · 8 years
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Tai: Hey guys, maybe you should slow down.
Raven: Uhhhh, esscuze me? Yuh dun eve know wuh eh issn whu fo whu for? Uh-Uhhhhh.
Summer: Essacly! It dussn even mader!
Tai: Uhhhhh
Qrow: -wheeze-
Drunk Raven and Beyond Drunk Summer.
The group all goes out to celebrate Tai and Raven’s engagement. It was Qrow and Summer’s idea to go bar hopping after dinner.
What ends up happening is that Qrow is his normal streamline of drunk, Tai is buzzed...his fiancee’ and team leader are TRASHED. Shots sneak up on you.
Qrow will save Tai...in a few minutes. After recording his sister and Summer slurring their words and tearing Tai a new one.
Summer can hold her liquor, but decided a shots drinking game with Raven was a good way to start the night. Raven is an “in your face” drunk, which is okay since she also becomes incoherent, slurring her words and repeating unfinished ones like “wuh” and “fo”. Summer, on the other hand, is usually a happy, energized drunk. Here, though, she is just defending her bestie...I think. 
The fuck are you talking about, Raven?
Shoutout to Chris D’elia whose comedy drunk girls bit I used in this. He is amazing.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
New Me Too accusations hit A-list celebrities, streamers, influencers
The surge of accusations echoes the 2017 “Me Too” motion, inspired by the Harvey Weinstein allegations, which included prevalent use of the “#MeToo” hashtag.
This time, viral accusations of sexual misconduct versus comic Chris D’Elia seemed to trigger a new wave of accusations versus A-list teenager stars, video game banners and developers, battling professionals, and internet personalities.
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Several industries and internet-adjacent neighborhoods appear to be in the middle of a huge “Me Too” moment, as hundreds of sexual assault claims have been magnified throughout social media platforms over the previous week.
In the video gaming market alone, The New York Times reports that more than 70 individuals, most of them ladies, have come forward with allegations that consist of gender-based discrimination, unwanted sexual advances, and sexual assault.
Accusations against A-list celebrities like star Ansel Elgort, singer Justin Bieber, and “Riverdale” cast member Cole Sprouse— who all denied the allegations– have trended on Twitter.
Online celebs like Twitter character Jovan Hill and TikTokers Ondreaz Lopez and Cody Orlove have all reacted to allegations of sexual attack and abuse, saying sorry to the accusers however rejecting the extent of their claims.
Additionally, huge stars in the professional fumbling neighborhood have been accused of differing degrees of sexual attack, with the majority of the accusations emerging on social networks utilizing the hashtag “#SpeakingOut,” Deadspin reported A few of the implicated dealt with instant consequences including shootings, as dozens of ladies in the fumbling community stepped forward in a matter of days.
People participating in rally to knock unwanted sexual advances and attack in Los Angeles, California, in2017
But while some neighborhoods seem taking the accusations seriously– especially in the streaming and wrestling markets, where there are hierarchies of authority figures that can veterinarian claims and hold people liable– much of the allegations are being brought forward by either confidential figures that can’t be vetted, or are being vetted in a social networks environment dominated by teenagers and young people, where the quickly moving tide of public opinion is the only landscape being impacted by the claims.
Hence, considering that a lot of the allegations versus internet stars, artists, actors, and other public figures are being consulted with rejections, a suspicion that there’s a “ incorrect accusation pattern” going on has gotten traction.
However apart from a handful of claims that seem blatantly fictitious, it’s difficult to judge whether the rejections are sincere– and the idea that mainly girls are comprising allegations for “clout” is rooted in a mainly unfounded stigma against accusers that has actually trickled down through generations reaching today’s Gen Z posters.
Up until now, it appears that a lot of the current claims versus popular and internet-famous figures have fit a pattern: allegations are posted online, they acquire traction and are extensively accepted as honest, the accused posts their rejection, and the tide rapidly flips on the accuser. Without an objective vetting process of each allegation– which hasn’t occurred yet, offered of the speed of this cycle– posters seem to fluctuate from their desire to “believe females,” caused by the 2017 Me Too motion, and their desire to believe the accused, who are up until now mostly favored online figures.
Social network has been a specifying factor in the new Me Too wave, beginning with a viral thread about comic Chris D’Elia.
While the 2017 Me Too movement was largely stimulated by The New York Times and New Yorker‘s reports on Harvey Weinstein, which rollovered into physical activism like demonstrations, the present resurgence has up until now just happened in online spaces. If it continues to get steam– and if the allegations versus famous figures like Elgort and Bieber are either supplemented by reporting or elevated to legal action– it promises that the current burst of accusations could be amplified into something more similar to the global 2017 movement. Today, the most major claims and repercussions have been insulated in their particular communities: gaming and fumbling.
The rise in allegations can seemingly be attributed to the increase in social justice advocacy that’s happened following the killing of George Floyd, which inspired a burst of public demonstrations across the world. As more individuals relied on the internet throughout COVID-19 quarantine, anger over authorities brutality festered and eventually exploded into action. After Minneapolis burned and protesters were beaten throughout the US, some cops departments and cities have actually begun to change their policies.
Recently, internet-driven activism has actually sprung up elsewhere as people direct their cumulative outrage towards change. Pay disparities along racial lines and a lack of BIPOC representation in work environments has become a trending issue in numerous industries, including media and makeup In line with the anti-racism motion, cancel culture and viral callouts have both prospered, from capturing “Karens” on-camera to “ performative activism” reaction.
— SheRatesDogs (@SheRatesDogs) June 17, 2020
Her thread was magnified by the popular Twitter account “@SheRatesDogs,” which developed a thread with almost two lots accounts of ladies alleging that D’Elia had actually bugged them as teenagers and young adult females, soliciting both nude pictures and physical intimacy throughout encounters.
For the gaming market and streaming community, the wave of allegations appears to have begun on June 19, when five female implicated Twitch banner SayNoToRage of sexual harassment. Two women have most just recently made accusations about Bieber, MTV reports, consisting of one woman, Kadi, whose claims Bieber has actually not reacted to, and a confidential Twitter account developed the day the allegations were published under the name Danielle.
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 21, 2020
Both accounts have actually gone through examinations by random Twitter users, and the sentiment that Bieber was guilty– perpetuated, in part, by “antis,” or individuals who dislike Bieber for fan-related functions– till Bieber posted his counter-claims, which seemed to mostly sway viewpoint in the other direction. That being stated, there are still viral tweets and big discussions over whether Bieber and his group are lying, consisting of in the replies to his own tweets.
Bieber provided 15 tweets countering the viral allegations versus him, consisting of short articles, screenshots of purported emails about his Airbnb appointment, and an image of a purported invoice for a hotel appointment. The thread of his own evidence, together with his declaration that the allegations versus him “were factually difficult” which he will “be working with twitter and authorities to take legal action” seemed to encourage many of the social media users who were interested.
— Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) June 22, 2020
Most of the accusations and the denials have actually taken place so quickly that there hasn’t been very much reporting, and little to no legal action, to vet the claims. Rather, the court of online popular opinion has actually been the environment where the existing Me Too wave is occurring. And since the characters being implicated have huge platforms and swaths of fans, there’s an inspiration to believe them over the accusers, many of whom are confidential and have claims that would need more extensive vetting to stand up in court or in a short article.
Offered the anonymous nature of a lot of the allegations, a narrative appears to be developing online that there is a “pattern” of incorrect accusations versus celebs, even though some of the accusers– like Lopez’s– have doubled down to say they aren’t lying, and the implicated is.
— James Charles (@jamescharles) June 22, 2020
There’s an established danger in right away thinking confidential and dubious claims.
As Sprouse and Lili Reinhart stated in response to claims about various “Riverdale” cast members that trended on Twitter, numerous of the allegations versus numerous “Riverdale” stars were revealed to relatively have actually come from from the exact same IP address, suggesting that a person individual was making numerous anonymous, dubious claims against numerous teenager stars. That exact same Twitter user suggested in a later tweet that they made incorrect accusations to show that a social networks mob will believe anything and that Sprouse was innocent.
— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) June 22, 2020
But there’s likewise a risk in presuming that due to the fact that a handful of allegations aren’t real, the rest aren’t– a presumption that has silenced or delegitimized accusers throughout history.
The idea that claims are made to acquire online fame is an especially harmful mindset, since it contributes to a preconception that deters victims to come forward. The concept that accusers become famous themselves for making incorrect allegations against popular figures overlooked the backlash and hate from the implicated individual’s fans and from online neighborhoods devoted to assaulting females, such as those that organized projects during Gamergate
Authorities figures recommend that the number of rapes and sexual assaults that are never ever reported or prosecuted far exceed the number of males who are wrongfully charged for sex crimes they didn’t dedicate, and while fake rape allegations get a lot of attention, studies suggest that between only 2%and 10%of allegations are actually unfounded.
Read more:
A timeline of K-pop fandom’s viral digital advocacy, from scheduling no-show tickets for Trump’s Tulsa rally to spamming racist hashtags
BLM demonstrations have actually flipped the script for influencers used to walking the line in between losing fans and political expression.
Politicians and influencers have actually been implicated of ‘virtue signaling’ during authorities cruelty protests, but the callouts could do more damage than good
Bon Appétit’s week from hell: How a deluge of accusations depicting a ‘harmful’ work culture left the publication in turmoil
Me Too Motion Sexual Attack Claims Chris D’Elia Fumbling
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/new-me-too-accusations-hit-a-list-celebrities-streamers-influencers/
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whatkindofwatch · 4 years
What Watch Does Chris D’Elia Wear?
Comedian and podcaster Chris D'Elia sports a classic dive watch as his daily wear.  
If you've ever seen clips of his podcast, 'Congratulations' or his Netflix special 'No Pain', you've probably seen it sitting prominently on his wrist. 
Chris D'Elia started stand-up comedy in 2006 and has also appeared in several sitcoms and other TV appearances. 
Despite his wired appearance, Chris has never drunk alcohol or taken recreational drugs. 
Fun Fact
I enjoy Chris's sarcastic comedy on his Netflix specials and his podcast. Whilst critics might suggest his comedy is a little lowbrow and juvenile, Chris's no-holds barred attitude towards censorship is to be applauded. 
Here's a clip of Chris's Neflix special, No Pain. You get some very nice glimpses of his watch too. Can you guess what it is? 
Here's an episode of his podcast, Congratulations. You also get some up close views of his watch throughout the episode:
Chris D'Elia wears a Rolex Submariner ND (ref 114060)
Images: Portraits of Progress, Netflix & Congratulations with Chris D'Elia
Chris D'Elia religiously wears his Rolex Submariner no date 114060. The Rolex Submariner is a classic that doesn't need much of an introduction. It's iconic as it is beautiful. Chris's model, the 114060, is a well known variant that has the date function removed (ie 'no date'). This adds a level of simplicity and understated appeal. 
It's still a Rolex, so it's an expensive watch. But, it's not a watch that screams "I've got something to prove" like many newly rich or famous tend to flash about. Chris wears it with an air of authenticity that matches his comedy, and he wears it well. At 40mm diameter and 13mm case thickness, the Submariner 114040 can look oversized on some wrists, but not on Chris.
The Rolex Submariner 114060
The Rolex Submariner ref: 114060 is very similar to the Rolex Submariner ref 116610. The only difference is the addition of the date feature on the 116610. The first Rolex Submariners showcased by Rolex in 1954 did not have the date complication. It wasn't until the introduction of the 1680 model in the late 1960's that Rolex the date function was introduced.
So, whilst the Submariner Date (116610) is currently the more popular model, it could be argued that the no-date version is closer to Rolex's original vision for the submariner range.
Either way, it comes down to personal preference. Do you like the date function and the cyclops magnifying eye, or don't you? 
I personally like the symmetry of the no-date. And honestly, I'm a little lazy when it comes to changing the date. Sometimes I'll be in week 2 of the new month and I'll only just realize that the date is wrong. If you're like me, then changing the date may feel more like a chore than a feature. 
There is also price incentive to opt for the no-date version, as the date function adds another $1K to an already expensive watch. 
You can get an idea of prices for the 114060 no-date (pre-owned and new) and 116610 date (pre-owned and new). We've also covered submariner homage watches if the you aren't financially ready to shell out for a Rolex.
Rolex Submariner 114060 'No Date' 
The iconic oyster Submariner loved by many, simplified by the removal of the date complication 
Rolex calibre 3130 automatic movement
Simplified, symmetrical design
300m water resistance
Check  New Prices
Check Pre-Owned Prices
The Rolex Submariner ref: 114060 is very similar to the Rolex Submariner ref 116610. The only difference is the addition of the date feature on the 116610. The first Rolex Submariners showcased by Rolex in 1954 did not have the date complication. It wasn't until the introduction of the 1680 model in the late 1960's that Rolex the date function was introduced.
So, whilst the Submariner Date (116610) is currently the more popular model, it could be argued that the no-date version is closer to Rolex's original vision for the submariner range.
Either way, it comes down to personal preference. Do you like the date function and the cyclops magnifying eye, or don't you? 
I personally like the symmetry of the no-date. And honestly, I'm a little lazy when it comes to changing the date. Sometimes I'll be in week 2 of the new month and I'll only just realize that the date is wrong. If you're like me, then changing the date may feel more like a chore than a feature. 
There is also price incentive to opt for the no-date version, as the date function adds another $1K to an already expensive watch. 
You can get an idea of prices for the 114060 no-date (pre-owned and new) and 116610 date (pre-owned and new). We've also covered submariner homage watches if the you aren't financially ready to shell out for a Rolex.
Rolex brand and quality
$1K cheaper than 'Date' model
True dive watch with 300m water resistance
Not a budget-friendly watch
Movement: Automatic (Rolex calibre 3130)
Crystal: Sapphire
Case: Stainless steel
Case size: 40mm
Band material: Stainless steel
Bezel: Unidirectional 
Water resistance: 300 m (1,000 ft)
Check latest prices
Rolex Submariner 114060 'no date'
The post What Watch Does Chris D’Elia Wear? appeared first on What Kind of Watch.
from What Kind of Watch https://whatkindofwatch.com/chris-delia/
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sumukhcomedy · 4 years
“He Had His Demons”: Death and the Comedian
As we mark a year of dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s obviously been rough. The pandemic has affected so many different livelihoods and communities.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died from COVID-19. This on the top of the deaths from so many other causes that we experience every year. Death doesn’t escape any community. It certainly doesn’t escape the comedy community.
Death and how we look at ourselves in comedy has become complex. Comedians are already a generally dark group of people prone to depression and so we likely think about death far more than others. But we’re in particularly odd times as to how we look at comedians as individuals. Seemingly, for every comedian that dies, there is currently a comedian that is alive being constructively criticized for their behavior. For every Chris D’Elia that’s alive getting accused of problematic behavior, there may also be a comedian that died whose behavior was grounds for criticism as well.
When a comedian dies, there’s a certain outpouring that comes on social media from the comedy community. It’s understandable. We’ve lost one of our own, many times at a younger age than expected, and it feels necessary to share our experiences of that comedian. There are many memories. There is total praise. Sometimes that praises come from comedians who barely knew the comedian that has died. In true comedian form, some of the posts feel more about themselves and narcissistic than they actually are about the deceased individual.
Stand-up comedy is a wonderful community but we’re also part of a business. I’ve met so many comedians over the 15 years that I’ve been in this business. I envy some of their performance abilities. I can’t stand some of them. I may be the closest friends with some of them. I may have just worked with one of them one time. It’s a job. These are also colleagues. And so, in death, I personally at least pause to determine if it’s worthwhile to even share anything. I always feel saddened by the death of a comedian. But if my grief is general over someone that I simply worked with minimally, I tend to remain silent. The comedian is best remembered by those who knew them well.
Sometimes with the death of a comedian we see other comedians share phrases like “He had issues” or “He had his demons.” It’s a simple way to hide what were likely serious issues. Even then, in death, we laud this comedian’s abilities despite those issues. This is because the comedian has died. We knew them (or we barely did and for some reason are commenting) and the right thing to do is to reflect on their life in the most positive way possible. The most positive way is what they would do on a stage.
However, how can we laud the comedian’s ability while disregarding “the demons”? These were “the demons” that no doubt inflicted a worse existence for themselves, the people closest to them, and likely others in comedy. From my vantage point, it is unbelievably strange. In life, these were comedians that were ridiculed or distanced from by other comedians. But, in death, the other comedians praise this comedian for their work? It feels highly hypocritical and self-absorbed in an industry that day-by-day on social media feels more hypocritical and self-absorbed.
Richard Pryor is the greatest stand-up comedian of all-time. He also lit himself on fire by freebasing cocaine. His drug addictions destroyed some of his personal relationships. No one denies his talent but his biography cannot remove the “demons” from it. It makes me wonder how Pryor would be looked at if his behavior in the 1970s and 1980s would play out today in the 2020s. How would we look at Richard Pryor if he died today? And this doesn’t just go for Richard Pryor, this goes for every comedian that goes down the pecking order all the way to the road dogs to the most annoying of people who show up at the open mics and call themselves “comedians.” Even those individuals at the lowest of rungs get praised on social media in their deaths.
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It’s remarkable to watch someone who does stand-up comedy so well. But, maybe at least to me, it’s more remarkable to watch someone who does life on this Earth even better. The reason I stopped drinking almost 6 years ago was to deal with my “demons.” I started to taking an antidepressant and to go to therapy to address the “issues.” I wanted to grab a hold of my life and, essentially, a hold of my death.
Many times when I’ve seen these various all-praising posts on social media of comedians, it’s hard to look at. It sometimes comes off as self-serving by the comedian who posted it. It’s honest but it’s also not the full picture and it clouds my own perception of the comedian that has died. Of course, that comedian was immensely talented and they murdered on stages or they had a funny story this person wants to post and share. I also know the dead comedian screwed over other comedians and people closest to them. As great as they may have made comedy and life, they also may have made it much worse. So, perhaps the “demons” outweigh the comedy ability? And, perhaps, it’s hard to have some thorough love and idolatry for comedy when you know that the “demons” lurked far too often to destroy that love.
Perhaps I’m getting soft to some or perhaps I’m just getting older and more reflective. I’m 36 and I’ve already seen too many of my friends and colleagues die. But, whenever I do die, sure, it’ll be great if people were entertained by my stand-up and reflect on those moments. But I much rather hope they reflect on who I was as a person and that the actual components of reality and life had a meaningful impact on them. Comedy shouldn’t overtake life. It should be the side dish that adds to life. And what we see now with comedians, whether alive and being criticized or dead and gone, is a continued confusion where the comedy and the life it brings has clouded their decisions and their reality.
Whenever this outpouring of love in death comes towards a problematic comedian, I’m generally quiet. I have my grief but I also am conflicted. I often think back to the letter Mary Forsberg Weiland wrote upon the death of her ex-husband, Stone Temple Pilots frontman Scott Weiland. “So many people have been gracious enough to praise his gift. The music is here to stay. But at some point, someone needs to step up and point out that yes, this will happen again – because as a society we almost encourage it.”
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topinforma · 7 years
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Kylie Jenner gives her real estate portfolio a makeover
After going on a real estate shopping spree over the last two years, Kylie Jenner of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” has switched into sell mode.
The 19-year-old reality television star recently parted with a home in Calabasas for $3.15 million and now has one of her three homes in Hidden Hills on the market.
The house Jenner just sold was originally built in 2006 but was extensively updated during her two years of ownership.
Ebony-stained floors, designer tile work and crystal hardware are among the new-look details. One of the six bedrooms was refashioned as a “glam room.” Separate walk-in and accessory closets highlight the redone master suite.
The two-story Mediterranean in Calabasas features contemporary interiors with textured tile accents, modern fixtures and gothic wallpaper.
(Riley Jamison)
A covered loggia, a swimming pool and spa, and a cabana with a bar/barbecue make up the grounds.
In nearby Hidden Hills, a ranch-style house that Jenner bought last year for $4.5 million is now for sale at a $900,000 markup — $5.4 million.
Sitting on more than 3 acres, the 2012-built home has 5,154 square feet of living space. Wide-plank flooring, wainscoting and light hues give the single-story floor plan an East Coast vibe.
Other features include a center-island kitchen, a theater room and a great room with wet bar. There are four bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.
Tomer Fridman of Compass is the agent of record for Jenner’s properties. April Lopez of RE/MAX Traditions represented the buyer in the Calabasas sale.
Jenner is largely known for her family’s reality series, “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” which follows the lives of her siblings, in-laws and parents. Last year she launched the makeup line Kylie Cosmetics.
Swapping spots on the Westside
Matthew Perry has purchased a full-floor penthouse in Century City for $20 million, or about $2,146 per square foot, according to real estate sources with knowledge of the sale.
The actor, who is currently selling a home in Hollywood Hills West, purchased the 9,318-square-foot unit in July through a blind trust, records show. It had been listed for $26.5 million.
Found within the Robert A.M. Stern-designed Century building, the residence features floor-to-ceiling windows, a living room with two fireplaces and a center-island kitchen. The formal dining room can seat as many as 25 guests.
The full-floor penthouse has more than 9,300 square feet of living space.
The open-space master suite has multiple sitting areas and a lavish bath for a total of four bedrooms, 7.25 bathrooms and a powder room. Views from the residence extend from downtown Los Angeles to the Santa Monica Mountains to the ocean.
Bachir Oueida of Douglas Elliman was the listing agent. Greg Holcomb of Partners Trust Beverly Hills represented the buyer.
Perry, 47, is known for his role as Chandler Bing on the long-running sitcom “Friends.” Last year he made his playwriting debut with “The End of Longing” in London. The play, in which he also stars, premiered stateside last month in an off-Broadway production from MCC Theater.
He is asking $13.5 million for his home in the Bird Streets section of Hollywood Hills West.
His series finale in Seal Beach
Producer-director Bill D’Elia and his wife, interior decorator Ellie D’Elia, have listed their longtime vacation home in Seal Beach for sale at $3.495 million.
Found within guard-gated Surfside Colony, the beachfront property had “good bones” but was in a state of disrepair when the couple bought it nearly two decades ago, according to listing agent Chuck Buscemi of Buscemi, Noonan & Associate Realtors.
Using Ellie D’Elia’s plans, the 1950s home was remodeled in a style reminiscent of the Cape Cod cottages the couple visited during their respective childhoods.
The two-story, East Coast-inspired beach house sits along the sand in the gated Surfside Colony.
(Linova Photography)
Shake siding, brickwork and a blue-hued shutters give a classic coastal look to the four-bedroom, 3.5-bathroom.
Beyond the Dutch front door, roughly 2,250 square feet of living space includes a living room with a brick fireplace, a dining area and an updated kitchen. French doors bring in ocean views on two floors.
Outside, steppingstones lead directly from a fenced patio to the beach and shore.
Bill D’Elia has television credits that include the shows “Chicago Hope,” “Ally McBeal” and “Boston Legal.” More recently he served as an executive producer on the ABC series “How to Get Away With Murder.”
This beach is one billionaire short
Music and movie mogul David Geffen, fresh off the $85-million sale of his Malibu compound, has sold another home in the beach community for $8 million.
The oceanfront home, built in 1956, sits on “Billionaires’ Beach,” a stretch of the Pacific Coast Highway known for wealthy homeowners such as Larry Ellison, Eli Broad and Jeffrey Katzenberg.
Entered through a gated courtyard, the 1,473-square-foot house includes a living room with a fireplace, a kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Glass doors in the dining area open to a surf-facing deck that overlooks 45 feet of beach frontage.
The 1950s home on Malibu’s Carbon Beach sits on 45 feet of frontage.
James Rapf of Pritchett-Rapf & Associates and Kurt Rappaport of Westside Estate Agency were the co-listing agents. Chris Cortazzo of Coldwell Banker represented the buyer.
Geffen, creator of Geffen Records and co-founder of DreamWorks Studios, bought the property a decade ago for $9.8 million, records show. It had been listed for $8.995 million.
The 74-year-old has an estimated net worth of $7.7 billion, according to Forbes.
His home field is now in play
Yasiel Puig, slugging outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers, has put his home in Sherman Oaks on the market for $2.3 million.
The Mediterranean villa-style house, built in 2003, sits behind walls and gates and has a two-story entry. Interior appointments include stone and hardwood floors, skylights and ornate ironwork. The open-plan living and dining rooms share a wet bar.
The Mediterranean-style home in Sherman Oaks sits behind gates and has a swimming pool and spa.
(Shawn Cordon)
The upstairs master suite is outfitted with a sitting room, a fireplace and French doors that lead to a balcony. The soaking tub in the master bath takes in a view of the backyard. A total of six bedrooms and six bathrooms lie within more than 4,600 square feet of living space.
Outside, ample patio space surrounds a swimming pool with a tiled spa. Next to the pool is a built-in barbecue.
Puig, 26, bought the property two years ago for $1.8 million. Alexis Nassif and Diana Diaz of Dilbeck Real Estate hold the current listing.
Her home was swept up in a hurry
The longtime Hollywood Hills home of late actress Doris Roberts has sold for $2 million.
Known as Casa de Glade, a nod to Roberts’ Clio Award-winning role in a Glade air freshener commercial, the Spanish Colonial-style house includes three bedrooms and five bathrooms in more than 3,700 square feet of space.
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