#choza freaks
crvstybowlofcereal · 2 years
i love WATFOS, and I love Glam, but wtf is The Gallbladder Burst
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Inoichi: "I kinda feel bad for leaving Choza with Kakashi. All three of us are supposed to be babysitting." Shikaku: "He'll be fine. So what do you want from Dairy Queen?" Kakashi, popping up from the backseat: "I was thinking about a milkshake." Inoichi & Shikaku: *screaming*
Kakashi would so do this, and meanwhile Choza is back at his place freaking tf out because he can’t find his Sensei’s kid anywhere???
Kakashi! Kakashi where did you go! Please tell me you’re alive or Sakumo-Sensei will murder me
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pandjseetheworld · 3 years
Turtle Day
The turtles hatch around 4-5:30am in the morning so we didn’t wake up to see them hatch but we did walk over around 5:45 to see the turtles being released into the ocean. A few hostels down the beach is a hostel called Driftwood that is owned by a few younger gentleman. They saw that the local turtle hatchery was not being managed or run properly and took it upon themselves to make a difference.
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Poaching is legal in Guatemala and they are only supposed to poach 80% of the turtles and leave 20%, but no one actually regulates it. Instead the owners at Driftwood Hostel buy the eggs from the local poachers so the locals get paid and the turtles are able to be released safely. 1 in ever 1,000 survive when they are released and today we got to release 235 turtles. This year they bought 35,0000 eggs at roughly 15cents per egg. And For the first time in 5 years they have Leather Back eggs so they are really looking forward to them hatching at the end of the month. The largest Leather Back turtle is around 916kilos (2,000lbs), so for them to be in El Paredón is a big deal to the area.
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The turtles have to be released on the beach because they use the sun to direct them and the beaches magnetic field to guid them into the ocean. After living 7 years on the ocean they use that same magnetic field to return to their original beach to begin laying eggs. Turtles are super freaking cool!
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After watching the turtle release we went back to the Driftwood hostel to get trash bags to help clean the beach. The owners incentive for people to help is… if you pick up one bag of trash you get a free smoothie or drink. We didn’t really need an incentive, it was pretty sad seeing all the trash on the beach so helping to clean just seemed worthwhile. They said during rainy season there is a lot of trash because the rain pushes the trash to the beach or it all washes up from the ocean. Trash is a huge issue in many poor countries and I was glad to help, even just a little. Unfortunately, I don’t really know how they were going to dispose of the 10 bags we collected but I hope they take care of it properly and not just burn it, which is very typical. Hopefully our efforts will save the life on one turtle and make the beach look better. At least for the day!
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Next on our agenda was an ecological tour with the same tour group from yesterday La Choza Chula to see where the turtles live. We walked about 10 minutes to the boat ramp with our tour group and all got on a long boat. Claudia was our translator again which was great and our group was roughly 10 people from all over the world. Our guide drove the boat about 30 minutes crisscrossing the river from left to right. We had to take our tour during low tide to see the turtles pop up but that made navigating the river much more challenging. He was a pro and we only hit sand once!
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We eventually stopped at the place where the fresh water meets the salt water because this is where the turtles live. There are 3 main different kinds of turtles that live in the area and the turtles can grow to be 70-200 kilos. We to patiently sit and wait to see the turtles pop up for air every 8-10 minutes. The turtles are funny and when they come up for air they gasp like their life depends on it! Like why don’t they just pop up at 7 seconds and relaxingly breath! Beats me, I’m not a turtle!! The guide said that There are roughly 200-300 turtles that live in the area and when the turtles are born it’s the temperature of the egg nest that helps to determined the turtles gender. Female turtles apparently like it warmer than male turtles, who knew!
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We also Stopped along the river at a salt farm which was pretty interesting. It takes one month for salt to process and flow from pool to pool. The process has to start over if it’s interrupted with rain or other weather. It can make nearly 600kilos of salt in one month and the primary purpose is for cooking. Unfortunately, it just rained the other day so they are restating the process and we didn’t get to see much salt but it was still cool to visit the salt farm.
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After the salt farm we headed back to Paredón. After such a early morning and all of our turtle excitement we just rested. Laid by the pool, walked the beach, and relaxed. Exploring sure can be exhausting!!
In the afternoon we met up with John and walked next door to grab a drink and watch the sunset. It was a beautiful evening and everyone was on the beach! After a few drinks, we were in the mood for some dinner. John, Pearce, and I met up with Frederico and amour other friend Amanda and headed out. Some people recommended a place with live music so we walked there but it ended up just being a live DJ. There were no seats and just didn’t seem our vibe. Instead we headed over to Buena Vista a cute outdoor ice cream shop that also had more to offer. In the back it was like a mall cafeteria. They had a Pizza Hut, vegan hut, bar, and of course their delicious homemade ice cream! It was perfect!! Not only was it delicious but as the evening went on a DJ came out and the place was popping!!! Everything is still kind of on COVID curfew so things shut down pretty early but after the closed the bar (put shutter down) and lowered the lights the party kept going. They were blasting music and it was no surprise the cops showed up. People ran, some people froze, and others kept drinking. We were unsure what to do so we just stood in the back waiting to figure out what was going to happen. We the cops were paid off because they left and right after they left the bar opened, lights turned on, and the party continued. I played beer pong with some friends and we danced and chatted into the evening! It was the perfect way to end our time in El Paredón!
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crvstybowlofcereal · 2 years
hey i
made a playlist of WATFOS/ChoZa Freaks
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crvstybowlofcereal · 2 years
Study, study, study again
We were driven into the head did not have time to be born We did not choose an institution We were sent to school like prisoners And we will be there for ten years to beg for grades For five we can play - for a deuce they beat with a ruler I teach lessons, but in the head there is only one word And any of your schools is associated with it Chorus verse 2 I spend all my free time And in the summer I go to the country I'd rather play games You look - I would become an e-sportsman But there’s nothing I’ll turn off and so in twenty years I'll go to school with that booze and I'll scoff Over those who go to get smelly knowledge And in the minds of only one word I want to scream Chorus verse 3 I don’t need to drive here about nostalgia about school I know that in old age she is a nightmare For the fact that something was forgotten there - to wash the floor after school And you're like "WHAT THE FUCK I'M FORTY ALREADY" Chorus
^^^lyrics google translated from a comment written by Fan Toca∆
School Is Shit
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crvstybowlofcereal · 2 years
 also i wanna say that WATFOS is like, such good workout music tho?
not The Gallbladder Burst, or Light (CBET), they’re too slow
but The Tale Of a Pine? School is Shit? Melody of Rain?? PATHOLOGIST??? SMELLS LIKE CHERRY???? 
makes working out so much more fun fr
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crvstybowlofcereal · 2 years
“glam will come up with something here”
The Tale of a Pine There Grows The Pine The Pine Tree Grows
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To really be a little shit Kakashi buys a stuffed rat toy and bursts through the door with a huge grin on face, er, behind his mask. It ends with the toy burning on the floor, the Ino-Shika-Cho father's yelling at Kakashi, Kakashi laughing his ass off, and their kids standing in the doorway wondering what was going on
Kakashi didn't even yell 'puppy' this time. Inoichi saw the fucking rat out of the corner of hos eye and freaked.
As soon as he started freaking, shikaku and choza looked to see what was up and promptly flowed suit.
Kakashi has no regrets and when Yoshino comes out to see what all the ruckus is he pulls out the most pathetic puppy dog eyes, points at the urning stuffy and says "they destroyed my puppy"
She is not in the mood for any of their shit
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