#chow kin ping
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The Five Venoms (1978)
#the five venoms#The Five Deadly Venoms#kuo chui#sun chien#Venom Mob#suen shu pau#tony tam chun to#chow kin ping
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青衣診所列表一覽 2021 青衣區發展迅速,交通網絡完善,私人物業林立,生活配套成熟,成為新興中産人士的熱門選擇。以下整理出青衣區診所及其鄰近屋苑,讓各位準業主及租客可以對屋苑周邊配套有更全面的了解。
謝昌佑醫生 Dr. TSE CHEONG YAU, IVAN 毅力醫務中心(青衣) 新界青衣青衣花園青綠街55號7座地下 Tel: 24349816 星期一至六:0900-2100 星期日、公眾假期:1400-1900 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 鄒業宏醫生 Dr. CHOW IP WANG, EDMUND 鄒業宏醫生醫務所 新界青衣美景花園33號舖 Tel: 24320990 星期一、二、四、五: 0930-1230,1700-2000 星期三: 0930-1230 星期六、日、公眾假期: 1000-1230 附近屋苑: 青俊苑 趙崇薰醫生 Dr. CHIU SHUNG FUN 趙崇薰醫生醫務所 青衣長安村安濤樓地下116號 Tel: 24329535 星期一至星期五: 0900-1300,1600-1930 星期六、日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 羅劍雲醫生 Dr. Law Kim Wan 羅劍雲醫生醫務所 新界青衣長青邨青槐樓地下117號舖 Tel: 24325008 星期一至五:0900-1300,1600-2000 星期六、日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 美景花園 洪長發醫生 Dr. HUNG CHEUNG FAT, HORATIO 洪長發醫生醫務所 新界青衣長青邨青槐樓115室 Tel: 24951008 星期一至五:0800-1300,1600-2000 星期六、日:0800-1300 附近屋苑: 美景花園 黃明德醫生 Dr. HWONG MING TAK 卓健醫療中心 青衣地鐵站商舖TSY47 Tel: 24361622 星期一、二、四、五:0900-1400,1500-1930 星期三:0900-1400,1500-1730 星期六:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 盈翠半島 秦德筠醫生 Dr. CHUN TAK KWAN 秦德筠醫生醫務所 新界青衣長安邨安濤樓地下114室 Tel: 24323881 星期一至五 ︰0900-1300,1600-2030 星期六、日︰0900-1300 附近屋苑: 長安邨 劉起東醫生 Dr. LAU HAY TUNG 劉起東醫生醫務所 新界青衣長康村康貴樓10號舖 Tel: 21466626 星期一至日、公眾假期 ︰ 0830-2030 附近屋苑: 青華苑 嚴勵良醫生 Dr. YIM LAI LEUNG 嚴勵良醫生醫務所 新界青衣涌美路24號地下 Tel: 24957333 星期一至五:0830-1300,1630-2100 星期六:0830-1300 星期日:1500-1800 附近屋苑: 翠怡花園 黃耀華醫生 Dr. WONG YIU WAH 黃耀華醫生醫務所 青衣村商場平台3號舖 Tel: 24361933 星期一至六:0830-1300 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 陳德光醫生 Dr. CHAN TAK KWONG 陳德光醫生醫務所 青衣路藍澄灣藍澄灣商場L1, 15號舖 Tel: 24359550 星期一至五:0930-1330,1530-1930 星期六:0930-1330 附近屋苑: 藍澄灣 趙佩熹醫生 Dr. Chiu Pui Hei, Amy 趙佩熹醫生醫務所 新界青衣青綠街7號青怡花園地下54號舖 Tel: 24310309 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 黃元瀚醫生 Dr. Wong Yuen Hon 盈健醫務中心 新界青衣青衣港鐵站地下44號鋪 Tel: 24953778 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 葉肇慶醫生 Dr. YEH SAW CHING 葉肇慶醫生醫務所 新界青衣長安邨安濤樓地下118舖 Tel: 24340955 星期一至五:0900-1300,1600-2030 星期六、日、公眾假期:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 曾元醫生 Dr. Tsang, Yuen 曾湛祥中醫跌打 新界青衣涌美村123號地下 Tel: 24977128 星期一至六:1000-1230,1600-1830 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 梁景鈺醫生 Dr. LEUNG KING YUK 梁景鈺醫生醫務所 新界青衣長康村第二商場204號舖 Tel: 24311333 星期一至五:0830-1230,1630-2030 星期六、日:0830-1230 附近屋苑: 青華苑 楊柳茵醫生 Dr. YONG LIEW YIN 楊柳茵醫生醫務所 新界青衣島青衣邨商場2樓2號舖 Tel: 24594128 星期一至五:0830-1230,1630-2030 星期六、日:0830-1230 附近屋苑: 青怡花園 許裕洪醫生 Dr. HUI YU HUNG 許裕洪醫生醫務所 青衣長亨邨商場五樓舖111 Tel: 24356886 附近屋苑: 曉峰園 廖榮醫生 Dr. Liu Wing 廖榮醫生醫務所 新界青衣長安邨安濤樓地下111-113室 Tel: 24351623 星期一至五:0900-1300,1600-2000 星期六、日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 梁傳國醫生 Dr. LEUNG CHUEN KWOK 卓健醫療體檢中心 青衣青敬路33號青衣城3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24310230 星期一至五:0830-1330,1430-1900 星期六:0900-1300,1400-1700 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 吳瑞申醫生 Dr. NG SHUI SU 吳瑞申醫生醫務所 青衣清譽街青裕新村7號地下 Tel: 24957555 星期一至五 ︰0930-1300,1600-1930 星期六、日︰0900-1300 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 勞煥然醫生 Dr. LO WOON YIN 勞煥然醫生醫務所 新界青衣長康邨二期商場204室 Tel: 24321577 星期一、三、五:0830-1230,1630-2030 附近屋苑: 青華苑 何駿琳醫生 Dr. Ho Chun Lam 何駿琳醫生醫務所 新界青衣楓樹窩路10號青衣邨青衣商場1樓9號 Tel: 21565862 / 21565832 星期一、三、五:0900-1400,1500-1930 附近屋苑: 偉景花園
梁富生醫生 Dr. Leung, Fu Sang 仁心保健中醫診所 新界青衣青綠街7-19號青怡薈地下57號舖 Tel: 24363329 星期一至五:0900-1330,1600-2100 星期六:0900-1500 附近屋苑: 青怡花園 張維俊醫生 Dr. Cheung, Wai Chun 南北行參茸葯材有限公司 新界青衣長發邨長發商場地下126號舖 Tel: 24334284 星期一至日、公眾假期:0900-1330,1330-1945 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 張長年醫生 Dr. Cheong, Cheong Nin 張長年中醫診所 新界青衣涌美村58號地下 Tel: 24316663 星期一至六:0900-1300,1530-2000 附近屋苑: 偉景花園 馬榮益醫生 Dr. Ma, Wing Yick 卓健中醫醫療中心 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城3樓308D號鋪 Tel: 24341233 / 92294393 星期一至五:1530-1930 附近屋苑: 宏福花園 李偉清醫生 Dr. Lee, Wai Ching 李偉清中醫跌打醫館 新界青衣長發邨長發街市132號鋪 Tel: 90182086 星期一至六:0900-1300,1500-2000 星期日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 方鎮池醫生 Dr. Fong, Chun Chi 萬春堂藥行 新界青衣青綠街7-19號青怡廣場1樓16B舖 Tel: 24959010 星期一:1600-2000 星期二至六:0900-1300,1600-2000 星期日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青怡花園 陳錦榮醫生 Dr. Chan, Kam Wing 丞元中醫診所 新界青衣灝景灣灝景灣商場第3層7號鋪 Tel: 97388574 星期一:1000-1300,1500-1930 星期三:1000-1300 星期五:1000-1300,1500-1930 星期六:1000-1300,1500-1700 附近屋苑: 青宏苑 江燕琴醫生 Dr. Kong, Yin Kam 李偉清中醫跌打醫館 新界青衣長發邨長發街市132號鋪 Tel: 61308813 星期一至六:0900-1300,1500-2000 星期日:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 鄺子建醫生 Dr. Kwong, Tze Kin 鄺子建中醫師診療所 新界青衣上高灘街84號涌美邨地下 Tel: 98381723 星期一至日:0900-1800 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 陳智朗醫生 Dr. Chan, Chi Long 龍心中醫堂 新界青衣青敬路2號青逸軒S1座地下I&J舖 Tel: 24951288 星期一至五:0900-1300,1600-2000 星期六:0900-1400 附近屋苑: 長安邨 曾堪祥醫生 Dr. Tsang, Cham Cheung 曾湛祥中醫跌打 新界青衣涌美村123號地下 Tel: 24977128 星期一至六:1000-1230,1600-1830 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 楊禮祥醫生 Dr. Yeung, Lai Cheung 楊禮祥中醫師 新界青衣担干山路青泰苑通泰���1401室 Tel: 94319753 星期一至五:0900-2000 附近屋苑: 青雅苑 方鎮清醫生 Dr. Fong, Chun Ching 永春園藥行 新界青衣長康邨康順樓B209-211室 Tel: 24315215 附近屋苑: 青盛苑 劉益珠醫生 Dr. Lau, Yik Chu 德業中西藥行 新界青衣美景花園商場地下94-96號舖 Tel: 24976846 星期一至日:0900-2000 附近屋苑: 藍澄灣 胡顯光醫生 Dr. Wu, Hin Kwong 金安参茸藥房 新界青衣長發邨商場2樓232號鋪 Tel: 24341440 星期一至四、六、日:0900-1400,1500-1930 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 羅君安醫生 Dr. Law, Kwan On 利安中西藥行 新界青衣長亨邨商場S8號舖 Tel: 24979900 星期一至日:0900-1400,1600-2100 附近屋苑: 曉峰園
梅建基醫生 Dr. Mui, Kin Ki 梅建基跌打中醫骨傷科 新界青衣涌美路14號地下 Tel: 24341221 / 92666710 星期一:1600-2100 星期二至六:1000-1400,1600-2100 星期日:1000-1400 附近屋苑: 青俊苑 林志平醫生 Dr. Lam, Chee Ping 跌打林醫館 新界青衣青敬路77號海悅花園商場23號舖 Tel: 90289488 星期一至六:0900-1230,1500-1900 附近屋苑: 宏福花園 王明權醫生 Dr. Wong, Ming Kuen 健明針灸診所 新界青衣涌美老屋村134號地下FA室 Tel: 91061373 星期一至日:0930-1300,1530-1930 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑
陳雙榮醫生 Dr. Chan Sheung Wing 聯合醫務牙醫中心 新界青衣長亨邨商場114號舖 Tel: 24314678 星期一、二、四、五:0930-1300,1500-2030 星期三、六:0930-1200 附近屋苑: 曉峰園 陳敏莊醫生 Dr. Chan Man Chong 卓健醫療中心 新界青衣港鐵站地下商舖TSY47 Tel: 24360990 星期一至五:0915-1330,1515-1930 星期六:0915-1300,1400-1700 附近屋苑: 海悅花園 李嘉敏醫生 Dr. Li Ka Man 卓健牙科中心 新界青衣青敬路青衣港鐵站地下47號舖 Tel: 24360990 星期五:0900-1300,1400-1830 星期六:0930-1300,1400-1700 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 梁志剛醫生 Dr. Leung Chi Kong 梁志剛醫生 醫務所 新界青衣長安邨安濤樓地下121舖 Tel: 24350908 星期一至五:1000-1300,1500-2000 星期六:1000-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 鄭尼西醫生 Dr. Cheng Nai Sai 卓健牙科中心 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城商場3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24347090 星期一至五:0915-1330,1515-1930 星期六:0915-1300,1400-1700 附近屋苑: 宏福花園 麥朗怡醫生 Dr. Mak Long Yee, Ronnie 盈健醫務中心 新界青衣青衣港鐵站地下商舖TSY44-45 Tel: 28778111 星期四: 0900-1300 星期一、五: 0900-1300 : 1500-2030 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 薛日陞醫生 Dr. Sit Yat Sing, Sunny 薛日陞醫生牙醫醫務所 新界青衣長安邨安濤樓地下119室 Tel: 24350970 星期一至五:0900-1300,1500-2030 星期六:0900-1300 附近屋苑: 青泰苑 謝俊邦醫生 Dr. Tse Tsun Pang, Edward 卓健牙科中心 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城商場3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24347090 星期一至五:0915-1330,1515-1930 附近屋苑: 宏福花園 朱穎怡醫生 Dr. Chu Wing Yee, Letty 卓健牙科中心 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城商場3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24347090 星期一至五:0930-1930 星期六:0930-1700 附近屋苑: 宏福花園
羅建華醫生 Dr. Law Kin Wah, Albert 聯合醫務中心 新界青衣牙鷹洲街8號灝景灣商場3樓7號舖 Tel: 21491199 星期一至五:0930-1300,1600-2030 星期六:0930-1300 附近屋苑: 青宏苑 沈仲明醫生 Dr. Sham Chung Ming, Joseph 沈仲明醫生醫務所 新界青衣島青綠街7號青怡花園地下54號舖 Tel: 24310309 附近屋苑: 綠悠雅苑 楊超發醫生 Dr. Yeung Chiu Fat, Henry 楊超發兒童專科醫生 新界青衣���康邨康貴樓地下7室 Tel: 24956268 星期一至五:0830-1230,1630-2030 星期六、日、公眾假期:0830-1230 附近屋苑: 美景花園 莫國榮醫生 Dr. Mok Kwok Wing, Simon 莫國榮醫生醫務所 新界青衣青綠街1號偉景商業中心地下12號舖 Tel: 24803535 星期一至五:0900-1300,1600-2000 星期六:0900-1300,1500-1700 星期日:1000-1300 附近屋苑: 偉景花園 林展輝醫生 Dr. Lam Chin Fai, Edwin 林展輝醫生醫務所 新界青衣翠怡花園10座地下302號舖 Tel: 24318180 星期一至︰0830-1300,1530-2030 星期六 、日︰0830-1300 附近屋苑: 海悅花園 湯子芬醫生 Dr. TONG TSZ FUN 卓健醫療體檢中心 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24310230 星期一至五:0830-2030 星期六、日、公眾假期:0900-1700 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 趙瑞君醫生 Dr. Chiu Sui Kwan, Becky 盈健綜合醫務中心 新界青衣港鐵站地下44-45號舖 Tel: 28878823 星期一: 0900-1330 星期二: 0900-1330,1530-2030 星期五: 0900-1330 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 黃禮榮醫生 Dr. Wong Lai Wing 黃禮榮醫生醫務所 新界青衣牙鷹洲街8號灝景灣購物中心3樓7號舖 Tel: 21490012 星期一:0900-1300,1400-1900 星期二、四、五:0900-1300,1500-1930 星期六:0900-1300,1400-1700 附近屋苑: 青宏苑
盧駿業醫生 Dr. Lo Chun Yip, Amos 卓健醫療 新界青衣青敬路33號青衣城3樓308D號舖 Tel: 24310230 星期四:1430-1730 附近屋苑: 灝景灣
譚美鳳物理治療師 Ms. Tam Mei Fung, Tammy 卓健物理治療 新界青衣青衣城3樓308D室 Tel: 24339116 星期一至五:0830-2000 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 麥麗好物理治療師 Ms. Jody Mak 卓健物理治療 新界青衣青衣城3樓308D室 Tel: 24339116 星期一至五:0830-2000 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 楊靜儀物理治療師 Ms. Yeung Ching Yee, Christine 卓健物理治療 新界青衣青衣城3樓308D室 Tel: 24339116 星期一至五:0830-2000 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 鍾靈物理治療師 Ms. Chong Ling 新界青衣長青邨青葵樓地下110至112室 香港青衣長青邨青楊樓 Tel: 24976262 星期二、六:0900-1800 附近屋苑: 美景花園 莊俊榮物理治療師 Mr. Chong Chun Wing, Terry 卓健物理治療 新界青衣青衣城3樓308D室 Tel: 24339116 星期一至五:0830-2000 附近屋苑: 灝景灣 青衣診所列表一覽 2021
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Ten Years
Ten Years [trailer]
Five short films set in Hong Kong in the year 2025.
Meant to be a look into the not so distant future when it was released five years ago. But by now many segments are much closer to being documentaries.
Extras: It doesn't get more timely than that. Side note, the current US variation is inventing "antifa" violence without evidence.
Season of the End: The most difficult to interpret. Maybe meant to imply that there is no hope left.
Dialect: Language as part of your identity. Becoming foreign in your own land.
Self-immolator: Again very timely. And devastating at the end.
Local Egg: At this point I'm unsure if a variation of the Youth Guard exists. But these days such surveillance is probably done digitally.
#Ten Years#Sap nin#Jevons Au#Chow Kiwi#Kwok Zune#Ng Ka Leung#Wong Fei Pang#Peter Chan#Courtney Wu#Wong Ching#Lau Ho Chi#Leung Kin Ping#Ng Siu Hin#Tanzela Qoser#Liu Kai Chi#foreign#Hong Kong#like#recommended
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Cloud Pavilion from Jason Dembski on Vimeo.
Cloud Pavilion
25 May–3 June 2016
Plaza Sai Van Lake
Macau SAR China
A collaboration between architecture students from the University of Saint Joseph and media students
from City University of Hong Kong, the Cloud Pavilion was a temporary structure located at the edge of
Sai Van Lake, Macau. It used a tensegrity structure constructed from bamboo rods, steel cables, and fabric
panels, which acted as dispersed screen for a video mapping installation. The structure comprised 174 one-
meter-long bamboo rods, 250 meters of galvanized steel cable, 1000 steel-wire cable clips, 100 stainless
steel turnbuckles, and 18 meters of white stretch fabric. The opening night featured live performances by a
number of Macau-based dancers. By applying advanced digital techniques to vernacular construction
methods, the pavilion is intended to be small-scale reinterpretation of Macau’s historical building culture
while simultaneously responding to the iconic architectural forms and dynamic lighting effects that define
the city’s contemporary visual identity.
Bamboo Structure (Department of Architecture and Design, University of Saint Joseph)
Jason Dembski
Diogo Teixeira
Bryan Qingrong Zeng
Delia Fong Ian Wong
Cynthia Iao Hio Sin
Sam Sou Hou Wan
Gloria Ao Ieong
Kyle Cheong Hoi Kei
Michael Stanly Loyola Zapanta
Wong Pui I Anna
Gui Jesus Carvalho Freitas Da Silva
Rosita Ka In Pang
Eugenio Fiumi
Andrea Bonizzato
Video Mapping Installation (School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong)
Tobias Klein
Ahamed Junaid Ibrahim
Vanetta Law Chung Yan
Kelvin Ma Chun Yu
Kwan Kin Wai
Chan Sui Ling
Chan Chun Kit
Chung Hiu Lam
Tsang Ka Wai
Angus Wing-chung Chan
Ronald Ng Pak Kei
Pauline Cheng Pui Lam
Venus Ng
Carol Tse Oi Ping
Chow Wing Nam
Lau Nga Fong
Tsui Ka Wai
Ho Ka Yee
Camellia Wong
Kai Cheuk Hei
Ko Yee Ki Kelly
Agnes Tang Hio Tong
Kwan Siu Yin Marvin
Wong Wai Yin
Henry Kwok
Iki Leung
Timothy Lam
Jesse Ma
Bill Yau
Kelvin Lee
Kelvin Li
Wun Hei Dominique Leung
Shin Jaekyung
Chow Yun Fu
To Tsz Sum Janice
WanYu Chun
Chan Ling Chi
Chan Wai Sze
Yuen Wing Tung
Ho Ngan Ping
Tina Yam Tin Yan
Opening Night Performances
Shape Shifter (Performer: Neil Sweeney)
Untitled Duet (Performers: Halfan Saddi & Stanley Martin)
Fabric of Desires (Performer: Heather Spilka)
Capoeira Trio (Performers: Neil Sweeny, Isaac Braga, Janusz Ciechowski)
University of Saint Joseph
City University of Hong Kong
Macau Foundation
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Main Hong Kong activists arrested in widening crackdown
Two of Hong Kong’s main political activists have been arrested on Friday a day after two pro-democracy campaigners have been attacked by thugs, because the crackdown on dissent within the metropolis widened.
Joshua Wong, the town’s finest identified pro-democracy activist and the face of the 2014 Umbrella Motion, was “pushed into a non-public automotive on the road” on Friday morning earlier than being transferred to a police station.
He has been charged with three offences referring to an alleged illegal meeting outdoors police headquarters in June.
Agnes Chow, one other main determine in Demosisto who was barred from standing in a by-election final yr, additionally faces two illegal meeting expenses referring to the identical occasion, police mentioned.
Ms Chow was lively within the 2014 protests as a spokeswoman for Mr Wong’s unique political group, Scholarism.
“Hong Kongers is not going to be deterred . . . as a result of they’ve a powerful willpower to pursue democracy and freedom
The arrests got here hours after the detention of Andy Chan, founding father of the now-banned Hong Kong Nationwide Social gathering, on Thursday as he handed by immigration on the metropolis’s airport. Police mentioned Mr Chan was charged with rioting and assaulting police in relation to a protest close to the border with China in mid-July.
“They need to unfold white terror among the many Hong Kong protesters,” mentioned Isaac Cheng, vice-chair of Demosisto. “Hong Kongers is not going to be deterred . . . as a result of they’ve a powerful willpower to pursue democracy and freedom.”
Hong Kong has been gripped by a weeks of demonstrations which have plunged the Asian monetary hub into its worst political disaster for many years.
The protests, which have been organised largely on-line and don’t have any public leaders, have been sparked by the federal government’s push to go an extradition legislation that will have allowed felony suspects to be despatched to China for the primary time.
Organisers cancelled a rally scheduled on Saturday after police refused to grant permission to the Civil Human Rights Entrance, which has organized three mass anti-government protests which have every drawn greater than 1m individuals, to carry the demonstration.
Thursday, 29 August, 2019
In earlier instances the place permission was denied, some protesters have marched anyway.
The CHRF’s chief, Jimmy Sham, was attacked in a restaurant on Thursday afternoon by two males carrying masks and wielding baseball bats and a knife. Max Chung Kin-ping, one other activist who organised a protest towards assaults on demonstrators by alleged gangsters, was overwhelmed on the identical day by 4 males carrying iron poles in a separate incident.
China’s Folks’s Liberation Military on Thursday rotated troops in its Hong Kong garrisons.
The transfer got here after China’s Folks’s Armed Police personnel have been seen performing workouts within the metropolis bordering Hong Kong in what was seen as a warning that Beijing may deploy armed forces within the metropolis for the primary time.
from insurancepolicypro http://insurancepolicypro.com/?p=627
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Invincible Shaolin (1978)
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Whenever I’m capturing my screen for gifs, my computer always picks up the music I’m listening to while I’m working. Sometimes it really goes with what I’m watching, like in this instance. I thought I’d share :)
The movie is Invincible Shaolin (1978), the song is ラスト・タンゴ・イン・パリ by Joe Hisaishi.
#video#screen capture#Venom Mob#Invincible Shaolin#joe hisaishi#kung fu#sun chien#suen shu pau#kuo chui#lau fong sai#johnny wang lung wei#chow kin ping#Lu Feng
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Invincible Shaolin (1978)
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The Five Venoms (1978)
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