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Tzuyu x M/F Reader - "A Depressing Resemblance"
I'm back for the nth time lmao. Yeah, college life is SO stressful and tiring. I couldn't get to build up interest on writing on my free time because anytime I would just rather use my day off by taking a long rest from all the hectic school tasks to accomplish. Anyways, I know I said from the previous Chaeyoung fic that it would be the last one-shot for Set 5 lineup? I changed my mind. THIS is the last one. I had to make it... uhh organized, I guess? Like, you know... I don't want to just end it off right away to Chaeyoung for Set 5 unlike what I've been doing from the previous line-ups where Tzuyu who is the last member based on their age order (yeah, i'm depending my line-up pattern from their age order) should originally be the last one to close the line-up. So yeah, the Set 5 INDEED ENDS HERE. For Set 6, I'm scrapping off the Tzuyu fic of my idea and I 'm going to move Cry For Me PART 3 after Momo's (which means PART 3 and 4 will be next at each other) so that would make me start the line-up with Nayeon's in usual. Basically, there's gonna be only one Tzuyu solo fic for Set 6 and that will be the "Red Thread Of Fate" which was suggested by ShaShaSha029. Again, I deeply apologize that I'm uploading very slow now for this book. Being a college/engineering student is very difficult, guys. I can't promise anymore that I'm going to do better on releasing works, but I can assure yall that I will not stop and I will finish this book in the future. Enjoy reading guys!
Walking back and locking yourself alone inside your office on campus was a typical habit of yours to do every day. You couldn't help it either, as long as you found all of the professors who taught the subjects, especially the major ones, to be lame.
Brilliance might be a curse for you to possess, but you wouldn't deny at least that it does save you at a point where you need to escape from something you wouldn't be in.
Your hand stopped from rotating the doorknob, just as your heart ached as you had that thought again.
The thought belongs to one of the biggest what-ifs you will ever carry for the rest of your life.
What would you be right now if that brilliance of yours had assisted you to make on time and save someone rather than yourself?
Exhaling deeply to regain your composure, you unlocked the door and stepped in immediately.
You dropped your bag on the couch and went near the bulletin board of your club's room.
It was clean; there were not many cases you had to check to place yourself in enjoyment and impress everybody with your remarkable deductive skills.
But there was always a thing that would distract you amongst the rest—nothing to seem care about anything once you got a glimpse of it.
It happens everytime, whether you do it intentionally or not.
No matter what, it still remains the same.
It's hard to look.
You stared at the display of a photo of your club featuring you, who seemed completely united, even facing the other direction instead of the camera with your grumpy face.
To your side was a girl. She was your co-member... Well, technically, your only partner and member of your "club" since you were known to be a terror, cold individual around the campus, all of the students except her had the interest to join alongside your student-detective role. But most importantly... she was the one you adored a lot. She was the only exception, and truly did prove you right from the day you met her.
Her smile was very bright; it could've been like her future if it weren't for that to happen. She could've still been here with you, ready to solve mysterious cases and chasing culprits with you.
You flinched as the reality of it tugged at your heart painfully again.
That was the last photo you've taken with her, and that was on the same day you'd lost her afterwards.
To quit hurting yourself too much, you went on to be preoccupied with other things to get busy with. In your desk were some papers to finish, including the main case you're currently investigating which seems like the truth is about to set free sooner now that you've captured the mastermind's greatest ally.
As you were reviewing all the photos and other informations regarding the case, your door was received with knocks.
"Come in." You yelled from the inside.
The door opens, revealing someone that put you again in pleading for mercy.
Mercy that she would stop bothering you anymore.
"What is it this time, Sally?" You asked her without much of energy in your voice.
"Any updates within my application? It's been like days now since I applied." She said as she plants down her bag on your couch as if she owned the place with you.
"Wh- huh?" You clenched your face in confusion. "Did you really listened to what I've said for the past days or you're just doing it all intentionally to mess around with me?"
"What did I do? I was just asking."
"Sally..." You paused as you slammed your papers on the table to try holding your temper down as you were about to get mad again. "For how many times, I already told you that your application is rejected. What's in there that's so hard for you to understand?!"
"Ohhhh..." Sally reacted, gasping her mouth in fascination. It was then her expression transformed back into a serious one. "Wait, you sure?"
You slumped your back on the chair in defeat. Rubbing your hands on your face in frustration, you squinted your eyes and furrowed your eyebrows as you stare at her fiercely.
"Just... what do you want? What you need for me to make you stop?" You said wearily. "I have no time to play with your games, Sally."
"Nothing more. I just want to be on your detective club. That's it." Sally shrugged as she looked around the room. Her smile became forced for a while at something before she returns her focus at you.
"Well guess what, Sally. Hate to break it to you but whatever you do, even if you wont stop annoying me with your application, I won't give it to you." You make things clear to her. "You are not qualified to be in this club. Now please, I'm begging you. Get out."
Sally stared at you for a moment before she pouted and picked up her bag. "Guess you need some more convincing. I'll you show then."
"Wait, hey!-"
She closed the door and left the room, rudely interrupting your complaint that was about to come. You groaned in irritation as you ran out of ways to get rid of that woman.
It's kind of ironic that you both don't even know why she is so desperate to join your team and why she introduced herself when it was during the time that you were still grieving.
The scenarios have made you feel like this isn't even a coincidence anymore. Something strange must be behind all of this.
Later at night, you were reporting all of the insights you'd constructed to your senior police inspector, who is assigned to your campus' main security and protection team, when you received a call from an anonymous number.
"Hello hello, have I interrupted you with your silly job, YN?" The voice of a violent cruel person has got your attention to be in complete alert.
You quickly stood up from your seat and made a distance to excuse yourself.
"Yishin? What's with the sudden call?"
"Just wanna show you something~" he turned the call into a video one, and what showed into your screen had you tremble in fear.
"No. W-what are you doing there? W-why are you spying on h-"
"Karma is a bitch, YN. Look's like this girl's been so interested in joining your rotten club that already lost its charm ever since your precious charming girlfriend gone forever that she couldn't stop coming in your office."
He said as the video continues to record Sally who seemed like she was writing something on her notes while sitting down on one of the steps in front of the building.
"You took out my informant, and I'll give it you. You probably did that in return for what I've done to you, but here's what I had understand very clear about you. You're stupid and dumb, YN. This fight between us is far from over. It's like a cycle, on and on and on, and payback's going to be on repeat not until one of us gives up and simply drop dead.
So... what do you say, should we play a game by losing your next partner in justice?"
"YOU SON OF A BITCH, LEAVE HER ALONE ON THIS!" You clenched your fist tighter on your phone as your screamed, shocking everyone on the police station.
"Oh yeah, you're going to succumb to her desperation right, hmm?" He laughed maniacally as he watches her start to fix up her bag. "Oh come on, don't tell me you won't! You've always been so soft whenever it comes to her."
"I'm going to go there, so I can finally end this once in for all, you fucker." You blatantly warned him. "It's time that you finally came out of your hiding, but I expected better from you to face me rather than putting innocent life here at stake."
"Well, that's what you've been so wrong about me, YN." He teased you. "I never play fair." He ended the call, leaving you in a panic state as you hurriedly returned to the desk.
"On it."
You went into your car and drove fast into the campus where you searched for the building that you've last seen Sally at.
Fortunately, you got there pretty much on time for you to locate Sally, but in your surprise, what you've seen had you in suspicion.
Sally was stomping Yishin also known as Stryker on the stomach as his hands were tied in the back using a duct tape. His face were beaten up badly, but his craziness won't allow him to stop laughing at his pain and defeat.
"I knew it, I knew there's something interesting about you! But this wasn't what I have in mind-"
Stryker was shut up by Sally who punched him back and forth in the face. "Then now you know, because you deserve this. I hold vengeance, I'm going to hit you with it and have you feel my wrath of punishment."
Sally plastered another duct tape into his mouth before she turned around and see you standing, watching her in disbelief.
"What's going on..." You breathily said. "How could you do this by yourself?"
"Hey YN! Look what I have here. How's my performance? Am I qualified now?"
You stepped forward at her and eyed her sharply. "Tell me, who the hell are you?"
"Didn't I gave you my biodata-"
"Quit spinning my words and don't give me any bullshit. Answer me properly, WHY DO YOU KEEP ON PESTERING ME?!"
"Can you please stop yelling? Why are you even so mad about me, I haven't even done anything wrong to you?!" She returned. You turned around face her away as you took some time to breathe out.
"I just wanted to be part of your club, join you on exploring cases, I even helped you finish one, what's your problem?! There's something that's holding you back, why couldn't you just share it to me!"
"IT'S YOU! THE PROBLEM IS YOU!" Your voice cracked as you snapped at Sally and glanced back angrily at her, making her flinch. "I don't even know you and I don't like you being around me, especially when you're... wearing the same face as my friend who passed away months ago!" "On top of that, you also started to act the same way how she applied for my club too!" you revealed to her.
You pulled out your phone and opened it, revealing your wallpaper with a picture of your girl, captured by you when you decided to sneakily take one because she looked so cute thinking deeply while solving cases with you.
You gave it to Sally who hold the phone as she looked at your wallpaper. You began to cry as all the emotions took over you when you felt you had to reminisce the memories she left for you.
"Her name's Chou Tzuyu. She was just like the same age as yours, I don't even know how it's possible that you look exactly like her." you got choked in your words as you traced Sally's figure in bitter amazement. To describe Sally's appearance, she sports a curvy black long hair, a thicker jawline, and more well-built compared to Tzuyu who has straight blonde long hair, round face structure with less visible jawline, and slimmer figure. The rest were literal similarities of them together, speaking of being skillful, beautiful, adorable, tall, smart and lively but can be very intimidating when gets serious and many more.
"She died 7 months ago, because of that bastard." You glared at Stryker who is now unconscious. "I didn't want her to get involved too much about his case knowing how dangerous it is. He killed a lot of students whether a part of his scheme or not.
But she insisted. She wanted to stay and help me, because she didn't want me either to be in danger and get stressed out with this along with the academics. I just... let her because I didn't wanna make her sad but..."
You sobbed between your words as the flashbacks ran into your mind, starting from the time your feelings bloomed for the first time because of Tzuyu's undeniable charm.
"I just wanted to protect her because I love her. I grew in love for my partner. I couldn't help it, she's the exact opposite as me, she's beautiful and very lovely. I never had the courage to tell her because I was scared that she wouldn't like me back."
Going back, she invested herself more on the case, to the point that Stryker and his allies started to target her as she collected too much infos from them.
Then one night, I came into her dorm because I wanted to ask her out to eat with me outside to loosen ourselves a bit with the case,
But I found her instead, her door was slightly opened..."
You recalled as you entered her room and what greeted you was too devastating and sickening of you to endure.
You had to witness the cold dead body of Tzuyu laying down on her bed with her own pool of blood. She had a knife stabbed in her stomach, with a note saying that "she has seen too much.
As the police arrived, you had to help them bring Tzuyu to the ambulance as you joined them there to have her get treated. Unfortunately, your prayers didn't worked as she was pronounced dead on arrival from lost of much blood and organ damage.
You collapsed at the hallway in torment as you witness Tzuyu lost her life forever. You realized that you won't be able to hear her soft voice that keeps you awake everyday, her laughs and smile that brightens up your mood, and her presence that got you moving with enthusiasm.
Tzuyu showed the colors in your personality, and now that she's gone, it's like your entire self had gotten back to dull and dark, even worse than before.
Before ofcourse, she was the love of your life, the girl of your admiration, and the only one who makes you feel alive.
It took you time to heal, even halting your investigations against Stryker organization for 3 months before you returned as all the memories with her you revisited had you encouraged that you will bring her the justice she deserves once you figured out that Stryker is still on the roll on unleashing havoc around the campus.
Your words were cut off when you saw that Sally started to cry too, sniffing as she wiped her tears while she stares at Tzuyu's picture. "What's with the tears?"
"I'm sorry... it m-must've been... very tough for you." She said in her shaky voice. "I know because I went the same as yours. It hurts to lost a loved one. Even now I still couldn't wrapped it up in my head that my only sister is gone."
You sprung up your head as you looked at her in astonishment. Sally was staring at you, with her dreadful eyes.
"What did you just said?"
"Tzuyu is my twin sister. My plans of joining your club were true; I wanted you to believe me, but I hope this time it will get you to consider mine," she said as she began to clear her throat to speak out her explanation. You were trying to process it in your head as the thought of Sally being another replica and a depressing resemblance to Tzuyu turns out it wasn't just like that for the entire time as the revelations led to tie up everything to make sense that the reason was that they were indeed connected and related to each other in blood and flesh.
"I was studying at the other university. One day, she went on my room, giving me a favor. She told me about you and this case of hers that she's been solving with you."
"Oh god."
"She asked me to get to know you someday and in case of what happens, I'll be the one who'll replace her." she said as you shivered. "Do you know why she wanted it to happen, YN?
She wanted me to continue taking care of you. She doesn't want you to be alone. She wanted me to keep on protecting you, YN."
You sobbed heavily on the ground as you fell on your knees and covered your face with your palm. Sally kneeled beside you and hugged you tightly while caressing your back.
"I was worried for her, but I knew I couldn't stop her. And so, I accepted her offer because I always want to do what's best for Tzuyu. As long as my sister is happy. And when the tragedy happened, I had no choice but to transfer here, search for you and come here with my face that resembles a lot like Tzuyu, like the girl you admire. I didn't intend to spook you or hurt you further, I shouldn't have played with you more but I already had the culprit in my hands at that given time too.
You think you're the only one in hellbent taking him down, you're not. I wanted to give my sister justice too, and that's why I want to help you. I'm deeply sorry again, YN."
You wiped your tears away as you looked at Sally closely. "Day and night, I still can't forgive myself for what happened. Tzuyu won't be dead because of me. I failed to save her."
"Stop it, YN, Tzuyu didn't want it either to happen, but now it did and it's unstoppable. It hurts but we have to move on and go forward. Do you think Tzuyu would like seeing you drowning in grief and guilt blaming yourself for something that you haven't caused at all?"
She went to comfort you, wrapping you in her arms for a gentle embrace. "For Tzuyu. We will have each other's backs from now on,. Please, move on. It's harder to stay."
You nodded as you sniffed and eased your heavy breathing. "I-I understand now. I'm sorry if I was being too harsh. I just... couldn't stand doing the same mistake again."
"Don't worry, YN. It's been a rough time for you to contain it all. Let it out on me."
You and Sally stayed for a while, holding each other in solace to finally free yourselves together from the burden of grieving Tzuyu's passing.
"So... am I qualified now?" Sally turned to look at you as she joked.
You chuckled as you nodded your head. "Yes."
"Well, finally I did it." Sally released a long sigh. "Thank you and it's nice to meet you properly this time, YN."
"Me too, Sally."
The police finally came, they arrested Stryker and the inspector congratulated the two of you while he tried to convince himself that it wasn't really Tzuyu that he is seeing, but rather her twin sibling.
You and Sally are sitting at the back of the police car, resting as you observed the police team going around the place as part of the investigation.
"Oh, I forgot." Sally reached out to her pocket, revealing your phone. She handed it to you as she opened it, showing your wallpaper of Tzuyu again.
Sally watched you look at Tzuyu admirably. She smiled at how mellow your eyes went as you traced Tzuyu's features. You truly did loved her sister a lot. She would probably liked it if she witnessed Tzuyu being with you earlier.
"What is it?
Sally roams around the pitch black orbs of your eyes, a simple curve formed within her lips. "Tzuyu loves you too. A lot. The way she mentions your name to me and shares her stories being with you, it's pleasantly different."
"Yeah, now I know."You looked at her as your eyes became watery and nodded with a tightlipped smile. "I just wish I had the chance to tell her mine."
"If your fate did, I bet you two will be fun." Sally guessed as she smirked at you.
You lowered your head and smiled sheepishly as you muttered. "Like you wouldn't imagine." "I look forward to get to know you more, YN." Sally stated as she daggered her sight equal to your level then proceeded to playfully bump your shoulder. "So am I, Sally." You patted her head in which she giggled, exactly like Tzuyu would react at your sweet gesture. It did kinda made you miss her again, but it'll take some time for you to completely heal.
You meant what you said. With Sally to accompany you through everything, no instances that she'll leave you staying in the dark anymore, it's confirmed that you'll learn to maintain yourself to be calm and create a closer relationship beside her.
In return, you'll be there for her while she continues what Tzuyu has always desired to do for you.
#twicetzuyu#tzuyu#choutzuyu#twice#tzuyuxmreader#tzuyuxmalereader#twicetzuyu x male reader#twice tzuyu x m reader#tzuyu x f reader#tzuyu x female reader#twice tzuyu x f reader#twice tzuyu x female reader#twice tzuyu au#twice tzuyu oneshot#twice tzuyu fanfic#twice au#twice fanfic#twice oneshot#kpop oneshot#kpop au#kpop fanfic
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menina do mato
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→ Feel Special Series
By: @loonaticart
Espero que todos tenham gostado!
Caso se inspire por favor me dê os devidos créditos.
Finalmente adicionando aqui todas as capas do meu ultimo projeto pessoal o FSS. Espero que todos que leram tenham se divertido com essas saga e acompanhem mais que viram.
#Arts dx Art#Fanfic cover#spirit fanfic#capa para social spirit#spirit#capa clean#saga#TWICE#Mina#MyouMina#Chaeyoung#LeeChaeyoung#ChouTzuyu#Tzuyu#MiraiMomo#Momo#MinatozakiSana#Sana#Dahyun#KimDahyun#ImNayeon#Nayeon#Jihyo#ParkJihyo#Jeongyeon#YooJeongyeon
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Here are the free WALLPAPERS!! PLEASE USE THEM!! I really wish that you guys use them I worked very hard on these making sure they were good!
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#TWICE#TZUYU#周子瑜#ChouTzuyu#트와이스#쯔위#kpop#korean pop#girls fashion#korean fashion#japanese fashion#asian fashion#tripuri fashion#top girl group#wallpaper
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Twice: Then and Now (2/2)
#twice#트와이스#トゥワイス#mina#myouimina#myoui mina#twice mina#dahyun#kimdahyun#kim dahyun#twice dahyun#twicemina#twicedahyun#chaeyoung#son chaeyoung#sonchaeyoung#twice chaeyoung#tzuyu#choutzuyu#chou tzuyu#twice tzuyu#twicechaeyoung#twicetzuyu#미나#다현#채영#쯔위
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♡ www ♡
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{ #tzuyu } || source: kpopgodssssss
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→ Tzuyu não escrevia bem
→ 28.10.21
By: @loonaticart
Espero que todos tenham gostado!
Caso se inspire por favor me dê os devidos créditos.
AAAA capa fresquinha pra alegrar o dia de vocês, como prometido mais capas clean e para uma fic maravilhosa. Por favor espero que todos possam ler e apreciar o jeito perfeito e incrível que a @kardiasmita escreve.
#Arts dx Art#capa para social spirit#fanficcover#spiritcover#twice#twicetzuyu#choutzuyu#capaclear#fanficcoverclear
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happy!tzuyu and serious!tzuyu
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Twice won the following at SOBA AWARDS 2020:
New K-Wave Popularity Award
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Tzuyu as Belle 💛🌹
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{ #once } || source: sparklestzuyu
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I haven't posted Twice for a while. Momo and Tsuzu are my favorite members. #Tzuyu #choutzuyu #sallychou #chewy #joowee #저우쯔위 #周子瑜 #jypetwice #kpop #girlgroup #korean #JYP jyptwice #twicejyp #once #twice #scandaljmusicmaniatwice https://www.instagram.com/p/BpJH8P1lAXb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13atymcqn9bs0
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