taguelbunnyboy · 4 months
[ Sweet Bun Trio ] - A selection of traditional Faerghus pastries, all small enough to be eaten in one delicious bite! The first bun is filled with sweet cream and topped with icing and a candied cherry. The second is a sweet roll filled with almonds, pecans, and dried cranberries and glazed with honey. The third is a bun sliced in half, filled with almond paste and whipped cream, dusted with powdered sugar on top.
Taking a plate of local delicacies, Ophelia makes her way through the crowd, looking for a soul who will share with her. Finding one who looks like the wolfskin or kitsune of her own home continent, she proffers the sweets.
"Would one care to join a heroine in the breaking of bread? A feast of celebration should ne'er be enjoyed alone!" Perhaps she would find herself another student who could tell her of the school and the ones within it. Perhaps even, there were fellow chosen ones much like herself and her father.
Blonde hair hits his eyes first, then a voice and attitude that follows... and in a blink, Yarne's back to cowering in the fields of war, Risen rising around him. Owain, Cynthia, two of his colleagues, his comrades, his family. It was like the two's personalities mixed - but clearly, more Owain than Cynthia, the heroine talk conflated the two for him.
"I-yeah, yeah, just give me a sec..."
She looked like Owain(Hair colorwise, at least), Sounded like him(ish), and certainly had his air for theatrics. She was... so familiar, yet so different.
"I-I'm sorry, but... do you know someone named Owain? No, no, wait, he goes by Odin now..."
Yarne's jumbled. She's like him. So much like him. But how... how? He didn't have any siblings(That Yarne knew of), no cousins from Emmeryn's side of the family, and Lucina got the blue genes...
"You... kinda remind me of him. We've... been through a lot."
Naga, he was making himself look like an idiot.
Yarne grabbed a tray of his own, sitting down opposite the blonde-haired enigma. What was it with him this ball and blondes causing him to get so jumbled up?
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verseandrhyme · 4 months
@chosenoneofdusk | cont
Mitama laughs, raising her arm to hide it behind her sleeve. It has been enough time that she forgot how endearing it was to hear Ophelia talk of fate as if it was not a horrid burden. "I can only imagine what machinations the fates might weave to transpire tonight to push your star even higher into the sky."
Mitama lowers her arm, humming thoughtfully to herself. She spins the glass by its stem and watches how the movement causes the drink to bubble and hiss. "My night has certainly been..." filled with things she would rather avoid. "eventful thus far. I would not say no to a little more peace."
She takes a sip of the drink and only wrinkles her nose a little when it fizzes under her nose. She takes her friend's brooch and takes a second to admire it (so that Ophelia does not assume she does not appreciate it's splendor) before tucking it away. "Well, why must you part from it so soon, then?"
Mitama hooks an arm around Ophelia's and giggles. "Fate need learn patience / for I am claiming up time / a dance, if you will? After the drinks, of course."
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fellpurpose · 3 months
A day for only the most glorious fathers is upon them, but what do you get the hero who has it all? Ophelia knows not what it is that the void calls to her until it hits her all at once. She knows exactly what it is her father would like!
Finding her notes on her latest spell, she approaches her father. "Father, I have come bearing a gift for only the most splendid father in all of the world! I have been working on this spell here that should be as if Lady Fortune herself smiled upon you! A fitting gift for a hero most grand, no? Enjoy this day to celebrate the most glorious of fathers for you are among them!" Really she just wanted to share her passion for spells and spellcraft with the one person she loved most in the world. Hopefully, he would at least enjoy a spell she hand crafted.
happy father's day 2k24 !
she is, without a shadow of doubt, the finest creation his life hath begot. for she is his daughter, the embodiment of all he cherishes, the very being for which he has waged wars since her first breath.
sweet ophelia, born to a broken man, yet with dreams soaring higher than destiny dared bestow — it is she who cast beams of light into the gloomy recesses of this mortal coil. beloved ophelia, this child whom he calls his own, the universe encapsulated. the greatest treasure known to man~!
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odin's chest swells with pride. he watches admiringly, his face adorned with a bright and tender smile that knows no bounds. what a joy it is to have her by his side again — and in the silent chambers of his soul, he shall beseech the divine, that from this day onward, their souls remain intertwined, never to be sundered by the hands of fate.
"but you are mistaken, o' scion of light!" he declares grandly, embracing the performance she puts on. "for lady fortune has already smiled upon me, from the day she blessed us with you." with that, he leans forward to kiss her forehead, before settling back onto his perch. "thank you, ophelia. words fail to convey the depth of my gratitude and delight."
"NOW THEN! BEGIN, MAIDEN DUSK!" odin's eyes alight upon her tome, a spark of eager anticipation dancing within them. in a dramatic sweep, he extends his hand, fingers unfurling enthusiastically. "summon forth this sweet gift. let us witness the spell that hath sprung from the mysterious depths of thy unfettered mind, my moonlit muse!"
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mmoneystones · 4 months
[Pomegranate ] - A newcomer to the Ethereal Ball’s menu, a simple bowl of pomegranate seeds. No one in the staff is quite sure how these are supposed to be served, only that you better not spit the pits out on the floor!
A ball is a time of celebration, a time to meet other heroines much like herself in the revelries! Taking a break from the dance floor, Ophelia finds herself at the food table with a selection of delicacies that she had never seen before. One in particular caught her eye as it glittered like the gemstones she was so very fond of.
"What marvel is this?" She asks aloud, before reaching to take a bowl. She puts one into her mouth and it's sweet at first, before turning a pleasant aftertaste. "This Glimmering Gemfruit is a delight!" She had to share this with someone. Looking around, she finds one whose aura reminds her of the fruit.
Finding one such soul, she offers another bowl to her, with a brooch along the sides. "Your aura shines much like the Glittering Gemfruit or this brooch! Would you care to share this experience with me?"
Sweets. Another round of sweets is in order to recover from the successful (and...unsuccessful) attempts at ballroom dancing. Citrinne hungers for the satisfaction of sugar, though she retains her composure while strolling over to the self-serving table.
She overhears the nearby exclamations of a fellow partygoer - a light-blonde woman with a black dress drooping beside her, demanding space yet feeling welcome all the same. Citrinne seems to have caught the attention of her as well, with a bowl of fruit seeds and teardrop crystal being presented to her.
"You call these 'Glimmering Gemfruits'? Then you leave me no choice but to try!" Citrinne first picks a seed out from the bowl and pops it in her mouth. Its sweet start, followed by the filling aftertaste...oh my. This woman surely does know how to pitch attractive titles, and follow through no less!
Oh, also she feels something hard before swallowing the seed. They're fine to swallow, right?
Unable to hold back a delightful giggle, Citrinne then goes forward with the brooch exchange, loosening one of her small bells to trade with the crystal. "Your...aura shines through as well, even while wearing such a dark and exquisite dress! I would love to share this experience with you."
"I am Citrinne, proud and royal soldier of Brodia. Might I know the name of you, miss?"
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apathynoir · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
Upon seeing her old friend, it was known what Ophelia had to do. Scrawling on the adhesive notepad, she waited for an opening to strike. When the moment finally presented itself, she went for it, all aflutter with excitement.
Silken cape fluttering, she rushed in, making sure to only but tap him on the shoulder with the note, but leave it there for him to behold. As soon as she arrives, she is leaving, her business done. Left behind is a simple note stating, "Your coffee is the ambrosia the gods fight for."
//rolled a 7 for stealth so take that what you will
even if he hadn't noticed the grandiose way ophelia had stuck the letter on him, the verbage could only clue in to two possible names. he could guess from there.
dwyer reads the note, looks off at nothing, then reads the note again. sure, his coffee is amazing. it's actually amazinger-than-amazing, really, and should there be a coffee out there better than his own ( impossible! preposterous! to the gallows with you for thinking such a thing! ), it wouldn't be that way for long. dwyer is The Coffee Guy! he is the Guy O' Beans! nobody does it better than he does and that is just a fact of life!
...but it's nice to be recognized for it every once in a while, he thinks with a little smile. he'll hang this note up on the corkboard in his room.
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blaiddllodi · 4 months
[ Zofia ] - Modeled after an Archanean court dance, but with an energetic twist. The entire body is engaged with the dance, creating a spectacle that is enjoyable to watch.
Another dance, another new partner, but this dance is one that while not knowing the steps, Ophelia finds the rhythm to easily. After a particularly robust round, she finds herself going up and approaching those on the sidelines. Namely a certain blonde that caught her eye whilst she had been dancing prior.
Breathlessly, she reaches out a hand to the other. “Come, dance with me! The dance is far more enjoyable when one participates, would you not agree?” She gestures to the dance floor as the band begins the next number. She holds her hand out a moment longer, waiting for the other to take it.
Oh! Dimitri didn't know the steps to this one - having danced with a couple of partners, made the token appearance that was expected and shown his face (hopefully in a manner that conveyed his enjoyment), he had been more than ready to slip off to the sidelines and sit this one out.
It seemed that the fates had something else in mind for him, and yet another partner asked for his hand - - pretty, energetic, new here, but still somehow familiar? - and he found himself being led back onto the floor.
The music swelled, vibrant and thrumming with latent movement even in its initial notes, before erupting into a choreographed spectacle that he tried - he really did, but could not wrap his mind around the rhythm - to follow, but found himself stumbling, bumping into those around him - oh Goddess, had he stepped on her feet? please no...
Clutching her hands in his - careful, gentle, don't squeeze too hard - Dimitri attempted to laugh it off, smile sheepish and cheeks burning.
"I'm afraid I'm not so good a partner for this one, er - ?" He met her eyes, earnest and searching, and his tone indicated a prompt for her name, but once more his two left feet emerged and he crumpled at the barest brush of another body at his back, tugging the girl down with him.
"OOF!" Wrapping an arm around her, Dimitri scooted backward on his rear, dragging them both bodily from the dance floor, face blazing.
"My apologies! That was...that was most uncharacteristic of me, I hope you'll forgive me."
With fumbling fingers, he unclipped a white feather from his brooch and extended it to her, helping her to disentangle and stand upright. "This - this isn't any recompense for what you must be feeling, but please take it, and feel free to call on me if I can ever make this up to you."
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verseandrhyme · 4 months
[ Lovetape ]
It took a long time for Ophelia to find an opening to leave the compliment where she would be unobserved as she had been told that was the true point of this game.
Finding her opening, she rushes in a whoosh of silk and confidence. When read, it simply states "Your poetry makes the stars weep they could not invent better prose". And just like she appeared, she is gone.
// i rolled a 16 for detection so good luck mitama
Mitama stumbles and jumps as a hand brushes against her. In the crowded pathways, there is no way to detect who the culprit might have been. She scowls and reaches to brush off the spot, only to find something sticking to her. Ugh.
When she pulls it free, she is surprised to find a note with familiar penmanship. It takes Mitama a moment to place it, but thankfully the writer has done little effort in concealing their habits.
"Ophelia!" Mitama shouts into the crowd. A few stop to look at her in surprise. She ignores them, laughing as she tries to catch a glimpse of the hero. "At least face me, coward!"
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blaiddllodi · 4 months
ooc note - ball housekeeping
Hello friends and lovelies, for the remainder of this week I will be exclusively working to clear out all Ball-related minis from my drafts, and ideally wrap them up and finish them completely in preparation for Arena. Dimitri's to follow, and Beowolf's to come in a separate post.
Currently, I have confirmation to continue the following, which are awaiting my reply:
♫ 𝄈 behind the curtain . - @encantresse
lambasted. haha, get it? - @egittae (confirmed we should be wrapping up soon)
Sparkling Water - @knightofgalatea
And I have confirmation of a desire to continue the following, which I am awaiting reply to:
Zofia - @chosenoneofdusk
I will be replying to, but will not be expecting a reply to the following (if you'd like to continue this mini this week please lmk!):
No Please, I Insist - @moriddyn - confirmed to be continuing
Pomegranate - @hresvelged
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