partnerindestiny · 4 months
we are who we are!
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As the month rolls over, the final night of the Ethereal Moon passes. The morning that follows is one of color and chaos. The hallways have been strung up with streamers, in patterns of rainbow and pink, blue, and white. There is a sense of community in the air, a current cutting through the student body and administrative staff alike. While the decorations may be gaudy, and perhaps the patterns unfamiliar, this is a month of celebration.
Caeda mingles among the crowd, bright extroversion encouraging people to join in on the celebration. Forsyth and Lloyd's dedication behind the scenes helps students assemble stands and banners decorate windows. Shez, for their part, plasters paint upon their face, content to engage on their own terms. Ewan's small form flits amidst the crowd, distributing sparklers in every color of the rainbow. What will you do?
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[ Confetti ] - everything in Garreg Mach seems to be covered in a layer of sparkles and confetti. Grab a handful if you like! And if you don’t mind glittering for the next week.
[ Chalk ] - across the cobblestone, people of all walks of life are drawing in brightly colored chalk. Some are simply signing their names, while others are writing sweet messages, and still more are simply drawing little pictures. What will you add to the canvas?
[ Face paint ] - palettes of paint in every color of the rainbow sit squarely upon a little stand, inviting those who pass by to “wear their colors”. Hanging at the side of the stand are some suggested color combinations and their meaning. Students are encouraged to paint each others’ faces in a display of trust. 
[ Cut & Style ] - a group of Garreg Mach’s students have decided to try their hands at hairstyling, knowing that a proper haircut can do wonders for one’s view of themselves and their expression. However, whether or not they’re good at giving haircuts is another question entirely. 
[ Tie-dye! ] - small, easily-ruptured balls filled with dye have been left in buckets scattered across the Monastery. The intent? Students have been distributed white shirts upon request, and with the donning of said shirt, invite others to shower them in color. There’s nothing stopping you from pranking an unsuspecting fellow without a white shirt on, though..
[ Lovetape - redux! ] - inspired by the celebratory event from BOEL, a gaggle of Golden Deer have decided to take their own spin on the stick-on-compliment game. Brightly colored paper with adhesive backs beckon passerby, as well as a stack of pens. The game is simple - scrawl down a compliment, and stick it onto someone else. Just remember - if you’re fast enough, you might not even get caught! 
[ Mocktail Melody ] - another station, this one in the dining hall, boasts various drinks of different uncannily vibrant colors. Some are bubbly, some are sicky-sweet, and still others are oddly bitter. None are alcoholic. What sort of mixture will you make?
[ Kissing Booth ] - less well-built than the other stands is one that proclaims itself as a kissing booth. Curiously, no one sits behind the counter - will you sit there and await company, or approach someone sitting there?
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Reblog this meme to show you’re participating! 
As this is unofficial, there’s no real necessitated tag, but if people would like to have one space for all of this, I’ll personally be using the tag #TOAPride2024! This can also be used for any opens for these prompts, if you'd like to do that instead.
The tag can also be used for any sort of pride-related art you’d like to make for your muse, or if you’d like to explore anything else related to pride. Feel free to get creative!
There is no restriction on ages or orientations/genders that can participate in this event!
Banner credits: 1, 2
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OOC note
Hello there, TOA! This is a personal attempt at organizing a little approximation for a pride month event. The prompts can be spun however people would like. I know that there are some implications that come with the idea of canonizing pride in the world of Fire Emblem, as well as the fact that pride flags as we know them are unlikely to exist, but ultimately my goal of organizing something like this is to reach my fellow LGBT muns, especially those who cannot celebrate their identities in real life. Pride is both a celebration and a memory, an honoring of survival and a remembrance of those who came before us, and I hope everyone can get a little bit of fun from this.
Happy pride! 
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knighteclipsed · 4 months
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happy pride month
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i paint his face :D
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mercenarymage · 3 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ] – A quick rustle, a scrawling hand, a doodle to top it off—A thief is still as fleet in the day as they are in the night, and this one dips in to lightly stick a violet note to Hugh's back and slip away (hopefully) unseen.
A gift? Well, if that gift says "pretty men pls interact 🥺"...
Hugh is always one to partake in festivities, and this one is no different. The colorful banners and streamers that decorate the streets are a welcome change of scenery, and it brings an atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
While taking note of some of the stands and what they have to offer, Hugh swears that he caught a glimpse of someone familiar. They've always been elusive, so the mage isn't completely sure - but boy, does it make him wonder. If the kid's here, then what are they up to?
Eh, he'll have to pester Chad when he sees them again. If there's one thing he knows, it's pointless to try and find him in a crowd this large, not when he's already out of sight.
And well, more than that, it's that not long after, he's approached by someone that causes his heart to skip a beat, scrambling to piece together a coherent sentence. And shortly after that, a playful wink is directed his way, one he does a double take to ensure that it's definitely, certainly, meant to be for him.
Forget wondering why Chad was around - who in the world are these people? And why was he stumbling over his words so much? He's better than this! He's looking so uncool right now!
With his worries so focused on trying to appear composed and stylish, he's definitely not noticing what's on his back anytime soon.
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justices-blade · 3 months
[ Confetti ] - everything in Garreg Mach seems to be covered in a layer of sparkles and confetti. Grab a handful if you like! And if you don’t mind glittering for the next week.
"Edward! Look!" Kurthnaga throws up a bunch of confetti colored in black, purple, grey, white, and green. He smiles excitedly at his friend as it flutters down around him, "Tada!!"
He's always liked confetti, even if it's a pain to get cleaned up afterwards: Glitter especially, but he doesn't really mind, admiring the fluttering and glimmering of colors in the air.
So no sooner does he look up does a delighted laugh ring out in return—Ever the hypeman, Edward grabs another fistful of that green-to-black gradient of paper paraphrenalia.
"My turn!" He exclaims, before gleefully throwing fistful after fistful over his friend in celebration. "Kurth-na-ga! Kurth-na-ga!" Glitter, glitter! Another shower of green, purple and greyscale rains down onto his friend. "Sparkliest dragon this side of Garreg Mach! Whoooo!!!"
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apathynoir · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
Upon seeing her old friend, it was known what Ophelia had to do. Scrawling on the adhesive notepad, she waited for an opening to strike. When the moment finally presented itself, she went for it, all aflutter with excitement.
Silken cape fluttering, she rushed in, making sure to only but tap him on the shoulder with the note, but leave it there for him to behold. As soon as she arrives, she is leaving, her business done. Left behind is a simple note stating, "Your coffee is the ambrosia the gods fight for."
//rolled a 7 for stealth so take that what you will
even if he hadn't noticed the grandiose way ophelia had stuck the letter on him, the verbage could only clue in to two possible names. he could guess from there.
dwyer reads the note, looks off at nothing, then reads the note again. sure, his coffee is amazing. it's actually amazinger-than-amazing, really, and should there be a coffee out there better than his own ( impossible! preposterous! to the gallows with you for thinking such a thing! ), it wouldn't be that way for long. dwyer is The Coffee Guy! he is the Guy O' Beans! nobody does it better than he does and that is just a fact of life!
...but it's nice to be recognized for it every once in a while, he thinks with a little smile. he'll hang this note up on the corkboard in his room.
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chosenoneofdusk · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
She had been advised that the best way to participate in the game was to make her efforts a secret, but she did not see the fun in that. One would imagine part of the joy of an experience such as this was seeing the confusion of the target as they puzzled out what had just happened.
"Ophelia, hold still." That is all the warning Mitama gives out. She pulls the note from it's little stack and swiftly sticks the adhesive side to Ophelia's forehead before her friend can stop her. Mitama laughs, wiggling her fingers in the place of a wave as she continues walking. "Enjoy!"
Stars you admire / are a pale imitation / of your radiance.
[Pride Asks] - Accepting!
"Mitama?" For someone normally so loquacious, she finds the only word she can say is her friends name in a confused tone as the adhesive is attached to her forehead. If she had expected anything, it was to be surprise attacked in a flurry of silk. But to be boldly gotten in the day, just out in the open like this.... Her friend was no coward. "To brazenly attack a hero such as I in broad daylight is quite the feat of courage I must say!"
She waves her friend well, but takes off the note immediately. She has class to get to, and she doesn't need everyone to read what is a private comment on her way to class. However, upon arriving, she decided to read the note. Upon it was a haikyuu or however you pronounced those poems Mitama loved so much. The kindest one Ophelia had ever read for her anyways. A smile graced her lips as she put it with the rest of her things as a reminder that she was cared for, even when she doubted the stars really had chosen her. After class, she would have to do something for Mitama.
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verseandrhyme · 4 months
[ Lovetape ]
It took a long time for Ophelia to find an opening to leave the compliment where she would be unobserved as she had been told that was the true point of this game.
Finding her opening, she rushes in a whoosh of silk and confidence. When read, it simply states "Your poetry makes the stars weep they could not invent better prose". And just like she appeared, she is gone.
// i rolled a 16 for detection so good luck mitama
Mitama stumbles and jumps as a hand brushes against her. In the crowded pathways, there is no way to detect who the culprit might have been. She scowls and reaches to brush off the spot, only to find something sticking to her. Ugh.
When she pulls it free, she is surprised to find a note with familiar penmanship. It takes Mitama a moment to place it, but thankfully the writer has done little effort in concealing their habits.
"Ophelia!" Mitama shouts into the crowd. A few stop to look at her in surprise. She ignores them, laughing as she tries to catch a glimpse of the hero. "At least face me, coward!"
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viridescent-lance · 4 months
[ Lovetape - redux! ]
Mitama does not bother to stop or say anything. The note is slapped onto his back as she walks past, and she is gone in the crowd the next moment.
Patience abounding / strength unimaginable / my apologies.
"Huh?" Forsyth feels a brief pressure against his back, and whirls around to find the culprit. Pink hair flashes in his peripheral, but it's too late to do anything about it. He sighs, removing the note and preparing for some kind of prank.
Instead, he gets...a poem? One with a very specific rhythm and topic. That combined with the pink hair...Mitama.
He's not one to the girl for the sins of her father, but it's very sweet of her to make such an effort. He'll have to get her something in return, the next time he sees her.
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