#choosing when people die thru a scope
Crosshair is so mundanely evil during his scenes with Cody in this episode. Yes, he seeks companionship, a connection. He’s known Cody long enough to hold him in high regard and tbh he still does, mostly. Crosshair works with him, revels in the nostalgia, and they save each other’s lives. But he almost smiles knowing (thinking) Cody is still under mind control.
Even though he might not admit it, Crosshair shares the same reason that many Imperials have for joining the Empire. They like having power over people. And right now, even though they’re brothers, Crosshair likes having power over Cody. He knows that in reality, Cody would disapprove of their situation, be devastated by what was happening to their family and what they were forced to do to the Jedi, especially Obi-Wan. But he’s oblivious to the bigger picture. Crosshair had his chip removed, he still has his free will, his awareness, and his autonomy. He knows what’s going on. It makes him feel unique. And it also makes Crosshair a real piece of shit to keep it all a secret from Cody.
Which is why it’s so satisfying when Cody violently brings him back to reality with just a few sentences about how absolutely fucked they both are in this situation. All the clones are suffering. All of them. Crosshair, despite his drive and skill, is no exception. So Cody escapes and makes it very clear he wanted to take Crosshair with him, but chose not to because of his need for power over others. Left behind once again, for all the right reasons.
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silversoulstardust · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
I was tagged by @plusultratempo , thanks for the tag babe!
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?: Purple-pink
2. Name a food you never eat?: a blowfish
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: too cold! my fingers get icy real quick so I like to touch people’s neck with it and make them jump heheh :p 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: work work work. i’m still at work but it’s been chill so I’m taking the time to go through these questions teehee
5. What is your favorite candy bar?: kit-kat and twix, i can’t choose just one!
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: hockey. my college was big on hockey so they made us students go to live matches for moral support. free food and fun time with friends even though I know nothing about hockey? lol sign me up
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: “I’m gonna kill you!” *me, to flies buzzing around in my room*
8. What is your favorite ice cream?: vanilla with chocolate chips
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: mineral water
10. Do you like your wallet?: i feel... neutral about it. it’s an old one from Esprit, my boyfriend gave it to me when we first started dating
11. What was the last thing you ate?: rice with chicken and vegetables
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: lol yeah a karasuno jacket
13. The last sporting event you watched?: does haikyuu matches count? because i really cant recall any lol 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: caramel
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: my boyfriend, bragging about how I successfully made a Japanese strawberry shortcake lol 
16. Ever go camping?: yes! its fun!
17. Do you take vitamins?: not everyday because im forgetful 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: nope, not a christian 
19. Do you have a tan?: lol im asian i dont get tan i am tanned 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: pizza ftw 
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: No, it feels better to chug it 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?: colorful ones bc fuck norm
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: almost exclusively. i know where the speed traps are on my route to work so i’d slow down near the area. i’m lucky there’s no police patrol ambushing speedy people on my way to work
24. What terrifies you?: cockroaches. i’d scream bloody murder, even at 3am
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: a calculator
26. What chore do you hate?: ironing clothes. i always end up burning through precious blouses and it irritates me so much 
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: my boyfriend. he’s working in Australia and he’s speaking like one now 
28. What’s your favorite soda?: coca-cola
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: Drive thru. less interaction with people and I don’t even have to leave my car so I can just go in my pajamas 
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: a patient
31. Favorite cut of beef?: tenderloin i guess? im not really sure 
32. Last song you listened to?: centimilimental - i want to die 
33. Last book you read?: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
34. Favorite day of the week?: Saturday, when you’re in the sweet spot of weekend, not thinking about it ending soon like Sunday
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: lol no 
36. How do you like your coffee?: with brown sugar and a little milk
37. Favorite pair of shoes?: i have this comfortable heels for work that i wear everywhere bc it makes me taller lol 
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: it depends entirely on my work schedule the next day lol 
39. The time you normally get up?: it depends entirely on my work schedule on the day lol 
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets. something magical i cant explain 
41. How many blankets on your bed?: I live in a tropical climate bruh. one is enough. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates: it’s made out of corell and it has orange-grey flowery design 
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: i’ve been sober for almost 2 years now but i really liked vodka 
44. Do you play cards?: if you mean uno, yes. 
45. What color is your car?: milky white
46. Can you change a tire?: nope
47. Your favorite province?: do people have a favorite province??? lol 
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had?: it wasn’t an official job but i used to bake and sell muffins at college to fund for my travel so that’s that
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: i was two?? i think when i played with my cousin’s trophy and hit myself with it. got a huge laceration wound on my eyebrow. you can still see it if you stare hard enough lol 
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: im pretty sure helping someone stay alive can make them happy. that’s my job scope lol 
tagging babes @berrynthewood @tinxies @kaidasen & @mygeekcorner ! do it when you have the time k no pressure <3 
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SoS 22 Replies
First of all, that post I just reblogged before this? That’s what our Discord chat looked like this past long weekend. There was a LOT of talk about SoS 22, which I am so so so so pleased about, and I’ll embed some of the best parts into this replies post as we go. So, without further ado:
@tiny-tany-thaanos​ replied to your photo “An extended cantata on a sacred subject.”
Three emphatic words of terror! An excellent start
@harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
/Oh shit/
I KNOW! I’m so pleased with how the shot came out, I was trying to replicate the other title ca-- oh, you mean oh shit they’re tied to chairs
@toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
exsqueeze me?
Well, we all know it’s not exactly an ex squeezing them now,
@autistichatkid replied to the same: 
....... ah
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Lissa said on Discord in reference to “Lethe: “I’m SO glad you’re awake. We’ve only got a little of tonight...”
Lethe: Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there 
autistichatkid said in reference to the same or thereabouts:
lethe: who wants to play a game
Show of hands, who wants The Jigsaw Killer vs The Dragonborn
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Now, what’s this game you’re talking about?” Lethe: *back to...”
Lethe you /motherfucker/
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lethe: “Two more people die tonight - but who isn’t up to me anymore....”
whoa im WHAT lethe you cant DO THAT lethe u cant make them choose,,,,, lethe stop murder maybe
Like I said, this Sadistic Choice is one I’ve relished putting into partial play since the beginning so I’m glad it had the Desired Audience Effect. and the desired In Universe effect too, of course
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Let me.” Lorelei: “–w-what?” Lethe: “What?” Lyra: *slightly...”
That sure is the face Lyra is making
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: *comprehension dawning* “…want you to go…” *leans back in her...”
That sure is the face Lorelei is mak--*bricked*
@bountifulberries replied to the same: 
ooooooh shit
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same: 
Mesh the two together and you get “ooooooh SHIIIIIIIIT”, and that sounds like a barbershop quartet rendition
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “I can’t lose Felicity either!!” Felicity: 60.73 Percy: 46.23”
Holy shit Feli!! (Also I'm still ?? if it's her so I can't really react one way or the other rn so I'm just :eyes:)
Feli won!! If she hadn’t had so much murderous baggage attached to that victory, it would be incredible. ...as it is, it’s still incredible, just with extra murderous baggage
Also, this is your second victory, right? After that - one project? 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lethe: “…” Lorelei: *hand outstretched, waiting for another sound*...”
I'm??? Feeling things here??? (God if it really does end up being Feli my heart's gonna b r e a k)
@melien​ replied to the same:
As usual I'm in awe because of your writing
??!!?! I’m so pleased!!
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
okay so im leaning toward lethe being percy still but its gonna be Weird if lyra is like "yeah uhhhhh kill feli" and. lethe Is feli. i dont think it's feli but honestly idk i also dont think lyra is coming to a "decision", just killing time, but yknow weird hypotheticals
Me, literally, to Jack, when you said that hours after the fact: 😬
Jack: If this is about Kasper's current reactions I'm just like "Oh honey, you've got a big storm coming" 
autistichatkid said in reference to “Lyra: “…Okay. Okay. I - ” *sighs, part in dread and part from...”
They’re not the only ones getting free tonight........
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *louder, to be heard over the crying* “Lethe? Something happen...”
*Vibrating with suspense*
@simstrations replied to the same:
Fortunately it’s only a very shallow cliff... with a pretty deep pit at the bottom, so win/win
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Felicity.”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: *sobbing too hard to even speak* ”
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to the same:
Jeez, I guessed it right
simstrations replied to the same:
I thought so. This is good
Well, it was her or Percy at this point. Not like y’all had a lot of options :P
melien replied to the same:
This is sooooo intense
Interesting thing about Lethe compared to my other murderers, as you may or may not have picked up on: the murders are a lot simpler in scope. No convoluted set-ups with electromagnetic bombs, no risin poisoning or hypnosis - not even a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. They’re all just things that anybody, with a disability of any stripe or without, can do - partly to make things less painful for the victims, partly to make it easier for Feli to believe she was being kind, partly so that it looks like anyone could’ve done it
...wait, did I already explain this? I’m flying home today and it’s kind of been long so forgive me if I’m repeating myself
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: *voice breaking as she stumbles over* “Feli- you’ve been - it’s...”
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “W- why’d you come in here? Yo- I - I was being Lethe. Had...”
Jack is NOT even exaggerating here. Per Discord: “Y’all I’m starting to get tipsy and I’m Big Sad as this is sinking in [...] I had the first MMBC where the murderer won and now my contestant is the murderer who won. This is incredibly fitting tbh. Still gonna have a billion crying emojis on the posts tho”
Let’s put that to the test, in fact. Crying count: 4
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Hey! How-” “Felicity! Thank god, you’re awake. I’ve–”...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Did y’all doubt Elias
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Elias: “You, you’ve got to send someone up! I don’t even know if it’s...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Elias: “O-ow–!” Felicity: “Who-?!” Cathy Baines: “Don’t push your...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
autistichatkid said in reference to the same: 
oh hi cathy
Lisa, Lisa, you’re tearing me apAAAart!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Felicity! Hi! So great to finally chat to you in person! I’ve...”
Holy fucking shit
yeah that about sums it up
Jack in Discord: I can only imagine reading this sober bc reading this tipsy is a trip
Clover: im sober but losing my mind so whats the difference
I’m teetotal and I was freaking out all days so here’s my stance on that
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “You see… how do I put this delicately…? Oh! Have you ever...”
Oh my /god/. Oh my /*god*/
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(Also may this just be the essence of Cathy, you are absolutely nailing her character here and I am Living for it)
I’ve already thanked you for thinking so, but thank you again for thinking so!! 
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Anywayyy, I didn’t just call to let you know how things’re...”
Oh Cathy you conniving little despair being you
Well done, Cathybot, have a biscuit
Jack: Also I reread a bit and her saying Riverview isn't a swing state? Classic Cathy right there
Fun fact: took me a while when writing to remember what a swing state was called. I think I initially wanted to call it a ‘stem state’ or some shit like that?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “…s-so… so - if I do this… if I… you’ll let Elias go?” ...”
Crying count: 7
Jack: Catch me get emotional rn like I’m trying not to cry like poor Feli and fucking Cathy being That Despair Btich
Doesn’t seem to me like you’re trying very hard /TEASING
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “Y… you are, Elias. You are. You’re my brother, you’re -...”
I only wish my brother and I had that kinda relationship
autistichatkid said in reference to “Felicity: “I t- I tried - I tried to pr- protect you as much as I...”
oh god....... oh god
I didn’t even ‘learn’ that Chadrick used his teeth until the actual writing process; I was operating under the assumption he’d used a knife too. Fuck you for giving me the worst ideas at the best times, Brain
oh jesus the first time i read thru that i read "im sorry for LIVING" instead of "im sorry for lying" and i. didnt even question it. jesus fuck
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “–y- h- huh?” *realizes the hand in hers, looks up* “W…...”
Crying count: 8 (single tears count)
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity, stumbling to her feet: “W- we are? You’re… really–?”...”
Lyra is? So good? I love her so much. And Feli (and Lor and her side)
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “A- any luck?” Lyra: *through the door* “Yeah, there’s one...”
eden lee: you're all talking at once! / lorelei, lavandar, percy: *all talk at once again*
See, the difference is that that time they were all saying the same thing, which makes them much easier to be understood, and furthermore,
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lorelei: “Lavandar!!” *grabs her hand* “We gotta go!”  Lavandar:...”
autistichatkid replied to the same:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “B-but what go- good will I-” Lyra, from inside the car: “A...”
Crying count: 9
melien replied to the same:
It's heartbreaking and I want to give them a big hug but I had a feeling it would happen
I’M NOT GOING TO LIE THOUGH MELIEN IT WAS A VERY CLOSE CALL WITHIN THE LAST  CHANCE ROOM FOR A SEC THERE. Eden Lee went first and their two Rant About Dark Rooms in a row bumped them up by six points per, and Lavandar did less interactions in the same amount of time but fortunately she was just ahead enough at the start of the day that a well placed Discuss SLR Cameras was enough to get her ahead, and I would’ve been happy whichever one of the two won but 
but come on having the one Lorelei confided her Melody backstory to win was A GREAT BONUS
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “-so that’s about the size of that.” Lavandar: “G- god… fuck, no...”
1) I’m feeling the suspense of this 2) The driver is a mood
I’ve been getting a lot of Lyfts over the course of this holiday, and in fact I was up here when they had that strike - I feel worse for Lyft and Uber drivers now than I ever have before, and I already felt pretty bad
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “–it over to Safehouse F!  “…no, I don’t care how, break it in...”
give her HELL lyra
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
KICK 👏🏼 HER 👏🏼 ASS 👏🏼
Lyra: *kangaroo kicks down Cathy Baines with her leg, falls flat on her ass* CALLBACK HOLY FUCK
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “I’ll be damned. Melody Buonarroti, back at last…” Lorelei: “C-...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit!!
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Enough!! Leave everyone else out of this!! If you’re gonna fuck...”
Cathy what does that mean...
Cathy: you heard what I said little boy
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Cathy: “Are you so atrociously naive that you think it’s possible to...”
hey "cathy" go *be a good girl* and spontaneously combust please :)
Would that I could make her, Clover, would that I could make her
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Teeth Grits
Jack in Discord: Again, you nailed her characterization. It perfectly illustrated how Junko influenced my writing on her and I was living for it It was a tone shift, but like I said, perfectly in-character and I loved
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “*crunch* Lorelei: *gasp* Lavandar: “Oh god-!!”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
autistichatkid replied to the same:
Lyra picked a fight with the wrong arch enemy
@tosimornottosim replied to your photoset “Cathy: “…fine.” *Lyra drops to the ground, wheezing, taking in as...”
go eat cottage cheese and saltines in the dark, you triscuit looking bitch
I should note that Vidcund was coming back from Greece for much of this rigmarole. It’s, perhaps, very telling that her first and only “on-site” reply to this was the kind of threat that an angry Zeus would make.
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…alive.” Felicity: *burying her head in Elias’s shoulder,...”
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
1. 😭😭😭 2. my poses!
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Other people’s crying counts too! Crying count: 15
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, Lor, new plan. Can you guys go on without me for a bit?” ...”
flower, gleam, and gl
Lavandar is Rapunzel under UV Light
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lyra: “…Feli?” Felicity: *covers face to hide a fresh wave of tears,...”
I mean Felicity’s concern isn’t? Invalid?
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Felicity: “You… you didn’t have to do a- any of this. Not for me....”
Fuck 😭
Crying count: 16
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Lyra: “C’mere.”  Felicity: *stiffens at her touch* “Lyra-?” ...”
theres somethign in my eye
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh fuck 💔😭
Hm. Do I count things being in Clover’s eye? ... eh, let’s do it. Crying count: 18
(I keep count, but I can’t talk - while writing this part I was fucking bawling)
Clover: im going to die because of this
Jack: Also Catch Troye Francis in the club obstructing Justice (But again, Cathy)  I know I say that but Dub I’m living for this finale. It’s so good
Honestly if Troye HAD obstructed Justice and they had won the Francis MMBC a whole lot of shit might not have gone down and it’d be a worse universe
autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
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autistichatkid reblogged your photoset and tagged:
harmoniouspixels replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Lorelei, I’m home!! I’m home, y- you’re home, we’re -...”
autistichatkid reblogged the same and added:
Crying count: 25
melien replied to the same:
This is freaking cute ;_;
melien replied to your photoset “Lyra: “Hey, lovebirds, heh - Eden Lee’s still here.” Lavandar:...”
Thanks for being so understanding about this, melien 
autistichatkid replied to your photoset “Lavandar: “Oooh, l- look at that one! It’s all sparkly, like your...”
Crying count: 26. BRB building an ark
bountifulberries replied to your photoset “Lyra, as sirens rise in the distance: “You… sure did.” – End of...”
harmoniouspixels replied to the same:
Oh shit 👀
toxoplasmajuice replied to the same:
melien-simspiration (so basically melien) reblogged your photoset and tagged:
#yay birthmarks! #they look great and I love the naming choice
harmoniouspixels replied to your post “Murderers, Expectations, and the Unintended Benefits”
I’ve just finished reading this and?? Holy shit??? I’m so impressed with all that you put into this and the fact you were able to guide me into doing things (releasing Elias, asking about Veronica’s exes), without me being suspicious at all. Granted Elias was asked via a disguised anon, but the exes question (at least back then) I didn’t bat an eye at, and just figured it would be a good point of Veronica’s backstory. I’m just still so shook, and you deserve all the praise for this!
Part of me still feels like I don’t, but I’m trying to shut it up because?? AAA??? All this reception???!!!
Jack: Also if I’m remembering the post right, I do agree with Cathy’s death in Baines being... lackluster, unfitting for one of her caliber. I think it was part to do with my mental state at the time and wanting to leave simblr, so squashing a loose end like that felt right at the time. However, as I re-evaluated my stance and stuck around, that decision still haunts me, and I so desperately wish she was still alive on the surface for me to do stuff with. (Especially given my political interests and my quasi-real world events interlaced with the MMBC-verse, I would’ve had a field day writing for Cathy had she lived and won the congressional seat she was running for)
However, the continued existence of her robots have given me some... ideas, to say the least >:)
I have already evil grinned back at you, but here’s one more for the road: >:)
autistichatkid said of the same: 
finale / analysis thoughts: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA im. i loved that so fucking much oh my god
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aloneinxthenight · 6 years
SPN Questionnaire
Tagged by: @thehotterwinchester
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
I started watching when it started airing. I remember seeing the promos for it on the WB and being like “Oh dang that looks interesting, I wanna see that.” So I watched the first episode and I was instantly hooked. Funny, back then the Bloody Mary episode almost made me pee my pants, now I’m just like “OMG LOOK AT HOW TINY THEY WERE!”
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
I would say Sam. 
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
Uggghhhhh, why do you do this to me?? Ughh... Okay, so, I might actually have to say Dean. DON’T GET ME WRONG, I LOVE DEAN. But I feel a sort of protectiveness over Cas and I really like his character development.
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs.
I REFUSE TO CHOOSE. YOU CANNOT MAKE ME.... Besides, they all know who they are.
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
JODY FUCKING MILLS. I love Jody. I think she has come SO FAR since we first met her but she was always a bad ass and I hope she sticks around.
6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
I can’t say Jody again because I already did. Honestly? Ellen Harvelle. Okay apparently I have a thing for the mother figures in this show, I LOVE THEM ALL OKAY?
7. John or Mary?
How could you do this to me? I love them both. Ugggghhhh, I mean I’ve read John’s journal. But I also really like what they have been doing with Mary. Mary was up on this pedestal until season 12 and 13 and I love how she’s developed. So I’ll say Mary. BUT I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THE 300TH EPISODE GUYS, SO FUCKING EXCITED.
8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Sam: Sam was the first character I really was drawn to. As a younger sibling, I saw a lot of things I could relate with in him and I loved his personality. It also helped that Jared is really good looking, but I’ll be honest, back then I thought his nose was SO BIG. It bugged me so much. Now I don’t even care my dude. Also I remember that I felt so protective of him after the first episode when Jess died. I was like ‘YOU BEST STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SAM” when anything would happen to him. Obviously, I am still this way. 
Dean: I thought Dean was funny as shit. I thought he definitely acted like an older brother and part of the reason I really enjoyed the show and still do is how Sam and Dean play off one another in their relationship as siblings because me and my sister are pretty similar in terms of how we talk to each other. I really liked Dean though I remember being like “Dude, really?” when he hit on Jess RIGHT IN FRONT OF SAM. 
Cas: I thought Cas was really interesting. I thought the whole dynamics of Angels coming into play was super interesting and I was kind of like Sam was when he first met Cas like “OMG AN ANGEL THIS IS AMAZING” especially because of his entrance. I thought Cas was bad ass. I mean the way he just looked down at the knife in his chest like “... what is that? you stuck something in me? huh.” and then just pulled it out. That was awesome.
Jack: Jack is amazing. I was unsure of him at first. I mean he made his entrance and I was like “oh dang...” But it was when he was walking around naked that I really began to love him like immediately. When he talked to the Drive-thru statue like “Father?” I was done. He has been m precious cinnamon bun son ever since and I will fight for his protection with my life. 
9. What’s your favorite season?
I don’t care if I catch flack for it, right now my favorite season is season 13. I REALLY enjoyed that season.Season 4 is a close second.
10. What’s your least favorite season?
As much as I love Soulless!Sam for the wonderful work out scene he gave us, I didn’t really care for season 6 all that much. There were good episodes in the season, no lie, but it wasn’t my favorite.
11. Opinions on Destiel?
I don’t ship it. Others are free to and you can ask anyone who I know who ships it, and that’s quite a few people who I am friends with, I don’t bash ships that I don’t ship. I am respectful of their ship, but I do not ship it. I see them as best friends, brothers even, but not as lovers. But that’s the thing about media, everyone is open to their own interpretations of it. And that is mine.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
I think, and I say this as someone who loves Misha, Misha mostly queerbaits, but not intentionally, probably because he jokes around with the fandom about Destiel, but I don’t think the show does it as much as some people say it does. I think it’s mostly because I don’t see the ship that I don’t consider guys having deep conversations or relying on each other as signs that they are in love. I don’t know, but that’s just me. 
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
8-14. What? I said it.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
I really liked Azazael. 
15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
I don’t think they really can... at least in the way we think they can. Lucifer is supposed to be the embodiment of evil, but in the show, he is that and so much more. However, there will always need to be the embodiment of evil in terms of symbolism. Even if God isn’t around, he isn’t dead. I don’t think Lucifer really CAN die because so many people believe in him, even if it’s not the kind of belief he wants.
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
I think Sam and Dean have gone through more trauma than Cas has, just because Cas has lived a LOT LONGER THAN THEY HAVE so in the scope of who has endured the most in their lifetime, Cas spent the majority of his life in heaven, which was rigid, but not that bad. Sam and Dean have had trauma as a best friend since six months after Sam was born. Between Sam and Dean, I actually think Sam has suffered a great deal, I mean he was in Hell longer, he was tortured by the devil that whole time and probably had to witness Adam getting tortured by Michael as well. BUT, does that mean I think Dean’s trauma isn’t valid? Hell no. Dean has a lot of trauma as well. I think it’s a matter of perspective because obviously, as we are invested in these characters and this show, we are gonna say our favorite brother has suffered the most, but you gotta love them both.
17. What’s your favorite Supernatural episode?
Any episodes having to do with the GhostFacers. I Know What You Did Last Summer (ahem >.>), Party On Garth, A Most Holy Man... Oh, I was supposed to pick one? The Fuck, I can’t PICK ONE.
I 18. Do you like case episodes?
OF COURSE. I LOVED Advanced Thanatology.
19. Who do you relate most to in TFW?
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
I know it’s apparently an unpopular opinion but I actually still like the show for both the characters AND the plot. God forbid we enjoy the plot anymore, lol. I started watching Supernatural because I was interested in its premise. I kept watching it because it was interesting and there were ghosts and demons and ghouls and the guys being hot was a major plus. I also kept watching because I became invested in the story and the brothers and I am still invested in the story and the brothers. As well as the other characters. I am invested in the Winchester family, those who are blood-related and non-blood related. It just is what it is.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
I actually would love to see Jess brought back? Just so we could see Sam’s reaction to it after 14 years. Or Jo and Ellen. OR KEVIN. I wanna see Kevin and Jack bond tbh. Could you imagine Kevin showing Jack memes? Just like imagine that for a moment. As for killing someone off... I honestly don’t know... I have to think on this... Hmm... I guess Nick? Have Lucifer put him out of his misery so he has full control of the vessel? I DON’T KNOW. I can’t think of anyone I want to kill off.
Tagging: @madehunter , @leeriverofwordsjordan , @carryontm , @nephilimtm , @angritm , @thelegendarydarcylewis , anyone else who wants to do it, go on my dears
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