#choose violence ask
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wispforever · 4 months ago
naruto 6 and 13 pls!
Hi, cowboy :) thanks for the ask
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
I block anyone I find annoying, so the fact that I'm actually able to think of several groups of people kind of blows my mind lol. First would be the fans who take shipping way too seriously. They hate on other people for deviating from their version of canon, start insane discourse, sometimes even harass creators of the show, etc. Idk if I even have to explain why that pisses me off. It's just in really bad taste. Quit bothering people. Fandom is for enjoyment, don't spend your fandom time telling people how much you hate them or why they're wrong. Chill tf out
Then are the fans who don't participate in shipping (this is the okay part) and THEN talk about how stupid shipping is and how inherently annoying it is. People are entitled to their opinions obviously. I understand (especially as an aroace person) how shipping can be reductive and how people get obsessed. But at some point you have to take responsibility for curating your own experience. Don't like shipping? That's great. Block everyone who posts ship and only follow people who don't. Problem solved. Don't whine about how annoying shipping is IN THE SHIPPING TAG. Just fucking braindead, I can't
In the naruto fandom specifically, I think the shipping that pisses me off the most are the above types of bloggers, as well as people who ship things I find personally repulsive. Like *nc*st or p*do shit. Lots of that in the naruto fandom unfortunately.
13. Worst blorboficiation?
The most impossible naruto question challenge LMAO where do I even fucking start. This fandom beats the absolute shit out of good characters at the drop of a hat. Some of it is fine, I get it, I'm guilty of it, but other times it's hugely reductive. If character assassination were a crime punishable by death, I fear we tumblrinas would be having this conversation while we waited in line for the electric chair.
There are lots of characters I see blorbofied beyond recognition: Madara, Hashirama, Kakashi, Gai, Lee, Tsunade, Obito, literally anyone in the Akatsuki- I could go on and on. I think though, the one who sticks out to me is definitely Itachi. I see SOOOO many depictions of wet, crying, pitiful Itachi when he gives absolutely no hint of any of that on screen. Am I saying he doesn't cry? Doesn't feel? Absolutely not. But there's a thousand different ways to make a character emotional. I barely ever see in character portrayals of Itachi, in my opinion, especially when delving into who he is behind closed doors, what he thinks about his clan/upbringing, how he feels about Sasuke and the massacre he committed. I could mop the floor with him he is so sopping wet in all of this fanart. It drives me up the fucking wall. I've written a lot of detailed notes analyzing his character, and I myself appreciate how he was a victim (along with many other things), but most of the time I feel people stop at just the victim part. Idk why they want him to cry so bad. Idk what makes them think HE would think he deserves to grieve or be forgiven. Idk why they oversimplify his motives or make him out like he doesn't understand what he did and why. makes me actually insane. ffs there are beautiful flawed characters here with winding, painful, morally grey journeys. appreciate the nuance jesussss if i see one more big doe-eyed teared up itachi sniveling to kisame i'm going to be on the news
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chimchiri · 2 years ago
2. state your case for rainbow dash immediately
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
LMAO What a good question.
Rainbow would never* top in my hc because she is absolutely touch and love starved. I love a needy, soft Rainbow who represses her softer and more feminine side as well as her internal desire for soft touches. But when intimacy grows too large (anything beyond kissing) she can't repress it any longer and can't help being paralyzed by her need to be touched and loved. She wants to be a top and be active so badly because it's what she depicts herself as in her own mind. It's what fits into the narrative of a cool version of herself. She wants to impress others and stay in their mind. She wants to be a 'sex god'. But ultimately she can't move because she loves the passive and receiving part too much. It's an intense craving and deep itch she can't ignore.
*The one exception I see is with Fluttershy. I think they probably switch. But even there I can.. actually see Fluttershy ultimately becoming more active when they become intimate and go beyond kissing.
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frankenjoly · 9 months ago
For the choose violence ask game: 6, 7, 12 with bsd?
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
The most popular ship in every fandom always has the biggest number of fans acting like jerks bcs, y’know, more ppl always means more chances, plain statistics... And we all know what ship it is here cjfjfjfj (I do like it, but y'know)
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Didn't really get to fully hate him and and moved past it, but I had a phase of being so mad at Fukuchi bcs of 1) chapter 88 and 2) a certain group of twt ppl insisting he was better than Mori in terms of morals when they're basically doing similar things 😭
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
I have a few but gonna go with Naomi bcs she's so underrated. Like, she's very smart and bold, and not enough ppl acknowledge her
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yekokataa · 2 years ago
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
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what if the animorphs got the death note?
Cassie: Would burn the thing. Doesn't care if she dies in the process. It's worth it, to get it out of the world's hands.
Marco: Would go on a fact-finding spree to figure out the names of as many yeerks as he possibly can. Would figure out that some stems (e.g. Iniss) are followed by multiple sets of numbers, and would give himself carpal tunnel writing Iniss 0000 - Iniss 9999 in the notebook. Would claim to his friends that he also doesn't know why a mysterious disease has killed so many yeerks lately.
Jake: Would ask the group what they should do with it. Whether Rachel and Marco would succeed in arguing for it before Cassie and Ax succeeded in arguing against it is anyone's guess.
Ax: Would never use it. Would probably also give it back to the group. Controversial opinion, I know, but he cares deeply about fighting fair and with honor. If he could figure out a way to use it to save his friends he might, but he'd probably vote to bury it in the woods if forced to cast a vote.
Rachel: Would use it. And then stop using it. She fights those who are stronger than her, and spares those who are weaker. Any time she can use it against a yeerk with an involuntary host she will... but those names are hard to find, and she's not going to stop mid-battle to pull out a pen. She'd conclude it's no good as a weapon, but if Marco asked she'd announce she got rid of it because it takes all the excitement out of the war.
Tobias: Even more controversial take, but. If anyone would go full Light Yagami, I think it's him. He's the one pushing to use the Time Matrix to "fix" history in MM3. He's the one who kills Hitler after learning this is just a jeep driver, because he's Hitler. He argues with the Ellimist, and thinks he could do better. He sees the world as injust, and he's angry about it. He would argue it's immoral not to use the Death Note. I could see Tobias writing down every Visser's name... and then Pol Pot's... and then Charles Manson's... and then Taylor's... and going from there.
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allastoredeer · 4 months ago
Lmao, you know Alastor 1000% used malicious compliance when he was alive, but this is probably one of the few times he's had to use it since dying and becoming a terrifying eldritch tentacle deerman. Think Alastor normally noms his own sheddings, or was that purely out of spite towards Carmilla?
Malicious compliance king <3
He could've explained his situation to Carmilla but he really went hmmm, no. I'm going to make everyone uncomfortable instead.
Alastor does nom his sheddings (its very tasty) but doing it in front of Carmilla while making full eye contact was 100% out of spite.
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kesia-stupid-arts · 5 months ago
17 please
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
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I wish we had more fan works revolving around Wendy and Webber and their parents, especially Wendy and Jack Carter have so much angst and fluff potential, but everyone seems to ignore the existence of their parents because they want Wilson to be their parent instead 😞
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months ago
The only way Noel is reeling in that bickering is suggesting they "test it" to get the focus back but even then there's like 5050 chance Noel is going to accidentally make it worse
Arthur’s like yes please I swear the sounds I make while getting railed are entirely different let’s go test that out right now. and John’s like mhm test it you say? and pulls out a chair and hits Arthur
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wispforever · 4 months ago
WOw we are not being shy today ok. i got this. #25?
That's what I like to hear fuck yeah thanks for the ask!
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing?
I talked about this a little bit in a previous ask for #6, but I'll say it here again. I think it's really annoying when people come into a fandom space and complain about something they don't like IN THAT SPACE. Most common example is people who hate shipping coming into the SHIPPING TAG and being like I hate shipping. THEN GET OUT OF THE SHIPPING TAG. There are plenty of spaces in the fandom to go where there aren't gonna be things you hate. It is YOUR responsibility to curate your experience. Block, follow, block again, block MORE. Do whatever the fuck you need to do, as long as I don't have to HEAR about it. Get the hell out of the bread aisle if you don't like bread, there's PLENTY MORE GROCERY STORE fucking christ
Other than that, I'm sick of seeing people complain when creators don't make things for a specific fandom anymore. People are not machines. They are not "content" generators. Their interests, energy, and inspiration will fluctuate. Every time I see an artist apologize for being inactive, I kill another influencer. WHO taught you you exist for others' entertainment? This is YOUR blog. It is your space where you put YOUR things. It is other people's PRIVILEGE to see what you create. They are on your blog because you have kindly given them the opportunity to see what you create. Who taught you that something you've vulnerably given to the internet to enjoy can then be digested and used to make you guilty for not making more. Stop making people feel guilty for not making more. THIS IS THEIR ART. FFS it isn't FOR you. hello van gogh would you please fucking paint more flowers, I miss when you painted flowers. *van gogh, crawling out from under his bed where he's been dissociating for eight hours, already making a post* sorry I'm van gogh I'll make more paintings soon sorry for being alive LOL SORRY THIS MAKES ME SO ANGRY I can't even talk about it coherently.
everyone just remember that if you're tempted to tell an artist to draw more or something like that, you are a guest on their blog and you might never have gotten to see ANY of their art if they had never posted in the first place. This is sharing, it isn't a fucking obligation. Artists don't owe their audience, they are doing their audience a favor by sharing their beautiful, funny, amazing creations. I am serious. No part of this is a joke
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chimchiri · 2 years ago
9 and 15 for the ask challenge??
9. worst part of canon
Fucking... Scotaloo's parents... They should not be there. I have no idea why it happened like that. Did they want to make something with Rainbow? But it was too mature? Or did they just.. forget to include Scoots' parents until Season 9?? Either way. I'm angry. I don't accept it. That part of canon is burned from my mind.
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
I actually can't think of something tbh. There are a lot of cute humanizations and pony variations. Not all are for me but the quality of most is insane. Maybe that's what I see most of the time? The general quality and creativity for original designs.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 years ago
Okay but if mbj can't see beneath the baps how does he look at sqh?
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He is Hoisted. Held in one hand, as he should be.
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thisiswhereikeepdcthings · 1 month ago
Ooooh, asks game :D ! 12? 15? 17? 22? (feel free to ignore one or more of those if that's too many, obvs)
#12: the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Not exactly an unpopular character, but more people should like Martian Manhunter. Why? Cause he’s cool, that’s why.
#15: that one thing you see in fanart all the time
This one is hard. I don’t really know? But I love chibi batfam or justice league stuff.
#17: there should be more of this type of fic/art
Jason Todd with the All-Blades. It should be way more of a thing.
#22: your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Again, Jason. Todd. With. The. All-Blades.
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pearlsoceanworld · 10 months ago
It's too peaceful around here. I wanna see u guys suffer :3
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(basically, one of them will seize to exist , and u gotta choose one that will live)
Pearl's notes: do you guys want me to do a ratio and alhaitham version?
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silverskye13 · 5 months ago
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found this on pintrest
Tanguish to Welsknight
That's Tanguish's entire hermit vs helsmet struggle in a nutshell, actually.
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anneapocalypse · 5 months ago
6 and 8 for Dragon Age! Choose violence!!!!
🔥 Choose Violence Ask Meme 🔥
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I'm gonna be perfectly honest: I have drawn my little circle of Dragon Age fandom such that I really don't find any shippers annoying. I also basically like all of the canon romances I've played on some level and there are none that I have a visceral Nope about, and as far as non-canon romances I cannot find it in myself to get bent out of shape about rare pairs, which is what most non-canon ships end up as, realistically.
My hot take is that in this fandom, anyone who leads with "X shippers are the WORST EVER--" is about to be far more annoying than any of the shippers I know.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts is a good quest.
In many ways, I think it's actually comparable to playing A Paragon of Her Kind as a non-dwarf. In both quests, people often complain about not having access to all the information about the candidates, by which they mean that the game does not hand them a piece of paper explaining to them why one candidate is the Good One and the other Bad, what's that noise oh it's me banging trash can lids together in your backyard and hollering THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A BENEVOLENT MONARCHY, THERE IS NO GOOD MONARCH, POWER THAT CONCENTRATED CAN ONLY BE SUSTAINED WITH BLOOD, ALL YOU CAN DO IS DECIDE WHICH ONE IS GOING TO DO THE LEAST HARM AND/OR IS MOST EASILY MANIPULATED BY PARTIES YOU WISH TO SUPPORT.
Coughs. What I mean is, the frustrating lack of information given to you, an outsider, is kind of the point. No matter who you play as the Inquisitor, you are canonically not Orlesian and you do not know the Imperial Court intimately no matter how politically savvy your character may be. You are an outsider, and to many people a dangerous one. You are here as a guest; you were not invited with the intent of letting you choose the ruler of a sovereign nation, and people are not simply going to hand you information to that end. Even some of your advisors may have personal motivations for withholding information that you would have liked to know, perhaps because of their own involvement or complicity in certain events. You know. Perhaps.
So you have to do your own digging. You have to climb trellises and sneak into locked rooms. You might get lucky opening the right doors and finding something really useful, or you might not. You might say the right thing to the right person and get a valuable lead, or you might fumble it never knowing what you could have had.
We love to poke fun at the RPG tropes of every NPC immediately giving you their life story and asking you to solve all their problems. Isn't it kind of interesting when a game doesn't do that--when you have to take your own initiative if you want a specific outcome, when other characters aren't just dumping information on you and assuming that you'll act on it in a specific way?
I think one of the most interesting aspects of WEWH is that you can in fact choose to do nothing. Yes, you have to follow the basic outline of the quest, but at the critical moment you can just not intervene and allow Florianne to stab Celene and Gaspard to take the throne--effectively, letting things play out as they would have had the Inquisition done nothing. Gaspard of course winks and treats you as an ally because you assumes you're complicit, but you could in fact just have been indifferent. Game mechanics make it obvious you're making a choice, but in-universe it's simply that you have chosen not to act.
And if you do choose to act, you do not get a guaranteed Good Option. No, you don't get to flip the tables and completely overturn the social order of a sovereign nation of which, again, you are not even a citizen. You have to work with the situation you're in, and try to bend it to whatever advantage you see fit. You get no guarantees.
Sure, there a few places where I think WEWH fumbles the ball, but on the whole I think it's a brilliant union of storytelling and creative game mechanics.
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bucksboobs · 7 months ago
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Okay so headcanoning Eddie as gay doesn’t take away from how he loves Shannon. The show has already gone through great lengths with Michael’s early arc to show how love can exist between a gay man and his comphet wife. If the show ever did confirm that Eddie loves Shannon but wasn’t attracted to her I think it could be compelling even if it’s a slight retread of earlier stories because religion never really factored into Michael’s coming out. Exploring how religion made Eddie hate himself so much that he buried his own sexuality and forced himself into three relationship different dysfunctional relationships with women despite it all can be told without disrespecting Shannon because Eddie’s grief for her is still central to his entire character.
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