#chole x reader
tabathastan · 2 months
I lowkey want write for descendants, if anyone has any requests feel free to send them to my inbox
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katsumiiii · 1 year
jotaro kujo x rock angel chole type! reader
lil note: collab with @mypimpademia for her 3k event !!
thinking about jotaro kujo who loves sharing a smoke with his girl. never pressures you into doing so, always starts with a single for himself, gesturing the butt towards you, silently encouraging you to light it.
you happily obliged, flicking the safety cap off of your lighter, inching it closer and closer until the flame licked the paper, effectively lighting the cigarette.
jotaro always took the first drag, slowly inhaling, allowing the burn to settle in his lungs. the white that exhaled from his lips was almost exquisite in your eyes, you followed the trail it left behind, drifting amongst the atmosphere.
you liked to steal the second, taking advantage of his relaxed state, swiping the item from in-between his fingertips. your approach is more nervous than his own, twisting the paper side to side before bringing it in closer, cautiously taking a breath.
smoking after a show was your comfort, you tended to get anxious while performing, the crowds growing chants sent shivers down your spine. but afterwards a sense of relief was always left, along with the feeling of satisfaction.
jotaro supported your endeavors. he made every show he was able to, (though he never sat in the front row, more so drifting towards the back where it was less crowded), and stayed after for your traditional post-show smoke.
“did you like it?” you asked, passing the cig to jotaro. you fiddled with the edge of your leather jacket, pulling it tightly against your frame.
“hm?” jotaro exhaled towards the left of him, attempting to avoid your face.
“the show I mean. did you like it?” you lightly bit your bottom lip, fluttering your eyes towards your boyfriends hulking frame. you watched as he selfishly took another drag, tapping his pockets with a thick finger.
“yeah, ‘was good.” he curtly replied.
“oh…” you shifted your gaze along the railing in front of you, wiggling your thumb underneath your middle finger.
“what?” jotaro questioned, tilting his head.
“just speak.”
you rolled your eyes in slight annoyance, “it’s just you say the same thing after every show. makes me wonder if you actually do enjoy it.” you answered, eyes clashing with his own.
jotaro hummed, flicking the ends of the cigarette and passing it to you. you stared at it, just for a moment, before bringing it to your lips.
“because I enjoy it everytime.” he said, simply. reaching over to grasp your waist.
“really?” you leaned closer to his figure, laying your head softly on his chest.
“yeah.” jotaro leaned forward to kiss the side of you temple, a slight smile edged on his face as he watched you take a final drag from the cig.
“you’re not just saying that because you love me right?”
“I just fucking might be since you keep asking.”
“yeah right.”
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jackiequick · 1 year
Meet The Wells - Harry Wells Fic
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Tv Show: The Flash
Setting: Season 4
Pairing: Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells x Leanna ‘Lea’ O’Conner
Featuring: One of the best characters on the show, Cisco Ramon!
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The morning everything pretty well. Team Flash was doing their usual work at S.T.A.R LABS. Discussing lunch breaks, new metas they possibly discovered, new experiments to create and plans for the weekend. That was until Harry mentioned friends.
Cisco sat up, “No he’s delusional. That’s because the lack of sleep he’s has been having. Uh, Harry friends are in here!”
Caitlin looked at Barry, who stood there confused, guessing that he’s being sarcastic.
“I got friends other than you guys! You will meet them.” Harry respond, siping his morning coffee.
Cisco gave his second girl a look and asked, “Lea help.”
“I-i know nothing about this.” Lea admitted with her hands up in defense.
“Ramon, believes i don’t got any friends. When i clearly do.” Harry yelled and sighed, typing away on his keyboard, “You told me to go make some friends, right?”
Cisco yelled back, “Yeah but last time i checked, you don’t have any friends besides us!”
Leanna who was tinkering with her tools looked up and nodded, “Yup! I did tell you that. Actually I’m curious to meet your friends, but I gotta hand some paperwork over to Joe first.”
She stood up, giving her boyfriend of 3 years now, a quick kiss on the cheek, in which Harry wraps his hand around her waist pulling her in for one more starling kiss. Clearly he was excited for today.
Cisco and Harry were in the speed lab being introduced to their scientific ragtag team of friends. But it wasn’t what Cisco suspected Harry’s friends to be. One of them even practically threw Cisco Ramon out of the speed lab for being annoyed and offended. Lea walked in, confused onto why her best friend ran out of there but her confusion came to a pause after what she see saw.
There stood right in front of her brown eyes the doppelgängers of Harrison Wells. Not 1, not 2, but 3 Harrison Wells in the speed lab. And if add Harry, that makes 4! In total stood 4 very different variants of Harrison Wells, going from one with gray hair and a turtleneck to one with war general uniform like he just lost an eyeball for God’s sakes.
She didn’t know to laugh at how insane this is or internally whine about this little endeavor being oddly weird for her. But at the same time she was very much integrated into this new situation. She met versions of Wells beforehand but this was completely different. Before she can even say a word or pull together another set of thoughts, when a voice called out to her. More or less a catcall followed by a cheeky whistle.
“Who is this little beauty queen? She’s finer than a flower on a summer morning!” Yelled out a rusty almost burnt blonde Wells in a red rode and slippers.
Lea didn’t realize they were staring at her that moment, quickly fixing her dark gray shirt with tiny daisies scattered all over and dark jacket she borrowed from her friend, Caitlin Snow, earlier that week. She firstly mouth a small “What the fuck?” to Harry as he jogged over swiftly taking her hand with ease. The man was clearly excited about this.
“Honey, come meet my new friend!” He exclaimed holding a grin, returning back to earlier spot but this time with her next to him, “This is Harrison Wolfgang Wells, H. Lothario Wells and Wells 2.0. Men, this is Leanna O’Conner.”
All 3 of them smiled at the lady. Wolfgang Wells stayed wondering his eyes at the brunette, as if he trying to pin point something in particular.
Lea had to just smile politically for the 3 idiots to go sight seeing on her, if allowed. Without a second later the women dragging Harry out into the hallway for a quick chat.
“Harry, honey, what the hell?!” She whispered yelled.
“What the hell? What do you mean ‘what the hell?’?” He whispered yell back.
“Are you out of your mind? Have you officially lost your marbles?!”
“You asked me to make some friends and that’s exactly what I did!”
“When I told you to make friends, I didn’t mean with yourself!”
“They’re technically NOT me! They’re my double hitting doppelgängers from other earths and one of the biggest baddest brightest mind out there.”
“Again! There’s literally 3 of you in that room, all three of them ready to make goo goo eyes at me and oh yeah, one of you is enough but a friend group of Wells that’s just—”
“Sweetie I can handle this. There is nothing to worry about, they’re just charming and intelligent people with different kinds of backgrounds. It’s gonna go great. I promise.”
“You promise? Cause—”
“Lea it’s fine! I got this.”
Once the couple walked back in, Lea announced the plan with Harry, but the second they all heard her voice they looked at her like 3 somewhat trained dogs. Harry had to scuff down a laugh, snorting a smidge.
Sandy hair blonde Wells aka H. Lothario Wells, grinned at her. He found her pretty and said, “Say, gorgeous you got any sisters? Or are you free this Sunday night?”
She blushed chuckling as she shook her head ‘No’ as Harry face them with a glare saying that Lea was HIS girlfriend. So hands off fellas!
Wells 2.0 spoke up, “I had a Lana on my earth…”
“Really? How was I like?” Lea asked, her eyes perked up curious about the answer.
“I wouldn’t know, she died or was it that she left the country? Oh well, i don’t remember! Ladies on my earth aren’t as nice looking as you.”
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The four of them kept talking, mainly Harry and his doubles, Lea just stayed sitting back writing on her iPad a few notes on an old equipment and equations. She listened every once in a awhile to their conversation, walking in and out of the lab to other part of the building or heading down to Jitters for some java.
Blowing a kiss to all 3 copies of Wells as she left. All of them stayed with a loopy and cheeky smiles after that. Harry Wells was the lucky one, he actually got a kiss of the cheek.
Returning with a coffee for her boyfriend, after handing one to Caitlin and Cisco she heard it. “Annie..” said the voice. It belongs to Wolfgang Wells, who staying eyeing her for the moment due stepped into the room in the first place. She rarely heard that nickname tossed around but it been said plenty of times beforehand. Only Cisco or Barry will throw that nickname out.
“That’s Leanna, not Annie, can you believe this guy fellas?” Replied Sandy Wells with a chuckling, figuring his doppelgänger was nuts in the head or something.
“No, Annie O’Conner..” Wolfgang Wells said once again with curiosity and confidence in his tone.
“Yeah he’s right.” Lea confirmed his wording, “Did you know a version of me, on your Earth?”
“My wife.”
“We’re married?”
Harry’s eyes darted towards them, mumbling, “You married a verison of her? When?”
“Yeah but I left her. Too much of a handful.” Wolfgang said with a shrug.
Lea gasped, “HANDFUL? I will have you know that I’m not a handful, you guys are. No offense, Harry..”
Wolfgang snickered, “You sound like her too! I left her cause we fell out of love, she was too uptight and I was too busy to care.”
“But I think still love her very much. Still, love is love. I think we all got a verison of this lady on our earths, right?”
Sandy Wells chuckled, “Mhmmmm! I do. She’s my 2 A.M bootycall. Speaking of which…”
Just like that, blondie wells was gone saying he got business to take care of. Leanna jaw dropped, meanwhile Harry held back a little smile, grabbing everyone’s attention back to the matter at hand.
All 3 men went back to work. But the looks Wolfgang and 2.0 didn’t go unnoticed, glancing at the half Asian brunette every once in a while. Both men saw something in her, and they liked it. Harry had to snap their towards himself instead and looping a hand on his girlfriend’s waist to signify that once again she’s taken!
The men were talking over one another and bickering more often than not about the topic. Honestly it was kinda hilarious.
Cisco walked in soon enough with a smile, “Soo Council Of Wells, how are we doing? Any progress or we just chitchatting about who’s smarter?” 
Leanna chuckled at the last part, because half of it was true.
Harry on the other hand groaned in annoyance, “It’s not going anywhere! We can’t even agree on what method to use.”
“What? You had an entire day.”
“I know! I know!”
“Is it cause Lana is distracting them?”
This time Lea spoke up, “HEY! Right here you know?! First we’re complimenting me, then you’re treating me like a diamond in the rough and now you’re insulting me?! What is it? Leanna Day and I didn’t get the memo?!”
“Well welcome to my life, girlfriend! Theses guys love to do the same thing to me! Ain’t so easy, isn’t it?” Cisco repiled back, tossing her a glare.
“Ohhh, so this is the way your framing this, huh?”
“I guess so, Annie!”
“Cisco I swear—!”
“What?” Harry asked.
“Isn’t there a 3rd one? Isn’t there 3 of—”
He pointed out there was only 2 Wells standing there, not the original 3 from the beginning of the day. Harry was about to say something about it but as if on cue, Sandy haired Wells reappeared with a cheeky grin blabbing on about something.
Sandy turned toward the trio with a smile, “Oh sorry! Had to take care of some off camera business—”
“OHH MY GOD!” Cisco shouted holding a hand, covering whatever it was he didn’t want to see.
This Wells had his pants down, showing everything his mother gave him. Harry tried to looked away, his face accidentally saw it. Leanna just blinked, gasping as she turned around burying his face in her boyfriend’s black shirt.
“What?” Asked Sandy Wells softly , confused.
“I can see your Frank and beans.” Said Wolfgang, looking rather uncomfortable.
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“Come on, now. Do my best thinkin' commando,” Sandy defends himself with a shrug, “Plus, it ain't like we all haven't seen it before. Especially, you little missy.”
“I haven’t seen it!” Cisco yelled, sounding funny and offended by the fact.
He shoots a wink Leanna’s way and she feel like she can’t help but peek her face towards all the men in the room. She saw so much more than clearly expected today! Like Jesus Christ! She rested her head, still sorta hiding her face in her boyfriends shirt.
She didn’t look confident or heroic in that moment.
Harry placed a comforting hand on her head, holding his lady while smiling at her embraced blushing and embarrassment.
Cisco held back a couple of laughs, “Aww! You’re traumatizing the poor girl! But seriously, dude put that away..please.”
Wolfgang agreed with Cisco for once.
“Ah, you Earth Folks. You are so uptight.” Sandy replied pulling up his pants.
“Ah, alright! Can we get back to the take at hand? We need answers.”
Suddenly all men started throwing out suggestions left and right, speaking over one another not allowing Cisco nor Harry to keep a full sentence in.
Lea’s ears were ringing loudly and she groaned in annoyance, “Okay! That’s enough!”
“Enough? We’re just getting started!” Add 2.0 Wells, in which causing another explosion of words being thrown around.
Clearly Harry was losing it having enough of this shit and yelled, “Guys! Guys! Ga—gentlemen!” Grabbing all their attention he continued, “Clearly this isn’t working. And just for the record, it’s not me, it’s you.”
With a simple push of a button, all three holograms disappeared, leaving the trio to themselves.
“This, was a bad idea.” Harry said walking back, placing his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders whispering, “You okay?”
“It’s like your junk was burnt into my brain.” Cisco answered instead.
“Your welcome.”
Leanna did not answer or add into the previous statement, just walking out with a hand covering her ears silently. Harry and Cisco shared a tired look, figuring something bothered her..
Him and Cisco were talking for a bit, the genius still grumbling about what happened. That he needed to accept the facts and himself, since they are technically his doppelgängers but still. He didn’t truly like it too much.
Until he found her.
Harry found his girlfriend in his lab, scribbling in a notebook wearing her noise canceling headphones, that both him and Cisco carefully crafted her due to her meta human abilities, and playing with her bangs.
He sighed, knowing she was flashed today and practically felt just as insulted as he was. But because Leanna was more of a sensitive soul in the relationship, rather busy lately with Iris’s wedding planning, and helping the team with their issues. Along with the overheating bickering wasn’t probably too pleasant to her ears.
He winced, taking a marker to the whiteboard and tapping it against the clear sided screen. Harry walked over to her, tapping her shoulder and simply asked, “Hey, are you alright?”
“Hm?” She asked, removing her headphone registering what he said and chuckled, “Oh! Yeah honey I’m fine.”
“Isn’t that my line? Lea, honey, what happened? You kinda snapped at them.”
“Yeah well, so did you!…I, uh, umm wasn’t expecting today. Part of me knew something was gonna happen! I felt like I was being pulled left and right. I mean 4 Wells in one room, that’s overwhelmingly surprising and kinda chaotic..no offense.”
“None taken! They are just huge self minded, idiots. Uptight, roughly insulting, snooty and just jerks. I—I didn’t think it would go like that! Hell they flashed you and choose to make eyes at you the whole time. Treated you like you were an prize to be won and be thrown away…no one was paying attention to anything and just talking over one another! Jesus…”
Leanna stayed quiet hearing him rant about how he felt about the situation and the protection his mind created, recognizing things she didn’t notice until now. It made her feel better, knowing that she got the best Wells in the multiverse. All he wanted was to make some more friends and figure out a way to help with his teammates issues.
But instead, he realized that rather became a host and solid choice for a complete conversation than the other guys. He also felt sorta good about himself being one to unlock the door to an O’Conner’s heart unlike his counterpart.
“I uh, don’t take you for granted, you know?” Harry said, with a soft grin.
“I figured as much. You stayed.” She replied with a tired smile.
“Wolfgang had a version of you then lost you, 2.0 Wells was just gah not—the best thing with women and uh, Lothario was something else where uh, you know!”
Lea chuckled and nodded, “Oh I know! I..I know!”
Harry couldn’t help but laugh, “But in all seriousness, Leanna I love you and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that—us, today.”
“I’ve been part of Team Flash for so long, where something like that shouldn’t surprise me but it did. It was chaotic chapter for the books, but I really hope that doesn’t happen again!”
“It better not! I can’t take another moment with those guys. They’re one of the most annoying minds of the multiverse!”
“Harry, honey..”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
She stood up from her chair, wrapped her arms around his middle and looked up at the man gently grinning. He looked down at her, placing a hand on the small of her back, smiled softly confused since she left her second line incomplete.
“For being you! You came to this Earth and took it as it is, trying to help it. And those idiots, didn’t have to FaceTime us but they did. Because you would’ve done the same thing.” She added.
“Of course I’ve would’ve, I kinda like you guys. Especially you and Dr. Snow.” Harry admitted.
“Most importantly, you fell for me. All those other versions of Lea and Wells don’t know what they’re missing.”
“Well, technically, this wasn’t planned. I came to another earth for one goal. But we sorta happened.”
“Do you regret it?”
He leaned down, cupping her cheek a bit, “No.”
“Why’s that?” She asked, leaning in.
“Because it proves my multiverse theory. Every version of you or me, ends up being with an such interesting partner.”
“I love that theory.”
“I know you do.”
Harry closed the space between them, tossing in a few solid pecks of Lea’s waiting lips. A couple of sweet nothings and laughs were thrown into the mix, chatting about getting Big Belly Burger later.
When suddenly..
“Oh come on!”
Came Cisco’s voice, standing at the door with his hands on his hips.
“Seriously? Y’all didn’t need my help making her feel better.” Cisco said.
Lea snorted and smiled, as Harry tossed his friend a playful grin, only ever reserved for Cisco Ramon. 
“We’re heading to Big Belly Burger later, you coming?” asked Lea.
“Oh hell yes!” He replied, replacing the frown with a smile, snatched up his friend from Harry into his arms for a hug and yelling, “She was mine first.”
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed the story ⚡️
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Tags: @yetanotherwells @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @mandylove1000 @msrochelleromanofffelton @hanlueluver @topgun-imagines @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @rooster-84 @bisexual-watermelons @withakindheartx @blackheart-beauty @blueboirick and etc.
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bloodygnqv · 2 months
A new chapter who cheered
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nik-840 · 2 years
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Lucifer x Gn Reader
Description: The reader is an Angle that used to be Lucifer's lover. However due to God intervening the couple no longer remember each other
Word Count: 2,620
Long ago just before the great war, God created a string of new Angels, just a handful. They were unrelated to God’s other children. They were created by him, yes but they were not children of the Goddes or children at all really. They were meant to be soldiers and soldiers only. But there is always a calm before a storm and in this calm two angels fell in love, the light bringer and his favorite star.
God could see everything or just about everything. He could see how Lucifer’s love for you overshadowed everything else. He saw that this would lead to Lucifer’s ultimate betrayal. If only he could see how his actions played a role in all this.
God decides to kick you out of heaven technically making you the first to fall. Except you didn't go to hell, you fell to earth lost and confused. This is the final straw for Lucifer and the war is waged. Once it's over the memory of Lucifer’s lover is erased from the minds of everyone who knew them. 
When you fell you lost your wings and with them, went your ability to remember not just the days in Eden but also the lifetimes spent walking the Earth alone. You wander for millennials never quite sure what's missing until you find him again in a city called Los Angeles.
The memories don’t come back for either of you when you find him again. But you become close and you just hold on to him. It doesn’t take long for you to realize you are in love with him but he was occupied with Chole. You didn’t want to say that you hated Chole but you strongly disliked her.
It had been a month or so since Lucifer revealed the truth to her. She was a wreck and ran off to Europe. She hadn’t even been back for a week and you had already noticed how it was affecting Lucifer. He was in more distress now than he had been the whole time she was gone. You were already tired of her. Lucifer would never say anything about it; he's too worried about her opinion of him. You on the other hand couldn't give two shits what she thought of you. You had a bone to pick with her so you showed up on her doorstep. 
“What the fuck is your problem?!” She looked completely dismayed.
“Excuse me?”
“You've been treating Lucifer like shit since you got back from your stupid trip.” She stuttered for a while trying to come up with a good reason. “Don't lie Decker you ran off to Europe for space or whatever. But now you're back and you're acting like he's harmed you.” 
“I've been going through a lot this isn't easy for me. Would it make me crazy if I was scared of him? I mean Lucifer, he's dangerous.”
“ Of course, he’s fucking dangerous he's the devil who cares?”
“You're not the only human who's in on the secret Chloe but you are the only one who reacted like this. I've known for way longer than you and I've never been scared and it's not because I'm blind to the fact that he could hurt me or others. I'm not scared because he's never given me a reason to be. I know he won't hurt me because all he's ever done is protect me and you for that matter. He's powerful but I know he would never hurt an innocent person. Being scared of him might not make you crazy but it definitely makes you weak.”
All she does is stare and stutter as tears start to build up in her eyes. 
“Listen you need to get your shit together or break it off. Pretending that you care while you won't let Trixie see Maze and jump when Lucifer touches you is just sick. Make a decision or I’ll make it for you.”
You weren't waiting on a response so you just walked off and got in your car you had nothing else to say to Chole Decker. Plus there was someone who needed your attention back at Lux. When you get there the first person you see is Maze whose apparently been looking for you. 
“Where’ve you been all night your missing the party.”
 “Oh you know just out I had to make a stop off on my way here.”
 “Oh?” She looked mildly interested hoping it was something exciting. 
 “Yeah, nothing interesting I just had to talk to someone. Don't worry about that where’s Lucifer?” 
“He's upstairs sulking that's all he does these days.” She’s annoyed she and lucifer are dealing with Chole’s bullshit very differently, she doesn't understand him. You head upstairs and there he is, sitting at the piano playing some melancholy tune you don't recognize. You pour a drink for the both of you and set his down on the piano. You sit with him listening as the song flows out from the piano. You lean your head on his shoulder when the song ends and slide his drink just a bit closer to him. 
“Drink, Luci?”
 “Thank you.”
“You look a mess.”
“Why thank you Y/N as charming as ever.”
“Seriously though I know things have been rough lately but playing sad piano in the dark and not changing your clothes for days will not help. I'm not saying you have to go party I’m not even saying you have to leave your room. I’m just saying maybe take a shower.” He's about to say something stupid to get you off his back. “Listen if you shower ill do everything else, get you ready for bed, comb your hair, I’ll even pick out your suit for tomorrow, ok just shower you smell.”
He doesn't even say anything, just gets up and heads towards the bedroom slowly stripping. 
In his closet, you go through his wardrobe and pick out a suit for him. But not just any suit, it was your favorite. Something about Lucifer in this was just top-notch. When you're done with that you get everything ready for bed 
You sit at the edge of his bed waiting. You scroll through Twitter, TikTok, and then Tumblr. You were pretty sure he was just standing under the water but that’s ok 
When he comes out he’s wearing just a pair of skin-tight black boxers. He collapses into bed beside you. You move so you’re sitting next to his head and run your fingers through his hair.
“I bet that feels better.”
“Thank you.” He says as he moves his head to rest on your lap. 
“Oh don't get all mushy on me, Luci.”
“No I’m serious, Thank you.” 
“Whatever.” You run your fingers through his hair and scratch his head till he goes to sleep. You usually only slept over at the penthouse when Lucifer thought you weren’t able to get home safely. But you didn’t feel like going home today, not when you had Lucifer on your lap snoring softly plus it was like two in the morning. So you shifted around getting comfortable and Lucifer just followed your body heat while grumbling. 
When you wake up again it’s to a phone call from your best friend and roommate. You immediately realize your mistake. You get out of bed as quickly as possible without waking Lucifer. You answer the phone on the other.
“Before you start I'm sorry I didn't mean to sleep over or to fall asleep without checking in.”
“Mhm hmm, you always say the same thing I figured you were with him so I texted maze and she confirmed. That's not why I called.”
“Oh ok, what's up then?”
“You tell me I thought you said you weren't going to sleep over there anymore because it made you feel like you two were closer than you are.”
“I know what I said It's just he was so sad and I couldn't leave him like that.”
“Don't! I know what you're going to say ‘it's not my job to take care of him, especially not when it comes at the cost of my peace. But I'm not at peace when he's sad, I just want so desperately for him to be happy.” There's a beat of silence as you think. “I could let him go if that's what it took but she treats him like shit. I know I probably just sound like some jealous idiot but he spends so much time worrying about if she'll turn her back on him and he deserves so much more than that.”
“I understand just remember to take care of yourself too. And text me when you're not coming home asshole.” You laugh for a moment thankful for the change in conversation. 
“Again I'm sorry and I will next time I promise. I'll see you later.” You say your goodbyes and hang up.
You take a couple of deep breaths before heading back upstairs to find Lucifer awake in bed.
“Where did you run off to?” He asks just as you step into the bedroom. 
“Just downstairs I had to take a call and I didn't want to wake you.” You sit at the end of the bed. “Anyway, what do you want to do today? We could be responsible adults and do something productive or we could get high out if our minds order food and watch Alice in Wonderland.” You start smirking before you even finish the sentence knowing exactly which option he's going to choose.
After the first blunt, you were starting to feel it and words started falling out of your mouth.
“You know that I care about you right? You, Maze, and Ash are all I have all I've ever had.” You don’t know why you asked him that because you didn't even let him answer you just started the movie you pulled up before. 
You honestly don't remember watching the movie. It felt like you blinked and then the credits were rolling. It didn't matter though you and Lucifer had split two blunts and you felt amazing. At some point, Maze showed up and she and Lucifer continued to smoke long after you had tapped out. The day was blissful for obvious reasons you even remembered to text your roommate before you passed out on the couch. 
You guessed that something changed between Chole and Lucifer because he was back to going on cases with her. You hoped that she finally pulled her head out of her ass but you for some reason doubted that. You had gotten out of work early and just went back to your apartment to hang with your roommate. You guys had started a show together about a week ago and then you both got super busy. You had gotten through a couple of episodes when you got an SOS from Maze. Chole had fucked up big this time though you couldn’t imagine what could possibly be worse than the way she had already been acting. Nothing could have prepared you for what you found out.
He didn't even yell, he just explained what happened while sipping on his drink. You could tell he was a few drinks in and he looked a mess. You could see why though. Chole had been going behind his back working with a priest if you could even call him that. She had intended on banishing Lucifer back to hell. The betrayal was truly unbelievable. You didn’t know you had to comfort what could you say that could ease that kind of pain? You guessed you would just love him through it. Through all of it. 
Eventually, Lucifer gets bored of drinking and just goes to bed you didn’t want to leave so you just go sleep on the couch. The next morning you woke up and made Lucifer breakfast in bed you just wanted to remind him that he was deserving of love. He had barely spoken since he woke but just as he finishes eating he asks you a question. 
“Why did you stay?”
“What do you mean?”
“After you saw my face.”
“I don't know I guess I've spent my whole life alone and empty. When we met I felt that for the first time in my life I wasn't alone. So losing that over you being exactly who you said you were just felt stupid.”
“But what about me makes you feel that way? Why me?”
“I don’t know Luci, does it matter? All I know is that you make me feel warm and safe.”
“I make you feel safe?”
“I mean yeah are you surprised all you've done since we met is take care of me and encourage me to do the same for myself?”
He just stares at you sort of shellshocked which is so confusing to you because what did he think was happening here? Did he genuinely think that this entire time you were scared of him deep down? How could he think that? How could you be scared of this man you loved him with every fiber of your being. The thought brought you so much pain you just pulled him closer from where he was sitting on the bed. He was basically sitting in your lap now and you held him tight to your chest and he curled up to you.
You lean down and kiss the top of his head. You get that feeling that you sometimes get when you are with him. A strange sense of deja vu like you've done this before comforted him, held him close, kissed him. Sometimes you get these flashes almost like memories but they always disappear before you can fully understand what they are. You always just hold Lucifer a little tighter in those moments. 
At some point, Lucifer crawls out of your lap and puts on a random movie for the two of you to watch. Neither of you is really paying attention though. You feel his eyes on you for a while before you say anything. 
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” He doesn’t say anything, he looks at you and makes eye contact before slowly leaning in. After a moment of thought, you lean in too. The kiss isn’t much just a soft press of lips but the feeling that runs through you forcing a gasp from your lips.
Memories flood into your mind so quickly that you can’t even decipher them. Tears start to flow from your eyes. Lucifer is stunned and confused but then shock falls over his face and calls your name. 
“You… you have wings.” You just stare at him as you try to sort through the memories. It seems that Lucifer’s memory begins to come back as well. 
He reaches out to cup you’re face and runs his thumb over your cheek. His old name falls off your lips “Samael.” The name makes him uncomfortable and he expresses that much to you asking you to just call him Lucifer. You lean in again and kiss his cheek and whisper “Of course, my love.” This immediately brings back the tenderness of the moment. 
The memories of before wrap around you like a warm well-loved blanket. All you want is to be as close to him as possible. All the centuries spent apart so cold and alone you just needed to keep him close. You pull him into another kiss and your wings wrap around him pulling him as close as possible. He chuckled “Missed me did you?” He said it as a joke but you knew he wanted a real answer. 
“Every day Lucifer. Every day even when I couldn’t remember.”
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tokyo177 · 2 years
Some changes in the chapter / Alone Together \😏👀🔥 go check it out 😊😘
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bluebellhairpin · 2 months
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Cregan Stark X Wife!Reader
Summary: Preparation to leave to Castle Black for the winter months is well under way, and you're reluctant to be left alone in Winterfell. Cregan, having had the same worry, provides what could be a solution. A solution with a name. And fur. (wc. 2.3k>)
Warnings: Reader has she/her pronouns + fem bodied. Pregnancy. Assassination attempt. Unnamed character death. Blood + gore. Cregan wants to be a girl dad. Unedited (lol).
Listening to: 'Wolf at Your Door' by Chole x Halle - "When you're laying in your bed at night, when the air's just a little too quiet, better hope that you're saying your prayers."
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi || AO3 link
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Winterfell was a somber place when the cold rolled down from the north. 
Although only ten men were sent to the wall every winter, everyone left behind knew someone who was sent away. No matter how short of a life you lived, you also always knew someone who died there. Indeed, life on the wall was as harsh as the force it existence kept at bay. 
For you though, the man you lost always returned. The last three winters had you spend upwards of three months without your husband - and in turn rising to take his place as custodian of Winterfell. No matter how busy the role kept you, it never helped you miss Cregan Stark any less. 
With winter approaching once more, each moment with him seemed to not be enough. Yes, the Wall was dangerous, and even Cregan was never guaranteed to return, but this year there was something else that willed you to want him to stay. Something else that made him want to stay too. 
“Each day my resolve seems to crack,” he told you one night, fire cracked in its hearth as you both lay under blankets of fur. His hand rested protectively over your belly. “Already now I can see our babe grow, and I know I’ll not only be missing you but her too.”
“‘Her’?” you hummed, head turning to nose his cheek. “Such a confident tone, my lord.” 
“I am confident.” he replied, turning to press a soft kiss to your lips as his hand idlily rubbed along your stomach. 
“And if you needed an heir at the end of this cold winter, what then?” 
“If my lady wife deems me worthy, we might try for one again.” he said, sedating what could’ve been the start of your mood change with words almost too sweet to be coming from the frosty king in the north. “But that is something we can decide once all three of us are safe together when summer rises.” 
Cregan’s soft words and warm breath on your cheeks made your mind wandered to a time not so far away where you wouldn’t have his heat so close. A time when his comfort was going to be gone. 
“I’m going to miss you.” you said, turning into his hold more, and he let you snuggle into his chest. “This time will feel longer than all the others.”
“I doubt that will be the case for you.” he said, lips moving from their place pressed into your hair. “Winterfell will keep you busy, between that and resting for the babe’s sake, you won’t have time on your hands for much else.” 
“I may not want to rest.”
“You will. The Lord of Winterfell commands it.” 
“The Lord of Winterfell won’t be here, he cannot have a for sure say in what I do or do not do.” You felt him smile into your hair, and you pulled away with a twitch of your own mouth. “What?”
He pulled away a little too, shyly smiling down at where you still laid. He was acting far too coy to be considered normal. 
“I might not be leaving you completely alone.” 
“... Cregan.” you started, sitting up on our elbow. 
“I was going to show you on the morrow, but since you’ve forced my hand -”
“-I? Forcing your hand?”
“- Since you forced my hand,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he slipped out from the bedcovers, “I will be right back.”
“What…” You tried, but your voice tempered out as he swiftly made his way from your bedchambers. 
Sighing, you sat back in your pillows, arms folded, and refraining from pouting. It wasn’t long into your settled position of guessing what in the seven kingdoms your husband was doing before he was back. 
Cregan had clearly gone outside, snow settled on the top of his hair and along the shoulders of the fur cloak he snatched before leaving. In his arms was something squirming. You frowned, eyeing the movement under the cloak as he strode over. 
“What is that?” you asked. 
“A protector for the Lady of Winterfell, as per the orders of her lord husband.” Cregan said, and let the squirming mass break free from his hold onto the bed. 
It was a… pup? No not possible, it was too big. From how it acted it was a few months surely, but it was just so big. Then you thought some more. Could it really be? 
“A direwolf?” 
“Not any direwolf. Yours.” Cregan said, rounding the bed and settling back at your side. “A protector to be at your side when I cannot. I’ve been training him and he follows commands well already. By the time I leave he should be grown to the size of any regular dog - then at least twice that when I return.” 
While he spoke, the pup sniffed around your bed covers, curiously wandering on unsteady feet. You had to admit, he looked gorgeous, all black fur, with green eyes, and you didn’t doubt he would grow to be a fierce thing. But sometimes that wasn’t always good. 
“Cregan, are you sure about this?” you asked. “It’s… he’s a direwolf, not a dog.” 
“I’m sure,” he said, lending his arm out. The pup stepped closer, licking Cregan’s fingers and settling on its belly with its nose on Cregan’s knee. “They’re our house symbol. The direwolf are as Stark as I am, they know who we are, and they can be as loyal as they are fierce. That’s why I wanted to introduce you before I left. He’s going to be yours, loyal to you.” 
His arm wrapped around your shoulder, and like second nature you made yourself comfortable by his side. The pup shifted too, now his nose was itching closer to you, wanting to know who this new person was. 
“I supposed you ought to tell me what I'm going to be calling him then.”
“You can call him anything you like,” Cregan said, “But I’ve been calling him Striker.”
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Five months passed, and Cregan was right. You were never without anything to do. 
The babe growing inside you made mornings rough, and you often weren’t seen before noon, especially in the earlier months. The rest of your day was spent catching up on what you’d missed while resting, and then catching up on what you missed while catching up. Then the evenings were spent with Striker. 
He had grown on you, just as he had grown physically. Cregan was still able to lift the wolf when he left, but now you doubted it. He was already well on his way to rivalling a regular wolf in size. Despite how intimidating that might’ve been, you couldn’t be more fond of Striker even if you tried. 
Your belly swelled, and with it so did the direwolf’s protectiveness. Your handmaids were tolerated, your guards struggled to be in the same room, and when the maesters dared tough you Striker had to be sent out of the room. Walks around Winterfell were soon out of the question, at least if you were to bring the direwolf along, since he took to growling at everyone who stood too close. 
Cregan really picked well, Striker surely was serving his purpose, and soon he earned his namesake. 
Word came from Castle Black that Cregan was going to return, that the Winter had been fended off once more. That brought joy foremost to you, but really all in Winterfell knew what that meant, even if Westeros didn’t. It was cause for celebration when they returned. 
It also gave a false sense of security. Winter was gone, and so was the evil - but evil didn’t just come from the north. It could come from anywhere. 
You’d settled into bed for the night, Striker laid beside you, head facing towards the door, and your hand rested on his flank as you looked over one last paper. He growled, and you petted his fur, silently reassuring him that it was just a guard passing outside - but then his head lifted, and turned toward your window. His sudden, still alertness put you on edge. 
He’d been hostile before, but this was aggressive. 
Candle flames flickered, Striker’s fur stood on end beneath your palm, the latch on your window clicked open, creaked open, and you could hear your heartbeat in your ears. A cloaked figure slipped into your room, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to cry for help - nor to remember anything Cregan had taught you. But you didn’t have to.
The figure, a man, unsheathed a knife, and with the glint of steel in the candlelight Striker struck. He surged off the bed with a vicious bark and bit into the man’s arm, snarling all the while and all but went to tearing the man to shreds. 
The commotion had people coming in through the door, and the sight had you still rendered motionless and speechless. 
The man’s cloak was torn away, and by now he was pinned to the floor, blood pooling on the stone as he fruitlessly tried to get Striker off him. You barely registered your guard, Gunther, asking you what was happening.
“He came in the window. He had a knife.” was all you could say. You could guess he was saying things to calm you down as he pried your fingers off your bedsheets that covered your swollen belly - he was probably trying to get you out of the room so you didn’t see the mess. It was too late for that. The man was a whimpering, bloodied mess on the floor by now, and no one had yet been brave enough to pry Striker’s jaw off his shoulder. 
Gunther had an arm around you with your hand in his, guiding you away. Others attempted to move closer, either to help the man or take him away - but Striker was still growling. 
“Striker, here.” you called, just finding your voice enough for it to carry over the commotion. The direwolf looked up, and seeing you being led away, he relented, fitting into your side with ease. 
The three of you walked away. Now you were away from the scene you could think again and guess you were going down the hall to another room, one you decided you’d stay in until Cregan returned. 
You looked down at Striker, threading your fingers though the fur at his neck. 
“Good boy.” you said, stroking between his ears. 
“He sure is, my lady.” Gunther said, “Who knows what could’ve happened if he didn’t act so fast.” 
You smiled a little at that, at how right Cregan was in leaving the direwolf for you. He was meant to be company, a protector second - but tonight he proved to be as good, as loyal as any of your guards. He proved to be the real sigil of House Stark - just as Cregan told you he was. 
You reached the door of your new room, and as your hand lifted off Striker’s back you noticed it chill with the cold night air. Turning your palm over, you saw red - and Striker’s nose made home in your fingers, licking away every drop as if it wasn’t ever there to begin with.
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A week later, Cregan returned. 
You had been in a foul mood for the past three days, since the maester had put you on strict bed rest because of the babe. Therefore you had been deemed unfit to greet your husband at the gate as he finally came home. In your defense, it definitely seemed like a good reason to be sour. 
So you waited, sat on a chaise, with Striker’s head in your lap pressed to your stomach. 
You could hear a commotion outsider, which only made your face scrunch in annoyance - not just at missing out but also at the pity looked you knew your handmaiden would be giving you. She offered to go fetch Cregan, and you nodded her leave with a wave of your hand. 
“He will be here soon.” you said, cradling Striker’s muzzle in your palms. 
“Indeed he will.” Cregan said. 
“Oh, Lord Stark!” your handmaid said, startled. Your head turned, and you saw him standing in the doorway. 
“Cregan!” you said, grin covering your face - and even after such a long time away, Striker seemed to recognize him, for he didn’t growl, and his tail started thumping against the rug. 
“My love,” he said, shedding his great sword carelessly, and sunk to the floor beside where you sat. You heard your handmaid mumble a goodbye before stepping out and closing the door behind you. “Are you alright?” 
“I couldn’t be better now.” you replied, feeling tears welling in your eyes as you took in your husband's face for the first time in months. He looked tired, older, but as you took his face in your hands his cheeks felt exactly the same as they were when he left. “I missed you so much.” 
“I heard about what happened the other night. I -” he said, mouth hanging open in what could’ve been shock, in his eyes there could’ve been anger. Vengeance would do nothing now, the man was dead, he bled out before anyone could decide to give him mercy - undeserved or otherwise. But as Cregan leant forward to hold you into his arms, his warmth felt like nothing else except fear. “I can’t believe I could’ve lost you.” 
“You didn’t.” you said, taking an arm away from being wrapped around his shoulders to pull his face away from your chest. “You provided the means for me to stay safe long before you left. Striker was better than any guard. He was fearless when I was frozen. I owe him my life, all because of you.” 
Cregan’s face turned soft, and he smiled at you. He leant forward and kissed you. For the first time in too long, his lips move against yours. You felt his jaw move beneath your palm as his fingers grazed your neck and held onto your hip. When he pulled away, he kept your head cradled close to his. 
“I love you.” he said. 
“I love you too.” you replied, and he smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips, then your cheek. 
“Now tell me all about how my little girl is growing.”
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keenzinemugstudent · 11 months
Clark x Black goth reader! Smut! A not so secret quickie!
Lana hears strange noises in the art room and goes to investigate.
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"Where Clark?"
Chole asked looking around not seeing the farm boy Lana just shrugs her shoulders.
"I'm not sure I saw him earlier though he seemed really out of it."
"Well that's weird."
"Oh I forgot my bag you go on without me!"
As Lana was walking through the hall way she heard noises coming from in the art room hmm maybe it was the janitor? She goes to check it out what she didn't expect was to see you and Clark.
He was holding your hands softly you stood in front of him looking at ground face full of worry. Lana could see you looked troubled she was about to walk in and see if everything was okay until you spoke.
"Clark I don't think this is a good idea.."
"Oh come on Y/n you promised!"
"I know it's just- this is embarrassing!"
You try to move from his reach but he grabs your hand a pout on his face.
"I promise we won't get caught. You don't have to worry so much."
"Clark it's almost the end of the day can't you just ya'know wait than?"
"I can't! I've been waiting for this since third period if I wait anymore I'll go nuts!"
Lana had no idea what was going on what was Clark trying to get you to do? He sounded pretty desperate. She had noticed in class that he kept looking at the clock for lunch to start but just to see you? She heard you let out a surprised gasp Lana leaves from her thoughts only to see Clark pick you up to sit on the teachers desk your face was flustered you put your hands on his chest starring up at the handsome farm boy.
"What if someone catches us?!"
"Y/n please just focus all your attention on me okay?"
You let out a small shaky sigh as his hands slowly move down your hips to your thighs to your knees gently spreading your legs open so he could easily stand between them which caused Lana's face to become warm. What exactly was she seeing? Why was Clark touching you like that?!
He leans down to gently kiss your forehead than your cheek than to your lips making Lana cover her own in surprise, you close your eyes shyly kissing him back holding his arms, you wanted to be strong and not give in but when he kissed you everything else didn't matter anymore.
"Is it okay for us to keep going?"
You was hesitant but nod your head Clark gives you a smile, gently grabs your face to kiss while you start lift up his shirt that was always kept tucked you unbutton his shirt to show his well toned stomach making you bite your lip he was just so damn hot it was ridiculous! You rub his chest going down to his stomach to his pants zipper he lets out a low groan as you grazed his front pants touching his already hardened cock making you giggle.
"Wow you really weren't kidding huh?"
"What can I say you make me excited"
They both give a small laugh than go back to kissing all you could hear was lips and moans around the empty classroom. Lana was still hiding behind the door face red still not understanding what was going on the whenever she saw you two together it was always a friendly interaction, Clark would say "Hi" to you in the hallway and you'd shyly wave back at him before running off somewhere.
Lana that it was weird because you were the quiet goth girl and he was the shy but friendly farm boy you both weren't friends or so she thought but than she remembered when she saw Clark and you at his mom's flower shop once and you two were talking and laughing she had noticed you were holding red roses. Than the next couple days at school she and Chole always saw a red rose either on your locker or on your desk. Whenever somebody would try to question you about it you'd always just shrug your shoulders not knowing who it was, then you'd go the whole day with a smile on your face.
Did that mean that Clark had been the one to give you those roses???
"Ah C-clark!"
Lana looks and could see Clark's hand going under your skirt you try to stop him but could only give out a weak moan as his fingers entered you...Clark freaking Kent was fingering you in the art class.
"Clark baby please! Oh you know I'm sensitive down there!"
He just shh you by kissing you again muffling your cries of pleasure while still rubbing your clit in circles
"You said you'd give me anything if I passed that test I got a A+ all that studying really paid off huh?"
You try to speak but could only moan and whimper as his fingers started to speed up. You were so wet that you could hear it making you hide your face in his shoulder trying to quiet the embarrassing noises.
Lana could feel herself getting wet just from the sight. To say she was jealous was an understatement she couldn't believe that Clark was doing this in school of all places! and to you of all people you were always so quiet but nice enough Lana didn't think you two had THAT kind of relationship!
"Y/n I want you to cum... think you can do that for me sweetheart?"
He whispers in your ear kissing your cheek. You couldn't say anything but nod holding on to his arms moving your hips trying to make his fingers go deeper into your pussy.
"Y-yes! oh god yes yes! I'll cum just please Clark don't stop!"
You sounded so needy Clark moves his fingers faster and deeper making loud moans leave your mouth not even caring if anyone walk by and hear you (too late for that)
Lana should not still be here why was she even still watching this?! It was something private between you two so why the hell was she still here?! Just as you so close to your release suddenly Clark stopped his movements causing you to look up at him with teary eyes upset that he didn't let you cum.
"W-why'd you stop?"
He just moves hair from your forehead to kiss your upper brow removing his fingers making you whimper from the lose, Clark reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a a condom.
Lana went wide as she saw Clark start to pull down his pants revealing himself Lana's mouth was wide open in shock but you just let out low moan rubbing your legs together feeling yourself getting wetter at the sight as he put on the condom even though you've seen it multiple times he just looked so damn good!
Main while Lana nearly passed out when she saw how big Clark was jesus even Whitney wasn't that big! There was no way Y/n would be able to take him! Right?
Clark got closer to you his forehead touching yours once again hands going under your skirt to remove your red underwear he grabs your hips pulling you closer you wrap your arms around his neck kissing under his jaw leaving light hickeys and black lipstick stains on him biting his ear. You looked towards Lana's direction making her freeze on the spot, thinking she'd been caught but you give an annoyed sigh you were looking up at the clock on the wall.
"Clark baby I'm sorry but we're are out of time."
He looked at his watch and saw that you were right but he just shook his head.
"We still have more time."
He spread your legs rubbing himself against your wet heat, you both let out loud gasp as he slowly pushed himself inside you stretching you out, once he was fully inside he stood still all you could hear in the room was their heavy breathing.
"I'm going to start moving okay?"
You were so lost in pleasure all you could give him was just give a lazy nod, he starts to slowly moving his hips letting out a shaky breathe even though this wasn't the first time you two had sex, he was always careful with you seeing as he accidentally left hand marks on your legs once and Chole saw it thinking someone had hurt your since than he always tries to be careful with you but God it was so hard there was just something about you made him crazy!
You lay your back on the desk gently moving your hips enjoying the feeling of him inside you but it was so hot that you had to remove your shirt making Clark give a low growl at the sight of your breasts and your blood red bra the one thing Clark loved most about having sex (making love but he won't say it out loud yet)
Was seeing your chest they were just so perfect! that's when he realized he was wasting time and need to speed this up so he leaning his body nearly covering you and moved his hips faster making your eyes go wide at the usual change of pace.
"W-wait Clark no wait please! Not so fast please! I can't oh god!"
He just ignored your cries of mercy and just moved his hips even faster, skin hitting against skin both of you panting heavily you arch your back off the desk mouth wide open cries of pleasure leaving your mouth. Clark just hugs you closer he grabs a hold of your ass than slapping it harshly making you let out a surprised cry of pain and pleasure. With how fast he was going your chest bounced at each thrust making you feel like you were seeing stars.
It didn't make it any better when he put his mouth on your left nipple gently sucking and bitting it making a small scream leave your mouth.
"Your doing so good for me Y/n."
All you could do was give a him a whine and wrap your shaking legs around his hips in a desperate attempt to pull him closer and deeper in your poor weeping pussy.
Lana was still watching the two lovers go at it like animals in heat she got up slowly legs shaking gave a low quiet moan as she could feel underwear wet. She had to get out of there and hopefully try to forget the scene she just witnessed.
By the end of the day Lana saw you and Clark again but this time he was helping you walk too his trunk you were limping and your makeup was a mess and you still looked flustered Clark he looked fine??? I mean his clothes was a bit ruffled but he looked okay.
"Wow I wonder what happened to Y/n?"
Lana didn't say anything but blush red not being able to say anything to Chole. The only thing she could think was Y/n was one lucky girl.
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I'm probably going to hell for writing this aren't I?
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frostironfudge · 2 years
My Angel - Bucky Barnes Smut
Summary: Bucky Barnes, your father's best friend has been very, very patient about matters involving you. Seeing you in that outfit however, he can't help but want to corrupt his angel.
Pairing: DBF! Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Warnings: main kink: corruption, age gap: bucky is 40 reader late twenties eg: 26, smut, dom/sub dynamics, possessiveness, slight dark bucky, praise kink, mild degradation kink, nickname - angel, oral f receiving, p in v, multiple orgasms, cockwarming, handjob, cosplay, cum play, Bucky Barnes is a warning MINORS DNI
A.N: i always wanted to write DBF!Bucky and the best way is smut I guess, hope you enjoy! also side note i know nothing of the hobbit and i did ask my best friend @stevesmewmew about it. also song i constantly heard while writing - dirty thoughts - chole adams
Word Count: 3020
Main Masterlist|| AO3 || Kinktober Materlist
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You stare at yourself in the mirror, gnawing your bottom lip. The white dress looks pretty, sort of flowy, your cheeks heat at why you picked the outfit. 
The lace sits nicely, you stare at the silver woven crown you DIY-ed. Placing it upon your head. You don’t know the first thing about the character apart from what you found on google. 
Galadriel, you stare at your attempt of cosplay one more time. You do admire the dress. All your best friend said was she was powerful, innocent and that she had battle skills as well as knowledgeable. She seemed badass. 
You knew the man’s eye you watched to catch was a fan of the franchise. You wondered who he would dress as, your palms smoothen over the dress once again. Grabbing your purse you do a final check and head downstairs. Nervousness blooms in your abdomen.
Your elder brother’s annual halloween party was an excuse for friends and teens to sort of let loose. The only reason it was even allowed was the fact that Bucky Barnes, your dad’s best friend and neighbour would keep the antics in line. The same man who you wanted to impress tonight.
Usually he would be having fun with everyone and covering for your brother’s shenanigans and mostly keeping you company and coaxing you out of your shell for about an hour and then you both would sneak into the theatre room to have a horror movie marathon. 
As you traverse downstairs, the party already in full swing. Music thumping, you squeeze past the crowd in the hallway going to the kitchen for a drink. You wonder if forgoing the wig makes a difference as you head to the fridge. Shrugging you uncap the bottle. Glad, that the kitchen isn’t occupied yet. 
“Holy fuck.” The voice startles you and the water drops across your chest. You wince turning to tell of the source. Your throat dries when it’s Bucky — dressed in a suit, fangs peaking through his lips. 
“B-bucky?” You confirm, he’s gone for the modern vampire vibe and you can’t stop staring at the fit of his inner white collared shirt. 
“You, you’re dressed as—,” his eyes trace over you, crown to hem of the white gown. His fake fang sinks into his bottom lip. Tongue then peeking out to wet the flesh. 
You gulp eyes on his lips, “G-galadriel.” 
“You look, ethereal.” He admits, you look away shyly. 
“Thank, thank you.” Internally your heart hammers at his response. 
Bucky steps closer, towering over you. His woodsy cologne evades your senses, he reaches up, fixing your crown. Fingertips then trace from your temple to your jaw to your chin, tilting your head back. 
His heated gazes prompts your thighs to clench. Bucky inhales deeply. 
“Such innocence.” He murmurs, “So much light. How would you look flush against darkness?” Bucky questions he can feel all the blood rush to his cock. Your nipples hardened perceivable through the lace. The tea towel he holds pressed against your chest. 
He wants to push you against the wall and kiss you. Wants to rip the lace off with his teeth, watch how your lips part moaning his name, or stretched around his cock, how would you look bouncing on his— you blink up at him, he shifts back. 
“Can’t taint you, can I?” He muses. You frown. 
“Bucky I,” 
“Do you like my outfit?” He gestures, changing the topic. 
“Vampire?” You giggle when he smiles brightly, fangs bared. 
“From those shows you like,” He admits sheepish. 
“The one I like wears a leather jacket.” You tease, he narrows his eyes. 
“Oh so when I caught you salivating at the suit wearing one, that was what?” He chuckles when you huff caught in your own web of lies. 
“I do like him in a suit, you might just make it better.” Your fingertips trace the undone jacket button, biting your lip you look up at him.  
Bucky breathes your name in warning, not for himself but for you. He had begun to disregard warnings the night he coated his fist and abdomen with his cum thinking about you.
“Want to know a dirty little secret?” You burn his curiosity brighter than light. He nods. 
“I wore the outfit for you.” Your hand traces up to the jacket lapel, Bucky breathes deeply. 
“You dressed up as one of the most innocent characters of my favourite series, for me?” Bucky recounts, god your perfume so sweet. How would you taste? He wonders. 
“All for you.” You admit, swallowing when his palm finally meets your waist. Warmth sears through your skin as his thumb brushes over the lace. 
Bucky’s mind is a swirl of should I, should I not, but you were making it so easy. So easy to choose the idea to corrupt you. 
The groan he produces rumbles in his chest, Bucky watches as you shift and your pelvis moves in the slightest to your thighs clenching. 
“Want to know a dirty little secret, Angel?” He questions, palm trailing up your side, to your breast. 
“Y-yes.” You bite your lip trying not to make a sound as he palms the flesh through the lace. 
“I want to ruin you, with my tongue, my fingers and my cock.” Bucky’s voice is deep, you softly moan at his words. 
“Look at that, little innocent angel wants to be ruined.” He comments, tugging on your nipples. 
“You’re going to look so pretty wrapped around my cock, begging for release.” He tugs on your earlobe, you feel his thigh between your legs, your hips buck involuntary, you whimper at the contact. 
“Look at you Angel, turning into such a needy, pretty slut for me.” Bucky marvels at the way you’re complying, the way your needy little breaths are making him so hard. 
He pulls away as he hears boisterous laughter approaching. You whine at the loss of him. 
“Angel.” He chastises. Handing you the dish towel to help soak the water from your dress. 
“Oh hey, Mr. Barnes, hey tiny.” Your brother chuckles when you groan at his stupid nickname for you. He busies himself taking out drinks from the wine cooler. 
“Hi Y/N. What happened?” Nick Fowler, your brother’s best friend steps closer to you. 
“Just spilled a drink,” you shrug, his grey eyes on you. 
“Oh I’ll help—,” Nick’s hand outstretches, but Bucky steps closer, “She’s got it.” 
Nick’s jaw tenses, Bucky only smiles at him. 
You look between the two, not understanding the reason for the stare down.  
“Run along now.” Bucky speaks sickly sweet as your brother calls out to Nick, he gives you a once over and then leaves with him. 
You look at Bucky, he turns to you, signs of irritation leaving his features. 
“Meet me in my theatre room?” Bucky smiles when you nod eagerly. 
He cups your face between, his metal and calloused hand. 
Blue eyes, admire you. 
“I want the crown to remain on, though I wonder if it will stay secure after I’m done with you.” Before you can react he presses his lips to yours, warm, soft lingering taste of his whiskey. 
The cold metal of the refrigerator blooms across your back as he presses you against the appliance. 
You kiss back, as his tongue swipes at your bottom lip exploring your mouth. Taking his bottom lip between your teeth you suck on the flesh, he moans your name, grinding against you. 
Bucky parts his lips from yours, your lust blown eyes gaze up at him, so innocent. 
“Oh, Angel. I don’t think I have any patience left any longer.” Is all he says before grabbing your hand and guiding you out the side door, towards his house. 
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Bucky’s hands are everywhere, your knees either side of his lap, the dress pushed up bunching around your hips. He lifts his hips ever so slightly, you cry out around his fingers. 
“Go on Angel, get them nice and wet. Good girl, oh are you chocking on my fingers already? Oh sweet little needy baby, what will you do with my cock then?” He tuts, pulling his fingers out of your mouth, a trail of saliva connects from the tip of his finger to your lips. 
“Ask for my fingers Angel.” Bucky smirks as you whine. 
“Please.” Your hands rest on his chest. 
“That wasn’t a really good job.” He chastises, “You can do better sweet Angel, go on say the filthy words of what you want from me.” 
Staring into his eyes, your skin heats, Bucky shifts his hips again, you mewl. 
“Bucky please.” Your hands clutch at his half unbuttoned shirt. It hangs off of his shoulders.
“Please what?” His left hand moves up your back, cooler fingers find the zipper undoing it. 
“Please fuck me with, with your fingers.” You bite your lip. 
“Only my fingers?” He teases thumb brushing over your inner thigh. 
“Do you want to sit on my face baby? Do you want me to lap up your sweetness? Bet you taste so good.” His thumb brushes over your clit.
You nod, you want all of it. 
“No panties, no bra, were you wanting me to fuck you?” He raises a brow, thumb applying pressure. 
You nod preening, “Want, want you.” His left hand urges you to kneel straighter, index and middle finger circling your entrance. 
“You want, me, Angel?” He confirms again, “Look at you, clenching around nothing, let’s change that shall we?” His digit sinks into you, Bucky swirls it around touching your walls, he then begins to pump in and out. 
You begin to meet the slow thrusts, your gown beginning to fall from your shoulders. Bucky swears as he sees the untouched skin and the pebbled nipples. 
“Look at you,” Two fingers fucking into your cunt, “Meeting every thrust, not so innocent are you?” His lips latch onto your nipple, sucking and biting your head thrown back his palm rubs over your clit as you grind down upon his fingers.
Bucky shifts his attention to the other nipple, the pace of his fingers increasing he adds a third, “Have to stretch you out don’t I? Aw, Angel are you going to make a mess on me? My Dirty, dirty girl.” 
“Bucky, Bucky, Bucky—,” His fingers continually tap over the spongy sport, stars begin to cloud your vision, left hand gripping your breast, tweaking your nipples. 
“Go on, cum for me Angel, this is only the beginning of your ruin.”  Bucky smirks as you shudder against him, cunt squeezing his fingers, thighs trying to close, your hands tugging on is hair.
Lust blown blues admire you unraveling, the bliss spreading over your features as the orgasm takes you, your walls begging to keep his fingers in, Bucky’s palm rubbing circles over your clit and the burn of it delicious. Your shaking from the aftershocks ceases. It takes everything in Bucky not to have his fingers replaced by his cock swiftly. 
“You with me Angel?” Bucky chuckles, when you blink through the haze. 
“Y-yeah.” You run your fingers through his hair.
“Crown’s still on.” He chuckles, bringing his slick covered fingers to your lips, “Have a taste, you need to know how you taste without me.” 
His fingertips trace your lips, your tongue follows. Bucky then tastes you from his fingers and moans. 
Your dress is pushed off of your body, Bucky’s hands roam in admiration.
“So fucking delicious, I deserve a reward don’t I? For being this patient, for letting you remain untainted by me this long.” He looks at you, you nod. Bucky taps your hips and you move off him to allow him to slide down.
He kisses your clit, “Already needy, my, my.” his tongue licks over your folds, humming at your taste.
“Grab onto the headboard, Angel.” He says before his lips wrap around your clit and he sucks wantonly upon the pulsing nub. Shivers bloom across your back.
You moan, grinding onto his face, he groans. Hands clutching your hips not letting you move away, Bucky laps at your entrance, licking stripes from your clit to circle and back. Nibbling on the clit your mewls and preens don’t stop, his light scruff burns deliciously over your inner thighs and folds.
“Bucky please, please, please—,” You warn as the coil snaps again, his hips lift off of the bed in response as he hungrily devours you for every single drop. When he doesn’t relent you try pulling away, you can feel yourself getting slick again as his ministrations continue. 
His large hands push you back to sit on his lap again, pink lips glistening as he smirks. He pulls you close chest to chest.
“Rewarding.” He comments lazily tracing patters on your thigh.
You look down, the tent in his pants achingly visible.
“Can, can I?” You request.
“All words, Angel, need to know the filth that goes on in that innocent little mind, tell me is it all for me? Have my thoughts been corrupting you?” Your thighs squeeze at his word.
“Have you touched yourself thinking about me? Played with my pussy without asking me?” His thumb returns to your clit.
“Yes.” You squeak.
“Tell me what you’ve thought about baby?” He questions, “Tell me while you undo my pants, go on.”
Shaky fingers reach for the button, “I’ve thought, I’ve though about you fucking me, in your study.” You undo the zipper.
“Bent over my table?” He questions watch your tits with every deep breath you take.
You shake your head, toying with the wait band of his boxers.
“Against the window? My sweet, innocent, Angel wants the world to see I’m fucking her?” He questions, you nod.
“And maybe the table too.” You add, drawing amused laughter from him.
“What else, Angel?” He questions pace on your clit increasing, “Take my cock out.”
You do as he says, pumping him from bottom to top, his length is massive and girth as well. You bite your lip.
“Angel, don’t worry your pretty little head, it’ll fit, pussy was made for my cock.” He hisses as you rub your thumb on the slit then you bring the precum covered digit to your lips, locking eyes with him.
“Go on, taste me.” He watches as you clean your thumb eyes closed and humming at his taste before returning your hand to his cock.
“Stand up, we’re going to my office.” Bucky’s cock twitches in your hold.
His clothes are discarded, he easily lips you up, legs wrapped around him, his cock shifts over your folds with each step, Bucky keeps his lips pressed to yours as he easily moves to his office down the hall.
“Bend over the table corner.” He instructs, setting you down, you do as he says the cold marble has you shift, the rounded corner touches your clit.
“Just how I pictured.” He hums appreciative, lining himself up with you, slowly sinking in inch by inch you both moan in synchrony. Bucky grabs your hands holding them behind you. The arch it creates has him move in deeper, tip right against your g-spot.
“Fuck, so fucking tight, look at you, spread out for me, what would people say? Innocent little Angel is Bucky’s pretty little slut. She fantasises about being fucked by him. I’ll fuck you on every surface if you ask me.” His hips snap you cry out, clenching hard around him.
“Only you.” You whimper, as his pace increases, the cold marble rubbing against your clit.
“Fuck, how good are you squeezing me, cunt doesn’t want to let me go.” Bucky groans, pulling you up.
His cock moves deeper, your back is against his chest, his left hand moves to your clit, right hand around your throat squeezing lightly. Your walls quiver around him.
“Oh Angel likes being choked? Fuck, you’re perfect. My pretty little slut, look at you.” He groans, adding pressure and the sounds of his cock have you mewl and preen.
“Please, please, please,” More incoherent thoughts spill from your lips, he feels so good, so good. So deep.
“Only I, get to see you this way don’t I? Begging, on the brink of bliss.” 
Yes, yes, yes—“Bucky, please—,” 
“Look at you, can only think about my cock filling you up so good, can’t you Angel?” He bites down on your neck, leaving his mark. 
“So, g-good,” You choke on another moan.
Your hands around his neck, your nails manage to claw at his flesh. Bucky knows he’s not going to last, he knows you aren’t going to either. 
“Go on Angel, cum so you can feel me everywhere. My dirty, little, pretty girl. Innocent little slutty Angel.” His words set off the flame that consumed your veins, distantly you hear a desperate cry of Bucky’s name, Bucky groans your name in response your spasming walls setting his orgasm off.
He continues to fuck you through your orgasms, panting in his arms, Bucky loves how your pussy feels wrapped around him. He leans back taking you with him into his plush chair. 
Cock still inside of you, his fingers rubbing at your clit, you protest, his hand clutches at your hair, lips swallow down your protests, fingers moving fast your babbles return, cumming undone on his cock, marking it with yourself. 
“Look at that Angel, you’ve claimed my cock.” He admires the fluids coating your thighs and his balls, gathering the cum, he brings his fingers to your lips. 
You keep your eyes locked with his, as you lick his fingers clean. Your clit pulses at the taste. Bucky smirks feeling your pussy clench. Your mind is a haze as his lips press kisses to your temple and cheek. 
“I’ve got all night to corrupt your thoughts further. Against the window next, Angel. I know someone who would hate to miss out on the show we put on.” He chuckles darkly, hands roam your body. 
You hum tiredly, basking in the warmth, Bucky’s eyes shift to the broken crown discarded to the floor. 
“Little corrupted Angel.” He hums, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, "My Angel." He repeats, placing a soft kiss over the love bite on your neck.
"All yours, Bucky." You whisper, tilting your head back to meet his blue eyes.
permanent tags for bucky: @slutforsexyseabass
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shuenkio · 3 months
Give me your forever ➺ Ps.h
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Synopsis➺ Something happened when you're attending your friend's wedding ceremony.
Paring➺ Sunghoon x male!reader
Genre➺ Fluff, emotional. [not angst]
Cw➺ nothing!
Non proof read|wc:0.9 | © Shuenkio
Eng is not my first lang|mistake could happen
A&N: A lil delusional but it's fiction anyway, and please ignore my edit, the quality is euhh.
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Imagine, You and Sunghoon are attending one of their friends wedding  ceremonies. The party had taken place indoors, with only friends, family, and relatives.
It was amazing and magnificent to witness how far you had come with the love of your life by your side. Today, your best friend was getting married, and this was the very first wedding ceremony you had ever attended in your life.
The emotional roller coaster you were on seemed to have no end. You still couldn't believe you were here, surrounded by the beauty and joy of the moment. The air was filled with a blissful mix of excitement and love, almost overwhelming in its intensity.
As you watched your friend walk down the aisle, you felt a lump form in your throat. The sheer joy and pride you felt for them bubbled up inside you, almost bringing you to the edge of tears.
The ceremony was a beautiful symphony of emotions, with each word and gesture pulling at your heartstrings. You glanced at your partner beside you, their hand warm and reassuring in yours.
This moment and this day were a testament to the power of love and the journey you had all taken together. The happiness you felt was palpable—a radiant warmth that spread through your entire being.
As the vows were exchanged and the rings slipped onto fingers, you felt the tears finally spill over—a blend of happiness, pride, and an overwhelming sense of connection.
This was a day you would never forget, the first of many beautiful memories in the story of your life. Finally, before the wedding was done, everyone was asked to gather around for the bride to throw her lucky bouquets of flowers.
Whoever caught them, they'd be the ones who got the marriage next, but that was just the word from mouth to mouth; it was actually for good fortune. Sunghoon, take your hand as he leads you into the circle of the attendees.
There are not many people; however, it's enough time to take your breath away. The MC then takes his moment to do his job by giving a variety of talks and entertaining everyone with his funny jokes.
Soon after, the bride turns around to her back while she's holding on to her bouquet, ready to aim to throw it up in the air. Nevertheless, as you were waiting for your bestie to make her throw, She's instead walking down from the stage without throwing her fortune at luck; your eyes were lingering at her with a confusing expression.
Why is she doing it? She should be doing that!! That was the question you wanted to ask her, and why do the people in the hall seem so unfazed? As if this were planned? They look happier.
Suddenly she handed you her bouquet, taking your hand to hold onto them tight with the warm smile revealed on her face.
"This is for you, m/n! Thank you for being my best friend. And I hope to see you again at your wedding after me." She whispered softly in a gentle voice, and her gaze softened as she made eye contact with you. Before taking a step back, she had a she had a reunion with her groom.
"Chole! What's this all about? I don't understand," you asked, slightly not understanding what she was trying to do. She then giggled at your oblivious response.
"Turn around, m/n, just do it!"
"Turn around? " You furrow your eyebrow before turning around while holding on to the bouquet.
At the sight you saw, Sunghoon was kneeling down on one knee, his finger pressing open the box of rings.
"Would you marry me, M/N?" Sunghoon's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes locked onto yours with a mixture of fear and hope.
"We've been through thick and thin together, and I finally have the courage to ask you this: Yes or...?" He kneeled down before you; the scene was almost surreal, making you feel like a lamp had been lit in your throat. Your heart raced, pounding in your chest as you tried to process the moment. You covered your mouth with your palm, your eyes wide in astonishment. This was it. This was what they had been planning all along.
Park Sunghoon, the love of your life, was proposing to you. Sunghoon's gaze never wavered, a hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he waited for your response.
He swallowed hard, anxiety visible in the tension of his posture. Overwhelmed by the flood of emotions, you felt yourself breaking down, tears streaming down your cheeks.
"Yes, I do," you choked out between sobs, extending your right hand towards him. Sunghoon's face lit up with relief and joy as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
The room erupted in applause and cheers, the joyous noise of friends and family echoing around you. Tears of happiness flowed freely, not just from you but from your friends as well, who had witnessed your journey together.
"I love you so much, M/N. You don't know how happy I am!" Sunghoon exclaimed, his voice thick with emotion. You laughed through your tears, the weight of the moment pressing down on your chest.
"No, but I'm about to have a heart attack from this, Sunghoon -"He chuckled, wiping away his own tears.
"ㅋㅋ Sorry, M/N. But hey, at least we won't be boyfriends ever again. We're now husbands."
"Hmph, I love you," you replied, feeling an overwhelming sense of warmth and love.
"I love you more!" he responded, pulling you into a tight embrace. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of happiness and love.
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🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to dividers Owner [enchanthings]
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mymindcreatedthis · 4 months
Sticky Surprise
Chole Kelly x Reader
18+ content you have been warned!
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Smut: Masterbation, Teasing, Language, (Chole Receiving) Rough sex, Unprotected sex, Creampies, blow job, Throat pies, Breeding, dirty talk.
Word count: 3,136
Summary: Chole has been teasing reader all day at practice and is enjoying it. After practice Chole decides to tease reader more and send her nudes. After dinner Chole and reader do Netflix and chill and continue unfinished business.
*Y/n's pov*
Chole has been teasing me all practice. After we got dismissed practice we go to the locker room. I look over and see Chole at her locker she sees me looking. She smiles and slowly strips her clothes as I bite my lip and watch her.
I feel my cheeks burning up. I feel myself getting hard. I grab my towel and cover my bulge. I grab my phone and mess around on my phone. As I'm messing around in my phone I get a text message.
Chole: Are you hard?
Me: No
Chole: yeah sure, I saw the boner before you covered it with your towel.
Me: Of course I'm hard. You're teasing me.
Chole: Aww does someone need a release?
Me: Shut up! I don't need help.
Chole: okay if you say so, here you go so you can rub one out when everyone leaves.
Chole sends me 3 pics. The first pic was of her in her sports bra and panties. She was bending over in front of the mirror. The second one was her spreading her clit with her fingers and was a up close pussy pic. The third was a dildo deep in her pussy. The dildo was covered in cum and her pussy juices.
Me: Fuck your really trying to tease me aren't you?
Chole: Maybe.... is it working?
Me: Yes
I look up from my phone. Chole smirks and winks at me. She grabs her stuff and leaves the locker room. So do the rest of the girls. Soon it's just me left in the locker room.
I grab my towel I take off my boxers and sports bra. I head into the showers, I hang my towel outside the shower.
I start showering, I wash my hair and body and rinse off my hair and body. I start to think about the pics Chole sent me.
I look down and notice I have a massive boner. I grab the bar of soap I rub the soap on my hand, I Put the soap down and wrap my hand around my dick. I slowly stroke my dick as I think about the pics Chole sent me.
God Chole has such a fat ass. I picture myself fucking her and draining my balls deep inside her tight ass and tight pussy. After 5 minutes of jerking off I feel my balls tighten.
I moan and rest my hand against the wall and stroke my dick a bit faster. After 3 more strokes I shoot webs of thick sticky cum all over the wall.
"Ahh fuck." I mutter to myself. I continue jerking off, as the last of my cum shoots and oozes out.
I wash up and turn off the shower. I dry off and get dressed. I grab my things and walk back to the hotel. I got to my room and unlock the door and go into my room.
I set my bag off to the side, i take off my shoes and plop down onto the bed. My phone pings letting me know I have a new message.
Chole: Did those pictures help?
Me: Yes, thank you.
Chole: good, glad I could help.
Me: yup.
Chole: hey after dinner did you wanna hang out. Maybe a little Netflix and Chill.
Me: Yeah for sure, I'm done to hang out after dinner.
Chole: Cool, see you after dinner.
Me: See you then.
I swipe up and turn off my phone. I head to dinner, after dinner me and Chole head back to my room. Mary was hanging out with Lessi in her and Chole's room. I lucked out and had a whole room to myself this camp.
Chole sits on the bed. I sit next to her and grab the remote and turn on the tv.
"Did you wanna watch a movie?" I ask.
Chole smiles and nods. "Yeah we can watch a movie."
"What movie do you wanna watch?" I ask.
"Have you seen below her mouth?" Chole asks.
Chole puts her hand on my lap. Slowly moving her hand up to my crotch.
"N-No I H-Haven't." I stutter.
Chole turns on below her mouth. I couldn't take it anymore. I smash my lips against hers. Chole is surprised at first but then starts kissing back.
I start messing with her shirt, she lifts up her arms. I take her shirts off along with her bra, k lay her back on the bed. I kiss her deeply, I break the kiss. I massage her boobs as I kiss and suck on her neck leaving hickys.
She moans and slips my shirt off and tosses it off to the side. She undoes my sports bra and tosses it off to the side.
I kiss from her neck down to her chest I kiss and suck on her boobs and leave hickys. Chole gasps and moans in pleasure as I do this.
"Mmm fuck." Chole moans.
I kiss her boobs down to her stomach. I kiss and suck on her abs I stop her shorts. I kiss her pussy over her shorts. Chole moans and rubs her fingers through my hair.
I fiddle with the waist band of her shorts and look up at her silently asking for permission, Chole nods. I slide her shorts down her legs and toss them off to the side. I rub her pussy over her panties.
"Mmm fuck." Chole moans.
I smirk. "You're soaking wet baby."
"Mmm all because of you daddy." Chole moans.
I smile, I slide her panties down her legs and toss them off to the side. "Mmm too many clothes." I say.
Chole giggles. "Mmm. You still have yours on love. Take them off." She says
"Mmm take off my shorts and boxers." I say seductively.
I stand up, Chole smirks and crawls to me. She rubs my bulge over my shorts I moan as she does this. She giggles, she kisses and rubs my bulge over my shorts.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
Chole grabs my shorts by my waist band and slides my shorts and boxers down my legs. My boner springs out her eyes go wide and she giggles.
"Mmm fuck. Your huge baby." Chole says.
"T-Thanks." I say stuttering a bit.
Chole licks my tip and wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick, I moan as she does this.
Chole smiles. Once I'm hard she takes my length in her mouth. "Mm so wet and warm." I moan.
Chole hums against my dick and slowly bobs her head. I moan and run my fingers through her hair.
Chole bobs her head a bit faster and massages my balls as she gives me head, I moan in pleasure as she does this. Man she's really a pro at giving head. I don't think I can last much longer with her sucking me off and massaging my balls.
I moan loudly, my legs shake and buckle in pleasure as she bobs her head faster my tip hitting the back of her throat with each bob of her head.
After 10 more minutes of an amazing blowjob I feel myself getting close to cumming. "Ahh Chole. Baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure.
I feel my balls tighten I try to warn her. "Chole I'm go-"
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth. I grab her head and pull her closer shoving my dick down her throat. I moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum down her throat. Chole hums against my dick she was shocked, she chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth.
Chole swallows my load and sucks me dry. She starts choking she taps my thigh I pull my dick out of her mouth. She coughs and gasps trying to catch her breathe, Spit and cum running down her chin and dripping down onto her boobs.
"Ahh fuck that was Amazing." I moan in pleasure.
Chole giggles. I wasn't expecting you to cum in my mouth." She says.
I blush darkly in embarrassment and rub the back of my neck. "I'm S-Sorry."
"Oh no don't apologize it's okay. I don't care if you cum in me. I'm on a pill." Chole says.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"Yes I'm sure." Chole says.
I smirk and pick her up. She giggles and squeals. I push the tip of my dick in her and slowly sinks down her down on my dick we both moan as she takes my length deep inside her tight pussy.
"Mmm fuck. You're really deep in there." Chole moans.
I rest my head against hers and look deep into her eyes. "So wet and tight." I moan. "I'm gonna destroy your tight pussy slut."
"Yeah daddy?" Chole moans.
"Yeah slut. I'm gonna destroy your pussy and pump you full of cum. I'm gonna drain my balls in you." I moan as I slowly slide her up and down on my dick.
"Mmm I'm your cum slut daddy." Chole moans.
"Mmm you're my cum dumpster slut." I moan as I move her up and down on my dick faster and faster.
"Mmm please daddy turn me into your cum dumpster." Chole moans in pleasure as I move her up and down on my dick a bit harder and faster than before.
"Mmm so fucking good. I don't think I can last to much longer baby. You have amazing grip." I moan in pleasure.
"Mmm fuck yes give me your load." Chole moans in pleasure.
"Yeah your a slut for daddy's cum you want daddy's cum deep inside your tight pussy?" I ask seductively as I slide her up and down on my dick faster and faster than before.
The only sounds in the room was the tv in the background and our moans and my balls slapping against her skin.
"Mmmm fuck daddy I'm close. Ahhh I'm squirting I'm squirting." Chole moans I feel her shake and buckle against me as she squirts all over my dicks,thighs and all over the ground.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." I say seductively.
*Chole's pov*
Holy fuck this felt amazing. Y/n was balls deep inside me. God I was so close to cumming and it's only been 10 minutes.
"Let go baby. Cum for daddy." Y/n nips my ear and whispers. Her words made me weak. She was so sexy when she was a Dom
She's really deep in there. Mmmm she feels so fucking good balls deep inside me.
I moan in pleasure as my walls clench around her, I was close to cumming. I couldn't take it anymore, I moan and throw my head back. My eyes roll to the back of my head.
I can't take it anymore and cum all over her dick. Some of my cum drips down her dick.
Me cumming sends Y/n over the edge. Y/n busts her load deep inside me. I gasp and moan as she fills me up with her load.
"Oh my g-god." I moan as she shoots thick ropes of sticky cum deep inside me. I sigh in pleasure as I feel her warm juices oozing inside me.
Y/n Cutely moans in my ear and nips in my ear. Fuck shes still unloading her massive seed deep inside me.
"Mmm fuck, give me all your cum." I moan and dig my nails in her back as she comes down from her high. Cum still oozing inside me.
I moan. "Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside me no cum better drip out of my pussy." I sexily moan.
*Y/n's pov*
Creampie #1:
I feel Chole cum all over me, her cumming amends me over the edge. I unload my massive load deep inside her pussy.
We both moan as I stuff her full with my seed. Chole moans and throws her head back her eyes roll to the back of her head as I fill her up with my cum.
"Mmm fuck give me all your cum." Chole moans in pleasure. She digs her nails in my back as I continue to unload my massive seed deep in her pussy.
I moan. Chole moans and looks me deep in the eyes.
"Mmm use your dick and stuff your cum inside me no cum better drip out of my pussy." Chole sexily moans.
I do as she requests I use my dick as a plug and stuff my cum deep inside her making sure no cum drips out.
"Mmm such a cum slut." I moan.
"Heheh and that's only one Creampie daddy. I want more." Choke whispers and nips my ear.
We both moan as I help slide her off my dick. I set her down, Chole smirks and pushes me back onto the bed. I giggle and squeal as I lay flat on the bed.
I lay my head back on the pillow, Chole straddles my lap, she lines my dick back up with her pussy. She pushes the tip in and slowly sinks down onto my dick taking my length back deep inside her cum filled pussy.
"Mmm fuck." I moan.
Chole moans as my dick is back deep inside her pussy. I moan and grab onto her hips, Chole moans and grips the head board.
Chole takes a moment to adjust to my size Chole readjusts she leans back and slides up and down on my dick.
She moans she looks at me and bites her lip. I moan and rub her clit as she rides my dick and buckles her hips.
"Mmm fuck baby." Chole moans.
"Like that baby?" I ask and slap her pussy.
Chole giggles and moans. I smirk and slap her pussy again, she giggles and moans. She slides up and down on my dick faster as she leans back.
"Mmm good girl. Right there just like that." I moan.
"Mmm daddy's dick feels so good deep inside me." Chole moans. I smirk and moan as Chole Slides up and down on my dick faster and harder than before.
"Mmmm fuck." I moan.
Her skin slaps against my thighs as she continues to ride my dick. I moan and slap her pussy, Chole moans and giggles. I rub her clit with my thumb.
Chole moans as I do this. "Ahh I'm gonna squirt daddy."
I smirk and rub her clit with my thumb faster. Chole moans. She squirts all over my abs, dick and lap. She moans, she throws her head back as she rides me dick faster and hard.
"Ahh fuck yes." Chole moans. "Mmmm I feel so full with your dick deep inside my pussy."
I moan, I grab her hips and help her move up and down on my dick faster and harder then before.
Her skin slapping against my thighs we both moan in pleasure. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Chole slams her ass down on my dick and cums all over my dick. This sends me over the edge causing me to unload my massive load deep inside her pussy.
Chole gasps and moans as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her pussy. I moan, some of my cum immediately oozes out of her pussy and glazes her folds. Some of the cum coats my dick and drips down her thighs and onto my thighs and abs.
"Stuff it back in daddy." Chole cutely moans.
I moan and nods, I scoop up whatever cum I can and stuff it back inside Choles pussy using my dick as a plug so no more cum oozes out.
Chole moans and sighs in pleasure as I come down from my high, the last of my cum oozing deep inside her.
I come down from my high, Chole gets up and my dick falls from her pussy. Chole moves to the middle off the bed and gets on all fours.
"Got anymore left for one more round daddy?" Chole asks seductively and shakes her ass.
I bite my lip and move behind her. I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy. Chole moans as my dick is back deep inside her.
I place my hand on her hip and grab a fist full of her hair and wrap it around my hand. I slowly thrust back and forth.
Chole moans and grips the sheets. "F-Faster daddy."
I spank her ass and pound her pussy from behind faster and faster than before.
"Mmmm I love you spanking my ass." Chole moans.
"Like this?" I question and spank her ass again.
"Harder daddy." Chole moans.
I spank her ass a bit harder than before. "Like that daddy." Chole moans.
I smirk and spank her ass again Chole moans. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Fuck...fuck....fuck." Chole squeaks out with each thrust.
I moan and go a bit faster and harder as I pound her pussy from behind.
"Mmm fuck I don't think I'll last much longer." I moan, her walls were clenching around my dick letting me know she was close to cumming.
"Ahh daddy I'm gonna cum." Chole moans.
Chole moans and squirts. I feel her juices on my abs, on my thighs and squirts on the sheets.
My breathing gets heavier letting Chole know that I'm close to cumming.
"Yes... cum in me.... Give me your load." Choke squeaks out with each thrust.
Chole helps me out and slides back and forth in my dick throwing her ass back against me. I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #3:
Chole cums all over my dick sending me over the edge. I can't take it anymore I unload my massive load deep inside her pussy.
Chole moans and grips the sheets as I shout ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her pussy.
"Mmm yes, just like that daddy. Give me every last drop of your seed." Chole sexily moans.
I moan and slowly thrust back and forth as I come down from my high my cum shooting deep inside her cum filled pussy.
I come down from my high as I fill her up with the last of my cum. I slowly pull out, me and Chole lay in bed and cuddle.
"Y/n?" Chole asks.
I look over at her. "What's up baby?"
"C-Can we sleep with your dick inside me?" Choke asks.
I smile and nod. I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy. We cuddles and end up falling asleep naked with me balls deep inside her.
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tabathastan · 2 months
Mal x Sister! Hades Daughter! Reader
Mal x Scarlet Witch Daughter! Reader
(Coming soon)
VK boys seeing reader for the first time
Carlos de Vil having a crush on you would include
(Coming soon)
Hades Daughter! Reader
VK boys seeing reader for the first time
Being Hades daughter would include
Harry Hook
Dating Harry Hook would include
VK boys seeing reader for the first time
James Hook
Dating James Hook would include
VK boys seeing reader for the first time
Being the daughter of James Hook would include
Bridget/Queen of Hearts
(Coming soon)
Chole Charming
(Coming soon)
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b00inazkaban · 1 year
Let me know if there are any characters you’d like added and I’ll look into it! :)
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☆ Tony Stark
☆ Steve Rogers
☆ Bruce Banner
☆ Natasha Romanoff
☆ Clint Barton
☆ Bucky Barnes
☆ Sam Wilson
☆ Peter Parker
☆ Thor Odison
☆ Loki Laufeyson
☆ Dr. Stephen Strange
☆ Peter Quill
☆ Gamora
☆ Drax the destroyer
☆ Rocket the Racoon
☆ Mantis
☆ Groot
Poly Requests:
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☆ Steve Harrington: Steve Harrington x FtM reader**
☆ Robin Buckley :
☆ Nancy Wheeler:
☆ Eddie Munson:
☆ Johnathan Byers:
☆ Argyle:
☆ Billy Hargrove:
☆ Mike Wheeler: Little!Mike x GN!CG!Reader
☆ Dustin Henderson
☆ Will Byers
☆ Lucas Sinclair
☆ Eleven Hopper
☆ Max Mayfield
☆ Jim Hopper:
☆ Joyce Byers:
☆ Dmitri Antonov:
Poly Requests:
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☆ Harry Potter:
☆ Ron Weasley: CG!Ron Weasley x Little!GN!reader
☆ Hermione Granger:
☆ Fred Weasley: CG!Fred Weasley x Little!Fem!Reader
☆ George Weasley: George Weasley x reader ; CG!George Weasley x LittleMale!Reader
☆ Neville Longbottom: Sub!Neville x Dom!Reader**
☆ Draco Malfoy:
☆ Blaise Zambini:
☆ Enzo Berkshire:
☆ Mattheo Riddle:
☆ Theo Nott:
☆ Pansy Parkinson:
Marauders Era or Lighting Era:
☆ Lucius Malfoy:
☆ Narcissa Malfoy:
☆ Severus Snape:
☆ Bellatrix Lestrange:
☆ Barty Crouch Jr. :
☆ Evan Rosier:
☆ Pandora Rosier:
☆ Zahara Zambini:
☆ Regulus Black:
☆ Sirius Black:
☆ Remus Lupin:
☆ Lily Evans:
☆ Marlene McKinnon:
☆ Mary McDonald:
☆ Dorcas Meadows:
☆ Newt Scamander:
☆ Thesus Scammander:
☆ Jacob Kowalski:
☆ Queenie Goldstein:
☆ Albus Dumbledore (young):
☆ Gellart Grindlewald (young):
Poly Requests:
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☆Aaron Hotchner
☆ Jason Gideon
☆ Spencer Reid
☆ Derek Morgan
☆ JJ/ Jennifer Jareau
☆ Elle Greenaway
☆ Penelope Garcia
☆ Emily Prentiss
☆ David Rossi
Poly Requests:
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☆ Anthony Bridgerton
☆ Benedict Bridgerton
☆ Colin Briderton
☆ Daphne Bridgerton
☆ Eloise Bridgerton
☆ Simon Basset
☆ Penelope Fetherington
☆ Queen Charlotte (Young)
☆ King George (Young)
Poly Requests:
Queen charlotte x reader x King George
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☆ Leonardo: NSFW alphabet
☆ Raphael:
☆ Donnatelo:
☆ Michelangelo: Mikey x Reader
☆ April O'Neil:
☆ Casey Jones:
Poly Requests:
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; April 4-in-1; turtles are manspreading and you want payback 😚
Poly!TMNT x Fem!Reader; Casey tries to flirt with reader but she puts down the idea and the turtles are proud
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☆ Pete Mitchell "Maverick"
☆ Bradley Bradshaw "Rooster"
☆ Jake Seresin "Hangman"
☆ Natasha Trace "Phoenix"
☆ Robert Floyd "Bob"
Poly Requests:
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☆ Thorin
☆ Bilbo
☆ Fili
☆ Kili
☆ Dwalin
☆ Bofur
☆ Bard
☆ Legolas
☆ Tauriel
☆ Thuranduil
Poly Requests:
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☆ Carlisle Cullen
☆ Esme Cullen
☆ Emmet Cullen
☆ Rosalie Cullen
☆ Alice Cullen
☆ Jasper Cullen: CG!Jasper Hale x nb!little!reader
☆ Edward Cullen
☆ Bella Cullen/Swan
☆ Jacob Black
☆ Garrett
The Volturi:
☆ Aro
☆ Caius
☆ Marcus
Poly Requests:
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☆ Katniss Everdeen
☆ Petta Mellark
☆ Finnick Odair
☆ Johanna Mason
☆ Haymitch Abernathy
Poly Requests:
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☆ Lucifer Morningstar
☆ Mazikeen
☆ Amenadeil
☆ Chole Decker
☆ Linda Martin
Poly Requests:
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How To Train Your Dragon:
☆ Hiccup Haddock
☆ Astrid Hofferson
☆ Snotlout
☆ Ruffnut
☆ Tuffnut
Poly Requests:
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Across The SpiderVerse:
☆ Miles Morales
☆ Miguel O'Hara
Spider thoughts!
☆ Peter B. Parker
Spider thoughts!
☆ Hobie Brown
☆ Gwen Stacy
☆ Spider-Noir
Spider thoughts!
Poly Requests:
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☆ Mal
☆ Evie
☆ Carlos
☆ Jay
☆ Gil
☆ Harry
☆ Uma
Poly Requests:
☆ @thoughtfulcreatornight x Raphael matchup
☆ Anonymous x Remus Lupin matchup
I’ve redone my masterlist because I was vey unhappy with my first one, and I wanted to add pictures to go with it! I’ll also be adding all my new work onto here and my old work will be on the first masterlist! Love y’all! 💗
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ban-al3x · 1 year
For the person that requested this:
Sam Zablowski x Cheerleader!reader
Hope this is good!!
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"Okay, class, today we will pair up for the upcoming project!" The teacher started as she walked in. Everyone groaned. We just came back from spring break and we're starting projects already? Sam Zablowski's leg started bouncing. He didn't really know anyone in this class. Except for her.
Y/N L/N, one of the prettiest cheerleaders in the school. He's went to every basketball game just to see her there. He knows it might be a bit weird but he couldnt help it. She was just that beautiful.
"Okay, Linda, go with Jimmy, Tina with Brenda, Jenna you're with Chole..." The lovestruck boy zoned out and couldnt bring himself to NOT look at her. "Then theres Sam and Y/N. Alright go take your seats next to your partner and start planning out your presentation."
Did he hear that right? Him and Y/N? She turned back to look at him then gathered all her stuff and made her was over. 'Shit shes coming. Did she see me staring? No no no shit shit.' Sam thought in worry
"Hey! How are you?" she asked, taking the seat next to Sam and pulling out her notebook. "Uhm I'm good..You?" "I'm doing fine!" She smiled. "Okay so we only have a bit of time left for the period, so I was wondering if you wanted to work on this after-school? We can go to my place?" The oblivious girl offered.
"Sure." "Cool! So what do you think we should do for the project?" As the two teens discussed the topic, the bell rang. "I'll see you after school Sam! Meet me at the bike racks. Bye!" Y/N smiled as she headed to her next class. God he couldnt get enough of her.
♡ Timeskip:) ♡
As Y/N sat there, waiting for Sam to arrive, she was thinking if she should confess at her house or not. The girl was nervous. Very nervous. Finally Y/N saw him making his way to her. She got up and greeted him with a smile, "Hey. How was classes?" 'How was classes oh my gosh y/n be cool.' She thought.
"They were okay, I guess" He said. "Okay, well the walk to my house is like 5 minutes, so let's go." Y/N said as she nodded her head in the direction her house was. "Alright." He spoke quietly as he walked along side Y/N
When they got to Y/N's house, said hi to siblings and entered her room, Sam couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted to kiss her. Like he should just man up and confess, right?
"You can sit down anywhere, just make yourself comfortable," Y/N said as she took off her jacket and hung it. "If you're hungry or thirsty, let me know, I have some snacks and drinks. Oh, and the restrooms right behind you!" "T-thanks" He was able to get out.
"Okay so I was thinking we should get a poster and decorate it with..." Her voice faded out as Sam admired her. To him, she was perfect. How could she not be? She's pretty, kind, respectful, she's a cheerleader.
That's the reason why he thinks she doesn't like him. She's a cheerleader. She has many other guys wanting to date her. It's possible she could like one of them. Not Sam. He's just there. He's not really special. I mean he's in band. That's really it though. And-
"Sam! Are you even listening?" "Huh, oh yea sorry." "Dude are you okay? You seem to be out of it. And your face is pink. C'mere" Y/N brought Sam closer to her and she laid her hand on his forehead. "I mean, your warm." "I-I'm fine! Don't worry about me." "Are you sure?" She asked Leaning in closer. "Yeah I'm okay"
"Can I tell you something?" Sam muttered as she backed away. "Yea, you can tell me anything." "Ummm, " Oh my gosh, was he really gonna do this? Now? "I like you..." he whispered, finding the floor more interesting now. "What?" "I like you, Y/N.." he said a bit, louder. "And it's fine if you don't like me back, I just think you're really cool an-" Sam was cut off by a pair of lips on his. He was surprised but kissed back and slowly smiled into it.
"I like you too, dummy.", Y/N said as she pulled away. "I have since last year if I'm being honest." Sam looked at her truly surprised. "Really?" "Yea, I just thought you were really cute and shit." Sam blushed and asked, "Can I kiss you again?." Y/N smiled softly. "Well I kissed you but yea, you can."
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Word count:761
Published: 04-04-23
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yn-bishop · 2 years
can you do emily junk x reader where they are in a secret relationship
and when the bellas find out beca and chole are super protective over emily
Of course! I’m sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy it!
Overprotective Roommates
Emily Junk x Fem!Reader
Word count: 661
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"Did you need anything while we're out?"
Beca asks the younger girl as Beca and Chloe were walking out the door.
"No, I'm good. Thanks though"
Emily replies, picking up her phone.
"Alright. We'll be back soon"
A few minutes after they left, there's a knock on the door.
"Hi baby!"
Emily exclaims when she opens the door to see her girlfriend.
"Hi Em"
Y/n leans up to peck her cheek before walking through the door.
"Are you hungry? I brought stuff to make brownies"
She continues as she walks into the kitchen.
"Brownies? Of course I'm hungry for brownies!"
Emily sits at the counter with an excited grin as she watches her girlfriend pull out the ingredients.
"Did you want me to help?"
"Can you get the bowl out for me please?"
Y/n responds as she gets the ingredients out.
"Of course babe"
A half hour later, the brownies where in the oven and the girls put on a movie while they wait.
Half way through the movie, Y/n feels her girlfriends warm lips against her neck as she groans.
"Emily, the movie"
"The movies boring. Wouldn't you rather make out with me?"
Y/n sighs before moving her head to connect her lips with her girlfriends.
They girls stay like this for a while before they hear the door open.
"Em, we're home!"
Chloe shouts before she sees her roommates position. Beca walks in soon after and freezes when she sees the sight.
"Guys! You're early!"
Emily chuckles out with a nervous smile as her girlfriend moves to the other side of the couch, looking at the ground.
"I'm sorry, we would've taken longer if we had known you were hooking up"
Beca grumbles out sarcastically.
"I didn't know you were the type for hookups Emily"
Chloe glares at the shorter girl that's sitting next to her friend.
"She's not a hookup, she's my girlfriend"
Emily replies as she takes her girlfriends hand.
"You have a girlfriend? What's your name?"
Beca asks as she turns to the shorter girl.
"Um, I'm Y/n. It's nice to meet you"
She smiles at the older girls only for them to stare at her.
"Uh, we made brownies if you wanted some"
She tells the girls with a sweet smile and a huge grin appears on Chloe's face.
"Brownies? I like her Beca"
"What? Just because she made brownies?"
Beca appears flabbergasted.
Y/n goes to get the brownies out of the oven as the group begins to talk.
"Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?"
Beca asks the younger girl.
"Because I knew you'd get like this"
Emily replies with a whine.
"I'm getting like this because you didn't tell us! You know we would support you"
Beca replies.
"Well, do you like her?"
Emily asks with a nervous voice.
"Of course we do, she's really sweet. We're still gonna have the talk with her though"
Emily groans before her girlfriend walks in with the plate full of brownies.
"Y/n, sir down. We need to talk"
Beca tells the girl sternly.
She quickly sits down and looks up at the girls.
"Emily's our best friend. If you ever hurt her I will hunt you down. I don't care where you are in the world, I swear I will find you"
Beca glares down at her before smiling, watching sweat drip down the girls forehead.
"She's just kidding, Y/n!"
Chloe bursts out laughing along with Beca as Y/n finally cracks a smile.
"Alright, we'll leave you two alone now"
Beca says before they walk out the door.
"I'm sorry they did that Y/n, they do like you I swear"
Emily smiles at her girlfriend as they turn to look at each other.
"It's okay. I like them too. And I love you"
Y/n leans up to connect their lips together.
"I love you too"
Emily whispers against her girlfriends lips.
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paleepeaches · 7 months
If I wrote a type of like babygirl x rust chole fic would yall accept it or eat me alive?
Like where Rust is aloof and not good with people and the reader is just bubbly and sweet, too sweet for her own good and stuff. Idk send me ask.
(I’m still doing the Connor fic too)
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